the glass-steagall act, which was repealed in 1999, prohibited commercial banks from:


Answer 1


The Glass-Steagall Act prevented commercial banks from speculative risk-taking to avoid a financial crisis experienced during the Great Depression. Banks were limited to earning 10% of their income from investments. The regulation was met with criticism and was repealed in 1999 under President Clinton.


Answer 2

The Glass-Steagall Act was a federal law passed in 1933 that separated commercial banks from investment banks. The act was aimed at preventing conflicts of interest and protecting depositors from risky investments made by commercial banks. Under the law, commercial banks were prohibited from engaging in activities such as securities trading, underwriting, and brokerage services.

The Glass-Steagall Act, enacted in 1933 and repealed in 1999, prohibited commercial banks from engaging in investment banking activities. This separation aimed to reduce financial risks and prevent conflicts of interest. By restricting commercial banks to traditional banking services like accepting deposits and providing loans, the Act aimed to protect depositors' funds and maintain financial stability in the banking sector. However, in 1999, the Glass-Steagall Act was repealed, and this allowed commercial banks to engage in investment banking activities. This move was widely criticized for contributing to the financial crisis of 2008. Some experts argue that the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act led to an increase in risky investments by commercial banks, which eventually resulted in the collapse of the financial system. This is the impact of the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act on commercial banks.

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Related Questions

which of the following is a manifestation of the commitment to private prayer?


One of the manifestations of the commitment to private prayer is having a Book of Hours.

A Book of Hours is a devotional book containing a collection of prayers, hymns, and psalms. It is called a Book of Hours because it is divided into eight sections, each corresponding to a specific time of day for prayer. The Book of Hours was popularized in the Middle Ages and was often used by religious orders and individuals who sought to deepen their spiritual life through prayer.

Having a Book of Hours is a sign of one's dedication to their faith and their desire to communicate with God in a personal and intimate way. It shows a commitment to setting aside time for prayer and reflection on a daily basis. The act of using a Book of Hours can also help individuals develop a sense of discipline and structure in their prayer life, which can lead to a deeper understanding and connection with God.

In addition, the use of a Book of Hours can also be seen as a way to carry on the tradition of prayer that has been passed down through generations of Christians. It is a tangible representation of the spiritual practices and beliefs of those who came before us, and it allows us to participate in that tradition and connect with our spiritual heritage.

Overall, having a Book of Hours is a powerful manifestation of one's commitment to private prayer and can be a valuable tool in deepening one's spiritual life.

Know more about Middle Ages here:


A manifestation of the commitment to private prayer can be seen in an individual's personal and regular practice of engaging in prayer in solitude.

Private prayer refers to the act of communing with a higher power, expressing personal thoughts, desires, gratitude, and seeking guidance or solace in a private and intimate setting.

Some manifestations of a commitment to private prayer may include:

1. Setting aside dedicated time: Individuals who are committed to private prayer often allocate specific time each day or at regular intervals to engage in prayer. They prioritize this time as a sacred and personal practice.

2. Creating a sacred space: Many people who value private prayer may create a dedicated space within their homes or personal environments where they can retreat and focus on their connection with the divine. This space may be adorned with religious symbols, scriptures, or objects of personal significance.

3. Using personal prayer rituals: Individuals committed to private prayer may develop their own rituals or routines to enhance their spiritual connection. These rituals can involve specific postures, reciting specific prayers or affirmations, or engaging in acts of contemplation or meditation.

4. Maintaining prayer journals: Some individuals committed to private prayer keep journals or diaries to record their prayers, reflections, and spiritual experiences. These journals can serve as a means of self-reflection, tracking personal growth, and deepening their relationship with the divine.

It's important to note that manifestations of commitment to private prayer can vary among individuals, as personal prayer practices are deeply individual and reflective of one's spiritual beliefs and traditions.

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charles finney is often considered the "father of modern revivalism" because he:_______.


Charles Finney is often considered the "father of modern revivalism" because he revolutionized the way that religious revivals were conducted in the 19th century by using innovative preaching techniques, emphasizing the importance of personal conversion and individual responsibility, and encouraging women and minorities to participate in religious activities. His ideas and methods had a significant impact on the Second Great Awakening and the development of evangelical Christianity in America.

I hope I helped!


the language describing winston's workstation is a bit difficult: can you describe it in a way that is easier to understand? you may also choose to draw a picture here, but it is not required. 1984


In the book 1984, Winston's workstation is described as a small cubicle with a metal desk, a chair, and a telescreen.

The telescreen is a device that both broadcasts propaganda and can also be used to monitor Winston's every move. The desk has a drawer where Winston keeps his personal belongings and a pneumatic tube where he sends and receives messages. Essentially, Winston's workstation is a cramped, uncomfortable space with very little privacy. The telescreen is always on and can never be turned off, making it difficult for Winston to escape the constant stream of propaganda. The pneumatic tube is used as a means of communication, but it is also a reminder that Winston's every move is being monitored by the Party.

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Wow did the government and the economy of the region change after the collapse of the Soviet Union?


Yes, the collapse of the Soviet Union had a significant impact on the government and economy of the region. The former Soviet republics experienced a period of political and economic instability as they transitioned from a planned economy to a market economy. Many of the newly independent countries faced challenges such as hyperinflation, high unemployment rates, and a decline in living standards. Additionally, the collapse of the Soviet Union led to the emergence of new political systems and the formation of new states, which further complicated the transition. The process of rebuilding and modernizing the economies of the former Soviet republics has been ongoing, and progress has been made in some areas, while others continue to face challenges.

women who expressed a desire to vote or work outside the home in the early 20th century


In the early 20th century, there were numerous women who expressed a desire to vote or work outside the home. This period marked a significant time in the women's suffrage movement and the broader fight for gender equality.

A vote is a fundamental democratic process that allows individuals to express their preferences, opinions, and choices on various matters. It is a means by which citizens participate in decision-making and shape the course of their society. Through voting, people can elect representatives who will advocate for their interests and concerns in governmental bodies. It is a way to ensure that power is distributed among the people and that decisions are made collectively.

Voting is a crucial tool for fostering accountability and promoting social change. It enables individuals to have a say in issues that affect their lives, such as public policies, laws, and leadership selection. By casting their votes, citizens contribute to the formation of a just and inclusive society.

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who did truman say needed to be protected from outside pressures and supported by the united states? luoa


Truman's doctrine of providing aid to nations threatened by communism aimed to contain Soviet influence, defend freedom, and promote democratic governments, establishing a cornerstone of U.S. Cold War policy.

Truman's statement about protecting and supporting certain entities from outside pressures and with the backing of the United States primarily referred to nations facing the threat of communism during the Cold War era. In his doctrine, President Harry S. Truman articulated the need for the United States to provide assistance to countries resisting communist aggression. This policy, known as the Truman Doctrine, was first expressed in 1947.

Truman emphasized the importance of aiding countries vulnerable to communist influence and expansion. He believed that by extending economic and military aid to these nations, the United States could prevent the spread of communism and maintain global stability. Truman's doctrine established the foundation for the subsequent U.S. policy of containment, which aimed to limit the expansion of Soviet influence and communism worldwide.

Truman's vision encompassed supporting countries like Greece and Turkey, which were at risk of falling under Soviet control, and fostering the development of democratic governments that would resist communist pressures. This approach reflected Truman's belief in the necessity of defending freedom and promoting American values on a global scale during the intense ideological struggle of the Cold War.

To learn more about Truman


what was the french strategy that led to the defeat? what was the strategy of the vietminh that led to victory? what was the type of campaign undertaken by the vietminh? what consequences arose from the battle? the battle of dien bien phu? what was the french strategy that led to the defeat? what was the strategy of the vietminh that led to victory? what was the type of campaign undertaken by the vietminh? what consequences arose from the battle?


The French strategy in the Battle of Dien Bien Phu was to set up a fortified base in a remote valley in northern Vietnam and lure the Vietminh into a battle they believed they could win.

However, the French underestimated the Vietminh's strength and were quickly surrounded. The Vietminh strategy was to use their superior knowledge of the terrain and their ability to move quickly to cut off the French supply lines and gradually wear them down.

The Vietminh launched a massive campaign of siege warfare, digging tunnels and trenches to avoid the French artillery and slowly closing in on the French positions. They also used anti-aircraft guns to prevent French planes from dropping supplies, which further weakened the French forces.

The Battle of Dien Bien Phu had significant consequences for both France and Vietnam. The French defeat led to the end of their colonial rule in Indochina, and they eventually withdrew from the region. The battle also marked a significant victory for the Vietminh and increased their confidence in their ability to fight and win against foreign powers. The victory at Dien Bien Phu also paved the way for the establishment of the communist government in North Vietnam and set the stage for the Vietnam War.

To know more about Dien Bien Phu visit


The Framers agreed that the new nation had to be founded on notions of which of the following?A. Religious freedomB. religious faithC. racial toleranceD. racial freedomE. Religious tolerance


The Framers of the United States Constitution believed that the new nation had to be founded on notions of religious tolerance. They recognized that many of the colonists had fled from religious persecution in Europe, and they wanted to create a government that would protect people's freedom to worship as they chose.

The Framers of the United States Constitution believed that the new nation had to be founded on notions of religious tolerance. They recognized that many of the colonists had fled from religious persecution in Europe, and they wanted to create a government that would protect people's freedom to worship as they chose. However, it's important to note that the Framers were not necessarily advocates for complete separation of church and state, and many of them believed in the importance of religion in promoting moral behavior and social stability. Overall, the idea of religious tolerance was a fundamental principle for the Framers in creating a new nation that would protect individual liberties and promote the general welfare of all citizens.

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which group dominated the commercial economy of new england in the eighteenth century?


During the eighteenth century, the group that dominated the commercial economy of New England were the merchants. They controlled the trade routes and were involved in the import and export of goods such as textiles, rum, and fish.

They were responsible for shipping these goods to other colonies and Europe, and also played a significant role in the slave trade.

The merchants had significant influence and power in the economy, and were able to accumulate wealth and expand their businesses through their control of trade.

However, their dominance was not without controversy, as many opposed their monopolistic practices and exploitation of labor and resources.

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the council of trent established the course of the catholic (counter-) reformation. true or false


True. The Council of Trent, which took place between 1545 and 1563, was one of the most important events in the history of the Catholic Church.

It was convened in response to the Protestant Reformation and was aimed at addressing the challenges to Catholicism posed by Protestantism. The council established the course of the Catholic Counter-Reformation by reaffirming Catholic doctrines, clarifying Church teachings, and instituting reforms within the Church. Some of the key issues addressed by the council included the authority of the Pope, the interpretation of scripture, the sacraments, the role of saints, and the use of images in worship. The Council of Trent played a crucial role in strengthening the Catholic Church and solidifying its position as a major force in European religious and political life.

To know more about Catholic Church visit:


the laws of manu is a text from the period 200 b.c.e. to 200 c.e. that contains


The laws of Manu is a text from the period 200 b.c.e. to 200 c.e. that contains a set of rules for Hindu society.

The Laws of Manu is an ancient Hindu legal text attributed to the legendary sage Manu. It is composed of two parts, the larger part of which is a collection of 2,685 verses in Sanskrit. It was likely composed between 200 BCE and 200 CE, although some scholars date it as early as the 8th century BCE.

The Laws of Manu is an important source of ancient Hindu law and social and religious customs, and it has been influential in Hinduism since its composition. It is the earliest known Hindu law text and is considered to be the earliest source of Hindu law. The text provides guidance on a range of topics, including the duties of kings, priests, and citizens; the formation of a social hierarchy; marriage and inheritance laws; and sacred rituals.

It also stipulates rules for dietary restrictions, sexual behavior, and other aspects of daily life. Throughout the text, the discussion of dharma (righteous duty) is central, and it is often presented as the source of all law. The Laws of Manu are viewed as authoritative in Hinduism and are still studied and cited today.

To know more about Hinduism , click here:


The Question -

the laws of manu is a text from the period 200 b.c.e. to 200 c.e. that contains___________.

why was the gothic style called the ""new style of building""?


The Gothic style was referred to as the "new style of building" during its emergence in the medieval period because it represented a departure from the prevailing architectural styles of the time.

It introduced innovative construction techniques and design principles that differed significantly from the earlier Romanesque style.

The term "Gothic" was initially used pejoratively by Renaissance scholars who associated it with the Germanic tribes that had sacked Rome during the fall of the Western Roman Empire. They considered the Gothic style barbaric and inferior to the classical architecture of ancient Rome.

However, as architectural tastes evolved, the Gothic style began to be appreciated for its unique characteristics and technical advancements. The term "new style of building" was used to emphasize its departure from the earlier Romanesque style, which featured thick walls, small windows, and a heavy, fortress-like appearance.

The Gothic style introduced several notable architectural innovations. These included the pointed arch, ribbed vaults, flying buttresses, and large stained glass windows. These elements allowed for taller, more open structures with greater interior illumination. The use of these features, along with the corporation of intricate tracery and ornate decoration, set the Gothic style apart from its predecessors and earned it the designation of the "new style of building."

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Part D
Write a short paragraph explaining how immigration policy could be both a foreign and a domestic policy concern. How does
immigration policy interact with economic policy?


Immigration policy is both a foreign and domestic policy concern as it directly impacts a nation's relationship with other countries, affecting diplomacy and global perceptions. Additionally, it is tied to domestic issues such as national security, social cohesion, and economic development. Immigration policy intersects with economic policy by influencing labor markets, economic growth, and fiscal sustainability through factors like workforce composition, skills, and taxation.

Immigration policy is a complex issue that can be both a foreign and a domestic policy concern. From a foreign policy perspective, it affects a country's international relations and diplomatic standing. Immigration policies, such as visa regulations and border control measures, can shape how a nation is perceived globally and impact diplomatic relationships with other countries. On the domestic front, immigration policy is closely tied to national security, social cohesion, and economic development. It determines who can enter, stay, and become citizens, affecting the composition of the population and the cultural fabric of a country.

Regarding economic policy, immigration policy plays a crucial role in shaping labor markets and economic growth. The inflow of skilled immigrants can address labor shortages and contribute to innovation and productivity, while low-skilled immigrants may fill essential jobs in sectors such as agriculture, hospitality, and construction. Immigration policies can also impact wages and working conditions for both native and immigrant workers. Moreover, immigrants often contribute to tax revenues, consumer spending, and entrepreneurship, influencing fiscal sustainability and economic outcomes. Therefore, immigration policy needs to be carefully designed to align with broader economic goals and considerations.

For more such question on Immigration


Colonists responded to the hated stamp act in all of the:


The colonists responded to the detested Stamp Act through a multifaceted approach. They are protests, organized boycotts, formed secret societies, passed resolutions, and sent petitions.

The Stamp Act, enacted by the British Parliament in 1765, elicited a vehement response from the colonists in British North America. Faced with this unwelcome tax on printed materials, the colonists embarked on a series of actions to express their opposition and assert their rights. First and foremost, protests and demonstrations became a powerful tool to voice dissent.

Another key strategy employed by the colonists was the implementation of boycotts. Recognizing the potential impact of economic pressure, merchants, artisans, and consumers joined forces to boycott British goods, particularly paper and stamped items.

Additionally, a secret organization known as the Sons of Liberty emerged as a driving force behind the resistance movement. Committed to opposing British policies, including the Stamp Act, they played a pivotal role in organizing protests, coordinating boycotts, and enforcing non-importation agreements.

know more about colonists here:


the 1993 brady bill was opposed by which of the following interest groups?


National Rifle Association (NRA)

In the mid-eighteenth century, colonial America's leading commercial port was:___


In the mid-eighteenth century, colonial America's leading commercial port was: Boston.

In the mid-eighteenth century, colonial America's leading commercial port was Boston.

Located in the Massachusetts Bay Colony, Boston played a crucial role in the economic development and trade of the region.

The city's favorable location, with access to the Atlantic Ocean and its proximity to major colonial settlements, contributed to its prominence as a commercial hub.

Boston's harbor facilitated the shipping of goods, including agricultural produce, manufactured goods, and raw materials, both within the colonies and overseas.

Furthermore, Boston's population grew rapidly during this period, attracting merchants, artisans, and entrepreneurs seeking opportunities in trade and commerce.

The city's vibrant commercial sector included industries such as shipbuilding, fishing, and manufacturing, further bolstering its economic significance.

Additionally, Boston's role in the revolutionary events of the late 18th century, such as the Boston Tea Party, solidified its historical importance as a center of colonial resistance and a catalyst for American independence.

For more such question commercial port


which of the following describes the zimmermann telegram that made headlines in 1917?



Zimmermann Telegram, also called Zimmermann Note, coded telegram sent January 16, 1917, by German foreign secretary Arthur Zimmermann to the German minister in Mexico. The note revealed a plan to renew unrestricted submarine warfare and to form an alliance with Mexico and Japan if the United States declared war on Germany.

The Zimmermann Telegram was a significant event that made headlines in 1917 during World War I. A secret message intercepted by the United States revealing Germany's plan to form an alliance with Mexico against the United States.

It was a diplomatic communication sent by German Foreign Secretary Arthur Zimmermann to the German ambassador in Mexico, proposing a military alliance between Germany and Mexico if the United States entered the war on the side of the Allies.

The telegram, intercepted and decoded by British intelligence, revealed Germany's intention to support Mexico in reclaiming territories lost to the United States, namely Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona. The disclosure of this secret communication had a profound impact on public opinion and played a crucial role in swaying American sentiment towards entering the war.

When the contents of the Zimmermann Telegram were made public in the United States, it caused outrage and indignation among the American public. The revelation of Germany's attempt to incite Mexico against the United States fueled anti-German sentiment and galvanized support for U.S. intervention in World War I.

The Zimmermann Telegram is considered a significant factor in the decision of the United States to declare war on Germany in April 1917. It contributed to a shift in public opinion, making headlines and intensifying the perceived threat posed by Germany to American interest .

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Which of the following accurately describes the Zimmermann Telegram that made headlines in 1917?

A. A secret message intercepted by the United States revealing Germany's plan to form an alliance with Mexico against the United States.

B. A diplomatic correspondence between the United States and Germany seeking a peaceful resolution to tensions arising from unrestricted submarine warfare.

C. A declaration by President Woodrow Wilson calling for the United States to enter World War I and support the Allied Powers.

D. A public statement by the German government renouncing the use of chemical weapons in warfare.

What is the political and social aspect on the Ottoman empire? (Paragraph form, not too detailed but not brief)



a despotism with the Sultan as the supreme ruler of a centralized government that had an effective control of its provinces, officials and inhabitants.

By the end of the Spanish-American War:
horses proved essential for the victory.
the American victory in the decisive battle at Santiago depended on assistance from German forces.
America finally settled the question of freedom of the seas.
more American soldiers had died from disease than battle.
44. Why did the United States fight a war in the Philippines after the Spanish-American War?
to oust the remaining Spanish forces from the island that had refused to evacuate
to stop Japan from annexing the islands
to quell an insurrection of Filipinos that opposed annexation by the United States
to defeat the Boxer Rebellion


The United States fought a war in the Philippines after the Spanish-American War to quell an insurrection of Filipinos that opposed annexation by the United States. so, the correct answer is option C.

After the United States acquired the Philippines from Spain, a significant portion of the Filipino population resisted American colonization and sought independence.

The Philippine-American War was fought between American forces and Filipino insurgents who opposed American control and desired self-governance to defeat the Boxer Rebellion. So, the correct naswer si option D.

Although the Boxer Rebellion primarily took place in China, the United States also sent troops to the Philippines to suppress any potential support or involvement in the rebellion.

The Boxer Rebellion was an anti-foreign and anti-Christian uprising in China, and the United States, along with other Western powers, participated in military actions to suppress the rebellion and protect their interests in the region.

Both options C and D reflect key reasons for the United States' involvement in the war in the Philippines after the Spanish-American War.


Know more about Spanish-American War here:


which of the following is a true statement about the federal gift tax return (form 709)?


The federal gift tax return, also known as Form 709, must be filed by individuals who make gifts over the annual exclusion amount (currently $15,000 per person) in a given tax year.

This form reports the total value of gifts given, the recipients of those gifts, and calculates any potential gift tax owed. It is important to note that even if gift tax is not owed due to the unified gift and estate tax exemption (currently $11.58 million per person), the federal gift tax return must still be filed for gifts over the annual exclusion amount. The form must be filed by April 15th of the year following the gift. The federal gift tax return, Form 709, is used to report taxable gifts made during a calendar year and to allocate lifetime gift tax exclusion. A true statement about Form 709 is that it must be filed if the total value of gifts given to an individual exceeds the annual exclusion limit, which is $15,000 for the tax year 2021. The gift tax return helps the IRS track gifts made by a taxpayer throughout their lifetime and ensures that the applicable taxes are paid or exemptions claimed. It is important to note that the federal gift tax return is separate from an individual's income tax return and is due on April 15th of the year following the gift transaction.

To know more about exclusion amount visit:


after the civil war, business leaders limited competition by creating overseas markets forming trusts designing new products increasing wages


After the Civil War, business leaders limited competition by forming trusts. Hence forming trusts is the correct option as per provided source.

After the Civil War, business leaders limited competition by forming trusts. These trusts allowed companies to merge and control the market, ultimately limiting competition. They also designed new products and expanded into overseas markets, further solidifying their dominance.

While some companies did increase wages for their workers, this was not a widespread practice and often only occurred in response to labor strikes and other forms of worker unrest. Overall, the post-Civil War era was marked by the rise of big business and the consolidation of economic power in the hands of a few wealthy individuals and corporations.

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Which option best completes the diagram?
Effects of the Civil War on U.S. Regions
Strong economy
Few homes and
Riots over food
Entire cities
A. Rapid growth of industrial manufacturing
B. Strong opposition to military drafts
OC. High public morale throughout the war
OD. Widespread and deadly revolts by enslaved people


The option that best completes the diagram is Rapid growth of industrial manufacturing. The correct option is a.

Rapid industrialization is critical for creating job opportunities, as well as promoting education, training, and research. It boosts labour productivity and promotes balanced regional development. Industrial growth causes a rapid increase in the country's national income. Industrialization is critical for any country's economic growth and development. As a developing country, India requires rapid industrialization.

Agriculture, trade, transportation, and all other economic activities can benefit from industrialization. Industrialization is a necessary component of economic development. It will make the best use of our human and physical resources possible.

Learn more about industrial, here:


This Cold War event was the closest that the Soviet Union and the United States came to war with one another.
a. Berlin Blockade
b. Korean War
c. Bay of Pigs Invasion
d. Cuban Missile Crisis
e. the Soviet invasion of Panama


D. The Cuban Missile Crisis.

Often accredited as being the closest humanity got to total nuclear destruction. Despite seeming like nothing much, there was essentially a direct conflict between the two superpowers.

Bonus fact: Vasily Aleksandrovich Arkhipov is the one who adverted nuclear war by NOT allowing a Soviet Torpedo to be launched at the US.

the journey from 1804 to 1806 of lewis and clark did not produce much valuable information.T/F


The given statement "The journey from 1804 to 1806 of Lewis and Clark produced a wealth of valuable information" is true because it was the first time that explorers traveled across the American continent to the Pacific Ocean and back.

Lewis and Clark kept meticulous journals of their travels, detailing the geography, flora, and fauna of the region. They also made contact with and established diplomatic relations with many Native American tribes, which helped to further American expansion.

The expedition also paved the way for future westward expansion and played a significant role in shaping the development of the American West. It provided the United States with valuable information about the natural resources and potential settlement sites in the region.

In addition to the valuable scientific and geographic knowledge gained from the expedition, Lewis and Clark's journey also had cultural significance. Their interactions with Native American tribes and their documentation of their way of life helped to shape American attitudes towards Native Americans.

Overall, the journey of Lewis and Clark from 1804 to 1806 produced a vast amount of valuable information, both in terms of scientific and geographic knowledge and cultural significance.

For more question on continent visit:


for what event was handel’s water music performed on july 17, 1717?


Handel's Water Music was performed on July 17, 1717, for a special event known as the "Water Party" or "Water Pageant." This event was held on the River Thames in London, England, and was organized to entertain King George I of Great Britain.

The Water Party was part of a grand celebration to showcase the king's appreciation and support for the arts.

George I, who was originally from Hanover and newly crowned as the King of Great Britain, had a keen interest in music and was a patron of Handel. The event was organized as a river cruise, with the royal party aboard a barge, accompanied by several other boats and barges.

Handel composed the Water Music specifically for this occasion. The composition consists of three suites with various movements, all intended to be performed on boats or the riverbank. As the royal party sailed along the Thames, the musicians played the Water Music from a barge following the king's vessel, entertaining the royal court and the public who gathered to witness the event.

The performance of Handel's Water Music during the Water Party on July 17, 1717, marked a significant moment in music history and contributed to Handel's reputation as a celebrated composer in the court of King George I.

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its name it stole and history kept perhaps from a creature that lives on the steppe


The skilled craftsmen you're referring to might be the nomadic people known as the Scythians. The Scythians were a group of skilled steppe warriors and artisans who lived in the Eurasian steppes from around the 9th century BCE to the 4th century CE.

Skilled craftsmen are highly trained and experienced individuals who possess a deep understanding of a specific trade or craft. They have honed their skills through years of practice and have mastered the techniques and intricacies of their chosen field. These craftsmen demonstrate a high level of expertise and precision in their work, paying attention to even the finest details.

Whether they are carpenters, blacksmiths, potters, or any other type of artisan, skilled craftsmen are known for their ability to create and produce high-quality, handcrafted goods. They utilize traditional tools and methods, often passed down through generations, to produce unique and personalized pieces. Skilled craftsmen play a vital role in preserving traditional craftsmanship and heritage. They take pride in their work and are committed to maintaining the highest standards of quality.

To know more about Skilled craftsmen refer to-


Complete Question:

Its name it stole and history kept perhaps from a creature that lives on the steppe

What is one strategy that can help a person avoid spending too much money on invest when borrowing money


one way to avoid spending too much money is to set a budget for yourself each month.

What was a goal of President Kennedy's Peace Corps?
OA. Improving America's image
OB. Promoting religious beliefs
OC. Supporting America's military
OD. Opening new markets


Hi :)


A. Improving America's image

hope this helps :) !!!

From Whitman's account, what probably happened at the battle?


The Union army was reportedly routed and forced to retire according to Whitman.

The Union Army, Federal Army, or Northern Army were common names for the United States Army during the American Civil War, the ground army that fought to protect the union of all the states. It turned out to be crucial for preserving and restoring the United States as a functioning, functional republic. infantry uniform for the Union

The Union Army was comprised of the United States' permanent regular army as well as several temporary formations of devoted volunteers and conscripts.

It was also reinforced, routed supplemented, and strengthened by these additional forces.

Learn more about Union army, from :


which of the 10 top causes of death in the u.s. is related to nutrition?


The top 10 causes of death in the U.S. is related to nutrition is:

1. Heart Disease 2. Cancer 3. Chronic lower respiratory disease 4. Cerebrovascular disease (stroke and related conditions) 6. Alzheimer’s disease 7. Diabetes mellitus 8. Influenza and pneumonia 9. Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome and nephrosis (kidney disease) 10. Intentional self-harm

Nutrition plays a crucial role in both health and growth. Better nourishment is connected with further developed baby, youngster and maternal wellbeing, more grounded resistant frameworks, more secure pregnancy and labor, lower chance of non-transmittable sicknesses (like diabetes and cardiovascular illness), and life span.

Children in good health learn better. People who get enough food are more productive and can help break the cycles of hunger and poverty over time. The global malnutrition crisis has serious and long-lasting effects on individuals, families, communities, and nations in terms of development, economics, society, and medicine.

Hunger, in each structure, presents huge dangers to human wellbeing. Undernutrition and obesity are two forms of malnutrition that plague the world today, particularly in low- and middle-income nations. Undernutrition (wasting or stunting), deficiency in vitamins or minerals, obesity, and the ensuing diet-related noncommunicable diseases are all forms of malnutrition.

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what is the electronic configuration of A. ironi. in neutral state. ii. in ion stateB. Chromiumi. in neutral state. ii. in ion state develop a simple modular program with just two modules: the main and a function module that calculates net income based on values input for revenue and expenses. structure chart with main and calcnetincome modules to calculate net income. all input and output instructions are to appear in the main. net income is the difference of revenue less expenses: net income A three-plate mold offers which of the following advantages when compared to a twoplate mold (more than one)? (a) automatic separation of parts from runners, (b) gating is usually at the base of the part to reduce weld lines, (c) sprue does not solidify, (d) stronger molded parts, (e) none of the above. an alpha particle (m=6.641027 kgkg ) emitted in the radioactive decay of uranium-238 has an energy of 4.23 mevmev . What is its de Broglie wavelength? having more than one rater evaluate the same individual is a way to assess which of the following? The Road to Caribbean Integration - An Ongoing Journey Write an essay on the caption above. Begin by naming TWO stages that Commonwealth Caribbean countries have gone through in their efforts to achieve unity. State TWO factors that have promoted integration among countries. Next, explain TWO ways in which CARICOM countries may benefit if they cooperate in the production of goods and the supply of services for the region. Suggest, giving full details, THREE strategies the leaders of CARICOM countries may use to involve citizens in the regional process. Explain why EACH strategy suggested is likely to be successful. Que sentido tiene para ti las palabras misterio de tu salvacin The policy of the Kennedy administration towards Vietnam included a. the sending of thousands of additional American troops in support of the Diem government in North Vietnam b. The sending of thousands of additional American advisors along with removal of support for Diem government in South Vietnam c. massive escalation of the war through the introduction of hundreds of thousands of American troops d. increased support for the French effort to end the insurgency by communist revolutionaries the recently independent country of east timor was formerly part of what country of southeast asia? the ssl data transport protocol involves two nonces as well as a premaster key. why? when physical exertion has ended and the body is at rest, veins demonstrate a 25-year-old woman is producing breast milk. she is in which life stage? the electric flux through the shaded surface is closest to: a. 0 n m2/c. b. 200 n m2/c. c. 400 n m2/c. d. 200 n m2/c. e. none of these. which statement is not true? a. half of infant sleep is composed of rem sleep. b. stage 4 sleep increases in old age. c. ten-year-olds are in rem sleep about 1.5-2 hours per night. d. sleep requirements decline from infancy to early adulthood, level off, then decline again in old age. she sends this photo to her husband and he files for divorce after looking closer at it Consumer-oriented sales promotions are used to support a company's Blank______.Multiple choice question.A. advertising and personal selling effortsB. efforts to obtain publicityC. ability to raise pricesD. repositioning of a product what is the value of one additional unit of a scarce resource in lp School of Computing have a small library, which is not associated with universitys main library. The library has a collection of information systems and computer science textbooks and journals. The library uses excel spreadsheet to manage the library and the challenge is that when borrowers get books from the library, they return them late or sometimes never return them. The borrowers include students and all school of computing staff. You have been approached by the School of Computing to write a software program that will help with library management, making sure that late returns and non-returned books are tracked.8.3 Choose one functional requirement of the library systems and present it as an atomic requirement. Use the Volere template8.4 What are user stories? what is the most common outcome for children when a single mother is sent to prison? a usability dimension concerned with how many errors a user might encounter and how easy