suppose you are a finance intern at a hospital and you are asked to participate on a team that is looking to address the low level of satisfaction among its staff. the hospital has received and documented hundreds of complaints from staff members (via surveys). at this point what would you recommend as a next step?


Answer 1

As a finance intern at a hospital tasked with addressing the low level of staff satisfaction, I would recommend the following next steps:

Analyze the survey data: Start by conducting a comprehensive analysis of the survey data collected from staff members. Look for common themes, patterns, and specific areas where dissatisfaction is consistently expressed. Categorize the complaints based on their nature, such as workload, communication, compensation, work environment, or career development.

Identify root causes: Once the analysis is complete, identify the root causes of staff dissatisfaction. Dig deeper into the underlying factors contributing to the complaints. This may involve conducting interviews, focus groups, or additional surveys to gather more specific information and perspectives.

Formulate an action plan: Based on the identified root causes, collaborate with the team to develop an action plan. Prioritize the areas of concern and outline specific initiatives or interventions to address them. This could involve revising policies and procedures, improving communication channels, enhancing training and development programs, or implementing incentives and recognition systems.

Engage staff in the process: Involve staff members in the improvement process to ensure their voices are heard and their perspectives are considered. Conduct staff meetings, town halls, or feedback sessions to gather their input, suggestions, and concerns. By involving staff in the decision-making process, it increases their ownership and commitment to the proposed changes.

Implement and monitor progress: Once the action plan is in place, implement the identified initiatives and monitor their progress over time. Continuously track staff satisfaction levels through regular surveys or other feedback mechanisms to assess the effectiveness of the implemented interventions. Make necessary adjustments or refinements as needed based on the feedback received.

Addressing staff satisfaction requires a systematic approach that involves understanding the issues, identifying the underlying causes, and implementing targeted solutions. By taking these steps, the hospital can work towards improving staff satisfaction and creating a more positive and supportive work environment.

Learn more about survey here:


Related Questions

Two rocks are simultaneously dropped into a pond, creating the ripples shown. The lines are the wave crests. As they overlap, the ripples interfere. What would a person sitting at the dot observe over time? A. B. C. D. The water level would be consistently lower than in surrounding areas. The water level would be consistently higher than in surrounding areas. A large-amplitude water wave moving toward him or her. A large-amplitude standing wave.


A person sitting at the dot would observe a large-amplitude standing wave over time. When two sets of ripples from the rocks overlap, they interfere with each other, resulting in a phenomenon known as wave interference.

In this case, the interference creates a large-amplitude standing wave pattern. A standing wave occurs when two waves of the same frequency and amplitude travel in opposite directions and interfere constructively, creating regions of maximum (crest) and minimum (trough) amplitudes. As a person sits at the dot, they would observe the water level consistently fluctuating between high and low points, creating a stationary pattern. This pattern does not appear to propagate or move towards them but rather oscillates in place. This behavior is characteristic of a standing wave, where the energy of the waves is trapped and appears to "stand still" rather than travel. Therefore, the person would observe a large-amplitude standing wave over time.

Learn more about wave interference here:


the office of personnel management oversees both ______ and ______ types of federal employees.


The office of personnel management oversees both competitive and excepted types of federal employees.

What are those?

Competitive employees are those who are appointed through a competitive process, which typically involves a job application, interview, and other selection procedures.

Excepted employees, on the other hand, are appointed through non-competitive processes, such as appointments made under special hiring authorities or appointments made to certain positions that are excluded from competitive service.

The office of personnel management is responsible for ensuring that both types of employees are hired and managed in accordance with applicable laws, regulations, and policies.

This includes overseeing the federal government's merit system principles, which aim to ensure fair and open competition for federal jobs and promote equal employment opportunities.

To know more on employment visit:


CPA Firm A has performed most of the audit of Consolidated Company's financial statements and qualifies as the group auditor. CPA Firm B did the remainder of the work. Firm A wishes to assume full responsibility for Firm B's work. Which of the following statements is correct? In such circumstances, when appropriate requirements have been met, Firm A should issue a standard unmodified opinion on the financial statements. Such assumption of responsibility violates professional standards. In such circumstances, when appropriate requirements have been met, Firm A should issue a standard unmodified opinion on the financial statements but should make appropriate reference to Firm B in the audit report. CPA Firm A should normally qualify its audit report on the basis of the scope limitation involved when another CPA firm is involved.


The correct statement is: In such circumstances when appropriate requirements have been met, Firm A should issue a standard unmodified opinion on the financial statements but should make appropriate reference to Firm B in the audit report.

When a group auditor, such as CPA Firm A, has performed most of the audit of a Consolidated Company's financial statements, and another firm, such as CPA Firm B, has done the remainder of the work, Firm A may assume full responsibility for Firm B's work if certain requirements have been met. If appropriate requirements have been met, Firm A should issue a standard unmodified opinion on the financial statements. However, it is important that Firm A makes appropriate reference to Firm B in the audit report. This means that the report should clearly state that Firm B was responsible for the remaining portion of the audit work.

Assuming responsibility for another firm's work without meeting the appropriate requirements would violate professional standards, so it is important for Firm A to ensure that all requirements have been met before assuming full responsibility. If the requirements have not been met, Firm A should consider qualifying its audit report on the basis of the scope limitation involved when another CPA firm is involved. Overall, when appropriate requirements have been met, Firm A should issue a standard unmodified opinion on the Consolidated Company's financial statements but must include appropriate reference to the work performed by Firm B in the audit report.

Learn more about audit report here:


the value of outputs is measured by the prices customers are willing to pay for goods or services.


The value of outputs is indeed measured by the prices customers are willing to pay for goods or services. In other words, the market value of a product or service is determined by the amount customers are willing to spend on it. This reflects the perceived worth of the goods or services in the eyes of consumers. By analyzing the 100-word feedback provided by customers, businesses can gauge the overall satisfaction and determine if their offerings meet expectations, subsequently influencing the pricing strategies to maximize revenues and retain customer loyalty.

In economics, the value of outputs is typically measured by the prices that customers are willing to pay for goods or services. This is because the price that customers are willing to pay reflects the perceived value of the product or service being offered. For example, if customers are willing to pay a premium price for a particular brand of sneakers, it is likely because they believe that the quality and features of those sneakers are worth the additional cost. Understanding customer preferences and willingness to pay is crucial for businesses that want to maximize profits and create products that are in demand. This highlights the importance of pricing strategies in the success of a business.

To know more about market value visit:


question economies of scale and intra-industry trade combine to produce ________. learning and innovation learning and innovation no competition between producers


Economies of scale and intra-industry trade combine to produce learning and innovation.

When firms benefit from economies of scale, they can reduce their average costs of production as they increase their output. This is often achieved through efficiencies gained from large-scale operations, such as bulk purchasing, specialized machinery, and division of labor. Lower costs enable firms to offer competitive prices and potentially expand their market share.

Intra-industry trade refers to the exchange of goods and services within the same industry between countries. It occurs when countries specialize in different aspects of production within the industry and engage in trade to take advantage of their comparative advantages. This trade promotes competition and allows firms to access larger markets, benefiting from increased demand and potential economies of scale.

The combination of economies of scale and intra-industry trade creates a positive feedback loop. As firms expand their production and trade within the industry, they can achieve even greater economies of scale. This leads to cost reductions, increased efficiency, and the ability to offer more competitive products in the market.

Furthermore, intra-industry trade exposes firms to different ideas, technologies, and practices from other countries or regions. This exchange of knowledge and experience fosters learning and innovation within the industry. Firms can adopt best practices, incorporate new technologies, and improve their products or processes to stay competitive and meet evolving consumer demands.

In summary, economies of scale and intra-industry trade contribute to learning and innovation by enabling cost reductions, promoting competition, expanding markets, and facilitating the exchange of knowledge and ideas within the industry.

for more such questions on trade


Which of the following capital budgeting techniques ignores the time value of money?
A) Payback
B) Net present value
C) Internal rate of return
D) Two of the above.


Option a:  Payback is the capital budgeting techniques ignores the time value of money.

The cash payback technique is the alternative that disregards the time value of money. This approach ignores the possible appreciation of money over time and only takes into account the original investment and the repayment period.

As a result, it does not account for the effects of inflation or the opportunity cost of making alternative investments. The profitability index, net present value, and internal rate of return, on the other hand, all take the time value of money into account when calculating their results, making them more accurate and dependable tools for investment analysis. I hope my lengthy response makes your question more clear!

To learn more about capital budgeting, here:


if inventory is a material amount gross receipts are over $26 million, what method of accounting is acceptable for a sole proprietorship to use?


A sole proprietorship with a material amount of inventory and gross receipts over $26 million is required to use the accrual method of accounting.

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) requires businesses to use the accrual method of accounting if their average annual gross receipts exceed $26 million or if they maintain an inventory that is considered a material amount. The accrual method of accounting recognizes revenue and expenses when they are earned or incurred, regardless of when payment is received or made. This method provides a more accurate picture of a business's financial position and performance.

There are two primary methods of accounting: cash basis and accrual basis. The cash basis of accounting recognizes revenue and expenses when cash is received or paid, while the accrual basis of accounting recognizes revenue and expenses when they are earned or incurred, regardless of when cash is received or paid.  The accrual method of accounting is required for businesses with gross receipts over $26 million or with inventory that is considered a material amount. Material amount of inventory is defined as having a value greater than the lesser of (a) $1 million, or (b) 10% of the total assets reported on the balance sheet. For example, if a sole proprietorship has gross receipts of $30 million and inventory valued at $3 million, they are required to use the accrual method of accounting. The accrual method ensures that the financial statements accurately reflect the business's financial position and performance, which is important for making informed business decisions and complying with tax laws.

To know more about receipts visit:


if a competitive firm doubles its output, its total revenue a. doubles. b. more than doubles. c. less than doubles. d. cannot be determined because the price of the good may rise or fall.


If a competitive firm doubles its output, the impact on total revenue depends on the price elasticity of demand for its product. The correct answer is (c) less than doubles.

If the demand for the firm's product is perfectly elastic, meaning that any change in price will result in an infinite change in quantity demanded, then doubling the output will result in the price falling to zero. In this case, the total revenue would remain the same because although the firm is selling more units, the price is so low that the increase in quantity does not generate additional revenue.

If the demand is elastic, meaning that a change in price results in a proportionately larger change in quantity demanded, then doubling the output would lead to a decrease in price. However, the decrease in price would be less than double the original price, resulting in total revenue increasing but by less than double.

If the demand is inelastic, meaning that a change in price results in a proportionately smaller change in quantity demanded, then doubling the output would lead to a decrease in price. However, the decrease in price would be more than double the original price, resulting in total revenue decreasing.

To learn more about revenue click here:


people can grow their skills and experience; however, personality and interests are not as changeable. personalities and interests will be an asset for some jobs and a hindrance for others. for what types of jobs will your personality and interests be an asset? a hindrance? what does that say about the types of jobs you should be looking for?


Personality and interests can be assets for certain types of jobs and hindrances for others.

When your personality and interests align with the requirements and nature of a job, they can be valuable assets. For example, if you have a friendly and outgoing personality, jobs that involve customer service or sales might be a good fit. If youvaluable asse have a strong interest in technology and problem-solving, jobs in the field of software development or data analysis may be a good match. Conversely, if your personality and interests are not well-suited to a particular job, they can act as hindrances. For instance, if you are introverted and prefer working independently, a job that requires constant interaction and teamwork may be challenging and less fulfilling.

Learn more about personality here:


decreases in g will decrease the economy’s gdp by causing a(n) ________ in the ad.


Decreases in "g" (government spending) will decrease the economy's GDP by causing a decrease in the AD (aggregate demand). This is because when the government spends less, there is less money in circulation which leads to a decrease in demand for goods and services, ultimately lowering the GDP.

A decrease in "g," which refers to government spending, will lead to a decrease in the economy's GDP, as it will cause a decrease in the aggregate demand (AD). This is because government spending is one of the components of AD. The formula for AD is:

AD = C + I + G + NX


C = consumer spending

I = investment spending

G = government spending

NX = net exports

Therefore, a decrease in G will lead to a decrease in AD, which will cause a decrease in the GDP. This is because there will be less government spending, which can reduce the demand for goods and services, and ultimately, lower the output and income levels of the economy.

To know more about investment spending, visit:


What feedback mechanism is most likely to appear in the employee break room?a) Suggestion box b) Videoconferencing c) Surveys d) All of the above


The most likely feedback mechanism to appear in an employee break room would be a suggestion box. This is because it allows employees to provide anonymous feedback on their experiences at work, suggestions for improvement, and even recognition for outstanding colleagues.

It is a simple and low-tech solution that allows employees to communicate their thoughts and ideas without fear of retaliation or judgement.

While videoconferencing and surveys are also valuable tools for collecting feedback, they may not be as practical or accessible in a break room setting. Videoconferencing requires technology and may not be feasible in all break rooms, while surveys can be time-consuming and require employees to actively engage in the process. Therefore, while all of the above feedback mechanisms can be effective in their own ways, a suggestion box is the most likely option for appearing in an employee break room.
Hi! The feedback mechanism most likely to appear in an employee break room is a) Suggestion box. A suggestion box is a simple, anonymous, and accessible way for employees to share their ideas, concerns, or suggestions with management. This method encourages open communication and allows employees to voice their opinions without fear of retribution.

While videoconferencing (b) and surveys (c) can also be used for gathering feedback, they are not typically found in break rooms. Videoconferencing is more commonly used for virtual meetings or discussions, and surveys might be distributed via email or online platforms. Although all of the mentioned methods can be effective in collecting employee feedback, a suggestion box is the most likely option to appear in a break room setting.

To know more about mechanisms visit:


innovation is a good illustration of a company demonstrating multi-faceted advantages derived from:


Innovation can be a good illustration of a company demonstrating multi-faceted advantages derived from several different factors. Some of the ways that innovation can provide multi-faceted advantages to a company include:

Improved efficiency: Innovation can help a company to improve its efficiency by finding new and more effective ways to produce and deliver its products or services. This can lead to cost savings, increased productivity, and improved customer satisfaction.

Competitive advantage: Innovation can help a company to establish a competitive advantage by offering unique or superior products or services that are not available from its competitors. This can help the company to attract and retain customers and gain a foothold in its market.

Improved financial performance: Innovation can help a company to improve its financial performance by increasing revenue, reducing costs, and improving profitability. This can lead to higher stock prices, increased access to capital, and a stronger overall financial position.

Improved reputation: Innovation can help a company to improve its reputation by demonstrating its commitment to excellence, innovation, and sustainability. This can lead to increased customer loyalty, positive media coverage, and a stronger brand image.

Improved employee satisfaction: Innovation can help a company to improve employee satisfaction by providing opportunities for growth and development, promoting a positive work culture, and recognizing and rewarding employee contributions. This can lead to higher morale, increased productivity, and improved retention rates.  

Learn more about demonstrating


Scope creep is one of the primary causes of project failure.
True or False


The statement is true because scope creep occurs when the scope of the project continuously expands beyond its original parameters, causing delays, budget overruns, and potentially a failure to meet project objectives.

Scope creep can occur for various reasons, such as poor communication, lack of clear project scope definition, and changes in stakeholder requirements. It is essential to have a solid project scope document, which outlines the project's objectives, timelines, and deliverables, to manage scope creep effectively.

By monitoring and controlling the project's scope, project managers can ensure that the project remains within the original scope and budget, delivering the intended value to stakeholders. Failure to manage scope creep can result in significant negative consequences, including project failure.

Learn more about Scope creep


Which is a way to closely match supply and demand?


One way to closely match supply and demand is through the use of forecasting techniques. This involves analyzing historical data and trends to predict future demand for a particular product or service.

By accurately forecasting demand, companies can adjust their production and supply accordingly, minimizing waste and ensuring that they have enough inventory to meet customer needs. Additionally, companies can use pricing strategies to influence demand, such as offering discounts or promotions during low-demand periods to incentivize customers to buy more. Another approach is to collaborate with suppliers and customers to create more efficient supply chains and improve communication. By working together, both parties can better anticipate changes in demand and adjust supply accordingly, creating a more balanced and responsive system.

To learn more about demand, visit:


which clause in a deed indicates the duration of the estate being conveyed?


The clause in a deed that indicates the duration of the estate being conveyed is typically known as the "duration clause" or "habendum clause."

This clause specifies the nature and extent of the estate being transferred, including any conditions or limitations on its duration. In the duration clause, the language used will determine whether the estate being conveyed is a fee simple, a life estate, a term of years, or another type of estate. The clause may contain specific phrases such as "to have and to hold," followed by a description of the duration or conditions of the estate.

For example, a duration clause for a fee simple estate may state, "to have and to hold the property unto the grantee and their heirs forever." This indicates an estate of indefinite duration that can be passed down to future generations. On the other hand, if a life estate is being conveyed, the duration clause might state, "to have and to hold the property unto the grantee for the duration of their natural life." This indicates that the estate will last only for the lifetime of the grantee and will terminate upon their death.

To know more about deed  click here


monopolies operate where __________, therefore the cheggy are considered ___________.


Monopolies operate where there is only one dominant provider of a product or service in a market, therefore Chegg is considered a dominant player in the online education and tutoring space.

In a general context, a service refers to an intangible transaction or activity performed by one party for the benefit of another. Services can range from professional expertise, such as legal or consulting services, to more tangible offerings like transportation, healthcare, or hospitality. Unlike physical products, services are typically consumed or experienced at the time of their production and do not result in the ownership of a tangible item. The quality and delivery of services play a vital role in customer satisfaction and can greatly impact a business's reputation and success.

Learn more about Service here:


what can you do by creating a separate campaign that's targeted only to the display network?


Creating a separate campaign that's targeted only to the display network allows you to specifically tailor your advertising efforts to that network, which can help increase your reach and engagement with potential customers.

When you create a campaign that's targeted only to the display network, you can customize your ad formats and placements to better fit the context of the websites and apps where your ads will be displayed. This can help you achieve higher visibility and engagement with your target audience.

Additionally, creating a separate campaign for the display network can also allow you to more effectively measure the success of your display advertising efforts. By isolating your display ads in their own campaign, you can more accurately track their performance and adjust your targeting and ad creatives accordingly.

Overall, a separate campaign for the display network can be a valuable tool for businesses looking to expand their reach and engagement with potential customers, while also optimizing their advertising efforts for maximum impact.

Learn more about target audience:


Which of the following represents the probability of an event that IS more likely NOT to occur, but its occurrence is not very rare.
A 0.5
B 0.005
C 0.75
D 0.25
E 0.0


The probability of an event that is more likely not to occur but its occurrence is not very rare would be represented by option D, which is 0.25.

This means that there is a 25% chance of the event happening, but it is still more likely not to occur than to occur. It is important to note that probability is always expressed as a number between 0 and 1, where 0 represents impossibility and 1 represents certainty. In this case, the probability is closer to 0.5 (50/50 chance) than to 0 or 1, indicating that the event is neither extremely rare nor very likely to happen. The correct answer is D 0.25. This represents the probability of an event that is more likely not to occur (since it's less than 0.5), but its occurrence is not very rare (it's not close to 0.0 or a very small number like 0.005). In probability, a value of 0.5 indicates equal chances of occurrence and non-occurrence, while values closer to 0.0 or 1.0 signify rare or almost certain events, respectively.

To know more about probability visit:


negligence is a result of a person’s willful intent to cause harm to another person or property.


Negligence is a legal concept in which a person fails to exercise reasonable care, resulting in damage or harm to another person or property.

It does not involve willful intent to cause harm, as it typically stems from carelessness or a lack of attention. In contrast, willful intent implies that a person knowingly and deliberately causes harm to another person or property. To establish negligence, the following elements must be proven: duty, breach, causation, and damages. Duty refers to the responsibility a person has to exercise reasonable care. Breach occurs when someone fails to fulfill this duty. Causation is the link between the breach and the resulting harm, while damages refer to the actual harm suffered.

In summary, negligence does not involve willful intent to cause harm. Instead, it arises from a failure to exercise reasonable care, resulting in damage or harm to another person or property.

To know more about negligence visit :-


1. The rate of return on the risk-free asset is 3 percent. What is the expected return of the overall stock market if the market risk premium is 5 percent?(Continuing from the previous problem, note that BFA Inc. has a beta of 1.3. What is the required rate of return for the BFA Inc.? (Use the market data, e.g. risk-free rate, etc. from the previous problem.) the answer to this is 9.5%)A. 10.0%B. 13.7%C. 10.9%D. 8.0%E. 8.0%F. 8.9%


The expected return of the overall stock market can be calculated using the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM). CAPM is a formula that calculates the expected return of an asset based on its risk level. The formula is as follows:
Expected Return = Risk-Free Rate + Beta x Market Risk Premium          The expected return of the overall stock market is 8%, and the required rate of return for BFA Inc. is 9.5%.

In this case, the risk-free rate is 3 percent and the market risk premium is 5 percent. Therefore, the expected return of the overall stock market can be calculated as follows:
Expected Return = 3% + 1 x 5% = 8%
Therefore, the answer to the first part of the question is 8%.
Continuing from the previous problem, we know that BFA Inc. has a beta of 1.3. Using the CAPM formula, we can calculate the required rate of return for BFA Inc. as follows:
Required Rate of Return = Risk-Free Rate + Beta x Market Risk Premium
The risk-free rate and market risk premium are the same as in the previous problem, which are 3 percent and 5 percent, respectively. Therefore, the required rate of return for BFA Inc. can be calculated as follows:
Required Rate of Return = 3% + 1.3 x 5% = 9.5%
Therefore, the answer to the second part of the question is 9.5%.
In conclusion, the expected return of the overall stock market is 8%, and the required rate of return for BFA Inc. is 9.5%.

To know more about Capital Asset Pricing Model visit :


During the last five years, you owned two stocks that had the following annual rates of returns:Year Stock T Stock B1 0.19 0.082 0.08 0.033 -0.12 -0.094 -0.03 0.025 0.15 0.04a) Compute the arithmetic mean annual return for each stock. Which stock is most desirable according to this measure?b) Compute the standard deviation of the annual rate of return for each stock. Which stock is most desirable according to this measure?c) Compute the coefficient for variation for each stock. Which stock is most desirable according to this measure?


a) Based on the arithmetic mean annual return, Stock T has an average return of 9.6%, while Stock B has an average return of 1.5%. Therefore, Stock T is most desirable according to this measure.

b) Based on the standard deviation, Stock T has a lower value of 6.26% compared to Stock B's 8.83%. Therefore, Stock T is most desirable according to this measure.

c) The coefficient of variation for Stock T is 65.21%, while for Stock B it is 588.67%. Therefore, Stock T is most desirable according to this measure as well.

a) To compute the arithmetic mean annual return for each stock, we sum up the annual rates of return for each year and divide by the number of years.

For Stock T:

(0.19 + 0.08 + 0.09 - 0.03 + 0.15) / 5 = 0.096 or 9.6%

For Stock B:

(0.08 + 0.03 - 0.12 + 0.025 + 0.04) / 5 = 0.015 or 1.5%

Based on the arithmetic mean annual return, Stock T has an average return of 9.6%, while Stock B has an average return of 1.5%. Therefore, Stock T is most desirable according to this measure.

b) To compute the standard deviation of the annual rate of return for each stock, we need to calculate the deviation of each year's return from the mean, square the deviations, sum them up, divide by the number of years, and take the square root.

For Stock T:

Deviation = (0.19 - 0.096)^2 + (0.08 - 0.096)^2 + (0.09 - 0.096)^2 + (-0.03 - 0.096)^2 + (0.15 - 0.096)^2

= 0.0019 + 0.0002 + 0.0001 + 0.0064 + 0.0036

= 0.0122

Standard Deviation = √(0.0122/5) = 0.0626 or 6.26%

For Stock B:

Deviation = (0.08 - 0.015)^2 + (0.03 - 0.015)^2 + (-0.12 - 0.015)^2 + (0.025 - 0.015)^2 + (0.04 - 0.015)^2

= 0.0042 + 0.0002 + 0.0147 + 0.0001 + 0.0004

= 0.0196

Standard Deviation = √(0.0196/5) = 0.0883 or 8.83%

Based on the standard deviation, Stock T has a lower value of 6.26% compared to Stock B's 8.83%. Therefore, Stock T is most desirable according to this measure.

c) The coefficient of variation (CV) is computed by dividing the standard deviation by the mean and multiplying by 100 to express it as a percentage.

For Stock T:

CV = (0.0626 / 0.096) * 100 = 65.21%

For Stock B:

CV = (0.0883 / 0.015) * 100 = 588.67%

The coefficient of variation for Stock T is 65.21%, while for Stock B it is 588.67%. A lower CV indicates a more desirable investment since it represents less variability relative to the mean return. Therefore, Stock T is most desirable according to this measure as well.

for more such question on standard deviation


For each of the three independent situations determine the amount of cash received from the customers and prepare journal entries that summarize the selling and collection activities for the reporting period. All dollars are in millions. nts Complete this question by entering your answers in the tabs below. eBook Cash Recd from Cust General Journal Hint Print Determine the amount of cash received from the customers. (Enter your answers in millions (i.e., 10,000,000 should be entered as 10).) Ceferences Situation Sales Revenue Accounts Receivable Increase (Decrease) Cash Received from Customers 240 240 240 17 240 223 257 (17) Cash Recd from Cust General Journal > For each of the three independent situations determine the amount of cash received from the customers and prepare journal entries that summarize the selling and collection activities for the reporting period. All dollars are in millions. Complete this question by entering your answers in the tabs below. points Cash Recd from Cust General Journal eBook Hint Prepare journal entries that summarize the selling and collection activities for the reporting period. (If no entry is required for a transaction/event, select "No journal entry required" in the first account field. Enter your answers in millions (i.e., 10,000,000 should be entered as 10).) Print References View transaction list Record the sales to customers in situation 1. 2 Record the sales to customers in situation 2. 3 Record the sales to customers in situation 3. Credit


We are debiting Accounts Receivable to recognize the increase in the amount owed to the company by customers. Sales Revenue is credited to record the revenue generated from the sales.

Situation 1:

To record the sales to customers in Situation 1, we will make the following journal entry:

General Journal
Account                       Debit         Credit
Accounts Receivable            $240M
Sales Revenue                               $240M

Explanation: We are debiting Accounts Receivable to recognize the increase in the amount owed to the company by customers. Sales Revenue is credited to record the revenue generated from the sales.

Situation 2:

To record the sales to customers in Situation 2, we will make the following journal entry:

General Journal
Account                       Debit         Credit
Accounts Receivable            $17M
Sales Revenue                               $17M

Explanation: We are debiting Accounts Receivable to recognize the increase in the amount owed to the company by customers. Sales Revenue is credited to record the revenue generated from the sales.

Situation 3:

To record the sales to customers in Situation 3, we will make the following journal entry:

General Journal
Account                       Debit         Credit
Accounts Receivable            $257M
Sales Revenue                               $257M

Explanation: We are debiting Accounts Receivable to recognize the increase in the amount owed to the company by customers. Sales Revenue is credited to record the revenue generated from the sales.

Please note that the above journal entries are made based on the assumption that the company follows the accrual accounting method, where revenue is recognized when earned, regardless of the actual cash collection.

 To learn more about sales click


Which of the following is not a universal rule for achieving strong internal control over cash?
a. separate the cash handling and record keeping functions
b. decentralize the receiving of cash as much as possible
c. deposit each day's cash receipts by the end of the day
d. have bank reconciliations performed by employees independent with respect to handling cash


Option b. "decentralize the receiving of cash as much as possible" is not a universal rule for achieving strong internal control over cash.

Option b. "decentralize the receiving of cash as much as possible" is not a universal rule for achieving strong internal control over cash. In fact, it is advisable to centralize the receiving of cash to ensure proper control and minimize the risk of mismanagement or fraud. By centralizing the cash receiving function, an organization can establish standardized procedures, implement checks and balances, and assign responsibility to specific individuals or departments. This helps to maintain a clear audit trail and accountability. On the other hand, the other options listed are generally recognized as important rules for achieving strong internal control over cash. Option a emphasizes the separation of cash handling and record keeping functions to prevent collusion or manipulation of records. Option c stresses the timely deposit of cash receipts, which helps reduce the risk of theft or loss. Option d recommends having bank reconciliations performed by employees independent of cash handling to ensure an objective review of financial transactions and identify any discrepancies or irregularities. Overall, while decentralization may have certain benefits in other areas of an organization, when it comes to cash handling, centralization is preferred to maintain strong internal control.

Learn more about risk of mismanagement here:


which of the following has traditionally been the dominant role for human resources?


The traditional role of human resources has been to manage and maintain employee records, oversee benefits administration, and ensure legal compliance with labor laws.

What  is he responsible?

Additionally, HR was responsible for recruiting and hiring employees, providing training and development opportunities, and resolving workplace conflicts.

However, with the changing dynamics of the workplace, HR's role has evolved to become more strategic and business-focused. Today, HR plays a crucial role in developing and implementing talent management strategies that align with business goals, driving employee engagement and retention, and fostering a positive organizational culture.

As a result, HR has become a key driver of business success, enabling organizations to effectively attract, develop, and retain top talent.

To know more on Human resource visit:


loss aversion can explain why very little actually takes place in the securities market. 8) a) bartering b) short selling c) bargaining d) negotiating


b) Short selling. Out of the options provided, short selling can be associated with loss aversion and potentially explain why very little actually takes place in the securities market.

Loss aversion is a cognitive bias where individuals tend to feel the pain of losses more strongly than the pleasure of gains. In the context of the securities market, investors may be reluctant to engage in short selling due to the potential for unlimited losses. Short selling involves selling borrowed securities in the hope that their price will decline, allowing the investor to repurchase them at a lower price and profit from the difference. However, if the price of the securities rises, the investor faces the risk of substantial losses. The fear of such losses may deter investors from actively participating in short selling, leading to less trading and activity in the securities market.

To learn more about investors  click here


Project partnerships offer which of the following advantages to both clients and vendors?

a. Ability to explore new technologies
b. Potential of lower cost for client
c. More effectively managed risks
d. Opportunity for vendor to prove themselves


Project partnerships offer a variety of advantages to both clients and vendors. One of the key advantages is the opportunity for the vendor to prove themselves.The answer is D.

By working closely with the client on a project, the vendor has the chance to showcase their expertise and capabilities, demonstrating their ability to deliver high-quality results. This can help to build trust and establish a strong working relationship between the two parties, leading to additional project opportunities in the future.

For the client, partnering with a vendor can provide access to specialized knowledge and skills, as well as increased flexibility and scalability to meet their project needs. Overall, project partnerships can offer a win-win situation for both clients and vendors, leading to successful outcomes and continued growth for all involved.

To know more about Project partnerships, refer to the link:


On a survey respondents are asked how likely they are, on a scale from 1 to 5, to buy a new smart phone in the next year. This question will yield _____ data.
A) quantitative
B) binary
C) nominal
D) ordinal


The question asking respondents about their likelihood of buying a new smartphone on a scale from 1 to 5 will yield ordinal data.

Ordinal data is a type of categorical data that has a natural order or ranking. In this case, the responses are given on a scale from 1 to 5, indicating different levels of likelihood.

The numbers have a specific order, but the intervals between them may not be equal. The data is not numerical in the sense of measuring a quantity, but rather represents a ranking or preference.

By collecting ordinal data, researchers can analyze the relative rankings or preferences of the respondents. This allows for comparisons and assessments of trends or patterns in the likelihood of buying a new smartphone among the surveyed population.

Visit here to learn more about Data:


) A profitability index greater than ____________ means that a project has a positive NPV.A) the hurdle rateB) oneC) negative oneD) zero


 A profitability index greater than B) one

A profitability index (PI) is a ratio of the present value of future cash flows to the initial investment. A PI greater than one indicates that the project's present value of cash inflows is greater than the present value of cash outflows, resulting in a positive net present value (NPV). Therefore, option B is the correct answer.

To calculate the profitability index, you divide the present value of future cash flows by the initial investment. If the resulting ratio is greater than one, the project is expected to generate positive returns and have a positive NPV. In other words, the present value of cash inflows is greater than the present value of cash outflows. A PI less than one indicates that the project is expected to generate negative returns and have a negative NPV. Therefore, option C is incorrect. A PI equal to zero would indicate that the project is expected to break even, with no net gain or loss. Therefore, option D is also incorrect. Finally, the hurdle rate is the minimum required rate of return that a project must meet or exceed to be considered acceptable. It is not directly related to the profitability index.

To know more about profitability visit:


(Percentof salesforecasting)Which of the following accounts would most likely vary directly with the level of a firm's sales? Discuss each briefly. Yes No Yes NoCash ________Notes payable ________Marketable securities ________Plant and equipment ________Accounts payable ________Inventories ________Is cash likely to vary directly with the level of a firm's sales?  (Select the best choice below.)A.Yes, cash receipts vary directly with sales and have a relation to the firm's customers payment habits or the firm's policy regarding payments on its accounts payable.B.No, cash receipts follow sales with a lag related to the payment habits of the firm's customers and the firm's policy regarding payments on its accounts payable.Are marketable securities likely to vary directly with the level of a firm's sales?  (Select the best choice below.)A.Yes, the value of marketable securities varies directly with sales.B.No, marketable securities are not related to sales.Is accounts payable likely to vary directly with the level of afirm's sales?  (Select the best choice below.)A.No, accounts payable will not vary directly with sales.B.Yes, accounts payable will vary directly with sales.Is notes payable likely to vary directly with the level of afirm's sales?  (Select the best choice below.)A.Yes, notes payable is likely to vary directly with sales.B.No, notes payable will only follow sales if the firms uses a line of credit to finance its working capital needs.Is plant and equipment likely to vary directly with the level of a firm's sales?  (Select the best choice below.)A.No, plant and equipment is not likely to vary directly with the level of sales.B.Yes, plant and equipment is likely to vary directly with the level of sales.Are inventories likely to vary directly with the level of afirm's sales?  (Select the best choice below.)A.Yes, inventories are likely to vary directly with the level of sales.B.No, inventories are not likely to vary directly with the level of sales.


Accounts payable and inventories are most likely to vary directly with the level of a firm's sales, while cash, notes payable, marketable securities, and plant and equipment are less likely to have a direct relationship with sales. This is important for businesses to consider when planning their financial strategies and making forecasts based on projected sales growth.

In the context of percent of sales forecasting, certain accounts are more likely to vary directly with the level of a firm's

1. Cash: No, cash receipts follow sales with a lag related to the payment habits of the firm's customers and the firm's policy regarding payments on its accounts payable.
2. Notes payable: No, notes payable will only follow sales if the firm uses a line of credit to finance its working capital needs.
3. Marketable securities: No, marketable securities are not related to sales.
4. Plant and equipment: No, plant and equipment is not likely to vary directly with the level of sales.
5. Accounts payable: Yes, accounts payable will vary directly with sales as a firm's purchases of raw materials, inventory, or services often increase in line with its sales.
6. Inventories: Yes, inventories are likely to vary directly with the level of sales, as higher sales generally lead to increased production and the need to maintain adequate inventory levels.
To summarize, accounts payable and inventories are most likely to vary directly with the level of a firm's sales, while cash, notes payable, marketable securities, and plant and equipment are less likely to have a direct relationship with sales. This is important for businesses to consider when planning their financial strategies and making forecasts based on projected sales growth.

for more such question on Accounts payable


if a good is both nonexcludable and nonrival in consumption, then it is


If a good is both nonexcludable and nonrival in consumption, then it is a public good.

A public good is a type of good that is nonexcludable, meaning that individuals cannot be effectively excluded from using it, and nonrival in consumption, meaning that one person's use of the good does not diminish its availability to others.

Examples of public goods include clean air, national defense, and street lighting. Public goods are typically provided by the government or through collective efforts because they have the characteristics of being available to all and not being diminished by individual use. Private goods, on the other hand, are both excludable and rival in consumption.

You can learn more about public good at


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Spending for programs and policies at the choice of Congress and the president is best described as.. a) mandatory expenditures b) fiscal policy c) discretionary spending d) economic stimulus match the terms to their definition. 1 . a government-backed loan for veterans arm 2 . a loan used to buy a home balloon mortgage 3 . adjustable rate mortgage; a mortgage that has a fixed rate for a certain amount of time and then has a variable rate that changes periodically escrow 4 . a short-term mortgage in which small payments are made until the completion of the term, at which time the entire balance is due fha loan 5 . an account with a financial institution used to pay taxes and insurance mortgage 6 . private mortgage insurance; insurance you must pay on most loans when you make a down payment of less than 20 percent pmi 7 . a government-backed loan, which makes it easier for some people to qualify va loan Consider the following scenarios. 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