the "get tough" period refocused efforts emphasizing _________, ___________, and _____________ during the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s.


Answer 1

During the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s, the "get tough" period in criminal justice System refocused efforts on emphasizing punishment, incarceration, and deterrence as the primary means of addressing crime in the United States.

This period was characterized by a shift away from the rehabilitative approach of the previous decades and towards a more punitive model of justice. This was largely driven by concerns about rising crime rates and a growing perception that the criminal justice system was too lenient on offenders. As a result, policymakers implemented a range of policies designed to increase penalties for criminal offenses, including mandatory minimum sentences, three-strikes laws, and truth-in-sentencing requirements. The "get tough" period also saw a significant expansion of the prison system, with many new facilities being constructed to accommodate the growing number of inmates. However, this approach has been criticized for its ineffectiveness in reducing crime rates and its negative impact on communities disproportionately affected by mass incarceration.

Learn more about criminal justice system here


Related Questions

T/F : In Ephesian, Paul pictures believers as being "in Christ." This is a special relationship with God because they are perfect in Christ.


True. In Ephesians, Paul does indeed describe believers as being "in Christ."

This is a unique and special relationship with God because they are made perfect through Christ. The phrase "in Christ" appears repeatedly throughout the book of Ephesians, emphasizing the importance of this concept to Paul's theology. In Christ, believers are made righteous and holy, and are given the gift of salvation.

In Ephesians, Paul describes believers as being "in Christ." This special relationship with God signifies that they are considered perfect in Christ, as their sins are forgiven and they are united with Him through faith. This concept highlights the transformative power of faith and the spiritual blessings believers receive in this unique relationship.

To know more about Ephesians visit :-


Which of the following is an important component of the client-coach relationship?

A. To engage the client in conversations about professional coaching behavior
B. To establish a client-coach agreement that outlines personal and professional boundaries
C. To make clear the payment, the work details, and the intentions of the client and the coach
D. To follow the ACE Code of Ethics only when coaching a client virtually


The best alternative is option B that is  To establish a client-coach agreement that outlines personal and professional boundaries. This component is important because it sets clear expectations and boundaries for both the client and the coach.

It creates a foundation of trust and respect between the client and coach. By establishing boundaries and expectations upfront, it helps to prevent any misunderstandings or conflicts that may arise during the coaching relationship. It also allows both parties to feel secure and comfortable with the coaching process. establishing a client-coach agreement that outlines personal and professional boundaries is an important component of the client-coach relationship. It sets clear expectations and boundaries, creates a foundation of trust and respect, and helps prevent conflicts or misunderstandings. Establishing a client-coach agreement helps both parties understand their roles, responsibilities, and expectations within the relationship. This agreement ensures that the coaching relationship remains professional, respects boundaries, and promotes a positive environment for growth and development. In the client-coach relationship, it is crucial to establish an agreement outlining personal and professional boundaries to maintain a successful, professional, and respectful partnership. The best alternative is option B that is  To establish a client-coach agreement that outlines personal and professional boundaries.

to know about client-coach visit:


what has become of democracy in russia in the post-soviet era?


Democracy in Russia in the post-Soviet era has faced challenges and exhibited a mix of democratic and authoritarian tendencies.

Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia has undergone political transformations, but the development of a robust and fully functional democracy has been a complex process. While democratic institutions exist, the consolidation of power, limited political competition, and restrictions on civil liberties have raised concerns. The concentration of power in the executive branch, restrictions on media freedom, and the suppression of political opposition have contributed to a narrowing of political space.

The extent of political freedoms, fairness of elections, and protection of civil society remain subjects of debate, highlighting the complex nature of democracy in Russia's post-Soviet era.

To know more about Soviet Union, click here:


how would you describe cyrano’s coping mechanism when valvert makes fun of his nose? to what extent is it effective?


Cyrano de Bergerac, the titular character in the play by Edmond Rostand, demonstrates a coping mechanism characterized by wit, humor, and a quick retort when Valvert makes fun of his nose.

Cyrano's coping mechanism can be described as responding to insults with clever wordplay and verbal banter.

Cyrano's response to Valvert's mockery of his nose is to engage in a battle of words, using his intelligence, wit, and poetic skills to turn the insult into a source of amusement and entertainment. He engages in a rapid-fire exchange of insults and clever comebacks, showcasing his linguistic prowess and deflecting attention away from his physical appearance.

To some extent, Cyrano's coping mechanism is effective in managing the situation. His quick wit and skillful wordplay not only deflect the insult but also serve as a form of self-defense and self-expression. By responding with eloquence and humor, he asserts his intellectual superiority and refuses to allow the insult to wound him deeply.

Cyrano's coping mechanism also serves to entertain and impress those around him, including the audience. His ability to craft poetic and humorous responses demonstrates his strength of character and resilience. Additionally, his coping mechanism becomes a defining characteristic of his personality throughout the play, emphasizing his pride, bravery, and refusal to let external judgments define him.

However, it is important to note that while Cyrano's coping mechanism may provide temporary relief and create an illusion of strength, it does not fully address the underlying pain or insecurity associated with the mockery of his physical feature. It is a form of defense that masks vulnerability and can be seen as a way for Cyrano to avoid directly confronting the deeper emotional impact of the insult.

In summary, Cyrano's coping mechanism involves responding to Valvert's insult with clever wordplay and humor. While it is effective in deflecting the insult and showcasing his intelligence, it also serves as a defense mechanism to mask underlying vulnerabilities and may not fully address the emotional impact of the situation.

Learn more about vulnerability here:


in terms of friendships, ethnic boundaries may become sharper during adolescence due to


During adolescence, friendships can lead to sharper ethnic boundaries due to various factors such as the desire for identity exploration and the influence of peer pressure.

Adolescence is a crucial stage for identity development, and individuals often seek to establish a sense of belonging and self-identity. This can lead to the formation of cliques or social groups that are based on shared characteristics, including ethnicity. Adolescents may feel a stronger need to explore and affirm their ethnic identity during this time, which can result in them seeking out friends who have similar ethnic backgrounds.

Additionally, peer pressure plays a significant role in shaping adolescent friendships. Adolescents are highly influenced by their peers and may face pressure to conform to social norms within their ethnic group. This pressure can lead individuals to prioritize friendships with peers who share their ethnicity, as it provides a sense of validation and acceptance within their community. Consequently, ethnic boundaries may become sharper as individuals intentionally or unintentionally exclude those from different ethnic backgrounds from their social circles.

To learn more about adolescence click here:


which region in the continental u.s. has the highest hazard associated with volcanoes and why?


The region in the continental U.S. that has the highest hazard associated with volcanoes is the Pacific Northwest.

This is because the region is located along the Cascadia Subduction Zone, where the Juan de Fuca Plate is being subducted beneath the North American Plate. This subduction zone creates a potential for large earthquakes, which can trigger volcanic activity.

In addition, there are several active volcanoes in the region, including Mount St. Helens, Mount Rainier, and Mount Hood, which have all had significant eruptions in the past and are considered to be potentially active. The combination of seismic activity and active volcanoes in the Pacific Northwest make it the region with the highest volcanic hazard in the continental U.S.

To know more about volcanoes visit:


in cases involving teachers' freedom of expression, courts have considered


In cases involving teachers' freedom of expression, courts have considered several factors to determine the extent to which teachers' rights are protected.

Some of the factors that courts may consider include:

1. The Context of the Expression: Courts examine the context in which the expression takes place, including whether it occurs inside or outside the classroom, during instructional time, or in personal or public forums.

2. Disruption to the Learning Environment: Courts assess whether the teacher's expression disrupts the learning environment, interferes with the education process, or undermines the school's ability to maintain discipline and order.

3. Speech Related to Curriculum: Courts may consider whether the teacher's expression is related to the curriculum, instructional objectives, or the subjects they teach. Speech that is relevant to the educational goals and purposes of the school may receive greater protection.

4. Public Concern and Personal Opinions: Courts evaluate whether the teacher's expression addresses matters of public concern or relates to their personal opinions on broader societal issues. Speech on matters of public concern is generally afforded stronger protection.

5. Professional Duties and Responsibilities: Courts consider the teacher's professional duties and responsibilities, including their role as an authority figure, the need for impartiality, and the potential impact on students.

It is important to note that the specifics of teachers' freedom of expression rights can vary depending on the jurisdiction and applicable laws. Court decisions in different countries may differ in their interpretation and balancing of these factors. Ultimately, courts strive to strike a balance between teachers' rights to expression and the legitimate educational interests of the school and its students.

Learn more about education here:


Which employs the vast majority of the federal civilian workforce?


The federal civilian workforce consists of employees who work for the federal government in a variety of roles and departments.

The vast majority of these employees are employed by the Department of Defense, which is responsible for the nation's military defense. The Department of Defense employs over 700,000 civilian workers, making it the largest employer of federal civilian workers in the United States.

Other large employers of federal civilian workers include the Department of Veterans Affairs, the Department of Homeland Security, and the Department of Justice. These departments are responsible for providing services to veterans, protecting the nation's borders, and enforcing federal laws, respectively.

Overall, the federal government employs around 2 million civilian workers, with the vast majority working in these large departments. These workers are responsible for carrying out the policies and programs of the federal government, and they play an important role in ensuring the well-being and security of the country.

To know more about Department of Defense visit:


social scientist use the term paralanguage to describe the way a message is spoken, is used to explain ____________.


Social scientists use the term paralanguage to describe the way a message is spoken, which helps explain nonverbal elements of communication such as tone, pitch, volume, and rhythm.

Paralanguage refers to the vocal cues and features that accompany verbal communication but are not part of the actual words spoken. It includes aspects like intonation, emphasis, pacing, and pauses, which contribute to the overall meaning and interpretation of a message. These nonverbal elements of communication play a crucial role in conveying emotions, attitudes, and intentions. For example, the tone of voice can indicate sarcasm, excitement, anger, or sincerity. The pitch and volume of a voice can convey confidence, authority, or uncertainty. The rhythm and pacing can influence the perceived level of engagement or interest. By studying paralanguage, social scientists gain insights into the subtle nuances of human communication and how these cues impact the interpretation and reception of messages. Understanding paralanguage helps researchers analyze interpersonal dynamics, cultural differences, and the influence of nonverbal communication on social interactions.

Learn more about paralanguage here:


according to the text, texas has had ___________ constitutions.


According to the text, Texas has had six constitutions.

According to the text, Texas has had a total of seven constitutions. The first constitution was written in 1827 when Texas was still a part of Mexico. After gaining independence from Mexico in 1836, Texas adopted its second constitution in the same year. The third constitution was adopted in 1845 when Texas became a state in the United States. The fourth constitution was adopted in 1861 when Texas seceded from the United States and joined the Confederacy. The fifth constitution was adopted in 1866 after the end of the Civil War when Texas was readmitted to the United States. The sixth constitution was adopted in 1869 during the period of Reconstruction. Finally, the current and seventh constitution was adopted in 1876 and has been amended many times since then.

To know more about six constitutions  visit :-


according to georg simmel, how do city dwellers relate to one another?


Georg Simmel argued that city dwellers relate to one another through a form of detachment or reserve. This is due to the large number of people in cities, which can create a sense of anonymity and individualism.

Simmel believed that this detachment allowed for the creation of social relationships based on mutual interest and benefit, rather than emotional attachment.

City dwellers are able to maintain a level of independence and freedom, while still participating in social interactions with others.

Simmel also noted that city life can lead to a sense of restlessness and a constant search for stimulation, as the fast-paced environment can be both exhilarating and overwhelming.

Overall, Simmel believed that city life created a unique social dynamic, where individuals are connected through shared experiences and interests, rather than deep emotional connections.

To know more about Georg Simmel refer here:


which statement best summarizes the leader-member exchange (lmx) theory?


The leader-member exchange (LMX) theory suggests that leaders develop different relationships with their followers based on their levels of trust, respect, and mutual obligations.

In other words, leaders tend to form an "in-group" with certain followers who they deem to be high-performers and trustworthy, and an "out-group" with others who they view as less competent or untrustworthy.

These high-quality relationships are characterized by open communication, shared goals, and mutual support, leading to greater job satisfaction and commitment from both the leader and the follower. Overall, the LMX theory emphasizes the importance of personalized leadership and the need for leaders to tailor their approach to each individual follower.

To know more about leader-member exchange, refer to the link:


Advancement to chief petty officer is largely based on:_______


Advancement to chief petty officer is largely based on:

The specific criteria and weightage given to each factor may vary between different branches of the military or even within different ratings within the Navy.

Advancement to Chief Petty Officer (CPO) in the military, particularly in the United States Navy, is primarily based on several factors, including:

Performance Evaluations:

The individual's performance evaluations, also known as Fitness Reports or Evaluations, play a significant role in the advancement process.

These reports assess the candidate's job performance, leadership abilities, technical expertise and adherence to military values.

Time in Service:

Candidates must meet specific time-in-service requirements to be eligible for advancement to CPO.

The exact time requirements may vary depending on the branch of the military and specific rating (job) within the Navy.

Professional Military Education:

Completion of required professional military education courses is essential for advancement to the rank of CPO.

These courses enhance leadership skills, provide specialized knowledge and prepare candidates for increased responsibilities.

Performance on Advancement Exams:

Advancement exams test the candidate's knowledge in their specific rating and evaluate their readiness for increased responsibility.

These exams assess both technical knowledge and general military subjects.

Leadership Potential:

Demonstrated leadership potential, including the ability to lead and mentor junior personnel, is an important factor considered during the selection process.

Leadership abilities are assessed through performance evaluations, interviews and input from superiors and peers.

Personal Conduct and Character:

The candidate's personal conduct, adherence to military regulations and ethics, and demonstration of good character are taken into account during the evaluation process.

This includes factors such as discipline, integrity, professionalism and adherence to Navy core values.

The promotion process may also involve a selection board that reviews the qualifications of eligible candidates before making final promotion decisions.

For similar questions on chief petty

why is a candidate's moving to the left or the right during the nomination phase both an advantage and a disadvantage?


When a candidate moves to the left or right during the nomination phase, it can be both an advantage and a disadvantage for them. On one hand, moving to the left or right can help the candidate appeal to the base of the party, which can result in more support and votes during the primary elections.

For example, if a Democratic candidate moves to the left on certain issues such as healthcare or climate change, they may gain support from progressive voters. Similarly, if a Republican candidate moves to the right on issues such as immigration or gun control, they may gain support from conservative voters. On the other hand, moving to the left or right during the nomination phase can also be a disadvantage for the candidate. If they move too far to the extreme end of the political spectrum, they risk alienating moderate voters who may be crucial in the general election. This can make it difficult for the candidate to win in a general election where the majority of voters may not share the same extreme views. Additionally, if a candidate changes their position too often, they may be seen as inconsistent or lacking in conviction, which can hurt their overall credibility.
Furthermore, moving to the left or right can also have implications for a candidate’s fundraising and support from interest groups. For example, if a Democratic candidate moves to the left on certain issues, they may attract support and funding from progressive groups and donors. However, they may also lose support from moderate or conservative donors who may not agree with the candidate’s views. Similarly, if a Republican candidate moves to the right on certain issues, they may attract support and funding from conservative groups and donors. However, they may also lose support from moderate or liberal donors who may not agree with the candidate’s views.

Learn more about candidate here:


what would be the likely process characteristics of the typical college dining hall?


The likely process characteristics of the typical college dining hall would involve a high volume of customers, with a focus on quick and efficient service to accommodate the large numbers of students.

College dining halls often serve hundreds, if not thousands, of students each day, which means that the process characteristics of the facility need to be optimized for efficiency. This might involve a self-serve buffet or cafeteria-style setup that allows students to quickly grab food and move through the line, or it could involve a more structured system where students are served by staff members at various stations throughout the dining hall.

Additionally, college dining halls may need to be able to adapt quickly to changing demand, such as during peak meal times or special events, and should have systems in place to manage inventory, ordering, and other logistical concerns.

1. Batch processing: College dining halls usually serve meals in large quantities, which means they cook and prepare food in bulk or batches. This allows them to cater to a large number of students efficiently.

2. Customization: Although dining halls serve meals in bulk, they often provide various options to accommodate different dietary preferences and restrictions. This includes offering vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, and other specialized options for students.

3. Speed: Since college students have busy schedules, dining halls need to have a fast service. They ensure that food is prepared and served quickly to minimize waiting time for students. This is achieved by using efficient cooking methods, having pre-prepared food items, and maintaining a streamlined serving process.

To Know more about high volume


p, the true population proportion that would have answered yes to this question


The parameter for which we can construct a confidence interval based on the given data is "p" or the population proportion. We can use the sample proportion (p-hat) and the sample size (1572) to calculate the confidence interval for the population proportion. Here option B is ht correct answer.

In order to determine which parameter we can construct a confidence interval for, we need to understand the context of the question and the data provided.

The question asked in the General Social Survey was whether people believe it should be the government's responsibility to provide decent housing for those who can't afford it. The survey collected responses from 1572 randomly selected people, out of which 240 individuals answered "definitely should."

Now, let's analyze each option to determine which parameter we can construct a confidence interval for:

a) mu: This typically represents the population mean. However, the question asked in the survey is not related to a numerical value, so constructing a confidence interval for the population mean is not applicable in this case.

b) p: This represents the population proportion. In this scenario, we can consider "p" as the proportion of the entire population that believes it should be the government's responsibility to provide decent housing for those who can't afford it. Since the question asked in the survey relates to a proportion, we can construct a confidence interval for "p."

c) p-hat: This represents the sample proportion. The given data provides the number of individuals (240) who answered "definitely should" out of the sample of 1572 respondents. Therefore, we can calculate the sample proportion (p-hat) by dividing 240 by 1572. Constructing a confidence interval for the sample proportion is possible in this case.

d) sigma: This typically represents the population standard deviation. However, the given data does not provide any information about a numerical variable with a standard deviation, so constructing a confidence interval for the population standard deviation is not applicable here.

To learn more about population proportion


Complete question:

In 1996, the General Social Survey (which uses a method similar to simple random sampling) asked, "On the whole, do you think it should be the government's responsibility to provide decent housing for those who can't afford it?" For this question, 240 people said that it definitely should out of 1572 randomly selected people. We will make a 90% confidence interval for:

a) mu

b) p

c) p-hat

d) sigma

when a person pictures himself succeeding in achieving a goal, he is using



When a person pictures himself succeeding in achieving a goal, he is using a technique known as visualization. Visualization is the practice of creating a mental image of a desired outcome, which can help to increase motivation and focus toward achieving that goal.


Stimulus generalization occurs: a. only when a response is followed by a reinforcer. b. only to those with a high capacity to learn. c. after extinction. d. when a conditioned response is elicited by stimuli similar to the CS


Stimulus generalization occurs when a conditioned response is elicited by stimuli similar to the conditioned stimulus (CS). This phenomenon is represented by option (d) in the given choices.

In the process of classical conditioning, stimulus generalization refers to the tendency of a learned response to be elicited by stimuli that are similar, but not identical, to the original conditioned stimulus. This helps organisms to adapt and respond to their environment more effectively, as they can apply their learned experiences to new, yet similar situations.

To sum up, stimulus generalization is a crucial aspect of the learning process that allows individuals to extend their conditioned responses to similar stimuli, thus enhancing their adaptability to various circumstances.

To know more about stimuli visit:

how does same-sex or other-sex childhood sexual exploration influence adult sexual orientation?


There is no hard evidence that such experiences influence adult sexual interests as mentioned in the question.

Persistent patterns of romantic or sexual attraction (or a combination thereof) to people of the same or same sex, opposite or opposite sex, bisexual, or multiple genders are called sexual orientations. These ailments are usually classified as heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual, with asexuality sometimes listed as her fourth category.

These classifications are aspects of sexual terminology and the more complex nature of sexual identity. People may even label themselves pansexual, polysexual, or not at all. Sexual orientation "also refers to an individual's sense of identity based on belonging to those stimuli, their associated behaviors, and communities of others who share those stimuli," explains the American Psychological Association.

To learn more about sexual orientation, here:


To determine whether a preference is a reinforcer, compare behavior rates when the preferred item is presented after the behavior with behavior rates when
A. no specific consequence is delivered
B. a known neutral consequence is delivered
C. either a or b


To determine whether a preference is a reinforcer, one can compare the behavior rates when the preferred item is presented after the behavior with behavior rates when either no specific consequence is delivered or a known neutral consequence is delivered. So the correct answer here is option C. either a or b.

Reinforcement is an important concept in behavior analysis that involves using consequences to increase the likelihood of a behavior occurring again in the future. One way to determine whether a preference is a reinforcer is to compare the behavior rates when the preferred item is presented after the behavior with behavior rates when no specific consequence is delivered or a known neutral consequence is delivered. If the behavior occurs more frequently when the preferred item is presented, it is likely that the preference is a reinforcer.

Comparing behavior rates when the preferred item is presented after the behavior with behavior rates when no specific consequence is delivered or a known neutral consequence is delivered can help determine whether a preference is a reinforcer. This is an important concept in behavior analysis that can be used to increase the likelihood of desired behaviors occurring in the future.

To know more about reinforcer visit:

tradition of criminology involves the belief in a rational mind, the idea that individuals want to maximize thier pleasure and minimize theirpain


It's important to note that criminology as a field has evolved over time, and there are other perspectives and theories that provide alternative explanations for criminal behavior.

The tradition of criminology you're referring to is known as classical criminology or the classical school of thought in criminology. Classical criminology emerged in the 18th century and is associated with thinkers like Cesare Beccaria and Jeremy Bentham. It is characterized by several key principles, including the belief in a rational mind and the idea that individuals seek to maximize pleasure and minimize pain.

According to classical criminology, individuals are rational beings who make choices based on their own self-interest. It suggests that people engage in criminal behavior when they perceive the benefits of committing a crime to outweigh the potential costs or punishments associated with it. This perspective assumes that individuals have free will and are capable of making rational decisions.

Classical criminology also emphasizes the importance of deterrence in preventing crime. Deterrence theory posits that the threat of punishment can deter individuals from engaging in criminal behavior. The severity, certainty, and swiftness of punishment are considered key factors in deterring potential offenders.

However, it's important to note that criminology as a field has evolved over time, and there are other perspectives and theories that provide alternative explanations for criminal behavior. These include biological, psychological, sociological, and economic theories, among others. While classical criminology offers valuable insights into the understanding of crime, contemporary criminologists often take a multidisciplinary approach, drawing on various theories and perspectives to explore the complex nature of criminal behavior.

learn more about behavior


the modern style lin chose for the vietnam veterans monument included the use of a stone called which is a black, shiny stone.


The Vietnam Veterans Memorial, designed by Maya Lin, is a prominent example of modern style architecture. Lin chose to use a material called "black granite" for the construction of this monument, which is a black, shiny stone.

The black granite was sourced from India and is known for its reflective surface, durability, and elegant appearance.
The use of black granite in the Vietnam Veterans Memorial serves several purposes. Firstly, it creates a solemn and respectful atmosphere, fitting for a memorial dedicated to those who have sacrificed their lives.

Secondly, the reflective surface allows visitors to see their own reflections alongside the engraved names, fostering a sense of connection between the living and the fallen.
This modern and minimalist design by Maya Lin has made the Vietnam Veterans Memorial one of the most iconic and powerful monuments in the United States. The combination of the black granite and the simple yet impactful design resonates with the public and offers a contemplative space to honor and remember the individuals who served during the Vietnam War.

Learn more about Vietnam Veterans Memorial :


identify and explain the 4 types of congressional committees




Standing Committees. ...

Subcommittees. ...

Select Committees. ...

Joint Committees. ...

Committee of the Whole.

seeing oneself as unique also appears in people's self-concepts.


Yes, seeing oneself as unique is indeed a common aspect of people's self-concepts. Many individuals have a need for uniqueness and a desire to differentiate themselves from others.

This can manifest in various ways, such as expressing one's personal style, pursuing unique hobbies or interests, or emphasizing individual strengths and qualities. The perception of uniqueness in one's self-concept can contribute to a sense of identity and self-worth. It allows individuals to feel special and distinct from others, which can positively influence their self-esteem and overall well-being. Additionally, the recognition of one's uniqueness can also influence interpersonal relationships and social interactions, as it contributes to the diversity and richness of human interactions and connections.

Learn more about uniqueness here:


if a patient sought out treatment from a therapist who used traditional psychoanalysis, which of the following techniques might the therapist use? group therapy free association systematic desensitization clarification assessment question a feature that is more common in psychoanalytic therapy than in client-centered therapy is: genuineness. unconditional positive regard. resistance. accurate empathy.


If a patient sought out treatment from a therapist who used traditional psychoanalysis, the therapist might use techniques such as free association, clarification, and assessment to help the patient gain insight into their unconscious thoughts and feelings.

What are other features?

One feature that is more common in psychoanalytic therapy than in client-centered therapy is resistance, which refers to the patient's unconscious defense mechanisms that hinder the therapeutic process.

The therapist in psychoanalytic therapy may also focus on transference, where the patient unconsciously projects their feelings onto the therapist.

Overall, psychoanalytic therapy aims to uncover unconscious conflicts and promote insight and self-awareness.

To know more on psychoanalysis visit:


determine which properties a relation has from its digraph. incorrect response reflexive antisymmetric correct answerincorrect response symmetric transitive


A relation has the properties of being symmetric and transitive if these properties are evident in its digraph.

A relation can be represented using a directed graph or digraph, where the elements of the relation are represented by the vertices, and the edges indicate the relationship between them. The properties of a relation, such as reflexivity, symmetry, antisymmetry, and transitivity, can be determined from the digraph.

Reflexivity refers to the property of a relation where every element is related to itself. This property can be represented by loops or self-edges in the digraph. If a relation is reflexive, the digraph will contain loops or self-edges for every vertex.

Symmetry refers to the property of a relation where if element a is related to element b, then element b is also related to element a. In the digraph, this means that if there is an edge from vertex a to vertex b, there should also be an edge from vertex b to vertex a.

Antisymmetry refers to the property of a relation where if element a is related to element b, then element b cannot be related to element a, unless a and b are the same.

In the digraph, this means that if there is an arrow from vertex a to vertex b, there cannot be an arrow from vertex b to vertex a, unless a = b. If a relation is antisymmetric, the digraph will not contain any pairs of vertices with arrows pointing in both directions.

Transitivity refers to the property of a relation where if element a is related to element b, and element b is related to element c, then element a is related to element c.

In the digraph, this means that if there are arrows from vertex a to vertex b and from vertex b to vertex c, there should also be an arrow from vertex a to vertex c. If a relation is transitive, the digraph will contain arrows connecting all chains of three or more related vertices.

For more such questions on relation visit:


which of the following is a primary reason an ems system gathers data from patient care reports


EMS systems gather data from patient care reports for a variety of reasons, but one primary reason is to evaluate the effectiveness of their services and improve patient care.

By analyzing the data collected from patient care reports, EMS systems can identify trends, assess their response times and treatment protocols, and make necessary changes to improve their services. Additionally, EMS systems use patient care reports to document the care provided to each patient, which is crucial for legal and liability purposes. The data collected from patient care reports can also be used for research and education purposes, which can help advance the field of EMS and improve patient outcomes. In summary, the collection and analysis of data from patient care reports is a critical component of EMS systems, as it helps them to improve their services, document patient care, and advance the field of emergency medical services.

To know more about EMS visit:


once a researcher has developed a hypothesis, his next step in the scientific method is to:


Once a researcher has developed a hypothesis, the next step in the scientific method is to design and conduct experiments or gather data to test the hypothesis.

This step is typically referred to as "experimentation" or "data collection."

The researcher will plan and execute a study or experiment that aims to gather empirical evidence to either support or refute the hypothesis. The specific methodology and design of the study will depend on the nature of the research question and the available resources.

During this phase, the researcher will carefully control variables, select appropriate participants or samples, apply specific procedures, and collect relevant data. The data collected will then be analyzed using statistical or qualitative methods, depending on the research design and objectives.

Through experimentation and data collection, the researcher aims to gather empirical evidence that can either support the initial hypothesis or lead to its modification or rejection. This process allows for the advancement of scientific knowledge and the development of more accurate and reliable theories or explanations.

Learn more about resources here:


when an area around a vehicle is not available to the driver, it is called a:___


If the area around the vehicle is inaccessible to the driver, it is called a 'blind spot'.

Blind spots are areas around the vehicle that cannot be seen by the driver through the rear-view or side mirrors. It usually occurs on the sides and slightly behind the vehicle where other vehicles or objects cannot be seen. Blind spots can pose a safety hazard as they can lead to potential collisions if the driver cannot see vehicles or objects in the area.

Drivers physically turn their head and use additional methods such as shoulder checks and blind spot mirrors to check blind spots and ensure blind spots are clear before making lane changes or maneuvers. is important.

To know more about Blind spot visit :


these programs provide technical and emotional support to employees who are being terminated.


Programs that provide technical and emotional support to employees who are being terminated are commonly referred to as outplacement services. These services offer a range of resources to help employees transition to new employment, including career counseling, resume writing assistance, job search strategies, interview coaching, and more.

Outplacement services are typically offered by companies to support employees who have been laid off or otherwise terminated. These services aim to minimize the negative impact of job loss on employees by providing them with the tools, resources, and support they need to quickly find new employment. Outplacement services can be especially beneficial for employees who have been with a company for a long time or who have specialized skills that may not be in high demand in their local job market. By offering outplacement services, companies can help former employees feel valued and supported even during a difficult time, which can enhance their reputation as an employer and improve morale among remaining staff.

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.A financier whose specialty is investing in movie productions has observed that, in general, movies with "big-name" stars seem to generate more revenue than those movies whose stars are less well known. To examine his belief he records the gross revenue and the payment (in $ millions) given to the two highest-paid performers in the movie for ten recently released movies.MovieCost of Two Highest Paid Performers ($mil)Gross Revenue ($mil)15.34827.26531.31841.82053.53162.626787382.42394.539106.758Estimate with 95% confidence the average gross revenue of movies whose top two stars earn $5.0 million. Before buying goods and services on credit, a consumer should consider all of the following exceptA. Whether the good or service will have lasting value.B. Whether the good or service will increase personal satisfaction during present income periods.C. Whether the good or service will increase personal satisfaction during future income periods.D. Whether current income will continue or increase.E. Whether the good or service will be worth more because it was purchased with credit instead of cash. why is it now a challenge to use phone numbers for drawing a simple random sample? the separation of observation and reporting from the researcher's wishes refers to:_____ Can someone help with these two pages? if a railroad grade crossing has no warning devices or only a crossbuck sign, you should it is usually most economical to ship bulky nonperishable items, such as coal and iron ore, by Both the COMPLETE SUBJECT and SIMPLE SUBJECT include modifiers. False which of the following sedimentary units would have the highest primary porosity?group of answer choices a. conglomerate b. poorly sorted c. sandstone d. fractured shale e. crystalline limestone the shift from manufacturing to service occupations in the u.s. economy has contributed to: 58) too young, incorporated, has a bond outstanding with a coupon rate of 7.2 percent and semiannual payments. the bond currently sells for $1,863 and matures in 21 years. the par value is $2,000. what is the company's pretax cost of debt? multiple choice 8.21% 8.49% 7.87% 3.88% what term describes the area where the land and ocean meet and overlap? trisha's small group of friends does most everything together. this is her: draw the curved arrow mechanism to show the conversion of one equivalent of 1,5-hexadiene and hbr into c6h11br. q 12.8: what is the result of an increase in accounts payable during a period? scientists found the fossilized remains of a canine's jaw and leg. what information must first be obtained before the scientists can place the fossils in the ancestral time line of the dog? f the rest of the skeleton g the continent where the fossils were found h the population trends for the species j the age of the fossils Which statement correctly about East-West Conflict in Europe during the Cold War in 1948 - 1949a. The Allied powers divide Germany and Berlin into four sectors.b. German citizens vote to reunite East and West Germany.c. The United States and Great Britain airlift supplies to West Berlin.d. The United Nations sends troops into Eastern Europe. a typical total product curve goes through four stages. what is the correct order for these stages?A. increases at an increasing rate, increases at a decreasing rate, reaches a maximum, decreasesB. increases at a decreasing rate, increases at an increasing rate, reaches a maximum, decreasesC. increases at an increasing rate, reaches a maximum, increases at a decreasing rate, decreasesD. increases at an increasing rate, increases at a decreasing rate, decreases, reaches a maximum taxes on labor tend to increase the number of hours that people choose to work when used for advanced carcinoma of the prostate, chronic administration of leuprolide inhibits the synthesis of androgens by