Summary of the book under the skin by michel faber


Answer 1


"Under the Skin" by Michel Faber is a science fiction novel about an extraterrestrial being who assumes the form of a human woman and travels to Scotland to prey on human males. The novel follows the experiences of the alien, who is named Isserley, as she struggles with her own identity and the moral implications of her actions. Along the way, Isserley encounters a series of diverse characters who challenge her preconceptions and force her to confront the true nature of her identity. The novel explores themes of alienation, identity, and the meaning of humanity.

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Income inequality is defined as the difference in how income is distributed among individuals and/or populations.

Why is there a big gap between the rich and the poor?A major cause of economic inequality within modern economies is the determination of wages by the capitalist market. In the capitalist market, the wages for jobs are set by supply and demand. If there are many workers willing to do a job for a great amount of time, there is a high supply of labor for that job.Without a comprehensive strategy for inclusive growth, inequality will continue to rise.” The main driver behind rising income gaps has been greater inequality in wages and salaries, as the high-skilled have benefitted more from technological progress than the low-skilled.For the last two decades, incomes in poorer countries were catching up to rich countries.Effects of income inequality, researchers have found, include higher rates of health and social problems, and lower rates of social goods, a lower population-wide satisfaction and happiness and even a lower level of economic growth when human capital is neglected for high-end consumption.

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Explain how the author ue the central conflict to convey her meage about identity in the tory "" ST LUCY’S HOME FOR GIRLS RAISED BY WOLVES "" ? At leat 5-7 entence


The central conflict in Karen Russell's story "St Lucy's Home for Girls Raised by Wolves" is the struggle between the wolf-girls' primal identity and their human identity that is trying to take over.

What is central conflict?

Central conflict is the main clash of opposing forces in a story. It is the core struggle that creates the tension necessary for a gripping narrative.

The author uses this conflict to convey a message about identity by presenting the wolf-girls as having to make a choice between the two parts of themselves. The story shows that although the wolf-girls have been living in a human society, they still have their wild instincts and a deep connection to their wolf heritage. This is further highlighted when the wolf-girls are unable to conform to the human constructs of language and behaviour and when they choose to return to the wild instead of continuing to live at St. Lucy's. Ultimately, the story conveys the message that identity is not fixed, but rather something that is constantly shifting and changing. It also shows that one's identity is shaped by the environment in which they are raised and that it is ultimately up to the individual to decide which parts of themselves they want to embrace.

To learn more about central conflict

6 Link the sentences in all possible ways using:
furthermore, in addition, moreover, what is more,
however, but, on the other hand, although.

1 People need to be informed about environmental
problems. They should be taught how to help solve
2 Some people are optimistic about the future. Others
feel that life will become worse.
3 New cars will be more environmentally-friendly. They
will be easier to drive.
4 The amount of pollution given off by factories is
decreasing. The hole in the ozone layer is still growing.
5 Most people live in cities for work reasons. A lot of
them would prefer to live in the country.
6 In the future, cities may have to be protected with
shields. People will have to pay for clean air and water.


Simple addition, furthermore and forwarding an argument, and addition and advancing an argument while also noting that the new reason is of a different kind from the previously provided reasons are all examples of addition.

Is likewise a suitable transitional phrase?

These typical transitional phrases are included together with the categories to which they belong. To Add: and, and then, besides, equally crucial, lastly, further, also, nor, too, next, lastly, what's more, furthermore, additionally, first (second, etc.)

Who knows all ten conjunctive adverbs?

Accordingly, furthermore, additionally, similarly, also, hence, specifically, still, anyway, nevertheless, nonetheless, next, thereafter, unquestionably, unquestionably, further, meanwhile, therefore, consequently, instead, now, thus.

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A staff meeting is called at a large company. The main speaker at the meeting is an outside consultant who will be speaking about safety in the workplace. What kind of audience will the staff most likely be?


An outside consultant who will discuss workplace safety will be the meeting's main speaker. This staff meeting will likely be attended by a lay audience.

Who will most likely be the staff's audience?

The process of audience analysis, which include modifying a speech to the audience's interests, comprehension level, attitudes, and beliefs, requires audience identification. A properly planned and delivered presentation will boost a speaker's effectiveness, hence it is essential to adopt an audience-centered strategy. Since it can be difficult to pinpoint the target audience through careful research, audience adaptation typically relies on the creative use of imagination.

Audience analysis can be overused, much like many other useful techniques. Speaking to an audience appropriately differs from merely speaking what they want to hear.

Understanding your audience does not entail 'grandstanding' or 'kowtowing' to them. Instead, the aesthetic and content decisions a speaker makes for a presentation are influenced by adaptation. Understanding the fundamental elements of this talent will help you better realize the delicate balance that audience adaptation frequently entails treading between over- and under-adapting. The Communications Division provides audience analysis advice.

To know more about intended audience visit:


Why was there no national military in the Articles of Confederation?


Additionally, the national government lacked the authority to build an army or fleet. The authors of the Articles of Confederation left a substantial portion of defence to the states out of concern that there would be a standing army working for a despotic government.

What is national military ?

Because Christ commands us to love our neighbours, we work to make the lives of people everywhere better. The phrase "The world is my parish" by Methodist movement founder John Wesley is expanded upon in this statement. We have the opportunity to achieve that on a global scale because to our role in the UN ministry. The United Methodist presence at the UN in New York City is actively attested to by the Church Center for the UN. While the UN is most accessible to diplomats and UN staff, the Church Center is open to all peoples. Civil groups and nongovernmental organizations gather at the Church Center to address governments assembled at the UN.

To know more about national military visit:


A king without queen can be called as a king or any other name ?​


A king without a queen can be called a king, and a king is a person who can rule the kingdom and regulate the kingdom; it is not necessary for the king to marry to be called a king.

What is the significance of the king?

The king is considered the head of a certain kingdom, under whom there are several ministries that can give advice to the king for the betterment of the kingdom and give information about the things that take place in the kingdom. The king may or may not be married and can always stand his ground when any harm comes to the kingdom.

Hence, a king without a queen can be called a king, and a king is a person who can rule the kingdom and regulate the kingdom; it is not necessary for the king to marry to be called a king.

Learn more about the king here.



a king with no queen still a king no matter what because he rules


hope this helps you

You can find Maya Angelou's many poetry volumes in most bookstores. What word or phrase is modified by the prepositional phrase in this sentence?


The prepositional phrase "in most bookshops" modifies a statement. This prepositional phrase modifies the phrase "Many poetry volumes."

What is a prepositional phrase?

A preposition, its object, and any object modifiers make up a group of words known as a prepositional phrase. Prepositional phrases often alter a verb or a noun. These two types of prepositional phrases go by the titles of adjectival and adverbial phrases, respectively. A prepositional phrase should always include the object it rules as well as at least one preposition. The object might be a phrase, gerund (a verb form ending in "-ing" that functions as a noun), or a noun. Prepositions like "to," "of," "about," "at," "before," "after," "by," "during," "for," "from," "in," "over," and "with" are some of the most often used prepositions that start prepositional phrases. Because adjectives alter nouns, we say a prepositional phrase is acting adjectivally when it affects a noun. It makes perfect sense to refer to a prepositional phrase as an adjectival phrase if it acts adjectivally.

To learn more about a prepositional phrase from the given link


You can find Maya Angelou's many poetry volumes in most bookstores. What word or phrase is modified by the prepositional phrase in this sentence?

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Internal Job Application Process
Step 1: Ensure that you meet these eligibility

1st Steps I Analyzing a Do

You are a current, regular full- or part-time
You meet the qualifications listed for the position
on the job posting.
You have been at your current position for a
minimum of six months.
Step 2: Complete an internal job application form.
Step 3: Submit the internal job application to your
supervisor for approval.
Step 4: Submit your completed and approved internal
job application to Human Resources.
What is the purpose of this document?
Which text features help the document serve its
How are ideas sequenced to achieve the purpose?



The purpose of the document is to give the employer a reasonable explanation as to why they should hire you and also show evidence that you are qualified for the job.


For Q2: They are put together on a way so that you'll provide the information that they want to know about you

What is different about the experience of writing a poem collaboratively, compared to writing a poem on your own?

the kinds of words you're allowed to use

your level of control over the outcome

the amount of creativity involved

the level of skill required to participate


Answer: your level of control over the outcome


when writing a poem on your own you have complete control over everything you write whereas  when writing collaboratively you must take on other peoples critisism and apply it to the work

Change the following sentences into the passive.
Example: People expect him to be the next Head of Science.
He is expected to be the next Head of Science.
a Firemen have reported that the fire is out of control.


The transformed passive sentence is 'A report has been conveyed to the fireman that the fire is out of control.'

What are the rules for changing sentences from active to passive voice?

The structure must first be altered such that the subject in the passive voice replaces the object in the active voice. Second, the verb "to be" must be used in the active voice and in the same tense as the primary verb. Last but not least, you must employ the main verb's past participle.

Here, the subject in the active voice 'fireman' is altered as an object in the passive voice. The verb 'to be' is used here as 'has been'. And the main verb's past participle.


To learn more about the passive sentence from the given link


Why is reading better than watching a play?


Reading is an interpretation that is made exclusively by the reader. Each persona is up to you to discover. You can experience the same thing in a play, but with the addition of other people's interpretations.

Why does reading a book outweigh viewing a movie?

When you read a book, you have the freedom to read the tale and the storyline whatever you want. Reading books helps creative thought. In addition, books contain a lot more information than movies. In contrast to a book, which may contain hundreds or even thousands of pages of description, a typical movie lasts about two hours.

It is possible to simply read a play, but most people won't grasp it that way. For most individuals, watching a play is by far the best way to approach it. Between the audience and the written word, the actors and director create a bridge. The attire of the characters is genuinely visible to readers. Scenes and dialog are reviewable by readers. Characters need not be visualized by readers.

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Select the sentence from the paragraph that BEST supports the theme of the text.
Most of them walked into the water as though into a native element. The sea was quiet now, and swelled lazily in broad billows that melted into one another and did not break except upon the beach in little foamy crests that coiled back like slow, white serpents.
Edna had attempted all summer to learn to swim. She had received instructions from both the men and women; in some instances from the children. Robert had pursued a system of lessons almost daily; and he was nearly at the point of discouragement in realizing the futility of his efforts. A certain ungovernable dread hung about her when in the water, unless there was a hand near by that might reach out and reassure her.
But that night she was like the little tottering, stumbling, clutching child, who of a sudden realizes its powers, and walks for the first time alone, boldly and with over-confidence.


It serves as a platform for her to demonstrate how she, her needs, and her ambitions have "awakened." The sea represents freedom and emancipation in The Awakening .

What takes place in Awakening chapter 10?

Robert persuades the group to to the beach. Edna wonders why Robert doesn't accompany her for the stroll since he hasn't been spending as much time with her as usual. The women accompany their husbands. Edna had no swimming ability.

What literary allegory uses the ocean?

The ocean is the origin of life on Earth and stands for chaos, the unfathomable, and formlessness. Due of its propensity to endure for centuries mostly unchanged, the ocean can also be considered as a representation of stability.

To know more about The Awakening visit :-


Who does the bird symbolize she come to think of it she was kind of like a bird herself real sweet and pretty but kind of timid and fluttery how she did change?


The bird symbolizes transformation and growth. She has come to think of herself as a bird, realizing that she was once timid and fluttery but has since changed into a more confident and strong person.

What is transformation and growth?

Transformation and growth refer to the process of making meaningful and lasting changes in an individual or organisation. It involves taking risks and making difficult decisions in order to build a better future. Transformation and growth are connected, as growth is a result of the transformation process. Transformation involves the individual or organization becoming more conscious of their needs and wants, making conscious choices and taking action to achieve those goals. It involves taking intentional steps towards improvement and making strides towards a desired future.

To learn more about transformation and growth

What does Article 2 of the Constitution say?



good question. I'd say it briefly explains the facts, situations, and solutions to conflicts in life.

Which sentence contains an allusion?(1 point) Cinderella is one of the most well-known fairytales of all time. Cinderella is one of the most well-know


C) An allusion, Sarah worked tirelessly like Cinderella until she finished all of her chores.

What kinds of allusions are there?

When we intend for the other person to comprehend what we are referring to, we are making an allusion. For instance: His enemy is chocolate. The word "kryptonite" in this example refers to or suggests Superman.

What is a reference?

An allusion is a reference made by a writer to a well-known person, character, location, or event to help the reader comprehend the work better. However, we frequently make use of allusions in our spoken language as well as in our written work. An allusion conveys a lot of meaning in a short amount of time.

To learn more about An allusion here:


Full Question = Which sentence contains an allusion?(1 point)

A. Cinderella meets a fairy godmother who saves her from her wicked stepmother and stepsisters.

B. Cinderella is one of the most well-known fairytales of all time.

C. Sarah worked like Cinderella until all of her chores were done.

D. Sarah ate buttery popcorn while she watched Cinderella the movie.

Orwell uses an extended metaphor in paragraphs 7-10. What are the specifics of the metaphor, and what is it a metaphor for? From essay “shooting an elephant.


Orwell employs use simile to refer to inanimate objects in the chapter where the elephant is slaughtered, comparing the corpse to "a large rock" and the trunk to "a tree."

Orwell writes, "The crowd grew very silent, and a deep, low, pleased sigh, as of people who watch the play curtain go up at last, exhaled from countless throats" when describing the moment in which he shoots the elephant.

The hushed audience and the mention of the drawn curtain are overt allusions to theater. Orwell has previously said that he felt obligated to serve the Burmese people in his capacity as a colonial police officer. This section illustrates the interaction between the performer and the audience.

Learn to know more about metaphor:


My little sister, Evie, became excited as we discussed plans for her birthday party; she laughed delightedly at my ideas, and ____________. Which phrase best completes the passage above


My little sister Evie was thrilled when we discussed plans for her birthday party; She was enthusiastic about my ideas and laughed his eyes glittered the sentence better completes the above fragment.

The required details for sentence in given paragraph

In grammar, a sentence—called an expression in some contexts—is a group of words or a single word that serves as a grammatical unit. For example, the English phrase "very happy squirrel" is a noun phrase containing the adjective "very happy". In theoretical linguistics, expressions are often analyzed as a unit of syntactic structure, as constituents. there is a difference among the overall usage of the term and its technical utilization in linguistics. In common usage, a phrase is usually a group of words with a specific idiomatic meaning or other meaning, such as e.g. "all rights reserved", "really frugal", "soccer", etc.

It can be a euphemism, an idiom or proverb, an established expression, an idiom, etc. In linguistics they are phraseological expressions.

To know about sentence click here


Complete question

Read the following sentence and answer the question that follows.

My little sister, Evie, became excited as we discussed plans for her birthday party; she laughed delightedly at my ideas, and ____________.

Which phrase best completes the passage above? (5 points)

she seemed upset

she began crying

her eyes sparkled

her teeth chattered

compose a dialogue between two friends talking about the terminal exam.


I myself: Actually, I'm concerned about my final exam. A friend: I'm doing well in my studies. Additionally, I worry about my exam. I myself: However, describe your preparation for various subjects.

How can dialogue between friends be written?

Create a clear format for your dialogue.Be careful not to use dialogue tags....Set up your characters.Write dialogue that includes action.Give each character a voice that is all their own.Be authentic...Out loud, read the dialogue.

How should a dialogue example begin?

The punctuation remains within the quotation marks while the dialogue tags remain outside of them. For instance: “Karen explained that there was blood everywhere. The comma precedes the first quotation mark if the dialogue tag comes before the dialogue. Example: "There was blood everywhere," Karen said.

To learn more about my exam here:


What is the main claim made by the author?


The main idea or argument that an author is attempting to convey in their writing is known as their claim. The authors will support their position with evidence and logic in order to support their claim.

The quality of an author's evidence and the soundness of their reasoning determine the claim's strength.

What is the main claim of the author?

In literature, a claim (KLAYM) is a statement in which a writer presents an assertion as being true in order to support an argument. A claim can be used as a stand-alone argument or as one of many claims made to back up a larger argument.

To learn more about author's evidence here:


That’s wrong its 1 3 5 6


i don’t understand your question please explain more or upload an image

1. The text discusses a variety of reasons for the evacuations and marches that concentration camp prisoners were subjected to – what do you think was the Nazi Party's ultimate goal?

2. In the context of the article, what can we learn from tragedy? The SS disregarded the lives of prisoners until the very end of the war – what does this say about how the SS viewed Jewish people? How could this blatant disregard for human life been avoided or prevented? Cite evidence from this text, your own experience, and other literature, art, or history in your answer.

3. In the context of the article, how do people face death? How did the members of the SS who led the death marches view the deaths of prisoners? How did prisoners face the prospect of death during these brutal evacuations? Cite evidence from this text, your own experience, and other literature, art, or history in your answer.

4. In the context of the article, how are we changed by war? How were people's understandings of right and wrong altered during World War II? How does the treatment of Jews exemplify this? Cite evidence from this text, your own experience, and other literature, art, or history in your answer.



1.  The goal of the Nazi Party was to keep prisoners alive so they wouldn't talk about what the SS did. To keep the Nazis in power, they planned to keep making weapons and use the prisoners as hostages in separate peace talks with the West.

2. This book says that if the SS had put Jewish lives first, concentration camps, prisoner evacuations, and forced marches might not have happened. SS prisoners were not supposed to talk in court. They didn't care about living. The SS didn't want enemy prisoners to say anything in court. They didn't care about living. Officers in the SS thought, wrongly, that they could use Jewish prisoners as hostages to get a separate peace agreement.

Jews were thrown away because the SS didn't care. The SS could have stopped this tragedy if they had put Jews first. If the SS hadn't marched and evacuated prisoners, they might have been able to keep them in camps or safely move them. If the Nazi Party hadn't used Jews as bargaining chips, there might not have been any concentration camps. This poem tells us not to be rude to other people and to respect their rights.

3. According to the book, the SS officials in charge of the death marches assumed the captives would die soon since they didn't want them to be captured by the enemy and recount their story. Weak or sick persons were frequently abandoned or murdered. The SS needed inmates to build weapons, and some officials felt they might use Jewish detainees as hostages to win a separate peace.

Evacuations were challenging because people may die. After detention camps, many were weak and hungry, making the marches more dangerous. Knowing that weak or ill prisoners were left behind or shot must have frightened them. Human rights are crucial and ignoring them is harmful. It tells us to appreciate everyone and not think of dying in such a dreadful manner.

4. Concentration camp evacuations and marches demonstrate how conflict changes individuals. The Nazi Party prioritized itself throughout WWII. SS officers feared detainees would be apprehended alive and unable to relate their tale. SS officers incorrectly believed they could keep Jews captive to secure a separate peace. Prisoner marches and evacuations made Jews feel unimportant. Their treatment reveals that.

This tragedy highlights the need to preserve everyone's rights. They need shelter, food, and protection. Be fair and eco-friendly. Respect for everybody.

This article discusses the dangers of ignoring human life and the value of all life. Conflict may harm morality; thus, we must preserve everyone's rights.


Want to learn about the Nazis? Click here:

How does the entrance of the characters distinguish between the men and the women in Trifles?


Because the women entered nervously and stood next to one another while the guys entered carelessly, the characters' entrances clearly distinguish between the men and the women.

Due to Mrs. Peters' greater concern for the law than Mrs. Wright's, it could be considered that she served as Mrs. Hale's counterbalance. The masculine and female characters in Trifles are distinguished in a definite way.

For starters, this distinction is made by the names of the characters since the women are only included as the wives of the men in the list. In the movie Trifles, a guy is killed in his bedroom.

To learn more about Trifles here:


16.reread lines 273-279 what new cocerns pccur to the narrator in these lines? how is this an example of situational irony?


In these lines, the narrator expresses his concern that his dream may have been too successful. This is an example of situational irony, as the narrator is worried that he is too successful, when traditionally one would be more concerned with the opposite outcome.

What is narrator?
A narrator is the person or character who tells the story in a piece of literature or performance. Narrators may be either first person, in which case they are telling the story from their own perspective, or third person, in which case they are telling the story from the point of view of an outside observer. Narrators can either be reliable or unreliable, depending on whether or not the narrator’s story appears to be credible and trustworthy. An unreliable narrator may exaggerate or distort the facts, often with humorous or dramatic effect.

To learn more about narrator


What do the figurative language and allusion help you understand about how hamilton viewed the revolution


The figurative language and allusion helps you understand about how hamilton viewed the revolution in order to make characters and plot points more relatable to the viewer.

With reference to the fact that he is partly Scottish, Hamilton compares his life to the play Macbeth in "Take a Break," calling it "another Scottish tragedy." They think of me as Macbeth, he claims, and my ambition is a mistake. I'm a polymath and a huge pain.

"Madison is Banquo, Jefferson's Macduff, and Birnam Wood is Congress on its way to Dunsinane," he said, equating his own battles to hold onto his position of authority and influence with those of Macbeth, the infamously tragic Shakespearean figure.

To know more about hamilton here


Read the story below and circle the best summary example.

Tom and Bill were walking to school. They passed over a bridge, as they did every day.
But on this day, the river was full, the water was clear, and the sun was shining in a
cloudless sky.
Tom said, "Let's go fishing!"
Bill wasn't so sure. "We have a test today. Shouldn't we go to class?"
"Nonsense," said Tom. "You only live once. A day like this won't come along again."
Bill wasn't sure this was a good idea, but suddenly a fish jumped from the sparkling
water. He decided Tom was right; they should definitely skip class on such a nice day!


From The Hobbit: The three stone trolls from Tolkien's book appear in An Unexpected Journey. Voice and motion capture are used to convey the trolls' appearance.

Mark Hadlow portrays Bert, William Kircher portrays Tom, and Peter Hambleton portrays William.

What are the names of The Hobbit's three trolls?

Bert, William, and Tom are the names given to the trolls in The Hobbit. While on their journey, Bilbo and the dwarves come across the trolls preparing meat for the campfire. The dwarves are taken by the trolls. The trolls are fooled by the wizard Gandalf, who causes them to become stone after being hit by the sun.

To learn more about Hambleton portrays William here:


what is the postion on the hunger games



As the seat of power in Panem, this city rules the nation's thirteen districts (twelve after The Dark Days), organizes and celebrates the Hunger Games ... · इस पेज का अनुवाद करें

Tributes: Marvel • Glimmer • Cato • Clove • Foxface • Thresh • Rue • Maysilee Donner • ...

Main Characters: Katniss Everdeen • Peeta Mellark • Gale Hawthorne • Haymitch Ab...

Supporting Characters: Primrose Everdeen • President Snow • Cinna • Mrs. Everdeen ...

Behind the Scenes: Suzanne Collins • Gary Ross • Francis Lawrence

Why was Della crying thinking about Christmas?


Della was crying because she could not afford to buy her husband a Christmas gift.

Della was very distraught because Christmas was quickly approaching and she had no money to buy a gift for her husband. She felt guilty because she knew her husband had been saving up to buy her a present and she had nothing to give him in return.

Della had been working long hours to try and save money, but she was barely able to make ends meet. She felt helpless because she knew that no matter how hard she worked, she wouldn't be able to afford a gift for her husband.

The thought of not being able to give her husband a present on Christmas Day made her feel even worse. This is why Della was crying thinking about Christmas - she felt guilty and helpless, and she wasn't able to give her husband the gift he deserved.

For more questions like Della click the link below:


Who do PACs support ?


A political action committee (PAC) in the US is a 527 organization that gathers member campaign contributions and allocates amounts to campaigning either for or against candidates, legislation, or ballot.

How do PACS systems affect patient care?

PACS enhances both safety and quality by expediting care and treatment, increasing accuracy, and facilitating access to crucial patient data.

What are the benefits and drawbacks of PACS?

The capacity to digitally modify images and the quality of the images were listed as PACS's top two benefits. The two biggest drawbacks were the slow speed of image retrieval and poor dependability.

To knowm more about PACS, visit:


How is Gatsby's death foreshadows in chapter 8?


At the conclusion, the pool drains and the leaves start to fall, symbolizing the death of the illusion and Gatsby's life.

What transpires in Gatsby Chapter 8?

Nick has a restless night following the tragic events of the previous day. He gets up restlessly before dawn and goes to see Gatsby at his estate. Gatsby informs him that despite being at Daisy's house until four in the morning, nothing occurred—Tom did not attempt to harm her, and Daisy did not leave the house.

What happens in The Gatsby at night?

Ch. 8 of The Great Gatsby Summary Nick having problems falling asleep that night. He has a feeling that Gatsby must be given a warning. when he encounters Gatsby in the early hours.

To know more about Gatsby visit:


what is your opinion about what constitutes good or bad usage.


What constitutes good and bad usage of language should be based on certain criteria. For example, language usage should be considered "good" when it is clear, accurate, and appropriate for the context in which it is used. Language usage should be considered "bad" when it is unclear, inaccurate, or inappropriate.

How has language evolved over time?

In many respects, language has changed over time. Several instances include:

Languages regularly add new words as new concepts, technologies, and cultural phenomena take hold. Additionally, outdated words may stop being used or develop new meanings with time.

Grammatical: The grammar rules of a language can also change. For instance, the distinction between "he run" and "he runs" has been lost in the English language over time.

Pronunciation: Pronunciations can alter throughout time and occasionally result in variations in dialects and accents.

Writing systems: The emergence of new writing systems can have an impact on language as well. For instance, the printing press's development contributed to the standardization of many languages' spelling and syntax.

Find more information on language evolvement here;


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