which fictional character was created in the 1930's by two high school kids from ohio


Answer 1

The fictional character created in the 1930's by two high school kids from Ohio was Superman.

The two creators, Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster, were both students at Glenville High School in Cleveland, Ohio. They first came up with the idea of Superman in 1932, and spent several years refining the character's abilities and backstory.

Superman made his debut in Action Comics #1 in 1938, and quickly became a popular character. He was an instant sensation, and soon had his own comic book series, as well as a radio show and several movie serials.

Superman is often regarded as the first superhero, and his influence can be seen in countless other comic book characters that followed.

He is known for his iconic blue and red costume, his superhuman strength, and his ability to fly. He is also known for his alter ego, Clark Kent, a mild-mannered reporter who works for the Daily Planet newspaper.

Superman has remained a popular character for over 80 years, and has been featured in countless comics, movies, and TV shows. He is a cultural icon, and his impact on popular culture cannot be overstated.

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in what ways might public infrastructure benefit the nation’s economy over a long period of time



Public infrastructure investment boosts the productivity of private capital and labor, leading to higher output, but this positive effect can be offset if the investment is financed with additional government borrowing.

in 2009, americans consumed more gallons of coffee than of soft drinks.


The given statement "In 2009, Americans consumed more gallons of coffee than of soft drinks" is TRUE because According to the National Coffee Association, the U.S. coffee consumption surpassed soft drink consumption for the first time in decades.

Coffee's popularity can be attributed to various factors, such as the growth of specialty coffee shops, increased awareness of its health benefits, and a broader variety of flavors and brewing methods. On the other hand, soft drink consumption has declined due to increasing concerns about health risks and the rise of alternative beverages.

Consequently, the preference for coffee over soft drinks marked a shift in American beverage consumption patterns during that year.

Learn more about soft drink consumption at https://brainly.com/question/17329393


which man was disqualified from serving as a pilot during world war ii because of color blindness


The man who was disqualified from serving as a pilot during World War II because of color blindness is Paul Newman.

Color blindness, also known as color vision deficiency (CVD), is a condition in which a person lacks the ability to see color or differences in color. It can make tasks like choosing clothing, selecting ripe fruit, and reading traffic lights more difficult. Color blindness can also make some academic activities more difficult. The problems are usually minor, and the colorblind automatically develops adaptations and coping mechanisms.

An inherited problem or variation in the functionality of one or more of the three classes of cone cells in the retina that mediate color vision is the most common cause of color blindness. Congenital red–green color blindness is the most common form. Because the genes for the most common forms of color blindness are on the X chromosome, males are more likely to be color blind than females. Non-color-blind females can carry genes for color blindness and pass them on to their children. Color blindness can also be caused by damage to the eye, the optic nerve, or parts of the brain. The Ishihara color test is typically used to screen for color blindness.

Learn more about World War II:



In 1839, Theodore Weld published American Slavery as It Is, a major criticism of the institution. true./False


The given statement "In 1839, Theodore Weld published American Slavery as It Is, a major criticism of the institution" is True because American Slavery As It Is, was a major anti-slavery publication authored by the American abolitionist Theodore Dwight Weld in 1839.

The book was based on Weld's research into slavery, which he conducted over two years in the American South. The book was an immediate success, selling over 30,000 copies in its first year. American Slavery As It Is was a major source of information for Northerners and Europeans regarding the realities of slavery.

The book was widely read and highly influential, and helped to convince many to join the anti-slavery movement. Weld's book was one of the first major publications to expose the brutality and injustice of slavery, and was a major factor in the spread of abolitionist sentiment in the United States.

To know more about American Slavery , click here:



how did they distinguish the type of play at the globe theatre


The Globe Theatre, like many other theaters during the Elizabethan era, would use different colored flags to distinguish the type of play being performed.

A black flag would be hoisted for a tragedy, a white flag for a comedy, and a red flag for a history play. This was important because the audience would often not know what play was being performed until they arrived at the theater, so the flag would help them understand what to expect. In addition to the flags, the type of play could also be distinguished by the costumes, props, and even the language used in the play. For example, tragedies would often have more serious and dramatic language and themes, while comedies would use more lighthearted and humorous language.

Overall, these various elements would work together to help distinguish the type of play being performed at the Globe Theatre.

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in the fifteenth century, what state became the successor to ghana and mali in the niger region?



the Songhai (Songhay) Empire

john calvin accepted the legitimacy of church documents other than the bible believed the church was beyond reform he accepted ultimate papal authority and luther did not found merit in the selling of indulgences


John Calvin, a major figure in the Protestant Reformation, believed in the legitimacy of church documents other than the Bible, such as the Nicene and Apostles' Creeds.

However, he did not view the church as beyond reform, as he advocated for the purification and restoration of the church. In contrast to Luther, Calvin did not completely reject the authority of the pope, but he did view it as subordinate to the authority of Scripture. Additionally, Calvin disagreed with the selling of indulgences, which was a common practice in the Catholic Church at the time. He believed that salvation could not be bought or earned through good deeds, but rather it was a gift of grace from God that could only be obtained through faith in Jesus Christ. Overall, while Calvin had some theological differences with Luther and the Catholic Church, his beliefs were grounded in a commitment to Scripture and a desire for the restoration of the church.

Learn more about church from here:



Video Search: "The Little Rock 9 Arkansas 1957"

After viewing the video clip, design three questions that best describe your reaction to the event.


Nine African American pupils came to Little Rock, Arkansas' Central High School on September 4, 1957. They moved through the crowd, shouting and even tossing objects while doing so. The kids were forced to leave the school as they arrived at the front entrance because the National Guard forbade them from going inside.

The subsequent conflict between segregationists and integrationists, the State of Arkansas and the federal government, President Dwight D. Eisenhower, and Arkansas Governor Orval Faubus is known in modern American history as the "Little Rock Crisis." Global media coverage of the issue emerged.

The nine teenagers became known as the "Little Rock Nine," and they were to be the first African Americans to enroll in Little Rock's Central High School. After the Supreme Court's decision three years prior, the Little Rock school board promised to voluntarily desegregate its schools.

Learn more about African Americans here:



What was Sir Francis Drake's role as an English explorer?



Sir Francis Drake is best known for circumnavigating Earth (1577–80), preying on Spanish ships along the way. Later he was credited for his defense of England by raiding Spain's harbour at Cádiz in 1587 and (according to many sources) by disrupting the Spanish Armada in the English Channel with fire ships in 1588.


Sir Francis https://brainly.com/question/1818867was a prominent English explorer during the 16th century. His role involved leading maritime expeditions, particularly in circumnavigating the globe. Drake played a significant part in exploring the Americas and enhancing England's naval power, while also engaging in privateering against Spanish ships. His contributions greatly influenced England's dominance in trade and colonization, making him a key figure in the country's history.

Sir Francis Drake was a prominent English explorer who is famous for circumnavigating the globe from 1577 to 1580. He played a significant role in exploring the New World and expanding England's territory. He also helped defend England against the Spanish Armada by leading naval attacks on Spanish ships and ports. Drake was known for his excellent navigation skills and bravery, which earned him the nickname "El Draque" or "The Dragon." He was also involved in slave trading and piracy during his career as an explorer. Sir Francis Drake's role as an English explorer was crucial in expanding England's power and influence during the Age of Exploration.

To know more about Spanish ships visit:



why did the members of the anti-imperialist league oppose the annexation of the philippines?


The members of the Anti-Imperialist League opposed the annexation of the Philippines due to concerns about democratic principles, a departure from traditional foreign policy, and potential economic burdens.

The members of the Anti-Imperialist League opposed the annexation of the Philippines for several reasons. Firstly, they believed that annexation would contradict the principles of democracy and self-determination, as the United States would be imposing its rule on a foreign population without their consent. They argued that the annexation violated the basic rights of the Filipino people and undermined America's own struggle for independence from British colonial rule.

Secondly, the Anti-Imperialist League criticized the annexation as a departure from the traditional foreign policy of the United States. They argued that it would mark a shift towards aggressive imperialism and entanglement in overseas affairs, which they believed would compromise American values and resources.

Moreover, many members of the league were concerned about the economic costs of maintaining a colonial empire. They believed that the Philippines would become a burden on the American taxpayer and feared that the resources expended on governing and defending the islands would detract from domestic development and social welfare programs.

To learn more about Anti-Imperialist League



what happened when general anthony st. clair led troops into indian territory in the fall of 1791?



Saint Clair’s Defeat


Saint Clair’s Defeat, (November 4, 1791), one of the worst defeats ever suffered by U.S. forces in Indian warfare, precipitated by British-Indian confrontation with settlers and militia in the Northwest Territory following the American Revolution.

The resulting conflict, known as the Battle of Wabash or St. Clair's Defeat, was a devastating loss for the US army.

In the fall of 1791, General Anthony St. Clair led troops into Indian Territory. This move was met with resistance from Native American tribes, who were angered by encroachment on their lands and broken promises from the US government. More than 600 soldiers were killed or injured, making it the worst defeat in US military history against Native American forces. The aftermath of the battle resulted in changes to US military tactics and negotiations with Native American tribes. It also served as a reminder of the importance of respecting the sovereignty of Native American nations and the need for honest and fair negotiations between the US government and Indigenous peoples.

To know more about Battle of Wabash visit:



in which u. s. state did the 1964 "good friday" earthquake occur?





The 1964 Alaska Earthquake, also known as the Great Alaska Earthquake and the Good Friday Earthquake, was a megathrust quake that began at 5:36 P.M. AST on March 27, 1964.

The 1964 "Good Friday" earthquake, which is known as one of the most powerful earthquakes in recorded history, occurred in the state of Alaska.

It had a magnitude of 9.2 on the Richter scale and lasted for approximately four and a half minutes. The earthquake caused widespread damage, including landslides, tsunamis, and liquefaction of the ground, which resulted in numerous fatalities and injuries. The impact of the earthquake was felt as far as California and Hawaii, and it remains a significant event in the history of Alaska.

The disaster led to significant improvements in earthquake prediction and preparedness, as well as building codes, to mitigate the damage caused by earthquakes in the future.

To know more about powerful earthquakes visit:



in may, 1989, the chinese communist rulers suppressed the "fifth modernization" by their action at


The Chinese Communist government quashed the "fifth modernization" in Tiananmen Square in May 1989.

The fifth modernization was a Chinese movement that advocated for democracy, human rights, and free expression, among other things. The movement was part of a larger push to modernize China's economy and society, which was launched by Deng Xiaoping, China's leader at the time.

The Chinese Communist rulers' suppression of the Fifth Modernization resulted in a brutal crackdown on pro-democracy protestors in Tiananmen Square, ensuing in the deaths of centuries, if not thousands, of people.

As a result, the significance of the Chinese communist rulers suppressed the "fifth modernization" are the aforementioned.

Learn more about on Chinese Communist, here:



the sherman act of 1890 did which of the following?
multiple select question.
a. promoted price-fixingout
b. lawed monopolization
c. prohibited competitive practicesout
d. lawed restraints of trade


The sherman act of 1890 did the following: b. lawed monopolization

d. lawed restraints of trade

The Sherman Act was enacted to combat anti-competitive practices and promote fair competition in the United States. It aimed to prevent the formation of monopolies and restrain trade practices that could harm competition and consumer . Therefore, options b and d accurately describe the provisions of the Sherman Act. It did not promote price-fixing (option a) or prohibit competitive practices (option c).

Learn more about consumer here:



which 1968 presidental candidate ahd the support of lyndon b johnson?


In 1968, Lyndon B. Johnson was serving as the incumbent president of the United States.

However, due to growing opposition and unrest related to the Vietnam War, Johnson announced on March 31, 1968, that he would not seek re-election.

During the Democratic primaries, Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey emerged as the establishment candidate and received the support of Johnson. Johnson's endorsement of Humphrey was seen as significant, as it carried the weight of the sitting president. Johnson's support for Humphrey was not surprising since Humphrey had been his vice president and a loyal member of his administration.

Despite Johnson's backing, Humphrey faced significant challenges within the Democratic Party. The primary race was marked by strong opposition to the Vietnam War, and Humphrey was seen by many as a continuation of Johnson's policies. This led to significant divisions within the party, with anti-war sentiment fueling support for other candidates like

learn more about candidates  here :



officially opened in 1869, what artificial waterway connects the mediterranean sea to the red sea?


The artificial waterway that connects the Mediterranean Sea to the Red Sea is the Suez Canal.

It was officially opened on November 17, 1869, after ten years of construction by the French engineer Ferdinand de Lesseps. The Suez Canal is located in Egypt and it provides a shorter route for ships to travel between Europe and Asia, avoiding the long and dangerous trip around the southern tip of Africa.

The Suez Canal is about 120 miles long and it is a vital waterway for global trade. It has also played a significant role in the history of the Middle East. In 1956, the canal was nationalized by Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser, leading to the Suez Crisis, an international conflict that involved Britain, France, and Israel.

The canal was closed during the conflict, causing major disruptions to global shipping.

In recent years, the Suez Canal has undergone significant expansion and modernization, including the addition of a second lane to allow for two-way traffic and the deepening of the canal to allow for larger ships to pass through.

The Suez Canal Authority, which manages the waterway, continues to play an important role in the global shipping industry.

For more question on waterway visit:



president calvin coolidge, inaugural address, 1925 question in the excerpt, coolidge was reacting most directly against responses progressive efforts to regulate the economy progressive efforts to regulate the economy the consolidation of corporations into trusts and holding companies the consolidation of corporations into trusts and holding companies conspicuous consumption by some segments of society conspicuous consumption by some segments of society the promotion of laissez-faire economic policies


In the excerpt, Calvin Coolidge was reacting most directly against conspicuous consumption by some segments of society, option C.

Calvin Coolidge (born John Calvin Coolidge Jr.; He was an American politician and attorney who was born on July 4, 1872, and died on January 5, 1933. He was the 30th president of the United States from 1923 to 1929. Brought into the world in Vermont, Coolidge was a conservative legal counselor from New Britain who moved up in Massachusetts state legislative issues, turning into its 48th lead representative; his reaction to the Boston Police Strike of 1919 push him into the public spotlight as a man of unequivocal activity.

After being elected as the nation's 29th vice president the following year, Coolidge became president when President Warren G. Harding died suddenly in 1923. Coolidge, who was elected as an independent in 1924, established a reputation as a small-government conservative with a reserved demeanor and dry sense of humor, earning him the moniker "Silent Cal." However his boundless prevalence empowered him to run briefly full term, Coolidge decided not to run again in 1928, commenting that decade as president would be "longer than some other man has had it - excessively lengthy!

Learn more about Calvin Coolidge:



Complete question:

Coolidge, inaugural address, 1925 In the excerpt, Coolidge was reacting most directly against *

a) Progressive efforts to regulate the economy

b) the consolidation of corporations into trusts and holding companies

c) conspicuous consumption by some segments of society

d) the promotion of laissez-faire economic policies

what was the greatest failure in new york city’s response to the world trade center attacks?


The lack of effective communication and coordination between agencies, particularly the NYPD and FDNY, along with inadequate interoperability, led to delays in resource deployment and compromised the overall response effectiveness.

One of the greatest failures in New York City's response to the World Trade Center attacks was the breakdown in communication and coordination among various agencies involved in emergency response. The attacks on September 11, 2001, were unprecedented in scale and complexity, requiring a swift and efficient response from multiple organizations.

One significant failure was the lack of effective communication between the New York City Police Department (NYPD) and the New York City Fire Department (FDNY). Both agencies were operating on different radio frequencies, which hindered their ability to coordinate efforts and share critical information. This communication breakdown resulted in many firefighters entering the towers unaware of the deteriorating conditions and the evacuation orders given by the police.

Additionally, the response was further hindered by inadequate interoperability between different emergency response systems and agencies at the local, state, and federal levels. This lack of coordination led to delays in deploying resources, including specialized equipment and personnel, causing a less effective and efficient response overall.

To learn more about World Trade Center



Alice Neel is best known for her __________ portraits, a collection of souls handpicked from all strata of society.
a. highly abstracted
b. stark, unflinchingly realistic
c. stereotypical
d. minimalist
e. overpowering and repellent


Alice Neel is best known for her b. stark, unflinchingly realistic portraits, a collection of souls handpicked from all strata of society.

Alice Neel (1900-1984) was an American artist known for her figurative paintings, particularly her portraits. She gained recognition for her ability to capture the essence and inner life of her subjects with a stark and unflinchingly realistic approach.

Neel's portraits were characterized by their raw and honest depiction of the human form and psyche. She painted people from all walks of life, including friends, family, artists, and individuals from various social and economic backgrounds. Her subjects ranged from ordinary people to prominent figures in the art world, capturing the diversity of human experience.

Neel's portraits were often characterized by their psychological depth, as she sought to capture the emotions, vulnerabilities, and complexities of her subjects. She did not shy away from portraying physical imperfections, wrinkles, or signs of aging, which added to the authenticity and realism of her work.

learn more about vulnerabilities here :



what were the series of wars by european christians to recover the holy land from the muslims


The series of wars by European Christians to recover the Holy Land from the Muslims is known as the Crusades.

The Crusades lasted for almost two centuries, starting in 1095 and ending in 1291. The European Christians were motivated by religious, political, and economic reasons to launch the Crusades. They believed that recapturing the Holy Land, including Jerusalem, would guarantee them a place in heaven and save them from their sins. Additionally, the Pope was hoping to unite the Christian world and increase his power. The Muslims, on the other hand, were not a united force and were divided into several smaller kingdoms.

However, they were determined to defend their land from the European invaders.
The Crusades had a significant impact on the relationship between Christians and Muslims and had long-lasting effects on both cultures. It also led to the development of trade routes and the exchange of ideas between Europe and the Middle East.

In conclusion, the Crusades were a series of wars by European Christians to recover the Holy Land from Muslims that lasted for almost two centuries.

To know more about Crusades visit:



why did frank lloyd wright disapprove of the international style? it was too ornamental. it was too expensive. it was essentially european. it was not practical enough.


Frank Lloyd Wright rejected the International Style for it was essentially European. Here option C is the correct answer.

Organizers Philip Johnson and Henry-Russell Hitchcock acknowledged the genius of Wright’s earlier work but saw Europe as the cutting edge of architectural innovation. Wright himself rejected the International Style and was offended by being grouped with other architects.

Wright was a highly creative architect and a master of American architecture. His “Prairie style” became the basis of 20th-century residential design in the United States.

Throughout his career, Wright retained the use of ornamental detail, earthy colors, and rich textural effects. His sensitive use of materials helped to control and perfect his dynamic expression of space, which opened a new era in American architecture

To learn more about Frank Lloyd Wright



Complete question:

Why did frank lloyd wright disapprove of the international style?

A - it was too ornamental.

B - it was too expensive.

C - it was essentially European.

D - it was not practical enough.

why did america declare the war on the british in 1812 by such a small amount?


The War of 1812 was fought between the United States and Great Britain from 1812 to 1815. The war was sparked by a number of factors, including American grievances against British maritime policies, trade restrictions, and support for Native American resistance to American expansion.

The United States declared war on Great Britain by a small margin, with Congress voting in favor of the declaration of war by a count of 79-59 in the House of Representatives and 19-13 in the Senate. While there were certainly individuals and factions within the United States that supported the war, it is likely that the majority of the population did not support it.

There are several reasons why the United States declared the war on the British in 1812 by such a small margin. One reason may have been the influence of nationalist and expansionist factions within the government, who believed that the United States needed to assert its independence and expand its territory in order to become a major world power.

Learn more about  American expansion.



the first north african territory to fall under the control of a european country was:





Africa, in ancient Roman history, the first North African territory of Rome, at times roughly corresponding to modern Tunisia. It was acquired in 146 bc after the destruction of Carthage at the end of the Third Punic War.

The first North African territory to fall under the control of a European country was Ceuta, a small coastal city located in present-day Morocco.

In 1415, the Portuguese captured Ceuta from the Moors and established it as a trading post. This marked the beginning of European colonialism in North Africa, which would eventually lead to the colonization of other territories such as Algeria, Tunisia, and Libya. The colonization of North Africa had significant consequences for the region, including the forced displacement of local populations, the imposition of European culture and language, and the exploitation of natural resources. The legacy of European colonialism in North Africa is still felt today, and has contributed to political and economic instability in the region.

To know more about Ceuta visit:



which of the following changes to the united states during the nineteenth century most directly contributed to the development depicted in the image?
a. The rapid growth of cities
b. The dismantling of the national bank
c. The acquisition of territory in the West
d. The rise of the People’s (Populist) Party


The option that most directly contributed to the development depicted in the image during the nineteenth century in the United States is (a) The rapid growth of cities.

During the 1800s, the United States experienced significant urbanization, with cities growing rapidly due to factors like industrialization, immigration, and advancements in transportation. This urban growth brought about many changes in American society, including shifts in the economy, living conditions, and cultural dynamics.

The other options, while important in their own right, do not directly relate to the development depicted in the image. The dismantling of the national bank (option b) influenced the financial landscape but had less impact on urban development. The acquisition of territory in the West (option c) mainly affected rural and frontier areas, rather than cities. The rise of the People’s (Populist) Party (option d) was a political movement that emerged to address the concerns of farmers and workers, but its impact was more on policy rather than directly shaping urban development.

To know more about nineteenth century visit:



The average immigrant man arriving at New York’s Ellis Island had $100. What year did this occur? A) 1790 B) 1840 C) 1890 D) 1920



D) 1920


american modernism differed from european modernism, in part because america lacked the artistic traditions against which european artists rebelled. True or False?


True. American modernism developed independently of European modernism, in part because America lacked the artistic traditions against which European artists rebelled.

While European modernism was influenced by the artistic traditions of ancient Greece and Rome, as well as the Renaissance and the Enlightenment, American modernism was influenced by a different set of cultural and intellectual movements, such as the Romantic movement, the transcendentalist movement, and the industrial revolution.

As a result, American modernists often approached their work from a different perspective than their European counterparts, focusing on themes such as American identity, urban life, and the American landscape. American modernists also experimented with different techniques and styles, such as abstraction, cubism, and impressionism, and were often more concerned with the social and political implications of their work than their European counterparts.  

Learn more about American modernism



Which of the following would MOST likely have been a Gilded Age Democrat?
Group of answer choicesa
New England Protestant
a nativist
an Irish immigrant
an African American
a Union veteran


An Irish immigrant would have been more likely to be a Gilded Age Democrat due to the party's support of Irish immigrants and their anti-nativist stance.

During the Gilded Age, which was marked by rapid industrialization and political corruption, the Democratic Party was largely made up of white Southern farmers and urban working-class immigrants. Therefore, it is unlikely that a New England Protestant would have been a Gilded Age Democrat, as they were more likely to align with the Republican Party.  

African Americans, although they largely supported the Republican Party at the time, some did align with the Democratic Party in the South. Finally, Union veterans, who were largely Republicans, would be unlikely to be Gilded Age Democrats due to the party's lack of support for veterans and military spending.

To know more about Gilded Age visit:



Out of the given options, the least likely candidate to have been a Gilded Age Democrat would have been a New England Protestant. Hence the option A (New England Protestant)is correct.

During the Gilded Age, Democrats largely represented the interests of working-class Americans, immigrants, and farmers. They were generally opposed to the Republican Party's pro-business policies and advocated for government intervention in the economy to promote social justice and economic equality.

Nativists, Irish immigrants, African Americans, and Union veterans were all groups that found support within the Democratic Party during the Gilded Age. Nativists and Irish immigrants were both opposed to the influx of immigrants from different parts of the world, but for different reasons. Nativists wanted to protect American culture and jobs, while Irish immigrants sought political power and economic opportunity. African Americans largely voted for Democrats during this time period due to the party's support for civil rights and opposition to segregation. Union veterans were also likely to vote Democrat due to the party's advocacy for labor rights and workers' protections.

In summary, a Gilded Age Democrat would likely have been an individual who supported labor rights, government intervention in the economy, civil rights, and protection for marginalized groups such as immigrants and African Americans.

To know more about Gilded Age visit



the legend of william tell, who shot an apple off his son's head, is set where?



The best-known version of the story is in the legend of William Tell, supposedly happening to start off the Swiss revolution, written first in the 15th-century White Book of Sarnen, then in Aegidius Tschudi's 16th-century Chronicon Helveticum, and later the basis for Friedrich Schiller's 1804 play.

The legend of William Tell is set in Switzerland. According to the legend, William Tell was a skilled archer who lived in the early 14th century.

The story goes that the ruling Austrian governor, Gessler, demanded that all citizens of Switzerland pay homage to his hat, which he placed on a pole in the town square. William Tell refused to bow to the hat and was punished by Gessler. As a test of Tell's skill, Gessler ordered him to shoot an apple off his son's head with a crossbow. Tell successfully shot the apple, saving his son's life and sparking a revolt against the Austrian rule in Switzerland. The tale of William Tell has become an enduring symbol of Swiss patriotism and resistance.

Learn more about Switzerland



which of the following most accurately depicts abraham's lincoln's views towards black americans circa 1858? group of answer choices A) he supported abolishing the fugitive slave act, prohibiting any additional slave states from entering the union, and abolishing the domestic slave trade B) he believed that black americans should have full political rights. C) he supported abolishing slavery in the united states D) he believed that black americans should have basic legal rights, but opposed social and political equality


Abraham Lincoln's views towards black Americans circa 1858 were nuanced and complex.

The correct option is A and C.

While he opposed slavery in the United States, he did not believe that black Americans should have full political rights. He did, however, support abolishing the fugitive slave act, prohibiting any additional slave states from entering the union, and abolishing the domestic slave trade.

He also believed that basic legal rights should be granted to black Americans, such as the right to testify in court, but he did not believe in social or political equality. For Lincoln, the goal was to gradually move towards emancipation, not immediate and absolute equality.

To know more about Abraham Lincoln, click here:



what two renaissance artists does raphael include in his painting "the school of athens"



Apart from portraying Michelangelo as Heraclitus, Raphael also included a self-portrait and the resemblances of other artists, namely, Leonardo da Vinci and Donate Bramante. Leonardo da Vinci is Plato and Bramante is depicted as either Pythagoras or Euclid


In Raphael's painting "The School of Athens," two prominent Renaissance artists are depicted: Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo. Leonardo is portrayed as the Greek philosopher Plato, while Michelangelo is depicted as the philosopher Heraclitus. This inclusion showcases the connection between Renaissance art and the classical intellectual tradition.

In his famous painting "The School of Athens," Raphael includes two Renaissance artists as part of the scene. The painting depicts a gathering of ancient Greek philosophers and scholars, with each figure representing different branches of knowledge. Among the crowd are two recognizable Renaissance figures: Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci. They are shown as two of the ancient philosophers, with Michelangelo depicted as Heraclitus and Leonardo as Plato. The inclusion of these two prominent artists in the painting is thought to be Raphael's way of paying homage to his contemporaries and acknowledging their contributions to the art world during the 16th century.

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researchers have found evidence linking a region on __________ to a gay male sexual orientation the method of reduction of order can also be used for the nonhomogeneous equationa. trueb. false Which of these would be a breach of Margo's fiduciary duty of confidentiality?A.) Under court order, Margo revealed conversations about the financial status of her previous client.B.) When asked by the buyer's agent if the seller was firm on his price, Margo said,"Everything's negotiable," and winked at the other agent.C.) Margo told a potential buyer that the city council was considering rezoning the area around the property to commercial/light industrial.D.)Margo told her seller client Troy the percentage commission split she gets from her broker. What is a major processing mode category for firewalls? how should marina improve her tone? start shouting to distract herself. stop, take a deep breath, and speak louder. shut her eyes and continue. stop and start using the same volume as youve calculated in the previous stages of this problem, the dollar inflow of the forward hedge to goodwin is $260,000.00 and the dollar inflow of the money market hedge is $242,742.85. 2 - nos gusta el ftbol fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the indicated verbs. Match the microbe to its correct feature.ZoonoticReservoir is soilFacultative intracellular pathogenM protein virulence factorPseudomembrane formationA. Clostridium tetaniB. Corynebacterium diphtheriaeC. Streptococcus pyogenesD. rabies virusE. Salmonella enterica Which of the following is a way that plate tectonics can affect climate? Multiple Choice mountain ranges intercept wind and water, affecting rainfall amounts rapid seafloor spreading displaces water from the ocean basins tectonic subsidence during earthquakes can cause flooding and change local climates volcanic activity releases CO2 and water vapor that can cause atmospheric warming all of these an audience is more likely to perceive a speaker as credible when the speaker A simple pendulum 2.00 m long swings through a maximum angle of 30.0 with the vertical.(A)Calculate its period assuming a small amplitude.T = 2.84s(B)Calculate its period using the equation T=2Lg(1+1222sin22+12322242sin42+123252224262sin62).T = s concerned by resend negative trends in economic indicators such as the consumer price index , gross domestic product, and inflation, the marketimg manager of.kevin,s kayaks recommends that the company reduce its advertising spending. His recomendation is.based on ------ data.- mucroeconomic, -macroeconomic, -qualitative,-observational, or subjetive. What is the t val ue of a payment of $5,000 at the end of one year and a second ment of $7,000 at the end of two years if the interest rate is 5 percent? O A. $11,111.11 O B. $12,250.32 OC. $11,201.84 O D. $10,985.14 loran's pretax accounting income in year 1 is $100,000. loran had bad debt expense for financial reporting purposes of $14,000 in year 1. in year 1, loran deducted $4,000 in bad debts. loran expects the timing difference to reverse $3,000 in year 2 and $7,000 in year 3. the income tax rate is 40%. which of the following entries would be included for the deferred tax entry required at the end of year 2? what types of joins will return the unmatched values from both tables in the join? Which line from prologue of Romeo and Juliet reveals the ending of the play? The states of the Deep South did not secede from the Union until Lincoln took office.True/ False a melody added to, or played against, another melody is called a the easter island moai figures are identical, with no unique individual features.t/f -having a flat tire changed-the cost for a locksmith to retrieve your keys when locked in your car-towing your car that breaks down while you are traveling-emergency road service provider who comes to start your car when you have a dead battery