what is the error in this sentence, or is there no error

10) I decided once and for all to lay my cards on the table and not entertain any negotiating.


Answer 1

There is no error in this sentence 'I decided once and for all to lay my cards on the table and not entertain any negotiating.'

What is error detection in sentence?

A sentence is described as a grouping of words with a certain meaning. Typically, sentences in the English language have the following grammatical order: subject, verb, and object. Additionally, it is the SVO structure.

A section of reading comprehension is called error detection. It is part of the subsection on proper sentences. Finding sentences that can be repaired or that require correction is the primary goal of error detection.

Learn more about error detection, from:



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Brainliest pls

What are the types of setting?


The three types of setting are the elements of time, place, and environment (both physical and social). Each of these types contributes to building the setting of a story.

Define story?A story or narrative is a connected sequence of events that can be expressed through language (written or spoken), imagery (still or moving), body language, performance, music, or any other form of communication. It can be a fictional prose narrative that is shorter than a novel, usually focusing on a small cast of characters, aiming for unity of effect, and frequently putting more emphasis on mood-setting than plot.We may learn about people and develop empathy and understanding for them and their circumstances through reading stories.Hearing someone's narrative stirs up emotions in us whether or not we know them personally. a tale or a story (an account of imaginary or real people and events) A short tale is a literary work of fiction that is normally read in one sitting.

To learn more about story refer to:



In societies where the written word had not yet been established, these lyric forms of poetry were mostly composed for a ________________ of some kind.


In societies where the written word had not yet been established, these lyric forms of poetry were mostly composed for a performance of some kind.

What is the meaning of poetic vision?

A collection of poetry called Poetic Vision is meant to educate the reader's perspective on the world and the numerous predicaments that we encounter. to demonstrate to the world the continued power of God.The joy and the anguish, the hardships and the victories were all topics that the author touched on. An individual who actively concentrates on the specifics of their surroundings and then reflects on the emotions they associate with these observations is referred to as a "poetic person."By definition, creativity is inherently resistant to analytical efforts. If the entire process could be cleanly excluded, it would lose the novelty and freshness that are anticipated in creative activity.

To learn more about poetic vision refer to:



What is the rule of because?


Since the word because is a subordinating conjunction, connecting a subordinate clause to an independent clause, there shouldn't be a comma between these two sentences.

I ate a lot because I was hungry, which is a justification we might use for something. When responding to a why-question, we can utilize because: Why are you going to bed so early: Because I'm worn out. Because introduces cause and reason clauses.

A subordinating conjunction, that is. Because a subordinate clause requires a main clause to be complete, the clause it introduces is a subordinate clause. We are the reason they are here. Because of his injured leg, he walked slowly.

Learn more about rule Visit: brainly.com/question/22967374


Identify the subject, verb, direct object, and indirect object

Several 9th graders give the homeless shelter their time every Saturday when they volunteer with young children.


Subject: Several 9th graders, Verb: give, Direct Object: their time, Indirect Object: homeless shelter.

What is a verb?

In a sentence, verbs serve as the action words that describe what the subject is doing. The main component of a sentence or phrase, together with nouns, is a verb that tells a story about what is happening. In reality, even the most basic sentences—like the one in which Maria sings—have a verb because complete thoughts cannot be adequately communicated without one. Actually, a verb can be a complete phrase by itself with the subject—which is usually you—implied. Examples include Sing and Drive.

The many types of verbs and how they relate to one other and the verb itself are decided by the words that go with them. There are typically four primary categories of verbs based on the number of valency arguments they take: intransitives, transitives, ditransitives, and double transitive verbs. Certain verbs have unique grammatical functions and consequently complements, such as copular verbs (i.e., be), the verb do, which is employed for do-support in questioning and denial, and tense or aspect auxiliaries, such as be, have, or can. Verbs may also take on non-finite forms, such as gerunds, infinitives, or participles, which are verbs that are not inflected for person, number, tense, or other factors.

To know more about verb visit:



What is the story behind the Elgin marbles?


Elgin marbles - In contrast to those on the east pediment, which tell the tale of the goddess Athena's birth.

The sculptures on the west pediment depict a dispute between the god Poseidon and the goddess Athena about who would be the patron god of Athens. Ownership is at issue. Greeks believed that the Parthenon sculptures should be returned to Athens after being deceitfully sold to a British ambassador by an enemy occupying force. Elgin saved the artwork from being destroyed, according to the British Museum, which has long maintained, and the museum has preserved it. To honour the splendour of the Greek country, Greeks sculpted the Parthenon monuments. They represent the cultural identities of millions of individuals. Since they were made in Greece, the statues should be there.

To know more about Elgin marbles refer the link below :



princess and tin Which of the following phrases is indicative of a fairy tale parody, as opposed to, a traditional fairy tale


"Her nursery looked like Cartier's window." of the following phrases is indicative of a fairy tale parody, as opposed to, a traditional fairy tale.

What do you mean by stories?

stories, a plural noun. a story, either real or made up, told in prose and verse and intended to entertain, enlighten, or inspire the listener or reader; tale. a fictional story that is both shorter and simpler than a novel. Songs and stories are two examples of such narratives or tales in literature. Character, setting, and storyline are the three core components of every story or novel regardless of the number of different story forms and styles you employ. We may learn about others through stories, and we can develop empathy towards them and their circumstances. Whether or not we personally know the person, hearing their narrative still makes us feel something.

To know more about stories visit:



What is the impact of Keats repetition of the word what What men or gods are these?


Keats' use of the word repeatedly has the effect of highlighting the speaker's inquisitive demeanor.

What message is communicated through Ode on a Grecian Urn?

The close relationship between truth, beauty, and art is examined in "Ode on a Grecian Urn." The speaker asserts that the road via which mankind can most nearly approach truth is through beauty, and that people can reach beauty through art (though it remains a bittersweet achievement).

What is the poem's message?

Poets are motivated to produce poetry by the message. The message can be discovered if the poetry's meaning is understood. Readers are left with a message or piece of advice after finishing the poem. The point of a poem is strongly related to how the reader understands its message.

To know more about Keats repetition visit:-



CREATE an epithet for Odysseus based on what you learned about him today.


Answer: The Cunning Odysseus.


we should not judge people by their appearance is one of the themes in Frankenstein. how do the events in the story and the characters' behavior convey this? Cite text evidence from the text to support your claims.


The novel Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, an English author, is about a scientist who creates a monster and explores life, death, and man's struggle against nature.

What does Frankenstein's monster appearance teach?

The character of the monster in the novel Frankenstein exhibits human characteristics that his creator Victor does not: empathy, a need for companionship, and a desire to learn and fit in. Empathy is a crucial humanistic quality that Shelley emphasizes throughout the entire book.

Don't play God, or a variation of that theme is the Frankenstein by Mary Shelley moral that most people are familiar with. The majority of film and television adaptations of the tale take this path, perhaps most notably in the renowned 1931 film adaptation with Boris Karloff playing the monster.

Learn more about Frankenstein here:



Write a story 100-150 words using the given topic: Friends-Sleepover-Secret Place

Make sure to make the story in three paragraphs.




Topic: Friends-Sleepover-Secret Place

It was a dark and stormy night, the perfect night for a sleepover with my friends. We had been planning this sleepover for weeks and were excited to finally be able to spend the night together, telling spooky stories and staying up late.

But as the night went on, we started to get a little bored. We had already told all of our best stories and were starting to get tired. That's when one of my friends had an idea. She told us about a secret place that she had discovered a few months ago, a hidden room in the attic of her house that no one else knew about.

We were all immediately intrigued and couldn't wait to check it out. So, we snuck out of the house and made our way to the attic. It was dark and cramped, but we finally found the hidden door and squeezed our way inside. The room was small and musty, but it was the perfect spot to spend the rest of the night. We huddled together and told more spooky stories until we fell asleep, feeling grateful for the secret place that had made our sleepover even more special.

Hope This Helps You!

Title: Sleep Adventure

It was a Friday night and my friends and I had planned a sleepover at my house. We were all excited to stay up late, eat junk food, and share secrets. As the night went on, we started to get a little restless and decided to go on a midnight adventure.

We snuck out of my house and walked to a nearby park that had a hidden trail leading to a secret spot. It was a small clearing surrounded by trees and bushes, with a small pond in the center. We sat by the pond and talked for hours, feeling like we were the only people in the world.

As the sun started to rise, we realized we had been gone all night. We rushed back to my house, trying to be as quiet as possible so we wouldn't wake my parents. We collapsed on the couch, exhausted but happy, knowing that we had shared an unforgettable experience together.

Is the divine right of kings a belief?


The idea that a monarch has a direct right to govern from God and is therefore not subject to any earthly authorities is known as the "Divine Right of a King."

What was the divine right of kings?

The divine right of kings, also known as divine right or God's mandation, is a political and religious belief that supports the legitimacy of monarchies in European Christianity. It comes from a particular philosophical philosophy that holds that a king is predestined to inherit the throne before birth since God chose him or her and because they bear God's likeness. In accordance with this conception of political legitimacy, God has been given active (as opposed to merely passive) control over the metaphysical choice of the king's soul, which will reside in the body and rule the subjects. Thus, the "divine right" begins as a metaphysical act of humbling and/or submitting before God. Many absolute regimes have used the concept of divine right as part of their justification.

To know more about divine rights, visit:



The conclusion of the passage is missing. Which of the following lines would be a good concluding thought for this passage


A good thought for this passage's conclusion, but the Epic poem does not contain all of the elements of tragedy.

Aristotle makes a comparison between epic and tragedy.

It appears that epic poetry and tragedy share a lot of similarities with Aristotle. Both are meant to be imitations of heroic deeds, heroic heroes, and tragic suffering. The main difference is that epic poetry conveys all of this through language alone, while tragedy does so through action.

What is the primary distinction between tragedy and epic?

The primary difference between an epic and a tragedy is that the former employs dramatization, while the latter employs narration. Thus, an epic is typically a lengthy poem, while a tragedy is typically a play. Additionally, an epic is significantly longer than a tragedy. Two kinds of poetry are epic and tragedy.

To learn more about passage's conclusion here:



What is 1 stanza called?


A single-line stanza is called a monostich.

In poetry, a stanza is a group of lines that are typically divided by a blank line or an indentation. Although neither is required, stanzas can feature recognizable rhyme schemes and metrical patterns. Stanzas can be written in a variety of ways. Quatrains are stanzaic forms with four lines. For stanzas with two lines, three lines, or four lines, there are names for each length, such as couplets, tercets, and quatrains. Infrequently used esoteric terms like The length of a stanza is not predetermined, just as the length of a line, and it is not necessary for each stanza in a poem to be the same length.

To know more about stanza here



What does the IRB do to protect a research participant from harm?


Federal law requires institutional review boards (IRBs) to examine research involving human beings to make sure the proposed protocol complies with applicable ethical standards before individuals may be recruited in study.

How does the IRB protect the researcher?

According to FDA regulations, an IRB has the power to approve, demand changes be made to, or reject research. This group review plays a significant role in ensuring the welfare and protection of human research subjects' rights.

How do you protect participants in a research study?

You should encrypt computer-based data, preserve papers in a secured file cabinet, and delete personal identifiers from research records as soon as you can to safeguard participants' confidentiality.

How does the IRB handle ethical cases?

By evaluating important trial documentation, the IRB aims to guarantee that the investigator abides by the protocol, as well as to show that the study is required and that the risk-benefit ratio is acceptable.

To know more about IRB visit:



What is the rhyme scheme of a haiku poem?


The rhyme scheme of a haiku poem is a traditional style of poetry in Japan. There is no set rhyme scheme.

The most often used poetic form in the West as well as the most well-known Eastern poetic form is the haiku. Haiku is rooted in nature and the world of our senses and derives from phonetically exact Japanese court poetics that date back to the 8th century. Master poet Matsuo Basho immortalized haiku as a form. Haiku suggests a deeper level through accurate observation of moments and particular movements.

Haiku's straightforward three-line, 17-syllable structure allows poets of all skill levels to demonstrate their prowess, but mastering the form typically requires years of practice and the patience of a still eye. Over the ages, many millions of haiku have been produced, including a large number by America's Beat poets who introduced the genre to American universities and poetry communities. Japan, the United States, almost all English-speaking nations, Germany, Sweden, France, The Netherlands, the Balkan countries, and Russia all have haiku societies in existence today.

For such more question on haiku:



How does this stage directions help the reader by describing the setting?


Aspects of the characters and the scene's physicality are critically described. The intended speed and rhythm of the song can also be strongly influenced by stage directives.

Who is on stage?

They offer information on the setting and atmosphere as the dramatist conceived them. Who is on stage and how the stage is set up are both disclosed in the stage directions to the audience. The action that is occurring on the stage is also described.

When a play is being read, stage directions are beneficial because they enable the reader to more clearly visualize what is happening on stage. The basic information in a screenplay that identifies the scene's location and the movements that each actor must make during the scene is called stage direction and setting.

To know more about stage directions click here: brainly.com/question/404162


A letter to municipality department to solve the problem as early as possbile There is a huge water logging in your area which is casuing serious problems for the resident.


For Writing a letter to the municipality department a formal letter is required as a person is writing to the authority o f the city.

What is municipality department?

A predominantly urban political entity with corporate status and typically self-governing authority. The municipality the entity in charge of a municipality held elections.

A municipality is required to: structure and manage its administrative, budgetary, and planning processes to prioritize the community's fundamental requirements and to foster the community's social and economic growth; and  take part in federal and provincial development initiatives.

Thus, For Writing a letter to the municipality department a formal letter is required.

For more information about municipality department, click here:



How is a renku different from a collection of haiku?

Each set of three lines in a renku is connected thematically to the previous set.

Renku poems follow rules about the number of syllables in a line while haiku has no such rules.

The topics allowed are different, with renku focusing on philosophy, and haiku on nature.

A renku uses a rhyme scheme and a regular rhythm while a haiku is written as free verse.


Renku, with the possible exception of the first verse (hokku), which is technically a haiku, has more to do with fiction and story-telling than haiku, which is considered by many to be "the poetry of the truth."

What is a poem in Renku?

An endless poem in the Renku form alternates between three- and two-line stanzas. There are three lines in the first stanza, and there are only two lines in the second. This pattern continues indefinitely or until it comes to an end at a predetermined time and date.

What distinguishes the Japanese haiku from others?

Haiku poems, in contrast to many other kinds of poetry, do not have to rhyme. However, some haiku poets will attempt to rhyme the first and third lines for a test. A great way to introduce budding poets to poetry is to investigate the distinctive form of haiku.

To learn more about Renku here:



Renku, with the possible exception of the first verse (hokku), which is technically a haiku, has more to do with fiction and story-telling than haiku, which is considered by many to be "the poetry of the truth."

What is a poem in Renku?

An endless poem in the Renku form alternates between three- and two-line stanzas. There are three lines in the first stanza, and there are only two lines in the second. This pattern continues indefinitely or until it comes to an end at a predetermined time and date.

What distinguishes the Japanese haiku from others?

Haiku poems, in contrast to many other kinds of poetry, do not have to rhyme. However, some haiku poets will attempt to rhyme the first and third lines for a test. A great way to introduce budding poets to poetry is to investigate the distinctive form of haiku.

To learn more about Haiku here:



Which detail from the passage best supports the idea that Muir played a pivotal role in the creation of national parks?
Muir encouraged people to write to politicians to protect lands from development.
Muir discovered glaciers and other natural wonders at Yosemite.
Muir wrote books that led more people to be interested in nature.
Muir spoke of the wonder of surviving harrowing conditions at Mount Shasta.


The detail from the passage that best supports the idea that Muir played a pivotal role in the creation of national parks is A. Muir encouraged people to write to politicians to protect lands from development.

What is a Supporting Detail?

This refers to the term that is used to describe and define the use of evidence in order to validate a given claim and this is done with the aid of factual information and statistics.

Hence, it can be seen that based on the given text, it can be seen that John Muir is an advocate for protecting lands from development and he wrote politicians about it and encouraged others to do same.

Read more about supporting details here:



What is the evidence that supports the theory of evolution by natural selection ?


Darwin used multiple lines of evidence to support his theory of evolution by natural selection -- fossil evidence, biogeographical evidence, and anatomical evidence.

Define evolution?Evolution is the shift in a biological population's heritable traits over successive generations. These traits are the expressions of genes, which, during reproduction, are handed from parent to offspring.In biology, evolution is a process that relies on natural selection and involves changes in a species' features over a number of generations.The process of evolution causes a population's genetic makeup to change throughout time. A new species, changed genes, and novel features can arise as a result of an organism's adaptations to its environment.A population of organisms' inherited qualities change over the course of succeeding generations, according to the definition of evolution. Living things that reproduce pass on a variety of qualities to their offspring.

To learn more about evolution refer to:



What was John Locke's main philosophy?


Jules Verne's Around the World in Eighty Days and J. R. R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings are two works that use the quest archetype.

What is philosophy ?

Philosophy is a way of thinking about certain subjects such as ethics, thought, existence, time, meaning and value. Philosophy literally translates to "love of wisdom." In a broad sense, philosophy refers to the pursuit of fundamental truths about oneself, the world in which one lives, and one's relationships to both the world and other people. The philosophy of each academic field is largely the same. Philosophy students are always questioning, responding to, and debating their positions on the most fundamental issues in life. Academic philosophy is generally separated into key areas of study to make such an endeavour more systematic. The study of philosophy is a manner of about issues like morality, consciousness, existence, time, meaning, and value.

To know more about philosophy visit:



Is there anyone in your life whom you consider your hero explain?


Someone who helps others, saves lives, and puts their own life at danger for the sake of another is a hero. A brave person who loves and cares for someone is also a hero.

My parents are my heroes because they would sacrifice anything for me or one of my other sisters, even their lives. My parents are hence my heroes.

My hero has assisted me with issues, assignments, and other tasks. My hero guided me as I was growing up, showing me what was right and bad, educating me about topics I didn't know, aiding me when I was harmed, and showing me how to live.

My mother is a gentle woman who adores her family. My father was the kind of person that started working when he was just 15 years old. He would assist his father in digging holes and working with the horses.

My parents are incredibly important to me since they are the ones who have assisted me with issues and assignments, taught me things I didn't know and about life, and advised me on what I should and shouldn't do in various situations. These are therefore my heroes, and I shall never be without them.

To learn more about the hero visit;



Who owns the Castle at Castle Eden?


The Welbury family had the manor until 1614 when it was handed on to Sir John Carey. By 1678 the estate was in the hands of William Bromley of Baignton whose family held it for almost a century.

What is the oldest castle still in use?The late Queen Elizabeth II's  is official residence was Windsor Castle. It is the oldest continuously inhabited castle in the entire world. As many of them still exist today, castles have played a significant role in world history, particularly European history. These ancient castles were initially constructed as fortresses to defend the local populace from advancing armies. The large stone buildings that we see today were typically built after the original fortress or smaller castle.All of these castles have undergone extensive restoration throughout the ages, and the majority of them are now accessible to the public as tourist destinations.

To learn more about destinations refer to:



Which phrase from the passage offers the best clue to the meaning of the word commending? I begged my little brother to clean his filthy half of the room we shared. He did nothing. I yelled that I didn't want to live in a pigsty. This, too, had no effect. So I tried another tactic: commending him instead, loudly and extravagantly, each time he picked something up, like I was training a dog. "Harrison, thank you so much for picking up your socks!" I said. "This room looks amazing!" O A. like I was training a dog B. His filthy half of the room we shared C. loudly and extravagantly D. I didn't want to live in a pigsty​



Hi! I believe the best answer to this question is "A. like I was training a dog."


When trying to discern the meaning of an unfamiliar word in a passage, context clues prove to be the most effective. In this case, we are looking for any piece of text that could hint at the meaning of the word "commending". The quotation mentioned in answer option A directly addresses the word "commending" and allows us to make the comparison of the word being like "training a dog". I hope this helps, and let me know if you have any further questions! :)

Write a Critique paper


A critique is a feedback paper that is longer and more detailed. To write a paper about it, you will need to analyze how this work pointed out significant issues in your society in a direct, honest, and accurate manner.

What is a Critique paper?

An academic writing style describes and evaluates a work or subject critically known as a critique paper. In order to help the reader better comprehend someone else's work, the goal of writing a critique is to assess it.

This work might be recreated with the same social impact in numerous nations because it provoked thinking and social unease about potential global issues.

Learn more about the Critique paper, here:



Does a ball rolling down a ramp have constant acceleration?



Yes A ball rolling down ramp have constant acceleration

What was Hitler's best speech?


Adolf Hitler, the leader of Nazi Germany, delivered a speech in the Reichstag on January 30, 1939, which is best remembered for his assertion that a second world war would result in "the extinction of the Jewish race in Europe."

Hitler, who was he?

One of the most well-known and despised historical personalities is Adolf Hitler. He oversaw both World War II and the Holocaust as the head of Nazi Germany, two tragedies that resulted in the deaths of at least 40,000,000 people. He became the focus of a plethora of books, documentaries, and television programs throughout the ensuing decades.

Nations will face up against one another as long as there are people on the planet, and both will be compelled to defend their fundamental rights in the same way that a person must. Either the hammer or the anvil is one.


To learn more about Hilter from the given link



Narrative on ‘A time when you thought luck was not on your side, but things turned around’. Word Limit:250-300


I felt unlucky because things often go wrong with me, but after a while, I recovered my mood. However, things quickly changed when my very old childhood friend unexpectedly showed up.

What three traits best describe childhood?

However, there are some traits that are common to childhood that should help you in how you approach and interact with kids. Dependency, vulnerability, and resilience are three of the most crucial.

How crucial is childhood, and why?

The brain's architecture, which serves as the cornerstone for all future learning, behavior, and health, is formed throughout the first eight years of life, between birth and age eight. A solid foundation aids children in acquiring the abilities necessary to become functional adults.

To know more about childhood visit:



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Retained earnings of $100,000 represent a corporation's cumulative earnings ______ and is shown on the ______. In the sketch to the right, a long straight wire is in the plane of a rectangular conducting wire loop. The current in the straight wire is up. At some point the current in the straight wire starts to increase in magnitude. This increased current leads to an induced current in the wire loop. In which direction will the induced current in the wire loop be? Explain how you reached this conclusion. How would your answer be different if the wire loop was on the left side of the wire instead of the right side? Which of the following does NOT pair the statement with the corresponding output? What is the equation of a parabola that intersects the x-axis at points (-1, 0) and (3, 0)? If an amount of heat Q is needed to increase the temperature of a solid metal sphere of diameter D from 4C to 7C, the amount of heat needed to increase the temperature of a solid sphere of diameter 2D of the same metal from 4C to 7C is A. 8Q B. 40 C. 20 D. Q A local boys club sold 196 bags of mulch and made a total of $357. It sold two types of mulch: hardwood for $2.00 a bag and pine bark for $1.75 a bag. How many bags of each kind of mulch did it sell? Why are tax policies that cut taxes called trickle-down economics?1. because the benefits are supposed to filter down to workers2. because the benefits become less pronounced at every level3. because the benefits are intended to help only the wealthy4. because the benefits quickly cause a positive effec Select all the correct answers. A farmer wants to build two fenced-off sections within his field, one in the shape of a rectangle and the other in the shape of a square. The side of the square must be equal to the width of the rectangle, x feet. The length of the rectangle must be 50 feet longer than its width. The field the farmer wants to build the two fenced sections in has an area of y square feet. The difference of the area of this field and the area of the fenced, square section needs to be at least 1,000 square feet. In addition, the sum of the fenced areas must be less than the area of the field. This is the system of inequalities that represents this situation. Which points represent viable solutions? 50 points + brainliest PLS HELP ME ASAP. All I need is a right answer and a clear solution. Ty in advance! :)(anyone who gives absurd answers will be reported right away) Prompt: What would you do if someone on your team bullies others around you and wants you to join in? If this has happened to you write about what happened. If this has never happened to you, write about how you would handle the situation. Use specific examples and vivid details. a circular fish pond has a diameter of 14 m the pond is surrrounding by a concrete path 1.75 meters wide. Find the ponds area. take pi as 22/7 what is the most reasonable approach for the company to take the lesson the numbers of latecomers to work Benji's flight from Chicago to San Jose took 0.5 hour longer than his return flight from San Joseto Chicago. If Benji's flight from Chicago to San Jose was 4.5 hours long, how long was his returnflight, in hours?Choose 1 answer:A3.5B 4C 4.5Dassroom5 It is easier to carry out a controlled experiment in the field than it is in the laboratory. True or false Question 1(Multiple Choice Worth 3 points)The table below lists protected constitutional rights and how they may be limited.Protected Rights LimitationsProperty rights ?Unwarranted search and seizure Crime suspects may be searchedWhich phrase completes the table? Poll taxes Eminent domain Jury trial Background checksQuestion 2(Multiple Choice Worth 3 points)The table below lists protected constitutional rights and how they may be limited.Protected Rights LimitationsRight to bear arms ?Unwarranted search and seizure Crime suspects may be searchedWhich phrase completes the table? Poll taxes Eminent domain Jury trial Background checksQuestion 3(Multiple Choice Worth 3 points)The table below lists protected constitutional rights and how they may be limited.Protected Rights LimitationsPublic trial ?Unwarranted search and seizure Crime suspects may be searchedWhich phrase completes the table? Poll taxes Safety of the accused Eminent domain Background checksQuestion 4(Multiple Choice Worth 3 points)The image below illustrates a right protected in the Bill of Rights.A large group of people shouting and holding signs.What right protected by the Bill of Rights does this image illustrate? Press Property rights Assembly Jury trialQuestion 5(Multiple Choice Worth 3 points)The image below illustrates a right protected in the Bill of Rights.A man in a suit stands at a podium in an office speaking to a group. People in the room are taking notes and photos. Some people are recording the man speaking with video cameras and voice recorders.What right protected by the Bill of Rights does this image illustrate? Voting rights Property rights Freedom of religious expression Freedom of the pressQuestion 6(Multiple Choice Worth 3 points)Why was the Bill of Rights added to the U.S. Constitution? To declare independence from Britain To create the three branches of government To safeguard Americans' rights To enforce important lawsQuestion 7(Multiple Choice Worth 3 points)Which amendments are a part of the Bill of Rights? All of the amendments The first 10 amendments Voting rights amendments The First Amendment onlyQuestion 8(Multiple Choice Worth 3 points)Sam posted a series of hateful comments on a social media site. The social media site banned Sam. Sam argues this is a violation of his First Amendment right to free speech and he should be allowed back on the social media site.Did the social media site violate Sam's constitutional right to free speech? Yes; the First Amendment clearly states speech is a protected right. Social media is a form of speech that cannot be limited. No; the First Amendment prevents the government from limiting Sam's speech. Private companies can decide what speech is acceptable on their social media site. Yes; the First Amendment protects Sam's right to speak freely on social media. This right cannot be limited by government or a company like a social media site. No; the First Amendment protects the right of the press to speak freely. Private citizens like Sam are not protected.Question 9(Multiple Choice Worth 3 points)The passage below about debate is from a 1964 Supreme Court ruling.Debate on public issues should be uninhibited, robust, and wide-open and it may well include unpleasantly sharp attacks on government and public officials. How does the U.S. Constitution protect this right? The U.S. Constitution protects the executive branch from public criticism. The U.S. Constitution protects the judicial branch from public criticism. The U.S. Constitution provides unlimited protection of individual rights. The U.S. Constitution protects the rights of people and the press to speak out.Question 10(Multiple Choice Worth 3 points)The passage below about government is from the Federalist No. 47.The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands may justly be called the very definition of tyranny. How is the author's view from this passage reflected in the U.S. Constitution? The U.S. Constitution gives unlimited power to the judiciary. The U.S. Constitution creates an independent judiciary. The U.S. Constitution requires the executive branch to approve decisions of the judicial branch. The U.S. Constitution requires the legislative branch to approve decisions of the judicial branch.You must check the box below prior to submitting your exam! Check this box to indicate you are ready to submit your examFDK271.12Previous QuestionNext Question A solid right prism $ABCDEF$ has a height of $16,$ as shown. Also, its bases are equilateral triangles with side length $12.$ Points $X,$ $Y,$ and $Z$ are the midpoints of edges $AC,$ $BC,$ and $DC,$ respectively. A part of the prism above is sliced off with a straight cut through points $X,$ $Y,$ and $Z.$ Determine the surface area of solid $CXYZ,$ the part that was sliced off. What was the purpose of the buttress on Durham Cathedral? Which of the following environmental problems can result from the generation of electricity from fossil fuels The hanging mass is referred to as M and it sets the centripetal force.TrueFalse Describe to your counselor the four steps to finding your first cache. Then mark and edit a waypoint.