What’s a mistake you’ve made that you can’t take back? Write a journal entry or blog post about what you should have done instead and what effect your mistake had.


Answer 1


One mistake I cant take back was writing in my so called "diary" and leaving it out in the open.


Backround info: My parents are VERY strict. Took place a few months ago. Also it wasn't rlly a diary it was some random journaling book. Im (sunnah) muslim.

So, one day I was really upset and kind of having a mental breakdown because of my life, parents/family,school,etc. And I wrote like less than half my problems down and it took up 4 pages. There were some curse words in it. I left it on the table thinking no one would bother to look at it or even be interested. Then one night , I was in the bathroom and I heard my dad calling me and he sounded pretty angry. So I quickly got out and went. Once I entered the kitchen, my heart stopped beating for like 1/2 sec and MY DAD WAS HOLDING THE BOOK IN HIS HAND. I was like cursing in my mind terrified what was gonna happen next. And he started scolding me and was extremely mad and my mom/dad were very disapointed and couldnt forget that for like a month or sum. Then my mom found out that I was secretly wearing crop tops out to school and quickly changing and was wearing black leggings with it (from shein). She didnt tell my dad cuz he wouldve disowned me at this point. Then later I had this "perfect" childhood friend of mine and she went to this strict islamic school and my parents blamed this school about how it "changed" me. And they said that I was going to that school with her for 7th grade. I was SO made at them first but when I went there they said I could go back if I was more responsible and dont talk back,etc. But so far the school is actually not that bad. Its pretty fun tbh. (but my classmates are so toxic). So yeah :) thank you for spending some time to read this very long paragraph hope u enjoyed!

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Describe how you celebrated your Christmas holiday


Answer: I celebrated my christmas with family.


which of the following was a reason that people did not like king John


Anser: then King John came into power he took away some of their rights and as a result there was frustration with the king and a rebellion


The Barons had to serve in King John's army, had to pay heavy taxes, thought that King John murdered his nephew and Barons who owned land in France had to give it up.


Speech about your view on a proposed youth curfew scheme.


Here is a speech that SUPPORTS youth curfew. (It is already checked for spelling + grammar.)

Hello, everyone. Today, I want to talk to you about a proposed youth curfew scheme that has been getting a lot of attention lately.

First of all, let's be clear about what this curfew is all about. It is a proposal to require young people under the age of 18 to be off the streets and at home during certain hours of the night. The exact hours of the curfew would vary depending on the location and the specifics of the plan, but it would generally be in effect from around 10 pm to 6 am.

Now, I know that this idea has been met with some resistance from some quarters. Some people argue that it is an unnecessary restriction on the freedom of young people, and that it unfairly punishes those who are doing nothing wrong. Others argue that it is an ineffective solution to the problems it is intended to address, such as juvenile crime and mischief.

I understand and respect these concerns, and I believe that they are worth considering as we debate this issue. But I also believe that there are valid reasons to support a youth curfew.

First and foremost, a curfew can help to keep young people safe. Late at night, when most adults are asleep and there are fewer people around, the risks of accidents, crime, and other dangers are higher. By requiring young people to be at home during these hours, we can help to protect them from these risks.

Second, a curfew can also help to promote better behavior and decision-making among young people. By imposing a clear and consistent boundary on their activities, we can encourage them to think more carefully about the choices they make and the consequences of those choices.

Finally, a curfew can help to build stronger communities. When young people are out late at night, it can disrupt the peace and tranquility of neighborhoods, leading to friction and conflict. By requiring young people to be at home during certain hours, we can help to foster a sense of community and respect for the rights of others.

I recognize that a youth curfew is not a perfect solution, and it is not the only tool we have to address the challenges facing young people today. But I believe that it is a valuable tool that can help to keep young people safe, promote better behavior, and build stronger communities.

1. With Adolf Hitler in power, how was Germany's government structured?

2. What major goal did Hitler's Nazi government have for Germany?

3. What role did Hideki Tojo have in Japan's government?

4. What major goal did Tojo have for Japan?


The concept mentioned is the Government. A government is a system to govern a state or community.

The government of Nazi Germany was totalitarian, led by the Nazi Party in Germany under the dictatorship of Adolf Hitler.

1) Hitler ruled Germany autocratically which demanded absolute obedience from all subjects. He viewed the structure of government as a pyramid with himself as the infallible leader at the top.

2) The Nazis held extremely nationalistic, racist, and anti-Semitic views. After Hitler joined the party, he developed these ideas and brought them to market. Hitler considered the German race to be a superior race. Hitler and the Nazis viewed the Jews as an inferior race of people who sought to subvert other races and seize world domination.

Japan is considered a constitutional monarchy with a  civil law system. Politics in post-war Japan was largely dominated by the ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP).

3) Tōjō was Prime Minister of Japan during most of the Pacific War. He was one of the architects of Japan's policy of expansion in Asia and directed Japan's military efforts in its most successful early campaigns.

4) Tojo was an ultranationalist who believed that Japan should rely on its power to become the dominant power in Asia. He was also a  strong social and political conservative who believed that Japan should rid itself of liberal democracy and establish an authoritarian government.

To know more about the Government,



Who does Snowball symbolically represent?


General Meaning:

Snowball symbolizes the financial elite.

Animal farm Snowball the character:

Snowball, one of the main characters in George Orwell's Animal Farm, is a symbol for Leon Trotsky. Like Trotsky, Snowball is a gifted speaker and is passionate about revolution. He also believes in Animalism, the philosophy that all animals are equal. However, Snowball's characterization is not all positive. Just as Trotsky was exiled from the Soviet Union, Snowball is forced to flee Animal Farm. Additionally, both Snowball and Trotsky are considered by their opponents to be treacherous and power-hungry.

According to the unit, euphony is the quality of a poem that pleases the ear through a harmonious combination of words. This ultimately creates a soothing effect for the reader. Long vowel words tend to help achieve this effect. Come up with 2 sentences that utilize euphony and could be transformed into a poem about water. Briefly describe why you chose the specific words that you did.


Some examples of the use of rhymes are: The sun shone on the blonde. I tried to play, but the pain was much, I cried.

What do you mean by rhymes?

In two or more words, rhyming is the repeating of comparable sounds in the stressed last syllable and any subsequent syllables. The last place of lines in poems or songs is typically where this form of flawless rhyming is purposefully used for a musical or artistic effect.

In a broader sense, a rhyme may also apply to several kinds of comparable sounds that are close to the ends of two or more syllables. Additionally, the term "rhyme" is now occasionally used to refer to any short poem, such as a nursery rhyme or Balliol rhyme.

Rhyme appears to be liked in part just as a pleasing repeating pattern. Additionally, it works well as a mnemonic tool to help with memorizing.

Learn more about rhymes, here



Which line represents a counterargument and rebuttal made against the case for reparations?


It's not fair to expect people who had nothing to do with slavery to pay for the wrongs of the past. However, reparations are not solely about money; they are about recognizing the continued suffering of African-Americans and taking steps to rectify it.

The Case for Reparations: Recognizing and Addressing Systemic Racism

While it is true that those not directly involved in the institution of slavery should not be held responsible for its wrongs, that does not mean that reparations should not be paid. Opponents of reparations often overlook the fact that the aftermath of slavery continues to impact the lives of African-Americans today. Reparations are not just about financial compensation; they are about recognizing and addressing the systemic racism and discrimination that has been perpetuated for centuries. Reparations are about acknowledging the wrongs of the past and taking tangible steps to repair the damage caused.

Learn more about slavery: https://brainly.com/question/9374853


What is non restriction?


Non-restriction is an important concept in public policy, law, and economics. It refers to the idea that the government should not impose any restrictions on the activities of individuals or organizations.

This is in contrast to restrictions, which are laws or regulations that limit certain activities. In public policy, non-restriction is often seen as a way to promote economic growth and competition. When the government does not impose restrictions, businesses can act freely and compete with each other without fear of legal repercussions.

It also allows for innovation, as businesses can develop new products or services without being held back by government regulations. This can lead to greater efficiency and greater economic output.

Non-restriction is also important in the area of civil liberties. By not limiting the rights of individuals or organizations, the government is encouraging people to exercise their rights and express their opinions without fear of repercussions. This allows citizens to express their views without fear of retribution or censorship.

Non-restriction is also important in the context of international relations. By not imposing restrictions on trade or other activities, governments can foster closer economic ties between countries and create a more open and peaceful world. This can lead to greater economic opportunities, as well as a more collaborative approach to solving global problems.

Learn more about Non-restriction at :https://brainly.com/question/1040722


What is the the theme of the poem?


The theme of a poem is the message an author wants to communicate through the piece. The theme differs from the main idea because the main idea describes what the text is mostly about.

A theme in the study of modern literature is a central theme, theme, or message in a story. Topics are divided into two categories: the viewer “thinks what the work is about” and what the work says about that topic.

The most common today's definition of a topic is a basic concept or point in a story that can often be summed up in a single word. Conflict between the individual and society; Age; people who disagree with technology; Nostalgia; and the risks of unbridled ambition are prime examples of this type of subject matter.

To know more about Theme here-



What are positive and negative statements?


Simply put, they're the speaker's or writer's own assertions of what they take to be true.They may be correct, or they may be incorrect.

What exactly are negative remarks? Simply put, they're the speaker's or writer's own assertions of what they take to be true.They may be correct, or they may be incorrect.The idea is that positive, or affirmative, words convey information in a matter-of-fact manner, whereas negative sentences declare something to be untrue.The polar opposite of a positive remark is a negative statement, which is required to convey the opposite viewpoint.The lists of unfavorable terms and supporting verbs that can be used to create unfavorable statements are provided below.Adverse Phrases.No, never.Positive/affirmative expressions.A sentence that affirms a proposition as opposed to denying it is called an affirmative sentence.He is sincere, for instance.Negative statements: A negative sentence uses a negative word to communicate a fact or to state that something is false or erroneous.

To learn more about negative sentences refer



What was the result of administration under the Articles of Confederation?


The Articles provided state governments the preponderance of authority in a loose union of sovereign states with a weak central government.

Illustrative examples of articles.

The usage of an article, which is a word, designates a noun without describing it. For instance, the article a indicates that the word dog is a noun in the sentence Nick bought a dog. Articles can change pronouns, noun phrases, and anything else that functions as a noun.

Why are articles used in sentences?

There are particular modifiers known as articles that come before nouns or noun phrases. They help to elaborate on the meaning of the noun in your phrase, just like other adjectives do. There are just two articles in English: the and a.

To know more about Articles visit:



What significance or effect, if any, does this change have on the story and Bierce's presentation of the Civil War?


This change has a significant effect on Bierce's presentation of the Civil War. By altering the setting, Bierce is able to create a new context for his story, allowing him to explore different themes and ideas.

About Civil war
The American Civil War was a conflict that took place between 1861 and 1865, in which the Union of the United States of America and the Confederate States of America engaged in a violent struggle to decide the fate of the nation. The Union, led by President Abraham Lincoln, fought to preserve the Union and to abolish slavery, while the Confederate States, led by President Jefferson Davis, sought to preserve the institution of slavery and to achieve independence. The war claimed the lives of more than 620,000 people, making it one of the deadliest wars in American history. In the end, the Union was victorious, and slavery was outlawed throughout the United States.

To know more about civil war

The "subject" of a novel does NOT include which of the following? a. the characters c. the opinion or message of the author b. the setting d. the general plot and/or action Please select the best answer from the choices provided A B C D


The subject of a novel does not include C. the opinion or message of the author.

What is the subject about?

The plot of a fictional work refers to its subject. A nonfiction work's subject is, once more, what the book is factually about. - What happened first, second, third, and so on is answered by the subject of a book.

A subject is the overarching theme of a literary work in literature. A literary work's theme, which is the author's overarching thesis on the subject, is linked to the work's subject. Examples of topics include family, love, reality, sorrow, and heroism. The topic is closely related to genre.

The subject of a novel does not include the opinion or message of the author. The subject of a novel refers to the general theme or main idea that the novel is exploring. It may include the characters, the setting, and the general plot and action of the story, but it does not include the personal opinions or message of the author.

Learn more about novel on:



Instructions: Circle the compound nouns in the sentences below


Answer: the compund nouns are


first circle the one that u think that r it

Read the passage and answer the question below.
Principal Stevens, Trustees, Faculty members, family, friends and fellow graduates, today is a day to be thankful and to be inspired.
First we have much to be thankful for. Here at Peterson School we have received a great education thanks to our fine administration and teachers. We are prepared to move on and to take on whatever challenges come next in our lives.
Fellow graduates, I want you to know what a great gift being as prepared as we are is because that cannot be said for all schools. Here we have had a high degree of academic excellence and whether you intend to continue your education or not, you will benefit from what you learned here.
We can also be thankful for our families. These past four years have presented us with a lot of ups and downs and it is good to know that we had our families in our corner, supporting us along the way. Thanks Mom and Dad. I would not be here today without you.
Finally, we can be thankful for each other. The friendships that we have made here will last a lifetime and in the same way we have helped each other to, in some ways survive these 4 years here and in other ways succeed in these years at Peterson, I hope we will continue to be there for each other and to support each other in future endeavors.
Now, what can we be inspired by today? Personally, I am inspired by our classmate Alan Rockford who has overcome so much adversity to be here graduating today. Alan, you have been tenacious and have had such a great attitude in the face of so many setbacks. Whenever I get a little down about something that didn’t turn out just the way I wanted it to, I remember some of the talks we have had and it gives me the perspective I need. Thank you for that, congratulations, and all the best!
I’m also inspired by Bill Thomas and Tony Marcos who are leaving later this week for Marine boot camp. Billy and Tony I honor you for making the choice to serve our country and I feel proud to know you. Please take care of yourselves and keep in touch.
Often on graduation day we look outside for heroes but I see them right here among us. I have seen in my years at Peterson that we don’t have to look far for inspiration and that we each have the potential to make an inspiring contribution to others by being true to our values and committing ourselves to lofty goals.
When you leave here today, celebrate what you have accomplished but look forward with an eye toward how you too can be the inspiration for others.
Congratulations Class of 2008!

Read this speech. Create an outline for the speech using the model below.
Title: What would you call this speech
Introduction - what is the attention grabber?
I. Main point 1-
A. Subpoint 1
a. detail
b. detail
c. detail
II. Main point 2 -
A. Subpoint 1
a. detail
b. detail
c. detail
III. Main point 3 -
A. Subpoint 1
a. detail
b. detail
c. detail
Conclusion -


The passage goes through the emotional speech by a student who left his school after graduation. He specifies the role of his friends, teachers and other staff  had in his school life.

What is convocation speech?

A convocation speech by  student is conducted to vote thanks to all the teachers and other faculty members in a college or school.  The passage goes through the words of a student who cherish the moments he had in his school.

The student is very specific about the role of his friends, teachers and other staff that they had in his school days. First he thank all the teachers  who provided them grateful education.

In the second passage he tells about the academic excellence of the school and the achievements got from there. He also thankful to his family .

For the next sessions, the student mention some of his friends and their role that they had in his school life. Finally the student cherish the moments in his school and says everyone to celebrate the moments and accomplishments from the school.

Find more on speeches:




The passage goes through the emotional speech by a student who left his school after graduation. He specifies the role of his friends, teachers and other staff  had in his school life.

A convocation speech by  student is conducted to vote thanks to all the teachers and other faculty members in a college or school.  The passage goes through the words of a student who cherish the moments he had in his school.

The student is very specific about the role of his friends, teachers and other staff that they had in his school days. First he thank all the teachers  who provided them grateful education.

In the second passage he tells about the academic excellence of the school and the achievements got from there. He also thankful to his family .

For the next sessions, the student mention some of his friends and their role that they had in his school life. Finally the student cherish the moments in his school and says everyone to celebrate the moments and accomplishments from the school.


What are the three 3 inalienable rights of the people?


We firmly believe that all people are created equal and that these rights, including the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, are given to them by their Creator. — Governments were established among men in order to safeguard these rights.

What 3 rights are unalienable, according to Locke?

John Locke, an English philosopher who lived in the 17th century, wrote about natural rights in his writings, referring to them as "life, liberty, and estate (property)," and making the case that such fundamental rights could not be given up under the social contract.

Even though they may be infringed, unalienable human rights never expire since they are fundamental to the dignity and potential for freedom that are ingrained in human nature. Positive rights, on the other hand, are produced by civil society and can only exist inside it.

According to Jefferson, among the unalienable rights bestowed upon all people are the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. These unalienable rights will be further defined and safeguarded by the Constitution. The Constitution spells out a number of significant unalienable rights in Article I, Section 9.

To learn more about unalienable rights refer to :



give me a few interesting psychology questions to research about ​



What is Homophobia?

Please help with 15 down.
it is 7 letters.


Try Liquids it should work

"Of Mice and Men" Chapters 5-6 word puzzle


Of Mice and Men is a novella written by John Steinbeck.

What is the Of Mice and Men?

Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck is a tale about what it means to be human. The story of George and Lennie's desire to own their own ranch and the challenges they face in realizing that desire by Steinbeck illustrates the nature of dreams, dignity, loneliness, and sacrifice.

Profanity, dismal and depressing themes, and the author's supposed "anti-business stance" have all been criticized. It has been criticized by others for being "derogatory against African Americans, women, as well as the developmentally challenged."

Learn more about Of Mice and Men here:



In the bluest eye Summer Parts 1 & 2 Who do you believe Pecola is having this conversation with? What evidence supports your belief?


Pecola is conversing with a fictional companion when she is off in the distance from the city. Pecola is examining her allegedly blue eyes in the mirror. Her imaginary companion keeps bugging her, urging her to quit constantly checking herself in the mirror.

Who was Pecola conversing with?

Pecola and a fictional companion, whose voice is italicised, are conversing. Pecola's companion chastises her for constantly gazing in the mirror, but she can't help but notice her brand-new blue eyes. Pecola accuses her of being envious when the imagined companion wants to go outside and play.

What in The Bluest Eye does Pecola stand for?

Pecola is a representation of the self-hatred and conviction in the black community's own ugly. Her mother, father, and Geraldine, as well as other members of the community, spew hatred for her in an effort to cope with their own self-loathing.

To know more about the bluest eye visit:-



Which text evidence best supports the authors claim that a frantic pace made working conditions even worse?


The proprietors specified that throughout working hours, there must always be grinding this text evidence authors claim that a frantic pace made working conditions even worse.

An author is a person, right?

A writer is someone whose writing has been made public. Writers are those who, in addition to producing published material, also develop the ideas and content for their written works. The majority of authors are writers as a result, albeit not all writers are considered to be authors.

What characteristics define an excellent writer?

Six Qualities That Every Great Writer Shares Attention to Detail Great writers are keen observers who are always collecting notes and observing tiny changes in their surroundings. Discipline, clarity, a strong vocabulary, an open mind to change, and a love of reading.

To know more about the author visit:



What was the main way that war mobilization helped in the Great Depression?


The United States' Great Depression was helped by war mobilisation because it forced American industry to once again manufacture a large number of items at high rates of output.

What do you mean by mobilization?

Organising or getting ready something, like a gathering of people, for a specific purpose: Voter turnout in the area is notoriously low, therefore voter mobilisation is essential. The government promised to mobilise in full force to reunite millions of stranded migrant workers with their families. Mobilization is the process by which a government gets its troops ready for conflict. When you gather your relatives to throw your sister a surprise party, that is also mobilisation. The goal of mobilisation is to get a group of individuals ready to act at a moment's notice.

What are mobilization skills?

In a broader sense, mobilisation through skills refers to the way people use resources to their advantage and collaborate to enable collective action. Organizations exist because they give people the tools they need to mobilise. Mobilizers need to be able to work in a team, communicate openly with other members of the training organisation, and use mobile devices and other mobile applications to collect data. Be observant: Mobilizers need to be aware of their surroundings.

To know more about Mobilization visit:



What made Darwin's finches different from one another?


The plumage and body size of the birds vary, but the beaks' size and shape which rely on the species' dietary preferences and specializations are the most noticeable physical distinctions between them.

What is the Darwin's finches?Around 18 species of passerine birds make up the Darwin's finches group. They are renowned for having an astonishing variety of beak shapes and functions. They are frequently categorized as belonging to the tribe Geospizini or subfamily Geospizinae. They are distantly related to the real finches and are instead members of the tanager family. The beaks of this solitary group of birds have changed over time to accommodate their specialized diets, and Charles Darwin used them as a key indicator when formulating his theory of evolution. Their downward-curving long, pointed beak helps them lift off tree bark scales and locate hiding insects. The development of a group of plants or animals into new species that are adapted to particular ecological niches is known as adaptive radiation, and Darwin's finches are today's model species.

To learn more about Darwin's finches refer to:



PLS HELP ME I AM TIMED PLS and thank you!
Read the sentences.

Ana lives in a suburb of Chicago, Illinois. This area gets a lot of snow every winter. School continues despite the high drifts of snow. As a result, Ana wears boots to school in the winter.

Which sentence states an effect?

Ana lives in a suburb of Chicago, Illinois.
This area gets a lot of snow every winter.
School continues despite the high drifts of snow.
As a result, Ana wears boots to school in the winter.


Answer: This area gets a lot of snow every winter.

Explanation: Because Ana lives in Chicago ( a very cold state) that is the cause. The effect is the area gets a lot of snow each winter.

What is the clause of because?


There shouldn't be a comma between these two lines since the word because is a subordinating conjunction that links a subordinate clause to an independent clause.

I ate a lot because I was hungry, which is an excuse we sometimes provide for doing something. Because can be used in answers to why questions. For example: "Why are you going to bed so early: since I'm exhausted. With because, cause and reason clauses are introduced.

I'm talking about a subordinating conjunction. The clause it introduces is a subordinate clause since a subordinate clause cannot exist without a main clause. They have gathered here because of us. He walked slowly because of his hurt leg.

Learn more about clauses Visit: brainly.com/question/798413


What is the primary goal of the strategy that requires a writer to pretend they are dating the things they write?


to allow a writer to look at their text through more sympathetic eyes


to prevent a writer from immediately committing to everything they write


to push a writer to step outside the box and take more risks throughout the writing process


to discourage a writer from being too removed and distant from their text


to allow a writer to look at their text through more sympathetic eyes is the primary goal of the strategy that requires a writer to pretend they are dating the things they write. Hence, option A is correct.

What is the primary goal of writing?

The purpose of a piece of writing may be to express oneself, to convey knowledge, to convince, or to produce a literary work. There are four reasons why authors write.

Answer and justification The three major goals of writing are to inform, entertain, and persuade. In persuasive writing, the author attempts to persuade the reader to act or accept a concept.

Thus, option A is correct.

For more information about primary goal of writing, click here:



Hannah finds a book on samurai warriors for her informative essay. What should she do to see whether the information in it is reliable



the answer is C, The three ways to detect real or fake info!

Explanation:I think Hanna should look at several books maybe 4-5 and compare the info that way she can count on the info if they match! She could also search articles about the samari or ask an knowledgeable person to tell her about it!

What did Romantic writers think about nature?


Many romantic poets believed that human thoughts and emotions come from nature. Romantic-era authors and artists frequently use a lot of natural imagery in their works.

The audience's imagination is captured by these artists and writers using scenes and imagery from nature. Musical romanticism was characterized by a stress on freedom, personal expression of emotion, and creativity. Romanticism typically included personal themes and placed an emphasis on the author's inner life and sentiments.

Considering how highly the Romantic movement values originality and defying expectations. The adoration of nature and the celebration of the distinctive person are two of romanticism's central ideas. More specifically, romantics cherish the uniqueness of the human spirit.

To learn more about romantic writers here:



Find the error with subject-verb agreement. Select the incorrect verb and type it correctly.
In Chile's arid Atacama Desert there is areas where any rainfall has yet to be





You have to replace the is with an are.

But different men often see the same subject in different lights; and, therefore, I hope it will not be thought disrespectful to those gentlemen if, entertaining as I do, opinions of a character very opposite to theirs, I shall speak forth my sentiments freely, and without reserve. Which theme does this sentence suggest


The given phrase defends Henry's vehement statement of an opposing opinion.

What is the opposing viewpoint?

Here, an opposing viewpoint refers to a different position from the one that was previously expressed, one that is opposite. Examples include: liking or disliking something; agreeing or disagreeing with something; and wanting more or less.

How do you respond to different points of view?

Give the opposing perspective first. Next, give your own justification for disagreeing with the opposite viewpoint. Finally, and maybe most significantly, offer logical proof to back up your refutation.

To know more about opposing viewpoints visit:



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