What i the Harmata which turn the ky, at time, a tranlucent orange over outhwet Africa?


Answer 1

The Harmattan is a dry and dusty seasonal wind that blows from the Sahara Desert across West Africa between the end of November and the middle of March.

It is usually accompanied by a thick haze that turns the sky a translucent orange.

The impact of the Harmattan wind on life and the environment in West Africa

The impact of the Harmattan wind on life and the environment in West Africa is significant.

One of the main effects of the Harmattan wind is its effect on the environment:

The wind disperses desert dust and sand, which affects the health of humans and animals. The dust increases ozone and nitrogen dioxide levels, which triggers respiratory problems such as asthma, bronchitis and lung disease. Wind-induced drought also affects agriculture, which in turn affects the food security of the population.

Wind also has an impact on people's lives. Dust and sand affect air quality, making visibility on roads difficult and affecting people's quality of life. Dust can also damage electronics, telecommunications equipment and other technological equipment, making it difficult for people to communicate with each other.

Learn more about The Harmattan:



Related Questions

what type of feature is represented by the boundary between geologic units 2 and 3?


The unconformity type of feature is represented by the boundary between geologic units 2 and 3.

What are geologic map units?

The main elements of a geological map are the "cartographic units" (geological map units). A cartographic unit is a depiction of a volume of rock with a lithology or consistent lithologic connection, of a specific age, bounded by surfaces that come into contact with neighbouring bodies of rock.

What exactly is a geologic example?

Geologic characteristics include the lake, the glacier-deposited ridge (at left), and the distant peak. Any physical structure of the earth's surface - or of the rocks exposed at the surface - created by a geologic process is referred to as a fault.

Learn more about  geologic units to visit this link



How have Spanish and native cultures left their marks on culture in Pacific South America?

Please help I’m so lost and i have school tomorrow



Some major ways that Spanish and native cultures have affected Pacific South American culture are language, cuisine, and music. Majority of Pacific south America speaks Spanish and tacos, guacamole, and most salsa and corn based snacks come from hispanic culture and very popular/common in South America. There are also a huge amount of very famous hispanic musitions such as, Pitbull, Shakira, Mariah Carey, etc.

In a short paragraph, discuss the kinds of jobs that Americans can aspire to.


In order to stay competitive and exist, the United States has to transition from traditional factory-based occupations to jobs driven by the innovation.

Describe Factory.

In the 18th-century "factory system" of manufacturing, which is based on the concentration of industry into sizable, specialized facilities, is still in use today. The system was created during the Industrial Revolution. The Factories play a crucial role in today's economy because they create or process the vast majority of goods in the globe.

Throughout the Industrial Revolution, the factories were built as the demand for space and resources for small-scale production or workshops increased.

To know more about Production, visit:



The major difference between a wet tropical region and a tropical wet and dry region is ________. A. elevation B. pressure C. precipitation D. wind direction E. temperature



The major difference is precipitation.


The main difference between the wet tropical regions and tropical wet and dry region is the rainfall. Tropical dry and wet regions are dry seasons with very minute rainfall while in wet tropical regions, rainfall takes place.

weather is the _________ conditions of the atmosphere in a particular place.

A) local, day-to-day.

B) beef patty, lettuce.

C) orange doesn't rhyme.

D) circus coming to town.



I think the answer is A) Local, day-to-day

The correct answer to be filled in the blank is Option (A)-Local, day-to-day.

Weather is the everyday condition of the Earth's atmosphere for a quick duration of time and location whereas, the common year-after-year stipulations of temperature and precipitation in a specific area over a long period of duration is recognized as Climate.

The other options such as - (B) Beef patty, lettuce ; (C) Orange doesn't rhyme ; (D) Circus coming to town; are too irrelevant to the question as they don't seem fit to fill up the blank space.

To know more about the weather, click here:


what stage of development is argentina in​


Argentina is a developing nation with a highly educated populace, an agricultural industry focused on exports, and a diverse industrial base.

What level of development is Argentina?

Argentina falls under the definition of a developing nation provided by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) as a result of its weaker economic performance.

Early in the 20th century, Argentina was one of the ten richest nations per capita. The overreliance on commodity exports with unsustainable government expenditure, according to experts, caused repeated boom-bust cycles, which led to political unrest and economic deterioration in the decades that followed.

To learn more about Argentina



What were the 3 warnings in Washington's Farewell Address?


Washington issued warnings about political and geographic segmentation as well as foreign meddling in US domestic affairs. He considered them to be domestic stability dangers.

He pleaded with his fellow citizens to set aside resentment for the good of the country. President george washington cautions against getting too entangled in foreign politics in his farewell speech. Washington issued a warning against foreign meddling in domestic issues and US meddling in European affairs in his farewell speech.

He exhorted men to rise beyond partisanship and act in the interests of the greater good, and he cautioned against virulent partisanship in domestic politics. He urged the US to prioritise its own interests and warned against "permanent relationships with any section of the outside world." He advocated trade and friendship with other countries, but he urged people to stay out of long-term "entanglements" with other countries.The values of America in regards to religion and international relations were clearly stated in the farewell address.

To know more about Washington visit:



What does it mean to gerrymander a district ?


Gerrymandering is the practice of drawing electoral district boundaries in such a way that one political party gains an unfair advantage over its opponents (political or partisan gerrymandering) or dilutes the voting power of members of ethnic or linguistic minority groups in the United States (racial gerrymandering).

How does gerrymandering works in a district?

Redistricting occurs in each state every ten years, following the decennial census. It establishes geographic boundaries, with each district in a state being geographically contiguous and having roughly the same number of state voters.
        The resulting map has an impact on the elections of members of the United States House of Representatives and state legislative bodies in the state. Redistricting has always been regarded as a political exercise, and it is controlled in most states by state legislators and, in some cases, the governor (in some states the governor has no veto power over redistricting legislation while in some states the veto override threshold is a simple majority).

       When one party controls the state's legislative bodies and the governor's office, it has a strong incentive to gerrymander district boundaries in its favor and against its political opponents.

Read more about Gerrymandering here:


What is gerrymandering and why is it done ?


Gerrymandering is a tactic used to manipulate the boundaries of electoral districts to benefit a specific political party or group. It is controversial and undemocratic as it can dilute the representation and voting power of certain communities or minority groups.

The term "gerrymandering" comes from the name of Governor Elbridge Gerry of Massachusetts, who, in 1812, signed a redistricting plan that favored his party.

The reason gerrymandering is done is to give an electoral advantage to one political party or group over another. By manipulating the boundaries of districts, politicians can create districts that are heavily skewed towards their party, or that dilute the voting power of opposing parties. This can lead to a situation where one party can win a large number of seats in the legislature even if they don't have a majority of the votes.

There are two main types of gerrymandering: packing and cracking. Packing involves creating districts that are heavily populated with voters from one party, so that these voters are concentrated in a small number of districts and their voting power is reduced. Cracking involves spreading voters from one party across multiple districts, so that their voting power is diluted and they are unable to win a majority in any one district.

Gerrymandering is usually done by the party in power, when it has control of the redistricting process. This is the process of setting the boundary of the electoral districts, often done after the census, to ensure that the population of the district is relatively equal. By manipulating the boundaries, they can try to maintain or gain control of the legislature, or even the state or national government, by making it harder for the opposition parties to gain seats.

Gerrymandering is widely considered as controversial and undemocratic practice because it allows politicians to pick their voters, rather than voters picking their politicians, and can dilute the representation and voting power of certain communities or minority groups.

Learn more about gerrymandering:


Match the colony names on the map. New York map of the Colonies New Hampshire Connecticut North Carolina Virginia South Carolina Maryland Delaware Georgia Rhode Island Pennsylvania New Jersey Massachusetts (which included Maine)


The colonies can be matched as such- New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia were the first 13 states to be admitted to the union. The first 13 British possessions were the initial 13 states.

The northernmost colonies were those of the New England region, which included New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut. New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, and Delaware (the Middle colonies) and Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia were the other nine colonies (the Southern colonies).The thirteen prosperous colonies on the Atlantic coast that the British established within a century and a half were Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware, New Jersey, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia..

To know more about Colonies here



How is Gatsby's house described in Chapter 1?



A huge place


Where do rivers usually begin brainly?


Answer: A river forms from water moving from a higher elevation to a lower elevation, all due to gravity. When rain falls on the land, it either seeps into the ground or becomes runoff, which flows downhill into rivers and lakes, on its journey towards the seas. In most landscapes the land is not perfectly flat it slopes downhill in some direction.

Which of the following statements about spectral types of stars is NOT generally true? A. The spectral type of a star can be determined by identifying lines in its spectrum.
B. The spectral type of a star can be used to determine its color.
C. The spectral type of a star can be used to determine its surface temperature.
D. The spectral type of a star can be used to determine its distance.


The spectral type of a star can be used to determine its distance is NOT generally true. Thus option D is the answer.

The spectral type of a star is a way of classifying stars based on the characteristics of their spectrum. The spectrum of a star is a representation of the energy emitted by the star, which is spread across the electromagnetic spectrum. By studying the spectrum of a star, we can determine its temperature, color and chemical composition.

The spectral type is determined by identifying the lines in the spectrum, which are caused by different chemical elements present in the star's atmosphere. This information can be used to infer the star's surface temperature, color and chemical composition. However, the distance of a star cannot be determined by its spectral type alone.

Other methods, such as parallax, spectroscopic parallax, and measuring its absolute magnitude, radial velocity and luminosity are used to determine distance.

Learn more about Stars:



Which area of this map represents scattered settlements

A. Area A
B. Area B
C. Area C
D. Area D


Area A on the map represents scattered settlements. Therefore the correct answer will be option A

What is scattered settlement?

Settlements in dispersed villages, often referred to as scattered settlements, are dispersed over a large area. Due to the requirement for land for both agricultural and other farming activities, this settlement is typically located in rural areas. The settlement patterns are dispersed in regions with lots of forests, rivulets, and reservoirs. There are no facilities or services that are adequate. Due to its proximity to the natural world, this community is frequently regarded as pollution-free.

Scattered settlements have a variety of characteristics, such as;

These settlements have small populations, similar to small hamlets.
They rely on the centrally located villages for their day-to-day needs.

Know more about Scattered Settlements here:



The correct answer is Area B!!! not a


B was the correct answer on my quiz

The silicate mineral that is found in the greatest variety of igneous rocks of various compositions is ________.


The silicate mineral that is found in the greatest variety of igneous rocks of various compositions is Plagioclase.


Plagioclase is a mineral that belongs to the feldspar group. In Bowen's reaction, plagioclase is in a continuous series. From Bowen's reaction we can also know the process of crystal formation from plagioclase. The plagioclase crystallization process begins with plagioclase-Ca which gradually reacts with the remaining solution until it changes its composition towards plagioclase-Na. This change reaction is called the solid solution series, which means that the crystallization of plagioclase-Ca-plagioclase-Na will continue if it is in an equilibrium state. The chemical formula of plagioclase mineral is NaAlSi3O8-CaAl2Si2O8.

From the Bowens reaction, we can know the process of crystal formation from this plagioclase itself, in which the sequence of crystallization of plagioclase minerals is in a continuous series. The crystallization of plagioclase-Ca in the initial phase was gradual by reacting with the remaining solution, changing its composition from plagioclase-Na. The reaction of this change, plagioclase change is a solit-solution series which is a continuous reaction, meaning that the crystallization of plagioclase-Ca ---- plagioclase-Na (Anorthit ---- Albit ) if in equilibrium will continue continuously.

Learn more about Plagioclase at https://brainly.com/question/29981351.


A key part of the Northern war strategy, this was an attempt to close off southern ports to keep the south from
importing and exporting needed goods during the war.


The Union attempted to blockade the southern states during the Civil War. By enforcing a blockade, they aimed to stop all supplies, troops, and weapons from reaching the southern states.

What do you mean by Civil War?

A civil war in the United States, the American Civil War. The Union and the Confederacy, the latter of which was made up of seceding states, engaged in combat.

The conflict over whether to allow slavery to spread into the western regions, creating more slave states, or to forbid it from doing so, which was widely believed to put slavery on the path to eventual extinction, was the main driver of the war.

The election of Abraham Lincoln as president of the United States in 1860 ended years of political contention over slavery because he opposed its spread into the country's western territories.

Learn more about Civil War, here



What was Darwin's conclusion about the Galapagos finches?


Darwin concluded that the beak shapes of the finches were adapted to the local food sources and that the birds had changed over time to match the local environment.

This observation was revolutionary in the 19th century, as it suggested that animals could evolve over time and that species could adapt to their environment. Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection proposed that species survived based on their ability to compete for resources and to adapt to changing conditions. Darwin argued that the finches had adapted to their local environment and that this adaptation was the result of a process of natural selection.

Darwin also noted that the finches of the Galapagos were closely related to finches on the South American mainland. He concluded that they had likely descended from a single species that had arrived on the islands from the mainland at some point in the past. This idea of “descent with modification” was another cornerstone of Darwin’s theory of evolution and became a cornerstone of modern evolutionary biology.

Learn more about Darwin's theory at :https://brainly.com/question/25718754


Compared with adults, children represent a group that is especially vulnerable to environmental hazards for the following reasons, except: a. Their immune systems are still developing b. They may be exposed more often to toxins in the outdoor air. C. They may be exposed more often to toxins in the soil. d. They spend more time indoors.


The correct option is B ; They may be exposed more often to toxins in the outdoor air.  Children are more vulnerable to environmental hazards than adults: Children are always developing. In proportion to their weight.

They breathe more air, eat more food, and drink more water than adults. The systems of children are still evolving.

Children are not little adults; their bodies do not resemble those of adults. They are particularly vulnerable to environmental toxins since they are little and still developing, and here's why: Children consume more food and drink more water per pound of body weight than adults.

Children are more sensitive to environmental risks than adults due to their size, physiology, and behavior. Toxins are more intensively exposed to children in proportion to their body weight.

Learn more about to Children vulnerable



Describe the demographics associated with democratic mainstays?


Democratic Mainstays are senior Republicans who are both socially and economically liberal. They represent 28% of the Republican alliance and 16% of the general population. Democratic Mainstays advocate greater taxation, a wider social security system, and a more aggressive foreign and defense strategy.

A joint can be distinguished from a fault in that ________.
A. joints are not found in metamorphic rocks
B. joints are a feature of cold climates exclusively
C. there is no difference between joints and faults
D. there is no movement along joints
E. there is wider separation between two sides


A joint can be distinguished from a fault in that there is no movement along the joints. Therefore, option D will be the answer.

joint is basically a type of brittle deformation observed in the rock where there is no displacement between two opposing rock blocks separated by a fracture plane. These are also termed tensile fractures. Examples: granite column joints, and sheet metal joints. Joints can be systematic or non-systematic.

Faults, on the other hand, result in displacements along the fracture plane. The rock foot blocks move past each other, creating a net slippage between the drag blocks. Without movement, it was the common plane separating the two blocks, not the fault plane. they are of different types. 

Know more about Joint and Faults here:


What was the main difference between the birds that Darwin studied that lived on the different Galapagos Islands?


The main difference between the birds that Darwin studied on the different Galapagos Islands was the degree of variation among the species.

Charles Darwin's visit to the Galapagos Islands in 1835, during his voyage aboard the HMS Beagle, is one of the most iconic events in the history of biology. Darwin's observations of the various species of birds on the islands sparked his interest in natural selection and ultimately led to his famous theory of evolution.

One of the main differences between the birds that Darwin observed on the various Galapagos Islands was the degree of variation among the species. The birds that lived on the different islands showed a wide range of physical differences, such as size, beak shape, and coloration. For example, Darwin noticed that the finches on the different islands had differently shaped beaks, which enabled them to eat different foods. He also noticed that the mockingbirds living on different islands had different colored feathers and sang different songs.

Darwin's observations of the birds on the Galapagos Islands led him to the conclusion that the animals had evolved over time to adapt to their particular environments. He theorized that the birds on each island had adapted to their local environment in order to survive. This process of adaptation was the result of natural selection, which is the process by which organisms with advantageous traits are more likely to survive and reproduce, while those with disadvantageous traits are more likely to die out.

Learn more about Galapagos Islands at : https://brainly.com/question/17207383


What is a perfect square


A perfect square needs to have 4 sides

What's in a name Act 2 Scene 2?


Juliet is questioning the value of a name in "Romeo and Juliet," Act II. She thinks that a name doesn't mean anything on its own. She says that even if a rose had a different name, it would still be a rose.

Changing its name would not diminish its beauty or aroma. This has to do with a disagreement in her life that stems from Romeo and her own last names. He is a Montague, and the Capulet and Montague families are enemies. As a result, they cannot be in a relationship because of their names.

However, Juliet's love makes her question the feud and the significance of their families' names in determining their fate. What's a name for? Any other name for what we call a rose would smell just as sweet." It indicates that Romeo's descent from the Montague family, a rival family, is irrelevant to Juliet. It became a popular term for referring to things whose true nature and characteristics do not change.

Learn about romeo:



Did Greek city-states have the same laws?


The dorians were the first to rule greece, but when the greeks defeated them and the city states emerged, they were driven from the country. There was no centralised authority that ruled all the states in unison.

City states are seen as distinct entities, with residents in each state being given priority as state citizens corinthian citizens are regarded as corinthians. People had the freedom to travel between city states and make permanent residences there. People can practise their religion anyway they choose in the united States. However, in Greece, people automatically believed in the same gods, and no one had to persuade them to do so.

Beginning in 499 BC and lasting until 449 BC, the Greco-Persian Wars. The Achaemenid Empire and greek city-states engaged in combat. The Lonian Revolt by greeks in persian-controlled territory in 499 BCE marked the start of the Persian Wars. Athens and other Greek towns sent aid after being defeated in 494 BCE, but were soon compelled to pull back. As a result, the Greeks under the leadership of the Athenians repeatedly vanquished the Persians.

To know more about gods and goddesses visit:



How are logarithms used to measure the intensity of an earthquake?


Earthquakes are measured using the Richter Scale, which is a base 10 logarithmic scale. The magnitude of an earthquake is measured by this scale, which is the amount of energy generated by it.

The magnitude increases by a factor of ten for every single rise on this scale.

Richter and Beno Gutenberg were inspired by magnitude, the logarithmic measure of star brightness, while inventing what would become the Richter scale in 1935. They defined earthquake magnitude as the logarithm of shaking amplitude as measured by a specific seismograph in southern California.

The logarithm is simply the power of ten of the sound intensity given as a multiple of the hearing threshold intensity.

Learn more about to Earthquakes



How does Washington describe the nation who has permanent friends or permanent enemies?


Washington foresaw the potential for internal strife within the united states and advised against the formation of political parties as well as the establishment of long-term foreign alliances.

He thought that if the US formed foreign alliances, it may become involved in the politics and conflicts of other countries, which could result in expensive entanglements and a loss of independence.Additionally, he cautioned against the development.

Political parties since he believed that doing so would produce divisions within the nation, could spark civil upheaval, and could ultimately lead to the dissolution of the union.George Washington cautioned against political party creation and the establishment of lasting foreign alliances in his farewell speech because he thought both could erode the unity of the US and cause internal strife.

To know more about Politics visit:



What does the growing distinction between East Egg and West Egg suggest?



West Egg is home to the newly rich. While West Egg has plenty of money,

they are frowned upon as many of these people came from lower classes


What does Lanyon retrieve from Jekyll's home for him?


Lanyon is asked by Dr. Jekyll to retrieve a mysterious parcel from his home.

The parcel contains a number of vials and powders, the contents of which are not revealed to Lanyon. He is instructed by Jekyll to bring the parcel directly to his laboratory, and to keep its contents a secret from everyone.

Lanyon is tasked with retrieving an item from the home of Dr. Henry Jekyll which is a parcel. Upon arriving at Jekyll's residence, Lanyon retrieves a drawer full of documents, which he delivers to Jekyll as requested.

These documents are of great importance to Jekyll, containing records and plans related to his mysterious experiments.

To learn more about parcel, click here:



Computer models can help scientists predict weather. Some computer models can show the predicted path of hurricanes. What other events could a computer model help warn us of? A) undersea earthquakes , tornadoes, and avalanches B) tornadoes C) avalanches D) undersea earthquakes


Some computer models can show the predicted path of hurricanes. Other events that a computer model can help warn us is Undersea Earthquakes.

An earthquake that takes place underwater at the bottom of a body of water, particularly an ocean, is known as a submarine, undersea, or underwater earthquake. They are the main reason why tsunamis occur. The moment magnitude scale may be used to measure the magnitude, while the Mercalli intensity scale can be used to assess the intensity.

The tectonic plates that make up the Earth's surface, known as the lithosphere, have a thickness of around 50 miles on average and are perpetually moving very slowly over a layer of magma in the asthenosphere and inner mantle. In situations when there is simply shear stress, the plates move horizontally past one another or subduct beneath one another.

Learn more about Earthquakes here:



sedimentary rocks are formed due to the (4 points) group of answer choices cooling of magma weathering of rocks changes in pressure changes in temperature


Sedimentary rocks are formed due to the weathering of rocks. Therefore the second option is correct.

Sedimentary rocks are typically formed on or near the Earth's surface, while metamorphic and igneous rocks are created deep within the planet.

The most important processes that led to their creation are:

Erosion (by water, wind, etc.)Weathering (from sunlight and other elements)Dissolution (of minerals by water or other substances)Precipitation (rainwater running off of surfaces)Lithification (the formation of rock from compressed sediment).

Common examples of sedimentary rocks include sandstonelimestone, and shale. These rocks often begin as sediments that are carried by rivers and deposited in lakes and oceans.

Know more about Rocks here:


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