what are you thankful for? think of something that you are thankful for and create a 2 paragraph response. each paragraph must contain at least 6 sentences.


Answer 1


I'm thankful for my Grandmother. Because Of Her I Am Able To Live A Happy Life. Im Thankful For Everything She Does For Me And My Siblings. Im Thankful for the roof above our heads. I'm Thankful for all my friends and family. I'm thankful for the delicious meals on the dinner table.

The Reason I Am Thankful for this is because with out My Grandmother/family/friends I'd Probably Live A Sad Life. I'm Thankful For Everything i get and have. I'm Thankful For the Animals how sacrifice their lives for us to be able to eat. I'm thankful for the World Putting up with us Humans For so Long.  I'm thankful for the lord for giving us Life. I'm Thankful For the Sun and The Stars For Lighting Up Our Beautiful Sky.


I don't know why you need this but I Hope It Helps

Related Questions

What is the meaning of juxtaposition?



the fact of two things being seen or placed close together with contrasting effect.



putting things side by side


the minnesota vikings are going to win the game today said josh, a fifth grade fan

There are 8 improvements to be made.



minnesota: the M can need to be uppercased in this particular thing because its a noun (person, place, or thing)

the same goes for vikings

and fifth great is missing a hyphen so it should be written like this fifth-grade

and then there's punctuation


so your new statement will look like this

"The Minnesota Vikings are going to win the game today," said Josh, a fifth-grade fan.


"The Minnesota Vikings are going to win the game today," said Josh, an fifth grade fan.


What did Mrs. Hale think of the late John Wright?



Wright was a callous, harsh man who was abusive to his wife, and Mrs. Hale did not feel comfortable in their home or being around him. She viewed the Wright homestead as an unforgiving, secluded place in the hollow and purposely avoided it, a decision she now regrets.


please mark me as brainlists

he was a abusive man to his wife and he didn’t like being in his house and was not confortable being around him

In "To My Old Master," which quote from the text best states a claim Jourdon makes about the quality of his life as a free man?

A.)"I would have gone back to see you all when I was working in the Nashville Hospital, but one of the neighbors told me that Henry intended to shoot me if he ever got a chance."

B.)"As to my freedom, which you say I can have, there is nothing to be gained on that score, as I got my free papers in 1864 from the Provost-Marshal-General of the Department of Nashville."

C.)"I got your letter, and was glad to find that you had not forgotten Jourdon, and that you wanted me to come back and live with you again, promising to do better for me than anybody else can."

D.)"I am doing tolerably well here. I get $25 a month, with victuals and clothing; have a comfortable home for Mandy (the folks call her Mrs. Anderson), and the children"



master bebe


D.)"I am doing tolerably well here. I get $25 a month, with victuals and clothing; have a comfortable home for Mandy (the folks call her Mrs. Anderson), and the children"

Read the excerpt from "Elevator Systems of the Eiffel Tower, 1889" by Robert M. Vogel.

The first complete elevator machine in the United States, constructed in 1855, was a complex and inefficient contrivance built around an oscillating-cylinder steam engine. The advantages of an elevator system independent of the mill drive quickly became apparent, and by 1860 improved steam elevator machines were being produced in some quantity, but almost exclusively for freight service. It is not clear when the first elevator was installed explicitly for passenger service, but it was probably in 1857, when Otis placed one in a store on Broadway at Broome Street in New York.

In the decade following the Civil War, tall buildings had just begun to emerge; and, although the skylines of the world’s great cities were still dominated by church spires, there was increasing activity in the development of elevator apparatus adapted to the transportation of people as well as of merchandise. Operators of hotels and stores gradually became aware of the commercial advantages to be gained by elevating their patrons even one or two floors above the ground, by machinery. The steam engine formed the foundation of the early elevator industry, but as building heights increased it was gradually replaced by hydraulic, and ultimately by electrical, systems.

Which statement correctly describes the order of events in the development of elevators?

A. Because hotel and store operators became aware of the commercial advantages of elevating their patrons by machinery, Otis placed an elevator in a store on Broadway at Broome Street in New York.
B. After the first elevator was installed for passenger service, hotel and store operators became aware of the commercial advantages of elevating their patrons by machinery.
C. When hotel and store operators became aware of the commercial advantages of elevating their patrons by machinery, the steam engine formed the foundation of the early elevator industry.
D. As building heights increased, the steam elevator was replaced by hydraulic and electrical systems, and hotel and store operators became aware of the commercial advantages of elevating their patrons by machinery.



B) After the first elevator was installed for passenger service, hotel and store operators became aware of the commercial advantages of elevating their patrons by machinery.


It is unknown when the first elevator was erected specifically for passenger service, although it was most likely around 1857. Following that, operators of hotels and retail establishments gradually became aware of the business benefits associated with elevating their consumers.

why did charles ellet jr. hold a kite-flying contest at niagara falls in 1848?


He was a civil engineer who was testing the suspension of the bridge. To my knowledge it collapsed. I stand corrected ...

Paragraph of question....
1.What is tree plantation?
2. Which month are suitable for it?
3.How can we take care of it?
4.Why should we plants trees?
5.How can we make people aware of tree plantation


1. Tree-planting is the process of transplanting tree seedlings, generally for forestry, land reclamation, or landscaping purpose. It differs from the transplantation of larger trees in arboriculture, and from the lower cost but slower and less reliable distribution of tree seeds

2. During rainy season {June to September}


→Water plants regularly.

→Check the soil moisture.

→Pour water at room temperature.

→Give some sunlight or artificial light to plants.

→Use humidifier to maintain surroundings.

→Add fertilizers to the pot to provide nutrients to plant.

→Prune your plant regularly.

4. Trees form the most essential components of our environment. They take in sunlight, carbon dioxide and water to produce oxygen which helps to support all forms of life on earth. ... Timber and wood obtained from trees are used in many industries to make paper, furniture and other goods of daily use.


Aware your friends, family to plant more and more TREES. Save TREES planted in your neighborhood.

→2. Your Blog/ Website

If you own a website or blog then you can post regarding Climate Change, Global Warming and motivate your friend circle to plant TREEs.

→3. Work with NGO’s

You can also work with NGO’s working for social causes. Help them, contribute to them and participate into their events.

→4. Political

If you are in politics then you can aware your supporters regarding Global Warming and Climate Change. Its good stage to spread awareness to lot of people.

write a dialogue between two friends discussing about the mathematical problem​



Peter:Hello Jane l need you to help me with multiplication table 2

Jane:Hi but how can I help you

Peter:Look I just don't get it.an e.g 5×2

Jane:Dude let me explain you see you just add 5+2 just add 2

Peter: oh it's that easy

Which theme is best indicated by the details at left?

Finding your way to a goal is an easy process.
Becoming an adult is a confusing and lonely journey.
The looking-glass world is a frustrating place.
Becoming an adult is like going through a door and having a party.



that time is valuable?


that's a good one

Evaluate this Article as a source of credible information. Did you find bias in this article, or is it objective? Explain.
( Springboard English Grade 11 )



Evaluate research sources for authority, accuracy, credibility, timeliness, and purpose/audience. • Distinguish between primary and secondary sources


Hey can anyone pls tell me the Introductory Paragraph Hook for the story "the lottery"

The use of imagery is a popular technique in short fiction. A related or repeated set of images or symbols can often be used to represent major ideas in the literary work. Using a piece of short fiction, analyze the set of objects and symbols in the text which reveal the theme of the work. What is the connection between the images and/or objects? How does the author use them to stand in place of abstract ideas or concepts?



An intoductory hook is a sentence to draw the reader's attention. Usually, the hook is the first line of a story to immediately catch the reader's eye.

In this case, the intoductory hook is "The use of imagery is a popular technique in short fiction."

In his letter to the king of Spain, what did Columbus claim to have discovered?



Columbus claimed to have discovered and taken possession of a series of islands on the edge of the Indian Ocean in Asia, not being aware he was actually on a new continent.



4. Which of the following BEST describe the purpose of Fitzgerald’s inclusion of the last two sentences in the excerpt on the previous page (detailing the drawbridge and the fact that the train always must stop there)?
a. These details highlight the carelessness of society during the Roaring 20s.
b. These details demonstrate Nick’s attitude toward this new society, because he does not want to meet Tom’s mistress Myrtle.
c. These details serve as foreshadowing for Nick’s first mysterious meeting with his neighbor Gatsby at the party he attends later on.
d. These details emphasize the contrast between the glamour of Long Island/NYC and the poverty of the Valley of Ashes because the train stop is a reminder of the lower class.

5. At the beginning of Chapter 3, Fitzgerald spends 2 pages describing Gatsby’s party preparations:

“Every Friday five crates of oranges and lemons arrived from a fruiterer in New York—every Monday these same oranges and lemons left his back door in a pyramid of pulpless halves…At least once a fortnight a corps of caterers came down with several hundred feet of canvas and enough colored lights to make a Christmas tree of Gatsby’s enormous garden…”

Which of the following BEST describes Fitzgerald’s purpose in including all of this detail?

a. This description demonstrates just how reckless and lawless Gatsby is, because he spends all of his money to consume alcohol with strangers every weekend.
b. This description reveals Gatsby’s obsession with citrus fruits and caterers, which shows how he fixates on certain items to an extreme.
c. This description mirrors Gatsby’s meticulous preparations and highlights the extravagance that goes into each party, demonstrating that Gatsby is clearly putting on a show.
d. This description reveals shows how overwhelmed Nick is by his next door neighbor.

6. Fitzgerald uses imagery and deliberate word choice to create the reckless atmosphere of Gatsby’s party in Chapter 3. Which of the following pieces of textual evidence BEST contributes to this atmosphere?
a. I had taken two finger-bowls of champagne, and the scene had changed before my eyes into something significant, elemental, and profound.”
b. “...girls were putting their heads on men’s shoulders in a puppyish, convivial way, girls were swooning backward playfully into men’s arms, even into groups, knowing that someone would arrest their falls…”
c. “Instead of rambling, this party had assumed a dignified homogeneity, and assumed to itself the function of representing the staid nobility of the countryside--East Egg condescending to West Egg, and carefully on guard against its spectroscopic gayety.”
d. “The lights grow brighter as the earth lurches away from the sun, and now the orchestra is playing yellow cocktail music, and the opera of voices pitches a key higher.”



4.(D)  The train stopping at the drawbridge is almost like an unwanted interruption in the lives of the rich and famous who live in the lap of luxury and have enough money to travel in the fastest and most expensive transportation at the time.

The stop in the Valley of Ashes is described almost sarcastically as if the passengers in the train would have desired to take in the bleak and somber landscape of the dark and filthy valley laden with ash and industry.

5.(C)  Because it explains how the lemons and oranges that are delivered to his back door are all used up within a fortnight because he is always throwing parties and events. It also explains that tons of caterers come down with canvas to decorate his enormous garden. Almost giving the reader a first eye glimpe of just how all out and extravagant Gatsby really is.

6.(A)  Because " I had taken two finger-bowls of champagne, and the scene had changed before my eyes into something significant " meaning he only took a glimpse and before he knew it the whole atmosphere of the party had changed before him.

Explanation: D-C-A

write a summary for tornado’s



Tornadoes are nature's most violent storms. They are rotating, funnel-shaped clouds that extend from a thunderstorm to the ground. Their whirling winds can reach 300 miles per hour. Although there are no guarantees of safety during a tornado, you can take actions to protect yourself.


Do you believe that restorative justice is effective?




Really really easy……


Yes really easy and I know you don't need an answer right?


It's really easy

I think you don't need an answer right?

Help, this is very important for me and my grades.

The passage makes use of which of the following literary devices?

I. Repetition, characterized by repeating the same phrase multiple times for emphasis in order to produce a grander effect.

II. Irony, characterized by the use of words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of its literal meaning. In irony, the deeper, real layer of significance is revealed by the situation and the context in which they are placed and not by the words themselves.

III. Foreshadowing, characterized by the use of words or phrases that hint at something—typically something bad—that is going to happen later in the story. This is done without revealing the story or spoiling the suspense.


I only


I and II only


II and III only


I, II, and III

All who looked at Miss Gilder knew she wanted nothing more than to be the head of the household. After all, she had been at Chambord Manor since coming of age all those decades ago. For decades, she had worked up from scrubbing floors to cooking to answering the doors and then finally to overseeing Lady Kirsten’s wardrobe and calendar.

When Lady Kirsten told her that Miss Richards was retiring, and asked Miss Gilder if she would like to assume her duties, Miss Gilder cried. On that day, she said publicly, “This is the happiest of my life.” She was now the head of the household.

Miss Gilder in Charge

All who looked at Miss Gilder knew she had not been friendly with Miss Richards, but she had respected her professionally. In fact, Miss Gilder was nothing if not respectful to everyone she met.

Miss Gilder was especially respectful around the other servants. Even in a position of authority, she was hardly a tyrant. She would assign the servants their duties each day and would sternly talk to them if they did not perform them. But so long as they acted professionally and performed their tasks, Miss Gilder had no need to get harsh with them.

Nor did Miss Gilder get close to them. She did not care about their personal lives nor their pasts. As far as she was concerned, all were exactly like her, and she was only at Chambord Manor to work.

Miss Gilder at Night

All who looked at Miss Gilder knew she went home each night to a happy and respectful house. They knew that, though she was a spinster, she was not one of those typical unmarried old women, the type who were miserable and downtrodden. She would never, for instance, cry at night for her lost youth or opportunity. Nor would she ever feel crippling bouts of loneliness and despair when she thought each morning of rising and returning to her profession where she would have to put on a face of solemn respect and joy.

All who looked at Miss Gilder knew she was content. But that is only because they only saw her at Chambord Manor.



its b. not c!! b. it uses I and II only.


because i just answered this question on readtheory and that was the answer <3

We can actually see here that the passage makes use of the following literary devices: B. I and II only.

What is literary device?

Literary device is known to be used by authors and writers to convey certain meanings, themes and lessons in a stylish way. Some literary devices include:

MetaphorsSimilesIronyRepetitionPersonification, etc.

We see that in the passage, repetition is seen as the line "All who looked at Miss Gilder knew she...". We see the irony there as well.

Learn more about literary device on https://brainly.com/question/2183813


Can you please list words that fit this category: You change the spelling of some words to make them plural.



nouns ending in y






The Daffodils
Based on the details in Passage 1, which
inference can be made about the speaker
of the poem?




William Wordsworth,.....

what was the first village established by the pilgrims



james town


jamestown was the first permanent settlement in the new world

Help PLease!
Which piece of advice would most help a poet give a public reading?
A. Write observations in a notebook
B. Pause at natural stopping places
C. Revise after writing a first draft
D. look up word etymologies


it could be A or B i’m not sure it’s kinda a weird question lol

Answer: A write observations in a notebook


What motif is addressed in both forms of poetry? seasons nature greed love.



B. nature


correct on EDGE2022

The motif that is addressed in both forms of poetry is B. Nature.

What is motif?

It should be noted that motif simply means a descriptive repeating feature that's used to develop a narrative.

In this case, the motif that is addressed in both forms of poetry is Nature.

In conclusion, the correct option is B.

Learn more about motif on:



Hi, can someone help me with this. I need to submit this tonight. Help please...

Question : Hi Suriana, How are you? I hope you and your family are in the pink of health. I have great news. My friends and I will be climbing Mount Kinabalu next week. I'm really nervous about climbing it. You enjoy climbing mountains too, don't you, Suriana? Could you please give me some advice about it? Hope to hear from you soon.
Mei Li.

In about 80 words write an email to Mei Li giving some advice.​



Hi Mei! Nice hearing from you. One piece of advice I have is to definitely go for a jog or do some cardio before you climb. This is how you may prepare your body for the uphill trek by conditioning it and increasing your stamina. This is especially crucial if you don't regularly exercise since you don't want to shock your body with the exertion it will be subjected to. In the weeks preceding up to your climb, jog a few times. Also, read about the mountain you’re going to climb. This is vital since it is important to understand the trail's unique features, such as river or canal crossing and wading, water source availability, admission fees, and so on. Have an amazing trip!

Which rhetorical device does
Paine use in the underlined
portion from Section 4 of The
"this brave exploit was
performed by a few broken
forces collected and headed
by a woman, Joan of Arc"
A, allusion
B. simile
C. rhetorical question
D. repetition





i just took the test allusion

Why is risa annoyed with conners behavior? storked.





write a 150-200 word flash fiction about a villain.


The antagonist in your tale is the one whose main driving force is wilful devastation. They are typically the primary adversary in the narrative, posing the toughest challenge to the hero.

What is meant by flash fiction?

Fables and parables, such as those found in Aesop's Fables in the west and Panchatantra and Jataka tales in India, have roots in prehistory that can be traced back to the beginning of writing. Nasreddin's stories and Zen koans like The Gateless Gate are some later examples.

Early examples of flash fiction in the United States date back to the 19th century, including works by Walt Whitman, Ambrose Bierce, and Kate Chopin.

The term "short short story" was used to describe flash fiction in the 1920s and was linked to Cosmopolitan magazine. In the 1930s, anthologies like The American Short Short Story began to compile flash fiction.

Learn more about flash fiction, from :



Why are teachers not to be blamed for students failure



because they think they can blame the students for there mistakes



for some reason teachers think they're entitled to everything. i've always thought that if a student fails it's partially the teachers fault. most teachers see that their students are failing but do nothing to help.


Which of these examples best depicts the rhetorical device of hyperbole? Broccoli can be enjoyable. Some people like broccoli. Broccoli is green. All people find broccoli irresistible.



the answers is...


all people find broccoli irresistible.

this is because it uses the adjective irresistible which makes the sentence have a strong persuasive feeling. this also makes the reader want to know why is it irresistible. making it a rhetorical device.

also it is a example of hyperbole because it's obvious that not "all people" would find broccoli irresistible.

whereas the rest aren't that persuasive and won't have a effect of the reader.

1. I enjoy _______ to music while I’m studying.
a. to listen b. listen c. listening d.to listening



the answer is C.... I enjoy listening to music while I'm studying


Answer is C. Listening

Select the correct answer.
Is the following sentence a simple, compound, complex, or compound-complex sentence?
I watched the movie last night, but I didn't like it.
OA simple
OC. complex



The answer is B. compound


A compound sentence consists of at least two major independent clauses that are related to one another. They can be joined together with a semicolon, or with a comma and a coordinating conjunction, such as 'and', 'or', or 'but', to form a compound sentence.

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