The resistor in an RC circuit (a circuit where a resistor and a capacitor are connected in series) has a resistance of 145 ohm.


Answer 1

A circuit with a series connection between a resistor and a capacitor.

What is meant by capacitor?An electrostatic field of stored energy can be found in passive electronic components called capacitors. A capacitor is made up of two conducting plates that are separated from one another by a substance known as the dielectric.A capacitor is an electrical component with two terminals that has the ability to store energy in the form of an electric charge. Two electrical cables are used, and they are spaced apart. Vacuum or an insulating substance known as a dielectric can fill the gap between the conductors. To keep the voltage at a specific level, capacitors are also employed. The voltage pulsation can be lessened by using them.

To learn more about capacitor refer to:


Related Questions

to the origin is its velocity is and it is subject to a force Find (a) the acceleration of the object, (b) the angular momentum of the object about the origin, (c) the torque about the origin acting on the object, and (d) the angle between the velocity of the object and the force acting on the object.


To find the acceleration, angular momentum, torque, and angle of an object subject to a force and moving towards the origin, we need to know the velocity and force vectors of the object.

(a) the acceleration of the object

The acceleration of the object can be found by taking the derivative of the velocity vector with respect to time. If the object is moving towards the origin, the acceleration vector would be in the opposite direction of the velocity vector.

(b) the angular momentum of the object about the origin

The angular momentum of the object about the origin can be found by taking the cross product of the position vector of the object and its velocity vector. The angular momentum is a vector quantity that is perpendicular to both the position and velocity vectors.

(c) the torque about the origin acting on the object

(c) The torque about the origin acting on the object can be found by taking the cross product of the position vector of the object and the force vector acting on it. The torque is a vector quantity that is perpendicular to both the position and force vectors.

(d) the angle between the velocity of the object and the force acting on the object.

The angle between the velocity of the object and the force acting on it can be found by taking the dot product of the velocity and force vectors and dividing by the magnitudes of both vectors. The angle between the two vectors is measured in radians and can be used to determine how much the force is affecting the velocity of the object.

It's important to note that all these calculations are vector calculations and they are all performed in three-dimensional space and require knowledge of vector calculus and physics.

To know more about velocity visit


When a satellite is a distance R from the center of the Earth, the force of gravity on the satellite is F. What is the gravitational force on the satellite when its distance from the center of the Earth is 3R


When a satellite is 3R from Earth's center, its gravitational force is equal to F/9.

What do you mean by gravitational force?

Any pair of mass-containing objects will gravitationally pull toward one another. It mentions the gravitational force. The force will always applied along the line joining the two mass in the direction of the second mass, based on the formula F=Gm1m2r2.

Given  that the foece on the satellite due to earth gravity is F

(At a distance R from center of Earth)

Initial separation between the satallite and Earth is R

Final separation between the satallite and Earth is 3R

The force on the satallite due to earth is

F= [tex]\frac{GMm}{r^{2} }[/tex]

Here M is mass of earth and m is mass of satellite

if the distance between satellite and earth changed to 3R

the force on the satellite due to earth is

F'=[tex]\frac{GMm}{3R^{2} }[/tex]

F'=[tex]\frac{GMm}{9R^{2} }[/tex]


To know more about gravitational force visit:


Think of another topic in science that would lend itself to creating a word web. What is the main topic and list six subtopics you would include under it. You could use a whole subject area like chemistry or the desert. Pick a topic you know something about. Help me with this please


The study of computers and computing, encompassing the theoretical and algorithmic underpinnings, hardware and software, and applications for information processing, is known as computer science.

Uses and advantages:

The study of algorithms and data structures, computer and network design, the modelling of data and information processes, and artificial intelligence are all included in the field of computer science. Since mathematics and engineering provide some of the underpinnings for computer science, it integrates concepts from those fields as well as queueing theory, probability and statistics, and electrical circuit design. As new algorithms, information structures, and computer architectures are conceptualised, designed, measured, and improved in computer science, extensive use of hypothesis testing and experimentation is also used.

Computer science is regarded as one of five distinct but related fields, including computer engineering, information systems,  information technology, and software engineering. This family has come to be known collectively as the discipline of computing.

To learn more about computer science visit:


A 45 g golf ball collides elastically with an identical ball
at rest and stops. If the second ball's final speed is
3.0 m/s, what was the first ball's initial speed?


The initial speed of the first ball was 3.0 m/s. This can be determined by using the law of conservation of momentum where the total momentum of the system before the collision is equal to the total momentum of the system after the collision.

How does kinetic energy play a role in phase change?


During phase shift, the substance's molecules' average kinetic energy remains constant.

How does kinetic energy affect phase change?

Simply put, molecules move more quickly as kinetic energy rises. Nevertheless, molecules change phases when potential energy rises. The molecule changes phases as a result of an increase in potential energy.

In a phase change, matter moves from one state to another either by gaining energy through heat and entering a more energetic state, or by losing energy through heat and entering a state with lower energy.

The energy supplied during phase change is only used to separate the molecules; none of it is used to boost the kinetic energy of the molecules. Therefore, since the molecules' kinetic energy is constant, its temperature won't increase.

To learn more about kinetic energy refer to:


If we decided to make the length of one day equal to the time that it took the earth to complete a single revolution about its axis, what would change?


Our days would be a little bit shorter, and as a result, the sun would rise and set each day at later and later hours.

How long does it take the Earth to make a full rotation?

Another method to determine how long a day is is to time how long it takes a planet to complete one full spin. A sidereal day is what is being described here. On Earth, a sidereal day is almost exactly 23 hours and 56 minutes long. The sidereal day occurs after every 360-degree rotation of the Earth. It takes 23 hours, 56 minutes to do that. When Earth rotates slightly more and the sun is at the same location in the sky as it was 24 hours earlier, the solar day—the one that people count in the calendar—occurs.

To learn more about Earth refer to:


Roughly what percentage of matter in the universe is identical to the type of matter that comprises the planets and stars


Approximately 27% of everything in the universe is dark matter, with dark energy making up 68%. This means that all the visible matter we can see, including galaxies, stars and planets, only represents 5% of everything that exists.

What is the matter of the universe?

The matter of the universe is a complex and ongoing question that scientists are still working to answer. Generally, it is believed that the universe is composed of dark matter, dark energy, and ordinary matter.

Dark energy is thought to be the energy that is causing the universe to expand, while dark matter is an unseen form of matter that is believed to make up about 27% of the universe. Ordinary matter is the form of matter that makes up:


Learn more about the matter of the universe:


A car accelerates uniformly from rest to 28.4 m/s in 8.26 s along a level stretch of road. Ignoring friction, determine the average power required to accelerate the car if (a) the weight of the car is 8.55 x 103 N, and (b) the weight of the car is 1.52 x 104 N.


According to the given statement (a) power in this case will be P=38,933.2428 Watts (b) power in this case will be P=91,788.4599\ W

Step: 1

Average power is defined as the work done per unit time.

Work done can be found by change in kinetic energy.

[tex]W=Kf-Ki\\\\=\frac{1}{2}\mathrm{\ }m(Vf)^2-\frac{1}{2}\mathrm{\ }m(Vi)^2\\\\\Rightarrow\frac{m}{2}\left\{(28.4)^2-(0)^2\right\}\\\\=403.28\mathrm{\ }mJ oules.[/tex]

[tex]P=\frac{W}{t}=\frac{403.28\ m}{6.68}=60.37125mWatts.[/tex]

Explanation: Please refer to solution in this step.

Step: 2

a.) mass of the car will bemass [tex]=\frac{\mathrm{\ Weight\ }}{g}=0.644897\times{10}^3Kg[/tex]

using above equation we can find the power, [tex]P=60.37125\left(0.644897\times{10}^3\right)[/tex]

[tex]=38,933.2428 Watts[/tex]

b.) mass of the car will be [tex]=\frac{\mathrm{\ Weight\ }}{g}=0.152040\times{10}^4Kg[/tex]

using above equation we can find

the power, [tex]P=60.37125\left(0.152040\times{10}^4\right)=91,788.4599 Watts[/tex]

To know more about accelerates visit:


What factors interact with one another to keep a satellite in orbit. Describe two physics concepts and the effects each has on satellite orbit.


Two physics concepts that interact with one another to keep a satellite in orbit are the gravitational force and the centrifugal force.

The apparent outward force that a rotating mass experiences is known as centrifugal force. Imagine a ball being whirled around on a string or the outward motion you experience when driving around a curve. Since the system is not rotating in an inertial frame, there is no outward acceleration. The ball or your body just continues to go in the same direction that they did at first. However, they seem to be accelerating away in the rotating reference frame of the string or the car. The direction of centrifugal force is always outward and away from the axis because the Earth revolves around a fixed axis. Thus, in the equator and at the poles of the Earth, it is the opposite of the direction of gravity.It is zero at the poles of the Earth.

One of the four fundamental forces of the universe is gravity. A centripetal force is necessary in nonlinear motions like the planetary motion. In the study of disciplines like astronomy, physics, space exploration, cosmology, and many others, both of these forces are crucial.

Learn more about gravitational force here :


A negative charge of -0. 0005 C exerts an attractive force of 9. 0 N on w second charge that is 10 m away. What is the magnitude of the second charge?


The second charge is 0.0002c in size. For a negative charge of -0. 0005 C, a second charge that is 10 metres away experiences an attracting force of 9.0 N.

In science, the issue of magnitude is undoubtedly of utmost significance. Magnitude typically refers to a size or a distance. We can relate magnitude to the movement by comparing the size and motion speed of the thing. A force in physics is an effect that has the power to alter an object's motion. A force can cause an object with mass to change its velocity, or accelerate (for example, moving from a condition of rest).

q2 = 9*(10)^2/(9*10^9*0.0005)

q2 = 0.0002C

Learn more about force here


Suppose you have a set of spheres of various sizes. The formula below shows a possible relationship between the surface area (S) and volume for the spheres (V).


The formula that shows the relationship between the surface area (S) and volume (V) for spheres is S = 4πr² and V = (4/3)πr³ where r is the radius of the sphere.

This formula shows that the surface area of a sphere is directly proportional to the radius squared, and the volume is directly proportional to the radius cubed. This means that as the radius of a sphere increases, the surface area and volume will increase at a much faster rate. For example, a sphere with a radius of 2 will have four times the surface area and eight times the volume of a sphere with a radius of 1.

The question is incomplete, hence the answer is general.

Learn more about volume of the spheres here:


You weigh 600 N.

What would you weigh if the Earth were

seven times as massive as it is and its radius

were three times its present value?

Answer in units of N.


Your weight would be 85.7N if the Earth were seven times as massive as it is and had a radius three times that of today since the gravitational pull is reduced by seven times with an increase in radius.

Gravitation is a fundamental interaction in physics that produces attraction between all objects with mass or energy. Of the four fundamental interactions, gravity is by far the weakest, being about ten times less than the strong interaction. A body's mass is a fundamental characteristic. Before the discovery of the atom and the field of particle physics, it was generally thought to be tied to the amount of matter in a physical body. x = 600N/7, x = 85.7N

Learn more about gravitational here


Two objects with negative charges of 6.2 nC each are separated by 0.3 m. What is the size and direction of the force between the two charges?


The force between the charges are [tex]3844*10^{3} N[/tex]

Before we try to calculate Coulomb's law for forces between multiple charges, we need to understand Coulomb's force between two charged particles. Coulomb’s law or Coulomb’s inverse square law was discovered in 1785 by French physicist Charles-Augustin de Coulomb. The experimentally proven law quantifies the force exerted by a static charged particle on another static charged particle.Assume two static charged particles with a charge of ‘q1’ and ‘q2’ respectively. The force exerted by one particle on the other, if they are separated by a distance of ‘r’ between their centers is given by:

                                              [tex]F = kQq/r^{2}[/tex]

Given, Q = q = 6.2 mC = [tex]6.2 * 10^{-3}[/tex]

           r = distance = 0.3m

           k = constant = [tex]9*10^{9}[/tex]

Putting these values in above equation we get F = [tex]3844*10^{3} N[/tex]

To know more about charges visit:


What is the difference between static stretching and passive stretching?


The difference between static stretching and passive stretching is that static stretching is done independently by moving the body, while passive stretching is done using outside assistance.

Stretching is the activity of carrying out movements aimed at flexing or relaxing stiff body parts. Stretching is done to avoid muscle injury because it has benefits such as flexibility, range of motion, circulation, and range of motion of the joints.

There are several types of stretching to relax the body, two of which are static stretching and passive stretching. Static stretching is a movement that is done slowly on the muscles until there is tension and pain. While passive stretching is stretching that is done with outside help such as using a tool or asking for help from others to relax and flex certain muscle parts. So the difference between the two stretches is that static stretching is done independently by moving the body itself, while passive stretching is done using outside help.

Learn more about static stretching at:


Which of the following is the law of action-reaction?
OA. Newton's first law
B. Newton's second lav
OC. Newton's third law
OD. Newton's fourth law



OC.Newton's third law of motion which states that,"every action has equal and opposite reaction."

*mark me brainliest

a certain mass of neon is in a rigid steel container. the samew mass og helium is added, what happens to pressure


According to the question, the container's pressure increases but it doesn't double.

This word pressure, what is it?

By dividing the force by the area, pressure is calculated. the use of force to oppose another force. a surface's area divided by a force applied over it. the force that the atmosphere's weight causes to be applied.

What is a good instance of pressure?

Holding a knife against a fruit piece will demonstrate pressure in an easy way. It won't cut surface of the fruit if you press the flat side of a knife against it. A sizable area is affected by the force (low pressure).

To know more about pressure visit :


A sound wave generated by a musical note has the characteristics presented in the table. What is the missing value?

Air 346 55 6. 3

Glass 5,640 55 102

Brass 4,700 55 ?










The missing value is D. 98

The table provides information about the speed (m/s), frequency (Hz), and wavelength (m) of a sound wave generated by a musical note, in different mediums (air, glass, and brass). The frequency of the sound wave is constant across the three mediums, but the speed and wavelength will vary depending on the medium. Since we know the frequency and wavelength, we can use the formula:

Speed = Frequency x Wavelength

to find the missing value of the speed of the sound wave in brass.

4,700 = 55 x Wavelength

Wavelength = 4,700/55 = 85.818...

So the missing value is 98 (approximately) in the table.

Learn more about sound waves here:


Jocelyn stood in the middle of a trampoline causing the springs around the edge to stretch. Her identical twin, Jennifer, who has the same mass, joined her in the center of the trampoline Which statement best describes the effect this had on the springs? A The springs maintained the same amount of displacement B The springs stretched to double the original displacement, C The spring displacement reduced to half of the original displacement


B. The springs stretched to double the original displacement, is the the statement that best describe the effect this had on the springs.

What is displacement?

The displacement is the shortest distance in geometry and mechanics between the initial and final positions of a point P. From the starting position to the ending position of the point trajectory, it measures the length and direction of the net motion, or total motion, in a straight line. A displacement can be discovered by using the translation that joins the starting point and ending point.

Another way to define a displacement as a relative position is the relationship between a point's final position, or xf, and its starting position, or xi (resulting from motion). The corresponding displacement vector can be defined by the difference between the starting and final positions:

                                            [tex]$ s=x_{\textrm {f}}-x_{\textrm {i}}=\Delta {x}}$[/tex]

Learn more about displacement


It took the bike messenger 36 minutes to ride from the school to the blue house. If they are 2160 meters apart, what was the messenger's velocity


The bike messenger's velocity will be 1 m/s.

Given as per the question is,

Distance between school and the blue house is 2160 meters

Time taken by the bike messenger is 36 minutes

Velocity is to be calculated.

Converting minutes into seconds,

36 minutes = 36 X 60 = 2160 seconds.

Velocity of an object can be calculated by the formula as,

Velocity = Distance/ Time

Substituting the values as per the formula above,

Velocity = 2160/2160 = 1 m/s

Learn more about velocity:


At a _________ light, after checking to the rear, stop before entering the intersection or at the stop bar. If the stop cannot be made safely, proceed through the intersection with caution.


"At a yellow light, after checking to the rear, stop before entering the intersection or at the stop bar." If stopping safely is not possible, cautiously cross the junction.

Devices that are typically located at significant sites, such as busy junctions, are used to give out traffic signals in order to control the flow of traffic.

A yellow traffic light serves as a warning that the red signal will soon be shown. As a result, as soon as you notice a yellow light, you should begin to slow down in preparation for a red light. Additionally, if for some reason you are unable to stop, you should keep an eye out for any vehicles that may be approaching the intersection at the same moment.

To know more about traffic lights:


If the separation is decreased to 1.90 mm , what is the energy now stored if the capacitor was disconnected from the potential source before the separation of the plates was changed


When the distance between the plates is decreased to 1.90 mm, the capacitance of the capacitor will increase and the energy stored in the capacitor will also increase.

However, since the voltage across the plates is not given, it is not possible to calculate the energy stored in the capacitor after the separation of the plates has been changed

The below equation gives the capacitance of a parallel-plate capacitor.

C = ε * A / d

Where ε is the dielectric constant of the material between the plates, A is the area of the plates and d is the distance between the plates.

The energy stored in a capacitor is given by the equation:

Energy = 1/2 * C * V^2

where V is the voltage across the plates and C is the capacitance

To know more about a parallel-plate capacitor refer to:



G Two tiny particles having charges +20. 0 μC and -8. 00 μC are separated by a distance of 20. 0 cm. What are the magnitude and direction of electric field midway between these two charges? (k = 1/4πε0 = 9. 0 × 109 N ∙ m2/C2)(calculate separately electric field due to each charge at that point, next taking into account direction of each field find net electric field)


The magnitude of the net electric field is 2.7 x 10^9 N/C, and the direction is away from the positive charge and towards the negative charge.

The magnitude of the electric field due to the positive charge at the midpoint is:

E = k * q / r^2

E = (9.0 x 10^9 N * m^2/C^2) * (20.0 x 10^-6 C) / (0.20 m)

E = 4.5 x 10^9 N/C

The magnitude of the electric field due to the negative charge at the midpoint is:

E = k * q / r^2

E = (9.0 x 10^9 N * m^2/C^2) * (-8.00 x 10^-6 C) / (0.20 m)

E = -1.8 x 10^9 N/C

The direction of the electric field due to the positive charge is away from the charge, and the direction of the electric field due to the negative charge is towards the charge.

To find the net electric field, we add the vectors of the two electric fields. Since the vectors are in opposite directions, we subtract the negative vector from the positive vector.

E_net = E_positive + E_negative

E_net = (4.5 x 10^9 N/C) + (-1.8 x 10^9 N/C)

E_net = 2.7 x 10^9 N/C

The magnitude of the net electric field is 2.7 x 10^9 N/C, and the direction is away from the positive charge and towards the negative charge.

Learn more about the magnitude of the net electric field here:


A 26 kg crate initially at rest on a horizontal floor requires a 70 N horizontal force to set it in motion. Find the coefficient of static friction between the crate and the floor.


The coefficient of static friction between the crate and the floor is calculated to be 0.275.

The frictional force when an object moves on the horizontal surface is given as,

Ff = μ N

where, N is the normal force

μ is the coefficient of static or kinematic friction

If no forces other then the weight and the normal are acting upon the y-direction, then the weight and the normal force are equal in magnitude.

N = W = m g

Given that,

Mass of the crate = 26 kg

Frictional force Ff = 70 N

Weight of the crate = 26 × 9.8 = 254.8 N

The normal force is 254.8 N.

The coefficient of static friction μ = Ff /N = 70/254.8 = 0.275

Thus, the coefficient of static friction between the crate and the floor is 0.275.

To know more about friction:


Which of the following is NOT considered crucial for life to exist on some world?
A. Liquid water
B. At atmosphere
C. Source of nutrients
D. Source of energy that can be used by life



Atmosphere is not required in some world

ethe earth takes 1 day to rotate once about its axis. what is the angular v elocity of a point on the surface of the earth studentroom physics ocr a


The angular velocity of a point on the surface of the earth is [tex]7.3 * 10^{-5} rad/s[/tex]

What is angular velocity?

Angular velocity is a vector quantity and is described as the rate of change of angular displacement which specifies the angular speed or rotational speed of an object and the axis about which the object is rotating.

What is angular velocity and write its formula?

Angular velocity is the rate of change of the position angle of an object with respect to time, so w = theta / t, where w = angular velocity, theta = position angle, and t = time.

Every point on the earth's surface completes one circular orbit (centered at a point on the axis) in 1 day

1 day = 24x60x60

1 day=86400s

Angular velocity is given by :

[tex]w =2\pi /86400\\ w =7.3*10^{-5} rad/s[/tex]

Thus, [tex]7.3 * 10^{-5} rad/s[/tex] is the correct answer.

To know more about angular velocity :


Which statement best describes how the gravitational attraction between objects is related to their distance from each other: A) The objects always attract each other.
B) The objects repel each other only if they have very different masses.
C) The objects always repel each other.
D) The objects attract each other only if they are moving toward each other.


Correct option is A)  The objects always attract each other.

There is always a pull from gravity. It won't repel.

A mass attracts a mass; the amount of the gravitational force is directly proportional to the masses of the two items and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the two objects. Gravitational force is an attractive force that exists between all objects with mass.

A rise in one quantity causes a fall in the value of the other since the two values are inversely proportionate. In other words, as the separation distance increases, the force of gravity decreases, and as the separation distance decreases, the force of gravity increases.

To learn more about Gravitational attraction from given link


A simple pendulum has a period of 3 seconds . If the value of ‘g’ is taken as 9.98 ms-2 calculate the length of the pendulum.


Answer: The length of the pendulum is approximately 2.495 meters.


The period of a simple pendulum is the time it takes for the pendulum to swing back and forth through one full oscillation. The period of a simple pendulum is related to the length of the pendulum and the acceleration due to gravity (g) by the formula:

Period = 2 * pi * sqrt(length / g)

In this case, you are given that the period of the pendulum is 3 seconds and the value of g is 9.98 ms-2. You can use these values to solve for the length of the pendulum using the formula above.

Substituting in the values given, you get:

3 = 2 * pi * sqrt(length / 9.98)

Solving for length, you get:

length = (3 / (2 * pi))^2 * 9.98

= 0.5^2 * 9.98

= 0.25 * 9.98

= 2.495

Therefore, the length of the pendulum is approximately 2.495 meters.

You need a capacitance of 50 µF , but you don't happen to have a 50 µF capacitor. You do have a 90 µF capacitor. What additional capacitor do you need to produce a total capacitance of 50 µF?


According to the question, you would need to add a 40 µF capacitor in order to produce a total capacitance of 50 µF.

What is the capacitor?

An electrical component known as a capacitor stores energy in an electric field. It is made up of two metal plates separated by an insulator, such as air, paper, plastic, or ceramic. When a voltage is applied to the plates, a charge is stored in the electric field. This charge can then be released when the voltage is removed. Capacitors are used in a variety of applications, such as providing energy storage in power supplies, filtering signals in electronic circuits, and providing energy to motors in electrical devices. They can also be used to balance out electrical loads in a circuit, and provide a steady current for the circuit. Capacitors can vary in size, shape, and material depending on the application.

In this case, 90 µF + 40 µF = 130 µF, and 130 µF - 90 µF = 40 µF. Therefore, you would need to add a 40 µF capacitor to the 90 µF capacitor to achieve a total capacitance of 50 µF.

To learn more about capacitor


Frank is pulling on a rope to drag his backpack to school across the ice. He pulls upwards and rightwards with a force of 26.7 Newtons at an angle of 17 degrees above the horizontal to drag his backpack a horizontal distance of 129 meters to the right. Determine the work done upon the backpack. in joules.


The work done upon the backpack is 3293 Joule.

What is force?

The definition of force in physics is: The push or pull on a massed object changes its velocity.

An external force is an agent that has the power to alter the resting or moving condition of a body. It has a direction and a magnitude.

A spring balance can be used to calculate the Force. The Newton is the SI unit of force.

The work done upon the backpack is = applied force × displacement × cosα

= 26.7 N × 129 meters × cos17°

= 3293 Joule.

Learn more about force here:


A 1. 25 in. By 3 in. Rectangular steel bar is used as a diagonal tension member in a bridge truss. The diagonal member is 20 ft long, and its modulus of elasticity is 30,000,000 psi. If the strain in the diagonal member is measured as 0. 001200 in. /in. , determine:


The length of the diagonal member is 20 ft, and if its modulus of elasticity is 30,000,000 psi. If the strain in the diagonal member is measured as 0. 001200 in, the elongation of the member is 29 inches.

What is a truss?

A truss is constructed of a number of components, such as beams, connected at nodes to create a rigid framework. According to engineering definition, a truss is a structure that "consists of merely two-force members, where the members are placed so that the assembly as a whole behaves as a single entity."

A truss is a piece of furniture comprised of components arranged into linked triangles that function as a single unit. Trusses are most typically used in towers, roofs, and bridges. If a truss' members essentially lie on a single plane, it is referred to as a plane truss.

To learn more about truss visit:


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What groups of people does the Declaration of Independence omit? __________ are lethal and non-lethal tools and systems available to the joint force that produce effects within the Area of Operation (AO) What is the probability of tossing a coin and getting heads three times in a row?What is the chance that the next toss will be heads? What is the chance that the next toss will be tails? A 69-year old man with alcoholism is seen with leukocytosis, an elevated amylase level, and a rising lipase level. The entire pancreas appears enlarged and hypoechoic, with ill-defined borders. The most likely diagnosis is: Which of the following campaigns were fought using the total war strategy?Shenandoah Valley CampaignShermans March to the SeaSiege of Petersburg Which features of the Magna Carta influenced the Articles of Confederation? Monitoring cancer trends in the U.S. population over time is a major application of:A. registries.B. the U.S. Census Bureau.C. reportable and notifiable diseases.D. vital events data. An equilateral triangle with side lengths of 8.7 centimeters is shown. An apothem has a length of a and the radius has a length of 5 centimeters. The apothem and radius form a triangle with a base length of b. Which statements about finding the area of the equilateral triangle are true 1. Find the radian measures that correspond to the degree measures 330 and 135 Compare the punnet squares you constructed in Activity 4, "Breeding Corn", with the punnet squares you constructed in this activity. By answering the following questions, show how the possible outcomes of a cross for one trait help analyze two traits.A. How did you need to change the punnet square to consider two traits?B. How would you need to change the punnet square if you were to consider three traits? 156x2.2=?????Help fast To Vaccinate or Not to Vaccinate The debate over whether people should receive vaccinations has been around for a long time. Public resistance to vaccinations has occurred for as long as vaccinations have been available. People who are opposed to vaccines worry that they cause health issues in individuals, especially children. Medical professionals worldwide, however, agree that vaccinations are safe, effective, and necessary. A vaccine is a substance used to create antibodies and boost the immune system against certain diseases. The ingredients in a vaccine may contain a very small piece of a disease-causing germ, or they may contain a form of the germ that is dead or very weak. Because vaccines contain strains of a disease, some people think that they might catch the disease or become ill. However, that is not the case. The germs in vaccines do not pose a risk. The human body reacts to the vaccine by making antibodies. This is helpful because antibodies help fight diseases that are caused by germs. Some people claim that vaccines are not safe because they contain harmful ingredients. People worry that the mercury and aluminum found in some vaccines are linked to life-threatening side effects. However, public health organizations such as the Centers for Disease control (CDC) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) stress that the ingredients in vaccines are safe. The amount of chemical additives in a vaccine is very small, and the ingredients are controlled by scientists. Vaccines contain only trace amounts of chemical additives, so they pose little or no risk to the majority of people. In fact, on a daily basis, people are exposed to more bacteria, viruses, and toxins than what is contained in a vaccine. Parents should however be aware of the ingredients in a vaccine just in case their children have had a prior history of allergic reactions. Ultimately, people should take the time to educate themselves about the pros and cons of vaccines. The evidence will show that the risks are minuscule and only pose a risk to a very small portion of the population. Statistics show that most vaccines are more than 90% effective in preventing diseases. Vaccines save millions of children every year from preventable diseases. When most of the population is vaccinated against contagious diseases, the entire community will be more protected. Polio and smallpox are two examples of diseases that have been eliminated through widespread vaccination. However, when people are not vaccinated, they are at risk of catching diseases that others are immune to. These people can also spread contagious diseases and put the entire community at risk.3Select ALL the correct answers.Which two statements best describe the author's point of view? Most young children should be vaccinated against common childhood diseases. More research should be done to develop vaccines without germs to protect children. The choice of whether or not to vaccinate is an individual rather than social concern. It is not necessary for parents to think about the ingredients in vaccinations. Parents should research specific risks related to vaccinating their children. The distribution of the amount of money undergraduate students spends on books for a term is slightly right-skewed, with a mean of $400 and a standard deviation of S80. If a simple random sample of 100 undergraduate students is selected, what is the probability that these students spend, on average, more than $425 on books? When European countries occupied and partitioned Middle Eastern lands, all of the following effects occurred except __________. A. a desire to make the Middle East a part of Europe B. a desire to get rid of Western culture influences C. a rise in nationalism D. a rise in Islamism Please select the best answer from the choices provided A B C D what does golding say about the difference between how men are affected by violence and how women are affected