What was the human cost of world war 2 ?


Answer 1

   The human suffering of World War II was immeasurable and devastating. An estimated 70 to 85 million people died in the war, making it the deadliest conflict in human history.

   About 50 million of the dead were civilians, including millions of Jews who were systematically murdered in Nazi concentration camps and millions who died due to the German invasion of the Soviet Union. Including Soviet citizens.

    In addition to losing life, war has resulted in extensive physical and mental trauma, displacement, and economic devastation. After the war, many cities lay in ruins, and countless people were left homeless, starving, and struggling to rebuild their lives. The war also had long-term geopolitical consequences, such as the division of Germany and the rise of the United States and the Soviet Union as global superpowers.

  To learn more about the German invasion:



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what symbol of Ma'at, Egyptian goddess of justice, was used as a counterweight when she measured the hearts of the dead?​


Ma'at, the Egyptian goddess of justice, used an ostrich feather as a balance when she measured the hearts of the dead.

The deceased's heart was measured against Ma'at's ostrich feather as a test of conformance to correct values during the ceremonial of judgement of the dead.

Ma'at was personified as the deity Ma'at, who was commonly Egyptian as a female divinity with the feather hieroglyph on her head.

As a result, the significance of the Ma'at, Egyptian goddess of justice, was used as a counterweight when she measured the hearts of the dead are the aforementioned.

Learn more about on Ma'at, here;



implementation of apartheid policy in south Africa​





Apartheid was a policy of racial segregation and discrimination that was implemented in South Africa by the National Party government in 1948. The goal of apartheid was to create separate societies for different racial and ethnic groups in South Africa, with white South Africans holding political and economic power and other racial groups relegated to subordinate roles.

The implementation of apartheid involved a range of measures, including:

1. Population registration: All South Africans were classified into four racial categories - white, black, colored (mixed race), and Indian. This classification was based on physical appearance, ancestry, and social acceptance, and was used to determine a person's legal rights and privileges.

2. Group Areas Act: This law enforced the physical separation of different racial groups by requiring them to live in separate areas. Black South Africans were forced to live in townships and rural areas, while white South Africans lived in cities and suburbs.

3. Pass laws: These laws required black South Africans to carry identification documents (known as passes) at all times, which restricted their freedom of movement and made it difficult for them to travel outside of their designated areas.

4. Education and employment discrimination: Black South Africans were denied access to quality education and were restricted from many types of employment, which limited their opportunities and perpetuated economic inequality.

5. Political disenfranchisement: Black South Africans were denied the right to vote and were excluded from participation in government and political decision-making.

The implementation of apartheid was marked by widespread resistance and protests from black South Africans, as well as international condemnation and sanctions. Over time, opposition to apartheid grew stronger and more organized, leading to the eventual dismantling of the policy in the early 1990s. Today, apartheid is widely regarded as a dark chapter in South Africa's history, and efforts are ongoing to address the lasting impacts of the policy on South African society.

Which country was not a member of the Axis Powers during World War II?
a) Germany
b) Italy
c) Japan
d) Soviet Union



D, Soviet Union


The Soviet Union were allies not part of the Axis Powers

Answer: d) Soviet Union


The Soviet Union was not a member of the Axis Powers. It was part of the Allied Powers, but it did sign a non-aggression pact with Germany before the war.

What does Mississippi mean when it says their "position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery"?


When Mississippi stated that its "position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery," it means that the state was firmly aligned with and supportive of the institution of slavery.

On January 9, 1861, Mississippi formally broke away from the US. The state's secession convention members believed it was their obligation to explain why to the world in doing so. Members stated, "Our attitude is wholly associated with the institution of slavery—the largest material interest of the globe.

However, Mississippi's defense of the institution of slavery was the primary reason the state seceded from the Union. State's rights and high tariffs are commonly listed as causes of the war.

Learn more about Mississippi here:



The works of Emile Durkheim focus on how social order is possible and how society can remain stable despite the many influences that can destabilise social order.
With the above in mind, briefly explain Durkheim’s point of view regarding the role of educational institutions to uphold the equilibrium between individual rights and the interest of society.


According to Durkheim, educational institution and education serves as a mechanism to instill shared values, norms, and moral principles in individuals, thereby promoting social integration and cohesion.

Emile Durkheim, a renowned sociologist, believed that educational institutions play a vital role in maintaining social equilibrium between individual rights and the interests of society.

Durkheim argued that through the educational process, individuals acquire a collective consciousness, which encompasses a shared understanding of societal expectations and norms. This collective consciousness helps to regulate individual behavior, ensuring that members of society adhere to common norms and values. By internalizing these norms, individuals develop a sense of solidarity and commitment to the collective good.

Moreover, Durkheim believed that education helps individuals develop social skills and abilities necessary for active participation in society. By imparting knowledge and skills, educational institutions prepare individuals to assume their roles and responsibilities as productive members of society. This contributes to the overall stability and functioning of the social order.

Durkheim emphasized the importance of educational institutions in shaping individuals' moral development and social integration. By transmitting shared values and promoting social cohesion, education upholds the equilibrium between individual rights and societal interests, fostering a harmonious and stable social order.

For more questions on educational institute



Pisces Ecclesiastical Ministries (the “Church”) is a 45-member congregation operating out of a remote location in California’s Sierra Nevada mountain range. The Church considers fish sacred, and vehemently opposes fishing for human consumption. In order to “spread its word,” the Church plans a tour of the California coast, demonstrating against a comprehensive list of fishing companies both large and small along the way.

Stan Beck, 77 years old and a proud commercial fisherman for most of his life, owns and operates Pelican Fisheries (a sole proprietorship) on Cannery Row in Monterey, California. After returning from a fishing expedition in late July, Stan encountered twelve of the Church’s parishioners congregated on the public sidewalk across the street from the dock. They were displaying placards and banners apparently directed toward Stan and his business. Aside from the provocative language of their placards and banners, the Church’s members demonstrated peacefully.

Stan is very upset. He considers the Church’s demonstration an unreasonable intrusion into his personal privacy to operate his business as he sees fit, and he plans to sue the Church.

Provide your response in two paragraphs.
Paragraph 1: Identify the three constitutional rights expressed in the United States Constitution’s Bill of Rights that arguably gave Pisces Ecclesiastical Ministries the right to demonstrate. Define each of those rights.
Paragraph 2: Identify the constitutional right implied in the Bill of Rights Stan Beck (doing business as Pelican Fisheries) could claim the Church violated. Will Stan Beck likely prevail in his lawsuit against the Church? Explain your response.


Paragraph 1: The three constitutional rights expressed in the United States Constitution's Bill of Rights that arguably gave Pisces Ecclesiastical Ministries the right to demonstrate are:

The First Amendment: The First Amendment guarantees the freedom of speech, religion, and assembly. The Church's members have the right to express their views and demonstrate peacefully in public spaces. This includes displaying placards and banners, as long as they do not incite violence or pose a direct threat to public safety.
The First Amendment (Free Exercise Clause): The Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment protects the right to freely exercise one's religion. Pisces Ecclesiastical Ministries, as a religious organization, has the right to express and promote its religious beliefs, which include considering fish sacred and opposing fishing for human consumption. This right allows them to spread their message and advocate against practices they find objectionable.
The First Amendment (Right to Petition): The First Amendment also protects the right to petition the government for a redress of grievances. While the Church is not directly petitioning the government in this scenario, their demonstration can be seen as a form of expressing their grievances against fishing companies. By publicly demonstrating and protesting, they are exercising their right to call attention to their concerns and seek change.

Paragraph 2: Stan Beck (doing business as Pelican Fisheries) could claim that the Church violated his implied constitutional right to privacy. While the United States Constitution does not explicitly mention a right to privacy, it has been inferred from several constitutional provisions, such as the Fourth Amendment's protection against unreasonable searches and seizures and the Fourteenth Amendment's due process clause. Stan may argue that the Church's demonstration, specifically targeting him and his business, intruded upon his personal privacy and interfered with his ability to operate his business as he sees fit.

Whether Stan Beck is likely to prevail in his lawsuit against the Church would depend on various factors. Courts generally recognize the importance of protecting First Amendment rights, including the right to demonstrate and express opinions. Stan would need to demonstrate that the Church's demonstration went beyond the reasonable exercise of their rights and caused significant harm or disruption to his business. The courts would balance the competing interests of free speech and privacy, considering factors such as the location, duration, and nature of the demonstration. Without further details, it is challenging to predict the outcome, but Stan's success in the lawsuit would depend on his ability to prove that the Church's actions exceeded the bounds of protected expression and unduly infringed upon his privacy rights
Final answer:

Pisces Ecclesiastical Ministries had the constitutional rights to demonstrate based on freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, and freedom of religion. Stan Beck could claim that the Church violated his right to privacy, but the outcome of his lawsuit would depend on various factors.


Paragraph 1:

The three constitutional rights expressed in the United States Constitution’s Bill of Rights that arguably gave Pisces Ecclesiastical Ministries the right to demonstrate are:

Freedom of Speech: The First Amendment of the Bill of Rights guarantees the right to free speech, allowing individuals and organizations to express their beliefs and opinions, including protesting and demonstrating peacefully.Freedom of Assembly: The First Amendment also protects the right to peacefully assemble, giving individuals and groups the right to gather together for expressive purposes, such as demonstrations.Freedom of Religion: The First Amendment ensures the freedom of religion, allowing religious organizations like Pisces Ecclesiastical Ministries to practice their faith, express their beliefs, and engage in religious activities, including advocating for their religious views against fishing for human consumption.

Paragraph 2:

The constitutional right implied in the Bill of Rights that Stan Beck (doing business as Pelican Fisheries) could claim the Church violated is the Right to Privacy. Although the right to privacy is not explicitly stated in the Bill of Rights, it has been recognized by the Supreme Court as a fundamental right. Stan Beck may argue that the Church's demonstration on the public sidewalk across from his business infringed upon his personal privacy and the ability to operate his business as he sees fit. Whether or not Stan Beck will prevail in his lawsuit against the Church would depend on various factors, including the specific details of the case, the interpretation of the right to privacy, and the balance between the Church's freedom of expression and Stan Beck's rights as a business owner.

Learn more about Constitutional rights here:



A government based on the peaceful principles of Confucianism and Daoism, plus the defeat of the Xiongnu invaders from the north allowed ancient
China, under the Han Dynasty, to experience a period of time known as
the Spring and Autumn Period
Pax Sinica
the Golden Age of Pericles
the Warring States Period


A government based on the peaceful principles of Confucianism and Daoism, plus the defeat of the Xiongnu invaders from the north allowed ancient  China, under the Han Dynasty, to experience a period of time known as  The correct answer is "Pax Sinica."

The Pax Sinica refers to a period of relative peace and stability in ancient China under the Han Dynasty (206 BCE - 220 CE). During this time, the principles of Confucianism and Daoism played a significant role in shaping the government and society. Confucianism emphasized social harmony, respect for authority, and moral virtue, while Daoism focused on living in harmony with the Dao, or the natural way of the universe.

The Han Dynasty successfully defeated the Xiongnu, a nomadic group from the north, which further solidified their control over the region and allowed for a more peaceful and stable rule. This period is often considered a golden age in Chinese history, marked by advancements in governance, agriculture, trade, arts, and sciences.

The Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, on the other hand, preceded the Han Dynasty and were characterized by political turmoil, warfare, and fragmentation among various states in ancient China. The Golden Age of Pericles, meanwhile, refers to a period of cultural and political flourishing in ancient Greece, specifically during the leadership of Pericles in the 5th century BCE.

For more questions on China,



The Panama Canal finally opened to traffic in a. 1914 b. 1921 c. d. A 1947 none of the above Please select the best answer from the choices provided​



The Panama Canal finally open to traffic on August 15, 1914

What was one goal of the U.S. invasion of Iraq?​


Hi :)


to overthrow a dictator


The 2003 invasion of Iraq had many different goals. One of them was the removal from power of Saddam Hussein, the Iraqi dictator and tyrant, who was accused of being connected to al-Qaeda and of developing weapons of mass destruction.

The invasion started with a 21-day major combat operation with joint forces from the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia and Poland.

The end of Hussein's dictatorship brought about the first Iraqi parliamentary election in January 2005. USA forces stayed in Iraq until the withdrawal in 2011.

hope this helps :) !!!

French prime ministry said a speech, how did he convince the audience that France needed colonial expansion ?


French Prime Minister Jules Ferry convinced the French for colonial expansion by relating to economic, moral and strategic arguments.

What did Jules Ferry say ?

Ferry argued that colonies were essential to the economic well-being of France. He claimed that colonies provided France with raw materials, markets for French goods, and opportunities for investment.

Ferry also argued that France had a moral obligation to colonize. He claimed that France was bringing civilization to the colonies and that it was helping to uplift the native peoples. Finally, Ferry argued that colonies were essential to the security of France. He claimed that colonies provided France with strategic resources and that they helped to protect France from its enemies.

Find out more on Jules Ferry at https://brainly.com/question/19377572


Which of the following would not be under the jurisdiction of a city or town?


Some examples of matters that would typically not fall under the jurisdiction of a city or town include:

National Defense and Military Affairs: National defense, armed forces, and military affairs are typically under the jurisdiction of the national government rather than local municipalities.

Foreign Affairs and Diplomacy: Matters related to foreign policy, international relations, and diplomacy are handled by the national government and not within the purview of a city or town.

National Economic Policies: Macro-level economic policies, such as monetary policy, fiscal policy, and trade policies, are typically determined at the national level by the central government or relevant national institutions.

National Transportation Infrastructure: Large-scale transportation infrastructure projects, such as national highways, railways, and airports, are usually planned, funded, and managed by national authorities rather than local municipalities.

National Criminal Justice System: The administration of justice, including the operation of national courts, law enforcement agencies, and national criminal laws, falls within the jurisdiction of the national government.

It's important to note that the division of responsibilities between different levels of government can vary across countries, and some countries may have different systems of governance or devolved powers that could grant certain authorities to cities or towns that are typically reserved for national governments in other contexts.

For more questions on city



What occurred as a result of the XYZ affair ?


In the latter half of the 18th century, there was a diplomatic crisis known as the "XYZ affair" between France and the United States. John Adams was president when it happened, and it had a big impact on both nations.

Here's what happened as a result of the XYZ affair:

1. Tensions have increased as a result of the XYZ scandal between France and the United States. It all started in 1797 when American officials were dispatched to France to discuss resolving unresolved problems.

Instead of negotiating diplomatically, three French operatives identified as X, Y, and Z contacted them and requested a bribe and a loan for France in exchange for talks.

2. The US was outraged upon hearing of the French demands and attempted bribes. It caused a surge of anti-French feelings among Americans.

3. The Quasi-War was reignited as a result of the XYZ scandal, which also had a role in the deterioration of Franco-American relations.

4. The Federalist-controlled Congress passed the Alien and Sedition Acts in 1798 in response to the XYZ crisis and worries about national security.

5. After some time, diplomatic talks between the United States and France resumed, which resulted in the Convention of 1800 (also known as the Treaty of Mortefontaine), which was signed.

Overall, the XYZ scandal had a big impact on American politics at the time, helping to strengthen the Federalist Party and the ties between the two countries.

To learn more about XYZ affair:


Who was the leader of the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) during the Rwandan Genocide?
a) Paul Kagame
b) Juvenal Habyarimana
c) François Mitterrand
d) Juvénal Mugabe


Answer: a) Paul Kagame


Paul Kagame was the leader of the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF), a rebel group that fought against the government responsible for the genocide, and he later became the President of Rwanda.

Answer: a) Paul Kagame


The leader of the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) during the Rwandan Genocide was Paul Kagame and he was the main rebel against the government at the time. He then defeated the government, established a government and ended the genocide.





Bahrain, a small island nation located in the Arabian Gulf, is rich in history and culture. Over the centuries, it has been home to various civilizations and has witnessed the rise and fall of empires. As a result, Bahrain boasts a plethora of fascinating landmarks that showcase its diverse heritage. From ancient archaeological sites to modern architectural marvels, these landmarks provide a glimpse into the country's past and present.

One of the most iconic landmarks in Bahrain is the Bahrain Fort, also known as Qal'at al-Bahrain. This archaeological site dates back to the Dilmun civilization, which flourished over 4,000 years ago. The fort's strategic location and historical significance make it a UNESCO World Heritage Site, attracting visitors from around the world.

Another notable landmark is the Bahrain National Museum, located in the capital city of Manama. The museum showcases Bahrain's rich history, culture, and heritage through its extensive collection of artifacts, artworks, and exhibitions. It offers visitors a comprehensive understanding of the country's traditions, customs, and archaeological discoveries.

The Al-Fateh Grand Mosque is a prominent religious landmark in Bahrain. Known for its stunning architecture and impressive size, it is one of the largest mosques in the world. The mosque is open to non-Muslim visitors, allowing them to admire its intricate design and experience the tranquility of the place.

In recent years, Bahrain has also witnessed the development of modern architectural landmarks. The Bahrain World Trade Center, with its distinctive twin towers topped by wind turbines, is a prime example of sustainable and innovative design. The building serves as a symbol of Bahrain's progress and economic growth.

Additionally, the Bahrain International Circuit stands out as a landmark for motorsport enthusiasts. It hosts the annual Formula 1 Bahrain Grand Prix and has become a hub for various motorsport events and activities.

These landmarks, among others, reflect Bahrain's rich tapestry of history, culture, and progress. They provide a glimpse into the past while embracing the present, making Bahrain a captivating destination for visitors seeking a blend of tradition and modernity.


The role and influence of BCM leaders?​



One of the leading management challenges in the establishment of a BCMS (Business Continuity Management System) is gaining board-level support. Like any major projects that could influence the way an organization operates, business continuity needs to be perceived as a management activity that adds value to business.


The main principles of the black consciousness movement movement?​


The Black Consciousness Movement was a political and social movement in South Africa during the 1960s and 1970s. The main principles of the movement were:

1. Black pride: The movement aimed to instill a sense of pride and self-esteem in black people, who had been oppressed and marginalized by the apartheid system.

2. Black unity: The movement aimed to unite black people across ethnic and cultural lines, recognizing that they shared a common struggle against oppression.

3. Black self-reliance: The movement encouraged black people to take control of their own lives and communities, rather than relying on the white-dominated government and economy.

4. Black culture: The movement celebrated black culture and history, recognizing the importance of cultural identity in the struggle for liberation.

5. Black consciousness: The movement emphasized the importance of a psychological transformation among black people, encouraging them to reject the racist messages they had internalized and to embrace a new, positive sense of self.

These principles were articulated by the movement's founder, Steve Biko, who argued that true liberation could only be achieved through a radical transformation of black consciousness.

How did the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party change after the death of Mao Zedong? • A. It held China's first national elections but failed to rebuild the devastated Chinese economy. • B. It fiercely condemned Mao and his supporters but kept many of their policies in place • C. It began introducing free market reforms but continued limiting personal freedoms. • D. It closed off relations with the Soviet Union but remained an influential communist state.


Answer C. It began introducing free-market reforms but continued limiting personal freedoms.

Explanation: After Mao Zedong's death, the Chinese Communist Party had a leadership turnover as it started implementing free-market reforms but kept restricting individual freedom


C. It began introducing free-market reforms but continued limiting personal freedoms.



Describe the opposing viewpoints expressed in the debates between Abraham Lincon and Stephen Douglass and how the debates impacted the presidential election of 1860.


The debates between Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas, known as the Lincoln-Douglas Debates, took place during the 1858 U.S. Senate campaign in Illinois. These debates showcased opposing viewpoints on several crucial issues of the time, particularly the expansion of slavery, the rights of African Americans, and the concept of popular sovereignty.

Stephen Douglas, the incumbent senator, advocated for the principle of popular sovereignty. He believed that the issue of slavery should be decided by the residents of each territory, rather than being predetermined by federal legislation.

Douglas argued that this approach aligned with democratic principles and respected the rights of individual states and territories to determine their own fate regarding slavery.

On the other hand, Abraham Lincoln, representing the newly formed Republican Party, opposed the expansion of slavery into new territories. He argued that slavery was morally wrong and that it should be contained rather than allowed to spread.

Lincoln rejected the idea of popular sovereignty, asserting that the federal government had the authority to prohibit slavery in the territories.

Ultimately, the Lincoln-Douglas Debates played a significant role in shaping public opinion, solidifying the anti-slavery stance of the Republican Party, and propelling Abraham Lincoln to the presidency.

The debates highlighted the contrasting viewpoints on slavery and popular sovereignty, fueling the sectional divisions that would eventually lead to the outbreak of the American Civil War in 1861.

For more questions on debates



Which event marked the beginning of World War II in Europe?

a) Invasion of Poland
b) Attack on Pearl Harbor
c) Battle of Stalingrad
d) D-Day Normandy Landings


Answer: a) Invasion of Poland


The invasion of Poland by Nazi Germany in 1939 marked the beginning of World War II in Europe as the nations of Britain and France declared war on Germany shortly after.

Answer: a) Invasion of Poland


When Nazi Germany invaded Poland in 1939, this proved to be the last straw for the Allies and they proceeded to declare war on Germany which led to the Second World War.

Question 3 of 10
Educational opportunities increased for women in the 1800s, which allowed
more women to:
A. be given the same job opportunities as men.
OB. receive the same pay for their work as men.
OC. take good care of their families and their homes.
D. find jobs outside the home and have careers.



D. find jobs outside the home and have careers.

In the 1800s, educational opportunities for women began to expand, which allowed more women to pursue jobs outside the home and have careers. Prior to this time, it was common for women to be restricted to domestic roles and not have access to education or job opportunities outside of the home. With greater access to education, women were able to gain the skills and knowledge needed to pursue careers in fields such as teaching, nursing, and social work. While women still faced significant discrimination and barriers to employment, the increased educational opportunities of the 1800s were an important step toward greater gender equality in the workforce.

what is the view of the first author regarding the notion of the industrial revolution​



Arnold Toynbee


This process began in Britain in the 18th century and from there spread to other parts of the world. Although used earlier by French writers, the term Industrial Revolution was first popularized by the English economic historian Arnold Toynbee (1852–83) to describe Britain’s economic development from 1760 to 1840.

Beneficiaries of Racism in both Germany and South Africa.​


In both Germany and South Africa, racism has resulted in various groups benefiting from discriminatory systems and policies. However, historically, certain groups have enjoyed privileges and advantages based on their racial or ethnic identity.

In Germany, during the Nazi era, the Aryan population was elevated and granted preferential treatment, while non-Aryan groups, particularly Jewish people, faced persecution and marginalization. The Nazi regime implemented policies that aimed to purify the German race and consolidate power in the hands of the so-called superior Aryan race.

In South Africa, during the period of apartheid, the white minority government enacted policies that institutionalized racial segregation and discrimination. This system privileged white South Africans, granting them access to better education, healthcare, housing, and employment opportunities, while the majority Black population faced systemic oppression and limited rights.

It is crucial to recognize that racism perpetuates social and economic inequalities, perpetuating a cycle of privilege and disadvantage. Overcoming these historical legacies requires ongoing efforts to dismantle racist structures and ensure equitable opportunities for all individuals, regardless of their racial or ethnic background.

For more questions on Racism



What misconceptions did the indigenous people of America seem to have about the Europeans who arrived on Christopher Columbus’s ships? What misconceptions did Columbus and other Europeans have about the indigenous people they encountered?


(a) The indigenous people of America had several misconceptions about the Europeans who arrived on Columbus's ships. The misconception was that they believed the Europeans were supernatural beings or gods because of their advanced technology and weaponry.

(b) Columbus and other Europeans had various misconceptions about the indigenous people they encountered. One of the most common misconceptions was that the indigenous people were primitive and uncivilized.

(a) The indigenous people had never seen such advanced technology before, and they assumed that it was something magical or supernatural. They also believed that the Europeans had come to help them in some way, possibly to protect them from their enemies.

(b)The Europeans believed that they were superior to the indigenous people in every way, including culture, religion, and technology. They also assumed that the indigenous people were savages and lacked basic human qualities such as intelligence and empathy.

Overall, both the indigenous people of America and the Europeans who arrived on Columbus's ships had many misconceptions about each other. These misconceptions were based on cultural differences, language barriers, and the lack of knowledge about each other's customs and traditions. Unfortunately, these misconceptions led to many conflicts, wars, and misunderstandings that continue to affect these two groups' relationships to this day.

know more about Columbus here:



The chart shows a dramatic rise in wages during this time period. The chart shows wage earnings of manufacturing workers from 1940 to 1960 .

Which of the following factors contributed to the increase in wages ?

A. Corporations shared their profits with union workers.

B. Industries continued to manufacture war materials due to the Korean War.

C.Women left the workforce to run households.

D. Americans fulfilled pent-up desires to buy manufactured goods after World War II.


The correct answer is: Americans fulfilled pent-up desires to buy manufactured goods after World War II.

The factors that contributed to the increase in wages during the time period of 1940 to 1960, as shown in the chart, were:

Americans fulfilled pent-up desires to buy manufactured goods after World War II.

After World War II, there was a surge in consumer demand for manufactured goods as the economy shifted from wartime production to peacetime production. The war had created a backlog of consumer desires and postponed purchases, leading to increased demand for goods and services. This increased demand, coupled with the growth of industries and the expansion of manufacturing, created more job opportunities and drove up wages for manufacturing workers.

Factors such as corporations sharing profits with union workers (A) and industries continuing to manufacture war materials due to the Korean War (B) could have played a role in wage increases to some extent, but they are not directly reflected in the chart. Additionally, the notion of women leaving the workforce to run households (C) could have had some influence on the labor market dynamics, but it is not a major factor evident in the provided information.

The right answer is D. Americans fulfilled pent-up desires to buy manufactured goods after World War II.

For more such question on World War II



Saturday, Nov. 12. We were [frightened] almost to death
last night. Some mean soldiers set several houses on fire
in different parts of the town. I could not go to sleep for
fear that they would set our house on fire. We all [dread]
the next few days to come for they said that they would
set the last house on fire if they had to leave this place.
Sun. Nov. 13. The federal soldiers have been coming
today and burning houses and I have been looking at
them come in nearly all day.
-Carrie Berry, 1864
This passage mainly describes how Union soldiers
O destroyed mills and other factories.
O burned buildings as they left the city.
O sent women and children to the North.
O used a total war strategy to win the war.


This passage mainly describes how Union soldiers burned buildings as they left the city.

This passage mainly describes how Union soldiers burned buildings as they left the city. The author, Carrie Berry, expresses her fear and distress as she witnesses Union soldiers setting houses on fire in different parts of the town. The act of burning buildings indicates a destructive and retaliatory action taken by the Union soldiers.

Carrie Berry and the residents of the town are filled with fear and dread, anticipating further destruction as the soldiers threaten to set the last house on fire before leaving. The author's inability to sleep due to the fear of her own house being targeted highlights the intense psychological impact of such actions.

While the passage focuses on the burning of buildings, it does not provide evidence of other specific activities such as destroying mills or factories, sending women and children to the North, or implementing a total war strategy. The primary emphasis is on the destructive acts of burning houses carried out by Union soldiers as they leave the city.

For more such question on  Union soldiers



Fill in the blank:
The Roman Senate would appoint a ——— when there was war or danger.


The Roman Senate would appoint a "dictator" when there was war or danger.

In ancient Rome, during times of war or imminent danger, the Roman Senate had the authority to appoint a "dictator." The appointment of a dictator was a temporary measure aimed at consolidating power and providing strong leadership in times of crisis. The dictator held absolute authority and had the ability to make swift and decisive decisions, bypassing the usual checks and balances of the Roman Republic. However, this appointment was typically for a limited period and was meant to be a temporary solution. Once the crisis had passed, the dictator's power would be relinquished, and the normal governance structures of the Roman Republic would be restored.The appointment of a dictator in times of war or danger showcased the Roman Senate's willingness to prioritize stability and security over the usual democratic processes. This system allowed for quick decision-making and centralized authority to address immediate threats to the Republic.

Therefore, the Roman Senate would appoint a "dictator" when there was war or danger.

For more such questions on Roman Senate:



QUESTION 7 Which of the following terms refers to the Egyptian practice of blending two or more deities together to create a third, yet distinct deity? Choose one O Synchronicity O Syncretism O Synthesis O Synchronization​


The term refers to the Egyptian practice of blending two or more deities together to create a third, yet distinct deity Syncretism. Thus, Option B is correct.

      Syncretism is the process of fusing various religious or cultural rituals and beliefs into a unified whole. It was a crucial factor in the formation of the Egyptian pantheon throughout the time period.

In order to create a new deity that embodied the combined qualities of the original ones, it needed to fuse the traits and cults of various gods or goddesses.

The ancient Egyptians were able to reconcile numerous religious traditions and establish linkages between various divine entities because of syncretism, a fluid, and adaptable method.

They developed a vast and diversified pantheon through syncretism that reflected their changing religious views and cross-cultural relationships.

To learn more about Egyptian practices:


Which three statements describe some of the results of Hurricane Katrina?
All levels of government were criticized for their slow response.
Thousands of people had to relocate to different states.
The population of New Orleans grew much larger.
Thousands of people were forced to shelter at churches in Texas.
Many people could not find affordable housing after the flooding.


Hurricane Katrina, which struck the Gulf Coast of the United States in 2005, had profound and far-reaching consequences. Three statements that describe some of the results of Hurricane Katrina are:

All levels of government were criticized for their slow response: The response to Hurricane Katrina by the local, state, and federal governments faced widespread criticism for being slow and inadequate. The delayed evacuation efforts, insufficient coordination, and ineffective response led to a heightened sense of frustration and anger among the affected population and the general public.

Thousands of people had to relocate to different states: The storm's impact on New Orleans was particularly devastating, as the city experienced catastrophic flooding when the levees failed. As a result, thousands of residents were displaced and had to seek refuge in other states. The forced relocation of individuals and families caused significant disruptions to their lives and resulted in long-term social, economic, and emotional challenges.

Many people could not find affordable housing after the flooding: The widespread destruction caused by Hurricane Katrina left many residents without homes. The limited availability of affordable housing options exacerbated the difficulties faced by displaced individuals and families. The lack of accessible and affordable housing options became a major challenge for those trying to rebuild their lives and communities in the aftermath of the hurricane.

It is important to note that while the population of New Orleans did experience significant fluctuations following Hurricane Katrina, the statement "The population of New Orleans grew much larger" is not accurate. The city's population initially declined due to the displacement caused by the hurricane, and it took several years for the population to recover to pre-Katrina levels.

for more questions on Hurricane Katrina



Which of the following is a form of local government organized around a town?



give options there are nonptions

A municipal corporation is a form of local government organized around a town.

The Municipal Corporation is the urban local government body that is responsible for the development of any Metropolitan City. A municipal region is divided into geographical constituencies as per the population of that city known as wards. A corporator is the representative of that ward.

The need for Municipal Corporation arises due to the rising population. Municipal Corporations help government in collecting property taxes and fixed grants from the state government in order to provide essential community services such as health care, education, housing and transportation. The 1st Municipal Corporation was established in Madras in 1688.

The main functions of a municipal corporation include urban planning, public works, sanitation, water supply, sewage management, transportation, public health, and maintenance of essential infrastructure such as roads, parks, and buildings.

Municipal corporations are typically governed by elected officials, such as a mayor or a council, who make decisions on behalf of the community. The structure and powers of a municipal corporation can vary depending on the laws and regulations of the specific country or state.

To know more about Municipal Corporation:


1. Rwanda-What did you learn? What did you like?
2. Guatemalean-What did you learn? What did you like?
3. Bosnian-What did you learn? What did you like?
4. What are 3 causes/3 effects of World Genocides?
5. What did Nelson Mandela do to heal and progress in South Africa? (Explain 3 examples)
6. Why was Nelson Mandela elected president in 1994 in South Africa?


Many of today's ethnic conflicts were caused, at least to some degree, by artificial boundaries, identities, and role relationships and the effects of genocide are the psychological as well as demographic effects of genocide on youth affect the transition into adulthood. Mandela tried to focus on the racial problem of South Africa that had come to an end.

In fact, Mandela meant to say that the very hour to bridge the gap between the white people and the black people had arrived.

Nelson Mandela was a South African anti-apartheid activist and politician who served as the first president of South Africa from 1994 to 1999. One of the 20th century's most important civil-rights change-makers, Nelson Mandela devoted his life including 27 years in prison to bringing an end to the cruelly segregationist policies of South Africa's apartheid system.

Learn more about South Africa, here:



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