What are the genotypes of the F2 generation?


Answer 1


The genotypes of the F2 generation depend on the genotypes of the parents in the F1 generation.


If the F1 generation is produced by crossing two individuals with different genotypes, the F2 generation will have a variety of genotypes.

For example, if the F1 generation is produced by crossing a homozygous dominant individual (AA) with a homozygous recessive individual (aa), the F2 generation will have a 1:2:1 ratio of genotypes: one quarter will be homozygous dominant (AA), half will be heterozygous (Aa), and one quarter will be homozygous recessive (aa).

If the F1 generation is produced by crossing two heterozygous individuals (Aa and Aa), the F2 generation will have a 3:1 ratio of genotypes: three quarters will be heterozygous (Aa) and one quarter will be homozygous recessive (aa).

It is also possible for the F1 generation to be produced by crossing two individuals with more complex genotypes, in which case the F2 generation will have a variety of genotypes based on the combination of the parents' genotypes.

To learn more about F2 generation:



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The pump is dictating rather than facilitating your work. The pump could malfunction. There is no risk associated with the pump. A and B (The pump is dictating rather than facilitating your work AND The pump could malfunction)


The pump is essentially controlling the process instead of helping it. This means that the pump is not providing any assistance with the work, but is instead taking control of the process and not allowing any manual intervention.

This can be a problem because the pump could malfunction, which would mean that the process would be stopped in its tracks. If the pump malfunctions, it could be difficult or impossible to repair it and the process could be stalled until a new pump is brought in. This means that the process would be disrupted and could take a long time to get back on track.

In addition, the malfunction could cause other problems, such as leaking or failing to provide the necessary pressure. Thus, it is important to have a reliable pump that is up to the task in order to make sure that the process is smooth and efficient.

To learn more about pump visit:



Carbon is considered a building block of life and is very useful as a chemical because it is able to make very complicated compounds. This is because it is able to bond with up to __ other molecules.

a. one
b. two
c. three
d. four



d. four


Carbon can form maximum of four bonds to other atoms due to its electronic configuration and valence electron counts).

What causes populations to lose genetic diversity due to chance?


Stochastic sampling error (i.e., genetic drift) causes populations to lose genetic diversity due to chance.

Genetic drift is a result of sampling error because individuals are randomly chosen when a population is sampled. A random selection is one in which each member of the population has an equal chance of being chosen.

The random change in allele frequencies caused by stochastic sampling of alleles from the previous generation is known as genetic drift (independent of demographic stochasticity).

The variety of various inherited features within a species is referred to as genetic diversity. There would be many people with a wide range of diverse traits in a species with significant genetic diversity. For a population to adapt to changing surroundings, genetic variety is essential.

To learn more about Genetic diversity :



A young goat has downward-curved horns. Its father has upward-curved horns while its mother has downward-curved horns. Which of these statements is the explanation?


A young goat has downward-curved horns. One copy of the gene for horn shape was passed down to the young goat from its father and one copy from its mother is the explanation.

A ratio of dominant to recessive traits is the result of the gene combination from the parents, as stated by Mendel's second law of inheritance, which states that a pair of traits segregate independently of another pair during gamete formation. In phenotype sharing, the offspring will only exhibit the dominant trait when parents with required traits are crossed together. This suggests that the dominant mother and not the dominant father passed on the horn-shaped gene to the young goat.

Know more about law of inheritance here: https://brainly.com/question/19041474


Which two statements describe forces that move water within the global
ocean conveyor belt?
A. Upwelling causes cold water to separate and sink below warmer
B. Saltwater freezes, leaving behind warmer freshwater that flows
C. Water freezes, causing the saltier and denser remaining liquid
water to sink.
D. Wind pushes surface water away from shore, and cold water rises
to replace it.


The correct answer is C

Please help!
Students in Ms. Brown's class are making observations in the garden outside of the school. They make a list of all the abiotic and biotic factors in their notebook. Part of the list is below:

Bird feeder

Which items on the list are a part of the garden ecosystem?

A- Gravel, bird feeder, flowerpots
B- All the listed items are part of the ecosystem
C- None of the listed items are a part of the ecosystem
D- Grass, butterfly, sunflower



It is D- grass, butterfly, sunflowers

The items throughout the list like grass, butterflies, and sunflowers are a component of the gardening ecosystem.

What exactly is an ecosystem?

An ecosystems is an area where vegetation, animals, and certain other organisms interact with the surrounding environment, weather, and other variables to form a bubble of life. In ecosystems, biotic and abiotic factors—or nonliving ingredients. Biotic variables include plants, animals, and other types of species.

Why are ecosystems so important?

Ecological systems keep our soil healthy, purify our air, regulate our temperatures, recycle elements, and provide us with food. They provide tools and raw ingredients for producing medicines and many other goods. They form the foundation of civilization and sustain our economies.

To know more about ecosystem visit:



In the evolution of life on Earth, which one of the following traits must have evolved last (meaning most recently): O sexual reproduction; centromeres associated with DNA; O self-defense mechanisms; multicellularity; O locomotion; mitosis.


Pertaining to sexual reproduction. DNA mitosis, self-defense mechanisms, and multicellularity are all associated with centromeres.

What precisely is reproduction?

The process of creating offspring is called reproduction. The two basic types of reproduction are sexual and asexual. An creature that reproduces sexually is extremely varied and carries the genetic material of its two grandparents. Asexual reproduction, which involves each parent reproducing themselves, results in children that are genetically identical.

Explain it the action of procreating?

The process of creating new members of same species is called reproduction. An organism has two ways of reproducing: asexually and sexually. Merging both male and female gametes is not considered an instance of asexual reproduction. Bacteria, amoebas, and other amoeba exhibit this.

To know more about reproduction visit :



The respiratory system delivers clean, moist air into close contact with the blood. How is the system structured to accomplish this efficiently


The respiratory system is structured to efficiently deliver clean, moist air into close contact with the blood with the help of alveoli.

Alveoli are tiny air sacs that are found at the ends of bronchioles, and they are responsible for the gas exchange that occurs between the air and the blood. They increase the total surface area and contact between the air we breathe and the blood. Their presence is important for the efficiency of the respiratory system.

The system is also designed to filter and remove any foreign particles present in the inhaled air. This is done through the presence of cilia, mucus, and other mechanisms that help keep the airways clean, the humidification of the air, and the warmth of the air.

Learn more about respiratory system:


PBS Evolution: Great Transformations

1. If the world’s history were compressed into one hour, how long have humans been here?

Microbes. Single-celled organisms

2. How long ago did mammals first appear on earth?

Mammals first appeared about 200 million years ago

3. What type of animal did the skull that Dr. Gingrich discovered resemble?

Dr. Gingrich discovered resembled a whale

4. What did "Whale Valley" used to be?

Whale valley is a

5. What unusual feature did they find at the end of the early tetrapods’ limbs?

6. How long ago did animals first appear on Earth?

7. When the mouse "eyeless" gene was implanted into the fruit flies, what happened?

8. How would walking on two legs be an advantage?

9. What modifications does the human skeleton have?

Humans has the same transformation as other animals even though humans are special.

10. Summary/reflection:


Given that whales and other mammals resembled other mammals in terms of their skulls and other sculptures, based on the fossil evidence, humans have undergone evolutionary transitions.

The transition from land animals to whales is one of the most well-known instances of a supposed change cited by the evolution contingency in the opening of the program. The fossils of Pakicetus, Ambulocetus, Rhodocetus, Dorontid, and Basilosaurus show that this transition can be explained. Pakicetus only has a small portion of its cranium to display, as opposed to a whole transitional fossil.

The program portrays Ambulocetus as a fully preserved fossil of an aquatic mammal with legs, yet this is a stretch of the fact because the animal's skeleton was actually discovered to be extremely fragmented. Rhodocetus is solely represented in the series by a skull.

To know more about evolution, refer to the following link:



Based on the movie( Food Inc), what are examples of policies that have been proposed as ways of dealing with social
changes resulting from new technologies, such as genetically engineered plants and animals.



Food, Inc. Summary

If you aren’t completely familiar with what it is, Food, Inc was created by documentary filmmaker Robert Kenner and narrated by Eric Schlosser (Fast Food Nation), and also features commentary from Michael Pollan (The Omnivore’s Dilemma).

It lifts the veil on how the nation’s food industry has been consumed by corporations and how that impacts the farms where our food comes from, the supermarkets where we buy our food, and the restaurants where we eat that food. It tackles the FDA, food safety, food production, large-scale animal processing plants, and other food matters. If you are at all concerned or curious about the state of food supply in America, you should watch Food, Inc.

The Key Takeaways from the Movie

Supermarkets and Corn

The tomatoes you buy in the grocery store are picked when green and then ripened with ethylene gas

The food industry doesn’t want you to know the truth about what you are eating because if you did you might not eat it—it is a world deliberately hidden from us

Most people have no idea where their food comes from (do you?)

The fact that people need to write a book (and a blog!) telling people where their food comes from shows how far removed we are

The average grocery store has 47,000 products which makes it look like there is a large variety of choices—but it is an illusion—there are only a handful of corporations (like Monsanto, Tyson, and Perdue for example) and a few major crops involved

So much of the processed food is just clever rearrangements of corn (here are just a few examples of the additives that are derived from corn: cellulose, saccharin, polydextrose, xanthan gum, maltodextrin, and my favorite—ha ha ha—high fructose corn syrup)

30% of our land base in the US is used to grow corn because thanks to government policy farmers are paid to overproduce this easy-to-store crop

Farmers are producing so much corn that food scientists had to come up with uses for it—just like some of the additives listed above

Food scientists have also spent a lot of time reengineering our foods—so they last longer on grocery store shelves and don’t get stale

At the supermarket, candy, chips, and soda are all cheaper than produce

A double-cheeseburger from McDonald’s is 99 cents and you can’t even get a head of broccoli for that price

Those snack calories are cheaper because the commodity crops like corn, wheat, and soybeans are heavily subsidized

You start feeding corn to cows, E. Coli evolves and a certain mutation occurs which is very a harmful bacteria

Animals at factory farms stand ankle deep in their manure all day long so if one cow has E. Coli others can get it too

At a slaughterhouse their hides are caked with manure and if you are slaughtering 400 cows per hour how do you keep it from spreading?

So these harmful new strains of e Coli, that didn’t use to be in the world, are now a problem

E. Coli is even in spinach and apple juice because of the runoff from factory farms

It doesn’t help that the Chief of Staff for the USDA was a former lobbyist for the beef industry

Regulatory agencies are being controlled by the very companies they are supposed to be scrutinizing

There has always been food poisoning, but food is not getting safer it is becoming more contaminated because with the bigger factories it spreads the problem far and wide

There are only 13 slaughterhouses for the majority of beef in all the US

Ground beef from the grocery store has thousands of different cows mixed up in it so the chance of one of those cows in your meat having a disease is increased

After eating hamburger contaminated with E. Coli 0157:H7 a woman’s 2-year-old son went from a perfectly healthy boy to being dead in 12 days

In the 90’s some industrial meat factories were tested for E. Coli 0157:H7 and if they failed they were supposed to be shut down—but there was not enough authority to close the contaminated plants

Some companies are now using a hamburger meat filler cleansed with ammonia hydroxide to help kill E. Coli (mmm…that sounds tasty)

how do structures in living organisms compared with structures of non-living things such as construction cranes


Living things have the capacity to grow, procreate, and carry out metabolic processes. Biomolecules, the building blocks of living things, need energy to function.

They display the processes of breathing, digesting, movement, and excretion. These things are made of cells.

Ships, houses, and airplanes are examples of non-living things that do not develop or procreate. These substances are made of inorganic molecules and lack any vital metabolic processes for life. Non-living things do not contain any cells.

Learn more about to Living organisms



__________ are chemicals that enhance urinary output. nitrogenous wastes countercurrent exchangers diuretics countercurrent multipliers
A) secretagogues B) countercurrent multipliers C) countercurrent exchangers D) diuretics.


Diuretics are chemicals that enhance urinary output. nitrogenous wastes countercurrent exchangers diuretics countercurrent multipliers.

Diuretics, sometimes water pills and Removes salt (sodium) and water from the body called Most of these drugs help the kidneys release more sodium into the urine. Sodium aids in the removal of water from the blood, therefore decreasing the quantity of fluid moving through your veins and arteries.

The nitrogenous waste products excreted by the kidneys are urea and ammonia. Diuretics increase urine output from the kidneys (that is, they promote diuresis). It does this by changing the way your kidneys use sodium. As the kidneys excrete more sodium, they also excrete more water.Diuretics make you pee more often, so take them preferably in the morning.

For more information on Diuretics  , visit :



1. What are the requirements for an area to be considered a hotspot?

A. 1,500 endemic plant species .

B. 30% or less of the endemic plant species remain.

C. Must be part of a developing country.

D. Both A and D

2. Where are some of the unique ecosystems of the United States?

A. In Pacific Northwest and California.

B. In the Florida Everglades and Hawaii.

C. Both A and B

D. None of the above .

3. If you are buying an exotic species at a pet store, why should you ask for documentation regarding the origin and legality before buying it ?

A. It could have diseases

B. It is illegal to capture/purchase some species under the law

C. In case you need to return it

D. There is no need to do this


The correct options are; 1. A. 1,500 endemic plant species.

2. C. Both A and B

3. B. It is illegal to capture/purchase some species under the law.

How important are biodiversity hotspots, and what are they?

Biodiversity hotspots are geographical areas that are ecologically distinct and have a particularly high species richness; they are therefore top priorities for nature preservation. Biodiversity is defined in a variety of ways.

What environmental effects does the trade in exotic pets cause?

When foreign species are removed from the wild, they are in fact eliminated from the local, reproducing population. When released by their owners into a continent other than their own, exotic animals can also devastate the ecosystem.

To know more about Biodiversity hotspots visit



How do oxygen and carbon dioxide play different roles in the ocean?


In the ocean, For respiration, marine organisms use oxygen, which converts carbohydrates into energy and produces carbon dioxide and water as byproducts.

For marine life, dissolved oxygen and carbon dioxide are essential. Through the process of photosynthesis, marine plants utilize dissolved carbon dioxide, sunlight, and water to produce carbohydrates. The water gets oxygen from this process. All marine organisms respire with oxygen, which breaks down carbohydrates into energy and produces carbon dioxide and water as byproducts. These organs are utilized by fish and other marine animals with gills to extract oxygen from seawater.

Know more about photosynthesis here: https://brainly.com/question/29764662


Which phylogenetic tree highlights the most recent common ancestor of all animals with four limbs (where limbs include legs, arms, and wings)


It draws attention to the taxon, or most recent common ancestor, of all tetrapods. The tips and nodes of the tree, respectively, represent groups of descendant taxa and common ancestors of descendants.

The evolutionary connections of biological species are described by the phylogenetic tree, often called phylogeny. The branching pattern of the phylogenetic tree illustrates how a series of shared ancestors gave rise to diverse species or groupings.

The phylogenetic tree helps us understand a person's complete life history or life.

Follow each taxon's lineage back in time (toward the base of the tree) until all the lineages meet to identify the most recent common ancestor of a group of taxa. Their most recent shared ancestor is represented by that node.

Learn more about to phylogenetic



What is an example of a behavioral adaptation in animals?



Behavioral adaptation is something an animal does usually in response to some sort of external stimulus in order to survive. Hibernating during winter is an example of a behavioral adaptation,this is common among bears.

was a drought for a long period of time, what beak type would become more common in the ground finch population explain


One would anticipate a shift in the population of ground finches toward smaller, more pointed beaks in the event of a protracted drought.

What is population?

Population is a term used to refer to a group of individuals, typically humans, that inhabit a particular area or territory.

This is due to the likelihood that there will be less food available during a drought, especially small, hard seeds. Because they are more adept at breaking open tiny, difficult seeds, birds with smaller, quite pointed beaks seem to be better able to take advantage of the scarce food sources that are available. They would have an edge over birds with bigger, blunter beaks in terms of survival as a result. Natural selection would then favour birds with smaller beaks over time, increasing the proportion of birds with the this beak type in the population.

To learn more about population

When an individual starts exercising at a light pace, what energy system provides the bulk of energetic needs if this were to last an hour


The fatty acids provide the bulk of energetic needs for light exercise if it were to last for an hour.

Fatty acids are chemically the carboxylic acids having a long aliphatic chain that may be saturated or unsaturated. These are responsible for the deposition of fats in the body. Fatty acids are responsible for the formation of lipids in the body. The various food forms that provide fatty acid to the body are: seafood, nuts. seeds, plant oils, etc.

Exercise is the form of body movements performed in order to keep the body healthy and active. There are various forms of exercise from the mild walking to high intensity workouts.

To know more about exercise, here



What is the main cause of hereditary disease?



Inherited disorders are caused by gene mutation. These include sickle cell anemia, hemophilia, color blindness.


How do vegetarians get protein without meat?


Vegetarians and vegans who want to gain all the essential amino acids can combine two or more plant proteins.

In order to meet their daily requirements of essential amino acids, vegetarians can eat a variety of meals. Excellent sources of those amino acids are grains, peanut butter, legumes, almonds, pumpkin seeds, and legumes. The amino acids needed by the body include tryptophan, histidine, isoleucine, lysine, leucine, methionine, threonine, valine, and phenylalanine. One food that has all of these amino acids is quinoa. For those who don't consume meat, fish, or dairy items, pulses are crucial. Eggs and meat substitutes such as tofu, textured vegetable protein, Quorn, and mycoprotein are other non-dairy sources of protein. To receive their protein, vegetarians should eat plant-based foods such grains, nuts, seeds, legumes, and soy products. Eggs and dairy products are good sources of protein for lacto-ovo-vegetarians.

Learn more about vegans at



What are geohazard and how can they affect our live and our property? Decribe the data that are available for u to predict and locate variou geohazard


Geohazards refer to natural phenomena that have the potential to cause damage to people, property, and infrastructures.

Geohazards or geological hazards may include landslides, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods, and coastal erosion, among others that can have significant impacts and damages on communities, including loss of life, injury, and damage to homes, buildings, and infrastructures.

To predict and locate various geohazards, scientists and researchers use a variety of data sources, including geological mapping, satellite imagery, ground-based monitoring, and historical records. For example, geological mapping can provide information on the types of rock and soil present in an area, which can help identify areas that are more prone to landslides or earthquakes.

To learn more about geological hazards visit: https://brainly.com/question/18077168


The purpose of this experiment is to separate the pigments to identify each pigment by their color properties and how far they travel using paper chromatography.


The purpose of this experiment is to separate the pigments to identify each pigment by their color properties and how far they travel using paper chromatography is the goal of the experiment separation of pigments by paper chromatography.

Paper chromatography is a separation method in the form of color propagation that can be seen on the chromatography paper and the spots that are there to compare the spots from the sample and the spots from the standard.

Filter paper in paper chromatography is used as a stationary phase in the separation process. The selection of filter paper used is one of the determining factors for success in chemical separation and analysis. So in paper chromatography experiments the dyes will be distributed, so that the pigments can be easily separated and identified based on their color properties.

Learn more about paper chromatography at:



Which of the following explanations best describes how mass is
conserved in the process above?
A.Matter is consumed and used by individual cells to grow
following mitosis
B.Matter is consumed and used by individual cells to grow
following meiosis
C.Matter is created by individual cells to grow following mitosis
D.Matter is created by individual cells to grow following meiosis


Following mitosis, each individual cell uses matter to grow. Individual cells produce matter to expand after mitosis.

How does photosynthesis maintain mass?

Six carbon atoms, twelve hydrogen atoms, and eighteen oxygen atoms are reorganized in this process from one configuration in the reactants to another configuration in the products using the energy of the sun. Because the same atoms are present on both sides of the reaction, mass is conserved.

What does photosynthesis's mass mean?

A tree's main component by weight is carbon. Carbon is derived from carbon dioxide, which is used in photosynthesis. Plants use photosynthesis to transform solar energy into chemical energy, which is stored in the bonds of carbon molecules made of water and carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

to know more about mass conservation here:



In the United States, where can volcanoes like those at B be found?

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Volcanoes are produced when magma rises on top of plate B. Due to the tremendous temperature in the mantle, the leading edge of plate A moved toward the mantle as it subducted beneath plate B and melted.

A volcano mountain is created when magma from the earth's upper mantle surfaces and erupts. the lava flow that is created as magma rises to the surface and deposits ash. A fresh layer of lava is deposited to the surface as the volcano continues to erupt, building up to form a mountain. Divergent, convergent, and transformal plate borders are where the majority of seismic activity takes place.

Learn more about volcano here:



What is a point DNA mutation?


A genetic mutation brought on by the replacement of one nucleotide with another nucleotide is called a point DNA mutation.

A mutation is a change to an organism's DNA sequence. Errors in DNA replication during cell division, exposure to mutagens, or viral infection can all cause mutations. Somatic mutations (which happen in body cells) cannot be passed on to offspring, whereas germline mutations (which happen in eggs and sperm) can.

Point mutations involve the substitution, deletion, or insertion of a single nitrogenous nucleotide into a single base pair of DNA. The sickle cell anemia condition is a case of a point mutation. The beta-globin chain of the blood's hemoglobin pigment is affected by a single base pair mutation.

To learn more about DNA mutation :



Which genetically engineered medicine is injected into the body to protect a person from the effects of a virus


The flu vaccine is a type of vaccine that protects the body against the flu. It develops antibodies after two weeks of vaccination. These antibodies provide protection against influenza viruses.

The flu vaccine reduces the risk of flu illnesses, hospitalization, and flu-related death. It only protects the body against influenza, not any other illnesses.

The pancreas uses its multiple hormones, primarily glucagon and insulin, to keep blood glucose levels within a very narrow range of 4-6 mM. This is accomplished by the opposing and balanced actions of glucagon and insulin, a process known as glucose homeostasis.

Insulin and glucagon are hormones that assist manage your body's blood glucose — sometimes known as sugar — levels. Glucose is produced from food and flows in your bloodstream to promote digestion.

Learn more about to viruses



Emphysema is COPD that may lead to which of the following? Check all that apply. O Alveolar wall breakdown O Reduced respiratory membrane surface area and gas exchange O Increased vital capacity O Hypoxemia, hypercapnia, and respiratory acidosis O Polycythemia Cor pulmonale


Emphysema is a severe form of COPD that can lead to several serious complications, such as alveolar wall breakdown, reduced respiratory membrane surface area and gas exchange, increased vital capacity, hypoxemia, hypercapnia, and respiratory acidosis, and polycythemia Cor pulmonale.

Emphysema is a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) that is characterized by the destruction of the alveolar walls and a reduction in the surface area available for gas exchange.

As a result, individuals with emphysema may experience a decrease in vital capacity, which is the amount of air that can be expelled from the lungs after a deep inhalation.One of the most common complications of emphysema is hypoxemia, which is a condition in which the body does not receive enough oxygen.

This can lead to hypercapnia, a condition in which there is too much carbon dioxide in the blood, and respiratory acidosis, a condition in which the blood becomes too acidic. Another complication of emphysema is polycythemia, which is an increase in the number of red blood cells. This can occur as the body tries to compensate for the lack of oxygen by producing more red blood cells to carry oxygen to the body's tissues.

Learn more about emphysema at : https://brainly.com/question/29345230


According to the primitive earth model which one of the following compounds was not present in the beginning.


The Correct answer is Option D.Oxygen

According to Oparin, oxygen was not present in the primitive atmosphere of the Earth.

What is Oxygen?

The chemical element with the atomic number 8 and symbol O is called oxygen. It belongs to the periodic table's chalcogen group, is a very reactive nonmetal, and an oxidising agent that easily produces oxides with most elements as well as other compounds. After hydrogen and helium, oxygen is the third most plentiful element in the universe and the most abundant element on Earth. Two atoms of the element combine to generate dioxygen, an odourless and colourless diatomic gas with the formula O 2 at standard pressure and temperature.

According to researchers at MIT, the Great Oxygenation Event (GOE), which is thought to have started as early as 2.33 billion years ago, was the beginning of oxygen's ongoing presence in the atmosphere.

Oxygen in Primitive Earth

Louis Pasteur wrote about his research in 1864, demonstrating that microbial life could not have developed spontaneously in the absence of preceding life. This work is regarded as a milestone in modern science as it resolved a long-running debate regarding spontaneous generation.

The concept of spontaneous genesis holds that live things could appear miraculously from inanimate matter.

But Pasteur's findings presented evolutionary biologists with a fresh conundrum: if life could only develop from life, how did living things first originate on the planet?

The solution was presented in the 1920s by A.I. Oparin of Russia and J.B.S. Haldane of England, who independently made compelling cases that the origin of life could be explained by a lengthy and gradual process of chemical evolution rather than by the rapid spontaneous generation of complete organisms in a matter of weeks.

Elements  primitive earth

An atmosphere developed when Earth cooled, primarily from gases released by volcanoes. It contained methane, hydrogen sulphide, and ten to 200 times as much carbon dioxide as the atmosphere we are surrounded by today. The Earth's surface began to cool and solidify after roughly 500 million years, allowing water to accumulate there.

To know more about Oxygen refer to:



Which of the following is not detected by chemoreceptors in the carotid and aortic bodies? Multiple Choice a. Oxygen b. Blood pressure c.pH d.Carbon dioxide e.Oxygen and carbon dioxide


B. Blood pressure

Blood pressure is not detected by chemoreceptors in the carotid and aortic bodies

Drag the labels to their appropriate locations to identify the type of point mutation shown. a) silent mutation b) nonsense mutation c) missense mutation


The type of point mutation shown: a) silent mutation

b) nonsense mutation

c) missense mutation

d) Frameshift mutation

Any change in the DNA sequence of a cell. Mutations can be caused by mistakes in cell division or by being exposed to DNA-damaging agents in the environment. Mutations can be harmful, beneficial, or inactive.

Hereditary mutations cause cystic fibrosis, hemophilia, and sickle cell disease. Other mutations can happen on their own during a person's life. These are known as sporadic, spontaneous, or new mutations. They only affect a small number of cells.

Genetic mutations are changes to your DNA sequence that occur during cell division, or when your cells multiply. Your body's DNA coding directs it on how to create and operate. Hereditary mutations can cause genetic disorders like cancer, or they might help people adapt to their surroundings over time.

learn more about  mutation  to visit this link



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