What is known as the choke point between yemen and djibouti?


Answer 1


The choke point between Yemen and Djibouti is the Bab-el-Mandeb Strait. It is a narrow waterway that connects the Red Sea to the Gulf of Aden and the Arabian Sea. The strait is about 21 miles wide at its narrowest point and is only about 150 feet deep. It is a major shipping lane for oil and other goods, and is also a strategic military chokepoint.

Related Questions

the correct designation for a hurricane is as a(n) ________.


The correct designation for a hurricane is as a tropical cyclone.

What is the appropriate term used to describe a hurricane?

A hurricane is formally known as a tropical cyclone, characterized by a low-pressure system with strong winds rotating around a center. These powerful storms typically develop over warm ocean waters and can cause significant damage when they make landfall.

They are categorized based on their wind speed, with hurricanes being the strongest classification. The term "hurricane" is commonly used in the Atlantic and Northeast Pacific regions, while other parts of the world may refer to these storms as typhoons or cyclones.

Learn more about Hurricane



plate boundaries cover a surface that is ______ so they are ______ and subsequently can change from one type to another, e.g., from transform to convergent.


Plate boundaries cover a surface that is dynamic and constantly in motion, allowing them to be flexible and undergo changes in their type.

These boundaries, where tectonic plates interact, can transform from one type to another due to the complex interplay of forces within the Earth's lithosphere. For example, a plate boundary initially exhibiting a transform motion may experience a change in the direction and magnitude of the forces acting upon it, leading to a shift towards a convergent boundary. This dynamic nature is driven by various factors, including the movement of underlying mantle convection currents and the distribution of stresses within the plates themselves.

Learn more about Plate boundaries here: brainly.com/question/30279142


Fill in the blank. source rock types and temperatures as well as other factors can affect the ___ of magma. after magma forms, this property can be changed by crystallization, assimilation, or mixing


source rock types and temperatures as well as other factors can affect the composition of magma. After magma forms, this property can be changed by crystallization, assimilation, or mixing.

The composition of magma refers to the relative proportions of different elements and minerals present within it. The source rocks that undergo partial melting to form magma can vary in their mineral and chemical compositions, influencing the initial composition of the magma.

Additionally, the temperature at which melting occurs can also affect the composition. Once magma forms, it can undergo crystallization, where minerals solidify and segregate, altering the overall composition.

Assimilation occurs when the magma incorporates surrounding rocks, further modifying its composition. Mixing of different magma bodies can also lead to compositional changes. These processes play crucial roles in the formation and evolution of igneous rocks and volcanic activity.

To know more about Magma related question visit:



according to the theory of common descent, how should each species on earth today compare?


According to the theory of common descent, each species on Earth today is believed to share a common ancestry.

This means that all species are expected to have a degree of similarity and interconnectedness in their genetic makeup and evolutionary history. Species that are more closely related should exhibit greater similarities in their genetic sequences, anatomical features, and developmental patterns compared to species that are more distantly related.

In other words, the theory of common descent suggests that all species on Earth share a common origin and have evolved through a process of gradual modification and diversification from a common ancestor over billions of years.

Learn more about evolutionary history.



when it reaches its largest size, the ozone hole over the antarctic is:_______.


The ozone hole over the Antarctic reaches its largest size during the Southern Hemisphere's spring season.

The ozone hole over the Antarctic refers to a region of significantly depleted ozone concentrations in the Earth's stratosphere. It is primarily caused by the release of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and other ozone-depleting substances into the atmosphere. The size of the ozone hole varies throughout the year due to seasonal changes in temperature and atmospheric conditions.

The ozone hole reaches its maximum size during the Southern Hemisphere's spring season, which typically occurs from September to November. During this time, the combination of cold temperatures and polar stratospheric clouds enhances the chemical reactions that lead to ozone depletion. As a result, the ozone hole expands and reaches its largest extent, covering a significant area over the Antarctic region.

It is important to note that measures have been taken to reduce the production and use of ozone-depleting substances, which have shown some positive effects in stabilizing and, in some regions, recovering the ozone layer.

To learn more about chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) click here: brainly.com/question/10583810


mineral evidence suggests that on earth, the oceans first formed as early as


Mineral evidence suggests that on earth, the oceans first formed as early as 4.4 billion years ago.

The formation of both the earth and oceans are intricately linked and occurred simultaneously through a process called accretion. Accretion is the gradual accumulation of matter by gravity, which led to the formation of our planet and its surrounding bodies.
During the early stages of accretion, the earth was extremely hot and molten, with temperatures exceeding 5,000 degrees Celsius. This heat caused the minerals that made up the earth's crust to vaporize and form a thick atmosphere of water vapor, carbon dioxide, and other gases.
Over time, as the earth cooled, the water vapor in the atmosphere began to condense and form liquid water on the surface. The mineral evidence suggests that this process started as early as 4.4 billion years ago, with the formation of the first oceans.
The mineral evidence comes from the discovery of ancient rocks that contain tiny mineral grains known as zircons. These zircons have been dated back to 4.4 billion years ago and show evidence of having been formed in the presence of liquid water.
Overall, the formation of the earth and oceans are closely intertwined and have been shaped by a complex set of processes that have occurred over billions of years. The mineral evidence provides a window into the early history of our planet and helps us to understand how it has evolved over time.

to know more about stages of accretion visit:



Chinatown is an example of a
A. functional region.
B. nodal region.
C. perceptual region.
D. formal region.
E. uniform region


Option(D), Chinatown is an example of a formal region. A formal region is an area with a common characteristic that is clearly defined by a boundary.

Chinatown is an example of a formal region. A formal region is an area with a common characteristic that is clearly defined by a boundary. Chinatown is an area in a city that is inhabited predominantly by Chinese immigrants and their descendants. This area is clearly defined by its boundaries, which can be physical or social. For example, in New York City, the boundaries of Chinatown are defined by Canal Street to the north, Worth Street to the south, Bowery to the east, and Broadway to the west. This area is characterized by Chinese language, culture, and customs, making it a formal region. Formal regions are important in geography because they help us understand the spatial distribution of different phenomena. They also help us identify areas that may have common economic, cultural, or environmental characteristics. Formal regions can be studied using various methods, such as mapping, surveying, and statistical analysis. Understanding formal regions can help us plan and manage resources, and make informed decisions about the use and development of land.

To know more about formal region visit :



FILL IN THE BLANK. Hydropower plants create electricity for an estimated __________% of the world's population, and __________% of the population of the United States.


Hydropower plants create electricity for an estimated 16% of the world's population, and 7% of the population of the United States.

Hydropower plants generate electricity by harnessing the power of moving water. It is estimated that approximately 16% of the world's population has access to electricity produced by hydropower plants. In the United States, hydropower accounts for approximately 7% of the electricity generated and consumed by the population. While hydropower is a renewable and clean source of energy, its availability is limited by the availability of suitable water sources and the environmental impacts of damming rivers and altering ecosystems.

Learn more about clean source of energy: https://brainly.com/question/235226


subtropical anticyclones are ______-core circulation systems.


Subtropical anticyclones are high-pressure systems characterized by a large area of persistent sinking air.

These systems are a type of large-scale air circulation system that form around 30 degrees latitude both north and south in the Earth’s atmosphere. They are typically associated with clear skies, light winds, and dry air. Subtropical anticyclones are characterized by a strong, well-defined center or core of high pressure, and are associated with a large area of sinking air, which in turn is associated with diverging winds. This sinking air is associated with the dry and stable weather associated with this type of circulation system.

The air in the core of the anticyclone is usually warmer than the air surrounding it, and this warm air tends to radiate outward and can cause the air pressure gradient to flatten out at the outer edges of the anticyclone. These circulation systems can last for days, weeks, or even months, and can be quite persistent.

To know more about Subtropical anticyclones, click here:



what is the the longest day of the year for places located north of tropic of cancer?


The longest day of the year for places located north of the Tropic of Cancer is the summer solstice, which typically occurs around June 20 or 21.

On this day, the northern hemisphere is tilted towards the sun, resulting in the longest period of daylight for areas located north of the Tropic of Cancer. This phenomenon is also known as the June solstice and is celebrated as the first day of summer in the Northern Hemisphere.

The length of the day varies depending on the latitude of the location, with locations closer to the North Pole experiencing almost 24 hours of daylight, while those closer to the equator may experience only slightly longer days than usual. The summer solstice has been celebrated by various cultures throughout history, and many modern-day festivals and rituals are still held to mark this occasion.

To know more about summer solstice visit:



in what month does a rain band flow across africa to the south of the equator?


The Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ), also known as the 'Rain Band', is an area of low pressure that encircles the Earth near the equator.

This zone is characterized by converging trade winds and thunderstorms, and is responsible for the majority of rainfall in the tropics. This band of rain and storms moves northward during the Northern Hemisphere summer months and southward during the Southern Hemisphere summer months.

Therefore, the ITCZ rain band flows across Africa to the south of the equator in the months of December, January and February. During these months, the ITCZ brings a lot of rainfall to the region, which is important for the agriculture of the region. The ITCZ's position is not fixed and is known to move, further south or north depending on the seasonal changes in the atmosphere.

To know more about Intertropical Convergence Zone , click here:



Why does water heat up more slowly and to a lower temperature than a comparable area of land surface, when both receive the same amount of energy from the Sun?A. Water stores heat in a non-sensible form.B. Water is opaque to sunlight.C. Less water evaporates from the water surface.D. Heat is more mobile in water.E. Water has a lower specific heat.


Water has a lower specific heat. Specific heat is the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of a given mass of a substance by one degree Celsius.

The answer is E.

Water has a much lower specific heat than land, meaning that it takes less energy to raise the temperature of a given mass of water by one degree Celsius.

This means that even when exposed to the same amount of energy from the Sun, the temperature of water will rise much more slowly than the temperature of a comparable area of land surface. As a result, the arctic ice cap is able to remain frozen even in the presence of high amounts of energy from the Sun.

To know more about arctic , click here:



dsecribe the process of upwelling and explain why el nino conditions suppress upwelling off the west coast of south america



El Nino is a phenomenon that influences weather. Due to differential heating of ocean surface water a large swathe of warm ocean water is formed in the Pacific Ocean Equatorial region. The swathe of comparatively cold water in the vicinity of El Nino is referred to as La Nina-. Bother of these phenomenon have no direct relationship with flood.

Well seasonal torrential rains are responsible for floods. Floods are part and parcel of nature. It is we the human beings who interprete them as calamity.

To mitigate our losses (????) The only avaible option is to arrest the flood water so that it doesn't flood our settlements, agricultural ventures and assets of economic interest. This applies to all types of floods.

We can build dams across the rivers so the sudden excessive rain water inflow can be retained in the upstream reservoirs.

The other option is do not utilise flood plain lands for any of our activities. Flood plains are low lying trough like land parcels adjoining the rivers. They are prone to flooding with seasonal increase in water inflow.

Unfortunately these lands are very fertile and so since centuries have been aggressively utilised to satiate our agricultural interests. Over a period agriculture initiates human settlement. This is the reason why floods cause massive destruction.

Flood plains are a nature's way to hold excessive water. Flood plains sustain biodiversity.

if you sailed west from honshu, what body of water would you be on?


If you sailed west from Honshu, which is the largest and most populous island of Japan, you would eventually reach the Sea of Japan.

The Sea of Japan is a marginal sea located between the Asian continent and the Japanese archipelago. It is surrounded by Japan, Russia, North Korea, and South Korea. It is also known as the East Sea in South Korea and the Choson Sea in North Korea. The Sea of Japan is an important body of water for both fishing and transportation, with many major ports located along its coast. In terms of geography, the Sea of Japan is a part of the Pacific Ocean and is separated from it by the Japanese archipelago and the Kuril Islands. Overall, the Sea of Japan is a fascinating body of water with a rich history and culture.

to know more about sea of Japan visit:



roughly one half of the volume of an "average" soil type is composed of ________.


Approximately half of the volume of an "average" soil type consists of solid particles.

These solid particles encompass a range of components, including minerals, organic matter, and various materials like rocks and sediment. The remaining half of the soil volume is occupied by pore spaces, which hold air and water.

This balance between solid particles and pore spaces is crucial for the vitality of plants and the overall functionality of soil. It facilitates processes like nutrient retention, water filtration, and provides a supportive medium for plant roots to establish and grow. The composition of soil directly affects its fertility, water-holding capacity, and ability to sustain healthy ecosystems.

To know more about Soil related question visit:



why does the circulation within a cyclone usually bring cloudy, stormy weather?


Cyclones are areas of low pressure that are characterized by circulating winds that move in a counterclockwise direction in the Northern Hemisphere and in a clockwise direction in the Southern Hemisphere.

The circulation within a cyclone usually brings cloudy and stormy weather because of the way it interacts with the atmosphere. As air rises in a cyclone, it cools and the moisture it contains condenses into clouds. This rising air also creates a vacuum, which pulls in more warm, moist air from surrounding areas. As this air rises, it too cools and condenses, leading to the formation of even more clouds and precipitation.

Furthermore, the strong winds that are associated with cyclones can also intensify the formation of clouds and precipitation. These winds can push moist air up and over mountains, which can cause even more cooling and condensation to occur. Additionally, the winds can also push air masses of different temperatures and humidities together, creating instability and further enhancing the development of clouds and precipitation.

In summary, the circulation within a cyclone usually brings cloudy, stormy weather because of the way it interacts with the atmosphere, creating an environment that is conducive to the formation of clouds and precipitation.

To know more about Cyclones visit :



Which of the following is associated with an active continental margin?
A) Divergent boundaries
B) Convergent boundaries
C) Transform boundaries
D) No tectonic boundaries nearby


the correct answer is B) Convergent boundaries, where two plates move towards each other, and the denser oceanic plate is subducted beneath the lighter continental plate.

.Which of the following explains how microlending policies can lead to interdependence in the world economy?
A. Microlending policies increase debt in less developed countries because banks in more developed countries make the loans.
B. Microlending policies result in decreased infrastructure expenditures in less developed countries because the loans are specifically for improvements in more developed countries.
C. Increased restrictions for the lending of microloans by banks and international lending agencies make it difficult for less developed countries to succeed in their goals.
D. Decreased funding opportunities for governments in less developed countries through microlending policies have led to isolationism and decreased trade.
E. Increased funding opportunities for individuals in less developed countries have led to increased economic stability on a local level and trade opportunities with other countries.


Microlending policies can lead to interdependence in the world economy by increasing funding opportunities for individuals in less developed countries, which in turn leads to Option E .increased economic stability on a local level and trade opportunities with other countries.

These policies provide small loans to entrepreneurs and small businesses, often in less developed regions, enabling them to start or expand their businesses. This fosters economic growth and job creation within these communities.

As these businesses grow and prosper, they often engage in trade with other countries, increasing the interdependence of the world economy. Additionally, the success of microlending-supported businesses can inspire more investment in less developed countries, further promoting economic development and integration into the global market.

In summary, microlending policies contribute to interdependence in the world economy by providing financial support to entrepreneurs in less developed countries, leading to increased economic stability, job creation, and trade opportunities with other nations.

Know more about Microlending policies here:



subtracting a nation's crude death rate from its crude birth rate yields what?


Subtracting a nation's crude death rate from its crude birth rate yields the natural population growth rate.

What is natural population growth rate?

The crude birth rate represents births per 1,000 population, and the crude death rate represents deaths per 1,000 population.

You can calculate the natural population growth rate by subtracting the crude death rate from the crude birth rate. This is the rate at which a population grows or declines without considering other factors such as migration. A positive natural population growth rate means that the birth rate will exceed the death rate and the population will grow. Conversely, if the natural population growth rate is negative, it indicates that the mortality rate exceeds the birth rate, leading to population decline.

The natural population growth rate is an important demographic indicator that helps us understand demographics and plan for future social, economic and health needs.  

To know more about natural population growth rate -



In regions of mountainous terrain, high elevations are generally warmer than low elevations, since they are closer to the sun.TrueFalse


False. In regions of mountainous terrain, high elevations are generally cooler than low elevations.

As altitude increases, the air temperature tends to decrease due to various factors such as reduced atmospheric pressure, decreased air density, and the adiabatic cooling effect as air rises. This phenomenon is often referred to as the lapse rate.

Therefore, high elevations in mountainous areas are typically colder than low elevations.

To know more about mountainous terrain refer here



if you were to dig into a drumlin, you would find ________.


If you were to dig into a drumlin, you would find a stratified mixture of sediments deposited by glacial meltwater.

Drumlins are long, teardrop-shaped hills that were formed during the last ice age when the moving glaciers deposited large amounts of unconsolidated materials like sand, gravel, and clay. The materials were then shaped by the flow of the glacial ice, creating elongated ridges with steep slopes facing the direction of the ice flow and gentle slopes on the opposite side. Drumlins are typically composed of a mixture of sediment sizes, with the larger particles concentrated at the base and the smaller particles at the top.

As a result, the sediment layers within a drumlin are often stratified, with coarse-grained sediments at the bottom and finer-grained sediments at the top. By examining the sediment layers within a drumlin, geologists can learn about the glacial processes that shaped the landscape and the environmental conditions that existed during the ice age. This information can provide insights into how the climate and landscape have changed over time, and how they may continue to change in the future.

For more about meltwater:



a yazoo tributary stream cannot join with the main river in an area because:_____.


A Yazoo tributary stream cannot join with the main river in an area because of natural levees or other physical barriers that prevent direct confluence.

A Yazoo tributary stream refers to a smaller stream or river that runs parallel to a larger river, such as the Mississippi River. The term "Yazoo" is commonly used to describe these tributaries due to their prominence in the Yazoo River basin. In some areas, Yazoo tributaries are unable to directly join the main river due to natural levees or other physical barriers.

Natural levees are raised landforms that form alongside rivers as a result of repeated flooding and sediment deposition. These levees act as barriers, confining the main river within its banks and preventing smaller tributaries from directly joining it. Instead, the Yazoo tributaries flow parallel to the main river, often creating a network of interconnected waterways known as a "Yazoo stream system."

Other physical barriers, such as hills, cliffs, or man-made structures, can also prevent the direct confluence of a Yazoo tributary with the main river. These barriers redirect the flow of the tributary, causing it to follow a separate path instead of merging with the larger river.

In conclusion, the inability of a Yazoo tributary stream to join with the main river in an area is primarily due to natural levees or other physical barriers that impede direct confluence. These barriers redirect the flow of the tributary, causing it to run parallel to the main river rather than merging with it.

To learn more about Natural levees click here: brainly.com/question/30459344


daniel boyce and boris worm hypothesized that phytoplankton was declining globally, while data from the northern atlantic ocean during the continuous plankton recorder (cpr) survey suggest that phytoplankton biomass has increased in the last 20-50 years. boyce and worm supported their hypothesis by using a combination of historical secchi disk readings and laboratory-determined levels of chlorophyll in the water. the cpr survey directly measured biomass in the sampled ocean water. which of the following might be the most plausible explanation for the difference between the cpr survey results and boyce and worm's conclusions?


The correct option (1) Boyce and Worm were evaluating global data whereas the CPR concentrated on data from the North Atlantic, and the two research teams were using different methods to collect data.

The most plausible explanation for the difference between the CPR survey results and Boyce and Worm's conclusions could be that Boyce and Worm were evaluating global data, whereas the CPR survey concentrated on data specifically from the North Atlantic.

The two research teams were using different methods to collect data, with Boyce and Worm relying on historical secchi disk readings and laboratory-determined chlorophyll levels, while the CPR survey directly measured biomass in the sampled ocean water.

The difference in geographic focus and methodology may account for the divergent findings. Additionally, variations in regional and temporal variability of phytoplankton biomass could contribute to the contrasting conclusions between the two studies.

Learn more about North Atlantic,



Full Question: daniel boyce and boris worm hypothesized that phytoplankton was declining globally, while data from the northern atlantic ocean during the continuous plankton recorder (cpr) survey suggest that phytoplankton biomass has increased in the last 20-50 years. boyce and worm supported their hypothesis by using a combination of historical secchi disk readings and laboratory-determined levels of chlorophyll in the water. the cpr survey directly measured biomass in the sampled ocean water. which of the following might be the most plausible explanation for the difference between the cpr survey results and boyce and worm's conclusions?

Boyce and Worm were evaluating global data whereas the CPR concentrated on data from the North Atlantic, and the two research teams were using different methods to collect data.obtained through photosynthesis minus the amount lost through cellular respiration.are released into the water by the decomposers shown at the bottom.

the largest pool of carbon can be found in a. oceans. b. rivers and lakes. c. the atmosphere. d. sediments and rocks. e. soils and vegetation.


The largest pool of carbon can be found in the ocean which is given by the option A.

Based on the physical and biological conditions, oceanographers divide the ocean into vertical and horizontal zones. From the surface to the ocean floor, the open ocean's water column is the pelagic zone. The depth and amount of light in the water column further divide the column into zones. The water in the photic zone can support photosynthesis up to 1% of the surface light depth (roughly 200 meters in the open ocean).

The photic zone is therefore the most biodiverse. Plants and tiny green growth (free drifting phytoplankton) utilize light, water, carbon dioxide, and supplements to create natural matter through photosynthesis. The upper sunlit zone is the source of the food supply that sustains the majority of the ocean ecosystem. Ocean photosynthesis produces half of the oxygen in the atmosphere of the Earth. Below, only a few hundred meters of light can penetrate; Dark and cold is the remainder of the ocean below. With a depth of a few hundred meters or less, the continental shelf where the ocean meets dry land is shallower. The continental shelf experiences the greatest impact from human activity.

Learn more about ocean:



T/F : the opacity of earth's atmosphere to radiation is completely independent of the wavelength or frequency of the incident radiation.


The opacity of Earth's atmosphere to radiation is not completely independent of the wavelength or frequency of the incident radiation. This statement is hence False.

Different wavelengths or frequencies of radiation can interact differently with the gases and particles in the atmosphere. For example, shorter wavelengths such as ultraviolet radiation are more easily absorbed by molecules like ozone, while longer wavelengths like infrared radiation are more affected by gases like water vapor and carbon dioxide. These differences in interaction can affect the overall opacity of the atmosphere for different wavelengths or frequencies. Therefore, it is important to consider the specific characteristics of the incident radiation when studying the opacity of the Earth's atmosphere.

To know more about radiation visit:



it is thought that the earth's climate is being changed rapidly by ________.


Answer: Human-caused release of impurities


It is thought that the earth's climate is being changed rapidly by

human-caused release of impurities.

what agriculture hearth did domesticated coffee emerge from?


Answer: Sub-Saharan Africa

the steep, upper slopes of composite volcanoes are generally produced by ________.


The steep, upper slopes of composite volcanoes are generally produced by layers of solidified lava flows and volcanic ash.

      The formation of composite volcanoes, also known as stratovolcanoes, involves the accumulation of alternating layers of solidified lava flows and volcanic ash. These layers build up over time as the volcano erupts repeatedly. The steep, upper slopes of composite volcanoes are primarily shaped by the deposition of these materials. When lava erupts from the volcano's vent, it flows down the slopes, gradually cooling and solidifying to form hardened layers. The volcanic ash, which consists of fine fragments of rock and volcanic debris, is also ejected during eruptions and settles on the slopes, contributing to the buildup of material. Over time, the repeated accumulation of these layers of solidified lava flows and volcanic ash results in the characteristic steepness of the upper slopes of composite volcanoes.

To learn more about volcanoes click here : brainly.com/question/14175701


why does the doppler method generally give a planet's "minimum mass" rather than an exact mass?


The Doppler method is a common technique used to detect exoplanets by observing the tiny wobble of a star caused by the gravitational pull of an orbiting planet.

By measuring the periodic variations in a star's radial velocity, astronomers can determine the presence of a planet and estimate its mass. However, the Doppler method generally gives a planet's "minimum mass" rather than an exact mass because it assumes that the planet's orbit is perfectly aligned with our line of sight. In reality, most exoplanets have tilted or eccentric orbits that cause them to move in three dimensions, which can lead to an underestimate of their true mass. Additionally, the method can't determine the exact size of the star, which can also affect the measurements. Thus, the minimum mass is a conservative estimate that provides a lower limit for the planet's actual mass.

To know more about Doppler method visit:



The tilt of a planet's orbit affects how much Doppler shift we can detect. We are unable to determine the orbital inclination of the planet since the Doppler technique only detects movement towards and away from us.

Because Doppler shift merely informs us of the velocity towards or away from us, we cannot precisely determine the mass of a planet without knowledge of its orbital tilt. Lower bounds on masses are provided by Doppler data. Most of the planets that have been discovered are heavier than Jupiter. The orbit of the planet makes an unknown angle with our line of sight. Doppler shift data can provide information about a planet's mass and orbital configuration.

To know more about Doppler shift, click here:



in which hemisphere are middle-latitude deserts more common, and why?


Middle-latitude deserts are more commonly found in the Northern Hemisphere (option a).

This is because the Northern Hemisphere has more extensive landmasses in the middle latitudes, such as North America, Europe, and Asia. These regions experience high-pressure systems that cause dry and arid conditions, leading to the formation of deserts. Additionally, the Northern Hemisphere has a greater temperature range, which can also contribute to the formation of deserts.

In contrast, the Southern Hemisphere has more extensive oceanic areas, which typically have more moderate and humid climates, making it less conducive to desert formation. Therefore, the combination of landmasses and climatic conditions makes the Northern Hemisphere more favorable for the formation of middle-latitude deserts. The correct option is a.

The complete question is:

In which hemisphere are middle-latitude deserts more common, and why?

a) Northern

b) Southern

c) None of these

For more about Hemisphere:



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Let event A={a student has their own Amazon account} Let event D={a student has their own Disney+ account} Are events A and D mutually exclusive? Why or why not? .On January 1, 2020, the balance sheet of Naperville Company (a sole proprietorship) was as follows.AssetsLiabilitiesAccounts receivable (net of allowance)$120,000Current$76,000Inventory180,000Noncurrent160,000$236,000Plant and equipment (net of depreciation)400,000EquityLand60,000Owners equity524,000Total$760,000Total liabilities and owners equity$760,000On January 1, 2020, Chicago Corporation purchased all of the assets and assumed all of the liabilities listed on the above balance sheet for $580,000 cash. The assets, on date of purchase, were valued by Chicago Corporation as follows: accounts receivable (net), $100,000; inventory, $170,000; plant and equipment (net), $400,000; and land, $90,000. In addition, Chicago Corporation estimated purchased intangible assets of $4,000 for customer list and $16,000 for trade names (both previously unrecorded). The liabilities were valued at their carrying amounts.Requireda. Compute the amount of goodwill included in the purchase price paid by Chicago Corporation.b. Provide the entry that Chicago Corporation should make to record the purchase of Naperville Company. a straight line that passes through one side of a circle to the other is called the which one of the following statements best describes the actions of the smoothing constant as it moves closer to the smoothing constant ? why do different types of atoms absorb different specific colors of light? many medical pet scans use the isotope 18f, which has a half-life of 1.8 h . a sample prepared at 10:00 a.m. has an activity of 27 mci . What is the activity at 1:00 p.m., when the patient is injected? When you are evaluating service quality based upon the attitude of the deliverer of the service, you are evaluating what? the technical base the functional base inseparability both a and c both b and c 10 most important quotes in tsotsi which dimension of wellness includes optimism, trust, and self-confidence? a kite is flying 9 off the ground. its line is pulled taut and casts a 6- ftshadow. find the length of the line. if necessary, round your answer to the nearest tenth. GDSS generally provides structure to the meeting planning process, which keeps a group meeting on track, although some applications permit the group to use unstructured techniques and methods for idea generation. true false why are bryophytes considered incompletely liberated from their ancestral aquatic habitat? If you stood at the end of a pier with a stop-watch, and you counted the number of waves that hit the pier piling in one minute, and calculated the #waves per minute, this is called what? a) wave height b) period c) frequency d) wavelength e) wave speed