The Court Packing Plan was an attempt by President Roosevelt to expand the number of justices to the supreme court. The expansion of justices however would only take place if the justices had the same views as Roosevelt thus assisting him with passing his own agenda. The New Deal were a series of program by Roosevelt to bring about economic growth after the stock market crash. Much of these provisions however were decided in the supreme court which provide motivation to Roosevelt to Pack the Court. Much of the New Deal faced challenges and many of the justice department officials opposed the legislature. Roosevelt issued a proposal stating that any judge over 70 should retire with full pay thus leading the way to a majority vote. Both sides congress opposed the court packing plan that Roosevelt presented.


Answer 1

The Court Packing Plan was an attempt by the President Roosevelt in order to expand the number of justices to the Supreme Court.

There was a bill which came to be known as Roosevelt's "Court-Packing Plan", which is a phrase coined by the Edward Rumely. In November 1936, President Roosevelt was said to have won a sweeping re-election victory. So, he proposed to reorganize the federal judiciary.

However, this act was done by adding a new justice each time a justice reached age 70 and failed to retire. Thus, during his 12 years in office, Roosevelt appointed 8 new members of the Supreme Court of the United States.

Hence, Roosevelt decided in order to curb the power of the Supreme Court.

To learn more about the Court-Packing Plan here:


Related Questions

Gregory, a resident of Idabel, has been bombarded with emails from a local real estate licensee. He keeps opting out of receiving the emails, but they just keep coming. What federal law is the licensee possibly violating


Idabel resident Gregory receives a flood of emails from local real estate licensees. He keeps refusing to receive emails, but he keeps getting them. The federal law , the licensee possibly violating the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003.

The CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 is a federal law that protects consumers from unsolicited e-mail solicitations.

Therefore, if Gregory continues to receive emails from you, you are in violation of our efforts to protect Gregory from spam.

This law was enacted in 2003. It established the first US national standard for sending commercial email to anyone. So it is important.

To learn more about ‘Federal law’, here:


according to navy regulations when a sailor fails to obey a regulation and is subject to punishment which of the following publications should be made available to him for a personal review


The Chief of Naval Operations is in charge of making sure that US Fleet rules are up to date with what the navy actually needs.

The Navy

In order to undertake naval operations at sea, modern fleets incorporate surface warships, submarines, support ships, and ship-based aircraft.

The Navy maintains a fighting naval force that is equipped, trained, and capable of repelling invasions and defending maritime independence. They are also aware that the navy will be involved in unlawful activities.

The Chief of Naval Forces is responsible for ensuring that US Fleet regulations reflect what the fleet actually needs, which includes making all decisions pertaining to defense.

For such more questions Navy regulations


What type of government Thoreau prefers at the beginning of civil disobedience?


Thoreau prefers a laissez faire type of government that is a capitalist form.

The phrase “that government is best which governs least” is most often attributed to Henry David Thoreau. He sued this in his 1849 “Civil Disobedience

According to him, the less the government held matters of governance in its hand, the better it would be for the citizens of that country.

He often criticized the government's lack of consideration towards the welfare of the citizens.

He also used the term machine to describe the political apparatus of the government where it sued the 'mass of man' for its own benefits.

A laissez faire form of government would mean relatively lesser power in the hands of the government and more autonomy in the hands of individuals even if restricted to areas of economic interest alone.

To know more about civil disobedience, click here:


When a party's performance is perfect, it is said to be complete.


When a party's performance is perfect, it is said to be complete. true

A party who performs substantially all of the terms of a contract in good faith can enforce the contract against the other party. Unless expressly stated otherwise, most contracts require that they be performed only to the satisfaction of a reasonable person.

In some contracts, this means that one party promises something in exchange for another party's performance. The action of completing that performance fulfills the second party's contractual obligations. For instance, one party may promise to pay another $100 if the second party paints their house.

Learn more about party's performance to visit this link


do gangs add any value to a neighborhood or community why or why not


Gangs boost crime rates in neighborhoods and provide a poor model for local children. Despite the fact that they fail to complete their education, face employment challenges, engage in drug and alcohol abuse, or wind up in jail, they project an image of strength and respect.


Because of the devastation they can cause to others, communities are afraid of them.

What function do gangs in communities serve?

Along with giving weapons and a sense of safety in numbers, or the knowledge that they have individuals who will fight alongside them if necessary, gangs can give its members a sense of protection (Decker & Van Winkle, 1996).  Youth safety requirements may be met with the use of such provisions.

What are the top 4 causes for gang membership?

Unstable or damaged home.

financial instability

low expectations and levels of education.

members of a family gang.

either one or both parents' neglect.

violence committed against children at home or in the neighborhood.

drug and/or alcohol addiction by one or both parents.

To Know more about neighborhoods


What was Mendel's initial question?


Mendels initial question was what had happened to the white-flower characteristic

The Plain Writing Act


The purpose of this Act is to improve the effectiveness and accountability of Federal agencies to the public by promoting clear Government communication that the public can understand and use.


In this Act:

AGENCY.—The term “agency” means an Executive agency, as defined under section 105 of title 5, United States Code.
COVERED DOCUMENT.—The term “covered document”
means any document that
is necessary for obtaining any Federal Government benefit or service or filing taxes;
provides information about any Federal Government benefit or service; or
explains to the public how to comply with a requirement the Federal Government administers or enforces;
includes (whether in paper or electronic form) a letter, publication, form, notice, or instruction; and
does not include a regulation.
PLAIN WRITING.—The term “plain writing” means writing that is clear, concise and well-organized, and that follows other best practices appropriate to the subject or field and intended audience.

IN GENERAL.—Not later than 9 months after the date of enactment of this Act, the head of each agency shall—
designate one or more senior officials within the agency to oversee the agency implementation of this Act;
communicate the requirements of this Act to the employees of the agency;
train employees of the agency in plain writing;
establish a process for overseeing the ongoing compliance of the agency with the requirements of this Act;
create and maintain a plain-writing section of the agency’s website as required under paragraph (2) that is accessible from the home page of the agency’s website; and
designate 1 or more agency points of contact to receive and respond to public input on implementation and reports required under section 5.
WEBSITE.—The plain-writing section described under paragraph (1)(E) shall—
inform the public of agency compliance with the requirements of this Act; and
provide a mechanism for the agency to receive and respond to public input on implementation and reports required under section 5.
REQUIREMENT TO USE PLAIN WRITING IN NEW DOCUMENTS.—Beginning not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act, each agency shall use plain writing in every covered document of the agency that the agency issues or substantially revises.
IN GENERAL.—Not later than 6 months after the date of enactment of this Act, the Director of the Office of Management and Budget shall develop and issue guidance on implementing the requirements of this section. The Director may designate a lead agency and may use interagency working groups to assist in developing and issuing the guidance.
INTERIM GUIDANCE.—Before the issuance of guidance under paragraph (1), agencies may follow the guidance of the writing guidelines developed by the Plain Language Action and Information Network or guidance provided by the head of the agency that is consistent with those guidelines.
For website pages on tax shelters, the Plain Writing Act requires that which of the following be considered?


this is much needed to my understanding, it’s gonna helps me through college

Can citizens overrule Supreme Court?


No, The highest court in the country is the U.S. Supreme Court. Citizens or No lower court has ever been able to directly overrule a Supreme Court decision.

In actuality, a Supreme Court decision cannot be altered, rejected, or disregarded by Congress or the president.

Can Congress revoke judgments? Congress does not immediately make legislation in response to decisions, although it can.

Though it does not exist in a vacuum, the Supreme Court does. It is subject to checks and balances, just like the legislative and executive branches.

The United States Constitution contains several limitations on the Court's authority, which elected branches may enforce if they have the political will to do so.

When the Supreme Court rules on a constitutional matter, that decision is essentially final; only the constitutional amendment process or a subsequent ruling by the Court can overturn the Court's rulings.

To learn more about Supreme Court, Click here:


Which of the following will cause demand for EMTS and paramedics to keep increasing?
Aplans for vast expansion of hospital triage centers all over the nation
Bdecline in doctors, nurses, psychiatrists
C increased EMT and paramedic academic programs
Dnatural disasters, car accidents, violence, and natural physical events



natural disasters, car accidents, violence, and natural physical events


ion got no explanation, quizlet helped me

What were his feelings about the government while he was in jail?


Henry David Thoreau was the first person to engage in passive resistance, or "civil disobedience," as he called it. Thoreau opted to spend a night in jail rather than pay a tax he believed to be unfair. Thoreau took these actions in opposition to slavery and the United States' war with Mexico, both of which would be funded by the tax.

Following his arrest, Thoreau penned his famous essay that explores the dynamic between the state and the person. In this era of strong government, Thoreau's philosophy was much more in line with the ideas of the Founding Fathers. He believed that the government that regulates the least is the best government. In other words, it enables men to exercise their individual rights.

For such more questions Government while he was in jail.


What role does the executive branch play in interpreting the law?


The executive branch plays no role in interpreting the law.

The interpretation of law is the distinct function of the judiciary.

The role of the executive is the administration and governance of the state. The legislature is tasked with the function of creating the law and amending it as it deems fit.

This type of distribution of powers amongst the executive, the legislature and the judiciary rests on the doctrine of separation of powers.

The Federal Courts are the sole custodians of the Rule of law. They decide whether a law passes the test of constitutionality and also interpret laws in the right light.

They adhere to strict principles of natural justice and apply law to the case in hand keeping in mind the contours of judicial restraint.

To know more about the interpretation of law, click here:


service of process is the process of obtaining information from an opposing party before trial.


Discovery is the procedure used to gather evidence from the defense or from witnesses before a trial.

What is Discovery?

This is the official process by which the parties exchange details regarding the witnesses and evidence they'll use at trial. The parties can learn via discovery what evidence might be used before the trial starts.

The exchange of information between the parties in a court matter through discovery is a formal process. This includes details about the potential witnesses and the evidence that will be used in court. Its goal is to inform the parties of the potential evidence that will be used in court.

To know more about Discovery, visit:


What are some of the policy reasons underlying the requirement that before a person can be convicted of a crime, every member of a jury votes for conviction?


The prosecution must establish the defendant's guilt beyond a shadow of a doubt. This assures that there is reasonable even if they cannot all come to an agreement. every member of a jury votes conviction.

What justifications does Juror 8 make for their initial verdict of not guilty?

Juror 8 is the only one who cast a "not guilty" vote in the first round. He does this for a different purpose than whether or not he truly believes the accused is innocent. He casts his vote for not guilty because he thinks the committee ought to deliberate before making a decision in a case with such grave repercussions.

How many jurors must find the defendant guilty in order for a conviction to occur?

A three-fourths vote is necessary in cases involving mandatory life sentences or prison terms of more than ten years. In every other To find someone guilty, just a two-thirds majority is needed.

To know more about jury votes conviction visit:-


How does religion affect a person’s fear of crime?



Religion can affect a person's fear of crime in various ways, depending on their individual beliefs and values, as well as the teachings and practices of their faith.

For some people, religion may provide a sense of comfort and security that can help to alleviate their fear of crime. For example, someone who has a strong belief in a higher power or in the protection of their faith may feel more confident and reassured that they are being watched over and kept safe.

On the other hand, religion may also increase a person's fear of crime if it teaches that certain actions or behaviors are sinful or immoral, or if it promotes fear and mistrust of outsiders or those who are perceived as different. For example, someone who is taught to fear or avoid certain types of people or places may be more likely to feel anxious or threatened in situations where they encounter those things.

Overall, religion can have both positive and negative effects on a person's fear of crime, depending on the specific beliefs and practices of their faith, as well as their personal experiences and perspective.

If everyone in the world was religious crime would be very rare.
It would affect their fear because in most religious book's crime is unacceptable.


What is Mendel 2nd law?


Mendel's second law is the law of segregation. The law states that each pair of parental alleles or genes is shared and a single gene is passed from each parent to its offspring.

Basic concept of segregation method:

- There are multiple alleles for one gene.

- Each organism inherits a pair of alleles for each gene. When gametes are  produced by meiosis during gametogenesis, pairs of alleles separate, leaving only one allele in each gamete.

- A gene has two alternative forms known as alleles. . One allele is dominant while the alternative is recessive.

To learn more about ‘Mendal’s laws’, here:


The first requirement for an effective offer is serious, objective intent on the part of the offeror. Intent is not determined by the subjective intentions, beliefs, or assumptions of the offeror. Rather, it is determined by what a reasonable person in the offeree's position would conclude that the offeror's words and actions meant. Offers made in obvious anger, jest, or undue excitement do not meet the requirement of serious, objective intent. Because these offers are not effective, an offeree's acceptance does not create an agreement.



Yes, that is correct. In order for an offer to be considered valid, it must be made with serious and objective intent. This means that the offeror must have a genuine intention to enter into a legally binding agreement with the offeree. The intent is determined by the words and actions of the offeror and how a reasonable person in the offeree's position would interpret them. If an offer is made in jest, anger or undue excitement, it will not be considered a valid offer as there is no serious intent behind it. Therefore, acceptance of such an offer would not create a legally binding agreement.

The Implied consent law states that : a. You must submit to a sobriety test when asked by a law enforcement officer. b. You can agree to plea bargain if arrested for DUI. c. you will lose your license for six months if convicted.
d. your license will automatically be canceled if you are convicted of


The Implied consent law states that option A: You must submit to a sobriety test when asked by a law enforcement officer.

According to the implied consent statute, when a law enforcement official requests that you submit to chemical testing of your breath, blood, or urine to discover whether you have consumed alcohol or drugs, you have given your consent. Therefore, option A proves to be he right choice.

Law enforcement organizations employ implied consent statutes as a tactic to obtain proof that you were driving while intoxicated. Without a BAC test, a DUI charge may still be brought against you. However, the results of these tests show that you were inebriated, which might be used against you in a DUI case. Even some states claim that the legislation governing implied consent applies to initial breathalyzer testing (PBT). A PBT is essentially another kind of field sobriety test that law enforcement does to gauge a subject's level of intoxication.

To know more about implied consent law, refer to the following link:


“Boundary fence question” A Neighbours shed wall is on the boundary line and a fence is built, as close to the shed as possible the palings are on our side. Is the fence line after 15 years taken as the new boundary line In adverse possession law (I live in Victoria, Australia.)?​


No jurisdiction would give adverse possession to someone after only three years of inhabiting a sliver of property.

What exactly is an Adverse Possession?

Adverse possession, also known colloquially as "squatter's rights," is a legal principle in Anglo-American common law that allows a person who does not have legal title to a piece of property—usually land (real property)—to acquire legal ownership through continuous possession or occupation of the property without the permission (license) of the property's legal owner. Possession by a person is not detrimental if they are in possession as the lawful owner's renter or licensee.

To learn more about adverse possession, click


Which of the following is an example of an action-benefit statement?

A-Led a team of 100 individuals in a community awareness campaign

B-I was on the softball team in high school, but we did not win

C-Good customer service skills

D-Responsible for managing a team

E-Can do office work real good





please mark brainliest

Based on the Upfront article and the excerpts from McDonald’s statement, why do you think the movement to lower the voting age had bipartisan support? *


From the McDonald’s statement we learn about a blind child in the story "A View From the Bridge." He approaches a man on a bridge and requests his assistance in capturing a fish. The youngster is blind, but the dad does not instantly understand this.

The title "A View from the Bridge" was most likely chosen to suggest that the guy serves as a link between the youngster and the outside world. The man is first reluctant to talk since it is not immediately clear what is going on. The father starts to view the world, nonetheless, from the viewpoint of a kid once it becomes clear. This brings attention to the essay's main idea. the "bridge's vista"

The unique perspective the man gains after experiencing the world through the eyes of a youngster is known as the "view from the bridge."

For such more question on McDonald’s statement.


Douglas Massey and Nancy Denton documented which of the following patterns in U.S. inner cities?
a. hypersegregation
b. the absence of racial segregation
c. de jure segregation
d. declining segregation


Douglas Massey and Nancy Denton documented the hypersegregation which is patterns in U.S. inner cities. The Option A.

What pattern did they document in U.S. inner cities?

In work called "American Apartheid," both of them documented the pattern of hypersegregation in U.S. inner cities in which they defined hypersegregation as level of segregation that goes beyond what can be explained by demographic factors such as income, education, and preferences.

It is characterized by high levels of racial and ethnic segregation ad social and economic isolation which can lead to a range of negative outcomes for marginalized communities which includes limited access to jobs, education, healthcare and political representation.

Read more about hypersegregation


One of the duties of a 9-1-1 dispatcher is to pass information to first responders and dispatch them to the scene of the emergency. Is the previous statement true or false


True, One of the duties of a 9-1-1 dispatcher is to pass information to first responders and dispatch them to the scene of the emergency.

911 dispatchers are often the unsung heroes of emergency response teams.

Collecting critical information from callers and dispatching appropriate first responders to the scene, these professionals must be able to manage chaotic, heartbreaking, stressful, disorganized and hectic situations.

A 911 dispatcher's job description may vary slightly depending on the position. Affects the duties associated with the position, such as Dispatcher I, Dispatcher II, and Dispatcher III (Supervisor).

911 dispatchers are required to answer emergency and non-emergency calls for assistance and information. Must provide police, fire, emergency and related services dispatch and communications support services.

To learn more about dispatcher, here:


The Air Force is slated to purchase 113 HH-60W aircraft from Lockheed Martin to replace its fleet of HH-60G Pave Hawk helicopters, which perform missions locating and rescuing downed pilots in hostile territory. Here, the Air Force is considered a(n)


The Air Force is considered an organizational buyer. The term "organizational buyers" refers to people who represent a company.

When making purchases, these buyers frequently consider both their own tastes and the expected preferences of the customers to whom the organizational buyer's business will sell. Retail businesses commonly utilize organizational buyers to select the goods they purchase from wholesalers and manufacturers. The organizational buyer needs to be fully aware of the most recent developments in the specific market they serve. An organizational buyer will evaluate risk vs. return differently than a typical consumer because they frequently make large-scale purchase decisions. Organizational buyers frequently take fewer chances than the typical consumer.

To know more about organizational buyer


Which of the following is not a fiduciary duty an agent owes to his or her principal?
A. Loyalty
B. Confidentiality
C. Accountability
D. Blind obedience


Option d: Blind Obedience is not a fiduciary duty an agent owes to his or her principal.

Fiduciary duty is the responsibility entrusted to a fiduciary in dealings with other parties, especially in relation to financial matters.

In most cases, this means that fiduciary responsibilities include overseeing the client's assets and acting on behalf of the client and in the client's best interests.

The duty of loyalty is he one of the highest and most respected duties. Trustees are paid for their work.

However, there is also work that will be the eyes and ears of the client, working to ensure the client's desired outcome without the promise of additional compensation in return.

To know more about 'fiduciary duty', here:


What is the philosophy of judicial activism?


Judicial activism maintains that the courts can and should consider wider societal effects of their judgements in addition to the relevant law while exercising their judicial power.

American historian, Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., in a 1947 article in Fortune coined the term Judicial activism.

Judicial activism is discusses in two contexts- political and academic.  In academic usage, activism refers to only the willingness of a judge to strike down or overturn a judicial precedent or to strike down any of another branch of government/.

Instead of deferring to the views of other government officials or earlier courts, an activist judge tires to enforce their own views based on constitutional requirements.

In political fabric, activism is used as a pejorative.

By claiming that judges make decisions based on their personal policy preferences rather than an accurate reading of the law, one can claim that they have abandoned their impartial position as judges and are instead "legislating from the bench."

To know more about Judicial Activism, click here:


teen driver ____ lead to a far greater crash risk than just being a new driver

a. inexperience and immaturity
b. experience and age
c. maturity and age



un. inexpérience et immaturité


is the property of being physically or mentally capable.
A . Grit
B. Individualism
C. Self confidence
D. Strength




ALL done

Estelle hears a radio ad telling her that she can attend a free seminar to learn how to “flip” houses to make tons of money quickly, all while being her own boss. What is this seminar probably trying to do


If Estelle hears a radio ad telling her that she can attend a free seminar to learn how to “flip” houses to make tons of money quickly, all while being her own boss. This seminar probably trying to do: A. the Bureau of Economics.

What is the Bureau of Economics?

The Bureau of Economics  can be defined as an agency whose roles is to provide the necessary information or data that will help to promote an economy and this data provided are often useful and accurate.

Based on the scenario  the seminar is probably trying to do the Bureau of Economics so as to enables Estelle acquire knowledge that will help to become her own boss.

Therefore the correct option is A.

Learn more about Bureau of Economics here:


The complete question is:

Eileen works for the federal government and would like to find a report about the effectiveness of a recent FTC-created consumer education program designed to help families better meet their monthly rent payments. Which branch of the FTC should she contact first about finding such a report?

the Bureau of Economics

the Bureau of Competition

the Bureau of Consumer Protection

the Bureau of Housing and Development

Steps toward limiting tort damages in a number of states include all of the following except:
a. limiting the amount of punitive damages.
b. limiting the amount of noneconomic general damages like pain and suffering.
c. increasing the burden of proof in negligence cases.
d. banning punitive damages.


In a number of states, steps toward limiting tort damages include all of the following, with the exception of increasing the burden of proof in negligence cases. Option c is the correct response.

Except in cases of "serious injury," limited tort limits your right to sue for pain and suffering. This "limited-tort" option entitles you to a premium reduction. Full Tort: Does not restrict your ability to sue. If you chose the "full-tort" option, you are not eligible for a lower premium. Drivers are barred from pursuing additional claims under limited tort (lawsuits for pain and suffering, for instance). Unless the accident resulted in death or serious injury, recouping money for damages using limited tort coverage is difficult. Limited tort is usually less expensive than full tort.Negligence law allows you to sue someone for causing you harm by accident or recklessness. Negligence occurs when an individual's actions or inaction falls below a reasonable standard of care.

Learn more about tort here:


‼️‼️ Select the table that represents a linear function. (Graph them if necessary.)​


The table that would represent the linear function is option C.

What is a linear function?

In economics, the linear function is frequently used. It is alluring because to how straightforward and manageable it is mathematically. It has several significant uses. A straight line makes up the graph of a linear function.

Any function that depicts a straight line on the coordinate plane is said to be linear. For instance, the equation y = 3x – 2 indicates a straight line on a coordinate plane, indicating that it is a linear function.

When we graph the function that is in the table we are to get a straight line as the output.

Read more on linear functions here:


Other Questions
What is a benefit of a multi-party system in Blockchain? Identify the rhetorical device Wiesel employs in paragraph 1-2. Why does he include it?Passage: Hope, Despair, and Memory By Elie Wiesel (Cuba) what were the events leading up to American possession of influence? Tell the story Marking the correct person Brainliest. Please explain your answers.Fill in the blank: choose the best answers.1. Miss Thomas gives Bud a _____.A. Photograph (the answer i thought it was)B. NewspaperC. DiaryD. Photo Album2. The band members give Bud a _____.A. SaxophoneB. HornC. Drum SetD. GuitarSequencing: Put the follow statements in chronological order, using the numbers 1-5.__ Bud sees his grandpa crying and consoles him.__ Bud shows Miss Thomas a photo of his mother.__ Bud plays his horn for the first time.__ Bud learns that his mom had run away from home.__ Bud gives his rocks and flyers to his grandpa.This is all chapter 19 bud not buddy. Troll answers WILL be reported. 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