what term refers to the practice of marrying a person outside of the group to which one belongs?


Answer 1

The term referring to the practice of marrying someone outside one's own group is "exogamy".

What is exogamy ?

Exogamy is the custom or rule of marrying someone from a different social or cultural group, such as a different tribe, ethnicity, religion, or nationality. It is a form of intermarriage that fosters social connections, diversity and the exchange of cultural practices between different groups. In contrast, endogamy refers to the practice of marrying within a social or cultural group. 

Social and Cultural Interaction:

Exogamy facilitates social and cultural exchanges between different groups. By getting married outside their own group, individuals and families develop connections with people from different backgrounds and facilitate the sharing of customs, traditions, and perspectives. This can lead to greater cultural diversity and the blending of different cultural practices. 

To know more about exogamy -



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the plays a significant role in the (where phosphates are located in high concentrations) because phosphates are capable of binding and unbinding h depending on current conditions of acidity or alkalinity.


The pH level of an aquatic environment plays a significant role in the concentration and distribution of phosphates.

Phosphates are naturally occurring minerals that are essential for the growth and development of aquatic organisms, but they can also become a pollutant if their concentration levels become too high. In environments where the pH level is low (acidic), phosphates tend to bind with hydrogen ions (H+) to form H2PO4- ions. These ions are more soluble in water and can easily move through the water column. Conversely, in environments where the pH level is high (alkaline), the H2PO4- ions will tend to unbind with hydrogen ions, releasing more phosphates into the water. This relationship between pH level and the solubility of phosphates is crucial for understanding the impact of human activities on aquatic ecosystems. For example, agricultural runoff or sewage discharge can introduce high levels of nutrients, including phosphates, into aquatic environments. If the pH level is not conducive to the binding of phosphates with hydrogen ions, these excess nutrients can lead to eutrophication and harmful algal blooms. In summary, the concentration and distribution of phosphates in aquatic environments are heavily influenced by the pH level. Understanding this relationship is crucial for managing and protecting our freshwater resources.

Learn more about phosphates here:



according to the world health organization (who) % of those that died in 2015 had succumbed to a slowly progressing disease.


According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 70% of those who died in 2015 had succumbed to a slowly progressing disease.

This statistic reflects the significant impact of chronic and non-communicable diseases on global mortality rates. Slowly progressing diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes, and respiratory conditions, are major contributors to the overall burden of disease and death worldwide.

The WHO's findings highlight the importance of addressing these chronic conditions through preventive measures, early detection, and appropriate management. It emphasizes the need for public health interventions that focus not only on infectious diseases but also on the long-term management and prevention of chronic illnesses to reduce mortality rates and improve population health.

To learn more about World Health Organization, click here:



in what ways did pastoral societies differ from their agricultural counterparts?


Pastoral societies relied on herding animals for sustenance and movement, while agricultural societies focused on cultivating crops for food production and settled communities.

Pastoral societies are characterized by a nomadic lifestyle, where people move with their herds to find fresh grazing lands. They rely heavily on animal husbandry for their livelihood, using animals for food, milk, wool, and transportation. The mobility of pastoral societies allows them to adapt to changing environmental conditions and utilize resources efficiently. In contrast, agricultural societies practice sedentary farming, cultivating crops on a permanent or semi-permanent basis. They rely on the cultivation of crops like grains, vegetables, and fruits for sustenance, establishing settled communities with more complex social structures. Agriculture enables the production of surplus food, leading to population growth, specialization of labor, and the development of more sophisticated tools and technologies.

Learn more about pastoral societies  here:



the top-level directory on a linux system is represented as


On a Linux system, the top-level directory is represented as a forward slash (/). This directory, often referred to as the root directory, serves as the starting point for the entire file system hierarchy.

It contains all other directories and files on the system.

The root directory is the highest level in the directory tree structure. From the root directory, all other directories and files are organized in a hierarchical manner. For example, the directory for user home directories is typically located at "/home", system executables are stored in "/bin" or "/sbin", configuration files are located in "/etc", and so on.

When navigating through the file system in Linux, absolute paths are used to specify the location of a directory or file relative to the root directory. For nce, "/home/user/documents/file.txt" represents the absolute path to a file called "file.txt" located within the "documents" directory, which is inside the "user" directory, which in turn is inside the "home" directory.

Understanding the root directory and its hierarchical structure is essential for managing files, executing commands, and organizing the Linux system effectively.

Learn more about organizing  here:



complete this well-known quotation from carl von clausewitz (1918): "war is___


Complete this famous quote by Carl von Clausewitz (1918). "War is the continuation of politics by other means."

This quote reflects Clausewitz's views on the nature of war and emphasizes the close relationship between war and politics. According to Clausewitz, war is not an isolated event, but a means to achieve political goals. It suggests that war is an extension or means of politics when other diplomatic or peaceful means have failed. From this perspective, war is seen as a tool that states and actors can use to advance their interests or secure their goals in the face of conflict or disagreement.

It is important to note that the original text was written in German by Carl von Clausewitz in his 1832 book Uber Den Kriege ("Vom Kriege"). This quote has been widely cited and is often associated with Clausewitz's philosophy on the nature of war and its relationship to politics.

To know more about Clausewitz visit :



about what percentage of the u. s. population of reproductive age experience infertility?


Approximately 10-15% of the U.S. population of reproductive age experiences infertility.

Infertility is defined as the inability to conceive after a year or more of regular unprotected intercourse. While the exact prevalence of infertility can vary depending on factors such as age, underlying health conditions, and lifestyle factors, research suggests that approximately 10-15% of couples in the United States face challenges in achieving pregnancy. It is important to note that infertility can affect both men and women, and it can be caused by a range of factors, including hormonal imbalances, structural issues, genetic conditions, and lifestyle choices.

The emotional and psychological impact of infertility can be significant, and many individuals and couples seek medical interventions, such as assisted reproductive technologies, to overcome infertility and achieve their desired parenthood goals.

Learn more about infertility



what is the most common etiology of a stenosis at an angioplasty site?


The most common etiology of a stenosis at an angioplasty site is restenosis. Restenosis refers to the re-narrowing of the artery that was treated with angioplasty.

Restenosis occurs in approximately 30% of patients who undergo angioplasty. The exact cause of restenosis is not fully understood, but it is thought to be due to several factors, including smooth muscle cell proliferation, inflammation, and mechanical injury to the arterial wall during the angioplasty procedure.

Other risk factors for restenosis include diabetes, hyperlipidemia, and smoking. Treatment options for restenosis include repeat angioplasty or stenting, medication therapy, and lifestyle modifications. In some cases, restenosis may require more aggressive treatment, such as bypass surgery or other surgical interventions.

Therefore, it is important for patients who undergo angioplasty to closely follow their healthcare provider's instructions for post-procedure care and to manage any underlying risk factors that may contribute to restenosis.

Learn more about restenosis :



according to baumrind (1989), which pattern of parenting is low on the dimensions of both restrictiveness and control and warmth and responsiveness?


According to Baumrind (1989), the parenting pattern that is low on both restrictiveness and control, as well as warmth and responsiveness, is known as the "neglectful" or "uninvolved" parenting style.

What is this style?

This type of parenting is characterized by a lack of emotional involvement and responsiveness, along with a lack of rules and structure.

Neglectful parents tend to be detached and disengaged from their children's lives, and may prioritize their own needs and interests over those of their children.

This parenting style can have negative effects on children's emotional and social development, as they may feel unsupported and neglected, and may struggle with self-esteem and relationship building.

To know more on Parenting visit:



according to descartes, what is the manner in which to seek truth?


According to Descartes, the manner in which to seek truth is through the method of doubt and systematic skepticism. Descartes believed that in order to discover reliable knowledge, one must first doubt all beliefs and assumptions, including sensory experiences, because they can be deceptive. By doing this, he aimed to identify indubitable truths that could serve as a solid foundation for knowledge.

To achieve this, Descartes formulated four rules, known as the Method of Doubt. First, accept nothing as true unless it is clear, distinct, and free from doubt. Second, break complex problems into smaller, more manageable parts. Third, work systematically from simpler to more complex issues, ensuring each step is based on certainty. Lastly, review the process to ensure all aspects are accounted for and conclusions are sound.

Descartes' famous quote, "Cogito, ergo sum" (I think, therefore I am), represents the first indubitable truth he identified. By doubting everything, he realized that the act of thinking cannot be doubted, proving his own existence. This approach laid the groundwork for modern rationalism and the pursuit of truth through reason, critical thinking, and logical analysis.

For more about skepticism:



after excessive media coverage of a person with schizophrenia who killed several people, people overestimated the likelihood that someone with schizophrenia would be dangerous to others. this illustrates .


The situation you have described illustrates the phenomenon known as the availability heuristic. This is a mental shortcut that our brains use to estimate the likelihood of an event based on how easily examples of that event come to mind. In the case of the media coverage of the person with schizophrenia

the extensive coverage likely made it very easy for people to recall that particular case, leading them to overestimate the likelihood of a similar event occurring in the future. The availability heuristic can be a useful tool for making quick decisions, but it can also lead to errors in judgment. For example, if a person hears about a shark attack on the news, they may become fearful of swimming in the ocean, even though the actual risk of being attacked by a shark is extremely low. Similarly, the media coverage of the person with schizophrenia may have led people to believe that all individuals with schizophrenia are dangerous, even though the majority are not.
It is important to be aware of the potential biases that can arise from the availability heuristic and to make an effort to gather more comprehensive information before making judgments or decisions. This can be especially important when dealing with complex issues such as mental health, where stereotypes and misinformation can have serious consequences. By seeking out accurate information and challenging our own assumptions, we can work towards a more informed and compassionate society.

Learn more about  availability heuristic here:



it is okay to let a dog that you are not familiar with meet the dog you are walking


It is generally not recommended to let a dog that you are not familiar with meet the dog you are walking.This is because dogs, like humans, have individual personalities and temperaments that may clash or cause conflict when they meet.

Additionally, if the unfamiliar dog is not well-socialized or has aggressive tendencies, it could potentially harm the dog you are walking or cause a dangerous situation. If you encounter an unfamiliar dog while walking, it is best to keep a safe distance and avoid letting the dogs interact. If the unfamiliar dog is showing signs of aggression or is not under the control of its owner, it may be necessary to call animal control or seek assistance from a professional dog trainer or behaviorist.

However, if you are considering introducing two dogs, it is important to first assess their individual temperaments and behavior. It may be beneficial to introduce the dogs in a neutral setting, such as a park or open space, while keeping them both on a leash. Observe their body language and behavior closely to ensure they are comfortable and not showing any signs of aggression or discomfort.

In general, it is always best to err on the side of caution when it comes to introducing dogs. Each situation and dog is unique, so it is important to use your best judgment and prioritize the safety and well-being of all dogs involved.

To know more about meet the dog visit:



what happened after the pilgrims discovered that they had landed on cape cod?


After the Pilgrims discovered that they had landed on Cape Cod, they realized that they were outside the jurisdiction of the Virginia Company, which had granted them permission to settle in Virginia.

They also realized that they needed to establish a new form of government to ensure order and stability in their new settlement. As a result, they drafted the Mayflower Compact, a governing document that established a self-governing colony based on majority rule.

This compact helped establish the principles of democracy and self-government in the early years of the Plymouth Colony. The Pilgrims then proceeded to explore the area and eventually settled in Plymouth, Massachusetts, establishing one of the earliest successful English colonies in North America.

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studies in which subjects are audio or videotaped may qualify as exempt from continuing irb review.


Studies that involve audio or video recording of subjects may qualify as exempt from continuing Institutional Review Board (IRB) review under certain conditions.

To be considered for exemption, the study must pose minimal risk to participants, protect their confidentiality, and adhere to applicable regulations and ethical guidelines. Moreover, the research should not involve vulnerable populations, and the recorded data should be used only for the specific research objectives.
The IRB is responsible for reviewing and approving research involving human subjects to ensure ethical treatment and protect their rights. However, in some cases, the IRB may determine that a study doesn't require ongoing review, streamlining the research process for investigators. Keep in mind that exemptions are granted on a case-by-case basis, and researchers should always consult with their IRB to confirm eligibility.
In summary, while audio or videotaped studies may qualify for exemption from continuing IRB review, it is essential to ensure the research meets the necessary criteria, safeguards participants' well-being, and complies with relevant regulations and ethical principles.

To know more about IRB visit:



the caucus and primaries effectively serve the same role by selecting which candidate will represent their party through the assignment of party______________


The caucus and primaries effectively serve the same role by selecting which candidate will represent their party through the assignment of party delegates.

Party delegates are individuals who are chosen to attend the party's national convention and cast their votes to officially nominate a candidate for the presidential election. The caucus and primary processes involve the selection of these delegates, although they differ in their methods. In caucuses, party members gather in local meetings to discuss and vote on their preferred candidate. Delegates are then assigned based on the outcome of these discussions and votes. Caucuses often involve more direct interaction and deliberation among party members.

Learn more about primaries effectively here:



when required, gambling winnings are reported by the gambling establishment on form 1099-misc.


No, when required, gambling winnings are typically reported by the gambling establishment on form W-2G, not on form 1099-MISC.

Form W-2G, also known as the "Certain Gambling Winnings" form, is used by gambling establishments to report certain types of gambling winnings to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the individual who won the income. This form is specifically designed for reporting gambling winnings that meet specific thresholds and types, such as winnings from lotteries, casinos, horse racing, and certain other gambling activities.

Form 1099-MISC, on the other hand, is used to report various types of miscellaneous income, such as payments made to independent contractors, rents, royalties, and other income not reported on other specific forms.

To know more about gambling , click here.



------------The given question is incomplete, the complete question is:

"Is it correct that when required, gambling winnings are reported by the gambling establishment on form 1099-misc?"----------------

the principle of influence known as social proof refers to the idea that people


The principle of influence known as social proof refers to the idea that people tend to look to others for guidance on how to behave in uncertain situations.

This phenomenon is based on the assumption that if many others are doing something, it must be the right or appropriate thing to do. Social proof can be observed in various contexts, such as following trends, adopting popular opinions, or conforming to group behavior. By completing this question, we can explore how social proof influences decision-making and shapes individual behavior in different situations.

The principle of influence known as social proof refers to the idea that people are more likely to adopt a certain belief, behavior, or action if they see others doing the same. It is a form of social influence that relies on the concept of social validation. When individuals are uncertain or lack information, they tend to look to others to determine the appropriate behavior in a given situation.

To learn more about Social proof, visit here



How does each individual work to control the impressions that others have of them by altering behavior in relation to what the situation is?

addiction is a primary, chronic, progressive disease characterized by all of the following except:


Option d: All of the following, WITH THE EXCEPTION of one, characterize addiction as a primary, chronic, and progressive disease inclination to discontinue using when the effects are too severe

Addiction is a persistent dysfunction of the brain's reward, motivation, and/or the memory systems. It concerns how the body craves substances and actions, especially when it leads to a compulsive or compulsive craving for a 'reward' and an indifference to its consequences.

Addiction can have a significant impact on your daily life over time. Cycles of relapse and remission are common in people who suffer from addiction. This means you can switch between heavy and light use. Even within these cycles, addictions tend to worsen over time. It can cause serious consequences such as bankruptcy and long-term health problems.

To learn more about addiction, here:



Complete question:

Addiction is a primary, chronic, progressive disease characterized by all of the following EXCEPT:

a. compulsion O

b loss of control

c. distortion in normal thinking

d.tendency to stop use when consequences become too great

Which of the following children is most likely to be a more frequent TV viewer? A) Allen, whose parents both work full timeB) Kayleigh, who is the youngest of 4 children C) Joaquin, who is enrolled in child careD) Catherine, who is low SES


The child who is most likely to be a more frequent TV viewer is Allen, whose parents both work full time. A).

Allen, whose parents both work full time:

Since both of Allen's parents work full time, it is possible that they have limited time available to supervise or engage in activities with him.

As a result, Allen may have more unsupervised time at home, which could lead to increased TV viewing.

Kayleigh, who is the youngest of 4 children:

Being the youngest of four children does not necessarily indicate a higher likelihood of being a more frequent TV viewer.

The TV viewing habits of children can vary significantly within a family, depending on various factors such as parenting styles, rules set by parents and individual preferences.

Joaquin, who is enrolled in child care:

Joaquin being enrolled in child care does not necessarily indicate a higher likelihood of being a more frequent TV viewer.

The TV viewing habits in child care settings can vary depending on the policies and practices of the specific child care facility.

Catherine, who is low SES:

Socioeconomic status (SES) can influence various aspects of a child's life, including access to resources, it does not necessarily determine the frequency of TV viewing.

TV viewing habits can be influenced by various factors beyond SES, such as family dynamics, parenting styles and individual preferences.

The likelihood of being a more frequent TV viewer is not solely determined by the factors mentioned above.

Each child's individual circumstances, interests, and parental guidance play significant roles in their TV viewing habits.

For similar questions on TV viewer


Trolls are players who intentionally spoil the game for others in pick-up groups (pugs).a. Trueb. False


True. Trolls are indeed players who intentionally disrupt or spoil the game experience for others in pick-up groups (PUGs) or online multiplayer games.

They engage in disruptive behaviors such as griefing, trolling, or intentionally sabotaging the game or other players' enjoyment. Trolling can take various forms, including verbal abuse, purposeful feeding, griefing, or intentionally causing conflicts within the game. These actions are often done to provoke or upset other players, rather than playing the game cooperatively or competitively.

Trolling behavior is generally frowned upon in gaming communities, as it undermines the positive and fair play experience that players seek in multiplayer environments.

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classically conditioned learning will fade or become extinct if it is not


This type of learning is based on the principle that behaviors can be learned through the pairing of a neutral stimulus with an unconditioned stimulus that elicits a natural response.

Extinction can occur when the conditioned stimulus is no longer followed by the unconditioned stimulus. If this happens, the association between the two stimuli weakens over time, and the conditioned response will gradually disappear. For example, if a dog is conditioned to salivate at the sound of a bell because the bell is consistently followed by the presentation of food, but the food is no longer presented, the dog will eventually stop salivating at the sound of the bell.

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Universal consent proves nothing innate. - this argument, drawn from universal consent, has this misfortune in it, that if it were true in matter of fact that there were certain truths wherein all mankind agreed, it would not prove them innate, if there can be any other way shown, how men may come to that universal agreement in the things they do consent in; which i presume may be done. True or False.


The statement is True. The argument suggests that universal consent alone is not sufficient to prove the innate nature of certain truths.

Even if there were truths that all mankind agreed upon, it does not necessarily mean that those truths are innate. The argument acknowledges that there could be other ways in which people arrive at a universal agreement on certain matters, which would undermine the claim of innate knowledge.

In essence, the argument highlights the limitation of using universal consent as the sole evidence for innate truths and suggests that alternative explanations should be considered.

The argument states that relying solely on universal consent to establish the innate nature of certain truths is flawed. Even if there are truths that all people universally agree upon, it does not necessarily mean that these truths are ingrained in individuals from birth (innate). The argument points out that there could be alternative explanations for the universal agreement on certain matters.

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What is the term describing the 40 days before Easter that means spring?


The term describing the 40 days before Easter that means spring is "Lent." Lent is a period of fasting, repentance, and spiritual discipline observed by many Christian denominations. It begins on Ash Wednesday and ends on Holy Saturday, the day before Easter Sunday. Lent is a time of preparation for the celebration of Christ's resurrection, and it is also associated with the arrival of spring. During Lent, Christians reflect on their spiritual lives and strive to deepen their relationship with God.

Many people give up certain luxuries or pleasures during this time as a form of sacrifice and self-discipline. Additionally, Lent is a time for prayer, meditation, and acts of charity and goodwill towards others. Overall, Lent is a significant period in the Christian calendar that serves as a reminder of the importance of faith, humility, and renewal.

The term describing the 40 days before Easter that means spring is "Lent." Lent is a period of fasting, prayer, and penance observed by many Christian denominations. It begins on Ash Wednesday and lasts for 40 days, not including Sundays, until Easter Sunday. The word "Lent" is derived from the Old English word "lencten," which means spring. During Lent, believers often give up something, such as certain foods or activities, as a form of self-discipline and to reflect on the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. This period also serves as a time of spiritual preparation and renewal for the celebration of Easter, commemorating the resurrection of Jesus.

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the idea that we can change abnormal through "unlearning" is known as


The idea that we can change abnormal behavior through "unlearning" is known as behavior modification. Behavior modification focuses on altering maladaptive behaviors through various techniques and strategies.

It operates on the principle that behavior is learned and can be unlearned or replaced with more desirable behaviors through conditioning and reinforcement.

Behavior modification utilizes techniques such as positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, punishment, and extinction to shape behavior. Positive reinforcement involves providing rewards or incentives to reinforce desired behaviors. Negative reinforcement entails removing aversive stimuli to strengthen the likelihood of a desired behavior occurring. Punishment involves applying negative consequences to deter undesirable behaviors. Extinction refers to the gradual reduction and eventual elimination of a behavior by withholding reinforcement.

The underlying concept behind behavior modification is that behaviors are learned responses to specific stimuli, and by modifying the stimuli or the consequences associated with the behavior, the behavior itself can be changed. This approach is often utilized in various settings, such as therapy, education, and organizational management, to address problematic behaviors and promote positive change.

Behavior modification is based on principles derived from behavioral psychology, particularly from the work of B.F. Skinner and Ivan Pavlov. It emphasizes the importance of environmental factors and conditioning in shaping behavior. By employing systematic and structured interventions, behavior modification aims to replace maladaptive behaviors with more adaptive ones, ultimately enhancing an individual's overall functioning and well-being.

To learn more about maladaptive click here brainly.com/question/30419114


which philosopher would be most likely to associate rights with duties and responsibilities?


One philosopher who would be most likely to associate rights with duties and responsibilities is Immanuel Kant.

Kant's ethical theory, known as deontology, emphasizes the importance of moral duties and obligations. According to Kant, individuals possess inherent moral worth and dignity, which grants them certain rights. However, these rights are not absolute and come with corresponding duties.

Kant argued that individuals have a duty to respect the rights of others and to act in accordance with moral principles. Thus, he would view rights as interconnected with responsibilities, as one's exercise of rights should not infringe upon the rights of others and should be guided by moral duties.

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the view that biological, psychological and social factors are all involed in any given state or illness is called the common sense model


The common sense model is an approach to understanding health and illness that recognizes the complexity of factors that contribute to any given state of being.

This model posits that biological, psychological, and social factors all play a role in shaping our health outcomes, and that it is important to take a holistic view of health in order to effectively prevent and treat illness. By recognizing that our physical health is intertwined with our mental and social wellbeing, the commonsense model encourages a more comprehensive approach to healthcare that prioritizes prevention and proactive measures over reactive interventions. Ultimately, this model helps to foster a more nuanced understanding of the factors that contribute to health and illness, which can lead to better outcomes for individuals and communities.

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if you would like to change your personality, what obstacle would be important to overcome as a pre-condition?


If you desire to change your personality, one significant obstacle to overcome as a precondition is the ingrained patterns of behavior and thought that have become deeply rooted over time.

Personalities are shaped by a combination of genetics, upbringing, life experiences, and social conditioning. Altering deeply ingrained traits and habits can be challenging.

To overcome this obstacle, self-awareness and introspection are crucial. It is important to identify the specific aspects of your personality that you wish to change and understand the underlying motivations and triggers associated with them. Developing a clear understanding of why certain behaviors or thought patterns exist can aid in finding effective strategies for change.

Another obstacle is the resistance to change itself. Comfort zones and fear of the unknown can hinder progress. Overcoming this requires a willingness to step outside your comfort zone, embrace vulnerability, and persist in making intentional efforts towards change.

Additionally, seeking support from professionals, such as therapists or life coaches, can provide valuable guidance and strategies for overcoming obstacles and facilitating personal growth. Patience, perseverance, and a growth mindset are vital throughout the journey of transforming one's personality.

Learn more about progress here:



Developing a baseline level of performance for an operational metric includes all but which of the following?a. Defining the measurement and data elements of the metricb. Including all data points available, excluding nonec. Defining the data gathering methodologyd. Establish a desired outcome to be measured


Option b is not included in developing a baseline level of performance for an operational metric.

Developing a baseline level of performance for an operational metric involves defining the measurement and data elements of the metric, defining the data gathering methodology, and establishing a desired outcome to be measured. However, including all data points available, excluding none, is not part of this process.

It is important to carefully select the data points that are relevant to the metric being measured and exclude any that may skew the results. By defining the data gathering methodology, the process for collecting data is standardized and ensures consistency in measurement.

Establishing a desired outcome to be measured provides a benchmark for evaluating performance and determining if improvements are necessary.

For more such questions on operational metric, click on:



Which of the following are signs that a toddler is ready to begin potty training?A: They develop a sense-of-humorB: They assert themselves with the word "no"C: They begin expressing curiosity about the toilet


The sign that a toddler is ready to begin potty training is:

They begin expressing curiosity about the toilet. C.

Expressing curiosity about the toilet is an indication that a toddler is becoming aware of and interested in the bathroom and the process of using the toilet.

This curiosity can be a precursor to potty training readiness.

Sense of humor and asserting themselves with the word "no" are important aspects of a toddler's development, they are not directly linked to potty training readiness.

Potty training readiness is more closely associated with physical and cognitive readiness, such as the ability to control bladder and bowel movements, the understanding of cause-and-effect relationships and the ability to communicate basic needs.

Readiness for potty training varies for each child and it's best to consider a combination of signs along with the child's individual development and cues from their caregivers to determine if they are ready to start the potty training process.

For similar questions on potty training



in just about every society, people link sexual attractiveness to which of the following?


In just about every society, people link sexual attractiveness to physical appearance, including factors such as facial symmetry, body shape, skin tone, and overall health. Additionally, cultural norms and media influence can play a role in determining what is considered attractive. For example, some societies may place a higher value on thinness or muscularity, while others may prioritize larger body types.

Despite these variations, there are certain universal traits that tend to be perceived as attractive across cultures, such as clear skin, bright eyes, and a symmetrical face. It is important to note, however, that individuals may have their own unique preferences and may not conform to societal standards of attractiveness.
In just about every society, people link sexual attractiveness to a combination of factors including physical appearance, personality traits, and social status. Physical appearance often involves traits such as facial symmetry, body proportions, and overall health indicators. Personality traits can include confidence, sense of humor, and kindness, which are seen as attractive in various cultures.

Social status plays a role in attractiveness as well, with higher social standing often correlating to increased desirability. It's important to note that the specific preferences and standards of attractiveness may vary across different cultures and societies, but these general factors tend to be universally significant.

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you're on the board of directors for the local youth soccer league. you would like to create an organizational chart showing the various board members, the committees each member chairs, and the parent volunteers on each committee. which feature in word would you use?


To create an organizational chart in Microsoft Word, you would use the "SmartArt" feature. This tool allows you to create a variety of diagrams, including hierarchical charts that are perfect for displaying the structure of an organization.

The steps to create an organizational chart using SmartArt

Here are the steps to create an organizational chart using SmartArt:

Open a new Word document.

Click on the "Insert" tab on the ribbon.

Click on the "SmartArt" button in the Illustrations group.

In the Choose a SmartArt Graphic dialog box that opens, click "Hierarchy" on the left.

On the right, select the style of organizational chart you want to use. There are many different styles to choose from, but one that is often used for organizational charts is the "Hierarchy" style.

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