What are the 3 main parts of the Declaration of Independence and what is the purpose of each part?


Answer 1

The 3 main parts of the Declaration of Independence which is colonist are The  introduction , The statement of grievance , The conclusion.

1.  The introduction states the purpose of the document, which is to declare the independence of the thirteen colonies from British rule.

2. The statement of grievances, which is the longest part of the Declaration, lists the specific complaints that the colonists had against the British government, including lack of representation, unjust laws and taxes, and other abuses of power.

3. The conclusion declares the colonies to be independent states and asserts the colonists' right to govern themselves, form a new nation, and take their place among the nations of the world.

Each part of the Declaration of Independence serves a specific purpose, The introduction lays out the purpose of the document, the statement of grievances explains why the colonists felt compelled to declare independence, and the conclusion establishes the new nation and asserts their rights as free and independent states.

To know more about colonists click below:



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Found on the Hawaiian island of Kauai. There are only six known populations of the Kauai cave wolf spider, also known as the blind spider by locals. They are only known to exist in a few caves that are part of a 10.5 km2 lava flow in the Kloa-Poip region of Kauai, Hawaii. The endangered Kaua'i cave wolf spider, also called the blind spider by locals, is a resident of Kauai's Koloa Poipu region in the Hawaiian Islands. There are currently only six populations left. The legs and carapace of the Kauai cave wolf spider are bright oranges.

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Who were the WASP in WWII?


Members of WASP received training as pilots and went on to test fly, ferry, and instruct other pilots. In order to free up male pilots for combat missions during World War II, they were created.

A courageous and devoted group of pilots known as the Women Air Force Service Pilots (WASP) assisted the United States in winning the aerial battles of World War II. They didn't immediately take part in the battle. However, they did replace men who could and did engage in aerial combat. The women worked as civilians rather than military personnel. With the exception of the instruction that dealt with warfare, their training was almost equal to that of male pilots. The WASP training program received 25,000 applications from women; 1,830 were accepted, and 1,074 finished the program and were placed in operational service. They were tasked with delivering planes to various airfields across the nation.

The P-38 and F-5, P-39, P-40, P-63, C-54, C-46, B-26, and B-24 were among the 77 different types of aircraft that WASP eventually flew. Despite the fact that ferrying was the WASP's first and primary responsibility, female pilots were sent to the Training Command in 1943 where they gunnery towed targets and acted as flight instructors. Fighter plane ferrying became the primary WASP task after April 1944.

To know more about World War II visit the link:



What was to be the purpose of the First Continental Congress when it came together in Virginia in 1774?


The Congress's objectives were to show its support for Boston and to develop a unified plan of action against the British.

What was the First Continental Congress?

Representatives from 12 of the 13 British colonies that would eventually form the United States attended the First Continental Congress.

It gathered at Carpenters' Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, from September 5 to October 26, 1774, following the British Navy's blockade of Boston Harbor and Parliament's adoption of the harsh Intolerable Acts in response to the December 1773 Boston Tea Party.

The Congress's objectives were to show its support for Boston and to develop a unified plan of action against the British.

On October 14, 1774, the Declaration of Colonial Rights and Grievances was released by the First Continental Congress.

Therefore, the Congress's objectives were to show its support for Boston and to develop a unified plan of action against the British.

Know more about the First Continental Congress here:



The Congress' goals were to demonstrate its support for Boston and to create a coordinated strategy to fight the British.

How did the First Continental Congress function?

The First Continental Congress was attended by delegates from 12 of the 13 British colonies that would later become the United States.

Following the British Navy's blockade of Boston Harbor and Parliament's adoption of the severe Intolerable Acts in reaction to the December 1773 Boston Tea Party, it convened at Carpenters' Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, from 5th of September to October 26, 1774.

The Congress' goals were to demonstrate its support for Boston and to create a coordinated strategy to fight the British. The First Continental Congress issued the Declaration of Colonial Rights and Grievances on October 14, 1774. Therefore, the goals of the Congress were to demonstrate its support for Boston and to create a coordinated strategy to fight the British.

Know more about the First Continental Congress here:



Question 14 of 20
Women like the Grimké sisters, Lucretia Mott, and Elizabeth Cady Stanton were inspired by and by the new roles available to women in the 1800s.

A. the Hudson River School
B. industrialization
C. the Second Great Awakening
D. transcendentalism



C. the Second Great Awakening


The Grimké sisters, Lucretia Mott, and Elizabeth Cady Stanton were all influential figures in the women's suffrage movement in the United States in the 1800s. They were inspired by the new roles available to women in the 1800s, which were largely the result of the Second Great Awakening, a period of religious revival that swept through the United States in the early 19th century.

PLEASE HELP ASAP‼️‼️‼️What are five effects of how life changed from world war 1 to the end of the 1920’s


The main causes of World War 1 that are frequently cited are described in this list.

Mutual Defense AlliancesImperialismMilitarismNationalismImmediate Cause: Assassination of Archduke Franz FerdinandWhat are the main causes of World War?Europe's nations eventually agreed to mutual defence pacts that would push them into war. These agreements required that allied states protect one another in the event of an attack.When a country conquers additional territories and utilises them to increase its power and wealth, this is known as imperialism.As the 20th century got underway, an arms race had begun. Germany has grown its military spending the highest by 1914.One of the primary reasons the war broke out was the Slavic population of Bosnia and Herzegovina's desire to join Serbia rather than Austria-hungary.This is how nationalism started the War.The murder of Austria-Hungary by the Archduke Franz Ferdinand, which entailed the alliances, imperialism, militarism, and nationalism stated above, was the primary cause of the outbreak of World War I.

To know more about World War 1, visit:



The Americans held a __________ view towards the war.


The americans held an opposing view towards the war.

How was Carlotta affected by the murder of Emmett till


Carlotta was aware of earlier instances of lynching, such as the woman in her community whose brother was killed. She was terrified by the incident since she believed that those things never happened anymore.

What impact did her three-month stay have on Carlotta?

Carlotta learns during her trip to New York City that not everything is the same everywhere and that some places allow her to live more freely. She was not required to use a separate restroom or drinking fountain from others, and she was even permitted to play on the same playground as white children in New York.

To know more about Carlotta visit:



An illustrated poster shows a man, woman, and young working in a garden and harvesting vegetables. The text reads Plant a Victory Garden Our Food is Fighting. A Garden Will Make Your Rations Go Further. Public Domain What does this poster suggest about the life during World War II


In order to "Sow the seeds of Victory" and "Plant and raise your own crops," the poster suggests that regular Americans should plant gardens. This would support the war effort both literally and metaphorically. The propaganda poster's key takeaway was that Americans should save food so that the troops had enough to eat.

This poster was used as publicity for a brilliant campaign to encourage people to eat foods grown at home. The Victory Garden became an essential source of food for the home front because commercial canned goods were restricted. During the war, one of the most popular home front chores was tending to the Victory Garden, which was a household activity. Around 40% of all vegetables produced in the United States came from Victory Gardens at its peak, which is estimated to have grown nearly 20,000,000 gardens. The Department of Agriculture estimated that 85 million dollars' worth of vegetables had been produced on the home front by the end of the war. Many Americans who witnessed the Victory Gardens during World War II still have vivid memories of them. In order to provide our troops with more supplies, home canning and preserving of farm produce took off all over the country. The concept was straightforward and affordable for the average American to implement. This was probably the most effective advertising strategy for making Americans feel like they were contributing to the war effort. The Victory Garden met the criteria for a successful advertising campaign: that it costs a fair amount and has a large, sympathetic audience.

To know more about victory gardens visit



What were TWO features of the Articles of Confederation


The Articles of Confederation were the first constitution of the United States, and they were in effect from 1777 to 1789. There were several key features of the Articles of Confederation, but here are two of the most significant:

Weak central government: One of the most notable features of the Articles of Confederation was its weak central government. The national government established by the Articles had very little power, and most of the authority was retained by the individual states. The national government was unable to raise taxes, regulate commerce, or enforce laws, and it relied on the states to provide funding and support. This led to many problems, as the national government was unable to address issues such as inflation, trade disputes, and western land disputes.

Unicameral Congress: Another feature of the Articles of Confederation was the unicameral Congress, which was the only national institution of government. Each state had one vote in Congress, regardless of its size or population. This meant that small states had the same voting power as large states, which led to difficulty passing legislation and making decisions. This design was intended to protect the rights of small states and prevent domination by larger states, but it resulted in inefficiency and gridlock.

These two features of weak national government and unicameral Congress led to many issues that the founding fathers were not able to resolve during the revolutionary era, and it became clear that the articles need to be re-evaluated. The government under the Articles of Confederation was often ineffective, it was unable to solve many of the nation's problems and it was clear the country needed a stronger central government. This led to the drafting and the adoption of the U.S. Constitution, which replaced the Articles in 1789.

Why did the british target the leaders of the sons of liberty?


Answer The British targeted the Sons of liberty as they were revolutionary leaders that spurred many protests and hate towards the Brittish


What were some of the laws that were passed under the Napoleonic Code?​


The Napoleonic Code made the authority of men over their families stronger, deprived women of any individual rights, and reduced the rights of illegitimate children. All male citizens were also granted equal rights under the law and the right to religious dissent, but colonial slavery was reintroduced.

What power would the national legislature have over the state in
Madison's Virginia Plan?



The national legislature in Madison's Virginia Plan would have complete supremacy over the state governments. It would have the power to pass laws and to make regulations that would take precedence over state laws and regulations. It would also have the power to tax, spend, and regulate interstate commerce. The national legislature would also have the power to veto state laws.


What was the population of Virginia in 1790?


747,160 was the population of Virginia in 1790.

According to government census data, there were over 4 million slaves in America in 1860, more than doubling from 700,000 in 1790. This increase was attributed to the South's exceptional expansion in cotton production. About 200,000 people were bought, sold, and relocated between 1820 and 1860. Over a million African Americans, including over 900,000 slaves, were enumerated in the 1800 census. Out of the 4.4 million African Americans that made up the country's overall population in 1860, 3.95 million of them held bonds. Compared to 1790, when there were only 700,000 slaves in America, there were a lot more slaves between 1790 and 1860, according to a federal census.

To know more about the population here



Why did different areas of the world develop differently??? I need help ASAP


Maybe different cultures i’m not sure though

what happened in World War II?


Hitler and Mussolini did able to work together to some extent despite their personal animosities. There was enough of it to give the rest of the world the impression that the Nazi and Fascist coalition was rather powerful.

What transpired in Italy during the Second World War?

Italy turned become a battlefield. The Allies fought the Germans up the peninsula for 18 months, causing unimaginable destruction throughout the country. Naples was captured by the Allies in October 1943, but they didn't make it to Rome until June 1944, Florence in August, or the northern cities until April 1945. The true battle for Italy didn't start until Mussolini launched a catastrophic campaign against Greece from Albania in October, forcing the Germans to intervene in 1941 to save the Italian army and conquer Greece for themselves. The Germans were also required to provide assistance in the arduous wars in North Africa, where ultimately the pivotal second battle of El-Alamein (October 1942) shattered the Italian position and resulted in the Italian troops' complete surrender in May 1943. Early in 1941, the Italians lost their vast empire in eastern Africa, which included Ethiopia; at this time, 250,000 Italian troops sent to Russia to aid the German invaders suffered a great deal.

Learn more about Italian troops from here;



How many jews were at risk in the countries germany invaded in 1940


Beginning in May 1940, German invaded Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, and France. In occupied, anti-Jewish actions quickly followed.

In the nations that Germany invaded in 1940, how many Jews were in danger?

Less than six weeks were spent on the campaign against France and the Low Countries. Invasion by Germany in the west began on May 10, 1940. Initially, British and French commanders sent troops to the Franco-Belgian border to repel the German invasion because they thought German forces would invade through central Belgium like they had done in World War I. However, the major German assault passed through the Ardennes Forest in northeastern Luxembourg and southeasterly Belgium. The French defensive lines were swiftly breached by German infantry and tanks as they made their way to the coast.

To know more about germany invaded visit:-



How did Americans on the home front show their support or opposition to WWII?


The American home front contributed to the war effort in numerous ways during World War II, including by participating in a wide range of volunteer activities and consenting to rationing and price controls that were administered by the government. Everyone felt that the sacrifices made during the war were for the benefit of the country as a whole.

The job economy underwent a profound transformation. Due to the drive for national unity, racial and labour conflicts in times of peace took on a unique dimension. Hollywood's film industry had a significant role in propaganda. When placed on a wartime basis, every facet of life—from politics to personal finances—changed. Tens of millions of employees in industrial hubs transitioned from low to high productivity employment to achieve this. Students, retirees, stay-at-home moms, and the unemployed in their millions entered the labour force. As leisure time drastically decreased, the number of hours they had to labour climbed significantly.

There were strict rations for clothing, meat, and gasoline. The average family only received 3 US gallons (11 l; 2.5 imp gal) of gasoline per week, severely restricting any kind of driving. The majority of durable products, including new homes, vacuum cleaners, and kitchen appliances, were prohibited from production until the war was over. As a result, housing was scarce in industrial regions since people doubled up and lived in small spaces. Prices and salaries were regulated. A significant part of American income was saved, which contributed to postwar economic expansion.

To know more about war:



What did Lenin do to end the war?


A peace deal was signed between the new Russian government and Germany in March 1918 at Brest-Litovsk, which is today in Belarus. The new Russian government was now led by Lenin. Lenin was not involved in negotiating the terms of that agreement; rather, the Germans imposed them by threatening to resurrect their attacks on Russia if the deal was not signed right away.

How was Lenin's rule put to an end?

After 1917, a number of non-Russian countries gained their independence from the Russian Empire; nevertheless, in 1922, three of them were brought back together to form the new Soviet Union.

                  Lenin, whose health was failing, passed away in Gorki, and Joseph Stalin succeeded him as the most important person in the Soviet Union.

What is the abbreviation for Russian Revolution?

When the Russian working class and peasants rose up in 1917 to overthrow Tsar Nicholas II's administration, it is known as the Russian Revolution. Vladimir Lenin, along with a group of revolutionaries known as the Bolsheviks, served as their leader. The Soviet Union was a nation founded by the new communist regime.

Learn more about Russian Revolution



Were Japanese killed in internment camps?


Japanese were killed in internment camps, The federal government has a long history of treating Asian immigrants and their descendants unfairly, which started with restrictive immigration laws.

Following the attack on Pearl Harbor, more than 1,200 Japanese community leaders were detained, and all accounts in Japanese banks with U.S. branches had their assets frozen. The War Department instituted nightly curfews for Japanese Americans.

Despite being at war with their home nations, neither government expelled German or Italian immigrants in large numbers. Only a small number of those who had been identified as Nazi or fascist sympathizers were interned. But they picked up every Japanese-American including distinguished First World War veterans.

To know more about internment camps here



Name and explain 5 events that occurred between 1920 & 1921.



Five events that occurred between 1920 and 1921 include:


1. The passage of the Eighteenth Amendment on January 16, 1920, which prohibited the manufacture and sale of alcoholic beverages in the United States.

2. The passage of the Nineteenth Amendment on August 18, 1920, which granted women the right to vote.

3. The passage of the Emergency Quota Act on May 19, 1921, which limited the number of immigrants allowed into the United States.

4. The unveiling of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery on November 11, 1921.

5. The Tulsa Race Massacre in Tulsa, Oklahoma on May 31-June 1, 1921, which resulted in the destruction of a prosperous black neighborhood and the deaths of hundreds of people.

1. Why is the Patriot Act controversial?
A. Many Americans feel that it violates constitutional rights to privacy for the sake of security.
B. The act was written and pushed through Congress at a time when President Bush was unpopular.
C. Many Americans thought the Patriot Act didn't go far enough in making private correspondence public.
D. Terrorist attacks actually increased in the United States after the passage of the Patriot Act.


A. Many Americans feel that it violates constitutional rights to privacy for the sake of security.

Some believe the Patriot Act weakened privacy rights by allowing the government access without a probable cause

How is the setting from Ovid's Pyramus and Thisbe similar to Romeo and Juliet both take place in servants quarters?


The setting of Ovid's Pyramus and Thisbe, as well as Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, both revolves around young forbidden lovers meeting in the homes of servants or lower class individuals.

Ovid's Pyramus and Thisbe and Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet both take place in the homes of servants or lower class individuals. These settings highlight the social constraints and limitations faced by the young lovers in both stories. In Pyramus and Thisbe, the lovers must secretly meet through a crack in the wall separating their homes, while in Romeo and Juliet, the lovers must sneak into each other's homes to be together. The humble settings also serve to underscore the tragic endings of both stories, as the young lovers are unable to escape the constraints of their social status and ultimately die because of it. Additionally, the stories both end in tragedy due to a misunderstanding and the eventual deaths of the young lovers.

To learn more about William Shakespeare visit: https://brainly.com/question/7592021


Female workers were exemplified in what
fictional character?


The fictional character of Clara Barton, a pioneering nurse in the American Civil War, is often used to exemplify female workers. Barton, who was the founder of the American Red Cross, is remembered for her courage and compassion, as well as her leadership in the face of adversity.

What is fictional character?

A fictional character is a person or animal in a story created by an author. Fictional characters are the main focus of stories, novels, poems, and plays, and they can inhabit any type of world or universe created by the author. These characters can be used to explore a variety of themes, offer commentary on society and culture, and provide a unique way of looking at real-world issues. Fictional characters often have unique traits, motivations, and backstories that draw readers in and make them care about the characters’ journey. Fictional characters can be realistic, exaggerated, or even supernatural, and they often serve as a representation of different aspects of humanity.

To learn more about fictional character

Why did President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s Lend-Lease program with the Allies have strong opposition from isolationists?

A. It shifted foreign policy away from neutrality.

B. In assured the President another term in office.

C. It shifted attention away from the bad economy.

D. It ignored the Supreme Court’s most recent ruling


The Lend-Lease program initiated by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt with the Allies had strong opposition from isolationists because America's act of providing aid to allies was a form of partisanship that undermined the US' neutral status during World War II. Therefore the correct answer is:

A. It shifted foreign policy away from neutrality.

During World War II, the American government under President Franklin Delano Roosevelt passed the Lend-Lease Act. This 1941 law stated that the US government could lend or lease (rather than sell) weaponry to any country deemed "essential to the defense of the United States." Thus, the United States was able to provide military assistance to its foreign allies during World War II, while remaining formally neutral in the conflict.

More about Lend-Lease program on:



Explain the reasons for the rise of the Netherlands as a leading commercial power in the period 1550-1650


The Netherlands gained from trade as well as an unheard-of industrial revolution propelled by peat, wind, and water, as well as from the reclamation of land from the sea and an agricultural renaissance.

Along with trade, the Dutch economy benefited from an unprecedented industrial revolution driven by wind, water, and peat, as well as from the restoration of land from the sea and an agricultural renaissance, which enabled the country to have the best level of living in Europe.

After the conflict with Spain ended in 1648, Dutch trade with that nation also boomed. The Dutch were able to seize control of much of the trade with the fledgling English possessions in North America.

A combination of political, economic, and military forces contributed to Dutch triumph. In terms of politics, the Netherlands was the sole country in Europe at the time to have a republican system of governance rather than an absolute monarchy.

To know more about industrial revolution, visit:



Why did the US enter ww2 after Pearl Harbor?


After Japan's unprovoked attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, the United States joined the second World War.

The US had been neutral up until that point, with Congress split on whether to aid Europe in its struggle against Hitler or to stay out of another European conflict.

The naval station at Pearl Harbor in Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii, was the target of a surprise military attack by the Imperial Japanese Navy Air Service against the United States. After that with just one vote against it, Congress declared war on Imperial Japan the day following the attack on  Pearl Harbor.

To learn more about Pearl Harbor, refer



The symbol of the republican political tactic of attacking democrats with reminders of the civil war, is called?


Essentially encouraged politicians to enter into consensual relationships with powerful businessmen. Describe the role that personality played in the 1884 presidential election. Cleveland was chosen.

The Greenback party, sometimes known as the National Greenback party, was founded in 1876 to advocate for the increase of the "greenback" paper currency supply, which was first produced by the federal government in 1862 to help pay for the Civil War. According to the Pendleton Act, positions in the federal government must be granted based on qualifications, and candidates for these positions must pass competitive exams. Additionally, the measure forbade firing or demoting personnel who were subject to the law for political purposes.

Learn more about  politicians  from



What did women do during ww2?


Women's Contributions to World War II More than six million women worked in factories throughout the war, three million gave their time as Red Cross volunteers, and more than 200,000 joined the armed forces.

Before enlisting in World War II, how did the US mobilize?

The War Resources Board was established as the U.S. government's initial move to start making war preparations (WRB). The board was tasked with creating a strategy outlining the steps required to mobilize the nation's industry. The military also issued its own Industrial Mobilization Plan in 1939. The Selective Service and Training Act (draft), as well as the training and deployment of troops, were all parts of the US's mobilization for World War II.

To know more about World War II visit:



3. Think about economic policy, social policy, and foreign policy. Which of these realms is most important for the
national government? Explain why this realm is more important than the other two. Provide evidence to
support your explanation. (10 points)


The most important policy for the national government is economic policy out of economic policy, social policy, and foreign policy.

Define the term economic policy and its features?

Economic planning results in economic policies, which are the choices that governments make to affect wealth creation, consumption, and distribution.

Economics is the research of scarcity and how it affects how resources are used, how commodities and services are produced, how production and welfare increase over time, and a wide range of other complicated concerns that are extremely important to society. For the national government, economic policy is of utmost importance because it affects both social and foreign policy.For instance, economic policy affects how resources are allocated and accessible in a society, which has an effect on how well-off people are. This is an illustration of how social policy is influenced by economic policy.

Thus, the most important policy for the national government is economic policy out of economic policy, social policy, and foreign policy.

To know more about the economic policy, here



The preident would like to fight terrorim. To do o, he want to raie income taxe. He need to ak omeone in Congre to ubmit a bill increaing the income tax. Which houe of Congre mut tart off? _____ where i it addreed


The house of Congress which must start off is the House of Representatives. It is addressed in the U.S. Constitution, Article I, section 7, clause 1.

The tax bill is started off in the House of Representatives and referred to the Ways and Means Committee. When members of the committee reach agreement regarding the legislation, they write a proposed law.

The House of Representatives is the one which invested with the power to introduce bills including taxes or tariffs. Once this house starts this process, the Senate can approve, reject or amend the tax bill as it would do with any other legislation. If the bill is approved by both chambers, then it is delivered to the President for signature. The House of Representatives' capability to submit bills about tax is addressed in the U.S. Constitution, Article I, section 7, clause 1.

Learn more about House of Representatives at: https://brainly.com/question/1176086


Although part of your question is missing, you might be referring to this full question: The president would like to use more money to fight terrorism. To do so, he wants to raise income taxes. He needs to ask someone in Congress to submit a bill increasing the income tax. Which house of Congress must start this off? Where is addressed? (Constitution Article and Section)

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