Two branches of a river have different sediment loads. Based on the diagram, which of the following most likely led to the differences in the amount of sediment in the two branches of the river ?
A. The overuse of fertilizers in agriculture B. Effluent from a sewage treatment plant
C. Deforestation from clear-cutting D. Use of heavy equipment in building construction


Answer 1

Option C. Deforestation from clear-cutting

The difference in sediment loads in the two branches of the river is most likely due to deforestation from clear-cutting in one of the branches.

Impact of Deforestation on Sediment Loads in Rivers

Clear-cutting is when trees are removed from a large area all at once, leaving the area vulnerable to soil erosion. This can lead to increased sediment being deposited into the river, resulting in higher sediment loads. Since the two branches of the river have different levels of sediment, it is likely that one branch was impacted by deforestation more than the other.

Learn more about Deforestation:


Related Questions

What is a logarithmic scale and why is it useful example?


A logarithmic scale displays a value increased to the power of ten. For example, the logarithm of 10 is 1 since 10 raised to the power of 1 equals 10.

Because 10 raised to the power of 2 equals 100, 100 has a logarithm of 2, and so on.

On a log scale, for example, the numerals 10, 100, 1000, and 10000 are equally spaced since their digit count increases by one each time: 2, 3, 4, and 5 digits. Adding two digits doubles the quantity measured on the log scale by a factor of 100 in this manner.

A logarithmic scale, sometimes known as a "log" scale, is a means of charting and evaluating a wide range of values.

Learn more about to logarithmic


What was the main difference between the birds that Darwin studied that lived on the different Galapagos Islands?


The main difference between the birds that Darwin studied on the different Galapagos Islands was the degree of variation among the species.

Charles Darwin's visit to the Galapagos Islands in 1835, during his voyage aboard the HMS Beagle, is one of the most iconic events in the history of biology. Darwin's observations of the various species of birds on the islands sparked his interest in natural selection and ultimately led to his famous theory of evolution.

One of the main differences between the birds that Darwin observed on the various Galapagos Islands was the degree of variation among the species. The birds that lived on the different islands showed a wide range of physical differences, such as size, beak shape, and coloration. For example, Darwin noticed that the finches on the different islands had differently shaped beaks, which enabled them to eat different foods. He also noticed that the mockingbirds living on different islands had different colored feathers and sang different songs.

Darwin's observations of the birds on the Galapagos Islands led him to the conclusion that the animals had evolved over time to adapt to their particular environments. He theorized that the birds on each island had adapted to their local environment in order to survive. This process of adaptation was the result of natural selection, which is the process by which organisms with advantageous traits are more likely to survive and reproduce, while those with disadvantageous traits are more likely to die out.

Learn more about Galapagos Islands at :


what stage of development is argentina in​


Argentina is a developing nation with a highly educated populace, an agricultural industry focused on exports, and a diverse industrial base.

What level of development is Argentina?

Argentina falls under the definition of a developing nation provided by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) as a result of its weaker economic performance.

Early in the 20th century, Argentina was one of the ten richest nations per capita. The overreliance on commodity exports with unsustainable government expenditure, according to experts, caused repeated boom-bust cycles, which led to political unrest and economic deterioration in the decades that followed.

To learn more about Argentina


I need help solving this question


Index fossils are fossils used to define and identify geologic periods. Scientists can estimate the ages of rock if they contain certain index fossils. Option D

What are index fossils.?

Generally, Index fossils are the remains of creatures that existed during a certain time period and were found in a variety of locations around the globe.

They may be used as a tool to assist in establishing the age of the rock strata in which they are discovered. Index fossils may be used to link rock layers from various regions and to estimate the relative age of rocks.

This is made possible by the fact that index fossils can be discovered in many different locales. They are often used in the field of biostratigraphy, which refers to the study of the temporal succession of fossils found in alternating strata of rock.

Read more about index fossils.


A joint can be distinguished from a fault in that ________.
A. joints are not found in metamorphic rocks
B. joints are a feature of cold climates exclusively
C. there is no difference between joints and faults
D. there is no movement along joints
E. there is wider separation between two sides


A joint can be distinguished from a fault in that there is no movement along the joints. Therefore, option D will be the answer.

joint is basically a type of brittle deformation observed in the rock where there is no displacement between two opposing rock blocks separated by a fracture plane. These are also termed tensile fractures. Examples: granite column joints, and sheet metal joints. Joints can be systematic or non-systematic.

Faults, on the other hand, result in displacements along the fracture plane. The rock foot blocks move past each other, creating a net slippage between the drag blocks. Without movement, it was the common plane separating the two blocks, not the fault plane. they are of different types. 

Know more about Joint and Faults here:

What did Washington say about permanent alliances?


Washington preferred ephemeral alliances above those that were permanent. According to Washington, the country should maintain temporary alliances with all other countries instead of forging permanent ones.

Which is crucial and essential in times of great peril. He was aware that every nation works for its own interests, not those of others. He added that existing treaties should be upheld but not renewed. This declaration demonstrates Washington's opposition to long-term partnerships and support for short-term ones.

Washington advocated the united states primarily pursuing trade relations with foreign countries as the great norm of conduct. This referred to having the least amount of political ties possible, as he puts it.According to him, this should be in line with the nation's commitments under treaties. Washington advised against political ties and long-term partnerships rather than urging to isolate itself from the rest of the globe.

To know more about Washington visit:


What does the growing distinction between East Egg and West Egg suggest?



West Egg is home to the newly rich. While West Egg has plenty of money,

they are frowned upon as many of these people came from lower classes


How is Gatsby's house described in Chapter 1?



A huge place


Can someone give me a good explanation of what happens on a constructive plate boundary and also give me an example of constructive plate boundaries



A constructive plate boundary is when two plates move away from each other, causing molten material from the Earth’s mantle to rise up and form new crust between them. This type of boundary is responsible for the formation of new land due to the movements of the plates. An example of a constructive plate boundary is the Mid-Atlantic Ridge which is located between the North American and Eurasian plates. As these two plates move away from each other, magma from the mantle rises up and creates new oceanic crust, resulting in the formation of new land masses in the form of islands.

At the places where 180 degrees of longitude and the International Date Line meet, there is a change of _________ as you cross the International Date Line.


At the places where 180 degrees of longitude and the International Date Line meet, there is a change of day as you cross the International Date Line.

The international date line, established in 1884, passes through the mid-Pacific Ocean and roughly follows a 180 degrees longitude north-south line on the Earth. But it is located halfway around the world from the prime meridian, the 0 degrees longitude line in Greenwich, England.

Despite its name, the international date line has no global legal status, and countries are free to choose the dates that they observe. While the date line generally runs north to south from pole to pole, it zigzags around political borders such as eastern Russia and Alaska’s Aleutian Islands.

Learn more about the International Date Line here


A key part of the Northern war strategy, this was an attempt to close off southern ports to keep the south from
importing and exporting needed goods during the war.


The Union attempted to blockade the southern states during the Civil War. By enforcing a blockade, they aimed to stop all supplies, troops, and weapons from reaching the southern states.

What do you mean by Civil War?

A civil war in the United States, the American Civil War. The Union and the Confederacy, the latter of which was made up of seceding states, engaged in combat.

The conflict over whether to allow slavery to spread into the western regions, creating more slave states, or to forbid it from doing so, which was widely believed to put slavery on the path to eventual extinction, was the main driver of the war.

The election of Abraham Lincoln as president of the United States in 1860 ended years of political contention over slavery because he opposed its spread into the country's western territories.

Learn more about Civil War, here


How are logarithms used to measure the intensity of an earthquake?


Earthquakes are measured using the Richter Scale, which is a base 10 logarithmic scale. The magnitude of an earthquake is measured by this scale, which is the amount of energy generated by it.

The magnitude increases by a factor of ten for every single rise on this scale.

Richter and Beno Gutenberg were inspired by magnitude, the logarithmic measure of star brightness, while inventing what would become the Richter scale in 1935. They defined earthquake magnitude as the logarithm of shaking amplitude as measured by a specific seismograph in southern California.

The logarithm is simply the power of ten of the sound intensity given as a multiple of the hearing threshold intensity.

Learn more about to Earthquakes


QUESTION 1 Study the synoptic weather map below and answer the questions that follow HELENA GOUGH LC O220- LUANDA 160 MOCAMEDES 422 LE d 3. Pr 32 HARARE 175 LEKA 022 LEARECY MARION RECO-SUAREZ 102 7000 1.1 What season is represented on the synoptic map? Give TWO reasons to support your answer. (3)​



snakes and li g


snakes and animals

What is the best description of East Egg and west Egg?


Answer:East Egg symbolizes “old money” while West Egg symbolizes “new money”.


what type of feature is represented by the boundary between geologic units 2 and 3?


The unconformity type of feature is represented by the boundary between geologic units 2 and 3.

What are geologic map units?

The main elements of a geological map are the "cartographic units" (geological map units). A cartographic unit is a depiction of a volume of rock with a lithology or consistent lithologic connection, of a specific age, bounded by surfaces that come into contact with neighbouring bodies of rock.

What exactly is a geologic example?

Geologic characteristics include the lake, the glacier-deposited ridge (at left), and the distant peak. Any physical structure of the earth's surface - or of the rocks exposed at the surface - created by a geologic process is referred to as a fault.

Learn more about  geologic units to visit this link


Longitude is divided into multiples of ________ degrees for the purpose of delimiting standard time zones.


Answer: 15


explain the terms balkanizataion and ethic cleansing support the idea that the region is a shatter belt


The shatter belt is made up of every country in Europe. Political alliances are constantly splintering and fracturing based on ethnicity in the shatter belt.

The process of dividing a region into smaller, hostile ones is known as balkanization. A genocide or expulsion of an ethnic group from a country is known as ethnic cleansing.

Which of these is an illustration of Balkanization?

Balkanization. The Balkan Peninsula in Europe is where the term originates—a region that has and continues to undergo balkanization. Five independent countries have emerged from the former Yugoslavia, and the province of Kosovo is currently battling to separate from the remnants of Yugoslavia.

What does it mean to be balkanized?

balkanization. process by which ethnic conflicts cause a state to fall apart. balkanized. a small area that had a lot of different ethnic groups living there who had complicated, long-standing animosities toward one another and could not be organized into one or more stable states.

To learn more about balkanization here:


What two things did Washington warn about in his farewell address ?


Washington cautions the public that political factions may endeavor to block the implementation of the government's legislation or to prevent the branches of government from executing their constitutionally granted functions.

In this letter to "Friends and Citizens," Washington cautioned that the forces of geographical sectionalism, political factionalism, and foreign involvement in internal matters jeopardized the republic's stability.

George Washington indicated in his Farewell Address that he would not seek a third term as President. --> Warns of the threat to national unity posed by the emergence of political parties and sectionalism.

Learn more about to Washington


This photomicrograph shows a rock with rounded particles of quartz (Q) and interstitial areas (surrounding the quartz) filled with silica (s) and calcite (C). Which of the following best explains the classification of this rock and how it formed? 0.5 mm Choose one: O A. This is a metamorphic rock with pronounced foliation. O B. This is a clastic rock; all three materials were deposited at the same time. O C. This is a crystalline rock; all three materials crystallized in place at the same time. O D. This is a clastic rock with silica and calcite cement that grew in pore spaces between grains.


The correct option is D ; This is a clastic rock with silica and calcite cement that grew in pore spaces between grains.

Sandstone is a clastic sedimentary rock comprised primarily of silicate granules the size of sand (0.0625 to 2 mm). Sandstones account for 20-25% of all sedimentary rocks.

Because quartz and feldspar (both silicates) are the most resistant minerals to weathering processes at the Earth's surface, they make up the majority of sandstone.

Sandstone, like uncemented sand, can be any color due to mineral impurities, although the most prevalent hues are tan, brown, yellow, red, grey, pink, white, and black.

Because sandstone deposits frequently generate extremely visible cliffs and other geographical features, certain sandstone hues have been closely associated with specific places.

Learn more about to clastic rock


What is gerrymandering and why is it done ?


Gerrymandering is a tactic used to manipulate the boundaries of electoral districts to benefit a specific political party or group. It is controversial and undemocratic as it can dilute the representation and voting power of certain communities or minority groups.

The term "gerrymandering" comes from the name of Governor Elbridge Gerry of Massachusetts, who, in 1812, signed a redistricting plan that favored his party.

The reason gerrymandering is done is to give an electoral advantage to one political party or group over another. By manipulating the boundaries of districts, politicians can create districts that are heavily skewed towards their party, or that dilute the voting power of opposing parties. This can lead to a situation where one party can win a large number of seats in the legislature even if they don't have a majority of the votes.

There are two main types of gerrymandering: packing and cracking. Packing involves creating districts that are heavily populated with voters from one party, so that these voters are concentrated in a small number of districts and their voting power is reduced. Cracking involves spreading voters from one party across multiple districts, so that their voting power is diluted and they are unable to win a majority in any one district.

Gerrymandering is usually done by the party in power, when it has control of the redistricting process. This is the process of setting the boundary of the electoral districts, often done after the census, to ensure that the population of the district is relatively equal. By manipulating the boundaries, they can try to maintain or gain control of the legislature, or even the state or national government, by making it harder for the opposition parties to gain seats.

Gerrymandering is widely considered as controversial and undemocratic practice because it allows politicians to pick their voters, rather than voters picking their politicians, and can dilute the representation and voting power of certain communities or minority groups.

Learn more about gerrymandering:

How have Spanish and native cultures left their marks on culture in Pacific South America?

Please help I’m so lost and i have school tomorrow



Some major ways that Spanish and native cultures have affected Pacific South American culture are language, cuisine, and music. Majority of Pacific south America speaks Spanish and tacos, guacamole, and most salsa and corn based snacks come from hispanic culture and very popular/common in South America. There are also a huge amount of very famous hispanic musitions such as, Pitbull, Shakira, Mariah Carey, etc.

In a short paragraph, discuss the kinds of jobs that Americans can aspire to.


In order to stay competitive and exist, the United States has to transition from traditional factory-based occupations to jobs driven by the innovation.

Describe Factory.

In the 18th-century "factory system" of manufacturing, which is based on the concentration of industry into sizable, specialized facilities, is still in use today. The system was created during the Industrial Revolution. The Factories play a crucial role in today's economy because they create or process the vast majority of goods in the globe.

Throughout the Industrial Revolution, the factories were built as the demand for space and resources for small-scale production or workshops increased.

To know more about Production, visit:


How do logarithms relate to the Richter scale?


Earthquakes are measured using the Richter Scale, which is a base 10 logarithmic scale. The magnitude of an earthquake is measured by this scale, which is the amount of energy generated by it.

The magnitude increases by a factor of ten for every single rise on this scale.

In comparison to a linear scale, the logarithmic scale provides a simpler and more comprehensible manner to describe the large range of ground motion amplitude (sometimes several orders of magnitude) and energy release for distinct quakes within a tolerable range of values.

To calculate the Richter scale measure, express the amplitude in millimeters as 10 multiplied by an exponent (10x).

Learn more about to Richter Scale


Did Greek city-states have the same laws?


The dorians were the first to rule greece, but when the greeks defeated them and the city states emerged, they were driven from the country. There was no centralised authority that ruled all the states in unison.

City states are seen as distinct entities, with residents in each state being given priority as state citizens corinthian citizens are regarded as corinthians. People had the freedom to travel between city states and make permanent residences there. People can practise their religion anyway they choose in the united States. However, in Greece, people automatically believed in the same gods, and no one had to persuade them to do so.

Beginning in 499 BC and lasting until 449 BC, the Greco-Persian Wars. The Achaemenid Empire and greek city-states engaged in combat. The Lonian Revolt by greeks in persian-controlled territory in 499 BCE marked the start of the Persian Wars. Athens and other Greek towns sent aid after being defeated in 494 BCE, but were soon compelled to pull back. As a result, the Greeks under the leadership of the Athenians repeatedly vanquished the Persians.

To know more about gods and goddesses visit:


What does it mean to gerrymander a district ?


Gerrymandering is the practice of drawing electoral district boundaries in such a way that one political party gains an unfair advantage over its opponents (political or partisan gerrymandering) or dilutes the voting power of members of ethnic or linguistic minority groups in the United States (racial gerrymandering).

How does gerrymandering works in a district?

Redistricting occurs in each state every ten years, following the decennial census. It establishes geographic boundaries, with each district in a state being geographically contiguous and having roughly the same number of state voters.
        The resulting map has an impact on the elections of members of the United States House of Representatives and state legislative bodies in the state. Redistricting has always been regarded as a political exercise, and it is controlled in most states by state legislators and, in some cases, the governor (in some states the governor has no veto power over redistricting legislation while in some states the veto override threshold is a simple majority).

       When one party controls the state's legislative bodies and the governor's office, it has a strong incentive to gerrymander district boundaries in its favor and against its political opponents.

Read more about Gerrymandering here:

The silicate mineral that is found in the greatest variety of igneous rocks of various compositions is ________.


The silicate mineral that is found in the greatest variety of igneous rocks of various compositions is Plagioclase.


Plagioclase is a mineral that belongs to the feldspar group. In Bowen's reaction, plagioclase is in a continuous series. From Bowen's reaction we can also know the process of crystal formation from plagioclase. The plagioclase crystallization process begins with plagioclase-Ca which gradually reacts with the remaining solution until it changes its composition towards plagioclase-Na. This change reaction is called the solid solution series, which means that the crystallization of plagioclase-Ca-plagioclase-Na will continue if it is in an equilibrium state. The chemical formula of plagioclase mineral is NaAlSi3O8-CaAl2Si2O8.

From the Bowens reaction, we can know the process of crystal formation from this plagioclase itself, in which the sequence of crystallization of plagioclase minerals is in a continuous series. The crystallization of plagioclase-Ca in the initial phase was gradual by reacting with the remaining solution, changing its composition from plagioclase-Na. The reaction of this change, plagioclase change is a solit-solution series which is a continuous reaction, meaning that the crystallization of plagioclase-Ca ---- plagioclase-Na (Anorthit ---- Albit ) if in equilibrium will continue continuously.

Learn more about Plagioclase at


What did the colonists want from the Declaration of Independence?


Its goals were to raise troops, make foreign allies, and announce the foundation of a new country. The primary goal of the Declaration is expressed in the opening sentence: to legitimize the colonists' right to revolution.

The colonists battled the British in order to gain freedom from them. They fought the British because of unfair taxes. They fought because they did not have self-government. The American colonies were founded as part of the United Kingdom.

The primary goal of the Declaration of Independence was to explain to other nations why the colonies had chosen to rebel from Great Britain. The Revolutionary War had already begun, with several key conflicts.

Learn more about to Declaration of Independence's


The major difference between a wet tropical region and a tropical wet and dry region is ________. A. elevation B. pressure C. precipitation D. wind direction E. temperature



The major difference is precipitation.


The main difference between the wet tropical regions and tropical wet and dry region is the rainfall. Tropical dry and wet regions are dry seasons with very minute rainfall while in wet tropical regions, rainfall takes place.

Why is West Egg considered less fashionable?


West Egg is "the less trendy of the two," according to Nick, "but this is a very superficial term to communicate the odd and not a little sinister difference between them.

" While readers are aware that Gatsby's home is large and rich, West Egg is seen as less affluent due to the individuals that reside there, including.

While both East and West Egg are prosperous neighborhoods, families with inherited wealth, or "old money," choose to live in the more fashionable East Egg.

West Egg is less trendy since its citizens have far less money than East Egg residents. Residents of West Egg and East Egg are clearly different, although they frequently associate together.

Learn more about to West Egg


which of these serve as protective barriers along coastlines and are often destroyed when hit by a strong hurricane?



The buildup of dunes along the coast over time.


Hope it helped:)

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