the digestive tract is approximately 30 feet long. Food enter the stomach after passing through the 10-inch esophagus.
How many more inches will food need to travel prior to exiting the body?


Answer 1

Food does not immediately fall into your stomach after it has passed through your esophagus. Instead, undulating movements made by the esophageal wall muscles progressively force food through. It takes two or three seconds.

The digestive system, also known as the alimentary canal, extends from the mouth to the anus. The distance varies, nevertheless, depending on the body type. Ectomorphs ("little fat or muscle") can have intestinal distances as little as 6 m and as long as 9 m. ("much fat and muscle").

Your small intestine receives the chyme, or stomach contents, as they slowly exit the stomach. intestines small. The small intestine's muscles combine food with the digestive juices produced by the pancreas, liver, and gut before advancing the combination for further digestion.

Learn more about digestion here:


Related Questions

What is a jab in kickboxing?


A jab is a type of punch used in martial arts. Several variations of the jab exist, but every jab shares these characteristics: while in a fighting stance, the lead fist is thrown straight ahead and the arm is fully extended from the side of the torso. This process also involves a quick turn of the torso.

Which of these is a sign that someone might need help from a health care
provider to address an addiction problem?
A. Begins having conflicts with authority
B. Misses school two days in a row
OC. Begins struggling in math class
D. Skips one swim practice


Answer: A. Begins having conflicts with authority

All other answers are excusable and can be caused by other things than addiction. Once someone begins to have conflict with authority it becomes clear that something isn’t right and they need help.

Kamyra and Chao are arguing about which phase of cell division is shown in the picture above. Kamyra claims that the picture is representing metaphase 1 in meiosis, and Chao claims its metaphase 2 in mitosis. In the space below explain which student is correct and explain why one is correct and the other is wrong. (write down below)


Kamyra is right because he/she claims that the picture is representing metaphase 1 in meiosis since mitosis does not suffer recombination.

What is recombination?

The term recombination or crossing over makes reference to the genetic phenomena for which non-sister chromatids interchange genetic material before cell division, which is critical for increasing the genetic variation of the resulting gametes that will fuse during fertilization to produce the zygote cell.

Mitosis does not involve recombination or crossing over, thereby daughter cells are genetically identical to the parental cell, while meiosis is a cell division that suffers this process in order to generate cells that are not identical to the parental cell.

Therefore, with this information, we can conclude that meiosis is different from mitosis and recombination only occur in meiosis to increase the genetic variation of the resulting gamete cells (i.e. sperm and egg cell).

Learn more about recombination or crossing over here:


History and physical:
George Mayfield is a 68-year-old Black male with a past history of hypertension. He reports that he has not taken his meds the past year because it was “too much bother” and he “felt fine.” He is seen at the Olympia Free Clinic for healthcare. George came to the clinic because of a headache that has been persistent the past week and blurred vision.

Past medical history
• Hypertension
• Unknown immunization history

Social and family history
George is veteran. He has struggled with alcohol abuse in the past but denies ETOH use in the past year. He has been homeless since he lost his job as a mechanic ten years ago and currently lives in his car. He has never married and has no close friends or relatives with whom he stays in contact. He smokes one pack of cigarettes per day.


Current VS PQRST Pain
Temp: 97.8F/36.4C Provoking/Palliative Nothing/nothing
Pulse: 90, regular Quality Dull ache
Resp: 18, regular Region/radiation. Head
BP: 188/96 Severity 7/10
O2 Sat: 93% Room air Timing Constant

Physical examination:
General Clothing soiled, hair and beard unkept. Foul body odor, feet with callouses. Teeth are yellow stained and many are missing with poor dentition
Resp. Breath sounds diminished bilaterally with an occasional strong, dry cough
Cardiac Pink, warm & dry, no edema, heart sounds regular with no abnormal beats, pulses strong, equal with palpation at radial/pedal/post-tibial landmarks
Neuro Alert & oriented to person, place, time, and situation (x4)
GI Abdomen flat, soft/nontender, bowel sounds audible per auscultation in all four quadrants
GU Voiding without difficulty, urine clear/yellow. Voids three times during the night
Skin Dirt on hands and under fingernails, fungal toenails present on both feet, feet persistently itch, are swollen, macerated and moist with peeling of the skin layers between toes on both feet.

Patient case study questions
1. What objective assessment data is relevant and must be interpreted as clinically significant by the nurse? At least 5 data points must be reviewed. There may be more.
Relevant data Clinical significance

2. George is at risk for several barriers to healthcare. Identify three of these barriers. At least 3 barriers must be reviewed. There may be more.
Barrier 1.

Barrier 2.

Barrier 3.

3. Considering the nursing roles of education, advocacy, management of care, collaboration, and leadership, create a list of three nursing interventions at each level of primary, secondary, and tertiary level of care for George. Examples provided do not count towards your three nursing interventions.

Primary Prevention: Keep disease or injury from occurring (AKA Educate)
Ex: Provide resources for personal hygiene such as community shower locations

Secondary prevention: Detect or treat existing disease or injuries (Screen and treat)
Ex. Schedule dentist appointment at free clinic to treat severely diseased teeth

Tertiary prevention: Reduce injury or disease to minimize disability (Rehabilitation)
Ex. Provide education on warning signs of worsening hypertension



If you're conducting a blood culture on a healthy adult male, you will pull __cc of blood into each bottle.


Yes u will pull 4 cc

If you're conducting a blood culture on a healthy adult male, you will pull 10 CC of blood into each bottle.

What is blood culture?

A blood culture may be characterized as a laboratory test that is especially used to check for bacteria, yeast, fungi, or other microorganisms in the blood. Blood cultures can help identify the type of microorganism that is causing an infection.

The blue (aerobic) blood culture bottle should be filled first, then the purple (anaerobic) bottle as the butterfly tubing may contain air. Air entering the purple bottle will impede the growth of anaerobic organisms. Each set of blood cultures consisted of one aerobic and one anaerobic bottle, which were inoculated with blood from a single puncture.

Therefore, if you're conducting a blood culture on a healthy adult male, you will pull 10 CC of blood into each bottle.

To learn more about Blood culture, refer to the link:


An increase in the secretion of hormones and acceleration of the metabolic rate are indicators of which stage in Selye’s pattern of response called general adaption syndrome?

Question 2 options:

Alarm reaction stage

Adjustment stage

Exhaustion stage

Resistance stage


The GAS consisted of three phases: (i) the alarm phase, (ii) the phase of adaptation, and (iii) the phase of exhaustion.

answer: Alarm reaction stage

The alarm reaction stage refers to the initial symptoms the body experiences when under stress. You may be familiar with the “fight-or-flight” response, which is a physiological response to stress. This natural reaction prepares you to either flee or protect yourself in dangerous situations. Your heart rate increases, your adrenal gland releases cortisol (a stress hormone), and you receive a boost of adrenaline, which increases energy. This fight-or-flight response occurs in the alarm reaction stage.

Maintaining a healthy weight comes down to moderation and __________.
muscle mass
nutrients consumed
protein consumed


B the portions are what make you muscle mass doesn’t really have anything to do with it c depends on b and d also depends on c

Maintaining a healthy weight comes down to moderation and portions The correct option is B.

Portion control refers to managing the quantity of food consumed at each meal or snack. It involves being mindful of the appropriate serving sizes and not overeating. By practicing portion control, individuals can better manage their calorie intake and ensure a balanced diet.

Adequate nutrient intake and incorporating protein into meals can support satiety, muscle health, and overall nutrition. However, without portion control, excessive consumption of even nutritious foods can lead to weight gain.

Factors like muscle mass, nutrient consumption, and protein intake play important roles in overall health and weight management, the completion of the statement specifically highlights the significance of moderation and portion control in maintaining a healthy weight.

Thus, the correct option is B.

To know more about Healthy weight, click here:


Type the correct answer in the box. Spell all words correctly.
Why is it a good idea to poke holes in the plastic bags containing vegetables?
Nancy bought packed vegetables from the supermarket. Before storing them, she poked holes in the packets to allow


Before storing the vegetables, Nancy poked holes in the packets to allow air circulation.

What is air circulation?

Air circulation can be defined as the movement and flow of atmospheric air from one point to another such as point A to point B, North pole to South pole, air movement in plastic bag, etc., especially over long distances due to difference in atmospheric pressure.

Generally speaking, vegetables are generally considered as perishable because only very few species of vegetables can be stored at room temperature, for long periods of time.

In this context, we can reasonably and logically deduce that it is a very good idea to poke holes in plastic bags that contain vegetables in order to allow air circulation.

Read more on vegetables here:


Which of the following is TRUE regarding role reversal for older adults?

A. An older individual may require temporary assistance in managing personal affairs.

B. Older people need to be encouraged to rely on others.

C. Schedule shorter time periods for older adults to respond to questions or accomplish tasks.

D. The emphasis should be on perfection, not personal accomplishment


This process, known as "role reversal," is frequently emotionally taxing for both the child and the parent.We frequently hear how difficult it is for seniors and caregivers to adjust to the idea of an adult child "parenting" their elderly parent.

What is role reversal ?

The notion that a daughter or son will begin acting as a parent to his or her parent has taken on a life of its own and has become so cliché that we all sort of accept it.But is "role-reversal" really a thing?While there is no such thing as a "reversal," it is apparent that parent-child relationships change with time.For starters, we do not actually have any legal responsibility for our parents in the same manner that parents have legal obligations to children unless particular powers of attorney, etc. are provided.In the same way, adult children are not automatically in charge of elderly parents.In contrast to children, aging parents have the same legal rights and obligations as anybody else, unless they are determined to be mentally incapable. That does not imply that everything remains unchanged.Most of us "children" should have matured enough by the time we reach adulthood to be on an even footing with our parents by the time we are in our early 20s.This means that, in an ideal world, children and parents should honor and respect one another just as they would their own peers.Nobody feels under pressure to carry out basic adult responsibilities for the other in a parent/adult-child relationship that is healthy.Mutual regard and reverence should endure as our parents age, without anyone feeling "parental." The term "sandwich generation" has become more commonly used to describe adults between the ages of 30 and 55 who are raising both their young children and their elderly parents.An older individual may require temporary assistance in managing personal affairs. Schedule shorter time periods for older adults to respond to questions or accomplish tasks.A relationship disruption known as role reversal occurs when a parent looks to their child to satisfy their wants for comfort, parenting, intimacy, or play, and the child makes an effort to do so. Financial stability, personal security and safety, health care and health issues, mental wellness, and self-actualization are among the basic necessities.This study examines the fundamental requirements that must be addressed, particularly in low- and middle-income nations, for the elderly to age healthily. Inabilities that make it more harder to get out and interact with others add to the social isolation that might develop organically as we age.Empowering your cherished elder makes it simpler with the aid of technology.

       To learn more about role reversal refer


What does muscular strength mean? Give me an example & What does flexibility mean? Give me an example.



Muscular strength is the quantity of force you can put out or the quantity of weight you can lift. Muscular endurance is how many times you can pass that weight without getting exhausted (very tired).

(Meaning of Flexibility: the capacity to bend effortlessly or besides breaking: The shoe was once very bendy due to the fact it is made from a elastic fabric to grant flexibility.


hope this helps you

3. You have re-approached Robert a couple hours later, and he still refuses the shower. He
states he only showered weekly at home. As a compromise, he agrees to take a partial
bath. Which of the following are true: (mark all that are true)
a. You are allowed to make changes to the Plan of Care.
b. The Plan of Care can be changed if approved by your supervisor.
By accommodating his preference for bathing, you are respecting his rights.
d. You can give him a partial bath and document he took a shower.





he is a kid he doesn't have a lot of rights to himself, but he is allowed to choose weather or not he wants to take a shower or a bath.

Enter your healthy eating plan


In a healthy eating diet, we should use vegetables along with fresh fruits.

What is meant by healthy eating plan?

In a healthy eating plan, we should eat vegetables, fruits, grains, and a fat-free diet or low-fat dairy products. Includes lean meats, poultry, fish, beans, eggs, and nuts. Limits saturated and trans fats, sodium, and added sugars. Eating mostly vegetables and fruits is the only way for producing a healthy eating plan.

We had to eat those foods which provide us with a lot of proteins. We should also drink water as much as possible because water supports health. Vegetables, leafy greens, starchy vegetables, and legumes like beans and peas, are very good for a healthy eating plan. We should eat fresh and healthy fruits and vegetables but not canned ones.

So we can conclude that eating vegetables and fresh fruits are considered healthy food.

Learn more about Eating Plan here:


Research on Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) have been shown to:

be nonrelated to later psychopathology, but predictive of later marital problems.

be helpful in developing successful coping skills in children.

be predictive of later psychopathology.

be non-predictive of later psychopathology.


Research on Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) have been shown to be non-predictive of later psychopathology.

The original  Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) study and decades of analysis since have joined ACEs to an magnified risk of developing chronic diseases and activity challenges, together with fatness, autoimmune disorder, depression and alcoholism. The larger the amount of ACEs, the larger the chance for negative outcomes

The CDC-Kaiser Permanente adverse childhood experiences (ACE) study is one amongst the most important investigations of childhood abuse and neglect and family challenges and later-life health and well-being. the first ACE study was conducted at Kaiser Permanente from 1995 to 1997 with 2 waves of knowledge assortment.

To learn more about Adverse Childhood Experiences here


Skeletal changes due to aging include all of the following EXCEPT:

A. Flattening of the spongy "cushion" between the vertebrae in the spine

B. Increase in height and more upright stance

C. Brittle bones that may break more easily

D. Inflamed, stiff, or even deformed joints


The answer is D I think

Skeletal changes due to aging include all of the following EXCEPT inflamed, stiff, or even deformed joints.

Can deformed joints be fixed?

A joint deformity occurs when a joint becomes bent out of shape. This can happen to any joint of the body. Damage to a joint can occur for various reasons. However, it is usually a result of arthritis, fractures, or other injuries.

When a deformity becomes extreme or painful, there are treatments that can be done to help including therapy, medications, bracing, injections, and surgery. Joint fusions and sometimes joint replacement surgery are also considerations.

Occupational therapy: If deformities do occur, treatments typically include exercise and splinting. For patients with severe hand disease, an occupational therapist can design an exercise program, as well as splints, to improve function and often slow the progression of deformity.

Learn more about deformed joints:


What was mark henry goal how did he make and meet



Henry proved to be worthy of the title "World's Strongest Man" not only by winning the contest, but also by achieving it in record time. By doing so he was again seen as the legit "strongest man in the world" by many lifting experts for a second time since 1996.

A condition that has many causes but can be caused by poor diet and exercise and cause cells to multiply out of control is _____.



I believe that the answer is: Obesity

Explanation: Fat cells multiply during excessive weight gain or during rapid weight gain.

To remain healthy, daily fluid intake should be much less than fluid loss.


To remain healthy, daily fluid intake should be much less than fluid loss. Thus, the given statement is false.

What is health?

Health has been defined as a state in which the person has been feeling completely healthy either physically or mentally as well as socially. There are various concepts of health and these are sense of humor, energy, copying well being, nature, and function.

In this world health has the biggest wealth because a person who has been free from disease has the richest person of the world so it has been said that health is wealth.

So to maintain the health people must exercise daily for 20 to 25 minutes and take a diet which has been completely nutritious and provide nutrition to the body.

Therefore, To remain healthy, daily fluid intake should be much less than fluid loss. Thus, the given statement is false.

Learn more about health on:




Explanation: correct on edge

This theorist believes that many behaviors have "survival value". He believed there were critical periods of development when a specific type of learning could take place. He believed in imprinting or creating an emotional bond with a mother.​


According to Bowlby's monotropic theory of attachment, a child's survival depends on their ability to form attachments. Natural selection has shaped attachment habits in both babies and the people who care for them. This suggests that intrinsic traits that guarantee bonding are biologically programmed into infants.

What do you mean by attachment?

The term "attachment" refers to a psychobiological concept that has its roots in evolutionary development and is believed to play a significant role in the social group's ability to survive.

In essence, according to Bowlby's (1988) theory, the collapse of the maternal attachment or inability to establish it would have major detrimental effects, maybe even resulting in affectionless ps According to Bowlby, the baby's bond with the parent is established by a series of intrinsic cues that beckon the adult to the child's side. As time goes on, a truly affectionate attachment forms, backed by the child's growing cognitive and emotional abilities as well as a history of the parent's constant, considerate, and attentive care. Children build a permanent affectionate link with their caretakers as a result of this experience, enabling them to use this attachment figure as a secure foundation over time and space. It functions as an internal working model, or set of expectations, regarding the accessibility of attachment figures, the likelihood of receiving support from them during stressful situations, and the relationship with those figures.

To learn more about Attachment from the given link


When blood collects under the skin, this is known as


Answer: hematoma


How does social media impact the mental, social and emotional well-being of individuals?



Social media impacts the metal well-being of individuals by providing both positive and negative information about the individual (directly or indirectly). Social media impacts the social well-being of individuals by providing chances to socialize with people. Social media impacts the emotional well-being of individuals by making people feel both good and bad about themselves (directly or indirectly).


pls mark brainliest with the crown

According to Newton's second law of motion, acceleration of an object happens when force comes up against something:

Question 7 options:




at an angle.



The answer C "moving"



In your own words, describe the impact of an inaccurate the DRG:


The impact of an inaccurate DRG is that it could end up in improper patient care at another observe, or for a specific service.

Design and development of the Diagnosis Related Groups (DRG) Prospective payment rates supported Diagnosis Related Groups (DRGs) are established because the basis of Medicare's hospital compensation system. Medicare and numerous alternative insurance firms have established DRGs because the foundation of the hospital compensation system. The compensation of the claim relies on the case combine quality.

Patient care refers to the interference, treatment, and management of unwellness and also the preservation of physical and mental well-being through services offered by health professionals.

To learn more about DRG here


Knowing that death and dying is a natural part of the aging process, which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. Broken underarm skin

B. Upright, rigid posture

C. Swollen hands and extremities

D. Movement patterns, speed, balance, and strength


Knowing that death and dying is a natural part of the aging process, the statements which is true is D. Movement patterns, speed, balance, and strength.

At the biological level, ageing results from the impact of the buildup of a large kind of molecular and cellular injury over time. This ends up in a gradual decrease in physical and brain, a growing risk of illness and ultimately death.

Aging method ends up in a definite muscle mass and strength loss. The decline of the muscle strength of individuals, who were younger than forty years, as compared to those, who were older than forty years was ranged between 16.6% and 40.9%.

To learn more about Strength here


How would you respond to the board's desire for a “return on
investment” from this initiative? Is it a reasonable request? Why or why


it was A I’m just playing I really need point cuz my report cards are all E’s

How does the muscular system fight back against the disease


The skeletal muscles fights against the diseases as they play a vital role in maintaining an effective immune system, particularly in serious chronic illnesses.

Body's defense mechanism is the immune system, protecting against pathogens. The relationship between the skeletal system and the immune system can be best understood by Osteo-immunity . They both are made up of complex tissues which often interact in their functions.

The communication between the skeletal muscle and the immune system occurs in different ways. Studies show the importance of a healthy, skeletal muscle to keep glutamine at optimal levels to help in the the immune response. When glutamine concentration decreases under stressful conditions, functions of cells such as lymphocytes and macrophages are  impaired .  In this case, glutamine produced is utilized by the muscle itself.

When the skeletal muscle are damaged, complex cellular events are  required for the restoration of the functionality of muscle fibers. The immune system plays an important part in recognizing the damaged muscles and initiating muscle regeneration.

To know more about muscular system, refer


If health professionals need to give instructions to a client while he or she is in the exhaustion phase of the stress cycle, the instructions should be written true or false


If health professionals need to give instructions to a client while he or she is in the exhaustion phase of the stress cycle, the instructions should be written. The correct answer is "True".

What is an exhaustion phase?

The exhaustion phase is the third and final phase of the stress cycle which shows that an individual has been suffering from stress for a long time. This implies that the body has undergone physiological, emotional, and mental changes while trying to respond to stress.

The exhaustion phase shows the individual was unable to find a solution or get out of the alarm phase and the resistance phase, by showing signs such as tiredness, and not being able to tolerate any stressful activity. This results in prolonged negative effects.

In summary, health professionals should give written instructions to their clients in the exhaustion phase as this would enable them to practice mindfulness. Mindfulness can reduce stress.

Learn more about the exhaustion phase here:


Which of these factors is linked to drug abuse?
A. Genes
B. High self-esteem
C. Lack of access
D. Supportive family members





Answer: the answer is most likely high self esteem


if is not i give you permession to slap me

Getting adequate rest will actually strengthen you in the long run.


The statement "Getting adequate rest will actually strengthen you in the long run" is true.

What is running?

Running is an exercise that comes under cardiovascular exercise. Under running, the heart beats at a faster rate. Running is a good exercise for weight loss and maintaining overall health.

Getting rest will give rest to the muscle, and rest for muscles is very necessary to prevent muscle injuries and pain. In running, the calf muscle gets pain very much. That's why it is necessary for getting rest before running to relax your muscle.

Therefore, the statement is true.

To learn more about running, refer to the link:


20. Many energy drinks contain a
O A. prescription
OB. tolerance
C. proprietary blend
D. herbal blend
of ingredients and don't list the actual amount of each ingredient on the label.



b. tolerance

kindly respect my answer if my answer is wrong please correct it

I’m pretty sure it’s tolerance

Orlando wants to lose some weight. What is the MOST logical and safe way for Orlando to do this?

He should consume more calories than he burns.

He should eat what he wants but then vomit after meals.

He should consume fewer calories than he burns.

He should avoid consuming all food and drink.


Answer: C because if you eat more then you burn, you gain weight but if you burn more then you eat, you lose weight.

C. He should consume fewer calories than he burns.

caloric deficit!!
Other Questions
3. An automatic machine inserts mixed vegetables into a plastic bag. Past experience revealed that some packages were underweight and some were overweight, but most of them had satisfactory weight.What is the probability of selecting four packages that are underweight? In Rodger's state, unemployment compensation is calculated by finding the total of the quarterly wages of two consecutive quarters and dividing by 26. The weekly unemployment is 65% of that amount. In the quarter including January, February, and March, Rodger made a total of $13,950.80. In the quarter including April, May, and June, he made a total of $14,250.10. Find Rodger's weekly unemployment amount. When you're upset, you're___to get into a crash compared to when you're not upset.equally likelymore likelynot likelyless likely Why were Aztecs Storytellers important? Find the area of8 in3 in10 in4.5 Which of the following statements correctly describe(s) the relationship between the classes of hormones and their behavior or function? The general chemical nature of a hormone can be used to predict: how soluble the hormone is in water. whether the hormone will be able to move through the cell membrane. whether the hormone interacts with receptors on the cell membrane. whether the hormone interacts with receptors inside the cell. whether the hormone will increase or decrease a specific cell function. Nolan is deciding between two truck rental companies. Company A charges an initialfee of $90 for the rental plus $2 per mile driven. Company B charges an initial fee of$50 for the rental plus $3 per mile driven. Let A represent the amount Company Awould charge if Nolan drives I miles, and let B represent the amount Company Bwould charge if Nolan drives a miles. Write an equation for each situation, in termsof 2, and determine the number miles driven, , that would make the cost of eachcompany the same. 1. What gives bones their strength?a. mineralsb. osteoclastsc. osteoblastsd. cartilage Find the 7th term in thesequence-4, -8,-16, . . . We tested for halides, phosphates, sulfates, and nitrates. Are these ions water pollutants? what potential health issues could they cause if they are ingested?. 8.When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Natures God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation -1776.The main purpose for writing the document above was to ...... Scenario: Imagine two people, Jones and Smith. Jones and Smith are friends and co-workers and neighbors! One day, Jones tells Smith that he is so happy with his life. His wife and kids love him, his co-workers are all super friendly and respect him, and he gets along super well with the neighbors. Smith agrees with Jones that this is all wonderful. He says, smiling, "We are both lucky that way." Suppose that Jones know that, in fact, none of these things are true about Smith. There are rumors circulating both at work and among the neighbors that smith's wife is unfaithful to him. Smith's kids, who are friends with Jones' kids, regularly complain about what terrible father he is, and Smith's co-workers all say that Smith doesn't pull his weight at the office and hate working with him. Smith however, seems oblivious to all of this and seems to think his life is the same as Jones' life.Suppose further that for Jones, all of these things really ARE true. So while both men have the idea that their lives are a certain way, only one of them has beliefs that truly reflect reality (Jones). Think about Jones and Smith. They are both equally happy but only Jones's beliefs about his life are accurate, while Smith is deceived about his own life. Do you think there are any important differences between their lives? Would it matter to you whether you were living Jones's versus Smith's life (assuming you never discovered which one you were living)? Why or why not? How does this story (of Jones and Smith) tie back to Nozick's "Experience Machine?" Simplify by finding the product of the polynomials below. Then Identify the degree of your answer. When typing your answer use the carrot key ^ (press shift and 6) to indicate an exponent. Type your terms in descending order and do not put any spaces between your characters. (8n-4)(n^2+9) This simplifies to: AnswerThe degree of our simplified answer is: Answer A 1800 kg object moving to the east at 13 m/s, collided with a 200 kg object that was moving to the north at 32 m/s. What was the angle of motion adriana and belen are partners who share income in the ratio of 3:2 and have capital balances of $50,000 and $90,000 at the time they decide to terminate the partnership. after all noncash assets are sold and all liabilities are paid, there is a cash balance of $90,000. how much cash should be distributed to adriana? a.$30,000 b.$20,000 c.$50,000 d.$45,000 An organizational ______ is someone whose accomplishments embody the values of the organization and whose accomplishments are put forth to motivate other employees to do the right thing. Why did the dakota sioux start an uprising in 1862? the us government had not followed through with promises of help. the us government had captured and hanged 38 sioux. the us government forced them to join the military against their will. the us government destroyed a school on their reservation. a river barge travels at an average of 8 mi/h in still water. the barge travels 60 miles up the mississippi river and 60 miles down the river in a total of 16.5 hours. what is the average speed of the current in this section of the mississippi river? round the tenths place. Yvonne wants to use a dissection argument to justify the formula for the area of a circle. She dissects the circle into congruent sectors and reassembles the sectors as a parallelogram-like figure. The diagram below shows the arrangement for a circle dissected into 8 sectors. M Height Base Yvonne knows that as the number of sectors of the circle increases, the reassembled figure becomes closer and closer to an actual parallelogram so that it can be used to determine the area of the circle. Determine the value of each characteristic of the parallelogram in the table below. Select the best value for each characteristic.base of the parallelogram height of the parallelogram area of the parallelogram anzio, inc., has two classes of shares. class b has times the voting rights as class a. if you own of the class a shares and of the class b shares, what percentage of the total voting rights do you hold?