What was the main reason that some African Americans got involved in the Spanish Civil War 


Answer 1

In order to join the Republican side in the civil war, 85 African Americans traveled to Spain. The defense of civil rights and the fight against fascism were their driving forces.

Why did the United States take part in the Spanish-American War?

There were many reasons for war, but two were immediate: America's support for Cubans and Filipinos' ongoing struggle against Spanish rule and the enigmatic explosion of the battleship USS Maine in Havana Harbor

African Americans took part in the Spanish-American War in what ways?

African Americans, on the other hand, fought in the Spanish-American War in 1898. The 9th Volunteer Infantry, 8th Illinois, and 23rd Kansas, as well as a number of African American volunteer and National Guard units, were among them.

To learn more about African Americans here:



Related Questions

How could you use this document to argue that Carnegie was a captain of industry positive or Robert very negative


In the document, Carnegie was seen as both a captain of industry and Robber Baron. Carnegie is called a captain of industry because he expanded the American steel industry through hard work but also, he is considered as Robber Baron because he gained huge profits because of his workers low wages.

Who were the "captains of industry"?

In the nineteenth century, a captain of industry was a business leader who used his personal fortune to benefit the country in some way. This could have been achieved through increased productivity, market expansion, job creation, or charitable contributions.

In contrast, the robber baron is a business leader who uses political means to achieve personal objectives. By today's standards, the captain of industry would be worth hundreds of billions of dollars more than tech titans like Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, and others.

Read more about captain of industry



How did the economic trends of the 1920s help cause the Great depression

Think about:
• what happens in industry
• what happened in agriculture
• what happened with consumers
• what happened in real estate



Industry: The 1920s saw an increase in industrial production and expansion. Companies took advantage of new technologies and improved methods of production, and production increased by 40%. This increased economic activity and led to an economic boom. However, the boom was driven largely by the production of consumer goods and not by investment in capital goods such as factories, machinery and infrastructure. When the demand for consumer goods decreased, businesses had too much capacity and did not have the necessary investments to keep production going.

Agriculture: The agricultural sector during the 1920s was in a state of decline. Overproduction, falling prices, and the mechanization of agricultural production contributed to a decrease in the number of farms and farmers. This decrease in agricultural production and income contributed to the economic downturn of the 1930s.

Consumers: Consumer spending in the 1920s was driven by increased borrowing and speculation in the stock market. Consumers borrowed money to purchase items such as luxury cars and other consumer goods. This increased demand for consumer goods drove up prices and created a false sense of economic prosperity. When the stock market crashed in 1929, consumers had too much debt and could not purchase goods, leading to a decrease in demand and exacerbated the economic downturn of the 1930s.

Real Estate: The real estate market in the 1920s saw a rapid increase in prices and speculation in real estate. Banks and other lenders made it easy for people to purchase homes with little money down. This led to an oversupply of housing and an increase in foreclosures when the market crashed in 1929. The collapse of the housing market added to the economic downturn of the 1930s.


During the 1920s, there were several economic trends that contributed to the eventual onset of the Great Depression.

In industry, there was a great deal of overproduction, as businesses were producing more goods than consumers could afford to buy. This led to a surplus of goods, which in turn led to falling prices and profits.

In agriculture, there was a decline in crop prices due to overproduction and increased foreign competition. This led to financial difficulties for farmers, who were unable to sell their crops at a profit.

Consumers were also struggling financially during this time, as wages were stagnant and the cost of living was increasing. Many people were taking on debt in order to purchase goods and housing, which made them more vulnerable to financial setbacks.

In real estate, there was a speculative bubble in the housing market, as people were buying and flipping houses at an unsustainable rate. When the bubble eventually burst, it led to a collapse in the housing market and a widespread loss of wealth.

All of these economic trends helped to create the conditions that led to the Great Depression, which was a period of prolonged economic downturn that began in 1929 and lasted until the late 1930s.

Which quote is pro imperialism and against imperialism?


The Quotes and there distributions

A) is pro imperialism

B) is against imperialism

C) is pro imperialism

D) is pro imperialism

What is pro-imperialism?

Generally, Pro-imperialism is a stance or belief in favor of the expansion of a country's territory or influence, often through colonization or military conquest. This may involve the belief that it is beneficial for the country and/or the people being conquered or colonized. Some argue that it brings civilization and modernization to "uncivilized" or "backward" peoples and that it is a natural and necessary aspect of a country's growth and development.

However, this perspective is highly controversial and criticized, as it has been used to justify the exploitation and oppression of colonized peoples and the theft of their land and resources.

Read more about pro imperialism




Which quote is pro imperialism and against imperialism?

A) God has not been preparing the English- aking and Teutonic peoples for a thousand years for nothing but vain and idle self-admiration. No....He has made us adept in government that we may administer government among savage and senile peoples....He has marked the American people as His chosen nation to finally lead in the redemption of the world."

B) "A self-governing state cannot accept sovereignty over an unwilling people. The United States cannot act upon the ancient heresy that might makes right."

C) "Thus...duty and interest alike, duty of the highest kind and interest of the highest and best kind, impose upon us the retention of the Philippines, the development of the islands, and the expansion of dur Eastern commerce."

D) "The two great needs of mankind, that all men may be lifted into the light of the highest Christian civilization, are, first, a pure, spiritual Christianity, and, second, civil liberty.... It follows then, that the Anglo-Saxon, as the great representative of these two ideas, the depository of these two great blessings, sustains peculiar relations to the

world's future, is divinely commissioned to be, in a peculiar sense, his brother's keeper.

What is one way these proposals favored the south?



the one way these proposals favored the south was that it would make for all new states admitted to the Union to be free instead of slave

Match the Enlightenment influence with the founding belief.
consent of the governed
equal justice for all
unalienable rights

social contract
natural law
rule of law


The Enlightenment influence should be matched with the founding belief as follows;

Social contract: consent of the governed.Natural law: unalienable rights.Rule of law: equal justice for all.

What is the principle of rule of law?

The principle of rule of law can be defined as a political philosophy or mechanism in which both the rulers (government) and citizens are treated equally before the law and entitled to its protection.

The Age of Enlightenment was a period during the eighteenth century that was characterized by an intellectual and philosophical movement, which highly dominated the world of ideas in the United States of America and Europe.

In conclusion, we can reasonably infer and logically deduce that the principle of rule of law requires that all laws must be enforced equally for all people based on the Constitution, without any form of impartiality or favor i.e equal justice for all.

Read more on rule of law here: https://brainly.com/question/29457179


what is washington's legacy from the period before he became president
in what ways was washington connected to new york city


George Washington's legacy from the period before he became president includes his military service and leadership during the American Revolutionary War. Washington played a key role in the Continental Army's victory over the British, and he is often referred to as the "Father of His Country" for his contributions to the founding of the United States. Washington also served as the President of the Constitutional Convention, where he helped shape the U.S. Constitution and the country's system of government. His leadership and military prowess during the Revolutionary War, as well as his role in the creation of the Constitution, have had a lasting impact on the United States and have solidified his place in history as one of the country's most important figures.

As a young man, he worked as a surveyor then fought in the French and Indian War (1754-63). During the American Revolution, he led the colonial forces to victory over the British and became a national hero. In 1787, he was elected president of the convention that wrote the U.S. Constitution.

Chapters 6-10 (The American Yawp [ A New Nation - Religion and Reform])

History is often viewed as a story of cause and effect. Every historical event occurred because of another event (or a series of events) that happened beforehand. Things that directly lead to another event are considered 'Causes' and those subsequent events are considered 'Effects'. In this discussion board, we will consider chapters 1-5 of our textbook through the lens of 'Cause and Effect'

1. How did the slave trade compromise that helped formed the Constitution affect the issue of slavery in the days of the early Republic? Hint: consider how this compromise allowed the issue of slavery to perpetuate.

2. How did the rise of the 'Cotton Kingdom impact the fight for political power? Hint: The Missouri Crisis is a good example.

3. How did the social issues of early eighteenth-century America lead to the Second Great Awakening? What were the effects of this religious reform movement?​


1. The compromise allowed Southern states to count each slave as three-fifths of a person for the purpose of apportioning representation in the House of Representatives and for the purpose of imposing taxes.

2. The rise of the Cotton Kingdom had a significant impact on the fight for political power in the United States. The wealth generated by the Cotton Kingdom allowed the southern states to become more influential in national politics and enabled them to exert more control over national policies

3. The social issues of early eighteenth-century America such as lack of religious and moral values led to the Second Great Awakening.

How to convey the information?

The three-fifths compromise was a compromise reached among state delegates during the 1787 Constitutional Convention regarding how to count slaves for the purpose of representation and taxation in the new federal government.  This had the effect of giving Southern states more political power in Congress because they had more people (including slaves) and thus more representation.

The social issues of early eighteenth-century America were characterized by a lack of religious and moral values, a growing focus on materialism, and a decline in traditional religious practices. Many people were disillusioned with the state of society and were seeking new ways to connect with their faith and find meaning in their lives.

This sense of spiritual discontent contributed to the emergence of the Second Great Awakening, a period of religious revival that swept across the United States in the early nineteenth century.

Learn more about slave trade on



Pleaseeee will mark brainliest!! need ASAPPP
1.) what are the five reasons given for why latin american countries pushed for independence during the 19th century?

2.) How was latin american society structured? Who held the power?


However, Napoleon's capture of Ferdinand VII in France and subsequent invasion of the Iberian Peninsula was the direct cause of the Wars.

Why did Latin America seek to be free of Spanish rule?

Creoles led a revolution against Spanish rule in Latin America during the 19th century as a result of pressure from lower social groups, a desire for independence, and control over their economy.

Why does the world value Latin America?

Latin America and the Caribbean have become more significant than ever in the post-Cold War globe. The region's role in the global community is now more important than it has ever been since the colonial era because of the region's vibrant cultural diversity, massive agricultural potential, and abundant energy resources.

To Know more about direct cause



Part C
Now, take the information you have gathered and create a two-column chart that compares the two countries. Which one appears to have greater economic success? Why do you think that might be? Use data from your research to back up your answer.


North Korea / Finland

GDP (official exchange rate): $37.13 billion / $270.12 billion

GDP per capita: $1,649 / $50,877

Industrial production growth rate: 1.2% / 0.7%

Finland appears to have greater economic success than North Korea based on the data presented. This can be seen in their GDP and GDP per capita, with Finland having significantly higher figures than North Korea. The industrial production growth rate of Finland is also lower than that of North Korea, which reflects the greater productivity of their economy. Finland's mixed economy and extensive social welfare system, as well as its reliance on foreign trade and focus on the tech industry, have led to strong economic growth and a more prosperous standard of living for its citizens than North Korea's economy.


GDP-$37.13 billion(North Korea)  

-270.12 billion(finland)

Per Capita GDP-1,649(North Korea)   50,877(finland)

Industrail production growth rate-1.2%(North Korea)    


Type of Economy-centralized, command economy(North Korea)    

-highly industrialized, mixed economy(finland)

Resources-extensive mineral resources(North Korea)    

-extensive mineral resource(finland)



(50 Points and marked the brainliest)

Use this passage for the following questions

Pericles's funeral speech after the first battles of the Peloponnesian war.

"Our constitution does not copy the laws of neighboring states; we are rather a pattern to others than imitators ourselves. Its administration favors the many
instead of the few; this is why it is called a democracy. If we look to the laws, they afford equal justice to all in their private differences; if no social standing.
advancement in public life falls to reputation for capacity, class considerations not being allowed to interfere with merit; nor again does poverty bar the way, if a
man is able to serve the state, he is not hindered by the obscurity of his condition. [...]
Further, we provide plenty of means for the mind to refresh itself from business. We celebrate games and sacrifices all the year round [-] while the magnitude
of our city draws the produce of the world into our harbor, so that to the Athenian the fruits of other countries are as famillar a luxury as those of his own.
If we turn to our military policy, there also we differ from our antagonists. We throw open our city to the world, and never by alien acts exclude foreigners from
any opportunity of learning or observing, although the eyes of an enemy may occasionally profit by our liberality; trusting less in system and policy than to the
native spirit of our citizens; while in education, where our rivals from their very cradles by a painful discipline seek after manliness, at Athens we live exactly as
we please, and yet are just as ready to encounter every legitimate danger. In proof of this it may be noticed that the Lacedaemonians do not invade our country
alone, but bring with them all their confederates; while we Athenians advance unsupported into the territory of a neighbor, and fighting upon a foreign soll
usually vanquish with ease men who are defending their homes. [...]
Nor are these the only points in which our city is worthy of admiration. We cultivate refinement without extravagance and knowledge without effeminacy, wealth
we employ more for use than for show, and place the real disgrace of poverty not in owning to the fact but in declining the struggle against it. [...]
In short, I say that as a city we are the school of Hellas, while I doubt if the world can produce a man who, where he has only himself to depend upon, is equal
to so many emergencies, and graced by so happy a versatility, as the Athenian. [...]

Question :

In which of the following ways does Pericles says Athen differs from the Spartans (Lacedaemonian)?

A) Athenians enjoy more personal liberty to live as they please
B) All of the choices are correct
C) Athens is an open city that does not exclude foreigners
D) Athens trusts in the spirits of its people, rather than harsh military training


"Our constitution does not replicate the rules of neighboring states; rather, we serve as an example to others rather than acting as their copycats,"

What was the name of Pericles' speech?

The Peloponnesian War's Funeral Oration of Pericles Following the first engagements of the Peloponnesian War, the Athens leader Pericles delivered this well-known speech. Following the first engagements of the Peloponnesian War, Pericles, the leader of Athens, delivered this illustrious speech. Following such conflicts, funerals were customary public events, and Pericles took advantage of the setting to deliver a timeless defense of democracy. The Athenians held a burial for the first casualties of this conflict that same winter at public expense. Their predecessors practiced it in the following way, according to their custom. The dead's bones are spread out in a tent three days prior to the event, and their friends bring whatever offerings they choose to their kin. Each tribe's cypress coffin is transported in a car during the burial procession, along with the bodies inside. of the deceased being buried in the tribe's coffin. One empty bier decorated for the missing, or for those whose bodies could not be found, is carried among them. Anyone in the community, including strangers, is welcome to join the procession, and the female relatives are there to weep during the burial.

Learn more about Funeral Oration from here;



14. Why do you think the French won the Hundred Years' War in the end? Do
you think the Siege of Orléans or the Battle of Castillon was more (significant?



The French ultimately won the Hundred Years' War due to a combination of factors. One important factor was the ability of the French monarchy, led by King Charles VII, to unite the country and rally the people behind a common cause. The French also benefited from the support of powerful allies, such as the Burgundians and the English rebels known as the Lancastrians, who helped to undermine the English cause.

In terms of military strategies and tactics, the French victory can also be attributed to the effective use of artillery and the development of new weapons, such as the couillard, which was a type of cannon that could be easily moved and used to break through English fortifications. The French also made use of guerrilla tactics and surprise attacks, which helped them to gain an advantage over the English.

As for the Siege of Orléans and the Battle of Castillon, both of these events were important in the outcome of the war, but it is difficult to say which was more significant. The Siege of Orléans was a major turning point in the war, as it marked the beginning of the French recovery and the end of English dominance in France. The Battle of Castillon, on the other hand, was the final major battle of the war and effectively ended English control in France, but by that point, the outcome of the war was already largely determined.


This structure is called a(n)
It was used primarily for



it's for noun sentence used in verbs

What was Martin Luther's response to the church selling indulgences to build a cathedral


Indulgences were a piece of paper from the Church that was supposed to lessen a person's time in purgatory and help them get to heaven faster. Luther disagreed with this, saying that buying indulgences had no impact on whether or not people would go to heaven.

Northern Vietnam is also known as

O Laos
O Annam
O Thailand
O Myanmar


Answer: Annam (or B)

Explanation: You can literally cross out the answers you do not need. Loas, Thailand, and Myanmar are already existing countries situated in Southeast Aisa. Although Loas was controlled by French Indochina (Which is basically French Vietnam), it's not in its northern Vietnamese counterpart after French Vietnam fell apart in the start of the Vietnamese War.




Use properties to rewrite the given equation. Which equations have the same solution as 2.3p – 10.1 = 6.5p – 4 – 0.01p? Select two options. 2.3p – 10.1 = 6.4p – 4 2.3p – 10.1 = 6.49p – 4 230p – 1010 = 650p – 400 – p 23p – 101 = 65p – 40 – p 2.3p – 14.1 = 6.4p – 4


The two equations that have the same solution as 2.3p – 10.1 = 6.5p – 4 – 0.01p include the following:

B. 2.3p – 10.1 = 6.49p – 4

C. 230p – 1010 = 650p – 400 – p

How to determine the required equations?

From the information provided, we have the following equation:

2.3p – 10.1 = 6.5p – 4 – 0.01p

Next, we would simplify the given equation by collecting like terms as follows;

2.3p - 10.1 = 6.5p - 0.01p - 4 = 6.49p - 4

2.3p - 10.1 = 6.49p - 4

What is the multiplication property of equality?

In Mathematics, the multiplication property of equality states that both sides of an equation will remain the same and equal, when both sides of the equations are multiplied by the same number.

By multiplying both sides of the given equation by 100, we have the following;

100 × (2.3p - 10.1) = 100 × (6.5p - 4 - 0.01p)

230p - 1010 = 650p - 400 - p

Read more on multiplication property of equality here: brainly.com/question/17565345


Why did the revolution in Latin America fail to form a democratic society?


The revolutions in Latin America failed to form a democratic society largely due to the lack of political and economic infrastructure.

What is democratic society?

A democratic society is a political system that is based on the principles of democracy, which is a form of government in which the people elect their representatives to make decisions on their behalf. It is a system that is based on the idea that all citizens have equal rights and have a say in the decision-making process.

Despite the overthrow of oppressive governments and military dictatorships, the region lacked the necessary infrastructure and resources to create a stable, functioning democracy. Political instability, weak state institutions, and an economy dependent on foreign aid all contributed to the failure of the revolutionary movements to create a lasting democracy. Additionally, the lack of a unified vision of what a democratic society should look like and the prevalence of economic and political inequality between different classes, genders, and ethnicities made it difficult to create a truly equitable society.

To learn more about democratic society

what is tourism planning



Tourism planning is the process of managing and developing tourism activities in a certain area. It involves analyzing the existing tourism industry in the area, identifying potential opportunities and risks, and developing strategies to maximize the benefits of tourism while minimizing any potential negative impacts. It also involves identifying and addressing any potential issues that could affect the success of the tourism industry in the area.


We received color based on light that is


The wavelength of reflected light into our eyes determines color.

What was unique
about Eleanor's
role with the



She advocated for expanded roles for women in the workplace, the civil rights of African Americans and Asian Americans, and the rights of World War II refugees. Following her husband's death in 1945, Roosevelt remained active in politics for the remaining 17 years of her life.


How did the Supreme Court decision to throw out laws about children at work
help big businesses, which grew under another Supreme Court decision?


On 10th December 1996 in Writ Petition (Civil) No. 465/1986 on MC Mehta verses nation of Tamil Nadu the Supreme Court of India, gave sure directions on the problem of removal of toddler labour.

Why did the Supreme Court rule many early child labor laws unconstitutional?

Although Congress passed the Keating-Owen Act and President Woodrow Wilson signed it into law, the Supreme Court ruled that it used to be unconstitutional in Hammer v. Dagenhart 247 U.S. 251 (1918) due to the fact it overstepped the purpose of the government's powers to alter interstate commerce

It used to be not until 1938 that Congress finally handed a child labor regulation (Fair Labor Standards Act, or FLSA) that would later be upheld via the Court

Learn more about Supreme Court decision here:


Which statement describes the importance of the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution?

It dramatically increased the military role of the United States in the Vietnam War.
It authorized the US military to conduct bombings in Cambodia.
It pledged that the United States would intervene in foreign countries to oppose communism.
It created a formal policy for dealing with anti-war protests taking place in the United States.





The correct answer is A

Which of the following resulted from the passage of the Black Codes after the Civil War?



Thousands of African Americans migrated to the North and West.


Black codes were restrictive laws designed to limit the freedom of African Americans and ensure their availability as a cheap labor force after slavery was abolished during the Civil War.

Breaking the Confederate spirit and forcing the social reformation of the South proved Idealistic, and Northerners eventually gave up or lost interest.
The troops were removed following the ______
and the South rose again... re-implementing a racist culture with segregation and



Compromise of 1877.


What was meant by “rugged individualism”, a concept supported by President Herbert Hoover?


The term "rugged individualism," which is derived from the word "individualism," denotes a person's independence and self-reliance from outside help—typically from the state or the government.

What was the philosophy of Herbert Hoover?

Hoover's conservative political stance, however, limited his ability to respond to the situation. He was concerned that excessive federal intervention threatened capitalism and individualism and supported a limited role for government. He believed that providing assistance should be done locally and voluntarily.

What is westward expansion or rugged individualism?

Individualism and hostility to governmental intrusion were two of the particular cultural qualities that the frontier encouraged the development of. The two characteristics that make up "rugged individualism," which Herbert Hoover popularized during his 1928 presidential campaign, go hand in hand. 1.

To know more about rugged individualism visit:-



80 points
Refer to The Mary Celeste: An Unsolved Mystery from History for a complete version of this text.

Part A

Which statement is a main idea of The Mary Celeste: An Unsolved Mystery from History?


There are many possible explanations for why the crew of the ship disappeared.
There are many possible explanations for why the crew of the ship disappeared.

The crew that found the Mary Celeste won the trial for the right to claim its cargo.

People believe that the Mary Celeste was cursed because of her negative history.

It is very uncommon for a crew to rebel against its captain and take over the ship.



It is very uncommon for a crew to rebel against its captain and take over the ship.


There are many possible explanations for why the crew of the ship disappeared.

During the Nuremberg Trials, following World War II, many Nazi officials being tried for their role in the war and the Holocaust claimed they were simply following orders. Do you feel that men acting on orders during the war should be held responsible for their actions? Respond in a five paragraph essay.


In writing an essay you must consider the structure of the essay, Hence, the structure of the essay should be considered;

The Introduction The body'The conclusion

What is Nuremberg's defense?

Generally, The question of whether individuals should be held responsible for their actions during war, specifically when they claim to have been following orders, is a complex and nuanced one. On the one hand, it can be argued that these individuals were simply following the commands of their superiors and should not be held responsible for the atrocities committed. However, on the other hand, it could be argued that these individuals had a moral responsibility to refuse to carry out immoral orders and should be held accountable for their actions.

The "following orders" defense, also known as the "Nuremberg defense," was raised during the Nuremberg Trials following World War II. Many Nazi officials claimed that they were simply following orders and should not be held responsible for their actions. The International Military Tribunal, which presided over the trials, rejected this defense, stating that individuals have a legal and moral responsibility to refuse to carry out illegal and immoral orders.

The reasoning behind this decision is that individuals have a fundamental responsibility to uphold the rule of law and to not be complicit in committing war crimes or crimes against humanity. This is particularly true for individuals who hold positions of power and authority, as they have a greater ability to resist and refuse orders. Additionally, allowing the "following orders" defense to be accepted would set a dangerous precedent, as it would absolve individuals of responsibility for their actions and undermine the principle of individual accountability.

However, it is also important to consider the context and circumstances in which individuals were following orders. In certain cases, particularly in totalitarian regimes, individuals may have faced severe repercussions for refusing to carry out orders. In these situations, it may be more difficult to hold individuals fully responsible for their actions, as they may have been operating under duress.


Read more about Nuremberg defense



Which event belongs in place c on the timeline



Explanation:what timeline?

Help me please!!!

Graded Assignment
U.S. History Research Project
Total score: ____ of 300 points
(Score for Question 1: ___ of 50 points)
Write a process paper that explains your efforts during the project. Your paper should be between 300–500 words.
This assignment will be due at the end of Lesson 15.
(Score for Question 2: ___ of 50 points)
Submit your full annotated bibliography according to your teacher’s instructions.
This assignment will be due at the end of Lesson 17.
(Score for Question 3: ___ of 200 points)
Submit your research project according to your teacher’s instructions.
This assignment will be due at the end of Lesson 17.


The title page, a description of the research, and an annotated bibliography are the three components that make up the process paper. On plain white paper, type the process paper, then staple it in the upper-left corner. The title page, research description, and annotated bibliography should be assembled in that order.

What is a process paper?

A process paper outlines your research strategy, topic idea development, and entry creation process. The relationship between your topic and the contest theme must also be explained in the process paper.

Only the title of your entry, your name(s), the contest division and category you are entered in, as well as any applicable word counts, must appear on the title page. A process paper explains to the reader how to carry out a task or how something takes place. A process paper might outline stages in psychological development, procedures for setting up software or implementing a marketing strategy, or procedures for scientific discovery or historical change, for example.

Learn more about writing process on:



Hannah Kerber-IMF DEF-Goog x e Kinship and Descent Mastery T. X
ar Forces and I
Next O Kinship and Descent: Mastery Test
Type the correct answer in the box.
Identify the type of kinship system in each case.
In the
type of kinship system, an ego refers to maternal and paternal siblings by the same names. They also
refer to the children of the parental siblings by the same name. In the
system, an ego will refer to parents and
parent's same-gender siblings by the same names. The system also shows generational merging on the mother's side.
system, each and every relative has a very specific name that accurately identifies their relationship to the
In the
Submit Test


The several approaches that kinship is accounted for across the world give rise to variety kinds of descend systems and kin groups.

What distinguishes Variety?

Variety is the key cause of celebrity gossip and is well-known and regarded throughout the entertainment industry. Since 1905, the most influential leaders in the sector have looked to Variety for the timely, reliable, and frank news and analysis information that is essential to their careers.

What is Variety comprised of?

the property of having several sorts or forms: Multifariousness is the occurrence of many or a group of various items, especially those belonging to a single class: an assortment. A characteristic that sets it apart from others its broad sort.

To know more about variety visit:



5. Elaborate the values of the ancient and medieval socio-cultural achievements on the present country's economy.​


Answer:The ancient and medieval socio-cultural achievements of a country have had a lasting impact on its present economy. These achievements have provided a foundation for the development of the country's economic system, and have helped to shape its current economic landscape.


A nation's modern economy has been significantly influenced by its achievements in ancient and medieval socio-cultural life. These accomplishments laid the groundwork for the growth of the nation's economic system and influenced the present economic climate.

How do cultural values affect socioeconomic development?

Sociocultural values have an impact on how members of society engage in the process of development, which has an impact on economic development. Risk propensity, or the degree of risk that the general public is ready to take, is one of these values. A foundational model of endogenous economic growth includes cultural factors. Hypotheses: Economic growth benefits from cultural values of hard work and economy.

Cultural perspectives on postmaterialism have a detrimental impact on economic expansion. Culture has inherent worth, but it also has significant social and economic advantages. Culture improves our quality of life and boosts overall well-being for both individuals and communities via better learning and health, higher tolerance, and chances for social interaction.

Learn more about medieval socio-cultural, here:



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TCS the scrum team is using the KANBAN board to make work visually availible to all. What cannot be inferred from the board Share $60S in the ratio 4:5:7: colate, as4Based on the text, what can be concluded about cocoa andcacao? There are 90 new houses being built in a neighborhood last month 2/5 of them were sold this month 1/3 of the remaining houses were sold.How many houses are left to be sold? Which of the following is the most accurate description of the methodological advantage of twin studies: . Twin studies use both self-report and peer report.B. Because twins share DNA it is possible to estimate the contribution of genetics to their personality and behavior.C. Because twins share genetics and live in the same environment they provide information about both nature and nurture.D. Because there are two participants the findings always replicate. Make a box plot for the given data : 17,29 ,32,30,14,9,39,10,32,23 A bag contains 18 red marbles. The ratio of red marbles to blue marbles is 6 to 9. Find the number of blue marbles in the bag. Explain the similarities and differences between putting a beaker of ethanoic acid in the refrigerator and mixing it with sodium carbonate. Use these words: chemical,physical, reversible, irreversible. 4x + 4y = -8-2x - 2y = 4 b. Consider a circle with centre O and radius of 4 units. The distance of point P is 2 units from centre. Find the distance of inverse of point P' from the centre O. In the story "How Tacos Conquered America" and "The Story of Spaghetti andMeatballs" have a lot of similarities and differences. Read more to find out what theyhave in different and what they have in common. Although the stories had a lot ofsimilarities it also had a lot of differences for reference Where do these beloved foodshave their roots Tacos were Originated in mexico where a owner of taco bell"There was just one problem. The cooks at the restaurant hated making them! Each cornmeal tortilla shell had to beindividually fried in scalding oil. The cooks had to turn each tortilla by hand until it was perfectly crispy. The processwas dangerous and painful. The cooks had the burns to prove it ".Juvencio Maldonado was going tochange that. He got to work and made his Mechanical fryer which made up to 7 tacos at a timeand no more burns.Dose this sound good What was one economic challenge for Americans during World War I? im not sure how to answer thank you What two forms of matter do plants absorb from soil in order to grow? What is zone of tolerance in service expectations? What is the purpose of Maus by Art Spiegelman? What is opportunity cost in risk management? Ravi is driving her car, hits a patch of ice, and momentarily loses control of the vehicle. Despite spinning in a full circle, Ravi manages toavoid hitting any objects and drives away unharmed. Ravi experiences a surge of adrenaline and a racing heartbeat to due to the activationof which of the following?O sympathetic nervous systemO parasympathetic nervous systemO thyroid glandO somatic nervous systemO pancreas Please help me with this it will help a lot How did voting work under the Articles of Confederation?