what is the most important transportation invention and explain why you say that's the most important


Answer 1

Answer:Answer. Worldwide, the most widely used modes for passenger transport are the Automobile (16,000 bn passenger km), followed by Buses (7,000), Air (2,800), Railways (1,900), and Urban Rail (250).


Related Questions

The Bessemer process was a method of producing cheap
a. Oil
b. Steel
C. Electricity
d. Cotton cloth


The answer is B.
It was a method to produce cheap steel.

How many times smaller is a group of 7 coins than a group of 21 coins?





if you divide 7 and 21 you get 3 groups and if you 7x3 is 21

Who staged a coup and was known as a tyrant in 561 B.C (Key Figures and
Economies in Ancient Civilizations)


Answer: Peisistratus


why did some Americans feel the articles of confederation was not suffcient for the new nation?


Because of widespread fear of a strong central government at the time they were written and strong loyalties among Americans to their own state as opposed to any national government during the American Revolution, the Articles of Confederation purposely kept the national government as weak as possible and the states as independent as possible. However, this led to many of the problems that became apparent once the Articles took effect.

Explain why the process of industrialization is called a revolution, and summarize the effects of industrialization on the people of the era.



The process of industrialization is known as the revolution because it brings new industries and development in a quick session, and also opens up the gate for the other countries to do partnership with the specific country.


thanks me later

The industrial revolution was a revolution because there was a radical change in the way society functioned. Now clothing could be made more efficiently because of spinning machines invented by James Hargreaves, and people took advantage of free and cheap labor allowing there to be factories, making the switch from an agriculturally run society to a manufacturing society. Dramatic changes in society, in a short period of time, after it had been the same for centuries, proves the economy was revolutionized.

Why did trump want to build a wall, and why did he want the Mexicans to pay for the wall


Answer: This is a very controversial topic  but can be learned from. Donald J. Trump built the wall for protection around America. Many Mexican immigrants have been crossing illegally with no passport or identification. Many had one goal and that was to move to a better place where they are free with their families.  Others had a goal, that was to smuggle illegal things into America for other American drug dealers and weapon dealers. It was a good move on the presidents part and saved us a whole lot of damage. Yes, it may have affected the Mexican immigrants but because of their actions this wall had to be put up. Now don't get me wrong there are many good well manured Mexican people and I have nothing against them. The wall was really meant for the people who wanted to do harm to America and had no right to be here.


At Fort Union, what medicine was thought to be the best medicine for children?

Please select the best answer from the choices provided



Answer: A.


Just Took The Test its Correct i promise

Why did Jesus use parables?

A. They included none rules for leading a better life

B. They were part of his Sermon on the Mount

C. They helped clarify the meaning of the Lord's Prayer

D. They helped explain his ideas through simple stories that were easy for everybody to understand.



D. They helped explain his ideas through simple stories that were easy for everybody to understand.


52. How did the concept of Social Darwinism affect the colonists after the war?
Pls answer!!
I’ll mark brainliest!


Social Darwinists believe in “survival of the fittest”—the idea that certain people become powerful in society because they are innately better. Social Darwinism has been used to justify imperialism, racism, eugenics and social inequality at various times over the past century and a half. (this is from HISTORY website so recommend re-wording it)

In the space below, construct a claim as to the effect the television has had on politics. Your claim should be at least
250 words and follow these directions:
1. Research on your own and find a primary source on the impact of television on U.S. government
a. A primary source is an original document or artifact that comes from the period of time being studied.
b. Someone from that time period actually wrote, created, or used the object the historian is studying.
2. Using the information from your primary source, and the information from the lesson, develop a claim concerning
television's effect on U.S. politics.
3. Fulfill the following concerning your claim:
a. Your claim should clearly state the effect of television on U.S. Politics. Be specific.
b. Your claim must have supporting statements that are original ideas, as well as facts and evidence from your
source and information from the lesson that supports it.
c. A counterclaim that refutes your claim. Your writing will identify the stance and prove that it is false.
4. Write an informative essay that meets the following expectations:
a. Establishes and maintains formal and objective tone.
b. Uses words, phrases, and clauses to link each section of writing together and creates cohesion between claims
and evidence.
c. Follows expectations of conventions.
5. Provide a concluding paragraph that:
a. Synthesizes your original claim
b. Summarizes your key points
c. Adds concluding thoughts
6. Cite your primary source and this lesson as a secondary source at the bottom of your essay.





Question 4 of 10
Organizing the battles of the American Civil War according to which
campaign they belong to is an example of which of the following skills?
A. Comparing and contrasting
B. Data analysis
C. Categorization
O D. Sequencing


Most likely C if not c it’s b
I think it is C, you are putting the battles into which campaign they belong. That would be Categorization

Describe how an officer's wife would spend her time. (Fort Union)



Many enlisted men



Please do not put a file link!

What was one of the most important parts of Abraham Lincoln‘s plan to rebuild south south after the Civil War?

A. Using federal power to help the south and force new black codes

B. Making sure that slavery would not return the south

C. Punishing southern leaders for betraying United States

D. Allowing southern states to control their own affairs


D) Allowing southern states to control their own affairs - he wanted to reunify the nation as quickly and quietly as possible.

John Rolfe introduced what to Jamestown that saved it form certain demise and turned it into a successful settlement? (SSUSH1b)
Sugar Cane


Answer:       C

Explanation: Tobacco was a cash crop first discoverde in the new world

3. Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) are people who are forced from their homes, but remain in their:


An internally displaced person (IDP) is someone who is forced to leave their home but who remains within their country's borders. They are often referred to as refugees, although they do not fall within the legal definitions of a refugee.

Mostly an agricultural region with work done by slaves

A. North
B. South


most likely the south !!!

What are some of the negative and positive outcomes of the Industrial Revolution?



Positive Effects of the Industrial Revolution The Industrial Revolution led to inventions of new machinery and production processes. Such new inventions made production faster and more economical. For example, the invention of the assembly line helped to make production easier through division of labor and specialization. Due to the more efficient production processes, industries were able to manufacture more products at an economical rate. This resulted in an overall drop in the prices of products. For example, mechanization of production processes enabled 24-hour factory operation and thus the manufacture of more products.

In the Industrial Revolution period, society in general developed a thirst for knowledge and innovation. Renowned scholars carried out research in different scientific fields, resulting in new scientific proofs and inventions. These inventions are still used today in the fields of medicine, science and agriculture with minor improvisations. For example, the light bulb, the X-ray and the telephone were all invented during the Industrial Revolution. The Industrial Revolution paved the way for new inventions and designs. This led to an increase in the number of new factories and associated industries. Hence, more job opportunities were opened up in urban areas.

Because more people had access to jobs and business opportunities, overall quality of life increased. In this regard, larger populations of society could access quality education, modern housing, improved health services and faster transport services.

Negative Effects of the Industrial Revolution An increase in the number of factories in urban areas resulted in more air, water and land pollution. These industries operated without much government oversight and were not held accountable for their actions. Pollution exposed factory workers and the general population to health risks. Although companies work to reduce it, industrial pollution is still a major problem in the modern world. During the Industrial Revolution, factories and other employers were more profit oriented at the expense of employee safety and welfare. In this regard, it was not uncommon for employees to suffer serious but preventable accidents while on the production lines.

The Industrial Revolution caused mass migrations from rural areas to cities as people were in search of better jobs. The reduced labor workforce in rural areas could not sustain the demand for food coming from the local populations. In this regard, there was a perennial shortage of food due to reduced farming activities. The migration of people from rural areas to urban areas caused an oversupply of labor in some cities. Such an oversupply of labor prompted some employers to pay their employees low wages. In addition, employers exploited cheap child labor in order to maximize their profits. Even though the general population experienced improvements in its quality of life, some uneducated factory laborers lived in crowded slums with no basic amenities such as clean water. This resulted in the occasional outbreak of sanitation-related diseases.


pls mark brainliest

Who was the 19 president



It has to have been Rutherford B. Hayes.


It has been said that he was the 19th president of the United States in 1877-1881.

Note to you:

Hope this helped and have a good one!


13 Points! Please help ASAP^^
Please match the word to the correct definition.

Question 1 options:

is a person that is accused of committing a crime or a person against whom some type of civil relief is being sought in a civil case.

legal reasons, stated in court session, in written and/ or verbal form, based on statutes, regulations, case precedents, and reasoning applied to the facts of the particular situation.

means to be in accordance with the rules, laws, and rights presented in a governing document called a constitution

the official power (of a court) to be able to hear cases and make legal decisions and judgements

The highest ranking or senior member of the court, they preside over the court in its public sessions when the court is hearing arguments of a case and during its private conferences when discussing and deciding cases.

the person who is accusing another person, or a group of some wrongdoing and is bring the suit to court.

the highest judicial court in a state or a country. Is the highest court in the US

comes from the Latin word for city, because in earlier history people identified themselves as belong to cities. It is a legal status that gives you a right to live, work, pay taxes, and vote

anything that a person (or a business) has legal title over. They can be tangible or intangible and ownership give the owner enforceable rights

means to be in violation of one or more of the rules, laws, and/ or rights presented in a governing document called a constitution

a conclusion reached after an evaluation of the facts and the precedent, and law. It is also called a ruling, an opinion, or a judgement.



Supreme Court




Chief Justice







Appellate brief

An appellate brief is a written legal argument presented to an appellate court. Its purpose is to persuade the higher court to uphold or reverse the trial court’s decision. Briefs of this kind are therefore geared to presenting the issues involved in the case from the perspective of one side only.

Appellate briefs from both sides can be very valuable to anyone assessing the legal issues raised in a case. Unfortunately, they are rarely published. The U.S. Supreme Court is the only court for which briefs are regularly available in published form. The Landmark Briefs series (REF. LAW KF 101.9 .K8) includes the full texts of briefs relating to a very few of the many cases heard by this court. In addition, summaries of the briefs filed on behalf of the plaintiff or defendant for all cases reported are included in the U.S. Supreme Court Reports. Lawyer’s Ed., 2nd. series (REF. LAW KF 101 .A42).

Student brief

A student brief is a short summary and analysis of the case prepared for use in classroom discussion. It is a set of notes, presented in a systematic way, in order to sort out the parties, identify the issues, ascertain what was decided, and analyze the reasoning behind decisions made by the courts.

Although student briefs always include the same items of information, the form in which these items are set out can vary. Before committing yourself to a particular form for briefing cases, check with your instructor to ensure that the form you have chosen is acceptable.

The parties and how to keep track of them

Beginning students often have difficulty identifying relationships between the parties involved in court cases. The following definitions may help:

Plaintiffs sue defendants in civil suits in trial courts.

The government (state or federal) prosecutes defendants in criminal cases in trial courts.

The losing party in a criminal prosecution or a civil action may ask a higher (appellate) court to review the case on the ground that the trial court judge made a mistake. If the law gives the loser the right to a higher court review, his or her lawyers will appeal. If the loser does not have this right, his or her lawyers may ask the court for a writ of certiorari. Under this procedure, the appellate court is being asked to exercise its lawful discretion in granting the cases a hearing for review.

For example, a defendant convicted in a federal district court has the right to appeal this decision in the Court of Appeals of the circuit and this court cannot refuse to hear it. The party losing in this appellate court can request that the case be reviewed by the Supreme Court, but, unless certain special circumstances apply, has no right to a hearing.

These two procedures, appeals and petitions for certiorari, are sometimes loosely grouped together as “appeals.” However, there is, as shown, a difference between them, and you should know it.

A person who seeks a writ of certiorari, that is, a ruling by a higher court that it hear the case, is known as a petitioner. The person who must respond to the petition, that is, the winner in the lower court, is called the respondent.

A person who files a formal appeal demanding appellate review as a matter of right is known as the appellant. His or her opponent is the appellee.

The name of the party initiating the action in court, at any level on the judicial ladder, always appears first in the legal papers. For example, Arlo Tatum and others sued in Federal District Court for an injunction against Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird and others to stop the Army from spying on them. Tatum and his friends became plaintiffs and the case was then known as Tatum v. Laird. The Tatum group lost in the District Court and appealed to the Court of Appeals, where they were referred to as the appellants, and the defendants became the appellees. Thus the case was still known at Tatum v. Laird.

When Tatum and his fellow appellants won in the Court of Appeals, Laird and his fellow appellees decided to seek review by the Supreme Court. They successfully petitioned for a writ of certiorari from the Supreme Court directing the Court of Appeals to send up the record of the case (trial court transcript, motion papers, and assorted legal documents) to the Supreme Court.

At this point the name of the case changed to Laird v. Tatum: Laird and associates were now the petitioners, and Tatum and his fellows were the respondents. Several church groups and a group of former intelligence agents obtained permission to file briefs (written arguments) on behalf of the respondents to help persuade the Court to arrive at a decision favorable to them. Each of these groups was termed an amicus curiae, or “friend of the court.”

In criminal cases, switches in the titles of cases are common, because most reach the appellate courts as a result of an appeal by a convicted defendant. Thus, the case ofArizona v. Miranda later became Miranda v. Arizona.

Student briefs


7. Other than textiles, what three industries began to grow in South Carolina?


Answer: The nineteenth and early twentieth centuries saw the tremendous growth of the aptly named ''Big Three'' North Carolina industries—tobacco, textiles, and furniture. The manufacture of the many products related to these industries grew naturally from the availability of raw materials in the state.


In Sparta, who could limit the power of the council of elders?





Ephors- were the people responsible for the day to day operation of the government.

Ephors could limit the power they were the people responsible for the day to day operation of the government

What was the social impact of the decision in Brown v. Board of Education?
A) It increased support for segregation by business owners.
B) It strengthened the growing civil rights movement.
C) It reduced interest in public protest relating to civil rights issues.
D) It generated interest in the link between grades and emotions.


Answer: B


The main social impact of the result of Brown v. Board of Education was that B) It strengthened the growing civil rights movement.

Brown v. Board of EducationWas a Supreme Court case based on segregation in education. Resulted in the Supreme Court declaring that segregation in public schools was unconstitutional.

This gave a massive boost to the Civil Rights movement as they then began to argue that if segregation was unconstitutional in education, it should be unconstitutional across the board.

Find out more on Brown v. Board of Education at https://brainly.com/question/9857823.

Which of the following is NOT a way that the ancient cities of Harappa and Mohenjo-daro were similar?

A) Large temples were constructed in each city to honor the gods.
B) They were planned cities filled with structures made from brick.
C) The streets built in each city were based on a grid system.
D) They were protected by thick walls surrounding the cities.





i dont know if its correct but i hope it helps

Which statement describes the state of leadership in the later Ming dynasty?
The people took advantage of the rulers' kindness.
Leaders were older and easily influenced by the young.
O The emperors lived in poverty and declined in social status.
Some emperors were children who were easily influenced.



Some emperors were children who were easily influenced.





Which statement describes the state of leadership in the later Ming dynasty?

The people took advantage of the rulers’ kindness.

Leaders were older and easily influenced by the young.

The emperors lived in poverty and declined in social status.

Some emperors were children who were easily influenced.

Please HelllppppWhat was one of Japan's major achievements?
A. Building a social system that did not allow violence
B. Creating some of the earliest works of prose literature
C. Giving peasants the right to vote for their leaders
D. Uniting all of Japan under the rule of one daimyo​








I took the test

What are the duties of the secretary of state of Louisiana? Check all that apply.

act as the chief legal officer of the state
serve as chief election officer
take responsibility for official state records
keep the Great Seal of the State of Louisiana
give official approval of documents




All of them but "give official approval doc"


do hope this helps.


The answer is ADE

A(defending the laws of the state in court)

D(serving as the head of the Department of Justice)

E(advising or assisting on criminal cases as needed)


The attorney is head of LEGAL officer of state.

I used guided notes and got this question right.

1. Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) may still be in danger from their government.





Displaced persons suffer significantly higher rates of mortality than the general population. They also remain at high risk of physical attack, sexual assault and abduction, and frequently are deprived of adequate shelter, food and health services.

Which type of business is the most common in the U.S.?!



Sole Proprietorship


A sole proprietorship is the most common form of business organization.

King George III of England is known famously as the 'mad king,' but what mental illness or illnesses did he possibly suffer from?



he suffered from acute porphyria wich was a genetic blood disorder, and bipolar disorder


sources www.express.co.uk and www.history.com hope this helps

In 2-3 sentences, explain why the United States and Cuba took the actions they did in response to each other during the Cold War.



In October 1962, the Soviet provision of ballistic missiles to Cuba led to the most dangerous Cold War confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union and brought the world to the brink of nuclear war. Over the course of two extremely tense weeks, US President John F. Kennedy and Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev negotiated a peaceful outcome to the crisis. The crisis evoked fears of nuclear destruction, revealed the dangers of brinksmanship, and invigorated attempts to halt the arms race.

Explanation: Sorry I got into it haha;)...But there you go...

Other Questions
Who was William A Alcott? A baker is selling 2 types of doughnuts: glazed doughnuts, g, and jelly doughnuts, j. If a customer wants to buy no more than a dozen doughnuts and wants to try at least one of each kind, what would be the constraints that represent how many doughnuts the customer can buy? the area of square of length of side 6cm is HELP PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How does the law of superposition help us determine the age of the Earth ayer / yo / despedirse / de / mis sobrinos what is meant by net operating surplus Help ASAP !!!! Im almost done According to Chiron in Chapter 5, where do the gods currently live?*A) GreeceB) RomeC) MexicoD) U.S.A.5. Zeus accuses Percy of stealing his: * -What is the solution to the following?4(x - 1) - 3x = -2x - 4 + 3xA. X= -4B. x = 0C. no solutionD. infinite solutions Pls help me this is due tomorrow Please help on this question 7.50x30 help i hate math A jet pilot flew a distance of 3,311 mi in 5 hour and 30 min. Find the planes average rate of speed. Please Help me! I would really appreciate it if someone helped me as soon as possible. Can you also explain how you got your answer? EXPERT ONLY HELP: I'LL GIVE BRAINLIEST: EXPLAIN YOU ANSWERA or C Complte avec les expressions donnes.une assiette de- un paquet de - trop de - une boite de-un morceau de-une tranche de- un verre de - une bouteille de - un peu de- un kilo dea. Je voudrais......petits pois, s'il vous plait.b. Donnez-moijambonc. Je vais achetergteauxd. Tu manges... sucre, ce n'est pas bon pour la sant!e. -llya.....lait au frigo.Je prfre...jus d'orangef. Je mets seulementde confiture sur mon pain.viande et......frites.g. A midi, j'ai pris Whales, humans, lizards, and birds each have forelimbs that are adapted for different functions, including swimming, using tools, walking, and flying. While different in function, these forelimbs share a similar skeletal structure of the humerus, radius, and ulna. How does a comparison of the forelimbs of these organisms provide evidence for evolution?A. These homologous structures indicate that these four organisms all share a common ancestor.B. These analogous structures indicate that whales are descended from organisms that lived on land.C. These analogous structures indicate that these four organisms all experienced convergent evolution.D. These homologous structures indicate that humans, whales, and birds all evolved from a lineage of lizards. if Billy has 23 chairs and the sun is orange on Tuesdays, what color is Sarah's hair at 2:73 in the morning if she eats a candle 1 hour and 26 minutes before 2:73am? HELP ASAPThe radius of a quarter circle is 1.4 millimeters. What is the quarter circle's area? What is the value of x in the equation shown below?x3 + 1 = 9