The wolf population on Isle Royale is presently very low despite the fact that the moose population is high. What factors have led to the decline in wolves?


Answer 1


if humans were to intervene and keep inbreeding from occurring in the wolf population of Isle Royale, they would need to increase genetic diversity by adding wolves from other areas to Isle Royale.

Inbreeding occurs when family members mate and have offspring. This in turn leads to less genetic diversity and can cause defects down the line. Increasing the size of the wolf population by bringing in the same species of wolves from other areas adds to the genetic diversity of the population because the new wolves would have more different genetic codes.

Bringing in new organisms means that humans would have to regulate the amount of resources in the environment. Bring in too many wolves too fast, and the food source (moose) will be depleted too quickly. Bring in not enough wolves, and the original wolf population and the new one group may fight, leading to the loss of lives in the wolf population in general (regardless, wolves are territorial and will fight, but if the new group is wiped out by the old group, the original plan to increase genetic diversity would not work).

Humans would also need to track the wolves and keep records of which wolves bred with each other in order to keep inbreeding from occurring. If needed, every so many years, humans may need to bring in a new population of wolves to keep inbreeding from occurring.

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Related Questions

Which correctly lists the three types of rock particles that make up soil?


The three types of rock particles that make up soil are sand, silt, and clay.

Sand particles are the largest, with a diameter of 0.05 to 2 millimeters.

Silt particles are intermediate in size, with a diameter of 0.002 to 0.05 millimeters.

Clay particles are the smallest, with a diameter of less than 0.002 millimeters.

The relative proportions of these three types of particles in soil determine its texture. Soils with a high sand content are coarse-textured, while soils with a high clay content are fine-textured. Soils with a balanced mix of sand, silt, and clay are loam soils, which are considered to be the most fertile.

Soil particles are constantly being weathered and eroded, and new particles are being formed. This process of weathering and erosion is what creates soil. Soil is essential for life on Earth, as it provides plants with the nutrients they need to grow.

50 to 100 million cells constitute the body of an adult.


This is false. 50 to 100 million cells constitute the body of an adult.

The cells in the human body

The statement that "50 to 100 million cells constitute the body of an adult" is incorrect. The human body is composed of trillions of cells. The estimated number of cells in the human body is around 30 to 40 trillion cells.

This includes various types of cells, such as blood cells, muscle cells, nerve cells, and many others, which collectively make up the tissues, organs, and systems of the body.

The human body is a complex organism made up of trillions of cells working together to maintain the functions necessary for life.

Read more on human cells here:


True or false. 50 to 100 million cells constitute the body of an adult.

The exchange of gases in plants takes place through tiny pores in the leaves called __________



stomata. Stomata are small openings on the surface of the leaves that allow for gas exchange between the plant and its environment. They are surrounded by specialized cells called guard cells, which regulate their opening and closing. During photosynthesis, the stomata open to allow for the uptake of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and the release of oxygen as a waste product. At the same time, water vapor is also released through the stomata in a process known as transpiration. The exchange of gases through stomata is crucial for the survival of plants, as it allows them to produce the energy they need to grow and carry out their metabolic processes.


where did agricultural first activity came to being​


One of the earliest regions where agriculture developed was the Fertile Crescent, a crescent-shaped region in the Middle East encompassing modern-day Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, and Jordan

The origin of agriculture, the deliberate cultivation of plants and domestication of animals for food production, can be traced back to multiple regions in different parts of the world. Agricultural practices emerged independently in several areas, marking significant turning points in human history.

Around 10,000 BCE, ancient communities in this region began transitioning from a hunter-gatherer lifestyle to settled farming communities. They domesticated plants such as wheat, barley, lentils, and peas, as well as animals like goats, sheep, and cattle. This transition led to the Neolithic Revolution, a pivotal moment in human civilization.

In other parts of the world, independent agricultural developments occurred. In East Asia, rice cultivation emerged in regions like the Yangtze River Valley in China around 10,000 BCE. The Indus Valley Civilization in the Indian subcontinent also practiced agriculture around 6,000 BCE.

In the Americas, agricultural practices originated independently. In Mesoamerica, ancient cultures like the Olmecs, Maya, and Aztecs cultivated crops such as maize (corn), beans, and squash. In the Andean region of South America, the Inca civilization developed agricultural systems based on potatoes, quinoa, and maize. The Nile River Valley in Egypt and the Niger River Valley in West Africa are other examples of regions where agriculture arose independently.

It is important to note that the exact timing and specific crops varied across these regions, but the common thread was the transition from a nomadic lifestyle to settled farming communities. This shift in human societies paved the way for the development of complex civilizations and marked a significant milestone in human history.

Know more about agriculture here:


Video: Washington State is Thinning Out Forests to Reduce Wildfire Risk. PLEASE ANSWER QUESTIONS ASAP!!
1. What is Russ Vaagen producing in his new sawmill?
2. How do his methods differ from logging that was done in the past? How does this help prevent fires?
3. How has Mike Peterson’s opinion on logging evolved? Why did he change his mind?
4. Do you think that this type of logging solution will work in the long run? Why or why not.


1. Russ Vaagen is producing cross-laminated timber (CLT) in his new sawmill. 2. Russ Vaagen's methods differ by selective thinning, reducing fuel load and creating healthier forests. 3. Mike Peterson changed his opinion after witnessing the positive results of selective thinning. 4. The long-term effectiveness depends on complementary fire prevention measures, scientific monitoring, and adaptive forest management practices.

1. Russ Vaagen is producing cross-laminated timber (CLT) in his new sawmill. CLT is a type of engineered wood product that is made by stacking layers of wood panels in alternating directions and bonding them together. It is known for its strength, durability, and sustainability, and it can be used in various construction applications.

2. Russ Vaagen's methods differ from logging in the past by focusing on selective thinning. Instead of clear-cutting large areas, Vaagen's approach involves removing smaller trees, primarily those that are less fire-resistant or overcrowded.

By doing so, he creates spacing between the remaining trees, which reduces competition for resources and increases the overall health of the forest.

This selective thinning helps prevent fires by reducing the fuel load, as smaller trees are often the ones that contribute the most to the intensity and spread of wildfires.

3. Mike Peterson's opinion on logging has evolved over time. Initially, he was skeptical about the effectiveness of logging as a wildfire prevention strategy. However, his perspective changed when he witnessed the positive results of Russ Vaagen's selective thinning methods.

Seeing the reduction in fuel load and the healthier forest ecosystem convinced Peterson of the benefits of this approach. The tangible outcomes and the scientific evidence supporting the effectiveness of selective thinning prompted him to change his mind.

4. The long-term effectiveness of this type of logging solution depends on various factors. Selective thinning and creating spacing between trees can be an effective strategy in reducing wildfire risk, as it reduces fuel load and promotes healthier forests.

However, it is crucial to implement such practices in conjunction with other fire prevention measures, such as controlled burns, fire-resistant landscaping, and community preparedness.

Additionally, monitoring and adapting the logging practices based on scientific research and environmental considerations are essential to ensure sustainable forest management.

While this approach shows promise, continuous evaluation, adaptation, and holistic fire management strategies are necessary for long-term success in mitigating wildfire risk.

For more such questions on scientific monitoring, click on:


The compass has advanced dramatically over the years, evolving into a Global Positioning System (GPS). The GPS is a device that is simple to use and gives a lot of information on your position. Which is a positive effect of the technological advance of going from a compass to a GPS? A. The GPS makes people work harder. B. The GPS makes a task easier. C. The GPS uses up fewer resources. D. The GPS uses cheaper material.


A  positive effect of the technological advance of going from a compass to a GPS is that the GPS makes a task easier. Thus, option B is correct.

GPS stands for global positioning system in which the satellite sends information regarding position any individual, place or thing in terms of bearings (latitude and longitude) with respect to time.

There are total 24 satellites that rotate around the earth  twice with in a period of 24 hours and hence are capable of locating the position of any object more accurately as compared to compass.  Also the percentage accuracy of GPS as compared to a compass is extremely high.

Learn more about GPS on:


what kind of molecules are similar to the structure of zidovudine







•Slope ceiling used to direct more light into space.

•Avoid direct beam daylight on the critical visual task.

•Use of high-performance glazing.

•Design of daylight optimised fenestration.

write out a hypothesis about what you think is causing the problem of the bananas turning black. We are going to assume that age is causing the bananas to brown with an IF/THEN statement.



Here’s a hypothesis: IF bananas turn black as they age, THEN the problem of bananas turning black is caused by their age.

Draw a picture of human heart and labelled it?​




it is given below human heart (diagram) with labeling

1. How might a field like philosophy or history help scientists?
2. Give an example of something that science cannot predict and explain why not.
3. How does the quote from Socrates, “True knowledge exists in knowing that you know nothing” relate to engineering?
4. Today, it is almost impossible to imagine a world without video games, yet not long ago they did not exist. What positive and negative social changes did they bring?
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Check the attached document. The answer is more than 5,000 characters


Which of the following would a researcher wish to understand in complex detail before attempting genetic
splicing to develop a new variety of plant?


Before attempting genetic splicing to develop a new variety of plants, a researcher would need to understand the genome in complex detail.

The genome refers to the complete set of genetic information present in an organism, including all of its genes and non-coding regions.

It serves as a blueprint for the development, growth, and functioning of an organism.

By understanding the genome, the researcher can gain insights into the specific genes responsible for desirable traits, such as disease resistance, increased yield, or improved nutritional content.

Understanding the genome is crucial because genetic splicing involves manipulating specific genes or introducing new genetic material into the plant's genome.

A comprehensive understanding of the genome allows the researcher to identify target genes, select appropriate genetic sequences for splicing, and assess the potential impacts of the introduced genetic material on the plant's overall biology.

While RNA, genera, and chromosomes are all important components related to genetics and plant biology, a detailed understanding of the genome provides the foundational knowledge necessary to undertake successful genetic splicing and develop new plant varieties with desired traits.

For more such answers on genome


Why is carbon present in so many types of molecules?


Carbon is present in so numerous types of motes because it has a unique capability to form strong covalent bonds with other carbon titles and with other rudiments similar to hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and sulfur. These covalent bonds are stable and allow carbon titles to form a variety of different structures, from simple chains to complex branching networks.

Carbon also has the capability to form double and triadic bonds, which allows for indeed lesser complexity in molecular structures. This versatility in cling allows carbon to form the backbone of numerous important natural motes similar to carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids, and proteins.

also, carbon is a fairly small snippet and can form stable bonds with a wide range of other titles, which contributes to its capability to form such a variety of motes. This diversity of motes is essential for life as it allows for a wide range of natural processes and functions, similar to energy storehouse and transfer, cell signaling, and structural support.

learn more about carbon at

Describe what the immune system does, an example of how it can fail, and the name of a disease or disorder where it has failed. asappp


A failure of the immune system may lead to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.

What does the immune system do?

The body's defense against harmful pathogens like bacteria, viruses, and parasites as well as aberrant cells like cancer cells is provided by the immune system, a complex network of cells, tissues, and organs.

Its main job is to separate these foreign chemicals from the body's healthy cells and tissues in order to recognize and get rid of them.

HIV attacks and destroys specific immune cells, impairing the body's ability to fight off infections and diseases.

Learn more about immune system:


Adaptive features for fresh matured catfish egg


Fresh matured catfish eggs possess several adaptive features that facilitate their survival and development.

Some of the adaptive features are

Tough outer covering: catfish eggs have a tough outer covering called the chorion, which provides protection against physical damage and pathogens.

Yolk sac:  fresh matured catfish eggs have a yolk sac that provides nutrients for the developing embryo until it hatches and can feed on its own

Oxygen uptake: fresh matured catfish eggs have structures called chorionic villi that help to facilitate the uptake of oxygen from the surrounding water.

Learn more about Adaptive features at


A. constuct an argument that tells how the wildfire of 1988 affects populations of birds and animals in the Yellowstone region. support your answer eith evidence

B. predict how the bird and animal populations changed from 1988 to 2000

C. describe the effect of the 1988 wildfire on the pine tree population from 1988 to 2000


The wildfire of 1988 had a significant impact on the populations of birds and animals in the Yellowstone region. The destruction caused by the fire, along with the subsequent changes in the ecosystem, led to both short-term and long-term effects on wildlife populations.

Evidence shows that the immediate aftermath of the fire resulted in a decline in bird and animal populations. The loss of habitat and food sources forced many species to leave the affected areas or perish. However, as the burnt areas gradually recovered, new vegetation emerged, attracting certain bird species like woodpeckers and warblers that thrive in post-fire environments.

Over time, from 1988 to , 2000 bird and animal populations likely experienced a period of transition and recovery. While some species faced initial declines, others adapted to the changing landscape and found new niches to exploit. Studies indicate that some bird populations, such as the white-headed woodpecker, increased significantly in the years following the fire due to the availability of dead trees for nesting and feeding.

Predicting the exact changes in bird and animal populations from 1988 to 2000 requires detailed long-term monitoring data. However, considering the ecological resilience of Yellowstone, it is plausible that overall populations would have shown signs of recovery. Species that are more adaptable to disturbances, like certain bird species and small mammals, may have rebounded faster than others.

The 1988 wildfire had a profound impact on the pine tree population in the Yellowstone region from 1988 to 2000. The fire consumed a vast area of forest, resulting in widespread destruction of pine trees. However, wildfires are a natural part of the forest ecosystem, and pine trees have evolved mechanisms to regenerate and recover after such events.

For more such questions on wildfire


What is the answer
I don’t understand the question what is the answer


The conclusion that hand sanitizer is most effective in killing bacteria is not valid based on the data provided so C, The conclusion is not valid; there were fewer bacteria cultures on the soap plates.

What concludes the effectiveness of hand sanitizer?

The data shows that hand sanitizer had a higher number of bacteria cultures than warm water, but it also had a higher number of bacteria cultures than the soaps. This suggests that hand sanitizer is not necessarily more effective at killing bacteria than soap.

There are a few possible explanations for the higher number of bacteria cultures on the hand sanitizer plates. One possibility is that the hand sanitizer did not kill all of the bacteria on the hands. Another possibility is that the hand sanitizer killed some of the bacteria, but it also created a more favorable environment for the growth of other bacteria.

Find out more on hand sanitizer here:


what causes rain during summer ​


Answer: Warmer air

Explanation: Air that is warmer is able to evaporate more water into the atmosphere.


Warmer heat


This is quite surprising, but air that is warmer can evaporate more water into the atmosphere. An air mass with more water vapor available to precipitate will naturally create more precipitation. Also, this causes air to rise, creating an intense  low-pressure condition  on the surface.

a population of finch birds with medium sized beaks colonizes an island with plants producing medium and large sized seeds. After a disease wipes out all the plants with medium sized seeds , what is most likely to happen



Hi, when an organism start to begin new habit for finding food, that organism get specialized/new organ later according to their new food finding habit. So beak of Finch of medium sized beaks grow larger day by day according to their food of larger sized seeds, which we can say evolution for larger beak of Finch according to that adaptive behaviour of eating, that's all.

Thanks for reading.

Select the correct answer.
Which sentence best describes a forensic scientist's role?
OA. A forensic scientist analyzes blood, tissue,
and other samples to assist law enforcement.
O B. A forensic scientist maintains the equipment
used to view samples in the laboratory.
OC. A forensic scientist creates artificial organs
out of specific materials and metals.
O D. A forensic scientist assists a biological scientist
in studying bacteria and viruses.





Forensic scientists perform these types of essential tasks:

Analyze physical evidence collected at crime scenes

Provide expert forensic testimony before and during trials

Collect evidence such as blood, hair samples, and other trace evidence

Use chemical and biological techniques to analyze the evidence and document their findings

Prepare reports on their findings

Provide expert opinions for people within the judicial system

Accurately document everything they do so that their testimony holds up in court

Maintain certification through continued learning

You must have seen stored rice is attacked by Weevil. How can you get rid of this pest? List down 3 such pests that attack stored grains and the methods to remove them.



Yes, Weevils are a common pest that can infest stored rice and other grains. To get rid of Weevils, you can follow these methods:

Freezing: Freezing can kill any eggs, larvae, or adult weevils present in the rice. Place the rice in an airtight container and keep it in the freezer for at least four days.

Heat treatment: You can also heat the rice to kill any pests. Spread the rice in a thin layer on a baking sheet and bake it at 150°F for 30 minutes. This will kill any eggs or larvae present in the rice.

Bay leaves: Place a few bay leaves in the container with the rice. The strong smell of bay leaves is believed to repel weevils and prevent infestation.

Apart from Weevils, other common pests that can infest stored grains include:

Indian Meal Moth: They can be eliminated by discarding infested grains, cleaning the storage area, and using pheromone traps to capture the adult moths.

Grain Mites: Grain mites can be eliminated by reducing humidity levels in the storage area, discarding infested grains, and using diatomaceous earth or boric acid to kill the mites.

Rice and Maize Weevils: They can be controlled by cleaning the storage area, using pheromone traps to capture the adult weevils, and fumigating the storage area with insecticides.


Which revision changes the sentence to draw attention
to the object of the action rather than the people or things
performing the action?
O The "space race" by competing scientists occurred
during the Cold War.
During the Cold War, scientists led the "space race"
ODuring the Cold War "space race," scientists
O The "space race" was a Cold War competition by


Answer & Explanation:

The revision that changes the sentence to draw attention to the object of the action rather than the people or things performing the action is:

"The 'space race' was a Cold War competition by scientists."

This sentence emphasizes the object of the action ("space race") by placing it at the beginning of the sentence and using the passive voice to downplay the importance of the subject ("scientists"). The focus is on the competition itself and the historical context in which it occurred, rather than the individuals who were involved in it.

why might a rock layer not contain any fossils?


The rock layer may have formed before life existed or may have eroded away any existing fossils.

There are a few reasons why a rock layer may not contain any fossils. One reason is that the rock layer may have formed before life existed on Earth, such as in the case of igneous rocks that form from volcanic activity.

Another reason is that the rock layer may have formed in an environment that was not conducive to preserving fossils, such as a high-energy riverbed or a desert.

Additionally, the rock layer may have been eroded away over time, destroying any existing fossils. Finally, it is possible that fossils were present in the rock layer but were not discovered or identified during the excavation process.

For more such questions on fossils, click on:


2. PART B: Which detail from the text best supports
the answer to Part A?
O A. "In the center, La Catrina, the female skeletal
figure that has become an icon for the occasion,
is painted with a declaration: Día De Muertos.
Day of the Dead." (Paragraph 2)
O B. "Now, Arguello wants his multicultural
daughter, who was born in the U.S. to parents of
Mexican and Dominican descent, to have a
piece of the tradition, too." (Paragraph 7)
O C. "Each year the institute displays an altar
honoring different Mexican people. This year's
altar is dedicated to a number of cultural figures
who helped shape and share Mexican culture."
(Paragraph 9)
O D. "With more people observing the holiday,
sharing the tradition's history and keeping its
integrity at the heart of the celebration is a
continuing mission for educators."
(Paragraph 16)


The detail from the text that best supports the answer to Part A is option D: "With more people observing the holiday, sharing the tradition's history and keeping its integrity at the heart of the celebration is a continuing mission for educators."

This detail supports the answer because it emphasizes the increasing popularity and observance of the holiday, which necessitates educators' efforts to educate people about the tradition's history and maintain its authenticity. It implies that as more individuals participate in celebrating Día de los Muertos, it becomes crucial to preserve the cultural significance and core values associated with the tradition.

By educating people about the history and cultural elements of Día de los Muertos, educators contribute to the understanding and appreciation of the holiday. This aligns with the purpose mentioned in Part A, which is to educate and promote awareness of the tradition to multicultural students and broader audiences.

The option D provides the most relevant support for the answer.

for more questions on integrity


Which of the following is a true statement about what people believed 200 years ago


200 years ago, people believed in a geocentric universe, humoral theory in medicine, and miasma causing diseases.

Two centuries ago, common beliefs included a geocentric universe, where Earth was thought to be the center of the cosmos. In medicine, people adhered to the humoral theory, which attributed illness to imbalances in bodily fluids or humors (blood, phlegm, yellow bile, and black bile).

Another widely accepted notion was the miasma theory, which claimed that diseases were caused by "bad air" emanating from rotting organic matter.

While these beliefs were prevalent at the time, modern science has since debunked them, leading to a better understanding of our universe and improvements in medical knowledge.

For more such questions on medicine, click on:


Most enzymes are ______ which carry out functions and form important structures in the body.


Answer: Most enzymes are proteins which carry out functions and form important structures in the body.


The catalysts of biological chemical reactions are enzymes. They are the genomes that reside within each of us and assemble molecules like nucleotides to form DNA or amino acids to form proteins. They are crucial to life because they preserve cellular energy.

1. Read: Discussion Background: Cold winter weather may cause additional breathing issues for those with respiratory problems if they catch a cold or the flu. Your family member, who has asthma, contacts you and tells you they have a cold and could hardly breathe but that she visited her doctor and were prescribed an inhaler and she feels much better now. When she picked up the prescription from the pharmacy there were two inhalers in the bag. Your family member thought the pharmacy made a mistake.

2. Initial Post: Create a new thread and answer all three parts of the initial prompt below

A. Would or would you not provide any medical advice to your family member?
B. Pharmacy technicians working in a retail pharmacy need to be able to help patients locate over-the-counter (OTC) nonprescription treatments for the common cold . How will you assists a patient that asks for an OTC medication for their common cold?
C. Pharmacy technicians fill prescriptions for inhalers and must be able to calculate how many to dispense to the patient based on the prescriber’s dosing instructions. Explain why it is important to accurately calculate and dispense the correct amount to a sick patient.



A. It depends on the individual's knowledge and expertise in the medical field. If the individual is not a medical professional, it would be best to refrain from providing medical advice and instead encourage the family member to consult with their doctor for any medical concerns.

B. As a pharmacy technician working in a retail pharmacy, I would assist a patient asking for an OTC medication for their common cold by first asking about their symptoms and any pre-existing medical conditions or allergies. Based on this information, I would then recommend appropriate OTC medications that could help alleviate their symptoms.

C. It is important for pharmacy technicians to accurately calculate and dispense the correct amount of medication to a sick patient because incorrect dosages can result in ineffective treatment or even harm the patient. Ensuring that the patient receives the correct amount of medication as prescribed by their doctor is crucial for their recovery and well-being.

What is Hypothesis Driven Research?


a hypothesis-driven approach is one of the main methods for using data to test and, ultimately, prove (or disprove) assertions. To do that, researchers collect a sufficient amount of data on the subject and then approach it with a specific hypothesis in mind

3 kinds of water resources



Water Sources

Surface water (for example, a lake, river, or reservoir)Ground water (for example, an aquifer)Recycled water (also called reused water)

Help asap

is seeda living thing explain ​


Seeds are not considered living things in the strictest sense of the term, but they are alive in a dormant state.

A seed is a structure produced by plants that contains an embryo, along with stored nutrients and a protective coat. The embryo is a living organism that has the potential to develop into a mature plant under the right conditions.

However, when a seed is dormant, it is in a state of suspended animation, and all of its metabolic processes are slowed down. It is not actively growing or reproducing, and it can survive in this state for a long time, even under adverse conditions.

Once a seed is exposed to the right combination of moisture, temperature, and light, it can germinate and begin to grow. At that point, it is considered a living organism, because it is actively metabolizing and carrying out the functions of life, such as respiration, photosynthesis, and growth.

So, while seeds are not living things in the strictest sense of the term, they are alive in a dormant state and have the potential to become living organisms under the right conditions.

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