the twenty-one demands were sent from japan to which other country in 1915?


Answer 1



Twenty-one Demands, (Jan. 18, 1915), claims made by the Japanese government to special privileges in China during World War I. The major European powers, which already enjoyed similar privileges in China, could not oppose Japan's move because of their involvement in the war.


Answer 2

The Twenty-One Demands were sent from Japan to China in 1915. These demands aimed to increase Japan's influence in China and included various political, economic, and military provisions. Japan's aggressive approach in presenting these demands strained their relationship with China, resulting in tensions between the two countries.

The twenty-one demands were sent from Japan to China in 1915. These demands were a set of political and economic requests that Japan wanted China to accept in order to gain greater control over their affairs. The demands were controversial and created tension between the two countries, as China saw them as an infringement on their sovereignty. Ultimately, China was forced to accept the demands in order to avoid war with Japan. The significance of the twenty-one demands lies in their impact on the power dynamics in East Asia and the rise of Japan as a regional power in the early 20th century.

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Related Questions

Which of the following is one of the points that A.J. Ayer makes in criticizing libertarian accounts of freedom?
Answers: A. That a free action is fully causally determined uses the "is" of definition.
B. A libertarian choice is a chance or random event and it does not make sense to hold someone morally responsible for what is "merely a matter of chance".
C. All human actions are fully causally determined; therefore, none of them are free.
D. Introspection on what happens when we make a choice reveals that our choices are uncaused and thus free.Term


B. A libertarian choice is a chance or random event and it does not make sense to hold someone morally responsible for what is "merely a matter of chance".

A.J. Ayer criticizes libertarian accounts of freedom by arguing that if our choices are truly random or based on chance, it would be illogical to hold individuals morally responsible for those choices. According to Ayer, moral responsibility requires intentional actions that are based on reasons and motives, rather than being determined by random events. Therefore, he challenges the notion of libertarian freedom, suggesting that it undermines the concept of moral responsibility.

Learn more about freedom here:


As the Vietnam War dragged on, many high-ranking officers in the U.S. armed forces came to support U.S. withdrawal from the war and the end of the military draft. Which of the following factors played a role in the rapidly waning support for the war and draft?
Troop morale plummeted due to the end of college-deferment exemptions.
Many soldiers refused to follow orders and even assaulted unpopular officers.
There was prevalent drug use and desertion among those drafted.


Troop morale plummeted and officers were assulted, and drug use was prevalent

the approaches of dr. martin luther king, jr. and malcolm x to the civil rights movement differed in that


Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X were two influential leaders in the civil rights movement with different approaches to achieving their goals. Their beliefs and philosophies shaped their strategies and had a significant impact on the movement. Option D is the correct answer.

He believed in the power of love and nonviolence to overcome hate and injustice. On the other hand, Malcolm X believed in self-defense and the use of any means necessary to protect oneself and one’s community. He argued that Black people had the right to defend themselves against violence and oppression.

In terms of their religious beliefs, Dr. King was a Baptist minister while Malcolm X was a Muslim minister. Their religious beliefs influenced their approaches to the civil rights movement and their views on how to achieve equality and justice.

Dr. King focused on integration and believed that Black and white people could live together in harmony. He worked towards desegregation and equal rights for all. Malcolm X, on the other hand, focused on separation and Black nationalism. He believed that Black people should have control over their own communities and institutions.

To learn more about Martin Luther King


Complete question:

The approaches of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X to the civil rights movement differed in that:

a) Dr. King advocated for nonviolent resistance while Malcolm X believed in self-defense and the use of any means necessary

b) Dr. King was a Baptist minister while Malcolm X was a Muslim minister

c) Dr. King focused on integration while Malcolm X focused on separation

d) All of the above

The history linked with human rights day


Human rights day is observed on december 10th each year to commemorate the adoption of the universal declaration of human rights udhr by the united nations general assembly in 1948

The history linked with human rights day

the history linked with human rights day revolves around the development and promotion of human rights globally

the universal declaration of human rights is a milestone document that sets out fundamental human rights and freedoms that should be universally protected it was created in response to the atrocities and human rights violations witnessed during world war ii and aimed to establish a framework for the protection of human rights for all individuals regardless of their nationality race religion or other characteristics

Reda more on human rights here:


after emancipation, what job did most southern blacks do for work in the united states?


After emancipation, many Southern blacks found themselves in a difficult position as they were suddenly freed from slavery without any means to support themselves or their families. Most Southern blacks turned to agricultural labor, working on farms and plantations to earn a living.

These jobs were often difficult and paid very little, and many African Americans struggled to make ends meet. Others turned to skilled trades such as carpentry, blacksmithing, and bricklaying. Despite their hard work and determination, Southern blacks faced significant discrimination and violence from white supremacists, who sought to keep them in a state of subjugation. It would take many years of struggle and sacrifice for African Americans to gain the rights and opportunities they deserved as full citizens of the United States.

To know more about Emancipation visit:


After emancipation in the United States, many newly freed African Americans faced significant challenges in finding employment and establishing economic stability.

While specific jobs and occupations varied by region and individual circumstances, there were several main types of jobs held by many blacks in the South during this period.

Leasehold: Similar to tenant farming, tenant farming means that individuals rent land from landlords and pay with a portion of their crops. Although tenant farmers had a little more independence than tenant farmers, they still faced many challenges and limited opportunities for economic development. Domestic affairs: Many African Americans, especially women, found employment as domestic servants in white families. I was doing various household chores such as cleaning, cooking, childcare and other household chores.Handwork: African Americans also engaged in various forms of manual labor, including agricultural work on plantations and farms, construction work, railroad work, mines, and other physically demanding occupations. 

To know more about works done by southern black people -


as of 2012, the b corporation status has been legally recognized in how many states?


As of 2012, the B Corporation status has been legally recognized in 31 states, including California, New York, and Texas.

B Corporations are a type of corporation that prioritize social and environmental responsibility, in addition to making profits. The certification process for becoming a B Corp involves meeting rigorous standards of social and environmental performance, accountability, and transparency. The legal recognition of B Corporations in these states provides greater legitimacy and protection for companies that prioritize social and environmental impact. It also demonstrates a growing awareness of the importance of corporate responsibility and sustainability in the business world. In order to maintain their B Corporation status, companies must continue to meet these standards and report on their social and environmental impact.

The B Corporation model is gaining traction and recognition across the United States as businesses increasingly prioritize social and environmental responsibility alongside financial success.

To know more about B Corporation visit:


The prolonged period of few sunspots between 1645 and 1715 is known at the MaunderMinimum.T/F


The statement is True. The prolonged period of few sunspots between 1645 and 1715 is indeed known as the Maunder Minimum.

"Prolonged" refers to the state of something lasting for an extended period of time beyond what is considered normal, expected, or typical. It suggests a duration that is longer than usual, often implying a delay, persistence, or continuation beyond the anticipated timeframe. The term can be applied to various contexts, such as medical conditions, events, processes, or situations.

In the medical field, a prolonged illness or condition refers to an ailment that persists for an extended period, exceeding the usual recovery time. It may require additional treatment, monitoring, or interventions to address the prolonged nature of the illness. In broader contexts, the term can be used to describe situations like a prolonged drought, which indicates a long period of insufficient rainfall; a prolonged negotiation, suggesting that the process has extended beyond the expected timeframe; or a prolonged economic recession, signifying an extended downturn in economic activity.

To know more about Prolonged refer to-


what was the population of the settlement in 1924 when it surrendered its charter to the english crown


The population of the settlement that surrendered its charter to the English crown in 1924 is not specified or known.

Without specific information about the settlement in question, it is not possible to determine its population in 1924 when it surrendered its charter to the English crown. The question does not provide any details about the location or name of the settlement, making it difficult to ascertain its population at that specific time.

To provide a more accurate answer, it would be necessary to have additional information regarding the settlement in question. This could include the name of the settlement, its geographical location, or any historical context that could help identify the population at the time of surrendering the charter. Without such details, it is not possible to provide an accurate population figure for the specified settlement in 1924.

Learn more about English crown here:


this group of italian artists believed that war was a "cleansing agent" and promoted the dynamism of speed and machine technology


The group of Italian artists that held the belief that war was a "cleansing agent" and promoted the dynamism of speed and machine technology is known as the Futurists.

They believed that war was necessary to bring about change and progression in society, and they celebrated the advancements in technology that came with it. This belief was reflected in their art, which often featured dynamic, abstract compositions and emphasized movement and speed. The Futurists were active from the early 20th century until the end of World War II, and their influence can still be seen in contemporary art and design.

This group of Italian artists, known as the Futurists, believed that war was a "cleansing agent" and promoted the dynamism of speed and machine technology. Founded in 1909 by Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, Futurism aimed to break away from the traditional, static art forms of the past and celebrate modernity, movement, and the industrial age. The Futurists embraced the concept of war as a means to purge society of its outdated values and make way for a new era of progress.

Through their artwork, they sought to capture the energy, speed, and power of machines, using dynamic lines and bold colors to convey a sense of motion and vitality. This revolutionary artistic movement challenged conventional aesthetics and pushed the boundaries of what art could represent, ultimately influencing later art movements such as Cubism and Dadaism.

To know more about revolutionary artistic  visit :


In one paragraph, describe why Brown v. Board of Education should be considered transformational.


As a crucial turning point in the struggle for equality and civil rights in the United States, Brown v. Board of Education is seen as transformative. With a focus on invalidating the "separate but equal" principle established in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896), the lawsuit questioned the validity of racial segregation in public schools. Several factors make Brown v. Board of Education an important landmark,

Natural justice (procedural fairness) in the law refers to the rights of the accused, including the right to a fair trial, due process, the right to seek redress or a legal remedy, as well as rights of participation in civil rights and politics, such as freedom of association, the right to assemble, the right to petition, the right of self-defense, and the turning point right to vote.

Learn more about  civil rights, from :


consumer safety became an important issue during the latter part of the 20th century because of the


Consumer safety became an important issue during the latter part of the 20th century because of the increasing awareness of the potential risks associated with various products and services.

A consumer, in the context of economics and marketing, refers to an individual or group of individuals who purchase and utilize goods or services to satisfy their wants and needs. Consumers play a crucial role in the functioning of the economy as their spending patterns and preferences drive demand and influence the production and distribution of goods and services.

Consumers can be categorized based on various factors, including their income levels, demographics, preferences, and buying behaviors. They engage in a wide range of economic activities, from everyday purchases of necessities like food and clothing to larger investments such as houses and vehicles. Consumer behavior is influenced by factors such as price, quality, brand reputation, advertising, peer recommendations, and personal values.

To know more about Consumer refer to-


which of the following contrasts the united kingdom's government to france's? (4.8) 1 point A) the united kingdom has a higher rate of devolution due to ethnic separatism. B) the united kingdom has a higher rate of devolution due to division of physical geography. C) france has a higher rate of devolution due to ethnic separatism france has a higher rate of devolution due to division of physical geography. D) both the united kingdom and france have seen cotemporary devolution due to ethnic separatism and physical geography.


France has a higher rate of devolution due to ethnic separatism France has a higher rate of devolution due to division of physical geography.

The correct option is C.

The United Kingdom and France are two countries with very different systems of government. The United Kingdom has a unitary system of government, where power is concentrated in the hands of the central government. This central government is responsible for all policy decisions, regardless of regional differences.

In contrast, France has a more decentralized system of government, with power divided between the central government and the regional governments. This devolution of power allows for greater regional autonomy and increases the influence of local governments over policy decisions. In addition, the United Kingdom has experienced higher levels of ethnic separatism, which has led to increased levels of devolution, while France has seen devolution based more on physical geography divisions. This contrast between the two countries highlights the different ways in which governments can be structured and how policy decisions are made.

To know more about United Kingdom , click here:


Help plss

World war ||


Answer: I belive the answer is D

Explanation:  i have done my reasearch

marking the end of imperialist impunity, in 1956 the joint british, french, and israeli attack on egypt to seize control of the suez canal failed. this failure left the arab nationalist more firmly in power and made him a hero in egypt.


The joint British, French, and Israeli attack on Egypt in 1956 marked a turning point in the history of imperialism.

The failure of the attack to seize control of the Suez Canal was a clear indication that imperialist powers could no longer act with impunity. This failure also served to strengthen Arab nationalist sentiment and elevated the status of the Egyptian leader as a hero to his people. The event demonstrated that the age of unchecked imperialist aggression was coming to an end, as the oppressed people of the world were increasingly emboldened to resist their subjugation.

The attack on Egypt was driven by several factors, including the nationalization of the Suez Canal by Nasser, who sought to assert Egyptian sovereignty and gain control over a vital waterway that was previously under Western influence.

Learn more about history of imperialism here:


board of education v. rowley (1982) is significant because it was the first case to suggest


Board of Education v. Rowley (1982) is a landmark case in the history of special education in the United States. This case is significant because it established the framework for determining the educational rights of students with disabilities. The case involved a young girl named Amy Rowley, who was deaf and needed a sign language interpreter in order to receive an education. The Supreme Court ruled that while Amy was entitled to an education, the school district was not required to provide the specific accommodation of a sign language interpreter.

Board of Education v. Rowley (1982) is a landmark case in the history of special education in the United States. This case is significant because it established the framework for determining the educational rights of students with disabilities. The case involved a young girl named Amy Rowley, who was deaf and needed a sign language interpreter in order to receive an education. The Supreme Court ruled that while Amy was entitled to an education, the school district was not required to provide the specific accommodation of a sign language interpreter. Rather, the court established the principle of "meaningful access," which requires schools to provide students with disabilities an education that is both appropriate and effective. This case set the standard for special education services and has been cited in countless court cases since. It has played a significant role in shaping the landscape of special education policy and practice in the United States for more than 100 words.

To know more about history visit:


During American Imperialism

What were the major arguments in favor of continuing the policy of isolation?


Isolationism promoted staying out of international affairs and refraining from getting involved in wars in Europe and Asia. Although it took steps to prevent political and military conflicts across oceans, the United States kept on expanding economically and defending its interests in Latin America.

Economic considerations were one of the factors that led to the U.S. transitioning from isolationism and continental expansion to imperialism. American output expanded quickly throughout the industrial era. As nationalism in America grew, the country started searching for new markets.

Learn more about isolationism here:


why did president johnson get the united states so deeply into vietnam? what could he have done to avoid going deeper into the quagmire? provide three points to support your answer.


President Johnson was motivated to get the United States deeply involved in Vietnam because he believed in the domino theory.

This theory stated that if one country fell to communism, other neighboring countries would also fall like dominoes. Johnson believed that if the United States did not intervene in Vietnam, then other countries in the region would also become communist, leading to a significant threat to US national security. To avoid getting deeper into the quagmire, Johnson could have taken several actions. Firstly, he could have sought a diplomatic solution instead of escalating the war. Secondly, he could have avoided committing ground troops and instead used air power to contain the situation. Lastly, he could have worked with South Vietnamese leaders to strengthen their military and political systems, rather than trying to impose US values on the country.

Learn more about domino theory from here:


how did american women respond to the denial of their right to vote in the late nineteenth century?



they formed temperance movements

Final answer:

American women responded to the denial of their right to vote in the late nineteenth century through organizations like NAWSA and WSPU, using peaceful protests, lobbying, and radical actions. Their efforts led to the passage of the 19th Amendment in 1920.


American women responded to the denial of their right to vote in the late nineteenth century through a variety of methods and organizations. One prominent organization was the National American Women Suffrage Association (NAWSA), which used peaceful protests, lobbying, and public speeches to advocate for women's suffrage. Another organization, the Women's Social and Political Union (WSPU) in Britain, took more radical actions like hunger strikes and civil disobedience.

The suffragists faced opposition from anti-suffrage groups and politicians who believed women were not capable of participating in politics. However, their efforts eventually led to the passage of the 19th Amendment in 1920, granting American women the right to vote.

Keywords: American women, denial of right to vote, late nineteenth century, National American Women Suffrage Association (NAWSA), Women's Social and Political Union (WSPU), suffragists, 19th Amendment

Learn more about American women's response to the denial of their right to vote in the late nineteenth century here:


which one of the following sub-saharan africa countries has been identified as one of the brics?


South Africa is the only country in Sub-Saharan Africa that has been identified as one of the BRICS nations. (Option 1)

The BRICS countries, an acronym for Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, are considered emerging economies with significant influence on the global stage. South Africa joined the BRICS group in 2010, expanding its original composition of the other four countries.

This inclusion recognizes South Africa's growing economic potential, geopolitical significance, and its role as a representative of the African continent. By being part of the BRICS, South Africa gains a platform for increased cooperation and partnerships with the other member nations, leading to various benefits in terms of trade, investment, and diplomatic relations.

Learn more about BRICS nations


Complete Question:

which one of the following sub-saharan africa countries has been identified as one of the brics?

south africaindiachinanepal

the territorial ambitions of the nazi party in the 1930s exemplified the idea of


The territorial ambitions of the Nazi Party in the 1930s exemplified the idea of expansionism, imperialism, and aggressive militarism.

Adolf Hitler's vision for Germany was to create a powerful and dominant nation that could rival the other European powers. This vision was based on the concept of Lebensraum, or living space, which called for the expansion of German territory and the acquisition of new lands for settlement and resources. Hitler believed that Germany needed more land to feed its growing population and to provide room for its people to live and prosper.
The Nazi Party's territorial ambitions led to the invasion and occupation of Austria, Czechoslovakia, and Poland, which ultimately sparked World War II. The Nazi regime sought to expand its influence and power in Europe by conquering other nations and incorporating them into the German empire. This expansionist policy was driven by the belief in the superiority of the Aryan race and the desire to create a new order in Europe under German leadership.

The Nazi Party's territorial ambitions were not only aggressive and imperialistic but also fundamentally racist and genocidal. Hitler and his followers believed in the elimination of all groups deemed inferior, including Jews, Romani people, homosexuals, and disabled individuals. This led to the Holocaust, one of the worst atrocities in human history, in which millions of innocent people were systematically murdered by the Nazi regime.

In conclusion, the Nazi Party's territorial ambitions represented a dangerous and destructive ideology that caused immense suffering and devastation across the world.

To know more about Nazi Party visit:


the protest tactic initiated by black students in greensboro, north carolina, was



The Greensboro sit-in was a civil rights protest that started in 1960, when young African American students staged a sit-in at a segregated Woolworth's lunch counter in Greensboro, North Carolina, and refused to leave after being denied service. The sit-in movement soon spread to college towns throughout the South.


The protest tactic initiated by black students in Greensboro, North Carolina, was the sit-in.

On February 1, 1960, four African American college students from North Carolina A&T State University staged a sit-in at a racially segregated Woolworth's lunch counter. They refused to leave the premises until they were served, sparking a wave of similar protests across the South. The sit-ins were a nonviolent form of direct action aimed at challenging racial segregation and demanding equal rights.

The participants faced verbal and physical abuse, but their peaceful persistence and the attention generated by media coverage helped galvanize the Civil Rights Movement and eventually led to the desegregation of public facilities. The Greensboro sit-ins are considered a pivotal moment in the struggle for racial equality in the United States.

Learn more about protest


Complete Question:

the protest tactic initiated by black students in greensboro, north carolina, was ___.

in the late nineteenth century there were gender tensions in many black churches.a. trueb. false


The given statement "In the late nineteenth century, there were gender tensions in many black churches" is true because These tensions arose from the social and cultural norms of the time that placed men in positions of power and authority. Option A .

Black women in the church were often subjected to discrimination and marginalization. They were expected to serve in subordinate roles and were not allowed to hold positions of leadership or authority.

This led to a growing sense of frustration and disillusionment among black women who felt that their contributions and talents were being overlooked and undervalued.

One of the most significant examples of gender tensions in black churches was the Women's Convention of the National Baptist Convention.

The convention was formed in 1895 as a way for black women to come together and address the issues they were facing within the church. However, they faced significant opposition from male leaders who believed that women should not have a voice in matters of church governance.

Despite these challenges, black women continued to fight for their rights and played a critical role in shaping the black church as we know it today. They established their own churches, founded women's organizations, and worked tirelessly to break down gender barriers and promote equality.

In conclusion, gender tensions in black churches were a significant issue in the late nineteenth century. However, black women's determination and perseverance paved the way for greater inclusion and equality within the church and beyond. So Option A is correct.

For more question on gender visit:


What was the essential conviction of William Lloyd Garrison about slavery?
A. It was a necessary evil that finally needed to be eliminated.
B. It was an economic drain on the emerging commercial economic system.
C. It was a contradiction to the ideals embodied in the Constitution.
D. It was a sin.


The essential conviction of William Lloyd Garrison about slavery was that it was a sin.Option D, "It was a sin," accurately captures Garrison's view on slavery.

Garrison was an abolitionist and a prominent advocate for the immediate and unconditional emancipation of enslaved people. He believed that slavery was not just a social and political issue, but a moral one as well. Garrison argued that slavery was a grave moral evil that violated the principles of justice, humanity, and Christian ethics.Garrison was known for his strong and uncompromising stance against slavery.

He believed that the institution of slavery was fundamentally immoral and that it contradicted the principles of equality, liberty, and human dignity. His conviction that slavery was a sin reflected his deep commitment to ending the institution and securing freedom and rights for all individuals, regardless of race or color.

Learn more about essential conviction here:


why did malcolm x leave the nation of islam? he disagreed with its religious views. he wanted to promote separatist views. he believed that christiani


Malcolm X left the Nation of Islam primarily because he wanted to distance himself from its leader, Elijah Muhammad. (Option d)

After learning about Elijah Muhammad's extramarital affairs and questionable moral conduct, Malcolm X became disillusioned with the organization and its leadership. He felt betrayed by Elijah Muhammad, whom he had previously revered. Additionally, Malcolm X underwent a transformation in his ideological beliefs during his pilgrimage to Mecca, where he encountered a more inclusive and diverse form of Islam.

This experience led him to embrace a more universalist and inclusive approach, which contrasted with the separatist ideology promoted by the Nation of Islam. As a result, Malcolm X decided to leave the organization and form his own religious and political movement.

Learn more about malcolm x


Complete Question:

Why did Malcolm X leave the Nation of Islam? Was it:

a) He disagreed with its religious views.

b) He wanted to promote separatist views.

c) He believed that Christianity was a superior religion.

d) He sought to distance himself from Elijah Muhammad.

how much did a burger king whopper cost when first introduced in 1957?



History. The Whopper was created in 1957 by Burger King co-founder James McLamore and originally sold for 37 US cents (equivalent to US$3.57 in 2021).

We call the people who lived in what is now present-day Ohio, the Scioto Hopewell. In addition to conical burial mounds and sacred circles, this culture was known for building geometric earthworks hundreds of acres wid


The Scioto Hopewell culture, also known as the Hopewell tradition, was a prehistoric Native American civilization that inhabited the region that is now present-day Ohio between 100 BC and 500 AD.

This culture is best known for their impressive earthworks, which consisted of complex geometric shapes and patterns built using earthen materials. These earthworks were often hundreds of acres wide and included conical burial mounds and sacred circles. The purpose of these earthworks is still debated, but it is believed that they had both religious and practical purposes. Some theories suggest that they were used for astronomical observations, while others suggest that they were used for rituals and ceremonies. The Scioto Hopewell culture is a fascinating example of the rich and diverse history of Native American civilizations in North America.

To know more about  Hopewell culture visit:


During American Imperialism
What were the major arguments in favor of adopting a policy of expansion?


The major arguments in favor of adopting a policy of expansion included :

Economic OpportunitiesManifest Destiny

Why did some people support American imperialism ?

Supporters of expansion argued that acquiring new territories would open up new markets for American goods and provide access to valuable natural resources.

The ideology of manifest destiny, which held that it was the destiny of the United States to expand and spread its democratic ideals, played a significant role in justifying expansion.

Control over key territories was believed to provide a buffer against potential rivals and safeguard American trade routes.

Find out more on American imperialism at


how businesses can raise capital.
what business taxes are paid.
how profits and losses are divided.
what is included in a charter.
Which best explains why a sole proprietor would want a partner?
to reduce the number of responsibilities
to make it easier to raise funds for expansion
to move into a more favorable tax bracket.
to take advantage of little government oversight.


1. How business can raise capital:

There are several ways for businesses to raise capital, including:

a. Personal funds: The owner can invest their own money into the business.

b. Loans: Businesses

from banks or other financial institutions.

c. Investors: They can seek investment from individuals or venture capitalists in exchange for equity or ownership stakes in the company.

d. Crowdfunding: Utilizing online platforms, businesses can raise funds from a large number of individuals who contribute small amounts.

e. Grants: Businesses may apply for grants provided by government agencies, non-profit organizations, or foundations.

f. Initial Public Offering (IPO): Larger companies can raise capital by going public and selling shares of their company on the stock market.

2. Business taxes that are paid:

Businesses are subject to various taxes, including:

a. Income tax: Businesses typically pay income tax on their profits.

b. Employment taxes: These include Social Security, Medicare, and unemployment taxes paid on behalf of employees.

c. Sales tax: Businesses may collect sales tax from customers on eligible goods and services and remit it to the appropriate government agency.

d. Property tax: If a business owns property, it may be required to pay property taxes on it.

e. Excise tax: Certain industries, such as alcohol, tobacco, and gasoline, are subject to excise taxes.

f. Other taxes: Depending on the location and type of business, there may be additional taxes such as local business taxes, franchise taxes, or value-added taxes (VAT).

3. How profits and losses are divided:

The division of profits and losses in a business depends on its legal structure:

a. Sole proprietorship: The owner of a sole proprietorship is entitled to all the profits but is also responsible for all the losses.

b. Partnership: Profits and losses are divided among the partners based on the terms outlined in the partnership agreement.

c. Limited Liability Company (LLC): Members of an LLC can agree on how to distribute profits and losses through an operating agreement.

d. Corporation: Shareholders of a corporation receive profits through dividends, and losses are absorbed by the corporation itself.

4. What is included in a charter:

A charter, also known as articles of incorporation or articles of organization, is a legal document that establishes a corporation or LLC and outlines its basic structure and purpose. It typically includes:

a. Name and address of the business.

b. Purpose and objectives of the business.

c. Structure and ownership details.

d. Information about the initial directors or members.

e. Duration of the business, if applicable.

f. Any specific provisions or restrictions.

5. Which best explains why a sole proprietor would want a partner:

To make it easier to raise funds for expansion.

Having a partner can make it easier for a sole proprietor to raise funds for business expansion. With a partner, there are potentially more resources available, including additional capital, skills, and networks. A partner can contribute financially or bring in expertise and industry connections, increasing the chances of securing financing from investors or financial institutions. Additionally, sharing the responsibilities and workload can free up time and energy for focusing on business growth and development.

Learn more about business here:


which of the following best describes pavlov's reaction to köhler's work on tenerife?a. He replicated it with the same results b. He did not attempt to replicate it because he thought it was nonsensical.c. He replicated it but found it to be "chaotic".d. He revised his own system as a result of it.e. He replicated it with the same results.


Pavlov's reaction to Köhler's work on Tenerife is best described as option e - he replicated it with the same results.

Pavlov was impressed with Köhler's work and the insights it provided into animal behavior, particularly the idea of insight learning. Pavlov himself attempted to replicate the experiments and found that the results were consistent with Köhler's findings. This led Pavlov to incorporate insight learning into his own theories and revise his system to include this concept. Overall, Pavlov's reaction to Köhler's work was one of admiration and a willingness to incorporate new ideas into his own research.

To know more about Pavlov's reaction visit:


woodrow wilson, the 28th president of the u.s. also served as president of which famous university?


Woodrow Wilson, the 28th President of the United States, also served as the President of Princeton University. He held the position from 1902 to 1910, before he entered politics

Woodrow Wilson, the 28th President of the United States, also served as the President of Princeton University. He held the position from 1902 to 1910, before he entered politics. During his tenure as President of Princeton, Wilson introduced various academic reforms and worked to increase the prestige and academic rigor of the university. He also played an important role in expanding the university's endowment and fundraising efforts. Despite leaving his position as President of Princeton to pursue his political career, Wilson remained involved with the university and maintained close ties with many of its faculty members. Today, Princeton University remains one of the most prestigious and highly-ranked universities in the world.

To know more about President visit:


Other Questions
the effectiveness of videotape replays that focus on kinematic aspects of performance appear to be influenced by _____A. knowledge of results time B. period over which the tapes C. are used number of performers in the videotape knowledge of performance none of the above Which of the following is NOT an example of how urbanization influences a river or stream?a. urbanization increases rainstorm frequency and therefore increases the frequency of floodsb. urbanization decreases rainwater infiltration into the ground and therefore increases the frequency of floodsc. urbanization decreases flood lag time by the network of street sewersd. urbanization decreases rainwater infiltration into the ground and therefore increases the magnitude of floods write the action scene that occurs between the two. hero encounters a monster 10 english derivatives which elements are present in a carboxylic acid? (choose all that apply) oxygen nitrogen carbon hydrogen Some Japanese firms have a policy of rotating their managers among different managerial jobs. In contrast, American managers are more likely to specialize in a certain area (e.g. finance or operations). Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each of these approaches. Which do you prefer? Why One philosophical difference between Newtonian and quantum physics isA. nature is predictable according to Newtonian physics, but nature is unpredictable according to quantum theory.B. Newtonian physics is now known to be incorrect, but scientists have proven that quantum physics is absolutely correct.C. nature is unpredictable according to Newtonian physics, but nature is predictable according to quantum theory.D. Newtonian physics is unable to deal with such abstractions as energy, whereas quantum physics is able to deal with these abstractions.E. Newtonian physics emphasizes the measurement process whereas quantum physics recognizes that the measurement process should not be included in physical theories. Derek and Meagan Jacoby recently graduated from State University and Derek accepted a job in business consulting while Meagan accepted a job in computer programming. Meagan inherited $42,000 from her grandfather who recently passed away. The couple is debating whether they should buy or rent a home. They located a rental home that meets their needs. The monthly rent is $2,600. They also found a three-bedroom home that would cost $172,000 to purchase. The Jacobys could use Meagans inheritance for a down payment on the home. Thus, they would need to borrow $130,000 to acquire the home. They have the option of paying two discount points to receive a fixed interest rate of 4.50 percent on the loan or paying no points and receiving a fixed interest rate of 5.70 percent for a 30-year fixed loan. Though anything could happen, the couple expects to live in the home for no more than five years before relocating to a different region of the country. Derek and Meagan dont have any school-related debt, so they will save the $42,000 if they dont purchase a home. Also, consider the following information: The couples marginal tax rate is 20 percent. Regardless of whether they buy or rent, the couple will itemize their deductions. If they buy, the Jacobys would purchase and move into the home on January 1, 2018. If they buy the home, the property taxes for the year are $3,950. Disregard loan-related fees not mentioned above. If the couple does not buy a home, they will put their money into their savings account where they earn 4.95 percent annual interest. Assume that all unstated costs are equal between the buy and rent option. Required: Help the Jacobys with their decisions by answering the following questions: (Leave no answer blank. Enter zero if applicable.) a. If the Jacobys decide to rent the home, what is their after-tax cost of the rental for the first year (include income from the savings account in your analysis)? b. What is the approximate break-even point in years for paying the points to receive a reduced interest rate? (To simplify this computation, assume the Jacobys will make interest-only payments, and ignore the time value of money.) (Do not round intermediate calculations. Round your final answer to 1 decimal place.) c. What is the after-tax cost (in interest and property taxes) of living in the home for 2018? Assume that the Jacobys' interest rate is 5.70 percent, they do not pay discount points, they make interest-only payments for the first year, and the value of the home does not change during the year. (Round your intermediate calculations to the nearest whole dollar amount.) . Assume that on March 1, 2018, the Jacobys sold their home for $198,000, so that Derek and Meagan could accept job opportunities in a different state. The Jacobys used the sale proceeds to (1) pay off the $130,000 principal of the mortgage, (2) pay a $10,000 commission to their real estate broker, and (3) make a down payment on a new home in the different state. However, the new home cost only $97,500. Assume they make interest-only payments on the loan. Required: d1. What gain or loss do the Jacobys realize and recognize on the sale of their home? d2. What amount of taxes must they pay on the gain, if any? Assume the same facts as in part (d), except that the Jacobys sell their home for $159,000 and they pay a $7,500 commission. What effect does the sale have on their 2018 income tax liability? Recall that the Jacobys are subject to an ordinary marginal tax rate of 20 percent and assume that they do not have any other transactions involving capital assets in 2018. an increased police presence in schools has led to which of the following? more student arrests for infractions that would otherwise have been handled by the school a reduction in student infractions a focus on more serious infractions rather than on minor ones increased understanding between students and police officers' In which ways did neoclassical economics contribute to environmental problems? the nurse is teaching a prenatal course to pregnant adolescents. which education will this nurse include in the curriculum? select all that apply. jamie creates hats from recycled material and sells them at a local farmers market. which of the following identifying symbols should she consider using to let others know she created those hats? (5 points)copyrightofficial righttrademarkpatent typeerror: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'nonetype' and 'int' Let A denote the k x k matrix 100 ... 0 | 1 0 ... 0 0 1 ... 0 do -aj -a2 100 ... 1ak-1 where ao, a1,...,Ak-1 are arbitrary scalars. Prove that the characteristic polynomial of A is (-1){ (ao + alt + ... + Ak-12k-1 + gk Hint: Use mathematical induction on k, computing the determinant by cofactor expansion along the first row. Which of the following budgets includes anticipated and actual expenses for a responsibility center? a. Revenue b. Cash c. Capital d. Expense e. Operating. A solution is prepared by adding 50ml of 0.050M HCl to 150 ml of 0.10M HNO3. Calculate its pH. in many states, revocation of a physician's license may occur due to which of the following acts? it takes 12.6 seconds for 1.73x10-3mol of co to effuse through a pinhole. under the same conditions how long will it take for the same amount of methane (ch4) to effuse through the same pinhole. in order to move a client up in bed, the nurse aide should True or False when you install an app on one computer or device, it will install automatically on any other computers and devices on the same subscription plan. what has occurred when organisms share a trait that was not inherited from a common ancestor?