what factors helped india pls help

What Factors Helped India Pls Help


Answer 1

India becoming a major provider of outsourced work and having a large English-speaking population that could do business with English speakers were significant factors that helped India become a major world economy.So, option A and B is the right choice.

India's emergence as a major world economy can be attributed to several factors, but two key factors are:

The country became a major provider of outsourced work: India's information technology (IT) and business process outsourcing (BPO) industries experienced significant growth. Many global companies started outsourcing their services to India due to its skilled workforce, cost advantages, and quality of service. This led to an influx of foreign investment and contributed to India's economic expansion.

Many of its people spoke English and could do business with English speakers: India's large English-speaking population became an advantage in the global business arena. It facilitated communication, collaboration, and business transactions with English-speaking countries, attracting international companies to establish operations in India. This linguistic advantage opened doors for trade, investments, and global partnerships, contributing to India's economic growth.

While factors like population decline (C) may have implications for the labor market, it is not a factor that significantly contributed to India becoming a major world economy. Additionally, while economic reforms have occurred in India, such as liberalization and opening up of markets, the specific transformation from a mixed economy to a free market economy (D) is not a defining factor for India's rise as a major world economy.

The right choice is A.The country became a major provider of outsourced work and B.Many of its people spoke English and could do business with English speakers.

For more such question on English-speaking population



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Compare the geographic conditions of WWII in the Pacific with those of Europe and explain how this affects combat.

Pls helppp


Answer: Air and water assets versus land assets and troops.


During World War II, the geographic conditions in the Pacific and Europe presented distinct challenges and had a significant impact on combat operations. Let's compare these conditions and their effects on warfare:

Geographic Conditions in the Pacific:

Vast Ocean: The Pacific theater was characterized by the vast expanse of the Pacific Ocean, which presented challenges in terms of logistics and supply lines. Naval power played a crucial role, and islands and atolls served as strategic bases for both defensive and offensive operations.

Archipelagos and Island Hopping: The Pacific featured numerous island chains, such as the Philippines, Marianas, and the Solomon Islands. This led to the strategy of island hopping, where the Allied forces bypassed heavily fortified islands and captured strategically important ones to establish airfields and advance closer to Japan.

Harsh Tropical Environment: The Pacific islands were often characterized by tropical jungles, dense vegetation, and adverse weather conditions, including typhoons and high humidity. These conditions posed logistical challenges and impacted troop movements, visibility, and combat effectiveness.

Geographic Conditions in Europe:

Diverse Terrain: Europe presented a diverse range of terrains, including plains, mountains, forests, rivers, and urban areas. This diversity impacted combat operations, as each terrain required different strategies and tactics.

Long Land Borders: Europe had extensive land borders between countries, which allowed for large-scale land invasions and the deployment of substantial ground forces. It also facilitated the use of armored divisions and mechanized warfare.

Dense Urban Areas: Europe had densely populated cities and towns, particularly in Western Europe. Urban warfare became a significant aspect of combat, requiring specialized tactics and equipment due to the need for close-quarters fighting and considerations for civilian populations.

Effects on Combat:

Naval and Air Power: In the Pacific, naval and air power played a pivotal role due to the reliance on sea-based supply lines and the vast distances between islands. Aircraft carriers and amphibious assaults were critical for projecting power and conducting operations. In Europe, while naval and air power were still important, ground forces had more prominence due to the extensive land borders and the need to capture key cities and territories.

Amphibious Warfare: The Pacific theater saw extensive amphibious operations, with landings on beaches and securing of islands. The need to coordinate naval and ground forces for successful amphibious assaults became a defining feature of combat in the Pacific. In contrast, Europe saw fewer large-scale amphibious landings and relied more on traditional land-based offensives and defenses.

Supply and Logistics: The vast distances and logistics challenges in the Pacific necessitated efficient supply lines. The need for long-range transport and resupply capabilities, along with the establishment of forward bases, was critical. In Europe, while supply lines were still crucial, the shorter distances and the existence of developed infrastructure allowed for relatively easier logistics management.

Nature of Combat: The Pacific's dense jungles and tropical environments made maneuvering and maintaining lines of communication difficult. Ambushes, guerrilla warfare, and the presence of tropical diseases affected combat effectiveness. In Europe, combat often involved a mix of open field battles, trench warfare, and urban combat, with a greater emphasis on armored and mechanized warfare.

In conclusion, the geographic conditions in the Pacific and Europe during World War II influenced combat significantly. The Pacific's vast ocean, island chains, and tropical environment demanded naval and amphibious operations, while Europe's diverse terrains and urban areas necessitated a range of strategies and tactics. Understanding these conditions was vital in shaping the strategies and approaches used by the opposing forces in each theater of war.

cause is why something happened. Words like because, since, and reason s
The effect tells what happened as a result of the cause. Words such as so, t
a result signal an effect. Reread the second paragraph under "A New Nation
the letter of the effect of Great Britain's debt.
A. Parliament passed new taxes for the colonies.
B. Britain fought a seven-year war with France.



The text you provided appears to be discussing the concepts of cause and effect. A cause is a reason why something happened, and an effect is what happened as a result of the cause. The text mentions words like "because," "since," and "reason" as signals for a cause, and words like "so" and "as a result" as signals for an effect.

The text also mentions a specific historical example related to Great Britain's debt. It appears to be asking the reader to reread the second paragraph under a section titled "A New Nation" to determine the effect of Great Britain's debt. Two potential effects are listed: A) Parliament passed new taxes for the colonies, and B) Britain fought a seven-year war with France.


Which of the following was a success of the Articles of Confederation? Allowed government to borrow money and create new states Established a bicameral legislature with balanced representation Created only one branch of government to limit the possibility of corruption Weakened the central government to allow the states to have the most power



A; The Articles of Confederation allowed the government to borrow money and create new states was a success of the Articles of Confederation.


The Articles of Confederation was the first constitution of the United States that was ratified in 1781. It was an agreement between the thirteen original states of the United States which served as the country's first constitution and was replaced by the current Constitution on September 17, 1787. The Articles of Confederation created a weak central government, which gave the states a lot of power. However, it also had some success which includes:Allowing the government to borrow money and create new states.There was no executive branch, so no one had the power to enforce laws made by Congress. The government relied on the states to enforce the laws. The Articles also created a unicameral legislature where each state had only one vote, and there was no judiciary.

Brainliest please!! hope this helps! :D

boycott meaning or detention


The term "boycott" describes a voluntary abstention from or refusal to participate in specific actions or activities as a form of protest or group action. Detention is the process of holding someone in custody or confinement for a predetermined amount of time, usually by organizations or authorities.

Boycotts can be organized for a variety of causes, such as social, political, or economic concerns, and they are intended to pressure the targeted entity into changing its behavior. Detention in the context of immigration may refer to the incarceration of people who are awaiting removal from the country or the resolution of their immigration status.

Learn more about boycott here:



Reflecting on your own schedule, explain one thing you do well to manage your time. Explain one way you hope to find more balance in your schedule.


To manage my time well, I have a strong ability to effectively manage my time through prioritization. To optimize my time and resources, I assess the urgency, importance, and potential impact of each task before prioritizing them

What is my schedule management?

I prioritize tasks by urgency, importance, and potential impact. Analyze tasks, understand deadlines, prioritize critical ones, avoid non-essential activities.

In addition to efficient time management, regular breaks and relaxation time are vital for recharging and finding balance in my schedule. Taking breaks can improve productivity and well-being, prevent burnout, and enhance focus when returning to tasks. Maintaining balance between productivity and self-care is essential for success and well-being.

Learn more about schedule management from



What did the Reverend Charles C. Jones of Georgia do that made him different from most other slaveowners?


Reverend Charles C. Jones of Georgia was different from most other slaveowners. He was a slave owner who struggled with the morality of having slaves. Even though he thought that slavery was necessary for the economy, he also believed that slaves deserved a more kindhearted approach and the right to have a religious education. He evangelized slaves and instructed other owners and ministers to do the same.

Windsor Castle
The residence of the British monarchs in Windsor, Berkshire, England. For more than 900 years, since the 11th century, the castle has been an unshakable symbol of the monarchy, towering on a hill in the Thames River valley. By its name, since 1917,


The distinction of being the oldest and biggest inhabited castle in the world belongs to Windsor Castle. It was constructed in the 11th century in Windsor, England, and has housed 39 British monarchs. Today, it serves as Elizabeth II's final resting place.

It is Her Majesty The Queen's formal residence and still functions as a working royal palace today, housing about 150 personnel. The castle is frequently utilized for formal events and official occasions, such as state visits from foreign kings and presidents.

Learn more about Windsor Castle here:



Elaborate on the impact of Sharpeville massacre



Mandela and others no longer felt they could defeat apartheid peacefully. Both the PAC and the ANC formed armed wings and began a military struggle against the government. Many long years of struggle and suffering lay ahead – but *Sharpeville was the beginning of the end for apartheid.*

Which country did not participate in the Rwandan Genocide?
a) Rwanda
b) Burundi
c) Uganda
d) Ethiopia


Answer: d) Ethiopia


Ethiopia did not participate in the Rwandan Genocide. The genocide took place in Rwanda in 1994. Three years before that, the brutal Ethiopian Civil War had ended and the country was not in any position to fight.

Answer: d) Ethiopia


Rwanda participated in the genocide as the government was the main perpetrator, Burundi was also involved as they had the same tribal dynamics, Uganda was involved as they aided the Rwanda Patriotic Front which eventually ended the genocide. Ethiopia was not involved.

wy dd ronald reagan want to tear down the berlin wall


Ronald Reagan, the 40th President of the United States, famously called for the tearing down of the Berlin Wall during a speech in Berlin in 1987. The Berlin Wall was a symbol of the division between East and West Germany and represented the broader divide between the Soviet-led Eastern Bloc and the Western democratic countries during the Cold War.

There were several reasons why Reagan advocated for the dismantling of the Berlin Wall:

Freedom and Human Rights: Reagan believed strongly in the principles of freedom, democracy, and human rights. He saw the Berlin Wall as a physical manifestation of the suppression of these ideals and the denial of basic liberties to the people living under communist rule in East Germany. He argued that tearing down the wall would symbolize the restoration of freedom and the reunification of Germany.

Peace and Security: Reagan viewed the Cold War as a global struggle between the ideologies of communism and democracy. He saw the Berlin Wall as a symbol of the divided world and the potential for conflict between the two sides. By advocating for its removal, Reagan aimed to promote peace, stability, and reconciliation between East and West.

Reagan's call for the tearing down of the Berlin Wall was not an immediate policy directive but rather a symbolic statement of his vision for a world without ideological divisions and with greater individual freedom. His words resonated with many people, and the eventual fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 came to symbolize the end of the Cold War and the reunification of Germany.

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The period from 1933 to 1946 encompassed the rise of nazi germany and the holocaust which had a profound impact on the jewish nation

Impact of e pseudoscientific ideas

The pseudoscientific ideas of race particularly those propagated by nazi ideology played a central role in the persecution and genocide of jews during this time

the nazi regime under the leadership of adolf hitler embraced a distorted and pseudoscientific concept of race known as aryan supremacy this ideology propagated the notion that there existed a superior aryan race that was biologically and intellectually superior to other races particularly jews

it further propagated a false belief in racial purity and claimed that the jewish people were a threat to the aryan race and needed to be eliminated

Read more on e pseudoscientific ideas here https://brainly.com/question/28263500


What Political Role did Nomusa dube ncube Play in the liberation struggle against the apartheid Regime During The Late 1950 onwards?​


Nomusa Dube Ncube played an important political role in the liberation struggle against the apartheid regime in South Africa, particularly in the women's movement. She was a courageous and committed activist who dedicated her life to the fight for justice and equality.

Nomusa Dube Ncube played an important political role in the liberation struggle against the apartheid regime in South Africa during the late 1950s onwards. She was a member of the African National Congress (ANC) and was involved in a number of anti-apartheid campaigns and protests.

Ncube was particularly active in the women's movement, and was a founding member of the Federation of South African Women (FEDSAW). She played a key role in organizing the 1956 Women's March on Pretoria, which brought together over 20,000 women from across the country to protest against the pass laws, which required black people to carry identification documents at all times.

In addition to her activism in the women's movement, Ncube was also involved in other anti-apartheid campaigns, including the Defiance Campaign and the Congress of the People. She was arrested and imprisoned several times for her political activities, and was a target of harassment and intimidation by the apartheid regime.

for more such questions on women's movement.



Which event marked the beginning of the Cold War?
a) The Yalta Conference
b) The Berlin Wall construction
c) The Cuban Missile Crisis
d) The dropping of atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki


Answer: a) The Yalta Conference


The Yalta Conference in 1945 was a meeting between the leaders of the Allied powers (USA, USSR, and UK) to discuss post-war plans, and tensions emerged that led to the start of the Cold War.

Answer: a) The Yalta Conference


The Yalta Conference was held between the allies as the second world war was coming to an end and it was here that division would start between the Western Allies and the Soviet Union therefore starting the Cold War

in an attempt to settle the west, the federal government gave the raildroad companies large grants.

which of the following was a result of the land grants

A. people relied more heavily on covered wagons to go west
B. The federal government made a lot of money off the interest of the grants
C. The raildroad companies made a larger profit due to the fact they did not have to pay for the land
D. It was very long time before the west was settled


C. The railroad companies made a larger profit due to the fact they did not have to pay for the land.

The land grants given to the railroad companies by the federal government enabled the companies to acquire large tracts of land without having to pay for it, which in turn helped them to expand their rail networks and increase their profits. This was a key factor in the development and settlement of the West, as the railroad companies were able to transport people, goods, and resources more efficiently and economically than other forms of transportation, such as covered wagons. While the federal government may have made some money off the interest of the grants, the primary result of the land grants was the expansion of the railroad industry and the settlement of the West.

On May 20, 2013, the cover of the Time's magazine read the following: Millennials Are Lazy, Entitled Narcissists Who Still Live with Their Parents: Why They’ll Save Us All.

According to your textbook, which of the following was NOT a characterization of the millennial generation from that edition of the Time's?
Group of answer choices
Less Religious
Economically Insecure
More Liberal
More Open Minded


Based on the options you provided, "More Open Minded" is the characterization of the millennial generation that was NOT mentioned in the given options. The other three options—Less Religious, Economically Insecure, and More Liberal—are commonly discussed traits associated with the millennial generation in various contexts.

I can provide some general insights about the given options:

Less Religious: This characterization has been discussed in various studies and articles about the millennial generation, suggesting that millennials tend to be less religious or have different religious affiliations compared to previous generations.

Economically Insecure: This is a commonly discussed characteristic of the millennial generation. It refers to the challenges and economic difficulties faced by millennials, such as high levels of student debt, lower job stability, and difficulties in achieving financial independence.

More Liberal: The millennial generation is often characterized as being more liberal or progressive in their political and social views compared to previous generations. This characterization is based on surveys, studies, and observed trends in areas like social justice, environmentalism, and diversity.

More Open Minded: This characterization suggests that millennials are generally more open to new ideas, diverse perspectives, and cultural differences. This perception is often associated with the exposure to global connectivity and the influence of technology in shaping their worldview.

To accurately determine which characterization was NOT mentioned in that specific edition of Time magazine, it would be necessary to refer to the publication itself or reliable sources that analyze its content.

For more questions on millennial



Question 8 of 10
In a historical essay, how is the introduction paragraph similar to the
conclusion paragraph?
OA. Both paragraphs should mention the essay's thesis.
B. Both paragraphs should focus on a single important detail.
C. Both paragraphs should always include direct quotations.
OD. Both paragraphs should convince the reader to continue reading.


the introduction and conclusion paragraphs of a historical essay  Both paragraphs should always include direct quotations. the body of the essay.

The introduction and conclusion paragraphs of a historical essay serve different purposes, but they share some similarities. While the introduction sets the stage for the essay and the conclusion wraps it up, both paragraphs should tie together the key ideas and arguments presented in the body of the essay.

One similarity between the introduction and conclusion paragraphs is that both should mention the essay's thesis. The thesis is the main argument or point of the essay, and it should be clearly stated in the introduction to provide the reader with a roadmap for the essay. In the conclusion, the thesis should be restated and reinforced to remind the reader of the main argument and to provide closure to the essay.

Another similarity between the introduction and conclusion paragraphs is that both should focus on the most important details of the essay. In the introduction, these details might include the historical context, the key players, and the main events or issues being discussed. In the conclusion, these details might include the significance of the events or issues being discussed, the impact they had on history, and their relevance to the present day.

for more such questions on historical essay



how are you doing in this beautiful day



Kinetic energy increases as the mass and speed of an object increase.


Kinetic energy increases as the mass and speed of an object increase. The equation for kinetic energy is KE = 1/2mv^2, where m is the mass of the object and v is its velocity.

If the mass of an object increases, its kinetic energy will increase by the same factor. For example, if an object has twice the mass, it will have twice the kinetic energy.

If the speed of an object increases, its kinetic energy will increase by the square of the speed increase. For example, if an object's speed doubles, its kinetic energy will quadruple.

Kinetic energy is the energy of motion. It is the energy that an object has because it is moving. Kinetic energy can be used to do work, such as when a moving car hits a wall.

Outline the three main goals of United States foreign policy.


Security, prosperity, and the creation of a better world are the three most prominent goals of American foreign policy. Security, the protection of America's interests and citizens, is a perennial concern, but America has tried to achieve security in different ways throughout its long history.

I need help in this


1. A member of the House of Rep comes up with an idea/ bill
2. The bill is sent to the standing committee of the House of Rep
3. The approved bill is sent to the house floor for debate
4. Members vote on the bill
5. Sent to the senate and must go through similar procedures
6. The senate vote
7. Sent to the president to sign if he disapproves of the bill the bill is vetoed if he doesn’t it becomes law

In the late 1800s, industrial workers toiled in dangerous, unhealthy conditions. Bad working conditions eventually led workers to seek to organize unions, hoping to improve their situations.

How did changes in real wages and wages not adjusted for inflation differ?

Why do you think workers wanted to organize?


Changes in real wages and wages not adjusted for inflation differ in their ability to accurately reflect the purchasing power and standard of living for workers.

Real wages take into account the impact of inflation on wages, allowing for a more accurate assessment of how workers' earnings are changing over time. On the other hand, wages not adjusted for inflation only show the nominal or raw wage figures without considering the eroding effects of rising prices.

During the late 1800s, industrial workers faced challenging circumstances characterized by long working hours, low wages, lack of job security, and hazardous working conditions. As the Industrial Revolution progressed, workers increasingly found themselves in urban factories, mines, and mills, where they were subjected to grueling physical labor, often without safety regulations or protection.

Workers sought to organize unions as a response to these unfavorable conditions for several reasons. First and foremost, unions provided a collective voice and bargaining power for workers to negotiate better wages, shorter working hours, improved safety measures, and other labor protections. By banding together, workers could exert pressure on employers and demand better working conditions.

Unions also offered a sense of solidarity and mutual support among workers. They provided a platform for workers to address grievances, share experiences, and collectively address common concerns. By organizing, workers could build a united front and create a more equitable balance of power between labor and capital.

Furthermore, unions played a vital role in advocating for workers' rights and social justice. They fought for the abolition of child labor, the establishment of minimum wage laws, and the improvement of overall labor standards. Workers recognized that by organizing, they could achieve greater social and economic justice and challenge the exploitative practices of industrial capitalism.

In summary, changes in real wages and wages not adjusted for inflation differ in their ability to accurately reflect the purchasing power of workers. Workers wanted to organize unions to address the oppressive working conditions and improve their economic and social well-being. Unions provided a collective voice, bargaining power, solidarity, and the means to advocate for workers' rights and social justice.

Know more about real wages here:



please help me with history! i’ll give you brainlist :)


The European Union focuses on removing barriers to national trade because it is a single market that allows for the free movement of goods, services, capital, and people between member states. This means that there are no tariffs or other barriers to trade between EU countries, which makes it easier for businesses to operate and for consumers to buy goods and services.

conner has 3 times as many trading cards as max. If connor has 90 trading cards, how many trading cards does max have?


Max has 30 trading cards.

How can Congress override the president's veto of a law?
by using its power of impeachment

by passing it again with a simple majority

by passing it again with a 2/3 majority


The correct answer is C: by passing it again with a 2/3 majority. If the president vetoes a law, Congress can override the veto by passing the law again with a 2/3 majority in both the House of Representatives and the Senate. This is a high bar to clear, but it allows Congress to override the president's veto if they believe the law is important enough to pass despite the president's objections.

The right to private property in the United States demonstrates?​



The right to private property in the United States is a fundamental aspect of the country's legal system and is enshrined in the Fifth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. It reflects the belief that individuals have the right to own and control their own property, and that the government cannot take or seize property without just compensation.

This right is seen as a cornerstone of capitalism and the free market system, as it allows individuals to accumulate wealth and invest in their own businesses and enterprises. It also provides a measure of security and stability for property owners, who can use their property as collateral for loans or to generate income through renting or leasing.

However, the right to private property in the United States has also been the subject of controversy and debate, particularly in relation to issues of social justice and inequality. Some argue that the concentration of wealth and property ownership in the hands of a small minority has contributed to economic and social inequality and is a barrier to achieving greater equity and justice. Others argue that private property rights are essential to individual freedom and that attempts to limit or redistribute property ownership would be a violation of those rights.

Learn more about the Fifth Amendment here:



Use the map below to answer the following question:

A map of the Egyptian Empire in the 15th century is shown. The Egyptian empire includes a large segment of northeast Africa, along the Nile River and bordering the Red Sea on the east and the Mediterranean Sea to the north. In addition, portions of upper Arabia, including Syria, the city of Damascus, Canaan, and Sinai, are included in the Egyptian empire.
© 2012 Jeff Dahl
Creative Commons, Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported

What conclusion can be made about the locations of Egypt's major cities?

The flow of the Nile River ran south, so more cities were located in the north.
Egyptians built cites in a north-south direction to take advantage of wind power.
Cities were located along the Nile River to take advantage of the annual flooding.
Egyptian cities were located far apart because there was a lot of warfare.


The conclusion that can be made about the locations of Egypt's major cities based on the given information is:

Cities were located along the Nile River to take advantage of the annual flooding.

Explanation: The map indicates that the Egyptian Empire includes a large segment of northeast Africa, particularly along the Nile River. The Nile River was essential to the civilization of ancient Egypt, providing fertile land and water for agriculture. The annual flooding of the Nile brought rich silt, which allowed for the cultivation of crops. Therefore, Egyptian cities were strategically located along the Nile River to benefit from this natural phenomenon and ensure access to agricultural resources.

By establishing cities along the Nile, the ancient Egyptians had direct access to this fertile land, enabling them to engage in intensive agricultural practices. The proximity to the river also facilitated irrigation systems, as water could be easily channeled to the fields, further enhancing agricultural productivity.

Additionally, the Nile River served as a vital transportation route, enabling the movement of goods and people between different regions. Cities located along the river had easy access to trade and commerce, fostering economic development and cultural exchange.

Overall, the annual flooding of the Nile River was a fundamental aspect of the Egyptian civilization. By settling along its banks, the ancient Egyptians could harness the benefits of the river's flooding to support their agricultural activities, sustain their cities, and thrive as a civilization.

For more questions on Egypt'



1.1 Extract the core aspects of Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Model of development by discussing, inter alia, the following:

 The five environmental systems;


The model consists of five interconnected environmental systems are;


What is the environmental systems?

Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Model emphasizes environmental systems' influence on development. It views human development as shaped by interactions between individuals and their surroundings.

The model includes five interconnected environmental systems, starting with the microsystem. This involves the immediate and regular interaction with family, school, peer groups, and other local settings. The microsystem impacts development through face-to-face interactions.

Learn more about environmental systems   from



The Long Telegram, written by George Kennan would advise what to help
deal with communism?


The Long Telegram, written by George Kennan in 1946, advised the United States government to adopt a policy of containment towards communism. In the telegram, Kennan argued that the Soviet Union was an expansionist power that sought to spread communism around the world.

He believed that the US should contain Soviet expansion by supporting democratic governments and preventing the spread of communism through economic, political, and military means.

Kennan's recommendations would eventually form the basis of the Truman Doctrine, which pledged US support for countries threatened by communism and led to increased US involvement in the Cold War. The policy of containment would also shape US foreign policy for decades, influencing decisions such as the Vietnam War and the arms race with the Soviet Union.

Overall, the Long Telegram's advice to contain communism had a significant impact on US foreign policy and played a crucial role in shaping the geopolitical landscape of the post-World War II era.

For more question on Soviet Union



Zacchaeus was a: prophet priest politican publican


Hi :)




The Apostle Zacchaeus was a rich publican at Jericho. Since he was short of stature, he climbed a sycamore tree in order to see the Savior passing by.

hope this helps :) !!!

Why did some Mayans tie boards to their children's heads?



Why did Mayas tie boards to their children's heads?


“To flatten their foreheads.”
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