Very few colonial Catholic missionaries to North America came from the following country: Ireland France Spain England


Answer 1

Very few colonial Catholic missionaries to North America came from the country of England.

While England did have some Protestant missionaries who played a role in the colonization of North America, Catholic missionary efforts during the colonial period were primarily carried out by missionaries from Ireland, France, and Spain.

Ireland, as a predominantly Catholic country, did contribute Catholic missionaries to North America.

as a Catholic nation and a colonial power, had a significant presence in North America and sent many Catholic missionaries to evangelize Native American populations. Spain, another Catholic colonial power, also had a strong missionary presence in North America, particularly in areas such as present-day Mexico, California, and the Southwest.

England, on the other hand, had a history of Protestantism and a strained relationship with Catholicism during the colonial period. While there were some Catholic individuals in England, Catholic missionary efforts to North America from England were relatively limited compared to the other three countries mentioned.

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Related Questions

In which of the following categories did the Iroquois practice a communal lifestyle?A) workB) land useC) huntingD) All of the above


The Iroquois practiced a communal lifestyle in all of the above categories: work, land use, and hunting. The Iroquois valued community and cooperation in all aspects of their lives.

The Iroquois were a Native American confederacy of six nations who inhabited the northeastern region of North America. They were known for their communal way of life, where resources were shared among the community members. In terms of work, the Iroquois practiced a division of labor where tasks were assigned based on age and gender. In terms of land use, the Iroquois practiced a communal farming system known as the "three sisters" which involved planting corn, beans, and squash together in the same field. Finally, in terms of hunting, the Iroquois shared hunting grounds and worked together to track and kill game. Overall, the Iroquois valued community and cooperation in all aspects of their lives.

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T/F: As part of the Bargain of 1877, President Grant appointed a southerner to his Cabinet.


As part of the Bargain of 1877, President Grant appointed a southerner to his Cabinet. False.

As part of the Bargain of 1877, President Rutherford B. Hayes, not Grant, made several concessions to southern Democrats in order to secure their support for his presidency. One of these concessions was the withdrawal of federal troops from the Southern states, effectively ending Reconstruction.

However, there is no evidence to suggest that President Grant appointed a southerner to his Cabinet as part of this bargain. Grant's presidency ended in 1877, and the Bargain of 1877 was struck during the transition period between Grant and Hayes.

Learn more about Southern states


john f. kennedy and ____ are the only two presidents buried in arlington national cemetery.


John F. Kennedy is one of only two presidents buried in Arlington National Cemetery. The other president buried there is William Howard Taft.

While Arlington National Cemetery is known for being the final resting place for many fallen soldiers, it is also a site of honor for other important figures in American history. In addition to Kennedy and Taft, notable figures such as Thurgood Marshall, Robert F. Kennedy, and Audie Murphy are also buried there. The cemetery was originally established during the Civil War and has since become a national landmark and symbol of American patriotism.

To know more about John F. Kennedy visit:


John f. kennedy and  William Howard Taft are the only two presidents buried in Arlington national cemetery.

The other president who is buried in Arlington National Cemetery alongside John F. Kennedy is William Howard Taft. Taft was the 27th president of the United States and served from 1909 to 1913. After his presidency, Taft went on to serve as a professor of law at Yale University and later as the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Taft died on March 8, 1930, and was buried in Arlington National Cemetery because of his service as both president and Chief Justice.

He is also one of only two presidents who served as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, the other being William Howard Taft. Both Kennedy and Taft are buried in Arlington National Cemetery's Section 30, which is reserved for individuals who have served their country with distinction. Today, the cemetery is visited by millions of people each year who come to pay their respects to the many brave men and women who have served our country throughout its history.

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why did northern jacksonians like martin van buren support the tariff of 1828?



Why did northern Jacksonians like Martin Van Buren support the Tariff of 1828? They added tariffs on raw materials like wool to win electoral support. Why had most local unions and all the national labor organizations disappeared by 1843? A depression and surplus of unemployed workers spelled ruin for unions.


Northern Jacksonians, including Martin Van Buren, supported the Tariff of 1828 for a few key reasons.

Firstly, the tariff protected domestic industries in the North by placing high taxes on imported goods, which encouraged people to buy American-made products. This economic policy aligned with their goal of promoting and sustaining the growth of American manufacturing, which was concentrated in the northern states. Secondly, Van Buren and other Northern Jacksonians aimed to build a strong, diverse economy in the United States. They believed that the tariff would foster economic development, create jobs, and improve infrastructure, thereby benefiting the country as a whole. Lastly, the Northern Jacksonians also saw the Tariff of 1828 as a means to gain political support from various interest groups. By advocating for the protection of domestic industries, they could strengthen their political alliances with influential business owners and workers in the North.
In summary, Northern Jacksonians like Martin Van Buren supported the Tariff of 1828 due to its potential to protect and stimulate domestic industries, promote economic growth, and garner political support from key constituencies in the North.

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in the 1780s, over 50 percent of france's annual budget was expended on which of the following?


In the 1780s, over 50 percent of France's annual budget was expended on its military and its involvement in foreign wars, particularly in support of the American Revolution.

This heavy spending, combined with other economic factors, contributed to France's financial crisis and ultimately played a role in the French Revolution. The country's debt had reached unsustainable levels, and attempts to reform the taxation system were met with resistance from the nobility and clergy. This led to a financial crisis that would have far-reaching consequences for France and its people. In the 1780s, over 50 percent of France's annual budget was expended on interest payments for its national debt. The debt had accumulated primarily due to France's involvement in costly wars, such as the Seven Years' War and the American Revolutionary War, and lavish spending by the monarchy. This massive expenditure on debt interest strained France's finances, limited its ability to fund essential services, and contributed to the economic crisis that led to the French Revolution. As a result, reform efforts were pursued to address the fiscal challenges and bring stability to the nation.

To know more about annual budget visit:


what had forced north and south into a final debate over the future of slavery by 1850?


The debate over the future of slavery in the United States had been brewing for years before it finally came to a head in 1850. The primary factors that forced the North and South into a final debate included the westward expansion of the country, the increasing tensions between free and slave states, and the controversy surrounding the Fugitive Slave Act.

As the United States continued to expand westward, the question of whether or not new territories would allow slavery became a hotly debated issue. The Compromise of 1820 had temporarily resolved the issue, but the acquisition of new territories following the Mexican-American War reignited the debate. Additionally, the growing abolitionist movement in the North put pressure on southern states to defend their right to own slaves. Finally, the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850, which required citizens to assist in the capture of runaway slaves, further inflamed tensions between the North and South.

By 1850, the North and South were at a boiling point over the issue of slavery. The westward expansion of the country, tensions between free and slave states, and the controversy surrounding the Fugitive Slave Act all played a role in forcing the final debate over the future of slavery. The debate would ultimately lead to the American Civil War, with the North emerging victorious and slavery abolished throughout the country.

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what needs to be done early when ethnic conflict flares


Early intervention and efforts should be focused on addressing the root causes, promoting dialogue, fostering reconciliation, and ensuring inclusive governance to mitigate ethnic conflict.

When ethnic conflict flares, it is crucial to take immediate action to prevent further escalation and address the root causes of the conflict. Here are some essential steps that need to be taken early on:

Promote dialogue and communication: Establish channels of communication between conflicting ethnic groups and encourage dialogue to foster understanding and empathy.

This can be facilitated through community meetings, town hall discussions, or intergroup forums.

Ensure security and protect civilians: Deploy security forces or peacekeeping missions to provide protection to affected communities and prevent acts of violence.

It is essential to prioritize the safety and well-being of civilians, particularly those belonging to minority or marginalized groups.

Engage in mediation and conflict resolution: Engage neutral mediators or international organizations experienced in conflict resolution to facilitate negotiations between conflicting parties.

Mediation efforts should focus on finding common ground, addressing grievances, and developing strategies for peaceful coexistence.

Promote inclusivity and equal rights: Address underlying issues of discrimination, inequality, and marginalization that contribute to ethnic tensions.

Promote policies and initiatives that ensure equal rights, opportunities, and representation for all ethnic groups within society.

Encourage reconciliation and healing: Establish programs that promote reconciliation and healing among conflicting groups.

This can include truth and reconciliation commissions, community-based initiatives, or cultural exchange programs that foster understanding and bridge divides.

Provide humanitarian assistance: Ensure that affected communities have access to basic necessities such as food, water, shelter, and healthcare. Humanitarian aid should be provided impartially, without discrimination based on ethnicity or other factors.

Raise international awareness and support: Seek international support and cooperation through diplomatic channels, engaging regional organizations, and raising awareness of the conflict's impact. International pressure and assistance can play a vital role in de-escalating tensions and promoting peacebuilding efforts.

Invest in long-term peacebuilding: Recognize that ethnic conflict is often deeply rooted and requires long-term investment in peacebuilding efforts.

This includes initiatives such as education programs that promote tolerance and diversity, economic development projects that benefit all communities, and institutional reforms that address grievances and promote inclusivity.

These early steps, it is possible to mitigate the immediate impacts of ethnic conflict and lay the groundwork for long-term peace and stability However, each conflict is unique, and the specific actions required will vary depending on the context and dynamics of the situation.

For similar to ethnic conflict


roosevelt's and churchill's insistence on the absolute and "unconditional surrender" of germany


Roosevelt's and Churchill's insistence on the absolute and "unconditional surrender" of Germany was rooted in their belief that the Nazi regime posed an existential threat to Western civilization and had to be decisively defeated. This demand meant that Germany would have to surrender without any preconditions, which was a departure from previous conflicts where surrender terms were negotiated.

Roosevelt's and Churchill's insistence on the absolute and "unconditional surrender" of Germany was rooted in their belief that the Nazi regime posed an existential threat to Western civilization and had to be decisively defeated. This demand meant that Germany would have to surrender without any preconditions, which was a departure from previous conflicts where surrender terms were negotiated. The two leaders felt that anything short of unconditional surrender would leave the possibility of a resurgent Germany and could lead to a repeat of the devastating consequences of World War I. The demand for unconditional surrender also reflected the resolve and determination of the Allies to achieve victory at any cost. It was a bold and risky strategy, but one that ultimately proved successful in bringing the war to an end and setting the stage for the post-war world order.

To know more about Roosevelt's visit:


how long did Alexander rule macediona



13 years

Alexander ruled macediona for 13 years.


The correct answer is 13 years.

the ancient _______ were totally lost to history until the early part of the twentieth century.


The ancient city of Troy was totally lost to history until the early part of the twentieth century. Despite being mentioned in Homer's epic poem, The Iliad, many historians believed Troy was merely a mythical place.

However, in 1870, German archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann began excavating the site and uncovered evidence of a real city that had been destroyed by war. The discovery of Troy gave historians valuable insight into ancient Greek and Trojan civilizations, including their social structures, architecture, and trade practices. Today, the site of Troy remains an important historical landmark, attracting visitors from all over the world.
The ancient city of Machu Picchu was totally lost to history until the early part of the twentieth century. Discovered by American historian Hiram Bingham in 1911, this ancient Incan site located in modern-day Peru was once a thriving civilization. Nestled high in the Andes mountains, Machu Picchu offers insight into the remarkable architectural and engineering abilities of the Inca people, while also revealing their rich history and culture. Its rediscovery has greatly contributed to our understanding of ancient societies and their lasting impact on the world today.

For more information on Machu Picchu visit:


all of the following prompted the russian people to revolt against their tsar in 1917 except:



All of the following prompted the Russian people to revolt against their tsar in 1917 EXCEPT: the mistreatment by the tsar's family of the revered holy man, Grigorii Rasputin. Why did the Russian's revolt? complete loss of faith in the government.


All of the following prompted the Russian people to revolt against their Tsar in 1917 except the desire. Major factors that led to the revolution included political unrest, economic struggles, and military failures. However, the concept was not a contributing factor to the Russian people's dissatisfaction with their Tsar.

The factors that prompted the Russian people to revolt against their Tsar in 1917 include economic hardships, political repression, and military failures in World War I. The February Revolution was sparked by a series of protests and strikes by workers and soldiers, who demanded bread, an end to the war, and political freedoms. Tsar Nicholas II's inability to respond to these demands led to his abdication and the formation of a provisional government. However, the continuation of the war and the failure of the provisional government to address the people's concerns led to the October Revolution, which brought the Bolsheviks to power. All of these factors played a role in the Russian people's decision to revolt, except for external factors such as foreign intervention.

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in 1854, the know-nothings won all the congressional races as well as the governorship in:


In 1854, the Know-Nothings, also known as the American Party, won all of the congressional races as well as the governorship in Massachusetts.

This was a significant moment in American political history as it marked the first major third-party movement in the country. The Know-Nothings were a nativist party that focused on limiting immigration and the political influence of Catholics. They gained support by appealing to anti-immigrant sentiment and fear of Catholics, who were viewed as loyal to the Pope and a threat to American values. Despite their initial success in Massachusetts, the Know-Nothings were not able to sustain their momentum and eventually faded away as a political force. However, their impact on American politics can still be seen today, as issues of immigration and nativism continue to be hotly debated topics.

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martin luther believed that philosophy and reason must yield to the foolishness of the cross


Martin Luther, the famous theologian and key figure in the Protestant Reformation, believed that philosophy and reason must yield to the foolishness of the cross.

Luther argued that reason alone cannot lead to faith, and that true faith comes through the revelation of God's grace and mercy. In his view, the cross represents the ultimate act of God's love and redemption, despite its apparent foolishness and weakness in the eyes of the world. For Luther, the cross was a symbol of divine paradox - a place where God's wisdom and power were revealed through weakness and suffering. In this way, Luther rejected the idea that reason could fully comprehend or explain God's ways, insisting instead that faith required a leap beyond human understanding. This emphasis on the paradoxical nature of faith and the centrality of the cross has been influential in Christian theology ever since.

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in the trimester framework established by roe v. wade (1973), the first trimester


In the landmark case of Roe v. Wade in 1973, the Supreme Court established a trimester framework to determine the legality of abortions.

This framework divides a woman's pregnancy into three trimesters and allows different levels of state regulation at each stage. During the first trimester, the Court held that the decision to terminate a pregnancy was solely up to the woman and her doctor, and that the state could not interfere. This was based on the idea that the state had a compelling interest in protecting the potential life of the fetus only after the first trimester. The second trimester allowed states to regulate abortions only to protect the health of the woman, and in the third trimester, states could prohibit abortions altogether except when necessary to save the life or health of the mother. This framework has been a subject of controversy and debate since its inception, with various challenges and restrictions placed on it over the years.

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In the trimester framework established by Roe v. Wade (1973), the first trimester refers to the first 12 weeks of pregnancy.

During this period, a woman has the right to decide to terminate her pregnancy without interference from the state. The Supreme Court ruled that the state has a compelling interest in protecting the health of the mother and the potential life of the fetus, but this interest becomes stronger as the pregnancy progresses.

Therefore, during the first trimester, the state cannot place significant obstacles or regulations on a woman's right to choose to have an abortion. The decision to terminate a pregnancy during the first trimester is solely up to the woman and her doctor. However, after the first trimester, the state has the authority to regulate abortion, as long as the regulation does not place an undue burden on the woman's right to choose. In conclusion, the first trimester is a crucial period in the abortion debate, as it is when a woman's right to choose is most protected by law.

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u.s. military in iraq hires companies to provide food and catering supplies to u.s. troops in iraq.


Yes, the U.S. military in Iraq does hire companies to provide food and catering supplies to U.S. troops stationed there.

The U.S. military relies on contracted companies to provide various services, including food and catering, to their troops stationed overseas. This is done to ensure that troops have access to quality and safe food, as well as to alleviate the logistical burden of providing these supplies themselves.

In Iraq specifically, there are several companies that have been contracted to provide food and catering supplies to U.S. troops. These companies are required to adhere to strict guidelines and regulations set by the military to ensure that the food provided meets certain standards of quality and safety.

The use of contracted companies to provide food and catering supplies to troops in Iraq has been a common practice for many years, and has helped to ensure that troops have access to the necessary resources to carry out their missions effectively.

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by august 1804, what area of the united states had the expedition moved into?


By August 1804, the Lewis and Clark Expedition had moved into the present-day area of North Dakota. The expedition had started in May 1804 from St. Louis, Missouri, and had traveled up the Missouri River. As they journeyed, they encountered various Native American tribes and mapped the territory. By August, they had reached the Mandan-Hidatsa villages, which were located in present-day North Dakota.

By August 1804, the Lewis and Clark Expedition had moved into the present-day area of North Dakota. The expedition had started in May 1804 from St. Louis, Missouri, and had traveled up the Missouri River. As they journeyed, they encountered various Native American tribes and mapped the territory. By August, they had reached the Mandan-Hidatsa villages, which were located in present-day North Dakota. The expedition spent the winter in the area, and it was during this time that they met Sacagawea, who would become an important guide and interpreter for them. The Lewis and Clark Expedition was a crucial part of the westward expansion of the United States, and their journey paved the way for further exploration and settlement of the western regions of the country.

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which individual was an early public education reformer active in the nineteenth century?



Horace Mann (May 4, 1796 – August 2, 1859) was an American educational reformer, slavery abolitionist and Whig politician known for his commitment to promoting public education.

what were the changes brought about by the ending of apartheid laws in south Africa​


the end of apartheid laws in South Africa brought about significant changes in political, social, and economic structures. While there are still challenges to be addressed, the country has made significant progress towards building a more just and equitable society.

One of the most significant changes brought about by the end of apartheid was the establishment of a democratic government based on universal suffrage. The first multi-racial elections were held in 1994, with Nelson Mandela becoming the first black president of South Africa. This marked a significant shift away from the racist policies and segregation of the apartheid era.

The end of apartheid also led to changes in social structures, with increased opportunities for people of all races to participate in political and economic life. The government implemented affirmative action policies aimed at redressing the imbalances of the past, and new laws were introduced to protect the rights of all citizens.

Economically, the end of apartheid brought about significant changes as well. South Africa's economy was opened up to the global market, leading to increased trade and investment. The government also implemented policies aimed at addressing poverty and inequality, such as the provision of basic services like housing, healthcare, and education

for more such questions on apartheid laws


in what city was the nightingale home and training school for nurses set up in 1860?



The Nightingale Home and Training School is now part of King's College, London, and known as The Florence Nightingale School of Nursing and Midwifery.


The Nightingale Home and Training School for Nurses was established in 1860 in the city of London, United Kingdom. This institution played a significant role in the professionalization and development of modern nursing practices, following the principles set forth by its founder, Florence Nightingale.

The Nightingale Home and Training School for Nurses was set up in London in 1860 by Florence Nightingale. It was established to provide professional training for nurses and improve the standard of healthcare in the country. The training school provided a curriculum which included lectures on anatomy, physiology, and practical nursing skills. The Nightingale Home, also known as the St. Thomas' Hospital, was where the students lived and worked while they trained. The school was a great success and paved the way for the development of modern nursing practices. Florence Nightingale's work at the Nightingale Home and Training School for Nurses revolutionized healthcare and inspired countless women to pursue careers in nursing.

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The first major interstate strike was the Haymarket Strike of 1886. True/False


Answer: False

Explanation: The first major interstate labor strike was the Homestead Strike in 1894.

5. what was the purpose of the bipartisan campaign reform act regulating advertisements on television and radio? a. to limit the number of advertisements running on television during elections b. to close the soft money loophole left in the federal election campaign act of 1971 c. to prevent other organizations from making ads in support of candidates d. to keep a level playing field during elections for both sides


The purpose of the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act (BCRA) was to regulate the financing of political campaigns and limit the influence of money in elections.

Specifically, the BCRA aimed to close the "soft money loophole" left by the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971, which allowed political parties and interest groups to raise and spend unlimited amounts of money on issue advocacy that indirectly supported candidates. The BCRA also placed limits on "hard money" contributions made directly to candidates, as well as restrictions on advertisements run by outside groups close to an election. Overall, the BCRA was intended to promote transparency and fairness in campaign financing and prevent wealthy individuals or interest groups from having undue influence on the political process.

The Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act was implemented to address concerns about the influence of money in political campaigns. By closing the "soft money loophole" and regulating outside groups' advertisements, the BCRA sought to promote transparency and fairness in campaign financing. Its goal was to ensure that the political process remained accessible to all, rather than being dominated by a select few with deep pockets.

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The inset on the map shows that Berlin was


The inset on the map shows Berlin was divided into sectors occupied by different Allied forces after WWII.

The inset on the map reveals that Berlin, following World War II, was divided into four sectors, each controlled by one of the Allied forces: the United States, the United Kingdom, France, and the Soviet Union.

This division resulted from the Potsdam Agreement in 1945, with the goal of jointly administering and reconstructing the city.

However, tensions between the Soviet Union and Western Allies led to the Berlin Blockade in 1948, eventually culminating in the construction of the Berlin Wall in 1961, which separated East (Soviet) and West (American, British, and French) Berlin until 1989.

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what treaty did the germans sign that brought peace at the end of world war i?


The first astronomer to build and use a telescope to observe the night sky was Hans Lippershey, a Dutch eyeglass maker.

In 1608, he submitted a patent for a "perspective glass" that could magnify objects, which was later improved by other astronomers such as Zacharias Janssen, Hans Lippershey's son, and Jacob Metius. The use of telescopes allowed astronomers to observe celestial bodies in greater detail, leading to many significant discoveries, such as the moons of Jupiter, the phases of Venus, and the structure of the Milky Way.  

Learn more about Milky Way.


prior to 1910, austrians and ________ were counted together as a single group in the census data.






who produced the pbs series the history of rock 'n' roll?



The History of Rock 'n' Roll is a ten episode television documentary mini-series produced by Time-Life.

The PBS series "The History of Rock 'n' Roll" was produced by Andrew Solt, who worked with a team of talented individuals to create this comprehensive documentary. The series consists of 10 episodes, each exploring different aspects of rock 'n' roll history in an engaging and informative manner.

The PBS series "The History of Rock 'n' Roll" was produced by filmmaker and music industry executive, Quincy Jones. The series explores the evolution of rock music from its early roots in blues and country to its explosion into mainstream culture in the 1950s and beyond. With interviews from musicians, industry experts, and historians, the series covers the impact and influence of rock 'n' roll on society and the world of music. Jones was a fitting choice to produce the series, as he has worked with many legendary rock artists throughout his career, including Michael Jackson, Ray Charles, and Paul McCartney.

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in 1785, who founded the "society for promoting the manumission of slaves"?



Father John Jay


The New-York Manumission Society was an American organization founded in 1785 by U.S. Founding Father John Jay, among others, to promote the gradual abolition of slavery and manumission of slaves of African descent within the state of New York.

In 1785, the "Society for Promoting the Manumission of Slaves" was founded by prominent Quakers and Anglicans in New York City. The organization aimed to promote gradual emancipation and improve the lives of enslaved individuals. Founding members included John Jay, Alexander Hamilton, and other influential figures of the time. Their efforts contributed to the eventual abolition of slavery and the establishment of a more just society.

The "society for promoting the manumission of slaves" was founded in 1785 by a group of Quakers in Philadelphia. This group was made up of influential members of society who believed that slavery was morally wrong and sought to end it through peaceful means. The society's goal was to promote the manumission, or release, of enslaved individuals and to assist them in their transition to freedom. They also worked to educate the public about the evils of slavery and to encourage slave owners to free their slaves. The society's efforts were successful, and it played a significant role in the abolition of slavery in the United States.

To know more about Manumission  visit:


the statement "osama bin laden was responsible for the september 11th tragedy," is a proposition of


The statement "Osama bin Laden was responsible for the September 11th tragedy" is a proposition of causality. It suggests that Osama bin Laden's actions directly caused the tragic events of September 11th.

This proposition is based on a wealth of evidence, including bin Laden's own admissions and the findings of various investigations and trials. However, some individuals may dispute this proposition and argue that others were involved or that the events were the result of a conspiracy. Regardless of individual opinions, the statement remains a proposition of causality, asserting a direct link between bin Laden and the September 11th tragedy. It is important to note that propositions are statements that can be either true or false, and are often used in logical arguments and debates to support or refute particular claims.

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in his famous book, the prince, niccolò machiavelli argued that princes must


Answer  Niccolo Machiavelli's famous book, "The Prince," is a political treatise that offers advice to rulers on how to gain and maintain power. In the book, Machiavelli argues that princes must be ruthless, cunning, and willing to do whatever it takes to achieve their goals. He suggests that they should be prepared to use force and deception to keep their subjects in line, and that they should be careful to avoid being seen as weak or indecisive. Machiavelli also emphasizes the importance of maintaining the support of the people, either through acts of generosity or by instilling fear in their subjects.

Overall, Machiavelli's book is known for its controversial and often amoral advice to rulers, and it remains a subject of debate among political theorists and historians.


Machiavelli, N. (1532/1992). The Prince. London: Penguin Classics.

Skinner, Q. (2000). Machiavelli: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

before the introduction of birth control men experienced unplanned preg- pills, many young wo nancies. a 1954 study of 1438 pregnant women examined the association with



Family planning. Before the introduction of birth control men experienced unplanned preg- pills, many young wo nancies. A 1954 study of 1438 pregnant women examined the association with the women's education levels producing these data Education Level <3 yr HS 3 + yr HS Some college 239 42.7% 591 66.2% 608 55.4% Number of pregnancies % unplanned Do these data provide evidence of an association between family planning and education level? (Fertility Planning and Fertility Rates Psychological Factors Affecting Fertility, 1954) by Socio-Economic Status, Social and

Which of the following best explains a historically accurate aspect of immigration during the 1990s that the excerpt does not address?
Immigrants moved to rural areas at a greater pace than to urban areas.
Membership of labor unions increased as a result of immigrant participation.
Economic booms encouraged immigration to the Sun Belt region.
Total immigration to the United States declined as a result of deindustrialization.


The most historically accurate aspect of immigration during the 1990s and the excerpt does not address option C. Economic booms encouraged immigration to the Sun Belt region.

During the 1990s, the United States experienced a period of significant economic growth and expansion, commonly referred to as the "dot-com boom." This era was characterized by the rapid growth of technology companies and the emergence of the Internet as a transformative force in society. The economic boom created a surge in job opportunities, particularly in the technology sector, which attracted many immigrants to areas experiencing rapid growth, including the Sun Belt region.

The Sun Belt refers to a group of states in the southern and western parts of the United States, including states such as Florida, Texas, California, Arizona, and others. These areas witnessed substantial population growth during the 1990s due to factors like favorable weather conditions, lower costs of living, and increased economic opportunities. The economic booms, including the growth of industries like technology, finance, and services, contributed to attracting immigrants seeking employment and improved living standards.

While the excerpt may not explicitly address this specific aspect, it is historically accurate that economic booms during the 1990s encouraged immigration to the Sun Belt region. The influx of immigrants during this period played a significant role in shaping the demographic, economic, and cultural landscape of the Sun Belt states. Therefore, option C is the correct answer.

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The correct option is A. The excerpt provided does not give a comprehensive overview of the immigration trends during the 1990s.

While it highlights the rise in immigration numbers, it does not address some of the other significant aspects that affected immigration patterns. One of the historically accurate aspects of immigration during the 1990s is the economic booms that encouraged immigration to the Sun Belt region. The economic growth in the southern and western regions of the country attracted a large number of immigrants, primarily from Latin America and Asia. This phenomenon was driven by the availability of jobs, lower costs of living, and better weather conditions. The influx of immigrants also impacted the labor market, but it is unclear whether their participation led to an increase in union membership. Additionally, while some immigrants settled in rural areas, the majority of them still preferred urban areas with better job prospects and access to essential services. Overall, economic factors played a significant role in shaping immigration trends during the 1990s.

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