.The first step in the communication process is:
a. encoding the message and selecting the transmission channel
b. transmitting the message through a channel
c. decoding the message and deciding whether feedback is needed
d. transmitting feedback, a response, or a new message through a channel


Answer 1

The first step in the communication process is encoding the message and selecting the transmission channel. Option a is Correct.

Encoding the message involves converting the information or message that needs to be communicated into a form that can be transmitted through a communication channel. This may involve converting the message into a language or code that the recipient can understand, or converting it into a format that can be transmitted through the chosen communication channel, such as text, audio, or video.

Selecting the transmission channel involves choosing the type of communication medium or technology that will be used to transmit the message. This may include choosing between different types of communication channels, such as face-to-face communication, phone calls, emails, text messages, or social media platforms, depending on the urgency and importance of the message, the availability and preferences of the communicators, and the context in which the communication is taking place. Option a is Correct.

Learn more about communication visit: brainly.com/question/26152499


Related Questions

"MrS" comes to the Police Station with important information about Hae's case-specificallythe whereabouts of Hae's body. The police interview Mr. S about his discovery, and seem to build a case against him. What information about MrSand his answers in the interview, present him as suspicious, and a potential suspect? Do you think it's fair for the police to consider Mr. S a suspect to this point? Do you think Mr. S is a reliable source? Explain your reasoning


Mr. S's possession of detailed information about the body's location and potential inconsistencies in his statements make him a suspicious and potential suspect, warranting further investigation.

During the interview, several factors may make Mr. S appear suspicious and potentially a suspect.

Firstly, if Mr. S possesses detailed knowledge about the location of Hae's body, including specific information that was not publicly known, it raises questions about his involvement in the crime.

Additionally, if Mr. S provides inconsistent or contradictory statements, lacks a credible alibi for the time of Hae's disappearance, or has a history of criminal behavior, these factors would further fuel suspicion.

At this point, it is fair for the police to consider Mr. S a suspect.

His knowledge of the body's whereabouts and potential involvement in the crime make him an important person of interest.

However, further investigation is necessary to establish his level of culpability.

Regarding Mr. S's reliability, it is difficult to ascertain without additional information.

If his statements align with evidence, can be corroborated by other witnesses or physical evidence, and are consistent over time, it would enhance his credibility.

Conversely, if his statements are inconsistent, lack supporting evidence, or his motives are questionable, it would cast doubt on his reliability as a source.

The police should thoroughly investigate his claims and cross-reference them with other evidence to determine his reliability.

For more such questions on investigation



In the book white fang, What Did Grey Cub find outside of the cave describe his experience.


In the book "White Fang" by Jack London, Grey Cub, a young wolf pup, explores the world outside of the cave for the first time.

In the book "White Fang" by Jack London, Grey Cub, a young wolf pup, explores the world outside of the cave for the first time.

During his exploration, Grey Cub encounters various natural elements, such as grass, trees, and the vast expanse of the wilderness. He is both curious and cautious as he takes in the new sights, sounds, and smells around him.
Grey Cub's experience is filled with wonder and fear as he navigates the unfamiliar environment.

He discovers the softness of moss under his paws and the warmth of sunlight on his fur, but also experiences the danger and uncertainty of the wild.

He stumbles upon different animals, like a ptarmigan and a weasel, learning valuable lessons about survival and the food chain.
His adventure outside the cave exposes Grey Cub to the harsh realities of life in the wild. He gains a deeper understanding of his place in the world and the delicate balance between life and death.

As he continues to explore, Grey Cub develops the instincts and skills necessary for his survival as a wolf in the unforgiving wilderness.
In summary, Grey Cub's experience outside the cave in "White Fang" is a mixture of curiosity, wonder, and fear as he learns valuable lessons about the natural world, survival, and the cycle of life.

For more such questions on White Fang



when correcting written documentation in a paper record, it is necessary to:


When correcting written documentation in a paper record, it is necessary to take great care in ensuring the accuracy of the correction.

The correction should be made using a different color ink or pencil and should include the date and initials of the person making the correction. It is important to make sure that the original information remains visible and legible, and that any changes are clearly marked and explained. Any errors or discrepancies should be brought to the attention of the appropriate personnel and corrected promptly. Maintaining accurate and up-to-date documentation is essential for ensuring the quality and safety of patient care.

More on documentation: https://brainly.com/question/10150461



Say one quote in chapters 5-8 from the book called “flipped” to describe how Bryce feels in these chapters, include page number



One quote from "Flipped" in chapters 5-8 that describes how Bryce feels is:

"I wish I could say I felt guilty or even remorseful for leading Juli on so long, but I didn't. I felt relieved. And that's the honest truth" (page 74).

This quote shows that Bryce is not interested in Juli and does not feel bad about leading her on, but instead feels relieved to have ended their "relationship." It highlights Bryce's growing sense of frustration and discomfort with Juli's interest in him, which becomes a central theme in these chapters as he struggles to distance himself from her.


“Was I really afraid of hurting her feelings? Or was I afraid of her?" (Chapter 5, p. 62).

Bryce feels confused about his feelings towards Juli. He is conflicted about whether he likes Juli and the attention she gives him, or if he wouldn’t mind not receiving any attention from her at all. Bryce did not know how to act around Juli, which hurt her. He consistently tried to get away from her in situations where she was giving him attention.

In Shaw's Pygmalion, he deals with issues of both gender and class. Choose one of these two issues and explain what overall argument that Shaw makes concerning it. Your answer should be at least one paragraph (6-8 sentences). Use at least 2 quotes from Shaw's play in your answer.


The theme of class is discussed extensively in Shaw's Pygmalion, and Shaw makes a strong case for it.

He opposes the premise that one's social standing determines their worth or level of intelligence, arguing that people are judged based on their character and ability rather than on the social status of their parents or upbringing. should go. Shaw illustrates his point with the example of Eliza Doolittle, a lower-class flower girl.

As Eliza states, "I sold flowers. I didn't sell myself. Now you've made a lady of me, I'm not fit to sell anything else" (Act V). Eliza's change in self-perception and her realization that her worth goes beyond her class are both underlined in this quote.

Additionally, Shaw challenges the aristocratic belief in the inherent superiority of their social position, as Mrs. Higgins remarks, "Really, Mr. Doolittle, you take up the whole room. You would be much more at home in the small talk of the men's smoking room" (Act III).  This quote pokes fun at the notion that sophistication or intelligence is inextricably linked to social class.

Learn more about Pygmalion, here:



the purpose of an implied shape is to lead the viewers eye throughout a composition, whereas the purpose of an implied line is to create a sense of order.


The purpose of an implied shape in a composition is to guide the viewer's eye and create a sense of flow and movement.

Implied shapes are created through the arrangement of various elements, such as lines, colors, and textures, without explicitly defining the shape itself. By strategically placing these elements, artists can direct the viewer's attention and guide their gaze from one area to another within the composition.

On the other hand, the purpose of an implied line is to establish a sense of order and structure in a composition. Implied lines are suggested or hinted at through the arrangement of other elements, such as edges, contours, or repeated shapes. They create a visual connection between different elements, providing a sense of cohesion and organization to the overall composition. Implied lines can also help define boundaries, emphasize relationships, and establish visual pathways for the viewer to follow.

To learn more about Implied shapes, visit here



the purpose of an implied shape is to lead the viewers eye throughout a composition, whereas the purpose of an implied line is to create a sense of order. Explain

Q1. Identify three (3) sources of information you can choose to find out the meaning of medical terminology
Q2. Name three (3) types of medical checklist. What are the checklists used for?

Q3. List two (2) advantages of checklists and two (2) disadvantages of checklists:


Q4. Identify three (3) policies and procedures relating to medical administration that you need to understand

Q5. A health professional has asked you to correct written communication made by a new staff member. How should the following information be written correctly?
a. The patient has experienced a kardiac arrest and is now waiting for the karidologist
b. She was complaining of thorasik tightness and has a history of hypertension
c. The radiologist confirmed that there was nekrotic tissue in the diafram

Q6. If required, who would you present the above written communication to for verification?


Three sources of information to find out the meaning of medical terminology:

Medical DictionariesOnline Medical ResourcesMedical Textbooks and Journals

What is the  medical terminology?

Medical dictionaries is one that offer definitions, pronunciations, and other useful information.

These sources have medical databases, articles, reference materials for medical terminology, and authoritative medical textbooks and journals. They explore medical concepts in detail, using textbooks such as "Gray's Anatomy" or field-specific texts to explain terminology.

Learn more about Medical Dictionaries from



gestures that have a direct verbal translation and need no spoken language are:


There are several gestures that have a direct verbal translation and do not require any spoken language.

Here are a few examples:

"V" for victory: This is a common gesture made with the index and middle fingers extended and held up in a "V" shape. This gesture is often used to celebrate a victory or accomplishment.

"OK" sign: This is a gesture made by making a circle with the thumb and index finger and holding it up to the mouth. This gesture is a universal symbol for approval or agreement.

"Thumbs up" gesture: This is a gesture made by raising the thumb upwards, usually as a way of indicating approval or encouragement.

"Nodding head" gesture: This is a gesture made by moving the head back and forth in a nodding motion. This gesture is often used to indicate agreement or understanding.

"Shaking head" gesture: This is a gesture made by moving the head back and forth in a shaking motion. This gesture is often used to indicate disagreement or disapproval.

These gestures are often used in conjunction with verbal communication, but they can also be used on their own as a way of expressing ideas or emotions without the need for spoken language.  

Learn more about gestures visit: brainly.com/question/14381788


chagall's dreamlike depiction of a man floating over vitebsk is a metaphor for:


Chagall's dreamlike depiction of a man floating over Vitebsk is a metaphor for the sense of freedom and creativity that comes with spiritual liberation.

The strength of Chagall's artistic imagination and how it enabled him to transcend the physical and emotional limitations of his homeland are evident in his picture of a man floating over Vitebsk.

It represents his emancipation from societal norms that restrict daily existence and his escape into a universe of boundless opportunity. Chagall's transition from the ordinary Vitebsk reality to a world without limits, where imagination is king and dreams are infinite, is further supported by the painting's surreal character.

Chagall was a gifted painter who utilized his imagination to depict a picture of life that went beyond the ordinary. He was able to make his ideas, fantasies, and thoughts into breathtakingly gorgeous reality through his work.

To learn more about metaphor link is here



according to the article on expressionism, what art form first used the term '"expressionism"?


Expressionism, as an artistic movement, emerged primarily in the early 20th century. It originated in the field of visual arts, specifically painting, and later influenced.

Artists associated with expressionism sought to express their subjective emotions, inner experiences, and personal perspectives through distorted, exaggerated, and intense representations. They aimed to convey powerful emotional and psychological states rather than an objective representation of the external world.

While the term "expressionism" itself is primarily associated with visual art, its usage and recognition expanded to other art forms over time. Therefore, it would be most accurate to say that the term "expressionism" was first used in relation to painting or visual art.

To learn more about expressionism, visit here



In Australian lore, what crime resulted in humans having many languages?
A. blasphemy
b. pride
c. cannibalism
d. murder


According to Australian Aboriginal lore, the crime that resulted in humans having many languages was pride. In the Dreamtime story, a group of people came together to build a tall tower that would reach the heavens. They were motivated by their pride and a desire to be equal to the gods. Correct option is B

However, the gods were displeased with this act of pride and decided to punish the humans by confusing their language. Each person was suddenly speaking a different language, unable to communicate with one another.

This event is known as the Tower of Babel, a story that is also found in the Bible and other religious texts. However, the Australian Aboriginal version has its own unique elements and symbolism. The punishment of language confusion reflects the importance of language and communication in Aboriginal culture. Language is seen as a sacred gift from the ancestors, a way of connecting with the land and with one another.

The story of the Tower of Babel is a cautionary tale about the dangers of pride and the importance of humility. In Australian Aboriginal culture, it also serves as a reminder of the power of language and the need to respect and preserve it.

Despite the punishment of language confusion, Aboriginal people have managed to maintain their cultural traditions and languages, and continue to share their stories and wisdom with the world.

For more such questions on  Australian Aboriginal



effective communication is 20% what you know and 80% how you feel about what you know.


The statement "Effective communication is 20% what you know and 80% how you feel about what you know" emphasizes the significance of emotions and attitude in the communication process.

While knowledge and expertise are crucial, it is the emotional connection and passion behind that knowledge that truly engages and resonates with others. The way we feel about what we know influences our delivery, enthusiasm, and ability to connect with our audience. Genuine passion and enthusiasm can captivate listeners, making the message more compelling and memorable.

Effective communication underscores the importance of not just conveying information, but also conveying it with conviction, empathy, and a genuine belief in its value.

To learn more about Effective communication, visit here



A logical structure to information is not important as long as you can locate everything you need to complete quality
Please select the best answer from the choices provided


The logical structure to information is important for completing quality research.

The correct answer is: OF

Analyze how the structure of scenes and language used by the characters contribute to a tense mood in isolated scenes from Hotel Rwanda.


The structure of scenes and language used by the characters in the film Hotel Rwanda contribute to a tense mood in a number of ways.

How to explain the information

One way is through the use of close-ups and quick cuts. This creates a sense of urgency and unease, as the viewer is constantly being bombarded with new information.

For example, in the scene where Paul and his family are forced to flee their home, the camera cuts rapidly between shots of the Hutu militiamen, the Tutsi families running for their lives, and the burning buildings. This creates a sense of chaos and panic, and it makes it difficult for the viewer to take in everything that is happening.

Learn more about languages on



3. Which statement best explains what is meant by narrative arc?
O Narrative arc refers to the highest point of action in the story.
O It refers to how the characters and plot are developed.
How a story progresses and moves through the plot stages.
The narrative arc refers to who is telling the story and what his or her point of view is.


Narrative arc is an important concept in storytelling that refers to the progression of a story from its beginning to its end. It describes the path that a story takes, from the introduction of its characters and setting, through the rising action, climax, and falling action, to the resolution or conclusion. In essence, the narrative arc is the backbone of a story, providing structure and coherence to the events that unfold.

At its core, the narrative arc is about how a story progresses and moves through the different stages of the plot. It encompasses everything from the characters' motivations and actions to the various conflicts that they encounter along the way. As the story unfolds, the narrative arc helps to build tension and suspense, drawing the reader or audience deeper into the story.

One of the key elements of the narrative arc is character development. As the story progresses, the characters must grow and change in response to the challenges they face. This evolution is what drives the story forward and gives it meaning. Without strong character development, a story may feel flat or uninteresting, lacking the emotional depth that is necessary to engage the reader or viewer.

Another important aspect of the narrative arc is point of view. This refers to who is telling the story and from what perspective. The choice of point of view can greatly impact the way a story is perceived, shaping the reader or viewer's understanding of the events that unfold.

In summary, the narrative arc is a vital component of storytelling, providing structure and coherence to the events that unfold. It encompasses character development, plot progression, and point of view, and is what gives a story its meaning and emotional depth.

For more such questions on Narrative arc



expository essay on merit and demerit of peer group​


Peer groups provide support and a sense of belonging, but can also lead to negative behaviors and conformity.

Peer groups can have both merits and demerits in shaping individuals' behavior and attitudes.

On the positive side, peer groups provide a sense of belonging, support, and companionship.

They offer opportunities for social interaction, personal development, and the exploration of shared interests.

Through peer influence, individuals can learn valuable skills, gain new perspectives, and develop a sense of identity and self-confidence.

However, peer groups can also have their drawbacks. Negative peer pressure can lead to risky behaviors, such as substance abuse or involvement in criminal activities.

Groupthink can stifle individuality and critical thinking, perpetuating conformity and limiting personal growth.

Additionally, peer groups may reinforce harmful stereotypes or exclusionary behaviors, leading to discrimination or bullying.

To maximize the benefits of peer groups, individuals should strive for positive associations that encourage personal growth, provide support, and foster inclusive attitudes.

Maintaining a balance between independent thinking and group dynamics is crucial.

By being aware of the merits and demerits, individuals can make informed choices and actively participate in peer groups while safeguarding their well-being and personal values.

For more such questions on Peer groups



your teacher are complaining of indiscipline acts in the school write a letter to the headmaster and talk about who acts of indiscipline and how it can control​


Subject: Indiscipline Concerns in the School

I am writing to express concern about rising indiscipline acts among students. It's crucial to implement a comprehensive disciplinary framework to address and control these behaviors.

[Your Name]

[Your Address]

[City, State, ZIP]


The Headmaster

[School Name]

[School Address]

[City, State, ZIP]

Subject: Concerns Regarding Indiscipline Acts in the School

Dear Headmaster,

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. I am writing to express my deep concern regarding the escalating acts of indiscipline within our school community.

As a responsible member of the faculty, it is my duty to bring this matter to your attention in the hope that appropriate measures can be taken to address and curb this issue.

Over the past few months, we have witnessed a rise in various acts of indiscipline among our students. These include persistent tardiness, absenteeism, disrespect towards teachers and staff, bullying incidents, and instances of vandalism.

These acts not only disrupt the learning environment but also pose a threat to the overall well-being and safety of our students.

To control this alarming trend, I suggest implementing a comprehensive disciplinary framework. This framework should include clear guidelines, consequences for indiscipline, and a system for monitoring and reporting such incidents.

Additionally, organizing awareness programs and counseling sessions to help students understand the importance of discipline and respect can also prove beneficial.

Collaboration between teachers, parents, and school administrators is crucial to fostering a disciplined atmosphere.

By working together, we can ensure that our students receive the quality education they deserve and develop into responsible individuals who contribute positively to society.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I remain committed to the well-being and success of our school community and stand ready to assist in any way I can.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name]

[Your Designation]

[Contact Information]

For more such questions on disciplinary framework



zachary likes broadway musicals..


Answer: More than Michael

Which of the following sets of words would be most effective use when introducing students to the concept of structural analysis?
A. Late, great, wait, eight
B. Afraid, obtain, explain, remain
C. Swim, swims, swam. swum
D. Pretest, retest, tested, testing



B. Afraid, obtain, explain, remain


Worksheet 6

B) Use the text to help you write questions for the answers:

In 1890 and 1892 respectively

Arthur Jefferson


No, he hasn’t. He was American

Putting pants on Philip

Because they were so different


Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy were two of the most popular film comedians of all time. They were born in 1890 and 1892, respectively.

1. When were Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy born?

  - In 1890 and 1892, respectively.

Stan Laurel's real name was Arthur Jefferson.

2. What was Stan Laurel's real name?

  - Arthur Jefferson.

Stan Laurel was from England.

3. Where was Stan Laurel from?

  - England.

Oliver Hardy was not from England.

4. Was Oliver Hardy from England?

  - No, he wasn't. He was American.

Their first film together was "Putting Pants on Philip" in 1927.

5. What was their first film together?

  - "Putting Pants on Philip."

Laurel and Hardy were funny because they were so different.

6. Why were Laurel and Hardy funny?

  - Because they were so different.

Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy were two of the most popular film comedians of all time. They were born in 1890 and 1892, respectively. Stan Laurel's real name was Arthur Jefferson.

He was from England. Oliver Hardy was not from England; he was American. Their first film together was "Putting Pants on Philip" in 1927. Laurel and Hardy were funny because they were so different.

For more such questions on film, click on:



Robinson's Crusoe Personality in chapter 1


In Chapter 1 of "Robinson Crusoe," the personality traits of the protagonist, Robinson Crusoe, are portrayed as adventurous, independent, and determined.

He is shown to have a deep desire for exploration and adventure. He disregards his father's wishes for a stable life and instead seeks a life at sea. He exhibits a strong sense of independence. He chooses to embark on a journey against the advice of others, believing in his own abilities to navigate the challenges that lie ahead.

Despite facing storms and hardships during his sea voyage, Robinson Crusoe displays a remarkable level of determination. He doesn't give up easily and continues to pursue his dreams despite setbacks.

Learn more about Robinson's Crusoe, here:



Which of these sentences is an opinion?

Butterflies taste with their feet.

Butterflies are truly amazing creatures.

There are thousands of known species of butterflies.

Every continent except Antarctica has butterflies.



Butterflies are truly amazing creatures.


In TKAM how does the book portray gender roles


In To Kill a Mockingbird, the men were expected to fight for the survival of their households while the women were to be homemakers.

Gender roles in the story

In the story, To Kill a Mockingbird, the traditional roles of members of the family was portrayed. First, the men were portrayed as the hunters who were to fend for their families while women were the homemakers who were to care for their homes.

It is not like the present times where women can also go in search of their daily food.

Learn more about gender roles here:



How does the author of "How to Prepare for a Road Trip" use images to make
the document more clear?
O A. By repeating the images in the heading titles
B. By using a minimum of text to explain key concepts
C. By placing the images together at the end of the document
D. By including detailed descriptions of each image


By including detailed descriptions of each image. This way the author of "How to Prepare for a Road Trip" use images to make the document more clear. Therefore, the correct option is option D.

Author, a person who is the creator of a literary work such as a book, essay, poetry, drama, or other type of literary work that is meant to be published. Typically, a difference is drawn among an author and the people who combine, arrange, or manage literary materials (such a compiler, editor, or translator). However, sometimes a person who gathers information (for publishing) in a way that the final product may be viewed as a somewhat unique work is granted the title of author. By including detailed descriptions of each image. This way the author of "How to Prepare for a Road Trip" use images to make the document more clear.

Therefore, the correct option is option D.

To know more about author, here:



when len first read the article, he thought munificent meant “generous”. He looked it up in the dictionary. was len correct?


Yes Len was correct

Kindly turn __________ the radio


On? There are no options

3. How did Kathrine react to people
trying to stop her from running the
Boston Marathon?



Kathrine did not let people trying to stop her from running the Boston Marathon deter her. She continued to run and became the first woman to complete the race officially.


It would help to provide more information.

chane the sentences into passive voice. 1. They elected Nicole as their President. 4.The officers saw him coming out of the station. 5. The police closed the cinema halls. 6 Nobody remembers him anymore.​




1)Nicole was elected as their president

4)He was seen by the officers when he came out

5)The cinema halls were closed by the police

6)He isn't remembered by anymore by anybody

solo travelling allows the best way to self exploration speech​



it lets you focus on yourself and no-one else


Solo traveling can indeed be an excellent way to engage in self-exploration and personal growth. When you travel alone, you are forced to confront yourself and your thoughts without the distraction of others.


This can provide you with an opportunity to reflect on your life and gain a better understanding of who you are.

Here are some ways in which solo traveling can allow for self-exploration:

1. Stepping outside of your comfort zone: When you travel alone, you are in charge of everything, from planning your itinerary to navigating unfamiliar territories. This can be a challenge, but it also provides a chance to step outside of your comfort zone and confront your fears and limitations.

2. Developing independence and confidence: Solo traveling requires a lot of independence and self-reliance. When you successfully navigate a foreign country or culture on your own, it can boost your confidence and make you feel more self-assured.

3. Time for introspection: Without other people's distractions, you may have more time to think and reflect on your life. This can be an opportunity to reassess your priorities, values, and goals, and to gain a deeper understanding of yourself.

4. Meeting new people: Although you are traveling alone, you will likely meet new people along the way. These interactions can provide new perspectives and insights, and may even lead to new friendships or connections.

Overall, solo traveling can be a valuable way to engage in self-exploration and personal growth. It allows you to step outside of your comfort zone, develop independence and confidence, make time for introspection, and meet new people along the way.

Learn more about solo traveling from


Select the correct answer.
The Knights of the Round Table express their solidarity by wearing a green girdle as Gawain does. Why does Gawain wear the green girdle?
as a symbol of his courage
as a mark of honor
to show his love for nature
as a symbol of his weakness


The Knights of the Round Table express their solidarity by wearing a green girdle as Gawain does. Gawain wear the green girdle D. as a symbol of his weakness

How to explain the information

The answer is: D. as a symbol of his weakness. Gawain wears the green girdle as a symbol of his weakness because he accepted it from Lady Bertilak as a way to protect himself from the Green Knight.

He knew that he was not supposed to accept gifts from other women, but he was afraid of dying and so he broke his code of honor. The green girdle represents Gawain's fear and his lack of faith in himself.

Learn more about knight on



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