the nile delta, about one hundred miles from the mediterranean, was called


Answer 1



The Nile Delta, located about one hundred miles from the Mediterranean, was called "Lower Egypt" in ancient times. This region was known for its fertile soil and the annual flooding of the Nile River, which provided the necessary water and nutrients for agriculture. The Nile Delta was home to several important cities, including Memphis, the capital of ancient Egypt.

Related Questions

during his speech to the joint houses of congress requesting a declaration of war on imperial germany, president woodrow wilson called attention to the need for taxation to raise funds to support the war. what was the advantage woodrow wilson sought in addressing both the senate and the house of representatives jointly, rather than addressing them separately and focusing on their different roles? (4 points)


By addressing both the Senate and the House of Representatives jointly, President Woodrow Wilson sought to create a unified message and sense of national purpose. This allowed him to effectively communicate the urgency and importance of the situation and emphasize the need for cooperation and collaboration between both houses of Congress.

Additionally, addressing both houses jointly allowed Wilson to avoid potential conflicts or contradictions that may have arisen if he had addressed them separately and focused on their different roles. This approach helped to streamline the decision-making process and ensure that Congress could act quickly and decisively in support of the war effort. Overall, Wilson's decision to address both houses jointly helped to create a sense of unity and purpose and facilitate the rapid mobilization of resources needed to support the war.

During his speech to the joint houses of Congress requesting a declaration of war on Imperial Germany, President Woodrow Wilson sought the advantage of unity and efficiency in addressing both the Senate and the House of Representatives jointly. By speaking to them together, Wilson emphasized the importance and urgency of the matter, ensuring that both chambers were fully aware of the situation and the need for immediate action.

This approach also allowed for a more consistent message, reducing the risk of miscommunication or delays in decision-making. Moreover, focusing on their shared responsibility to support the war effort rather than their individual roles helped foster a sense of national unity and collaboration between the two legislative bodies during a critical time.

To know more about  legislative bodies visit :


which president was the first to appoint an african american as a member of his cabinet?


Answer is President Lyndon B. Johnson

Robert C. Weaver became the first African-American to serve in a president's cabinet - for President Lyndon B. Johnson in 1966.

In the 1950's the communist set up _____ which focused on government creating social and economic change .


In the 1950s, communists set up planned economies, which focused on government creating social and economic change through centralized control.

During the 1950s, communist countries like the Soviet Union and China established planned economies, which focused on the government directing social and economic change through centralized decision-making.

This system aimed to achieve rapid industrialization, modernization, and economic growth by allocating resources and setting production targets based on government-determined priorities.

While planned economies did achieve some successes in terms of industrial development, they also suffered from inefficiencies, stagnation, and lack of innovation, leading many countries to eventually transition to market-oriented economic systems.

For more such questions on communists, click on:


What were the characteristics of yuppies?



The term "yuppies" was coined in the 1980s to describe a group of young, upwardly mobile professionals who were characterized by their affluent lifestyles, ambitious career goals, and materialistic values.

Some of the defining characteristics of yuppies included their desire for high-status careers and their willingness to work long hours to achieve their goals. They were also known for their consumption of luxury goods, such as designer clothing, expensive cars, and high-end technology.

In terms of cultural attitudes, yuppies tended to be politically conservative and socially liberal, placing a high value on individualism, personal achievement, and self-expression. They were often seen as competitive and status-conscious, with a strong desire to distinguish themselves from their peers through their accomplishments and possessions.

Despite being criticized by some for their self-centeredness and materialism, yuppies played a significant role in shaping the economic and cultural landscape of the 1980s, and their influence can still be felt in many aspects of contemporary society.


Yuppies, short for "young urban professionals," were a cultural and social phenomenon that emerged in the United States in the 1980s. They were a subgroup of young professionals who were characterized by their materialistic and career-oriented lifestyles, as well as their conspicuous consumption of luxury goods and services. Some of the key characteristics of yuppies include:

Education and Career: Yuppies were typically college-educated and held high-paying jobs in industries such as finance, law, and technology.Income and Wealth: Yuppies were known for their high levels of disposable income and their willingness to spend it on luxury items such as designer clothing, expensive cars, and gourmet food.Lifestyle: Yuppies were often associated with a fast-paced, urban lifestyle that involved long work hours, frequent socializing, and a focus on personal achievement and success.Values: Yuppies were often criticized for their materialism and their lack of concern for social and political issues. They were seen as individualistic and self-centered, with a focus on personal success rather than social responsibility.Fashion: Yuppies were known for their distinctive fashion sense, which often included power suits, designer labels, and expensive accessories such as Rolex watches and Montblanc pens.

The yuppie culture was largely a product of the economic boom of the 1980s, and it declined in the early 1990s as the economy slowed down and priorities shifted. However, the influence of yuppies can still be seen in contemporary culture, particularly in the continued emphasis on career success and personal achievement.

Find out more about Yuppies here:


to help pay for the war, the american people made loans to the government by purchasing.T/F


The given statement "To help pay for the war, the american people made loans to the government by purchasing" is true because During times of war, governments often require additional funds to finance military operations.

The United States government has historically relied on various methods to raise money for war efforts, including taxes, borrowing from foreign governments, and issuing bonds to the public. In World War I and II, the government also relied heavily on loans from American citizens in the form of war bonds.

To help pay for the war effort, the government created several campaigns encouraging citizens to buy war bonds. These bonds were essentially loans to the government that paid interest and could be redeemed for their full value at a later date.

The government used the money raised from war bond sales to pay for the costs associated with war, such as building ships, tanks, and planes, as well as providing support for soldiers and their families.

Overall, the sale of war bonds was an important part of the American government's financing strategy during both World War I and II.

By encouraging citizens to invest in the war effort, the government was able to raise significant funds without relying solely on taxes or foreign borrowing. Furthermore, the purchase of war bonds helped to foster a sense of patriotism and support for the war effort among the American public.

For more question on government visit:


The fossil record for early archaic ________ shows that they evolved from a _________ ancestor around 350,000 yBP.


The fossil record for early archaic humans shows that they evolved from a Homo heidelbergensis ancestor around 350,000 yBP.

Heidelbergensis, also known as Homo heidelbergensis, is an extinct hominin species that lived approximately 600,000 to 200,000 years ago during the Pleistocene epoch. It is considered an important transitional species between Homo erectus and Homo sapiens. The name "Heidelbergensis" is derived from the location where the first fossil evidence was discovered in Heidelberg, Germany.

Heidelbergensis had a robust physical build, with an average height and brain size larger than that of Homo erectus. They exhibited a range of primitive and advanced characteristics, suggesting a transitional stage in human evolution. They possessed a more developed brain and a more sophisticated tool-making capability, including the use of fire. Fossil evidence of heidelbergensis has been found in Africa, Europe, and possibly Asia, indicating a widespread geographic distribution.

To know more about Heidelbergensis refer to-


The Clean Air Act of 1990 has all but which of the following requirements?
A)It required tougher auto emission controls.
B)It required cleaner-burning gasoline.
C)It required new equipment to capture industrial and business pollution.
D)It required a 50-percent reduction in all airborne pollutants by 2020.


The Clean Air Act of 1990 did not have the requirement mentioned in  D) It required a 50-percent reduction in all airborne pollutants by 2020.

While the Clean Air Act of 1990 was a significant piece of legislation aimed at addressing air pollution and improving air quality in the United States, it did not establish a specific mandate for a 50-percent reduction in all airborne pollutants by the year 2020.

However, the Act did include the other requirements mentioned:

A) It required tougher auto emission controls: The Act called for stricter regulations on automobile emissions to reduce pollutants from vehicles, including the implementation of catalytic converters and emission standards.

B) It required cleaner-burning gasoline: The Act mandated the use of reformulated gasoline, which is formulated to produce fewer emissions when burned, thereby reducing air pollution.

C) It required new equipment to capture industrial and business pollution: The Act introduced provisions to regulate and reduce pollution from industrial sources, including the llation of pollution control equipment and the implementation of emission standards for industrial facilities.

These measures were implemented to mitigate air pollution and improve air quality, but the Act did not include the specific requirement of a 50-percent reduction in all airborne pollutants by 2020.

Learn more about business here:


in the years since world war ii, the american workplace has become more


In the years since World War II, the American workplace has become more Participative

The American workplace has undergone a significant transformation since the end of World War II. One of the most significant changes has been the shift towards a more participative work environment. In the past, many companies were structured in a top-down, hierarchical manner with a clear distinction between managers and employees. However, this approach is no longer effective in today's fast-paced, competitive business environment. As a result, many companies have implemented a more participative management style that encourages employees to be involved in decision-making processes.

Participative management involves sharing responsibility and authority with employees, creating a more inclusive and collaborative work environment. This approach empowers employees to be more engaged in their work and to take ownership of their roles and responsibilities. It also encourages open communication and fosters a culture of trust and respect between employees and management.

In recent years, many companies have implemented participative management practices, such as team-based decision-making, employee involvement programs, and open-door policies. This approach has been found to increase employee job satisfaction, productivity, and commitment to the organization. Moreover, participative management can lead to greater innovation and creativity, as employees are encouraged to share their ideas and contribute to problem-solving processes.

Overall, the shift towards a more participative work environment has been a positive development in the American workplace. By empowering employees and creating a culture of collaboration, companies can create a more productive and engaged workforce, which can lead to greater success and profitability.

Know more about World War II here :


prior to 1860, hostility among native-born americans toward immigrants was spurred, in part, by


Prior to 1860, hostility among native-born Americans toward immigrants was spurred, in part, by economic competition for jobs and resources.

Additionally, cultural differences and perceived threats to American values and ways of life contributed to the hostility. Some native-born Americans also held racist beliefs and viewed immigrants, particularly those from non-English speaking countries, as inferior. This led to the discrimination and exclusionary policies such as the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882. Prior to 1860, hostility among native-born Americans toward immigrants was spurred, in part, by factors such as economic competition, cultural differences, and perceived threats to American values and identity.

To know more about immigrants visit:


Which of the following is responsible for overseeing the management of u.s. lands, water, wildlife, and energy resources?a. Housing and Urban b. DevelopmentHealth and Human Servicesc. Interiord. Treasury


The agency responsible for overseeing the management of U.S. lands, water, wildlife, and energy resources is the Department of the Interior.

This agency manages and conserves federally-owned natural resources and cultural heritage, including national parks, wildlife refuges, and public lands. It also oversees energy and mineral resource development on federal lands and offshore areas, as well as administers programs related to Native American and Alaska Native communities. Additionally, the Department of the Interior works to protect endangered species and their habitats, manages water resources, and regulates activities that affect the environment. Its mission is to ensure the responsible and sustainable use of America's natural resources for the benefit of present and future generations.

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in 1965, how did congress limit the entry of hispanic and latino immigrants into the united states?



Indeed, before 1965 there were no numerical limits at all on immigration from Latin America or the Caribbean, only qualitative restrictions. The 1965 amendments changed all that, imposing an annual cap of 120,000 on entries from the Western Hemisphere.

In 1965, Congress passed the Immigration and Nationality Act, also known as the Hart-Celler Act, which significantly limited the entry of Hispanic and Latino immigrants into the United States.

This legislation abolished the national origins quota system, which had favored European immigrants, and established a new system based on family reunification and skilled labor. However, the new system imposed an annual cap of 120,000 visas for the Western Hemisphere, including Latin America, and 170,000 visas for the Eastern Hemisphere. These caps disproportionately affected Hispanic and Latino immigrants, as demand from these regions exceeded the available visa numbers. Consequently, many individuals faced lengthy waiting periods, contributing to an increase in unauthorized immigration. Furthermore, the preference given to family reunification and skilled labor meant that those without immediate family members or specific skills were less likely to obtain visas. As a result, the 1965 Act inadvertently restricted opportunities for Hispanic and Latino immigrants to legally enter the United States, shaping migration patterns for decades to come.

To know more about Immigration visit:


During the Armenian Genocide how were Armenians different from the rest of the
They were Jewish and blamed for economic problems.
They were successful farmers that had their own land.
They were Christian in a mostly Muslim nation.
They were anti-communist in a communist country.



The Armenians were a primarily Christian ethnic group who had lived in Eastern Anatolia (modern day Eastern Turkey) for centuries. At the turn of the twentieth century, approximately two million Armenians lived in the Ottoman Empire, primarily in rural areas although there were also small communities in large urban areas such as Constantinople. While life was often unpredictable and unjust, under the empire’s millet system in the nineteenth century, the group did enjoy significant administrative and social autonomy, and had their own language and church.

As the First World War loomed, the Ottoman Empire was in a state of decline and as a result had become increasingly polarised . Between 1912 and 1913, the Empire lost 83% of its European territories during the largely unsuccessful Balkan Wars. This led to increase in anti-Christian sentiment and amplified the nationalist desire of the Ottoman leaders to create an ethnically homogenous community. It was hoped that this community would then strengthen the empire through shared beliefs and, as a result, ensure its survival. As the majority of the inhabitants of the Ottoman Empire were Muslim, the Chri


Southern delegates met at a convention in nashville in the summer of 1850 to: a.
plan southern secession.
b. plan ways to acquire more slave territory.
c.propose a series of constitutional amendments.
d. denounce Daniel Webster as a traitor to the South.
e. condemn the compromises being worked out in Congress.


The correct option is e) condemn the compromises being worked out in Congress. The southern delegates that gathered at a convention in Nashville in the summer of 1850 had a clear objective in mind.

They were there to condemn the compromises that were being worked out in Congress, particularly those related to the issue of slavery. The southern states were increasingly concerned that the federal government was seeking to restrict their ability to expand the practice of slavery, and they were determined to push back against this perceived encroachment on their rights.

At the convention, the delegates discussed a variety of strategies for protecting their interests, including proposing a series of constitutional amendments that would enshrine the right to own slaves. Although these efforts ultimately proved unsuccessful, the Nashville convention was an important moment in the lead-up to the Civil War, as it underscored the deep divisions that existed between the northern and southern states over the issue of slavery.The correct option is e) condemn the compromises being worked out in Congress.

For more about southern delegates:


concession that lenin and mao made when trying to bring about the end of capitalism and the beginning of communism.


When Lenin and Mao sought to transition their countries from CAPITALISM to communism, they made certain concessions or compromises to address the specific circumstances they faced.

Some of these concessions include:

Lenin's New Economic Policy (NEP): In the aftermath of the Russian Revolution and the devastation caused by the Russian Civil War, Lenin introduced the NEP in 1921. The NEP temporarily allowed for elements of private enterprise, market-oriented policies, and limited capitalism. It was a pragmatic measure aimed at revitalizing the economy and increasing agricultural production.

Mao's Agricultural Collectivization: Mao implemented land reforms and pushed for the collectivization of agriculture as part of his goal to establish communism in China. However, during the early stages of the collectivization process, Mao allowed some level of individual farming and private plots, particularly in the form of the "household responsibility system." This concession was made to encourage agricultural productivity and provide incentives to peasants.

Mao's "Two Whatevers" Policy: During the early years of the Chinese Communist Revolution, Mao adopted a flexible approach known as the "Two Whatevers" policy. This policy allowed for cooperation with individuals and groups, regardless of their class backgrounds, as long as they supported the revolution against the Kuomintang government. It involved forming alliances and making compromises to consolidate power and achieve the communist objectives.

These concessions were strategic choices made by Lenin and Mao to navigate the complexities of transitioning from capitalism to communism. They aimed to address immediate economic and political challenges while maintaining control and advancing their long-term revolutionary goals.

Learn more about capitalism here:


Why did Ida B. Wells say the United States had no right to call itself the "land of the free"?
1. She was referring to the huge number of lynchings of innocent black men
2. She was discussing the anti-immigrant sentiment in the South
3. She was writing about the plight of Indians in the West
4. She was criticizing America's war against Spain
5. She was examining work conditions for factory workers


According to the given question, the correct option is 1, which refers to Ida B. Wells saying that the United States had no right to call itself the "land of the free" because of the huge number of lynchings of innocent black men. She was a prominent journalist and civil rights activist who investigated and reported on the lynchings of African Americans in the late 1800s.

Wells saw that the justice system in the United States was not serving African Americans fairly and that many black men were being lynched without a fair trial or due process. She believed that until the country addressed this issue and ensured that all people were treated equally under the law, it could not rightfully call itself the "land of the free." Ida B. Wells said the United States had no right to call itself the "land of the free" primarily because of the first reason: she was referring to the huge number of lynchings of innocent black men.

Wells was a prominent journalist, activist, and suffragist in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. She fiercely advocated for the rights and protection of African Americans, particularly in response to the horrific lynchings that were prevalent during that time. She believed that the country could not truly be called "free" when a significant portion of its citizens were subjected to such violent and unjust treatment based on their race.

To know more about journalists, visit:


although denied the ballot, women found a voice in the public sphere during the 1820s and 1830s. TRUE/FALSE


True. Although women were denied the right to vote during the 1820s and 1830s, they did find a voice in the public sphere.

This period marked the emergence of the women's rights movement and the beginning of organized efforts for gender equality. Women activists such as Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Lucretia Mott, and Susan B. Anthony were influential in advocating for women's rights and raising awareness about issues such as suffrage, education, and property rights.

They organized conventions, wrote articles and speeches, and engaged in public discourse to challenge the societal norms that limited women's roles and opportunities. These early efforts laid the foundation for future advancements in women's rights and eventually led to the suffrage movement and the eventual granting of voting rights to women.

Learn more about public sphere


Which of the following is TRUE about factory work in the North?
A. Children were hired to work in the factories because they were paid less.
B. The cottage industry increased despite factories being built.
C. The South was thriving due to an increase in factories.​


The true statement about factory workers in the North is option A. Children were hired to work in the factories because they were paid less.

During the Industrial Revolution, factories in the North of the United States became the center of manufacturing. These factories needed a large workforce to operate the machinery and produce goods, and they often hired children to work long hours for very low wages. Children were preferred by factory owners because they could be paid less than adults and were seen as more manageable.

Child labor laws did not exist at this time, and children were often forced to work in unsafe and unhealthy conditions. The cottage industry, which involved people working from their homes to produce goods, did not increase despite the factories being built. The factories were seen as more efficient and profitable, so many people abandoned the cottage industry to work in the factories instead.

The South did not thrive due to an increase in factories during this time. The majority of factories were located in the North, where there was easy access to transportation and raw materials. The South relied more on agriculture and did not experience the same level of industrialization as the North until much later. Therefore, the correct answer is option A.

know more about Industrial Revolution here:


to oversee activities in the stock market, in 1934, congress established the


To oversee activities in the stock market, in 1934, Congress established the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) was established by Congress in 1934 as part of the Securities Exchange Act to oversee activities in the stock market. Its main responsibility is to protect investors and maintain fair and orderly functioning of the securities markets. The SEC regulates companies that issue securities, including stocks and bonds, as well as brokers, dealers, and exchanges that facilitate the trading of those securities. The SEC also requires companies to disclose important financial information to the public, including annual reports, quarterly reports, and other filings. The SEC has played a critical role in maintaining the integrity and stability of the U.S. securities markets for over 80 years.

Learn more about Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC):


the __________ served as a stage for roman politicians and philosophers. globe gallery forum street


The forum served as a stage for roman politicians and philosophers. globe gallery forum street

The answer to your question is "forum". The forum was a central public space in Ancient Rome where people gathered for various purposes, such as political meetings, business transactions, religious ceremonies, and social events.

It was the heart of the city and served as a stage for many important events in Roman history.
The forum was surrounded by important buildings and structures, including temples, basilicas, government buildings, and public monuments.

It was also home to the Rostra, a platform that served as a speaker's platform where politicians and orators would address the public. The Rostra was decorated with the prows of ships captured in battle, a symbol of Rome's military might.
Many famous figures in Roman history used the forum as a stage for their speeches and debates, including Julius Caesar, Cicero, and Augustus.

Philosophers like Seneca and Epictetus also gave lectures in the forum.
Today, the ruins of the forum are a popular tourist attraction in Rome. The site includes the remains of many of the buildings and monuments that once stood there, such as the Temple of Saturn and the Arch of Titus.

The forum is a testament to the enduring legacy of Roman civilization and the central role that the forum played in shaping the city and its people.

For more such questions on roman politicians


for which holiday does hallmark channel air 5 all new movies five nights in a row?


Hallmark Channel airs their annual "Countdown to Christmas" event which features new Christmas movies every year.

During this event, they often air five new movies in a row for five nights in a row. This event usually takes place in November and December and is highly anticipated by fans of Hallmark Channel's feel-good holiday movies. The movies often feature themes of love, family, and Christmas traditions. Many people enjoy tuning in to this event as a way to get into the holiday spirit and enjoy heartwarming movies that capture the magic of the season.

In short, Hallmark Channel airs five new Christmas movies in a row for five nights in a row during their annual "Countdown to Christmas" event.

To know more about Christmas visit:


why was the birth of a nation such a controversial film, in spite of its technical brilliance?


The Birth of a Nation, released in 1915, was a controversial film due to its deeply racist themes and depictions of African Americans.

The film was made with great technical brilliance and was the first feature-length film ever released. However, its portrayal of African Americans as subhuman, brutish, and inferior to whites was seen as deeply offensive by many people and served to perpetuate negative stereotypes of the African American community.

The film's glorification of the Ku Klux Klan and its role in the Reconstruction era further added to its controversy. Despite its technical brilliance, The Birth of a Nation's portrayal of African Americans has been widely condemned and has made the film one of the most controversial films in history.

To know more about African Americans , click here:


which of the following is the largest racial/ethnic minority group in the united states? group of answer choices a.african americans b.asian americans c.native americans
d. hispanic americans


The largest racial/ethnic minority group in the United States is Hispanic Americans. As of 2019, there were approximately 60.6 million Hispanics living in the United States, which accounted for 18.5% of the total population.

The Hispanic American population includes individuals who identify as Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Salvadoran, Dominican, and many other nationalities. This group has grown significantly over the past few decades due to both immigration and birth rates, and it is projected to continue to grow in the future. The Hispanic American community has contributed significantly to the cultural, social, and economic fabric of the United States, and it is important for individuals and institutions to understand and respect the diversity within this group. It is also important to note that all racial and ethnic groups in the United States, including African Americans, Asian Americans, and Native Americans, have unique histories, cultures, and experiences that should be acknowledged and celebrated.

Learn more about diversity from here:


The largest racial/ethnic minority group in the United States option D. Hispanic American.

The growth of the Hispanic American population can be attributed to factors such as immigration, higher birth rates, and a younger age structure. Immigration from countries such as Mexico, Puerto Rico, and Central and South American nations has played a significant role in shaping the Hispanic American community.

Hispanic Americans have made substantial contributions to the cultural, economic, and social fabric of the United States. Their influence can be seen in areas such as cuisine, music, art, literature, and language. Hispanic heritage is celebrated through events like Hispanic Heritage Month, which recognizes the contributions and diverse backgrounds of Hispanic Americans.

In terms of economic impact, Hispanic Americans have contributed to entrepreneurship, labor force growth, and business ownership. They have established thriving businesses across various industries, creating job opportunities and contributing to economic development.

Politically, the Hispanic American population has become increasingly influential, particularly in states with large Hispanic communities. This has led to a growing emphasis on addressing issues that affect the Hispanic community, such as immigration reform, education, healthcare, and economic opportunities.

In conclusion, Hispanic Americans constitute the largest racial/ethnic minority group in the United States. Their significant presence, contributions, and demographic growth make them a vital part of the nation's cultural, economic, and political landscape. Therefore, option D is the correct answer.

Know more about Immigration here:


which of the following would be the most likely form of refusal in the japanese culture?


In Japanese culture, the most common form of refusal is through indirect communication.

This is known as "tatemae," which refers to the public facade or the socially acceptable behavior that people display. Japanese people often prioritize harmony and avoiding conflict, so they tend to use non-verbal cues or soft language to decline something. For example, they may say "it's difficult" or "let me think about it" instead of saying "no." It is important to understand the cultural context when communicating with Japanese people to avoid misunderstandings or offense. Directly refusing something or someone can be perceived as rude or confrontational in Japanese culture. It is also important to note that there are exceptions to this cultural norm, and some Japanese people may be more direct in their communication style depending on the situation and individual personality.

To know more about indirect communication visit:


In 1832, Samuel Worcester sued the state of Georgia claiming the state __________.
should annex Cherokee lands for use in growing cotton
had no authority over Cherokee lands
should pay the Cherokee nation fair market value for their land
had prevented Christian missionaries from working on Cherokee landIn 1832, Samuel Worcester sued the state of Georgia claiming the state __________.
should annex Cherokee lands for use in growing cotton
had no authority over Cherokee lands
should pay the Cherokee nation fair market value for their land
had prevented Christian missionaries from working on Cherokee landIn 1832, Samuel Worcester sued the state of Georgia claiming the state __________.
should annex Cherokee lands for use in growing cotton
had no authority over Cherokee lands
should pay the Cherokee nation fair market value for their land
had prevented Christian missionaries from working on Cherokee land




why did no one come to the party stephen hawking hosted on june 28, 2009?



"I gave a party for time-travellers, but I didn't send out the invitations until after the party. I sat there a long time, but no one came." Hawking has previously spoken about the party, which was 'held' on 28th June 2009, and produced a video about the experiment - but due to the laws of causality, no one has retrospectively showed up.

On June 28, 2009, Stephen Hawking threw a party to celebrate his 67th birthday. However, despite sending out invitations to more than 100 people, no one showed up. This might seem surprising, given that Hawking is one of the most respected and famous scientists of our time. Hawking had organized the party at the University of Cambridge, where he worked, and had only invited time travelers.

Hawking had hoped that if time travel were possible, someone from the future would attend the party. He even sent out invitations after the event in case a time traveler had arrived too late. Of course, there was no evidence that time travel is possible, so it is hardly surprising that no one turned up.

Despite the disappointment of his failed party, Stephen Hawking continued to make groundbreaking contributions to the fields of cosmology and physics until his death in 2018. His work has helped to shape our understanding of the universe and has inspired countless scientists and thinkers around the world.

To know more about Stephen Hawking visit:


Use the graph to the right to help determine which of the following statements regarding the labor force participation rates of adult men and women since 1950 is false O A. O B. The overall labor force participation rate is higher today than it was in 1950. The labor force participation rates of adult men and adult women were equal in 1990. C. The labor force participation rate of adult men has declined gradually since 1950. O D. The labor force participation rate of adult women has increased significantly since 1950. 1950 1960 1970 980 1990 2000 Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics


The labor force participation rates of adult men and women since 1950. Historically, there have been significant changes in the labor force participation rates of adult men and women.

In many countries, including the United States, there has been an increase in the labor force participation rate of women since 1950. Women's increased participation in the workforce has been influenced by factors such as changing societal norms, advancements in gender equality, and economic factors. On the other hand, the labor force participation rate of adult men has generally declined or remained relatively stable since 1950. This decline can be attributed to a variety of factors, including shifts in the economy, changes in occupational structures, and other socio-economic changes. It's important to consult the specific graph and its data to accurately determine which statement is false.

Learn more about  labor  here:


As exemplified by Cincinnatus, the ideal citizen of the early Roman republic was______.


As exemplified by Cincinnatus, the ideal citizen of the early Roman republic was a virtuous and selfless leader who put the interests of the state above personal gain.

Cincinnatus was a Roman statesman and military leader who lived in the 5th century BCE.

He is often hailed as an embodiment of the ideal Roman citizen and leader during the early Roman republic.

Cincinnatus was known for his integrity, modesty, and devotion to the republic. According to historical accounts, he led a simple and virtuous life, focusing on the welfare of the Roman state rather than personal wealth or power. Cincinnatus is best remembered for his actions as a dictator during times of crisis.

What set Cincinnatus apart was his willingness to relinquish power once his duty was fulfilled. After the crisis was resolved, Cincinnatus willingly stepped down from his position as dictator and returned to his humble farm, refusing to use his authority for personal gain. This act of selflessness and dedication to the republic became a legendary example of civic virtue and served as a model for Roman citizens.

Cincinnatus became a symbol of the ideal Roman citizen, embodying qualities such as self-sacrifice, loyalty to the state, and putting the common good above personal ambition. His story was often cited by later Roman writers and politicians as a reminder of the virtues and responsibilities expected of Roman citizens.

Learn more about virtue here:


which group was produced by rick rubin, who had previously been involved with run-dmc?



The group that was produced by Rick Rubin, who had previously been involved with Run-DMC, was the Beastie Boys. Rubin co-produced the Beastie Boys' debut album "Licensed to Ill" in 1986, which became the first hip hop album to reach number one on the Billboard 200 chart. The Beastie Boys went on to become one of the most influential and successful rap groups of all time, blending punk, funk, and hip hop to create their signature sound. Rubin's work with the Beastie Boys helped to shape the landscape of hip hop and popular music in the 1980s and beyond.

Final answer:

The Beastie Boys were produced by Rick Rubin, who had previously worked with Run-DMC. Rubin played a major role in the production of their debut album, License to Ill.


The group that was produced by Rick Rubin, who had previously been involved with Run-DMC, is the Beastie Boys. Rick Rubin and Russell Simmons co-founded Def Jam Recordings, and Rick Rubin took a major production role with the group. His work led to the Beastie Boys' debut studio album License to Ill in 1986, which became a huge success and established them as a groundbreaking force in the music industry.

Rick Rubin, a well-known producer, previously collaborated with the influential hip hop group Run-DMC. One of the groups he produced was the Beastie Boys.

Learn more about Beastie Boys here:


the __________ of president coolidge brought short-term economic growth to the united states during the 1920s.


The laissez-faire economic policies President Calvin Coolidge brought short-term economic growth to the United states during the 1920s.

Laissez-faire, meaning "let it be" in French, refers to a hands-off approach to government intervention in the economy. Coolidge's policies emphasized minimal regulation, low taxes, and limited government involvement. During Coolidge's presidency, the United States experienced significant economic growth in the short term. The laissez-faire policies promoted a favorable business environment, leading to increased investment, innovation, and productivity. The economy boomed, with industries such as manufacturing, construction, and automobiles thriving. Unemployment rates remained low, and the stock market reached unprecedented levels.

However, it is important to note that this period of economic growth was not without its challenges. The benefits of the prosperity were not evenly distributed, and income inequality widened. Additionally, the laissez-faire approach contributed to the conditions that led to the Great Depression in the following decade.

While Coolidge's policies brought short-term economic growth, their long-term implications and their impact on societal and economic stability remain subjects of debate among historians and economists. The laissez-faire approach highlights the tension between limited government intervention and the need for regulation to safeguard against economic excesses and promote equitable growth.

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what is one way in which the US and florida constitutions differ


One way in which the U.S. Constitution and the Florida Constitution differ is in the scope of their respective provisions. The U.S. Constitution is a document that outlines the fundamental principles and structure of the federal government, while the Florida Constitution is specific to the state of Florida and governs its state government and its relationship with its citizens.

The U.S. Constitution establishes the framework for the federal government, defining the powers and limitations of the three branches of government (executive, legislative, and judicial) and outlining the rights and freedoms of individuals. It sets forth the division of powers between the federal government and the states, and it serves as the supreme law of the land, providing the basis for federal laws and court decisions.

On the other hand, the Florida Constitution addresses matters specific to the state of Florida. It establishes the structure and powers of the state government, including the governor, legislature, and judiciary. It also covers areas such as education, taxation, local government, and the protection of individual rights. The Florida Constitution can be amended through a constitutional amendment process specific to the state, which may differ from the process for amending the U.S. Constitution.

In summary, while the U.S. Constitution governs the entire country and provides the framework for the federal government, the Florida Constitution applies only to the state of Florida and governs matters relevant to the state's governance and relationship with its citizens.

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