What are the main features of a bacteria do we use to classify them?


Answer 1

Bacteria can be classified on the basis of some of their main features which include their shape, mode of nutrition, mode of respiration and composition of their cell wall.

Bacteria are single-celled organisms which are able to survive in a wide range of conditions are found almost everywhere in the environment. They can be classified on the basis of some of their main features. The first feature is shape. Bacteria in nature can be found in different shapes which include rod-shaped, sphere, spiral etc. Another feature is their mode of nutrition which can be either heterotrophic or autotrophic.

The third feature can be their mode of respiration which can be either anaerobic or aerobic. Another feature is the composition of cell wall. The cell wall can be either peptidoglycan or lipopolysaccharide cell wall.

To know more about cell wall here



Related Questions

Write a claim evidence and reasoning on Do trees change the composition of the atmosphere around us?​



Evidence: Trees absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere during the process of photosynthesis, and release oxygen as a byproduct. In this way, trees play a vital role in the global carbon cycle, and can help to mitigate the negative impacts of human activities that contribute to the increase of atmospheric carbon dioxide, such as the burning of fossil fuels.

Reasoning: The evidence provided demonstrates that trees have a direct effect on the composition of the atmosphere through their role in the carbon cycle. By absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen, trees can help to balance the levels of these gases in the atmosphere, and contribute to the overall health of the planet. The fact that trees have this ability suggests that they have the power to change the composition of the atmosphere around us.

These pea plants have been in the sunlight since early morning.

What can the pea plants do because they are in sunlight? What does this mean for the number of energy storage molecules in the pea plants?

The pea plants can…


With the help of photosynthesis, the pea plants can take in carbon from the air. The carbon is used to make energy storage molecules.

What do you mean by photosynthesis?

Photosynthesis is a process used by plants and other organisms to convert light energy into chemical energy that, through cellular respiration, can later be released to fuel the organism's activities.

The energy from light causes a chemical reaction that breaks down the molecules of carbon dioxide and water and reorganizes them to make the sugar (glucose) and oxygen gas.

The main purpose of photosynthesis is to convert radiant energy from the sun into chemical energy that can be used for food. Cellular respiration is the process that occurs in the mitochondria of organisms (animals and plants) to break down sugar.

Learn more about photosynthesis:



Name each organic compound


Answer: sorry i acidentally answered ur question TT u can report me po


A 69-year old man with alcoholism is seen with leukocytosis, an elevated amylase level, and a rising lipase level. The entire pancreas appears enlarged and hypoechoic, with ill-defined borders. The most likely diagnosis is:


The most likely diagnosis in a 69-year-old man with alcoholism, leukocytosis, an elevated amylase level, and a rising lipase level, with an enlarged and hypoechoic pancreas, is acute pancreatitis.

Acute pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas due to the activation of digestive enzymes within the pancreas, leading to autodigestion. Typically, the pancreas appears enlarged and hypoechoic on imaging studies, with ill-defined borders.

Other signs and symptoms of acute pancreatitis may include abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, fever, and leukocytosis. Elevated amylase and lipase levels are typically seen in acute pancreatitis. Alcoholism is a risk factor for acute pancreatitis, and should be considered in the diagnosis.

Treatment typically involves supportive care, such as pain control and hydration, and abstinence from alcohol. In some cases, antibiotics may be used to treat or prevent infection. In serious circumstances, surgery may be required.

To learn more about acute pancreatitis visit:



An organism with a haploid number of 10 will produce ________ combinations of chromosomes at the end of meiosis.


An organism with a haploid number of 10 will produce 1024 combinations of chromosomes at the end of meiosis.

As a consequence, the number of haploid chromosomes is = 10/2= 5. The number of possible chromosomal pairings equals 2n, where n is the number of haploid chromosomes. So, with 10 diploid chromosomes, the number of chromosomal pairs is 25. As a consequence, '25' is the correct answer.

The number of chromosomes reduces from 46 (23 pairs) to 23 during meiosis. Because chromosomes are randomly divided into gametes during meiosis I, each gamete has a distinct set of chromosomes (and alleles).

Because of its 23 pairs of chromosomes, a human gamete has around 8 million potential chromosomal combinations (223).

Learn more about to chromosomes



The first step to breakdown GLUCOSE to extract energy for almost all organism
The Electron Transport Chain
The Krebs Cycle





Glycolysis is the process of breaking down glucose molecules into pyruvates and splitting off a small amount of energy in the form of ATP. It is the first stage of cellular respiration and is a common process used by most organisms.

How does Hardin’s example of the herdsman and his mathematical justification (nearly +1 and fraction of -1) embody the tragedy of the commons?


Garrett Hardin used the expression for the first time in a 1968 Science article.

The Tragedy of theere is Commons' core claim is that when something is owned by a collective (rather than a single person), its overall sustainability may suffer since th no single entity that is legally in control of or responsible for it. This argument states that people frequently make decisions that advance their own interests, regardless of how those decisions could affect other people. Garrett James Hardin is an environmental expert from the United States. He wrote an essay with the same title that was published in Science in 1968, and after reading it, he decided to devote the remainder of his life to researching human behaviour.

Any attempt to control nature will result in a variety of consequences, many of which are unexpected. Several websites have referred to Garrett as a white nationalist because of his violently anti-immigrant attitudes, eugenics beliefs, and views on multiethnicity. The Southern Poverty Law Center characterised his writings as "frank in their bigotry and quasi-fascist ethnonationalism."

Learn more about Tragedy of Commons at



What are some evidences that support evolution?


some evidences that support evolution are: anatomy, molecular biology, biogeography, fossils, & direct observation. Genes, which are passed from parent to kid during reproduction, express themselves in these traits.

Evolution is the gradual change in the hereditary characteristics of biological populations over many generations. Genetic recombination and mutation are the usual causes of variation within a population. Genetic drift and natural selection, two evolutionary processes that might lead to particular traits becoming more or less dominant in a population, are likely to occur in this variation. This is how evolution works. Heritable traits emerge over multiple generations in response to shifting evolutionary factors that determine whether a trait is prevalent or rare within a population.

To learn more about Evolution click on the given link: https://brainly.com/question/29351017


Consumers at each trophic level convert only 10% of the energy in their food to energy for themselves. What happens to the other 90% of the energy their food produces


The other 90% of the energy produced by the food of the consumers at each trophic level is lost to the environment in the form of heat.

This is due to the fact that all organisms are constantly losing energy through metabolic processes such as respiration and excretion. This energy is not converted into useful energy for the organism, so it is lost as heat.

This heat is radiated out into the environment and dissipated, or it is absorbed by other organisms in the ecosystem. This is why it is important for organisms at each trophic level to consume enough food to make up for the energy lost in the form of heat.

To learn more about metabolic visit:



How is fumigant different from pesticides ? Name one natural substance which can be used in place of fumigant


Fumigants are chemicals that are used to kill pests by releasing a gas that penetrates into areas where pests may be hiding. These chemicals are often used to control pests in large, enclosed spaces such as grain storage facilities or ships.

Pesticides, on the other hand, are chemicals that are used to control, repel, or kill pests. Pesticides can be applied in various forms, such as liquids, granules, or sprays, and can be used to control pests on crops, gardens, and other outdoor areas.

One natural substance that can be used in place of a fumigant is thyme. Thyme is a herb that contains a chemical called thymol, which has insecticidal properties. Thymol can be used to control a variety of pests, including mites, insects, and nematodes. It can be applied in various forms, such as a spray or a dust, and is considered to be less toxic and safer to use than synthetic fumigants.

what system works with the respiratory system to circulate blood and oxygen throughout the body


To obtain oxygen into the blood, its blood supply (cardiovascular system) pumps blood from of the heart to the lungs. Oxygen-depleted blood is returned to the heart through veins to restart circulation.  


 The respiratory system is supported by the circulatory system, that carries blood from and into the lungs. The circulatory system consists of the heart and blood arteries. The circulatory system assists in moving nutrients and oxygen through the lungs to the body's tissues and organs. Additionally, it aids in the removal of trash and carbon dioxide. The portion of the airway that extends below the larynx is known as the trachea (windpipe) (LAIR-inks). To keep the trachea (TRAY-kee-uh) open, its walls are lined with hard cartilage rings. Cilia that border the trachea move fluids and other objects out of the airway to prevent them from entering the lungs.

Learn more about blood



Design of Solution: Describe steps you could take to devlelop an eddective method for copying San Francisco sourdough bread. Assume that you have access to soudough starter and all the ingredients and equipment you need.


The Design of Solution that Describe steps you could take to develop an deductive method for copying San Francisco sourdough bread is given below:

ResearchExperiment with Sourdough StarterExperiment with Flour and HydrationMixing and FermentingShaping and BakingEvaluate and AdjustRepeat and refineWhat are the steps about?

In Research: The first step in developing an effective method for copying San Francisco sourdough bread is to research the traditional methods and techniques used to make this type of bread.

Experiment with Sourdough Starter: Next, you will need to experiment with different types of sourdough starter to find one that is similar to the starter used in San Francisco sourdough bread.

Experiment with Flour and Hydration: Once you have a starter that you are happy with, you will need to experiment with different types of flour and different hydration levels to find the right combination for your bread.

Mixing and Fermenting: Once you have your flour and hydration levels sorted, you will need to start mixing and fermenting your dough.

Shaping and Baking: Once your dough is fermented, you will need to shape it and prepare it for baking.

Evaluate and Adjust: Once your bread is baked, you will need to evaluate it and make any necessary adjustments.

Lastly, Repeat and refine: Repeat the process of making the bread and take note of the variations and results each time. Refine the process by making adjustments and tweaking the steps until you are satisfied with the end product.

Learn more about bread from



Which of the following best describes polygenic traits?



4 many trait are produced by

The cremaster muscle helps maintain testicular temperature. What does the action of this muscle suggest about how it is controlled


The cremaster muscle is controlled by the sympathetic nervous system.

The sympathetic nervous system is responsible for the "fight or flight" response, and it is activated during times of stress or physical activity. The action of the cremaster muscle, which helps maintain testicular temperature, suggests that it is controlled by the sympathetic nervous system to respond to changes in the body's internal and external environment. Specifically, when the body is under stress, the sympathetic nervous system will cause the cremaster muscle to contract, drawing the testicles closer to the body and increasing their temperature. This is thought to help protect the sperm from damage due to changes in temperature. Conversely, when the body is at rest or in a relaxed state, the cremaster muscle relaxes, allowing the testicles to hang away from the body and decrease in temperature, which is optimal for sperm production.

To know more about cremaster muscle click below:



Which is an example of a recent development used to address food shortages in urban areas?


Option - B  is an example of a recent development used to address food shortages in urban areas.

What leads to food insecurity in cities?

The primary causes of food insecurity in urban environments

They may not have social or extended family support, especially if they are recent migrants to the city, so they must hire substitute childcare, which adds to their family's financial burden.

Opening temporary, low-cost fruit and vegetable markets in underserved areas. Studying initiatives like community food hubs or farmers' markets nutrition vouchers that have helped other communities fight food insecurity

By providing wholesome and plentiful alternatives to purchased food, urban agriculture enhances food security, particularly for low-income households.

To know more about urban areas visit:



What is the probability of the offspring being purple and white flowers answer in percentage?


These would have phenotypes (PP and Pp) of 75% purple and 25% white (pp). The colour of the pea plant's blooms was one of the important characteristics Mendel examined.

When two heterozygous tall pea plants with purple flowers are crossed, it is possible that one of the offspring may be short with white flowers. This is similar to the monohybrid cross and depends on the individual probabilities of the traits. This means that there is a 1/4 chance that one of their progeny will be short and a 1/4 chance that one will have white flowers (in case of monohybrid cross). The genotypes of the offspring born from the union of a heterozygous purple flower (Rr) and a recessive white flower (rr) are (Rr), (Rr), (rr), and (rr). Consequently, half of the progeny have purple flowers (Rr), while half have white blooms (rr).

Learn more about probability at



Why do some individuals lack supply of clean drinking water?


The reasons for the lack supply of clean drinking water is: water pollution, increased demand for water, climate changes, mismanagement of water resources, as well as poverty.

Water pollution is defined as the contamination of water with harmful substances and toxic chemicals that make it unfit for use. The presence of harmful microorganisms also makes the water polluted. The main reason for the contamination of water is the human activities.

Climate change refers to the change in the temperature and weather pattern of the environment from the normal. These changes are long-term. These changes can be normal, however, currently the human activities are the main reason for climate changes.

To know more about water pollution, here



What is the correct statement about meiosis?


Meiosis typically results in genetic variation among the gametes produced

What is Meiosis?

Meiosis is a type of cell division that results in the formation of haploid gametes (sex cells) from the diploid cells of the parent organism. This type of cell division is used by organisms such as plants and animals to create eggs and sperm. During meiosis, one round of DNA replication is followed by two rounds of cell division. This process helps to reduce the chromosome number by half, leading to the production of four haploid gametes. Each gamete contains only one set of chromosomes, so when they combine with another gamete during fertilization, the resulting zygote has the full set of chromosomes from the parent organism. Meiosis is an essential part of sexual reproduction, as the combination of gametes ensures genetic diversity.

To learn more about Meiosis

Choose the correct statement about meiosis.
A) The result of meiosis is a zygote
B) Only somatic cells undergo meiosis
C) Meiosis restores the original haploid condition of a population
D) Meiosis typically results in genetic variation among the gametes produced
E) The products of meiosis are always four cells identical to the parent cell

What mutation did Lucy have?


Due to Lucy's high levels of deoxyadenosine in her blood, I was able to discover she had ADA-SCID. Her proteins were produced improperly and were shorter due to the stop codon mutation.

Since the gene mutation has no impact on the active site, there is no issue. Lucy's seizures were found to be caused by a mutation in the STXBP1 gene, which also causes the rare neurological disorder STXBP1 encephalopathy, following the completion of a genetic test known as an epilepsy panel.

I believe that the tRNA error is what is causing Lucy's ADA enzyme to malfunction. Lucy's 1500 base pair length is in line with the chart's usual range for gene length. However,  Lucy only has half of that at 283.

The complete question is:

Lucy was admitted to CHOP. Because Lucy did not have an infection or an injury to her brain that was causing her seizures. What mutation did Lucy have?

Learn more about mutation here:



How can you know for sure that individuals II 3 and II 4 are heterozygous?


Although individuals II 3 and II 4 are unharmed, they must since their children are afflicted. Both are heterozygous since they have the disorder's allele.

Each gene has two alleles, or variations, in each of us. When two identical copies of a gene are present, you are said to be homozygous for that gene.In contrast, a genotype with heterozygosity has different alleles. Everyone who possesses a recessive trait, such as red hair or blue eyes, is homozygous for that gene.

If the two versions of the gene are different from one another, you have a heterozygous genotype. For instance, having one gene for red hair and one allele for brown hair could indicate that you are heterozygous for hair colour. Which qualities are expressed depends on how the two alleles are related.

Complete question:

How can you know for sure that individuals II 3 and II 4 are heterozygous?

Learn more about recessive trait from:



A kidney demonstrating coarse asymmetric renal corticomedullary scarring, deformity of the renal pelvis and calyces, interstitial fibrosis, and atrophic tubules containing eosinophilic proteinaceous casts is most suggestive of:


The findings described are most suggestive of chronic kidney disease (CKD). This is a condition where the kidneys become unable to filter blood as efficiently as they normally would, leading to a buildup of waste products in the body.

CKD can be caused by a variety of different factors, including long-term exposure to toxins, certain medications, and certain medical conditions such as diabetes and hypertension. Chronic kidney illness can cause atrophic tubules filled with eosinophilic proteinaceous casts, asymmetric corticomedullary scarring, distortion of the renal pelvis and calyces, and interstitial fibrosis in the kidney.

These findings suggest that the kidney is not functioning properly, and that there has been long-term damage to the organ. The specific cause of the CKD can only be determined after further testing. Treatment options vary depending on the cause and the severity, but may include medications, lifestyle changes, and dialysis.

To learn more about chronic kidney disease visit:



What would be the most likely cause of this genetic variation?


The most likely causes of genetic variation are random mating, genetic mutation and genetic drift.

The changes which occur in the genetic sequence of the DNA of an individual are known as genetic variations. They play a very important role in the bringing about evolution and increasing the survival rate of organisms.

The most likely causes of genetic variation are random mating, genetic mutation and genetic drift. Genetic drift is a shift in the allelic frequency of a population which occurs due to a random chance. Random mating is the mating between two individuals which is not dictated by any social or genetic preference and genetic mutations are the change in the sequence of the DNA which might occur due to exposure to UV rays, chemicals or some errors in replication.

--The given question is incomplete, the complete question is

"What are the most likely causes of genetic variation?"--

To know more about genetic drift here



Please place answers under questions so I know which is which. Thank you! :)
What reactants are used in light-dependent reactions (photosynthesis)?

What reactants are used in light-independent reactions (photosynthesis)?

Word Bank:
Reactants: ADP, ATP, Carbon Dioxide, NADP+, NADPH, Sunlight, Water


Reactants used in light- dependent reactions : Carbon dioxide, sunlight and water.

Through tiny holes in their leaves known as stomata, plants absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Most monocot plants have stomata on both surfaces of their leaves, while dicot plants and a few monocots only have stomata on the bottom epidermis of their leaves.Plants obtain water from the soil around their roots, and water travels via the xylem, a component of the plant's vascular system, to reach the leaves. The vascular bundle in leaves houses the xylem and phloem.The carbon dioxide and water molecules enter the leaf and then migrate into the cells of the mesophyll, the ground tissue layer that lies between the top and lower epidermis. These cells perform photosynthesis using water and carbon dioxide in organelles known as chloroplasts.

Reactants used in light- independent reactions : ATP, carbon dioxide, NADPH.

The assembly of a glucose molecule is the final step in the light-independent processes, also known as the Calvin cycle. This stage of photosynthesis necessitates the CO2 that the plant absorbs from the atmosphere.In essence, the plant requires the carbon in the CO2 to make the components of glucose. RubP (ribulose biphosphate), a molecule with five carbons, and a molecule of carbon dioxide are combined by an enzyme called ruBisCo in the stroma. As a result, a six-carbon molecule is produced, which is then split into two three-carbon molecules (3-phosphoglycerate). The term "carbon fixation" refers to this phase of the light-independent processes.Then the light-dependent processes' energy carriers start to contribute. By adding a hydrogen atom to each 3-phosphoglycerate, ATP and NADPH produce two molecules of the simple sugar G3P. (glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate). In the end, one molecule of glucose is created from these two G3P molecules. Due to the addition of electrons, this phase of the light-independent processes is commonly referred to as reduction (or decreasing the sugar).

Which of the following would you expect to have the least effect on hematocrit percentage?
A) prolonged or excessive fever
B) living at higher altitude
C) dehydration
D) injection with erythropoietin (EPO)


The answer is A. prolonged or excessive fever.

becasue of their high productivity and quality of soil the biome types that have lost the greatest percentage of theri original area to humans are


Becasue of their high productivity and quality of soil the biome types that have lost the greatest percentage of theri original area to humans are grassland

The grassland biome is one of the most productive and diverse biomes on the planet, making it a prime target for human development and agricultural activities. Unfortunately, due to its high productivity and quality of soil, grassland biomes have lost the greatest percentage of their original area to humans.

Grasslands are found on every continent except Antarctica, and they typically have cool winters and warm summers. The soil in grasslands is very fertile and able to support a variety of plants, animals, and other organisms. This makes it an ideal location for agriculture, and many humans have taken advantage of this by clearing the land and converting it to farmland.

Not only have humans cleared grassland for farming, but they have also converted large areas to urban and suburban development. The combination of these two activities has caused a dramatic reduction in the amount of grassland that is available to animals and other organisms.

For more information on grassland biome  , visit :



What are 4 examples of natural selection?


Answer: rat snake is one the second one is peppered moth warrior ant and last but not least  is peacock

Explanation: Because there are some type of animals tat are for the nature selection some are insect insects like moths

__________ are lethal and non-lethal tools and systems available to the joint force that produce effects within the Area of Operation (AO)


Fires are lethal and non-lethal tools and systems available to the joint force that produce effects within the Area of Operation (AO).

The use of weapon systems to produce a specific lethal or nonlethal effect on a target is referred to as "firing" in Army doctrine. In order to produce precise lethal and non-lethal effects, army fires systems are entrusted with delivering fires in support of offensive and defensive operations. The flames warfighting function must complete three crucial tasks in order to do this. Deliver one fires 3 Conduct targeting and 2 Include all Army, Joint, and Multinational Fires. 3 In addition, fires help operational forces seize, hold onto, and use the initiative while boosting freedom of action and the ability of ground forces to move and maneuver.

Mobile defense, area defense, and retrograde are the three categories of defensive activities. Both the tactical and operational spheres of combat are affected by all. By allowing the opponent to approach into a position where he may be attacked from behind, mobile defenses aim to defeat invading forces.

To know more about military defense, refer to the following link:



Scientific studies have proved that properly placed dental sealants are _____ effective in protecting development of cavities in sealed tooth surfaces.


Scientific studies have proved that properly placed dental sealants are highly effective in protecting the development of cavities in sealed tooth surfaces.

A dental sealant is a thin plastic coating that is applied to the chewing surface of molars, premolars, and any deep grooves (called pits and fissures) of teeth. The sealant acts as a barrier, protecting the teeth from decay-causing bacteria.

The process of applying dental sealants is simple and painless. The tooth surface is first cleaned, and then the sealant is applied. The sealant hardens and bonds directly to the enamel of the tooth, creating a protective shield. This shield acts like a wall, preventing tooth decay-causing bacteria from entering the deep grooves of the teeth.

Studies have shown that dental sealants reduce the risk of cavities by 82 percent in sealed tooth surfaces. This is due to the fact that the sealant prevents bacteria from entering the deep grooves of the teeth and attacking the enamel. The sealant also helps prevent food particles from becoming trapped in the grooves, which further reduces the risk of tooth decay.

Learn more about enamel at : https://brainly.com/question/29805997


Which instrument contours a band around the tooth to allow for minimal exposed cement at the margins


The correct option is D ; Band-removing pliers , The Mathieu plier includes a rapid release locking and unlocking mechanism that is utilized for elastomeric ligature installation.

The bird beak, also known as the 139 plier, has pyramidal and conical beaks that are used to bend orthodontic wires.

Cements of Zinc Phosphate. Zinc phosphate cements are commonly used to cement orthodontic bands. Although certain encapsulated formulations are advertised, most of these cements are offered as hand-mixed powder-liquid systems.

Radiographs are an important diagnostic tool in identifying an orthodontic condition and a treatment plan. The panoramic (OPG) and cephalometric views are the two most frequent radiographs, albeit they are not exclusive.

Learn more about to Band



Full Question ;

Which instrument contours a bound around the tooth to allow for minimal exposed cement at the margins?

A)Band seater

B)Band pusher

C)Bird-beak pliers

D)Band-removing pliers

the movement of chloroplasts remind me of....


The chloroplasts are these. Maintain a close eye out for any movement in the chloroplasts. Cytoplasmic streaming is the term for movement within a cell.

In both low-light and high-light conditions, efficient photosynthesis depends on chloroplast mobility. The aforementioned claim is true since chloroplasts are an organelle that travel throughout cells through cytoplasm. Every type of cell is filled with a thick fluid called cytoplasm, in which organelles are both suspended and free to move. The cytoplasm is the home of all organelles, including the nucleus, endoplasmic reticulum, chloroplasts, and mitochondria. We may infer that chloroplast is an organelle that moves inside the cell with the help of cytoplasm since the section of the cytoplasm that does not contain organelles is known as cytosol.

Learn more about chloroplasts on


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