What is the central and main idea in a poem?


Answer 1

The topic of a poem, sometimes known as "what it's about," is its main notion. Although many people are wary of poems being "about" anything, at the end of the day.

The poet had something in mind when they wrote it, and that item—whatever it is or might have been—is the central theme. The anti-war poem "Asleep in the Valley" was composed by Arthur Rimbaud. In a grassy meadow with the sun shining brightly, a soldier is discovered dozing off.

The sun is shining brightly, making the entire valley appear beautiful and bright. The young soldier appears to be asleep, is pale, and is resting with his mouth open, but he has a sweet smile on his face.

Learn more about central idea Visit: brainly.com/question/1914190


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Direction: Write a 3 paragraph essay as a response to the following question.

Should the jury have voted to convict or acquit (find not guilty) Tom Robinson?

You should have three (3) pieces of evidence to back up your point. Show one evidence for each paragraph to explain your reasoning or answer the question.

Based on To Kill a Mockingbird PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!


The jury should not have found Tom Robinson guilty based on the left hand injury, and Mayella Ewell's testimony is insufficient to convict him in the case; finally, his race played a role in this and the jury's decision was influenced.

What is the story of Tom Robinson?

He was accused of the crimes in the Mayella Ewell case, but there were many pieces of evidence that directly negated the guilt that he was accused of. The judges' inattention and failure to recheck the facts made him responsible for crime he did not commit.

Hence, the jury should not have found Tom Robinson guilty based on the left hand injury, and Mayella Ewell's testimony is insufficient to convict him in the case; finally, his race played a role in this and the jury's decision was influenced.

Learn more about Tom Robinson here.



What is the 2 biggest Ferris wheel in the world?


The 260-meter (853-foot) Ain Dubai Ferris wheel in the United Arab Emirates debuted in October 2021. The 167.6-meter (550-foot) High Roller in Las Vegas, Nevada, which opened to the public in March 2014, held the record before 2014.

Ain Dubai, formerly known as the Dubai Eye or Dubai at Bluewaters Island in the United Arab Emirates, is the largest and tallest observation wheel in the world, standing at a height of 250 meters (820 ft). Announcing it in February 2013.

Hyundai Engineering & Construction worked with KCI to create and engineer the whole wheel construction, including the installation engineering.

To know more about ferris wheel, visit,



Is .gov a reliable source?


Websites ending in.edu and.gov are typically reliable. Since government organizations typically hold.gov domains exclusively, they are far more trustworthy.

How to tell a reliable source from a fake one:

Take a look at the three letters that follow the domain name of the website, such as "edu," "gov," "org," and "com" (commercial).Additionally, look up the publishing date. In some circumstances, it might not matter if the source is older or hasn't been updated recently, but in scientific domains where knowledge can change quickly, the data might be out of the current.As you gather information, try to confirm its veracity and legitimacy using other trustworthy websites. More investigation may be necessary if you discover a reliable website that disputes your primary source.

To know more about Reliable Sources, refer to this link:



What does Della's hair symbolize in The Gift of the Magi?


At the beginning of the story, the young couple's most prized possessions are Della's hair and Jim's gold watch; their eventual sacrifice of these items symbolizes their love.

All the more explicitly, notwithstanding, Della's hair addresses her excellence and youth.

In The Gift of the Magi, what does Jim's watch represent?

Symbol Analysis on Jim's gold watch Jim's watch, which has been handed down from generation to generation, also holds sentimental value for him. In this way, the watch is a representation of Jim's ties to the family he left as a child to form a new one with Della.

What kind of hair did Della have?

As a result, Della's gorgeous hair began to cascade around her, rippling and shining like brown waters. It nearly resembled a garment for her because it reached below her knee.

To learn more about Jim's gold watch here:



The meaning of channel is


Explanation: Channel is the medium or the means, such as personal or non-personal, verbal or non-verbal.

Carole wants to locate highly credible statistical information about Social Security for a speech on federal social programs. Which type of source should Carole use


Carole should use government resources for a speech on federal social programs.

What are the most important social programs?

There are several well-known social programs, including Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and the Children's Health Insurance Program.The means-tested welfare system is made up of more than 80 government initiatives that offer low-income and working-class Americans financial assistance, food, housing, healthcare, social services, training, and specialized educational assistance.Taxation is usually used to pay for welfare programs. Through the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program, the U.S. federal government gives funding to each state. Benefit eligibility is determined by a variety of variables, such as family size and income levels.The Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana, Stand Up India Scheme, and many more social welfare programs are run by the Indian government.

To learn more about social programs refer to:



How does the entrance of the characters distinguish between the men and the women in Trifles?


The characters' entrances distinguish between the men and the women because the women entered nervously and stood next to one another while the men entered carelessly.

What is the role of gender in Trifles?

The women are expected to behave in the traditional "housekeeper" manner, whilst the men are expected to conduct in a more commanding, authoritative manner.

The play explores the issue of gender using a variety of dramatic devices, including tone, character, and dramatic irony.

While the women track down the crucial components of the crime, the men are looking for evidence to prove Minnie is guilty.

Susan Glaspell's play "Trifles" illustrates feminist stereotypes, or depictions of genders at a time when women had less influence.

In Trifles, the gentler males are openly sexist toward women, but the meaner people are openly sexist... and also murder little animals. Obviously, despite the fact that the play may be a little harsh on.

To learn more about Trifles, refer to:



Help me please

EC Writing-List 10 things you want to do in your lifetime.

For each item you list, you will receive three points for listing the item, and another two points for writing a brief description/explanation. So if you list 10 items with a description/explanation, you will receive 50 bonus points.



Travel to AfricaVisit a World WonderVolunteerHost a dinner partyDrive a supercarHelp people in needWatch the sunrisePlay a sportMore  RestingWorking out

Explanation: nice question i like it

What is 4 step rule derivative?


The 4 Step Rule for derivations is a methodical  approach for chancing   derivations of different functions.

This approach is especially useful for chancing  the  derivations of complicated functions. The four  way of the rule are   1. Identify the function and its variables.   2. Take the  outgrowth of each term in the function.   3. Apply the chain rule to any terms that involve  compound functions.   4. Simplify the result.   The first step of the 4 Step Rule is to identify the function and its variables. This means that you need to be  suitable to fete  the independent and dependent variables of the function. It's important to have a good understanding of the  memorandum and symbols used to represent the variables.   The alternate step is to take the  outgrowth of each term in the function. The  outgrowth of a function is the rate of change of the dependent variable with respect to the independent variable. This can be done by using the rules of isolation,  similar as the power rule, the product rule, and the quotient rule.  The third step is to apply the chain rule to any terms that involve  compound functions. The chain rule states that the  outgrowth of the composed function is equal to the product of the  derivations of the individual.

To know more about memorandum visit:



What resulted from the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation ?


The Articles of Confederation, the country's founding form of governance, gave the states a disproportionate amount of power. States have called for a new Constitution as a result of the flaws in existing one.

What are life weaknesses?

Weaknesses are traits or skills that are perceived negatively or as being underdeveloped.  Blind spots, inadequate skill development, and undesirable personal behaviours are examples of weaknesses. Being unable to strike a balance between your morality and rationality and your emotions is a sign of emotional weakness. Your tendency to think emotionally rather than rationally is shown by this. While your emotions should be a consideration in your judgements, if they become the primary element, you risk making hasty, ignorant, or dramatic conclusions.

What is weakness in a human?

Asthenia, often known as weakness, is the experience of physical drowsiness or fatigue.. A person who is weak might not be able to move a certain bodily component correctly. In addition to making it difficult to move some or all of the body, asthenia can also make it difficult to concentrate. The weakest muscles in the body are in the lower back, which is also the area that most people neglect to work out. The eyes, throat, nose, crotch, and instep are the weakest points to attack in a fight, especially if your opponent is larger than you.

To know more about Weakness visit:



would a mechanic also mean like moving things? like if i said "the boy made a new mechanic that made the pencil move" or "i make new mechanics out of plastic" would it make sense?


Answer: You can say I make new mechanics


Use figurative language to describe each of your provided words. You will write one sentence for each word, and put the type of figurative language used in parentheses at the end of the sentence. Underline your word. Look at the example below to help you!

The rainbow was a beautiful blanket, arching over the sky. (metaphor)





The client was a demanding tyrant, always expecting more from us. (metaphor)

The advertisement was a shiny lure, baiting customers to buy. (metaphor)

I tried to memorize the words, but they slipped through my fingers like sand. (simile)

He turned his project sideways and found a new solution. (metaphor)

The exercise was a grind, pushing my limits every day. (metaphor)

The variety of ice cream flavors was a smorgasbord, offering something for everyone. (metaphor)

I decided to inquire about the job, feeling like a fish swimming upstream. (simile)

Science is a powerful magnifying glass, revealing the secrets of the universe. (metaphor)

The dialogue between the two politicians was a tug of war, each one pulling for their own agenda. (metaphor)

The library was an ocean of knowledge, waiting to be explored. (metaphor)

Use simile, metaphor, and personification to describe the provided words using figurative language.

Create sentences using figurative language for each of the provided words:The client was a demanding tornado, sweeping through the office. (simile)The advertisement was a persistent song, playing in the back of my mind. (metaphor)I tried to memorize the information, but it slipped through my fingers like sand. (simile)The cat walked sideways, its body swaying like a pendulum. (simile)After the intense workout, my body felt like a rubber band, stretched to its limits. (metaphor)The buffet table offered a variety of dishes, a rainbow of flavors. (metaphor)The professor encouraged us to inquire and explore the wonders of the subject. (personification)The mysteries of science are a labyrinth, waiting to be unraveled. (metaphor)The dialogue between the characters was a symphony of words, harmonizing the story. (metaphor)The library was a treasure trove of knowledge, waiting to be discovered. (metaphor)

Learn more about Figurative language here:



Briefly explain how

the author's choices

develop Esperanza's

point of view toward

Marta in "Los


Be sure to include textual

evidence to support your ideas.


In the story "Los Melones" by Sandra Cisneros, the author develops Esperanza's point of view towards Marta through a series of descriptive language and imagery. The author portrays Marta as a nurturing and caring figure, who takes care of Esperanza and the other children in their neighbourhood. For example, when Esperanza feels homesick, Marta comforts her by saying "It's okay, m'ija. It's okay. I'm here," (Cisneros, 1984, p.5). This shows that Marta is a motherly figure who is always there to comfort Esperanza.

Furthermore, the author also shows Esperanza's point of view towards Marta is of admiration and respect. Esperanza describes Marta as "beautiful and strong" (Cisneros, 1984, p.6) and sees her as a role model. Esperanza says "she's the one I want to be like when I grow up" (Cisneros, 1984, p.6). This indicates that Esperanza holds Marta in high regard and wants to emulate her.

On the other hand, the author also develops Esperanza's point of view towards Marta as jealousy. Esperanza is jealous of Marta's ability to have children and wishes to have children of her own, saying "Marta has babies and I have nothing" (Cisneros, 1984, p.7). This shows that Esperanza sees Marta as a symbol of adulthood and wishes to be like her in that sense.

Overall, the author develops Esperanza's point of view towards Marta through a combination of descriptive language and imagery that portrays Marta as a nurturing, strong, and admirable figure, but also as a symbol of adulthood and the ability to have children which Esperanza is jealous of.

Learn more about figurative language here: https://brainly.com/question/30148156


Write the definite article in front of the following words:
Yellow apple
White carnation
Smart lawyer
Famous actress
Brown desks
Write 3 sentences with 3 definite articles

Write the indefinite article in front of the following words:
Bottle of water
Write 3 sentences with 3 indefinite articles


A, an, and the are the three articles used in English. A sort of adjective, articles are used before nouns or their counterparts. Before a noun, the definite article (the) is used to show that the reader is aware of the word's identity. When a noun is vague or the identity of the noun is unknown, the indefinite article (a, an) is used before the noun.

When to use Definite and Indefinite articles?

Nouns can either be countable (can be counted) or noncountable, which is necessary to know in order to comprehend how articles are utilized (indefinite in quantity and cannot be counted). Count nouns can also be single (one) or multiple (more than one). Noncount nouns are only ever used in the singular.

When dealing with a singular count noun whose precise identity is unknown to the reader, only use the indefinite article an or an. Prior to nouns that start with a consonant sound, use an, and prior to nouns that start with a vowel sound, use a.

Examples of indefinite articles:

A Closet

A Table

A Dictionary

A Bottle of water

Examples of a and an in sentences:

I think an animal is in the garage.

That man is a scoundrel.

We are looking for an apartment.

When the reader is aware of the precise identity of the noun (whether single or plural, count or noncount), use the definite article 'the'.

Examples of definite articles:

The Yellow apple.

The White carnation.

The Smart lawyer.

The Famous actress.

The Brown desks.

Examples of the in sentences:

The boy sitting next to me raised his hand.

Thank you for the advice you gave me.

We are going to see the statue of Liberty.

To learn more about articles visit:



17) In a short answer where you include textual evidence for your support, an-

swer the following question.

How does the following statement apply to the text?

Imagine a man in the Sahara regretting that he had no sand for his hour-glass.


In the text, the narrator states, "We are like a man in the Sahara who has no sand for his hour-glass; we are in danger of forgetting the lapse of time, and of abandoning ourselves to an eternity of present enjoyment" (pg. 135).

What is narrator?

A narrator is a person who tells a story. They provide a point of view and context, helping to move the plot forward and often offering insight into the characters.

This statement is used to emphasize the importance of being mindful of the passing of time and not letting oneself become too consumed with present pleasures. The image of a man regretting his lack of sand for an hour-glass in the Sahara is a vivid example of how easily one can become unaware of time and the consequences of this forgetfulness.

To learn more about narrator

What was Darwin's conclusion from examining the different types of finches?


Darwin focused on the bird beaks as the primary distinction. According to Darwin, each of these several finch species descended from a single ancestor.

What is Darwin's conclusion?Darwin came to the conclusion that natural selection and the principle of the fittest had a major role in how animals and people evolved over time.It has been determined through evolutionary biology research that monkeys were the ancestors of humans. During Darwin's day, scientists fiercely argued this connection. The tight evolutionary ties among all primates, including humans, are, however, no longer seriously questioned by science.From species that existed before them, living beings have evolved with alterations. Since there aren't enough resources, more organisms are produced than can live. For their basic needs, organisms contend with one another; resources are scarce.The scientific concept that populations change over many generations as a result of natural selection was first presented in Charles Darwin's book.

To learn more about Darwin's conclusion refer to:



How do you learn something from inquiry is this an effective learning method Why or why not?


Students can participate actively in their education and develop skills through inquiry based learning. Additionally, it switches emphasis from the instructor's words to a technique sparking students' curiosity.

Is inquiry a productive teaching strategy? If not, why not?

By allowing students to investigate subjects themselves, inquiry-based learning improves learning instead of having them memorize facts from the teacher. Students develop their communication and critical thinking abilities as they research a subject.

How may students benefit from inquiry-based learning?

The development of crucial soft skills, such as original problem solving, critical thinking, logical reasoning, teamwork, and even writing and oral communication, through inquiry-based learning is another advantage for students in the twenty-first century.

To know more about effectiveness of Inquiry, visit:



3. Read the sentence from the passage.
"The way he looked at you from under his eyebrows, not eagerly, nor furtively, but with a
self possessed, competent air, quite like a captain scanning a horizon from the bridge, watching the
shifting crowds from one of the little stone circles anchored out in the rush of the boulevards,-a look
of authority backed by a sense of unlimited power."
Which feeling is suggested by the use of the word competent?
A. disdain
B. hostility
C. assurance
D. kindness





what are negative personality traits of Enkidu?


Enkidu was similarly big and strong, but he was also bad and ignorant  in terms of modern society.

Was Enkidu a moral being?

Enkidu has an bad sense of valour, though. He travels to Uruk to stand up for the city's oppressed people and defend its  brides from its unruly ruler. He takes up arms to defend the shepherds who first offer him food.

What does Enkidu fear?

Enkidu, his brother, on the other hand, is terrified because he has witnessed the very bad  before. Because he was ignorant of the creature, Gilgamesh had the confidence and desire to burst it.

To know more about Enkidu  visit:-



What is topic sentence example?


Topic Sentence: It is important to be ready before buying a house. The topic is "buying a house" and the controlling idea is “it is important to be ready."

What is a topic sentence?Usually, a paragraph's aim, subject, or point is stated in a single phrase. A topic Sentence needs to be precise. It serves as the paragraph's main concept.Because it provides a summary of the phrases that will come after it, the topic sentence is often the first sentence of the paragraph. After the theme phrase, the supporting sentences aid in the development of the primary concept. These phrases elaborate on the topic sentence in depth.The broad subject of a paragraph or essay is called the theme. Simple topics are described using just a single word or phrase. The topic and the author's point of view are included in the primary concept, which is a whole sentence. A "subject sentence" is a sentence in a paragraph where the author expresses the primary concept.

Learn more about topic sentence refer to ;



Suppose you are writing an essay arguing that your school should require
students to wear uniforms. Which sentence would best build logos into your
O A. School uniforms are much less expensive than other clothes and
will allow families to save money.
• B. Imagine what it would be like to go to school without having to
worry whether what you're wearing is "cool."
• C. Our principal, Mr. Williamson, believes it is best for our school to
require students to wear uniforms.
• D. As class president, I support the idea of establishing a uniform
policy at our school.


C. Our principal, Mr. Williamson, believes it is best for our school to require students to wear uniforms is the sentence that would best build logos into this argument.

Why is this sentence the best to include in an argument for school uniforms?

This sentence is the best to include in an argument for school uniforms because it appeals to the authority and credibility of the school principal. Mr. Williamson's opinion carries weight and by citing him, the argument is more likely to be taken seriously and respected. Additionally, it shows that the school is taking the issue seriously and respecting the opinion of their leader.

How would you build ethos into the same argument?

To build ethos into the argument, I would cite past success stories of other schools that have already implemented a uniform policy. Showing that other schools have had success with the policy will demonstrate that our school can have the same positive outcomes. I would also cite research and statistics that show the benefits that uniforms bring to schools, such as improved student performance and increased school pride. By highlighting the success of other schools and citing research, the argument will be seen as credible and authoritative.

To learn more about argument,visit:



Which of these inferences about Gulliver and the Lilliputians is best supported by the excerpt from Chapter IV



ask ur teacher............

Which graph represents a linear function? (4 points) Question 3 options: 1) A coordinate plane is shown with a curved line that starts in the bottom left area of the graph, passing through the point -1 comma -5, curving to pass through the y-axis at 2.5, then curving up again to pass through the point 1 comma 5 2) A coordinate plane is shown with a line passing through the x-axis at negative 2 and the y-axis at negative 6. 3) A coordinate plane is shown with a parabola graphed in an upward U shape. The bottom of the parabola touches the y-axis at -10 and curves upward on both sides 4) A coordinate plane is shown with a wavy line that sits on the x-axis and moves across the graph in even up and down waves.


The graph represents a linear function was the based on the coordinate plane is shown with a line passing through the x-axis at negative 2 and the y-axis at negative 6. Thus, option (2) is correct.

What is graph?

The graphical depiction of connections between points and lines is known as a “graph.” The graph is mostly used to methodically portray data, such as bar graphs, pie charts, and tables. The graph is the help of the comparison between the different graphs. There are the different types of the graph are the bar graph and pie graph.

According to the graph represents a linear function are:

Linear functions have graphs that are straight lines.

A linear function takes the following graph:

a + bx = y = f(x)

There is one independent variable and one predictor variables in a linear function. x is the independent variable, and y is the dependent variable.

As a result, the represents a linear function as the graph second as the correct second option. Therefore, option (2) is correct.

Learn more about on graph, here:



Check Your Reading
Why does the narrator describe Gandalf as a wise wizard?
O He solves every problem and rescues the party from every danger.
O He knows unexpected obstacles and challenges will arise.
O He is not frightened by any of the monsters or dangers that beset their path.
Why does Thorin's sword inspire such fear and hatred in the goblins?


Gandalf is absent when the expedition encounters the trolls to indicate that it will confront challenges that are more tough than the trolls. also to develop teamwork skills.

What may we infer about the character of Gandalf?

He never loses hope and is intelligent and obstinate. Gandalf does not hesitate to step in and take command of the troops after Denethor gives up trying to defend Minas Tirith from Sauron's army.

How was Gandalf a wise man?

Wisdom. The key factor is Gandalf's knowledge. He advises the dwarves to hold off on passing judgment right away on Bilbo and the elves. In addition, he fights for people under his care while remaining composed in the face of the elves' skepticism.

To know more about Gandalf  visit :-



Who ordered the building of Durham Castle?


Construction of Durham Castle began in 1072 under the orders of William the Conquerer, six years after the Norman conquest of England, and soon after the Normans first came to the North.

Why was the Durham Castle built?The Castle was built "to keep the bishop and his household safe from the attacks of assailants," according to The Historia Regum, a 1136 book about the history of the English kings. The arrival of the Lindisfarne monks in 995 AD increased the significance of the Durham peninsula. The monks were looking for a safe haven, and Durham was the ideal location to bury Saint Cuthbert's remains and found a community.Durham Castle's altar to Saint CuthbertThe monks may have been drawn to the Durham Peninsula because of its defensive qualities. There is historical proof that the defenses were put to the test. Durham successfully repelled two attacks from Scottish armies in both 1006 and 1039.

To learn more about Scottish armies refer to:



Read the following opening line from Banneker's letter (refer to page 48 in your literature textbook) "I AM fully sensible of the greatness of that freedom, which I take with you on the present occasion; a liberty which seemed to me scarcely allowable, when I reflected on that distinguished and dignified station in which you stand, and the almost general prejudice and prepossession, which is so prevalent in the world against those of my complexion" (48). What does Banneker mean by greatness


Benjamin Banneker wrote a lengthy letter to Thomas Jefferson, the secretary of state at the time, on August 19, 1791.

Banneker made a point of stating that he is of the African race "freely and Cheerfully." Banneker, who was not a slave himself, urged Jefferson to adopt "the imperative responsibility of those who maintain for themselves the rights of human nature" by putting an end to the "State of dictatorial thraldom, and horrible captivity, to which too many of my compatriots are destined."

Banneker inferred that by referencing Jefferson's "measurably kind and well-disposed" stance toward blacks, as he felt that they both share a mutual understanding of the situation.

To know more about Banneker please check the following link



Choose an event from the play. Focus on the purpose it serves in the story. Consider how the story would change if that event was altered. Form your ideas into a paragraph of at least five sentences. Make sure to include supporting evidence from the play. Some events to consider: The weird sisters' predictions for Macbeth and Banquo Macbeth's murder of Banquo The appearance of Banquo's ghost at Macbeth's coronation dinner Your answer must cite directly from the lines of Macbeth that you read in the lesson.


Identify a playwright's event: - Banquo and Macbeth are both predicted by the strange sisters.

Keeping in mind the function it plays in the narrative?

The conflict of the tale is ignited by Macbeth's encounter with the witches. The fact that the strange sisters welcome Macbeth as a king triggers his determination to go to all lengths to attain that position. In addition, Mabeth's attempts to kill Banquo and his children will be influenced by the prophecy that states that his sons will become kings. Therefore, the purpose of this incident is to initiate the story's central conflict.

Think about how that event being changed would affect the plot. Create a paragraph out of your thoughts that has at least five sentences. Be sure to cite examples from the play as proof.

To know more about event from the play visit:



Which sentence is simple?
Both Adam and Henry wanted to go to the movie, but their mom said, "No."
The children walked to the park, and they ate their school lunches.
Lin and Joe played on the swing set during recess.
We were going to have our first baseball game, but it rained.​



Lily and Joe played on the swing set during recess.


A simple sentence is a sentence that consists of just one independent clause. A simple sentence has no dependent clauses. (An independent clause (unlike a dependent clause) can stand alone as a sentence.)

Mark me as the brainliest pls

Choose the best way to complete the description using sensory details. The sun ______ ​as I continued climbing up the rocky mountain.

A. Was beginning to go down
B. Beat down to warm my face (This is the correct answer)
C. Was high in the sky
D. Shown from behind the peak


The sun Beat down to warm my face as I continued climbing up the rocky mountain.

The Rocky Mountains are what?

Rocky Mountain is a Canadian bicycle manufacturer with a location in Saint-Georges, Quebec. The mountain range that stretches from the southwest of the United States to eastern British Columbia is referenced in the name of the region.

From central New Mexico to Canada, a huge range of mountains known as the Rocky Mountains can be found. Between 170 and 40 million years ago, during a time of active plate tectonics, they first began to take shape. The western United States was formed during three significant mountain-building episodes.

It is not at all unexpected that Rocky Mountain is well-known across the world for its breathtaking views given its towering panoramas that transport visitors to previously unimaginable elevations. Longs Peak is the park's tallest mountain, rising 14,259 feet above sea level. Steve Perry captured this image of Longs Peak's reflection in Bear Lake (www.sharetheexperience.org ).

To know more about Rocky Mountains visit:-



How do you describe your dad in an essay?


My dad is my role model and my life's mentor. When I am in trouble, I turn to him for guidance. My father has provided me with guidance on all of my key life decisions.

In fact, because following his advise always worked for me, I have never looked back. He works really hard and is quite dedicated. My father enjoys watching movies. He just enjoys watching an old movie whenever he has the time. In fact, there are occasions when we just argue over who gets to turn on the television. But deep down, we also enjoy playing and teasing one another.

My father dislikes to do nothing. On occasion, when my sister and I are just lazing around on holidays, he assigns us one or more tasks. He maintains all of his documentation in an orderly manner and is very well organized.

In the family, my father has a significant responsibility. In actuality, he is regarded as the family's head. However, I believe that each parent has a unique role to play in raising their children. While my mother is compassionate, it is my father who exemplifies the fortitude and strength that his children will eventually adopt as their own traits. Although he can be strict at times, you can rest confident that he always acts in the kids' best interests.

Without a doubt, my father plays a crucial part in my life. For my family to remain harmonious and in balance, he must be present. Fathers are the ones who get the reputation of being the stricter parents, and their refusal to grant their children's requests has a significant impact on them. I also look up to my father and want to emulate him so that I can one day be like him.

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How many bones are in the baby body vs the Human body The effect of wearing different types of running shoes on the time it takes tocomplete a race is being studied in an experiment. Which of these is mostlikely to be an extraneous factor that could also affect the time it takes tocomplete the race?A. Number of people the stadium can holdOB. Color of the shoesOC. Day of the weekOD. Type of treads on the shoes Troy wrote check #101 for $18.43 to Paintball Fun in Oct 25Record the following transactions Solve on the interval [0,2pi): 1- cos0= 1/2 Determine whether the two expressions are equivalent. If so, tell what property is applied. If not, explain why. ( 8 + 27) + 52 and 8 + (27 + 52) Which one is correct yes, it uses the Commutative Propertyyes, it uses the Identity Propertyyes, it uses the Associative Propertyno they are not equivalent Which invention marked the beginning of the Information Age?the telephonethe Internetthe computerthe smartphone write the equation of the line in fully simplified intercept form the nurse is teaching the parents how to provide care for their child with sickle cell anemia. which intervention what happened in World War II? Xavier and Leigh are planning to buy a car. Xavier wants to save money and buy a used vehicle. Leigh considers the price and wants a new red convertible sports car. This scenario exhibits what type of conflict John has been working at his job for three months. He is interested in showcasing his willingness to take on more responsibility. When a new project comes up for consideration, he should ______. a. let someone ask him to take on the new project b. avoid working on the new project c. ask to work on the new project d. encourage his best friend to work on the project Please select the best answer from the choices provided A B C D what is the volume of cylinder when the radius is 3 and height is 13.33 All of the following are true of the federal tax advantages of a qualified plan EXCEPT: O At distribution, all amounts received by the employee are free of taxes. O Individually owned non-qualified annuities are generally taxed as follows: O Premiums are not deductible; interest credited to the cash value is taxed deferred. What is the measure of angle OAC if major arc AB measures 220 degrees? 55 70 110 140 I already know the answer is 55 but I need to know why and how to get 55? The histogram shows the number of items that customers bought during a trip to the grocery story 1 day. 400 customers took a trip to the grocery store that day. Which is the best estimate for the number who bought at least 50 items during their trip Write a 1 paragraph (6-8 sentences) essay in response to this prompt: Respect for Dally:When he introduces Dally, Ponyboy says, "I didn't like him, but he was smart and youhad to respect him." Identify and discuss three key events in The Outsiders where Dallydemonstrates he is deserving of respect. what did dwight eisenhower explain as the opportunity cost of the nuclear buildup due to scarcity? 12 angry men, Choose which jury you identify was an explain why What is the significance of the title The Gift of the Magi? Where is mucus present?