The Plain Writing Act


The purpose of this Act is to improve the effectiveness and accountability of Federal agencies to the public by promoting clear Government communication that the public can understand and use.


In this Act:

AGENCY.—The term “agency” means an Executive agency, as defined under section 105 of title 5, United States Code.
COVERED DOCUMENT.—The term “covered document”
means any document that
is necessary for obtaining any Federal Government benefit or service or filing taxes;
provides information about any Federal Government benefit or service; or
explains to the public how to comply with a requirement the Federal Government administers or enforces;
includes (whether in paper or electronic form) a letter, publication, form, notice, or instruction; and
does not include a regulation.
PLAIN WRITING.—The term “plain writing” means writing that is clear, concise and well-organized, and that follows other best practices appropriate to the subject or field and intended audience.

IN GENERAL.—Not later than 9 months after the date of enactment of this Act, the head of each agency shall—
designate one or more senior officials within the agency to oversee the agency implementation of this Act;
communicate the requirements of this Act to the employees of the agency;
train employees of the agency in plain writing;
establish a process for overseeing the ongoing compliance of the agency with the requirements of this Act;
create and maintain a plain-writing section of the agency’s website as required under paragraph (2) that is accessible from the home page of the agency’s website; and
designate 1 or more agency points of contact to receive and respond to public input on implementation and reports required under section 5.
WEBSITE.—The plain-writing section described under paragraph (1)(E) shall—
inform the public of agency compliance with the requirements of this Act; and
provide a mechanism for the agency to receive and respond to public input on implementation and reports required under section 5.
REQUIREMENT TO USE PLAIN WRITING IN NEW DOCUMENTS.—Beginning not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act, each agency shall use plain writing in every covered document of the agency that the agency issues or substantially revises.
IN GENERAL.—Not later than 6 months after the date of enactment of this Act, the Director of the Office of Management and Budget shall develop and issue guidance on implementing the requirements of this section. The Director may designate a lead agency and may use interagency working groups to assist in developing and issuing the guidance.
INTERIM GUIDANCE.—Before the issuance of guidance under paragraph (1), agencies may follow the guidance of the writing guidelines developed by the Plain Language Action and Information Network or guidance provided by the head of the agency that is consistent with those guidelines.
For website pages on tax shelters, the Plain Writing Act requires that which of the following be considered?


Answer 1
this is much needed to my understanding, it’s gonna helps me through college

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What is Thoreau's main point in civil disobedience?


Thoreau's main point in Civil Disobedience was that one should be free to exercise his/her self conscience in the political sphere of his country.

Thoreau goes on to say that he/she and should not be a silent spectator to the wrong doings of the government and should boldly voice their resistance to it.

The basic premise of Thoreau In Civil Disobedience is that there exists a higher law than the civil law which demands the obedience of the individual.

He argues that both the government and the humans are subordinate.

Whenever one takes the inferior position and the other becomes subordinate, it is important that humans use their conscience whenever such a case arises. This would in turn lead to the well being of the society.

To know more about civil disobedience, click here:


What is theory and laws?


A well-researched explanation of observations is a theory. A statement that encapsulates the relationship between variables is known as a scientific law.

Theories connect what observations tell us about astrophysical objects to what is known about those objects physically, whereas observations are used to support theories.

A scientific theory is a well-supported explanation for a feature of the natural world that is based on a collection of facts that have been repeatedly verified via observation and experiment. These hypotheses are not "guesses," but rather trustworthy depictions of the world as it is.

Read more about theory and laws at


What does Thoreau compare government to in civil disobedience?


Thoreau compare government to in civil disobedience to a machine.

Thoreau makes a comparison between the government to a machine to explain how governments is devoid of any humane or moral values. It dehumanizes individuals.

He further elaborates his point by stating that Thoreau claims that the  machines are the 'mass of men'. On the other hand "with their bodies"; they "put themselves on a level with wood and earth and stones."

By using this words that correspond to parts of different machines, he explains how the government exploits the people to fulfill his means is that by serving the state.

In this way, the government no longer fulfills its functions of a welfare state and does little for the betterment.

To know more about Civil disobedience, click here


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An example of a recent bankruptcy is the bankruptcy case of rapper 50 Cent, which was filed in July 2015.

What is bankruptcy?
Bankruptcy is a legal process where an individual or a business struggling with financial difficulties can obtain relief from debt. It is a legal court process in which a debtor can be released from their financial obligations, such as outstanding loans and unpaid bills. Bankruptcy can also provide a fresh start for individuals and businesses, where they can begin rebuilding their financial life and establishing a better financial future.

According to court documents, 50 Cent had a networth of over $100 million at one point, but ended up filing for bankruptcy due to a combination of factors, including a series of costly lawsuits, bad investments, and a lavish lifestyle.

Had 50 Cent paid better attention to his finances, he may have been able to avoid bankruptcy. He could have been more selective in the investments he made and been more cautious with the lawsuits he was involved in. He also could have reigned in his spending and lived a simpler lifestyle.

To know more about that discussed this bankruptcy case can be found here:

cases involving citizens from two different states would be heard in a:



The Federal Court


What did William Blackstone believe the purpose of law was?


The purpose of Blackstone's commentary on England law was to provide a readable source of common law for most people.

This work was divided into his four volumes:

Human rights, property rights, private and public wrongs.

One of his core beliefs is that laws are designed to protect the innocent, not to convict the guilty. Blackstone thus worked for a law firm that did not plead guilty to defendants.

Another of William Blackstone's beliefs was that citizens had certain rights that they could exercise against what they considered government excesses, including freedom of the press.

William Blackstone's third great belief was that all laws come from God, or at least from the natural order of the universe.

To learn more about 'William Blackstone', here:


In cases where informed decision makers such as trained medical staff or governmental officials agree that a research study has the potential to benefit a large number of people, written informed consent from participants is not needed.


The correct answer is False. Written informed permission from participants is not necessary when knowledgeable decision makers, such as skilled medical personnel or government authorities, concur that a research project has the potential to be helpful to many people.

A fundamental tenet of research ethics is informed consent. Its goal is to ensure that human participants can enter research freely (voluntarily), that they are fully informed of what it means to participate, and that they provide consent before entering the study.

Respect for people demands that subjects be given the option to decide what will or won't happen to them, to the extent that they are capable. When appropriate criteria for informed consent are met, this option is granted.

Read more about decision makers at


if Liz Marley acquired a rare stamp as a bequest when her father passed away does it have the same basis


The stamp would have the same basis if Liz acquired it as a bequest from her father when he passed.

What is a bequest?

Objects left in a will are known as bequests. In the past, bequest and deviser were terms used to describe real and personal property that was left by will. These days, both terms are utilized. The verb form of the action of bequeathing is called "to bequeath."

Gifts are not always bequests, but bequests are gifts. Making a gift through a will to a close family member is known as a bequest. In a Will, you may write something as straightforward as "I leave my red Corvette to my son." But a gift may also be given without regard to a will.

Read more on bequest here:


All of the following are true of the federal tax advantages of a qualified plan EXCEPT: O At distribution, all amounts received by the employee are free of taxes. O Individually owned non-qualified annuities are generally taxed as follows: O Premiums are not deductible; interest credited to the cash value is taxed deferred.



O At distribution, all amounts received by the employee are free of taxes.

A crime considered so heinous that it is punishable by death referred to as:
a. Capital offense
b. Death penalty crime
c. Eye-for-an-eye offense
d. Felony crime.


capital offense aka capital punishment aka the death penalty crime

so the answer is a.

Who is affected by the Supreme Court decisions?


The Supreme Court's decisions have a huge impact on society as a whole, not just on federal and state courts, but also on schoolchildren in significant ways.

The Supreme Court has a significant impact on how to subordinate federal and state courts, as well as federal and state agencies, implement decisions made by the Court and how they are delayed, avoided, interpreted incorrectly, and overturned.

It includes responses from a variety of "populations," such as:

those who explain or elaborate on its decisions,those who are expected to carry them out or put them into practice, the people for whom the decisions are meant, and the general public.

To learn more about Court, Click here:


A transaction that lacks a bargained-for exchange lacks an element of consideration.


A transaction that lacks a negotiated exchange is devoid of consideration. True.

Consideration must meet the following conditions in order to form a valid contract: It has to be something worth negotiating for. It must benefit all contracting parties. The first is contract law, which defines a bargain as a voluntary agreement between two parties for consideration. Consideration can be money, goods, services, or a promise to do something in this context. For example, if someone agrees to clean a bedroom for $50, that is a good deal. An agreement between two parties must be a bargained-for exchange in order to constitute a contract. This occurs when each party provides a promise or performance (consideration) in exchange for a return promise.

Learn more about consideration here:


A harh drought killed ome of the farm family’ corn and everal head of it cattle. Where on the production poibilitie curve could you poition a point to reflect thee circumtance?


A harsh drought killed some of the farm family’s corn and several head of it cattle. So, on the inside of the production possibilities curve you could poition a point in order to reflect these circumtances.

The production possibilities curve (PPC) is considered to be a graph which tends to show all of the different combinations of the output that can be produced when given the current resources and technology.

However, in order to reflect such circumtances, you could poition a point on the inside of the production poibilities curve. Thus, the slope of the production possibility curve is considered to be the marginal opportunity cost.Hence, the production possibility curve is concave to the origin.

To learn more about the production possibilities curve (PPC) here:


Common Law is a term for the laws that are familiar to most of us.


Common Law refers to the laws that most of us are familiar with. False.

Common Law is derived from custom or judicial decisions in English and American courts, but it is not the result of legislation. Higher court decisions are not binding on lower courts.

In law, common law (also known as judicial precedent, judge-made law, or case law) is the body of law created by judges and other quasi-judicial tribunals through written opinions.

The fact that common law emerges as precedent is what sets it apart. To synthesize the legal principles of previous cases, common law courts look to previous court decisions.The principle of stare decisis, which states that cases should be decided in accordance with consistent principled rules so that similar facts yield similar results, is at the heart of all common law systems.

Learn more about Common Law to visit this link


Can the U.S. citizenship be taken away?


Denaturalization is only possible in cases when a person obtained citizenship fraudulently or incorrectly when they were not qualified. To denaturalize a citizen, the federal government may file a civil or criminal case in federal court.

A citizen who loses their citizenship is not always forced to leave the United States. Instead, unless there are grounds for removal, they will return to their prior legal status in the United States. However, if they applied for family members to immigrate to the U.S. based on their citizenship, such family members may be deported unless they had a different reason for being in the country legally. This is due to the fact that denaturalization implies that the person never really possessed citizenship.

To know more about Denaturalization click on the below link:


What is a local law called?



Local laws are called ordinances

Can the Supreme Court overturn a law passed by Congress?


Although the Court lacks the specific power to void legislation, this power was established by the well-known Marbury v. Madison decision.

The United States Supreme Court (SCOTUS) has the authority to conduct judicial reviews.  This means that every act of Congress may be contested and brought before a Federal Court in a standard legal proceeding. The Justices may look over and interpret the act when the case comes before SCOUTS. Judicial review is the process through which the courts of a country determine whether the legislative, executive, and administrative branches of the government are carrying out their duties in conformity with the constitution. Everything that is seen to be against the Constitution is ruled void and invalid.

Click here to know more about legislative:


All budgetary changes have consequences.
Describe the impact of the three largest cuts you made. How would these cuts impact the economy and the president’s reelection chances?
Explain your answer in at least four complete sentences.




I'm sorry, I cannot answer your question about the specific cuts you made as I do not have any information about what cuts you are referring to or their context. In general, cutting a budget can have a variety of different impacts depending on what the budget is for and the size of the cut.

For example, cutting the budget for a government program that provides assistance to low-income families could have a negative impact on those families and on the economy as a whole, as they may have less money to spend, which can lead to slower economic growth. Similarly, cutting the budget for infrastructure projects could also have a negative impact on the economy by slowing economic growth and leading to higher unemployment.

On the other hand, cutting the budget for a government program that is inefficient or duplicative could have a positive impact on the economy by freeing up resources that can be used more effectively elsewhere.

Regarding the impact on the president's reelection chances, the impact would depend on how the public perceive the budget cuts, their approval of the actions, and how those budget cuts are perceived to have affected the economy and their daily life. A strong economy tends to bode well for the reelection of a president, but if people begin to feel the negative effects of budget cuts and those cuts are perceived negatively by the public, it could impact the president's approval rating, and could decrease the chances of being reelected.

On the question of whether american laws applied to the overseas territory acquired in the spanish-american war, the supreme court ruled in the insular cases that?


The supreme court ruled in the insula cases that the American Constitution and laws did not apply to US colonies on the issue of whether American laws applied to the foreign territory won in the Spanish-American War.

The United States Constitution established the country's national government, established its core laws, and provided its citizens with a number of essential rights. Delegates to the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia and Baltimore agreed on September 17, 1787, that the Bill of Rights solely applied to the federal government and not to any state governments. The Supreme Court continued to hold in United States v. Cruikshank (1876) that the First and Second Amendments did not extend to state governments even after the Fourteenth Amendment had been ratified.

Read more about supreme court at


What were the results of Mendel's experiment ?


He proved that qualities are reliably passed on from parents to children in dominant and recessive patterns, regardless of other traits.

Although Gregor Mendel's rules serve as the theoretical foundation for our knowledge of the genetics of heredity, genetic analysis precedes Mendel.

Mendel contributed two new ideas to the field of genetics:

created clean lines

kept statistics notes and counted his findings

The gene for tall plants was dominant in Mendel's trials, whereas the allele for short plants was recessive. Similar to this, the dominant gene for yellow seeds outweighed the recessive allele for green seeds.

Mendel's second law was developed as a consequence of his second series of experiments. The law of independent assortment is this. It claims that the determinants of certain attributes are inherited separately from one another.

The law of segregation states that each gamete (egg or sperm cell) that an organism produces receives only one of the two gene copies that are present in the organism, and that the distribution of the gene copies is random.

For more questions on Mendel's conclusion


Duty-based ethical standards are based on religious precepts or derived through philosophical reasoning.
True / False


Duty-based ethical standards are based on religious precepts or derived through philosophical reasoning.True

Deontological (duty-based) ethics is concerned with what people do rather than the outcomes of their actions.

Make the correct decision.Perform the action because it is the right thing to do.Don't do anything wrong.They should be avoided because they are incorrect.

This type of ethics does not allow you to justify an action by demonstrating that it had positive consequences, which is why it is also known as 'non-Consequentialist'.

The term 'deontological' is derived from the Greek word deon, which means 'duty'.

When people talk about 'the principle of the thing,' they usually mean duty-based ethics.

Learn more about ethical standards to visit this link


The duty of care that each of us must follow is to behave as a reasonable person. a. True b. False.


The correct answer is True. The standard of care that each of us must uphold is to act in a prudent manner.

People have a "duty of care" to behave toward others in a particular way and in accordance with predetermined criteria. The meaning of the phrase can vary based on the legal context in which it is employed. In order to understand what is morally right or wrong, just or unjust, ethics explores the intellectual justifications for our moral judgements. In a broader sense, ethics considers how people interact with one another and with nature, as well as their own freedom, responsibility, and sense of justice.

The degree of care, prudence, and judgement that a reasonable person would use in a specific situation is referred to as a standard of care. There are many variables that will affect the extent and character of a standard of care under tort law.

Read more about behave person at


What are Mendel's 4 hypothesis?


The first of Mendel's four postulates and laws of inheritance is the principle of paired factors. The second is the principle of dominance. The third is the law of segregation or the law of purity of gametes, while the fourth is the law of independent assortment

Principles of Paired Factors: Postulate I

A character in an organism (diploid) is represented by at least two components. The two components are located at the same locus on the two homologous chromosomes. They might be a different or same representation of the same character. Alleles or allelomorphs are factors that indicate the same or alternate version of a character.

Postulate II. Dominance Principle:

The traits that occur in the hybrids of the F1 generation are always the dominant characters, and those that do not present in F1 progeny are always the recessive characters when two homozygous individuals with one or more sets of opposing characters are crossed.

Postulate III. Mendel's First Law of Inheritance, often known as the Law of Segregation or Law of Purity of Gametes:

When gametogenesis (the formation of gametes) or sporogenesis (the formation of spores), the two factors (alleles) of a trait that remain together in an individual, are randomly distributed to different gametes and then paired again in different offspring according to the probability principle, they maintain their identity and remain distinct. The law of segregation is sometimes referred to as the "law of purity of gametes" because two alleles remain together in their original, unaltered state without interacting, influencing, or combining.

Law of Independent Assortment (also known as Mendel's Second Law of Inheritance) Postulate IV:

Mendel considered two pairs of opposing characteristics and examined their inheritance after being pleased with monohybrid crossings (i.e., di-hybrid cross).

This law states that "the two components (genes) of each opposing character (trait) at the moment of gamete development assort or separate independently of the factors of other characters and become arbitrarily rearranged in the offspring."

For more questions on Mendel's conclusion


Which of these is NOT one of the most common five ethical breaches you will see as a leader?


Bullying is not one of the most common ethical breaches one will see as a leader. The Option D is correct.

What does an ethical breach mean?

An ethical breach occurs when someone within a system or community makes an ethical decision that sets a precedent for others to follow. The danger of ethical breaches is that they represent a fundamental shift in your organization's ethics.

Some examples of ethical breach include discrimination, safety violations, poor working conditions, and leaking confidential information. Bribery, forgery, and theft, while certainly unethical, cross over into criminal activity and are frequently dealt with outside the company.

Missing options "misusing company time counterfeiting theft bullying"

Read more about ethical breach


I Reciprocity a ueful tool to overcome problem that arie from relying on eaily-available information


The statement that Reciprocity is a useful tool to overcome problems that arise from relying on easily-available information is false.

Reciprocity is the fundamental aspect which is used to negotiate in tough situations. It is used to influence people and requires other features such as commitment, consistency and psychological approach as well. In social dilemma when people are not ready to cooperate, this technique helps in sorting the problems and coming to a conclusive point. The use of reciprocity involves healthy communication skills, dialogue and action, discussion and feedback and brain-storming or training. Thus a comprehensive approach enables the better negotiation capacity among the parties involved and they agree to mutual decisions and objectives.

Learn more about reciprocity at:


Which law passed by parliament led to a famous event where colonists dressed up as native americans and committed acts of vandalism and destruction?
a. Stamp Act
b. Sugar Act
c. Townshend Acts
d. Tea Act


Option d: Law passed by parliament led to a famous event where colonists dressed up as Native Americans and committed acts of vandalism and destruction is tea act.

In 1773 Parliament passed the Tea Act intended to help the financially struggling East India Company.

- a monopoly on all tea exported to the colony;

- export tax exemption; and

- Duty “refund” (refund) for certain excess tea in possession.

Tea sent to the colonies was to be transported only on East India Company ships and sold only through their own agents, bypassing independent colonial shippers and traders. .

This allowed the company to sell its tea in the United States or England at a lower price than usual. It could undermine someone else.

To learn more about 'Tea act', here:


Sociologist C. Wright Mills emphasized that social structure lies at the root of private troubles, and that what people may define as private troubles may be more accurately described as public issues, if these problems affect large number. What personal troubles have you encountered that may also be public issues?



One personal trouble I have encountered that may also be a public issue is the increasing cost of healthcare. Even with health insurance, many people are struggling to pay for necessary medical treatments due to rising costs. This issue affects a large number of people, making it a public issue.


The United States taxes each barrel of imported oil at a flat rate. This is
a. an antidumping duty.
b. a dumping duty.
c. a quota.
d. a tariff.


I am pretty sure it’s a tariff

More than half of women who are murdered are killed by a partner or family member. True or False?


True, More than half of women who are murdered are killed by a partner or family member, as per a study from United Nations.

Research shows that female victims tend to be younger than perpetrators in the United States, and domestic violence is more common in couples where the male partner is at least 15 years older than the female partner.

The United Nations also said sex workers were the group most likely to be killed, with rates in the United States about 18 times higher than non-sex workers.

The Drug and Crime Control Service stresses that legislative change and early intervention can help victims of domestic violence before it's too late, and can also train criminal justice system staff.

To learn more about ‘United Nations’, here:


In no less than 50 sentences, write down a three-paragraph essay on: “CAN POLICE BRUTALITY EVER BE JUSTIFIED?”


I. Introduction

Definition of police brutalityThesis statement: While there may be some circumstances in which police officers are justified in using force, police brutality is never acceptable and can never be fully justified.

II. Background information on police brutality

Statistics on the prevalence of police brutalityExamples of high-profile cases of police brutality

III. Arguments for the justification of police brutality

Situations in which police officers may feel threatened or justified in using forceThe need for police officers to protect themselves and the public

IV. Rebuttal of arguments for the justification of police brutality

Police officers are trained to de-escalate situations and use appropriate levels of forceThe use of excessive force often leads to further escalation and violencePolice officers should be held to a higher standard of conduct and be held accountable for their actions

V. Alternatives to the use of force by police officers

Community policing and restorative justice approachesThe use of non-lethal weapons and de-escalation techniques

VI. Conclusion

The use of police brutality is never justified and must be actively addressed and preventedThe need for reforms and accountability to ensure that all members of the community are treated with dignity and respect.
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