
Answer 1


D) y = -0.11x + 10.25


You have to get two of the points find the slope.

I used the calculator and got the answer.

Hope this helps!

Plug in to see which is the closest!

B) y = -0.13(55) + 11.80 = 4.65

C) y = -0.12(55) + 10.68 = 4.08

D) y = -0.11(55) + 10.25 = 4.20 CLOSEST

I hope this helps ya!

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This article suggests that a person who becomes dangerously
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There’s no article please scan it so I can help

what is the difference between white bread and wheat bread



White bread is less healthy



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i donno i just did this for points thanks for the points :>


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Answer:had a very strong effect


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The student felt apathy when he didn't care if he passed his class or not.


sorry if this is incorrect

Read the excerpt from "Pakistan’s Malala.” Malala looks the same today at 14, as she did at 11, like a child. But with each interview she gave to Pakistani and international reporters between 2009 and 2012, she sounded more like an adult. Based on this excerpt, how did the interviews affect Malala?
She started looking older than her age.
She became older sounding and acting.
She changed the style of her dress.
She grew taller and more woman-like.


Answer: B

She became older sounding and acting

Explanation: edge 2021

Based on the information given, the correct option is B. She became older sounding and acting.

From the information given, it was stated that each interview that Malala gave to Pakistani and international reporters between 2009 and 2012, she sounded more like an adult.

Therefore, the interviews affected Malala as she became older sounding and acting.

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Answer: he had no choice. his father was in the army.



write a 300-600 word short story about a 2 vs 2 basketball tournament using dialogue and correct grammar.




How exciting! Today is my basketball Grand-final! My team of six enthusiastic boys led by our coach, Jack, has worked extremely hard just to make the finals. My heart was pounding a hundred kilometres an hour as I walked into our home ground, Slater Reserve. As I hurried to our team bench, our opponents caught my attention. They seemed a lot taller and “meaner” looking.

Whistle blew. Five of us started on the court. Our opponent got hold of the ball first. They were unbelievably fast. They kept penetrating our defences and kept scoring goals. Excited parents were cheering so much that their faces were as red as beetroots. None of us could stop our opponent’s best player, Zac, from scoring. He was shooting from all directions and was getting them in! By half time, both teams were extremely exhausted and our opponents were ten goals ahead which presented us with an enormous, but achievable challenge.

Jack was awfully frustrated as we were not playing anywhere near our best. He told us to play as a team and that we could still win if we make our transitions much quicker so that penalty shots come our way. He also directed us to rebound and position ourselves better to receive and score goals.

Our team was all fired up. The second half started in our favour. We were as quick as lightning on the court. We were dribbling, passing, shooting and rebounding without any mistakes. We caught our oppositions by surprise. The scores were almost level. We were trailing only by one point. The crowd was growing wild with excitement, fuelling our confidence. At the same time, our opponents switched back to attention and started playing like what they did in the first half making it harder for us to score.

After much effort we managed to score a crucial goal with fifteen seconds left! Our opponent threw in the ball but I managed to steal it! Our team was bursting with happiness! More opponents were heading my way and I had to pass the ball to Bryce, our team-mate. Instead of hanging on to the ball, Bryce did the most unexpected thing. He tried to score from half court! He missed by miles!

One second left and our opponent had possession of the ball. Our hearts ached for the final whistle but when it finally came our opponent had already sent their ball in the air and was heading towards the ring. We felt like the end of world had come when the ball went through the ring! That marked the end of our Grand final dream.

My whole team was broken hearted. Everyone was holding back their tears. We almost succeeded until Sean, our best shooter, broke down. Jack commended us for not giving up and fought to the end, which was the most important thing. We departed with eager anticipation for the next season.



My name is Justin and I love basketball, most of the time. Sometimes, I play great and sometimes, I don't. I'm a wing, that's right a chicken wing. I chicken out when it comes to shooting the ball. I'm great at assisting, but I never want to shoot. I have tried before and made it, but I simply thought that was good luck. I'd rather be our tiger mascot sometimes, but I think I'm better at basketball.

I learned that we were going to be in a tournament. I was so excited, but also scared. When I heard the news I practiced everyday on my shooting, defense, and offense skills. Coach Michael could see my hard work, and said I wasn't so nervous when it came to shooting. My teammates also noticed it.

The big day was here we would be play the Bulldogs, Indians, and the best team the Vipers. My team wasn't the best, but we surely weren't the worst. Our first game was with the Bulldogs. We won 56 to 28, but I was disappointed. All I did was assist, as always. Coach M was yelling for me to shoot, but I would just pass the ball to Ryan.

Then we played the Indians, and we beat them. The only problem was that I was the first up and down the court, but wouldn't shoot. I was drenched in sweat. The next game was with the Vipers. Coach M pulled me aside. He said, "Justin I see you are working hard, but you can't be afraid to shoot the ball." I said, "I know Coach Michael, but what if I miss?" "Trust me son, you won't miss I saw how you were shooting in practice. You have good form."

I was determined to shoot. The Vipers were a hard team to beat, so we would need the extra points. I ran down the court as fast as I could and yelled, "Mica! Ball ball ball!" Mica threw an over head pass. I caught it saw everyone running down, and made a lay up. We were losing the score was 45 to 50. I was panting and tired, but I was determined to win. I did the same thing again, and I was fouled. I made my two free throws. The score now 47 to 50, 2nd half, 4th quarter, and 2:47 left in the game.

Coach M yelled, "Get the ball down the court!" I ran down the court I was passed the ball, but did not shoot. I knew we needed a 3 pointer to get us tied, so I waited for Josh. I yelled, "Josh! Josh!" He caught the ball, and shot the 3 pointer. The score was now tied with 00:46 left in the game. Coach M said, "Justin I want you to run down the court and make a lay up. Mica and Josh be there to rebound. Ryan and Evan make sure to screen for them. Got it!" Everyone yelled, "Yes Coach!"

The pressure was on the ref blew the whistle. My heart was pounding, sweat was rolling down my forehead, and my legs were moving.  Evan blocked a shot. Mica caught the ball, and saw me down the court. He passed it with 00:10 second left in the game. I shot and I made it! Mica yelled, "Yeah! I knew we could count on you!" Coach M ran up to me and said, "Thanks for working hard, and helping your team with the win." The whole gym was electric, and I was finally proud of myself!

make this sentence more interesting: The leaves blew in the wind.



Hi there~

Here's your answer:

The vibrant brown leaves danced in the wind with delight.

Hope this helps



The leaves blew in the wind, and as he watched him, he didn’t notice someone had stolen his wallet.


What is The Giver's Greatest Regret?
pls helpppp
A. He never had the opportunity to live with a spouse and children like all the other families.
B. He could not do anything to save the twin from release.
C. He did not help Rosemary escape or prevent her release.
D. He had to give Jonas painful memories.



D. He had to give Jonas painful memories.


Explain complex plot as the kind of plot preferred by Aristotle. What are the parts which make a plot of tragedy complex? Use as much quotes from the text as possible to support your answer.



A complex plot as the kind of plot preferred by Aristotle is explained below in details.


According to Aristotle, at least. In his writing Poetics — an interpretation of tragedy and classic storytelling — he says that there are just two kinds of plots in the Greek Melodrama model — Simple Plots and Complex Plots.

Simple Plots

The simple plot is described as a united construct of imminent and feasible actions followed by a modification of fortune.

Complex Plots

The complex plot is described as one where the development of fortune is followed by a withdrawal of fortune, identification, or both.

Can anybody help me get more syntax in my paragraph?

It all started when a man wanted to revolutionize transportation. Carl Benz had a dream about creating a carriage that can be moved on its own, with this in mind Carl Benz stared to come up with ideas. Then one day it he came up with the idea of self-propulsion, later on New Years 1879 Carl Benz developed a successful one cylinder two stroke engine. Six years later Carl Benz successfully invented a running carriage, automobile. On January 26, 1886 Carl Benz brought his car to the patent office and got his invention patented. The patent, number 37435, is often considered to be the birth certificate of the car. In 1926, Karl Benz, Gottlieb Daimler, Wilhelm Maybach, and Emil Jellinek, founded Mercedes-Benz. The Benz part of the name came from Carl Benz while the Mercedes part was named after Emil Jellinek, whose daughter name was Mercedes.






man this is staff try another way to do it

write a narrative about if you were to become a superhero


Saving People in my community has always been a dream of mine. Like they said “you don’t need a cape to be recognized as a hero” all you need is a super power that can change the world for the better. Comics describes superhero’s as big, majestic and powerful but in the real world if i were to become a *(insert ur dream job)* i can help other people, inspire them and make the world a better place to live in. Just by making a change , you can be hero (Im not sure if thats what u meant as a narrative) tell me if its wrong

Analyze how the mood is developed in Paragraphs 11–13 Excerpt: The Odyssey "The Cyclops"



acho que é issoeu


"Amon fundou todos os países, fundou-os após ter criado primeiramente

o Egito. A arte veio de lá, de onde tu vens, até aqui onde eu estou, e a

educação veio de lá até aqui onde eu estou".

Não somente a Fenícia, mas também a Mesopotâmia parece reconhecer no

Egito a origem da própria cultura, pelo menos a se crer na opinião que

nos foi transmitida por Diodoro de Sicília, um escritor grego muito mais

recente, que no século I d.C. assim escreveu na sua Bíbliatbeca

The correct response is - Since the cyclops were never taught etiquette or rules, it can be assumed that they lack both.

What is Odyssey

One of the two important ancient Greek epic poems that are credited to Homer is The Odyssey. One of the first pieces of literature still often read by contemporary audiences. The poem is divided into 24 books, the same like the Iliad. It follows Ithaca's king and Greek hero Odysseus as he returns home after the Trojan War.

Loyalty, compassion, self-control, and endurance are among the moral principles in the story. Each one is connected to one or more stories. Because Odysseus is loyal to his family, The Odyssey emphasizes loyalty as a moral principle. Despite all of the challenges on his path, he is adamant about going back to his wife's house.

Homer's epic poem The Odyssey tells the story of Odysseus' ten-year effort to get home after the Trojan War. Penelope, his wife, and Telemachus stave off suitors competing for Penelope's hand and Ithaca's throne long enough for Odysseus to return while Odysseus fights mythical animals and endures the wrath of the gods.

To read more about Odyssey, refer to -


i need to make a essay about social justice so i need to pick a quote and i picked this quote "Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen". The instructions are that i need to pick a quote and explain how it relates to social justice. My teacher says it has to be at least 300-600 words. can somebody help me?



courage, there's many moments in history people took a stand to change, during the making of the declaration of independence, The founding fathers of America, stood up against Britain to make change, as they didn't want to be under the ruling of James. they kind of tired first peacefully but the troops of Britain made it hard and King James the 3rd so they resorted to violenece to fight to be free which is standing up for themes by actions, or When Martin Luther king helped people or gave his speech to people people accept equality amongst race, unlike the fight for independence, he didn't fight, not with fists or weapons, but with words, he listen to both sides and stood up and fought with his word to what is right. What is right is always wroth fighting for, and fighting isn't always what can solve this, could be about equality, how one rules, or anything really, people can fight, protest or just speak and listen to what is right and what they can do to solve it.

Here Let say there's a protest of a law, it may seem unrealistic but say it's example on what I may do in a situation. The Government is changing the law about gun ownership to be reduce to just about anyone could own one, many people will not accept this as this could be rather dangerous, First we must keep it peaceful as violence doesn't solve much and other's may get in trouble and most likely hurt, this also wouldn't help the economic status, We need to keep any and all protest peaceful, protest, petitions of disagreeing who voting against this law

(it's not done yet so imma keep writing) (its only 250 words now

Letter to the editor of newspaper regarding increasing rates of street crimes


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

This would be my Letter to the editor of the newspaper regarding the increasing rates of street crimes.

Mr. Robinson,

As a citizen of this great community, let me express my concerns about the dramatic increase in the number of street crimes in the past year. Like I have never seen before.

I have lived all my life in this beautiful city and sadly, I have to admit that crime is permanently growing before the eyes of our political officials.

I would like to share my concern with you because I consider ypur newspaper as a respected media slot that has influence over political life in our city.

I respectfully invite you to dig in the evidence and information regarding crime and interview our officials and the police department, as well as our representatives to let them know this critical situation and demand immediate answers because the safety of our families is at risk.

Thank you very much for paying attention to my concerns. I know that you understand our concerns and will be able to do something for our beloved city.

Sincerely yours,

Write an email to your friend about the party in your email you should say what the party is for describe the plan you have already made explain how your friend can help you your email should be between 150 to 200 words long


Answer:  PARTYYY

Explanation: Hey!, (persons name)

Just wanna let you know what we are doing for the party this year! So we could have a pool party/Fire Pit the pool party will start at 1 and end when it gets dark then the fire pit will start then end at midnight we will have food music,bored games. we all know your better at cooking you will bring all the food and i'll get decor? get any food and get desserts and s'mores. then at 11 we will meet at my house to set up?

                                                                                 cool see you there!

                                                                                                     (your name)

christmas Carol

what is the authors likely purpose for the figurative language used in paragraph 6?
cite at least two pieces of evidence from the paragraph in your response​


Answer: is this for a christmas carol?


Drag the tiles to the boxes to form correct pairs.
What is the purpose of each of the following statements? Match the purpose with the correct statement from the text.
establishes her credibility on the topic
of optimism
directly engages reader to consider
why she is an optimist
acknowledges counterargument that
optimism ignores the facts
A poet once said I must be hanny be


To show the purpose of the statements:

1st box - Acknowledges counterargument that optimism ignores the fact.2nd box - Establishes her credibility on the topic of optimism.3rd box - Directly engages reader to consider why she is an optimist.

What is purpose?

Purpose is known to be the reason a particular thing is done or written or said. Purpose answers the question "why?". It reveals facts about something done.

We can see the purpose of each of the statement made by the speaker above.

Learn more about purpose on


1st box - Acknowledges counterargument that optimism ignores the fact.

2nd box - Establishes her credibility on the topic of optimism.

3rd box - Directly engages reader to consider why she is an optimist.


Activity 5: Why are toquilla straw hats called "Panama hats"? 1. Answer this question How much do you know about the Panama Hat? Is there any technology involved to produce Panama hats? Yes _____ No____ Do you think that the history of Panama hats started in Panama and then it was produced in Ecuador? Yes ____ No_____ Do you think the production of Panama hats contributes to the growth of a community`s economy? Yes ____ No_____


Answer: 1. Panama Hats are straw hats made in that country. 2.There is no technology involved to produce Panama hats. 3. The history of Panama hats did not start in Panama and then produced in Ecuador, but vice-versa. 4. Yes, the production of Panama hats contributes to the growth of a community's economy because they're made by people who don't have a prosperous income.

Explanation: Panama hats are handmade; A weaver puts hours of work into every single hat, and they finish it in 7 or 8 months. They also have to brim them, fix imperfections, and decorate them. Therefore, they do not use any technology. The history of Panama hats started in Ecuador, where they were made of leaves from the Carludovica palmata plant, to later on become popular and extend to Panama. The production of these hats contributes to the community's economy since the people who make them are people who lack a regular salary and depend on sales to keep up.

Panama hats are hats that originated from the place Ecuador. These hats are woven and handmade in Ecuador. These are most expensive because of the fineness and evenness of the weave. These are very rarely utilized by people and are very comfortable.

The answers to the questions are:

1. No

2. No

3. Yes.

Reason for the correct answers:

1. The Panama hats are handmade and no technology is used in their production. The weavers work for hours for the production of single Panama hats and complete the production in about 7 to 8 months. They brim the Panama hats, then look out for the imperfections and fix them, and then decorate them.

2. The history of Panama hats was not started in Panama. It was started in Ecuador where these hats were made up of leaves of the Carludovica Palmata plant and then, later on, became popular by the name Panama.

3. Yes the production of Panama hats contributes to the growth of the community's economy as the people in the people engaged in the production of Panama hats focus on the sales increase and work on it.

To know more about Panama hats, refer to the link below:

Which statement BEST describes the way the headings for this article
are organized?
The headings are organized alphabetically for easy
The article is organized according to the level of
danger for each part of a firefighter's job.
It is a summary of what sort of duties a firefighter can
expect to do once he or she is employed.
It is a list of the requirements one must have to even
be considered for hiring as a firefighter.



B i think sorry am aint sure

Please help me it’s 9:14 for me and it’s due at 9:30 please write 5 sentences about something you love about December and reasons I will give brainliest and 100 points please



Snow falls from the sky as the Christmas spirit fills the air. Families are bundled up in their cozy houses listening to Christmas music and wrapping presents. Children are waiting eagerly for Christmas Day to arrive so they can wake up to see what Santa has brought for them. Christmas is a holiday filled with joy, and it is the only reason besides lack of pollen that I love December. Pollen is terrible.

Ikr super cringe

Snow is beautiful
Each snowflake is different just like all of us

In a small military compound in Nevada, two soldiers plot
to steal a high-tech tank that the base has illegally
developed in secret. The government doesn't even know of
its existence. The soldiers plan to ransom the tank to the
highest bidder. However, the engineer who developed the
tank learns of the plot and must stop the two soldiers
without letting the government know of the tank's
Which aspect of the story is most important in determining its outcome?
O A. Only two soldiers steal the tank.
OB. The tank is to be sold to the highest bidder.
O C. The story is set in Nevada.
OD. The tank was developed illegally.



OD. The tank was developed illegally.


The outcome of any story depends on the circumstances that lead up to the crucial stages of the plot. And these outcomes mainly consists of the consequences or results of all the different directions or aspects of the plot.

In the given scenario of the two soldiers and their plan to try to steal the 'secretly developed' illegal high-tech tank, the most important aspect of the story in determining the outcome is that the tank was illegally developed. This is because, no matter who tried to steal it or what the purpose of the stealing was, the fact that it was developed illegally will eventually be the crucial aspect of how the outcome will be, considering neither the government nor anyone knows about it (except the two soldiers and the engineer and the ones on the base camp).

Thus, the correct answer is option D.

I need help plssssssxs


Answer: d and can i have a brainiest



its  D


What idea is emphasized through repetition?



The streets are unusually crowded.


From the text we understand that the traffic is unusually heavy and that there had never been so many people driving in the quiet neighbourhood.


The streets are unusually crowded


In line 2 it says "Mother Lois maneuvered through the unsually heavy traffic."

And then again in line 3 it says "'I don't know how where all the cars could have come from,'"

Both of these lines mention that the street is very crowded.

Complete the paragraph with the correct transitional words



Furthermore goes in the first empty box.

However goes into the second empty box.

Select the correct answer.
Which of these factors can be created as a physical model?

A. a next-generation car
B. software code
C. website address
D. conversion of energy
E. knowledge of a product

12 points!! please help



A. a next-generation car


Out of all of the choices, a car is the only one you can physically touch.

Hope this helps.

Answer: A.


Without knowing more about history and culture of the past (a.K.A. Anthropology), it's hard to know what would be considered normal or weird for people from that place and time. If you had to bet money, what would you say is "normal" in Romeo & Juliet? What's weird? Keep in mind, we're not talking about you and what YOU think is normal or weird, we're talking about for people who lived in that time and place. 50-word minimum.


Answer and Explanation:

If this is an assumption, I would say that the "normal" things in the society in which Romeo and Julieta lived were: teenage marriages (since life expectancy was low), marriage between members of the same family (to keep wealth in the family). family and family purity), the control of society by members of the royal family, a strong religiosity among people.

Likewise, I suppose that within this society it was unusual: mortal enemies among families, sword fights in the middle of the street, priests encouraging young people to flee and marry in secret, drugs that simulate death, young people disobeying their families to get married, priests allowing a girl to pretend she died, intruders at family parties and people killing themselves because they lost the person they love.

Then they talk about this thing in the head; what's this they call it?
(member of audience whispers, 'intellect") That's it, honey. What's
that got to do with women's rights or negroes' rights? If my cup
won't hold but a pint, and yours holds a quart, wouldn't you be
mean not to let me have my little half measure full?
What does Sojourner Truth use a cup as a metaphor for in this passage?
A) love
B) women
o freedom
D) intellect



D) Intellect


I got it right on the test

what is the danger of totalitarianism and constant surveillance? How does this sort of power and leadership affect a society and its citizens?


It cause the citizens to fear their leadership rather that trust them it’s basically like and dictatorship
Need pionts bebe purrr
Other Questions
According to the video, which tasks do Urban and Regional Planners perform? Check all that apply.developing recommendations to improve medical careo promoting the best use of land and resourcesdeveloping plans for growth and renewalpromoting campaigns for political electionsreviewing applications for government assistance What is the area of a triangle whose base is 10 centimeters and whose height is 20 centimeters? 15 cm2 30 cm2 100 cm2 200 cm2 Review the locations that you researched in part A. Which location has the most technologically advanced equipment? What is the equipment? How does it work? How does the equipment interact with the human body to either protect the body or help with physical performance? You might choose to write about a specific feature of the equipment. Do some research, and then write two to three paragraphs, with 50 to 100 words in each paragraph. write in slop intercept form Which of the following is not equal to -5/6?2pO a) -(5/6)b) 5/-6C) -5/6d) -(-5/6) What was a result of the social problems presented in the 1917 political cartoon? A Government leaders introduced healthcare reform lawsB Lobbyists focused attention to the power of corporate monopoliesC Women work to improve conditions in tournament housesD Progressive worked to ratify a prohibition amendment Sedimentary rock is made from sediments that come from other rocks. These sediments form from _____ of the rocks. Read the passage from The Pillow Book."His Excellency, the Chancellor, wore a light violet Court cloak, laced trousers of light green material, and a scarlet under-robe.Which statement best explains why this part of the passage is a fact?It can be proved.It has some bias.It can be analyzed.It is a personal view. I HAVE SOME TEA!!! Who wants me to spill? The table on the left is that of a linear function, and the one on the right is that of an exponential function.Can you tell which function has the higher rate of growth? How?A)There is not enough information to make a conclusion.B)The linear function is growing faster, because at x = 3 the y-value of thelinear function is larger.C)The exponential function is growing faster, because at x = 0 the y-value ofthe exponential function is larger.D)The exponential function is growing faster, because it grows by a factorthat is multiplied by the previous y-value instead of being added like thelinear function. answeerr this english What is the name of the type of rocker arm stud that does not require a valve adjustment? RequiredSection 21 pointWhich of the following was a reason why the people in England movedfrom rural to urban areas during the Industrial Revolution? *A. There were a lot of immigrants that migrated to the English countryside.B. As industry increased, factories required more laborers.C. English men were promised the right to vote.D. There was a royal decree calling for workers to the factories. PLEASE HURRY!! (a) Billy bought seven cat toys. Each cat toy costs the same amount. He spent a total of $22.75 (a) Write an equation that represents the situation. Use c to represent the cost of each cat toy. (b) Solve for c and justify your solution by checking your answer. 12 + -4 - 2/5 + J - 4/5 J + 5 3 + 27y + 15zx + 9y + 5z which one is greater: 5.098 or 5.4 To be a member of the choir, you must go to an audition. Henry's cousin is a member of the choir. What conjecture can you make about Henry's cousin?A.) Henrys cousin practices with the choir B.) Henrys cousin has a good singing voice C.) Henry is in the choirD.) Henrys cousin went to an audition If clouds were made of cotton-candy what is rain Help! Both arent the same questions! Brainliest to anyone who gives the right answer