The global westerly wind zone most heavily impacts the _____ latitudes. EF. All months have average temperatures below freezing in the __ climate type.


Answer 1

The global westerly wind zone most heavily impacts the middle latitudes.

All months have average temperatures below freezing in the EF climate  type.

Midlatitude C and D climates are assigned a second letter, f (no dry season), w (winter dry), or s (summer dry), as well as a third symbol, a, b, c, or d (the last subtype occurs only for D climates), to indicate summer warmth or winter coldness.

Climate Regions

Tropical Climates (A). Tropical wet climates stretch north and south from the equator to latitudes ranging from 15° to 25°.

B - Climates that are dry.

C - Mid-Latitude Moist Subtropical Climates.

D - Mid-Latitude Moist Continental Climates.

(E) - Polar Climates

H stands for Highlands.

The Köppen climatic classification scheme categorizes climates into five major types: A (tropical), B (arid), C (temperate), D (continental), and E. (polar). The second letter denotes the kind of seasonal precipitation, while the third denotes the amount of heat.

For more questions on Climate


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What type of metamorphic environment takes place when the broken down pieces of rock near the Earth's surface is altered by magma?


Rock that is exposed to high temperature and low pressure undergoes contact metamorphism, just like when hot magma enters a preexisting protolith or when lava flows over it.

Numerous metamorphic facies are produced when high temperature and low pressure are combined. A type of metamorphism known as contact metamorphism takes place in close proximity to intrusive igneous rocks when the temperature rises as a result of hot magma entering the rock.

The term "metamorphic aureole" refers to the metamorphosed region surrounding an igneous rock. When magma comes into contact with a rock that is already there, this is called contact metamorphism. The temperature of the existing rocks rises as a result, and fluid from the magma also enters the rock. Typically, the contact area of magma is small, ranging from one to ten kilometers.

Learn about metamorphism


what are Corbin dioxide and water (CO2) and water (H2O) converted into as a result of photosynthesis

this subject is science but it won't let me put science ​



In photosynthesis, carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O) are converted into glucose (a sugar) and oxygen (O2). This process is the opposite of cellular respiration, in which glucose and oxygen are consumed to produce CO2 and water as waste products.

The overall chemical equation for the process of photosynthesis is:

6 CO2 + 6 H2O + light energy → C6H12O6 + 6 O2


6 CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) + 6 H2O (Water) absorbs light energy,

and convert into C6H12O6 (glucose) + 6 O2 (oxygen)

Uday Tahlan

What is the subject of Romanesque painting?



theological works and bibical events


In order to maximize land use in China for growing crops, they use _______________________ which allows them to cut into the mountains and create stair step strips of land for farming.


In order to maximize land use in China for growing crops, they use terrace farming which allows them to cut into the mountains and create stair step strips of land for farming.

Terrace farming is an ancient method used by Chinese farmers to make the most of the limited arable land available to them. By cutting into the mountain and creating tiers of land, the Chinese have been able to increase the land available for agriculture and provide more food for their population. As opposed to flatland farming, terrace farming enables farmers to make use of the land that would otherwise be inaccessible.

The process of terrace farming involves the construction of retaining walls that hold up the soil and allow for the building of terraces. These terraces are then used to irrigate the land and also provide additional support to the soil. The terraces also help to control erosion and create a more efficient use of water.

Terrace farming has been used in China for centuries and has proven to be an effective method of maximizing land use. It requires little to no machinery and is a very cheap form of farming that can produce large yields. Terraces are also great for increasing crop resistance to drought and other environmental factors.

Learn more about Terrace farming at :


Eons, eras, periods, and epochs, are all examples of ____________time. a. relative c. geographic b. geologic d. plate tectonics


Eons, eras, periods, and epochs, are all examples of geologic time.

What is the Geological Time Scale

The Geological Time Scale is a scale used by geologists and scientists to explain the relationship or connection between events that occurred throughout Earth's history. With the geological time scale, events that occurred in the past will be linked or searched for in relation to events that may occur in the present.

This is because our Earth also experiences a movement or change, for example, the movement of rock layers or the Earth's plates. It can be said that the geological time scale is a calendar used to study the history of the Earth. The time period used is no longer years or centuries, but millions of years.

There are two types of geological time scales used to determine the age of the Earth and relate various events in Earth's history, namely the Relative Time Scale and the Absolute Time Scale.

Learn more about geologic time at


What is the difference between East Egg and West Egg Chapter 3?


Answer:What is the difference between East Egg and West Egg in Chapter 3? East Egg is populated with “old money” – meaning they come from families that have been wealthy for a long time. West Egg is where Gatsby lives, where the newly rich live.


A science fiction writer describes inhabitants on Earth in 4000 AD traveling north using Polaris. What is wrong with this scenario


As a result of the precession of the Earth, Polaris will no longer be almost due north (i.e., Earth undergoes a motion like a spinning top).

The Earth wobbles slightly on its axis as it revolves, resembling a toy top spinning slightly off-center. Tidal forces brought on by the gravitational pull of the Sun and Moon, which cause the Earth to bulge at the equator and impact its rotation, are to blame for this wobble.

Axial precession is a gravity-induced, gradual, and ongoing shift in the orientation of the rotating axis of an astronomical body. The astronomical body's orbit would have axial parallelism in the absence of precession.

For more questions on Precession of the Earth


South America also has several vast plains including the ____________________ of Colombia and Venezuela.


South America also has several vast plains including the llanos of Colombia and Venezuela.

The llanos are vast prairies located in the Orinoco River Basin of Colombia and Venezuela. The region is home to some of the most fertile soils in all of South America, providing an ideal environment for agricultural production. The llanos are also home to an abundance of wildlife, including manatees, capybaras, caimans, river turtles, and an impressive variety of bird species.

The llanos have long been an important part of the local culture, with the region’s inhabitants relying on the land for sustenance and livelihoods. The llanos have also been a source of pride for the local people, with the region’s traditional music and art being closely linked to the plains.

In recent years, the llanos have faced a number of environmental challenges. In particular, the region has been impacted by deforestation and the pollution of the Orinoco River. These issues have had a significant impact on the local people, who rely on the land for their livelihoods and sustenance.

Learn more about deforestation at :





What did Washington think was the triumph of our enemies?


George Washington's farewell address placed a strong emphasis on the creation of parties that would ultimately split the nation. He took this into account when he said that, if it were to be approved.

It might lead to the country's division in his parting speech.President george washington delivered several bits of advise to the nation in his farewell speech. Avoid forming political parties or factions of any kind washington thought that political parties.

Would simply exacerbate societal division among Americans. He believed that these organisations would exacerbate rather than resolve the problems. Abstain from foreign entanglements Washington wished for the US to avoid interfering in other countries' affairs. Washington believed that interfering in other nations' affairs would only lead to complications.

To know more about washington visit:


Match the colony names on the map. New York map of the Colonies New Hampshire Connecticut North Carolina Virginia South Carolina Maryland Delaware Georgia Rhode Island Pennsylvania New Jersey Massachusetts (which included Maine)


The colonies can be matched as such- New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia were the first 13 states to be admitted to the union. The first 13 British possessions were the initial 13 states.

The northernmost colonies were those of the New England region, which included New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut. New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, and Delaware (the Middle colonies) and Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia were the other nine colonies (the Southern colonies).The thirteen prosperous colonies on the Atlantic coast that the British established within a century and a half were Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware, New Jersey, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia..

To know more about Colonies here


How did the ENIAC change computing?


The ENIAC change computing used thousands of tubes to complete tasks in the right order.

One of the earliest computers ever built was the ENIAC. The Ballistic Research Laboratory of the US Army primarily used ENIAC to create artillery firing tables. The computer commenced functioning on December 10, 1945. ENIAC could compute a trajectory in 30 seconds as opposed to a person needing 20 hours to do it.

Despite this, ENIAC became the most capable calculator ever created. It was the first electrical digital computer that could be programmed for ordinary use. The British Second World War computer Colossus and Charles Babbage's Analytical Engine both contained conditional branching, which allowed them to execute various instructions or change the sequence in which they were executed depending on the value of certain data.

The complete question is, "How did the ENIAC change computing?

A. It used on and off signals to give computers instructions.

B. It used thousands of tubes to complete tasks in the right order.

C. It could perform a single task perfectly

D. It could be reprogrammed to complete new tasks."

Learn more about ENIAC here:


How do the preparation and mitigation measures for earthquake and volcanoes differ from other natural hazards discussed


Preparation and mitigation measures for earthquakes and volcanoes differ from other natural hazards in a number of ways:

Building codes and construction methods are designed to make buildings more resistant to shaking and collapse during an earthquake.

Retrofitting existing buildings to improve their seismic resistance.

The installation of early warning systems in high-risk areas to give people a few seconds to take cover before an earthquake strikes.

Developing emergency response plans for communities and organizations.

Conducting regular drills to familiarize people with what to do during an earthquake.

Identifying and regularly updating hazard maps of areas at risk from earthquakes

Monitoring of volcanic activity, including measuring changes in the level of a volcano's magma chamber, and tracking gas emissions.

Evacuation plans, and emergency shelters prepared for high-risk areas.

Providing forecasts of volcanic activity and ash fall, to inform decision-making.

Mapping and zoning of high-risk areas around volcanoes.

Regularly conducting drills for evacuation, for the public and for schools

Mapping lahars and pyroclastic flow hazard zones

Compared to other natural hazards, such as hurricanes or floods, earthquakes and volcanoes tend to affect smaller areas, but they can be highly destructive in those areas. They also tend to be less predictable and can strike with less warning. Preparing for these hazards requires a different set of techniques and plans.

What happens when consumer spending decreases?


Household spending on consumer goods and services is referred to as consumer spending. Every one of us is a consumer, and this private consumption includes both goods and services.

Almost two-thirds of consumer spending is on services like real estate and health care, which generate demand for the goods and services we purchase on a daily basis. Financial services like banking, investing, and insurance are examples of other services. Services from nonprofits, as well as cable and internet services, are included.

Goods account for the remaining one-third of our personal spending. Appliances like washing machines, automobiles, and furniture are examples of these. We frequently purchase non-durable goods like gasoline, groceries, and clothing. The policy that the central bank, currency board, or other regulatory committee uses to set the size and rate of growth of the money supply is called monetary policy. In turn, this has an effect on inflation and interest rates.

Learn about consumer spending


Answer asap.
Question: what are the advantages and disadvantages?


Advantages of a high population growth rate is you will have a developing country, disadvantage is that they will become a burden to house in their seniority and care for while they are growing. Expect high unemployment
Advantages of a low population growth rate is your country is still increasing but not too fast, this typically occurs with more developed countries, a disadvantage is it grows slowly. Expect to get jobs fillee by anyone who applies
Advantages of negative increase rate are more diversity via immigrants (typically) disadvantages, there are many but your population is declining

Population growth rate refers to the ratio between the annual increase in population size and the total population during that year, multiplied by 100

3A) The advantages and disadvantages are as follows:

ADVANTAGES: The country has a developing economy with a fast-growing population. This indicates that there are a lot of people being born and the proportion of the youthful population is more.

DISADVANTAGE: The country does not have proper family planning programs and educational policies. the large population might also become a burden on the government.

3B) The advantages and disadvantages are as follows:

ADVANTAGES: This indicates that the country is successfully able to manage its population growth by implementing family planning and focusing on education.

DISADVANTAGES: Eventually the country might have a very low population and the growth rate might also become negative.

3C) The advantages and disadvantages are as follows:

ADVANTAGES: This indicates that the country has developed immensely from the point of view of technology and education.

DISADVANTAGES: The country might have less productive youth and might have to depend on foreign immigrants for skilled labor.

Learn more about population growth at:

What does the ringing telephone mean in The Great Gatsby?


Answer: When the phone rings in the first chapter it best represents the hidden connection between wealthy East and West Egg to the lower class Valley of Ashes.


how does the temperature of the air change as the air rises on the windward side of the mountain between sea level and 0.5 kilometers


The air temperature on the leeward side of the mountain at the 1.5-kilometer level is higher than the temperature at the same elevation on the windward side.

The Windward Side

This is the cold, wet side of the island. The windward side is constantly exposed to the wind, with cool, moist air blowing upwards. As this air is lifted by the drop in atmospheric pressure, it begins to cool. Cold air can't hold as much water vapor as warm air, so eventually, the moisture in the air begins to condense, and clouds form.

The Leeward Side

When condensation forms, the leeward side releases heat to the surrounding air. This effect is called the latent heat of condensation. As the air descends on the other side of an island or mountain, most of its moisture condenses. As the air continues to descend toward sea level, atmospheric pressure rises, resulting in rising temperatures. Because of all this warming, scientifically called adiabatic heating, the leeward side is generally warm and dry.

Learn more about the windward side here


true or false It is covered by layers of sediment. The sediment hardens into sandstone. Water carries minerals through the layers of rock, which changes the fish skeleton. A fossil is formed.


True. Fossil formation is a complex process that requires a combination of specific conditions.

In the case of sedimentary rocks, the formation of a fossil typically begins with the deposition of organic material, such as an animal or plant, in an environment where it can be preserved. This organic material is then covered by layers of sediment, which harden into sandstone.

As water passes through the layers of rock, it carries minerals that can interact with the organic material. Over time, these minerals can replace the organic material, leaving a mineralized version of the original organism. This process is known as permineralization. The result is a fossil that has been preserved in the sedimentary rock.

The formation of a fossil is a delicate process that requires the right combination of conditions. If the sediment is not thick enough, the fossil may not be preserved properly. If the environment is too warm, the organism may decompose before it can be fossilized. If the organism is not buried deep enough, it may be exposed to scavengers or the elements that can destroy it.

Learn more about sedimentary rocks at :


Grid north is the direction in which grid lines point towards the top of the map​


Grid north (GN) refers to the plane grid system's direction, which is typically the grid-connected to the map projection. On current US Topo maps, the plane grid is Universal Transverse Mercator and the projection is Transverse Mercator (UTM).

What is grid north used for?

The direction that the grid lines on a map point to are called grid north. Grid north and magnetic north are used together for navigation.

On a map, True North is frequently depicted as a line pointing to the north star, Polaris, or as a double-sided arrowhead. Grid North is the north direction determined by the vertical grid lines and applies to map projections that have a flattened grid of the earth.

Learn more about Grid North here:


Solve the linear equation x + 3 + x - 8 + x = 55. State the property that justifies your first step and why you chose it


The equation can be solved by combining like terms. This is an example of the Associative Property because it states that the order of operations does not matter when grouping terms together. In this case, it allows us to add all of the x terms together and all of the constants together.

Therefore, the solution is x = 40.

What is a perfect square


A perfect square needs to have 4 sides

How does East Egg affect the characters?


Answer: the answer is a


i got it right

How does Washington describe the nation who has permanent friends or permanent enemies?


Washington foresaw the potential for internal strife within the united states and advised against the formation of political parties as well as the establishment of long-term foreign alliances.

He thought that if the US formed foreign alliances, it may become involved in the politics and conflicts of other countries, which could result in expensive entanglements and a loss of independence.Additionally, he cautioned against the development.

Political parties since he believed that doing so would produce divisions within the nation, could spark civil upheaval, and could ultimately lead to the dissolution of the union.George Washington cautioned against political party creation and the establishment of lasting foreign alliances in his farewell speech because he thought both could erode the unity of the US and cause internal strife.

To know more about Politics visit:


What types of rocks would be most common in the volcano in this photograph?
A. scoria and other vesicular basalt
B. basalt mostly formed in lava flows
C. felsic and intermediate lava flows
D. pillow basalts
E. none of these


Felsic and intermediate lava flows are most common types of rocks found in the volcano that is option C is correct.

Within a volcano, the most common types of rocks that are found are the Igneous rocks. Igneous rocks are found when magma from the volcano solidifies over time due to external forces of nature. The Igneous rocks are further of many types that can be found at a volcano. The different types of Igneous rocks are:

Ultramafic rocks consisting of Olivine as major constituent.Mafic rocks consisting of Plagioclase as a major constituent.Intermediate rocks consisting of mixture of felsic and mafic mineralsFelsic rocks consisting of felsic minerals.

The most common types found in the volcano are the felsic and intermediate rocks.

Learn more about Igneous rocks at:


What are 3 features of Romanesque?



architecture, art, and bibical relations


What event instigated the current population explosion?



The Industrial Revolution


The advances in technology and medicine in this time saved the lives of many people. These advances caused many more people to live, meaning more people were born, this caused a rapid population increase.

The current population explosion, also known as population growth, is a phenomenon that can be traced back to the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, with the event known as the "Demographic transition.

" The demographic transition refers to the shift from high birth rates and high death rates to low birth rates and low death rates that occurred in many countries as they modernized.During this time, improvements in public health and medicine, such as vaccination and clean water, led to a significant decrease in death rates.

At the same time, advancements in agriculture and food production allowed for an increase in food supply, which in turn led to a decrease in infant mortality and an increase in life expectancy. As a result, the population began to grow rapidly.

This demographic transition was accelerated during the 20th century with advancements in medical technology and family planning, which further lowered death rates and increased life expectancy, and made it possible for people to have fewer children, but with a better chance of survival.

As a result, the global population has grown exponentially since the early 20th century, and it is projected to continue growing for the foreseeable future.

To learn more about Population Explosion,

Which of these serve as protective barriers along coastlines and are often destroyed when hit by a strong hurricane?
a. the erosion of land along coastline
b. the buildup of dunes along the coast over time
c. the new construction of buildings along the coastline
d. the buildup of organic material from oil rigs along the coast


Over time, dunes have grown and developed along the shore, acting as protective barriers along coasts. These dunes are frequently damaged when a powerful hurricane strikes.

However, sand deposits are not just found in deserts; dunes may also form along coasts, next to streams in semiarid climates, in glacial outwash basins, and in other locations where poorly cemented sandstone bedrock is broken to produce a large amount of loose sand. Subaqueous dunes can occur when flowing water interacts with the sand or gravel beds of rivers, estuaries, and the ocean bottom.

In addition to providing vital ecological habitat, sand dunes act as a natural barrier against storm surge and powerful waves, preventing or greatly reducing coastal flooding and structural damage. They provide sand to beaches that have deteriorated as well as serving as sand storage areas. The preservation or enhancement of dune systems can help to safeguard coasts, particularly in areas with low to moderate erosion.

Learn more about Sand Dunes here:


What are the terms for 1 a stream that transfers water to the groundwater system and 2 a stream that receives water from the groundwater system?


Water flow into soil is referred to as infiltration, while water movement downward within the soil is referred to as percolation, permeability, or hydraulic conductivity.

The headwaters of a stream are where the stream begins, which is frequently in higher elevations of hilly terrain. The stream runs downward and over lower altitudes until it meets another stream, lake, or ocean.

Water that has invaded the earth to fill the crevices between sediments and fissures in rock is referred to as groundwater. Precipitation feeds groundwater, which can resurface to refill streams, rivers, and lakes.

Rain and snowfall refresh ground water, as does water that leaks through the bottoms of certain lakes and rivers.

Learn more about to groundwater


What was the primary way the farms in the South differ from those in the north?


The fact that southern farmers used a plantation system to generate cash crops set them apart from their northern counterparts.

All 13 American colonies utilized slave labour throughout the colonial era (1600–1775). Slaves were employed in the shipbuilding industry, among others, throughout the North. Slaves were employed throughout the South to produce lucrative crops including indigo, rice, and tobacco.

After America gained its independence and began making its own laws, attitudes about slavery altered. While some states began to ban slavery after 1800, others continued to practice it. One of the most significant changes was that Southern states concentrated primarily on cultivating cotton, a single very significant cash crop. America became the world's biggest cotton exporter.

Despite its economic success, slavery had a number of unpleasant side consequences, including the abuse of African Americans and conflicts between pro- and anti-slavery residents. Ultimately, this institution would be one of the main factors in sparking the Civil War.

For more questions on Slavery during the Civil War-


‘Current levels of world population growth heading towards a total
of 8 billion, along with the impacts of climate change, justify a
Malthusian viewpoint.’
To what extent do you agree with this statement?


According to the Malthusian idea, population growth outpaces food production until famines, conflicts, or diseases cause a population decline. He thought that throughout the previous three centuries, the human population had increased.

What is climate change?

Long-term modifications to weather and temperature patterns are referred to as climate change. These changes might occur naturally, for instance through variations in the solar cycle. But since the 1800s, burning fossil fuels like coal, oil, and gas has been the primary cause of climate change, which is mostly attributable to human activity.

By trapping the sun's heat and boosting temperatures, greenhouse gas emissions produced by burning fossil fuels behave as a blanket over the planet.

Learn more about climate change, from:


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