what does it mean that "reliability is necessary but not sufficient for validity"?


Answer 1

The statement "reliability is necessary but not sufficient for validity" means that while a reliable measurement is important, it does not guarantee the validity of the measurement.

Reliability refers to the consistency and stability of a measurement over time, meaning that if you take the same measurement multiple times, you should get similar results. Validity, on the other hand, refers to how accurately a measurement assesses the intended attribute or concept. To have a valid measurement, it must be both reliable (consistent) and accurate (measuring the intended attribute). Therefore, reliability is a necessary component for validity, but reliability alone is not enough to ensure a measurement is valid.

Learn more about reliable measurement: https://brainly.com/question/21325893


Related Questions

mark was with one of his friends when that friend was struck and killed by a car. in recent days, he has found himself having painful and vivid flashbacks to the event, increasing irritability, guilt, sleeplessness, and an emotional numbing. to handle these feelings, he has realized that he has been drinking more heavily than usual, which worries him and has brought him to see the psychologist?group of answer choices based on this evidencea. the psychologist would likely conclude that mark has a substance abuse disorder b. mark most clearly seems to be suffering from depression c. mark shows the signs of having a post-traumatic stress disorder (ptsd) d. mark suffers from obsessive-compulsive disorder


Based on the evidence provided, it is most likely that Mark is suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

PTSD is a mental health disorder that occurs after a person experiences or witnesses a traumatic event, such as a death, serious injury, or threat to their own life.

Symptoms of PTSD include flashbacks, irritability, guilt, sleep disturbances, emotional numbing, and avoidance of triggers associated with the traumatic event. Mark's symptoms align with the hallmark signs of PTSD, particularly the vivid and painful flashbacks to his friend's death, the increased irritability and guilt, and the emotional numbing.

It is also concerning that Mark has been drinking more heavily than usual to handle these feelings. Substance abuse can be a common way for individuals with PTSD to cope with their symptoms, but it can also exacerbate their mental health condition.

It is positive that Mark has sought help from a psychologist and it is recommended that he continue to work with them to manage his PTSD symptoms and address his alcohol use. With appropriate treatment, individuals with PTSD can learn coping skills to manage their symptoms and improve their quality of life.

For more such questions on post-traumatic stress disorder  visit;



joe steals some tires. how would differential association theory likely explain this?


Differential association theory proposes that criminal behavior is learned through interactions with others and the values, attitudes, and behaviors that are present in those interactions.

In Joe's case, it is likely that he was exposed to individuals who had a proclivity for stealing or had a positive attitude towards criminal behavior. Through these interactions, Joe may have been influenced to engage in criminal activity, such as stealing tires.

Additionally, differential association theory also suggests that the frequency, intensity, and duration of the interactions with those who engage in criminal behavior will impact the likelihood of an individual adopting those behaviors.

Therefore, if Joe had consistent exposure to individuals who engaged in stealing, he may have been more likely to view it as an acceptable behavior and engage in it himself.

Overall, differential association theory helps to explain Joe's behavior by highlighting the influence of his social environment and interactions on his decision to steal tires.

To know more about Differential association refer here:



Which is the only entity that can legitimately authorize the use of violence within a country?a. the citizensb. the statec. the armyd. the court


The state is the only entity that can legitimately authorize the use of violence within a country. The correct option is B.

The state, as the governing body of a country, holds the authority to establish and enforce laws, maintain order, and protect its citizens. This includes the legitimate authorization of the use of violence when necessary, such as through law enforcement agencies or the military. The state has the responsibility to maintain a monopoly on the use of force within its jurisdiction, ensuring that violence is carried out within the framework of the law and for the collective welfare of its citizens.

While citizens, the army, and the court may have specific roles and responsibilities within the governance and administration of a country, it is ultimately the state that holds the legitimate authority to authorize the use of violence.

The correct option is B.

To know more about violence, click here.



Which is a typical first response to a source of frustration?


A typical first response to a source of frustration is often an emotional reaction, such as anger or irritation.

When faced with a source of frustration, it is common for individuals to experience an initial emotional response. This emotional response may manifest as feelings of anger, irritation, or impatience. It may also be accompanied by physical reactions, such as increased heart rate or tense muscles.

This initial emotional response can be helpful in signaling to the individual that something is wrong and needs to be addressed. However, if the emotional response is not managed effectively, it can escalate the situation and make it more difficult to resolve the source of frustration.

Therefore, it is important to recognize and acknowledge the initial emotional response, but then take steps to manage it and move towards a more productive and effective response. This may involve taking a break to calm down, practicing relaxation techniques, or seeking support from others. By managing the initial emotional response, individuals can better address the source of frustration and work towards a resolution.

Learn more about emotional reaction: https://brainly.com/question/30437745


Which of the following strategies will NOT be helpful in reducing the overconfidence bias? a. Give prompt feedback to the person about his or her decisions. b. Have the person consider disconfirming information. c. Have the person think about why he or she could be wrong. d. Give the person feedback about others' performance.


Out of the given options, strategy d, which is giving the person feedback about others' performance, will NOT be helpful in reducing the overconfidence bias. This is because overconfidence bias is a cognitive bias where individuals tend to overestimate their own abilities and judgments while underestimating the abilities of others.

On the other hand, strategies a, b, and c can be helpful in reducing the overconfidence bias. Prompt feedback can help individuals recognize errors in their decision-making and adjust their future judgments accordingly. Considering disconfirming information can also help individuals acknowledge alternative perspectives and possibilities, leading to more accurate judgments.

Overall, it is important to be aware of the overconfidence bias and to actively work towards reducing it through effective strategies such as prompt feedback, consideration of disconfirming information, and critical self-reflection.
The strategy that will NOT be helpful in reducing the overconfidence bias is: d.

To know more about overconfidence visit:-



ishana was bitten by a poisonous spider when she was a child, and she spent several weeks in the hospital due to the bite. since then, she has studied spiders and learned the differences between poisonous and non-poisonous spiders. she has a fear of poisonous spiders but not non-poisonous spiders. what is this an example of?


Ishana's experience with being bitten by a poisonous spider and subsequently studying and learning about the differences between poisonous and non-poisonous spiders is an example of classical conditioning. Classical conditioning is a type of learning where a neutral stimulus becomes associated with a reflexive response through repeated pairings.

In this case, the spider bite was the unconditioned stimulus (UCS) that caused an unconditioned response (UCR) of fear. Over time, Ishana began to associate the presence of a spider with the fear response, even if it was not a poisonous spider. Thus, the spider became a conditioned stimulus (CS) that elicited a conditioned response (CR) of fear.
Classical conditioning is a powerful tool for shaping behavior and can be seen in many everyday situations. For example, a person who has been in a car accident may develop a fear of driving, even if the accident was not their fault. This fear is a conditioned response to the car, which has become a conditioned stimulus. Similarly, a person who has had a bad experience with a particular food may develop an aversion to it, even if the food itself is not harmful. This aversion is also a conditioned response.
In Ishana's case, her fear of poisonous spiders is a reasonable and adaptive response to her past experience. However, her ability to differentiate between poisonous and non-poisonous spiders shows that she has overcome some of the limitations of classical conditioning and can use her knowledge to modify her behavior. This type of learning is called operant conditioning, where the consequences of behavior shape future behavior. Ishana's ability to modify her fear response based on her knowledge of spiders is an example of operant conditioning.

Learn more about poison of spider here:



moral theories concerned with the goodness of persons or things are known as:


The moral theories concerned with the goodness of persons or things are known as axiology.

What is it?

Axiology is a branch of philosophy that studies value, worth, and excellence, especially in relation to ethics and aesthetics. It is concerned with the questions of what makes things valuable or good, and what standards should be used to evaluate moral choices and actions. Axiology encompasses different approaches to morality, such as consequentialism, deontology, virtue ethics, and relativism, among others.

These theories attempt to determine what is good, desirable, or worthy of pursuit, and provide guidance on how to live a fulfilling and ethical life.

Ultimately, axiology seeks to understand the nature of value and how it influences our beliefs, actions, and relationships with others.

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it is intrusive for teachers to try to find out things about the families with whom they work. true or false


It is false that it is intrusive for teachers to try to find out things about the families with whom they work. However, the detailed answer is that it depends on the specific context and purpose of the information gathering.

In general, it can be beneficial for teachers to understand the backgrounds, cultures, and values of the families they work with in order to better support their students' academic and social-emotional development. This may involve asking questions about family dynamics, language use, and other relevant information that can inform instructional practices and communication strategies.

However, it is important for teachers to approach these conversations with sensitivity, respect, and a clear understanding of boundaries. They should seek consent from families before asking personal questions, and ensure that any information shared is used in a way that respects privacy and confidentiality. Additionally, teachers should avoid making assumptions or stereotypes based on information gathered, and be open to learning from families about their unique experiences and perspectives.

Learn more about social-emotional development: https://brainly.com/question/28712417


which of the following best describes an example of descriptive research about youth gang members?


An example of descriptive research about youth gang members would be conducting a survey or observation study to gather information about their demographics, gang affiliations, recruitment processes, social dynamics, and involvement in criminal activities.

Descriptive research -

Descriptive research aims to describe and summarize the characteristics, behaviors and experiences of a particular group or phenomenon. In this case, the focus is on juvenile gang members, and the purpose of the study is to provide detailed descriptions of their profiles, interactions, and activities without manipulating or interfering with their environment. The aim is to better understand the phenomenon of youth gang involvement and its various aspects.  

To know more about youth gang members -



when individuals from low-context cultures partner with those from high-context cultures for a new business, the former should ideally .


When individuals from low-context cultures partner with those from high-context cultures for a new business, the former should ideally make an effort to understand and respect the cultural differences of their partners.

In high-context cultures, communication is often implicit and relies heavily on shared understandings and context, whereas in low-context cultures, communication is explicit and relies more on verbal and written communication. This can lead to misunderstandings and miscommunications if both parties are not aware of the differences. To bridge the gap, individuals from low-context cultures should strive to learn about the customs, beliefs, and values of their high-context counterparts. This can involve taking the time to understand their communication style, learning about their social norms, and familiarizing themselves with their business practices.

By doing so, individuals from low-context cultures can develop a deeper appreciation for their partners' perspectives and build stronger relationships with them. It is also important for individuals from low-context cultures to be open to feedback and willing to adapt their own communication style to better suit their partners' needs. This may involve being more mindful of nonverbal cues and indirect language, as well as being more patient and understanding when communicating with their high-context partners. Ultimately, successful partnerships between individuals from low-context and high-context cultures require a willingness to learn, adapt, and collaborate in order to achieve shared business goals.

Learn more about cultures here:



Altruism is, for grant, good if one party benefits from the actiona. Trueb. False


The statement is false. Altruism refers to selfless concern for the welfare of others, even if it does not directly benefit oneself.

What is the core principle?

The core principle of altruism is to act in a way that benefits others without expecting anything in return. Therefore, altruistic actions are considered good regardless of whether one party or multiple parties benefit from them.

In fact, altruistic actions that benefit multiple parties are often considered even more admirable as they demonstrate a willingness to help others beyond one's immediate circle of influence.

Ultimately, the value of altruism lies in its ability to promote social harmony, compassion, and empathy, all of which are critical to building a just and equitable society.

Hence, its false.

To know more on Altruism visit:



solve the problem. a researcher wants to perform a hypothesis test to determine whether the mean length of marriages in california differs from the mean length of marriages in texas. identify the variable for the proposed hypothesis test.


To perform a hypothesis test comparing the mean length of marriages in California and Texas, the variable of interest is the duration or length of marriages.

This variable represents the amount of time that marriages in both states last.

In hypothesis testing, the researcher typically collects data on this variable from a sample of marriages in each state. The data would consist of the lengths of marriages from both California and Texas.

The researcher would then use statistical techniques to analyze the data and assess whether there is evidence to support a difference in the mean length of marriages between the two states. This analysis involves formulating null and alternative hypotheses, selecting an appropriate statistical test (e.g., t-test or z-test), determining the significance level, and interpreting the results to draw conclusions about the population means.

It's important to note that additional variables or factors might be considered in the analysis, such as demographic characteristics, cultural differences, or socioeconomic factors. However, in the context of the specific hypothesis test mentioned, the variable of interest is the length of marriages.

Learn more about interest here:



.If a child has a weight for age percentile at 10%, what does this value tell you?
A) Ten percent of the population (same age and gender) are above this percentile.
B) Ninety percent of the population (same age and gender) are above this percentile and 10 percent are below.
C) Ninety percent of the population (same age and gender) are below this percentile and 10 percent are above.
D) Ten percent of the population (same age and gender) are equal to this percentile.


If a child has a weight for age percentile Below the 30th percentile, 30% of the measurements are discovered. In 70% of the measurements, the 38% percentile is exceeded. The correct answer is A) Ten percent of the population (same age and gender) are above this percentile.

Percentile is a score that compares a specific score to the scores of the remainder of the group. Percentile is calculated as the product of the percentage of test takers who scored lower than you. For instance, a score of 99 percentile indicates that 99 percent of persons are below the person.

As a result, 70% of the measures are above the 30th percentile, and 30% of the readings are found below. If the heights are evenly distributed, what percentage of them are taller than 168 cm? Z> 0,4) =P (X> 168) =P(Z>168 164 10), which results in P (X> 168) = 0.3446, or 34.46%. Adult male heights in the United States are generally evenly distributed, with a mean height of 70 inches and a standard deviation of 3 inches. Adult women typically have a height of 64.5 inches on average, with a standard deviation of 2.5 inches.

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Harry Triandis has suggested that both individualist and collectivist societies can be further categorized as being either vertical or horizontal.
Match each of the following to the correct description.
views the self as different from others, has strong enforcement by authority, and supports a market economy
Correct label:vertical-individualist
has weaker authority but a strong ethic that enforces equality and sharing
Correct label:horizontal-collectivist
views the self as different from others, and has strong enforcement from authority and values communal sharing
Correct label:collectivistic-vertical society
values individual freedom but assumes people have important differences
Correct label:horizontal-individualist


According to Harry Triandis, societies can be categorized as either individualist or collectivist, and further classified as either vertical (with strong authority) or horizontal (with weaker authority and emphasis on equality and sharing).

Based on the descriptions provided, the correct labels for each description are as follows:

Views the self as different from others, has strong enforcement by authority, and supports a market economy:

Correct label: Vertical-individualist society

Has weaker authority but a strong ethic that enforces equality and sharing:

Correct label: Horizontal-collectivist society

Views the self as different from others and has strong enforcement from authority, and values communal sharing:

Correct label: Collectivistic-vertical society

Values individual freedom but assumes people have important differences:

Correct label: Horizontal-individualist society

Vertical individualism refers to societies where individuals consider themselves distinct from others and there is a strong enforcement of hierarchical authority. Horizontal collectivism, on the other hand, represents societies with weaker authority but a strong emphasis on equality and sharing.

Learn more about horizontal here:



in africa, rulers and political elites used slaves as 1 of what?


In Africa, rulers and political elites used slaves as one of the means to consolidate their power and maintain social and economic systems. Here is a step-by-step explanation: Slaves served as laborers: Slaves were employed to perform various tasks, such as farming, mining, or domestic work, which helped the elites maintain their wealth and status.

Slaves as soldiers: Many African rulers used slaves as soldiers to protect their territory and expand their influence. Slaves were sometimes given military training and were used in wars and conquests. Slaves in administration: Some slaves were used in administrative roles, such as clerks, tax collectors, or personal attendants to the ruler. This allowed the elites to maintain control over the government and manage their resources efficiently. Slaves as a symbol of wealth and power: Owning slaves was a sign of wealth and social standing among African elites. The more slaves a person owned, the higher their social status, and the more powerful they were perceived to be.

In conclusion, in Africa, rulers and political elites used slaves as one of the means to consolidate their power and maintain social and economic systems. They served various roles, including laborers, soldiers, administrative staff, and symbols of wealth and power.

To know more about Political visit:-



what is the cause of the hyperpigmentation seen in people with cushing syndrome?


The hyperpigmentation seen in people with Cushing's syndrome is primarily caused by elevated levels of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH).

In Cushing's syndrome, there is an excess production of cortisol, which is often due to prolonged exposure to high levels of cortisol or the use of corticosteroid medications. Elevated cortisol levels can stimulate the production and release of ACTH from the pituitary gland.

ACTH, in turn, stimulates the production of melanin, the pigment responsible for skin coloration, by activating melanocytes in the skin. The increased ACTH levels in Cushing's syndrome lead to excessive melanin production, resulting in hyperpigmentation. The hyperpigmentation is usually more prominent in areas exposed to the sun, such as the face, neck, and hands.

It's important to note that the exact mechanism underlying the hyperpigmentation in Cushing's syndrome is not fully understood, and other factors may contribute to its development. However, the elevated levels of ACTH and subsequent stimulation of melanin production are considered significant factors in the development of hyperpigmentation in individuals with Cushing's syndrome.

To learn more about hyperpigmentation, click here:



which of the following tools can be located among administrative tools? (choose all that apply.)


The tools that can be located among administrative tools include Task Manager, Control Panel, Disk Management, Event Viewer, Computer Management, and Registry Editor.

There are various tools that can be categorized as administrative tools. Some of these tools include:
1. Task Manager - It is a tool that helps monitor the performance of a computer and manage processes, services, and applications.
2. Control Panel - It is a centralized tool that helps manage various system settings and configurations, including network, security, and user accounts.
3. Disk Management - It is a tool that helps manage disk partitions, volumes, and file systems.
4. Event Viewer - It is a tool that helps track and analyze system events, such as errors, warnings, and information.
5. Computer Management - It is a tool that provides access to various system tools and utilities, including device manager, disk management, and system services.
6. Registry Editor - It is a tool that allows users to view, edit, and manage the system registry, which stores configuration settings and options for Windows and applications.
In summary, the tools that can be located among administrative tools include Task Manager, Control Panel, Disk Management, Event Viewer, Computer Management, and Registry Editor.

learn more about administrative



in a repeated-measures experiment, each individual participates in one treatment condition and then moves on to a second treatment condition. one of the major concerns in this type of study is that the effects of the first treatment may influence the participant's score in the second treatment. this problem is called .


The problem described is known as the carryover effect. In a repeated-measures experiment, where participants experience multiple treatment conditions, the carryover effect refers to the influence of one treatment on subsequent treatments.

This effect can occur when the effects of the initial treatment condition persist or carry over to the following condition, thus confounding the interpretation of results.

Carryover effects can be a significant concern because they introduce a potential bias in the data, making it challenging to isolate the independent effects of each treatment condition. Researchers employ various strategies to minimize or control for carryover effects, such as counterbalancing the order of treatments, implementing washout periods between treatments to allow for the dissipation of any lingering effects, or using randomization techniques.

By addressing carryover effects appropriately, researchers can enhance the internal validity of the study and gain more accurate insights into the effects of the individual treatment conditions being investigated.

Learn more about enhance here:



during which part of the life span is expertise most likely to appear?


Expertise is most visible in the early adulthood portion of the lifespan. Here option C is the correct answer.

Expertise emerges during adulthood through focused learning, professional development, and accumulated experience. Individuals refine their skills, deepen their understanding, and become masters in their chosen fields.

Expertise is most likely to appear during adulthood and into the later stages of the life span. While skills and knowledge can be acquired and developed at any age, expertise often requires a significant amount of time and practice to develop.

During early adulthood, individuals begin to specialize in specific fields or areas of interest, such as medicine, law, engineering, or arts. They pursue formal education, gain practical experience, and engage in deliberate practice to hone their skills and knowledge. This period of focused learning and professional development lays the foundation for expertise.

As individuals progress through their careers and accumulate experience, they refine their skills and deepen their understanding of their chosen domain. This ongoing engagement with a specific field allows them to develop a level of mastery that distinguishes them as experts. They possess a deep understanding of the subject matter, possess advanced problem-solving abilities, and can make nuanced judgments based on their expertise.

To learn more about expertise



Complete question:

In which part of the lifespan is expertise most likely to appear?

a) Childhood

b) Adolescence

c) Early adulthood

d) Late adulthood

35.buckling consideration of buckling is important in structural design because:


The Consideration of buckling is important in structural design because Buckling can affect the serviceability of a structure by causing excessive deflection or deformation.Buckling analysis allows engineers to optimize the use of materials in structural design.

Stability and safety: Buckling is a critical failure mode in structural systems, especially slender members subjected to compressive loads. When a member buckles, it loses its load-carrying capacity and can potentially collapse. By considering buckling in structural design, engineers ensure the stability and safety of the structure under compressive forces. Proper analysis and design techniques help prevent buckling failures, ensuring that the structure can withstand anticipated loads without compromising its integrity.

Optimal material utilization: Buckling analysis allows engineers to optimize the use of materials in structural design. By considering the potential for buckling, they can design structural members with adequate stiffness and dimensions to resist compressive loads while minimizing material usage and associated costs. This leads to efficient and cost-effective designs, as excessive material usage can be avoided without compromising structural performance.

Maintaining serviceability: Buckling can affect the serviceability of a structure by causing excessive deflection or deformation. When a member buckles, it may experience large displacements and deformations that can impair the functionality of the structure.

To learn more about buckling



Write down the examples that best reflects an attitude as a learning outcome?


An attitude as a learning outcome refers to a student's behavior or disposition towards a subject or skill they are learning. Here are some examples that reflect an attitude as a learning outcome Positive attitude towards failure: A student who views failure as an opportunity to learn and grow rather than a defeat. Growth mindset: A student who believes that their abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work.

Active listening: A student who listens attentively and respectfully to their peers and teachers, valuing different perspectives and opinions. Curiosity: A student who is eager to learn, asks questions, and seeks out new information. Attitudes as learning outcomes are crucial for students to develop as they are essential for their personal and academic growth. An attitude is a mindset or behavior that influences a person's actions and decisions. Therefore, in a learning environment, students who possess positive attitudes towards their learning experience tend to be more motivated, engaged, and successful.

One example of an attitude as a learning outcome is a positive attitude towards failure. When students view failure as an opportunity to learn and grow, they become more resilient and less fearful of making mistakes. This attitude helps them to develop a growth mindset, which is another example of an attitude as a learning outcome. Students who believe that their abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work are more likely to take on challenges and persist in the face of difficulties. Active listening is another example of an attitude as a learning outcome. When students listen attentively and respectfully to their peers and teachers, they learn to value different perspectives and opinions. This attitude fosters a collaborative and inclusive learning environment where students feel heard and respected. Curiosity is another attitude that is essential for learning. Students who are eager to learn, ask questions, and seek out new information are more likely to engage with their learning materials actively. This attitude helps them to develop critical thinking skills, and they become better problem solvers. Perseverance is another attitude that is crucial for academic success. When students show determination and persistence in the face of challenges or obstacles, they are more likely to achieve their goals. This attitude helps them to develop a strong work ethic and a sense of personal responsibility. Self-reflection is another example of an attitude as a learning outcome. When students reflect on their own learning process, identify their strengths and weaknesses, and take action to improve, they become more self-aware and better learners. Finally, respect for diversity is another attitude that is essential for a positive learning environment. When students appreciate and respect different cultures, backgrounds, and perspectives, they create a safe and inclusive classroom environment where everyone feels valued and respected.

To know more about learning visit:



Which association is NOT part of the textbook definition of interpersonal relationships?
A. one between two or more people who are interdependent
B. one between two or more people who have interacted for some period of time
C. one between two or more people who use some consistent patterns of interaction
D. one between two or more people who exhibit affection toward each other


The association that is NOT part of the textbook definition of interpersonal relationships is  D: "one between two or more people who exhibit affection toward each other."

Interpersonal relationships, as defined in textbooks, typically include the following aspects:

Interpersonal relationships involve two or more individuals who are interdependent, meaning that their thoughts, emotions, actions, or outcomes are connected and influence each other.

B. Interaction over time: Interpersonal relationships develop and exist over a certain period of time through repeated interactions and communication between the individuals involved.

C. Consistent patterns of interaction: Interpersonal relationships often involve consistent patterns of interaction, such as shared expectations, norms, roles, and communication styles that define the nature and dynamics of the relationship.

However, the presence of affection is not explicitly mentioned in the textbook definition of interpersonal relationships. While affection can certainly be a common characteristic in many interpersonal relationships, it is not a necessary or defining element in the broader understanding of what constitutes an interpersonal relationship.

Learn more about nature here:



according to erikson, a successful resolution of a crisis would occur is the positive trait dominates the negative trait.


According to Erikson's theory of psychosocial development, each stage is characterized by a unique crisis that must be resolved for healthy development to occur.

What is the solution?

A successful resolution of a crisis would occur if the positive trait dominates the negative trait. For example, in the stage of identity versus role confusion, a successful resolution would occur if an individual develops a clear sense of identity rather than feeling lost and confused about their role in society.

This positive trait would dominate over the negative trait of confusion and uncertainty.

Ultimately, Erikson believed that successful resolution of each stage's crisis would lead to a healthy and well-rounded individual with a strong sense of self.

To know more on Psychological development visit:



most economists assume that the goal of elected officials is to promote the public interest.


Most economists assume that the goal of elected officials is to promote the public interest. This assumption is based on the idea that democratic governments are founded on the principle of serving the common good, and that elected officials are accountable to the people who elected them.

However, there is some debate about whether elected officials always act in the public interest or whether other factors influence their decision-making.On one hand, elected officials have a duty to represent their constituents and to act in the best interests of the broader community. They are responsible for making policies that promote economic growth, protect public safety, and ensure social justice. This means that they must balance the needs and desires of different groups within society, and consider the long-term impact of their decisions on the public as a whole.
However, there are also factors that can influence elected officials to prioritize their own interests or those of their political allies over the public interest. For example, some politicians may be motivated by personal gain or the desire to secure reelection, rather than the common good. Others may be influenced by special interest groups or lobbyists who have their own agenda.

Furthermore, the political system itself can sometimes hinder elected officials from acting in the public interest. For example, partisan politics can lead to gridlock and compromise that prevents progress on important issues. The influence of money in politics can also create a system in which politicians are beholden to wealthy donors rather than the general public.

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lowenfeld's 1947 creative and mental growth was published and became the single most influential textbook in art education. many elementary school teacher preparation programs used this book since it described characteristics of child art. lowenfeld believed evidence of aesthetic, social, physical, intellectual, and emotional growth is reflected in the art of children


Lowenfeld's 1947 book "Creative and Mental Growth" was a highly influential textbook in the field of art education. It gained significant popularity and became widely used in elementary school teacher preparation programs.

The book focused on the characteristics of child art and how it reflected various aspects of a child's development.

Lowenfeld proposed that children's art provides evidence of their aesthetic, social, physical, intellectual, and emotional growth. Through their artistic expressions, children can communicate and convey their thoughts, emotions, and perceptions of the world around them. Lowenfeld emphasized the importance of nurturing and supporting children's artistic development as a means to foster their overall growth and self-expression.

The book's comprehensive exploration of child art and its connection to various developmental domains made it a valuable resource for educators, researchers, and professionals in the field of art education. Its enduring influence contributed to shaping the understanding and practice of art education, particularly in the context of elementary school settings.

To learn more about child's development, click here:



rewards – costs = outcome"" is a formula for relationships identified by which theory?


The formula "rewards – costs = outcome" is a central concept in social exchange theory. This theory suggests that individuals make rational decisions based on weighing the costs and benefits of any given relationship.

The rewards of a relationship can include things like emotional support, companionship, and shared experiences, while costs can include time, energy, and resources invested in the relationship. When the rewards of a relationship outweigh the costs, individuals are likely to perceive the relationship as positive and worthwhile. Conversely, when the costs outweigh the rewards, individuals are likely to feel dissatisfied and may even consider ending the relationship. Social exchange theory has been applied to various types of relationships, including romantic partnerships, friendships, and professional networks, and it has been used to understand a range of behaviors, including communication patterns, decision-making, and commitment. Ultimately, social exchange theory offers a framework for understanding how individuals navigate social relationships by weighing the benefits and drawbacks of various options.

Learn more about companionship here:



this graph shows the number of fossils found at a hypothetical site from each time period over the past 500 million of these statements is best supported by the data?


The statement best supported by the data is that the number of fossils found at the hypothetical site varied over different time periods in the past 500 million years.

The graph displaying the number of fossils found at a hypothetical site over the past 500 million years provides insight into the temporal distribution of fossils. From the graph, it can be observed that the number of fossils varies across different time periods. Some time periods show higher peaks, indicating a greater abundance of fossils, while other periods exhibit lower values, suggesting a relatively lower presence of fossils.

This variation in the number of fossils supports the understanding that fossilization processes and preservation rates are not uniform throughout geological history. Factors such as environmental conditions, climate fluctuations, and ecological changes can influence the likelihood of fossil formation and subsequent discovery. Consequently, the data presented in the graph suggests that the abundance of fossils at the hypothetical site is temporally dynamic, reflecting the complex interplay of geological and biological processes over the course of 500 million years.

The graph indicates that the number of fossils found at the hypothetical site has fluctuated over different time periods in the past 500 million years. This observation aligns with the understanding that fossilization processes are influenced by various factors, resulting in temporal variations in fossil abundance.

Learn more about Fossils :  brainly.com/question/31419516


Pick the most fundamental change in U.S. ideas about family life over the past 40 years.
A) People longer feel they need to be married to have a baby.
B) People no longer feel getting married is an important goal.
C) People feel being married is more important than before.
D) People no longer feel having children is important.


The most fundamental change in U.S. ideas about family life over the past 40 years is A) People no longer feel they need to be married to have a baby.

This shift reflects a broader societal acceptance and recognition of diverse family structures, including unmarried couples, single parents, and same-sex couples who choose to have children. Over the years, there has been a decreasing emphasis on the traditional notion of marriage as a prerequisite for starting a family. This change in attitude is influenced by factors such as changing social norms, greater gender equality, advancements in reproductive technologies, and evolving perspectives on family formation. It signifies a significant departure from traditional views and highlights the increasing recognition and acceptance of alternative family arrangements and non-traditional paths to parenthood in contemporary society.

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the analysis of myth in terms of binary opposites is an example of:


The analysis of myth in terms of binary opposites is an example of structuralism.

This approach to mythological interpretation was developed by the French anthropologist Claude Lévi-Strauss in the mid-twentieth century. Structuralism examines the underlying patterns and structures that shape human experience and understanding, and it seeks to identify the universal binary oppositions that structure myth, language, and culture.
In myth, binary opposites are pairs of concepts that are diametrically opposed to each other, such as good and evil, life and death, or light and darkness. These oppositions form the basis of many myths and are used to convey complex ideas about the nature of the world and the human experience. According to Lévi-Strauss, these binary oppositions are not arbitrary or random but are instead deeply embedded in the human psyche.

Through his analysis of myth, Lévi-Strauss sought to uncover the underlying structures that give rise to these binary oppositions. He argued that these structures are not simply a reflection of the natural world, but rather are created by human consciousness and culture. By identifying the underlying structures of myth, he believed that he could uncover the deeper meaning and significance of these stories.

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since the early 1900s, the goal of maintaining a stable marriage has:


Since the early 1900s, the goal of maintaining a stable marriage has undergone a significant shift. In the early part of the 20th century, the emphasis was on creating a stable family unit, which included the marriage relationship. The societal expectation was that couples should stay together for the sake of their children and the preservation of traditional gender roles.

As the century progressed, however, the focus began to shift towards individual fulfillment and happiness. The feminist movement of the 1960s and 1970s challenged traditional gender roles and encouraged women to seek personal and professional fulfillment outside of marriage. This led to a decrease in the societal pressure to stay in unhappy marriages for the sake of social norms. Additionally, changes in divorce laws and social attitudes towards divorce made it easier for couples to end unhappy marriages.

The rise of no-fault divorce laws in the 1970s made it possible for couples to divorce without having to prove fault or wrongdoing on the part of one spouse. This led to an increase in the divorce rate, as people felt freer to leave unhappy marriages. In recent years, there has been a renewed interest in the importance of marriage as a stable foundation for families and society as a whole. This has led to a focus on pre-marital education and counseling, as well as programs aimed at helping couples navigate the challenges of marriage and strengthen their relationships. In conclusion, the goal of maintaining a stable marriage has shifted over the past century from a societal expectation to a personal choice. While divorce rates have increased, there is also a growing emphasis on the importance of healthy and stable marriages for individuals, families, and society. Since the early 1900s, the goal of maintaining a stable marriage has undergone significant changes. The  to this question is that the focus has shifted from economic stability and fulfilling social roles to prioritizing emotional fulfillment and personal happiness. we can see that factors such as increased financial independence, changing gender roles, and evolving societal values have contributed to this shift in maintaining a stable marriage.

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