Which of the following contributed to the increase in income inequality since the end of 1960?a. Federal, state, and local governments operate programs to assist people in need.b. The official poverty line has not been adjusted for inflation.c. The legal minimum wage has been allowed to fall as inflation reduces its value.d. The Gini index was developed to measure income inequality.


Answer 1

The increase in income inequality since the end of 1960 can be attributed to a combination of factors, including the decline of the minimum wage, the lack of adjustment for inflation in the official poverty line, the rise of the Gini index, and the inadequacy of government assistance programs. option d) is the correct answer.

The factors has been followed:-

Firstly, the legal minimum wage has been allowed to fall as inflation reduces its value. This means that the minimum wage has not kept pace with the rising cost of living, which has made it harder for low-wage workers to make ends meet. As a result, many people have been pushed into poverty or have been unable to move out of poverty despite working full-time.

Secondly, the official poverty line has not been adjusted for inflation. This means that the poverty line has remained the same over time, even as the cost of living has risen. As a result, more and more people are falling below the poverty line, and those who are already in poverty are finding it harder to escape.

Thirdly, the Gini index was developed to measure income inequality. This index measures the distribution of income in a society, with higher scores indicating greater inequality. Since the end of 1960, the Gini index has increased in the United States, indicating that income inequality has been on the rise.

Finally, while federal, state, and local governments operate programs to assist people in need, these programs have not been sufficient to address the underlying causes of poverty and inequality. Many of these programs are underfunded or have eligibility criteria that are too strict, which means that many people who need assistance are unable to access it.

To know more about increase in income inequality visit:



Related Questions

regulatory signs are usually ____ and should always be obeyed.


Regulatory signs are usually mandatory and should always be obeyed.

Regulatory signs are a type of traffic sign that provides specific instructions to drivers and pedestrians about the laws and regulations that must be followed. These signs typically have a white background with black, red, or blue lettering and symbols. Some examples of regulatory signs include stop signs, speed limit signs, no parking signs, and yield signs. It is important to always obey these signs to ensure safety on the roads and to avoid penalties for violating traffic laws.

Learn more about Regulatory signs: https://brainly.com/question/14304253


when eligible for reenlistment what are the increments of a monthly extension


When eligible for reenlistment, the increments of a monthly extension vary depending on several factors, including the military branch, the specific reenlistment program, and individual circumstances.

Generally, monthly extensions can range from one to six months.The purpose of monthly extensions is to provide flexibility to service members who are considering reenlistment but may need additional time to make a decision or finalize their plans. These extensions allow service members to continue serving while they evaluate their options or complete necessary requirements for reenlistment. The specific length of the extension is typically determined through a negotiation process between the service member and their commanding officer or reenlistment counselor, taking into account the needs of the military and the desires of the service member.

It's important to note that the exact increments and policies regarding monthly extensions can differ between military branches and can be subject to change over time. Therefore, it is advisable for service members to consult with their commanding officers or reenlistment counselors for the most up-to-date and accurate information regarding reenlistment options and monthly extensions within their specific military branch.

To learn more about reenlistment here brainly.com/question/30559848


Which is a general determinant of figure-ground segregation?


A general determinant of figure-ground segregation is the principle of "surrounding context."

The surrounding context refers to the perceptual cues and information in the visual field that help distinguish an object of interest (figure) from its background (ground). These cues can include differences in color, contrast, size, shape, texture, and depth.

The surrounding context provides clues to the viewer's visual system, allowing it to separate and perceive objects as distinct figures against a background. For example, an object with a high contrast compared to its surroundings or a distinct shape that stands out is more likely to be perceived as the figure. The Gestalt principles, such as proximity, similarity, and continuity, also play a role in figure-ground segregation by organizing visual elements into coherent figures and backgrounds.

Overall, the surrounding context and the perceptual cues it provides are important determinants for the visual system to differentiate figures from their backgrounds and facilitate figure-ground segregation.

for more questions on figure-ground segregation. visit;



how many employees must an employer have for a terminated employee to be eligible for cobra?


COBRA generally applies to private-sector employers with 20 or more employees, while employers with fewer than 20 employees may be subject to state continuation coverage laws.

The Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) is a federal law in the United States that provides certain employees and their dependents with the option to continue their group health insurance coverage after experiencing a qualifying event, such as termination of employment. The eligibility for COBRA coverage is not determined by the number of employees an employer has, but rather by the type and size of the employer's health plan.

COBRA generally applies to group health plans sponsored by private-sector employers with 20 or more employees. This includes full-time and part-time employees, and the number is calculated by considering the average number of employees the employer had in the previous calendar year. Therefore, if an employer has 20 or more employees on a typical business day during at least 50% of the previous calendar year, they are generally subject to COBRA requirements.

Employers with fewer than 20 employees, may be subject to similar state continuation coverage laws, which vary by state. These laws provide similar benefits to COBRA but may have different eligibility criteria and coverage periods.

To learn more about employees



research has supported the position that assessment interviews yield more reliable result than do assessment interviews.


I apologize, but there seems to be an error in your question. Both parts of the statement refer to "assessment interviews." Perhaps you meant to ask about the reliability of assessment interviews versus self-report measures or other assessment methods?

Assuming that's the case, research has supported the position that assessment interviews can yield more reliable results than self-report measures alone. This is because interviewers can ask clarifying questions, check for consistency and accuracy, and observe nonverbal cues that may not be captured by self-report measures. However, it's important to note that the reliability and validity of any assessment method depends on factors such as the skill and training of the interviewer, the nature of the assessment tool, and the characteristics of the population being assessed.
Research has supported the position that assessment interviews yield more reliable results than do assessment interviews. This statement seems to be comparing assessment interviews with themselves, which does not make sense. However, I assume you may have meant to compare assessment interviews with another method, such as self-report questionnaires.

In that case, research has supported the position that assessment interviews yield more reliable results than do self-report questionnaires. Assessment interviews involve direct interaction between the interviewer and the interviewee, which allows the interviewer to observe verbal and non-verbal cues, clarify ambiguous responses, and ensure the interviewee understands the questions. This can lead to more accurate and in-depth information being collected.

In contrast, self-report questionnaires rely on individuals accurately interpreting and responding to written questions without any assistance or clarification. This can result in misunderstanding of questions or biased answers due to social desirability or self-presentation concerns. Additionally, interviews can be adapted to explore areas of interest in greater depth, while questionnaires are typically more rigid.

Overall, assessment interviews are often considered more reliable due to their ability to collect higher-quality data and address any issues that may arise during the assessment process

To know more about ambiguous  visit



which professionals were the first to adopt focus groups as a widespread methodology?


The concept of focus groups was first introduced by sociologist Robert K. Merton and his colleagues in the late 1940s.

However, it was primarily used in academic research until the 1960s when market researchers started using it to study consumer behavior. The first marketing professionals to adopt focus groups as a widespread methodology were from the advertising industry in the United States.

One of the pioneers of this approach was Ernest Dichter, an Austrian-American psychologist who founded the Institute for Motivational Research in the 1940s. He used focus groups to understand consumer attitudes and motivations, and his approach was later adopted by other advertising agencies.

Today, focus groups are used by a wide range of professionals, including market researchers, social scientists, political analysts, and healthcare professionals, to gain insights into consumer behavior, opinions, and attitudes.

To know more about focus groups visit:



the ability to change the position of the entire body in space with speed and accuracy.


The ability to change the position of the entire body in space with speed and accuracy is known as proprioception, which is the awareness of the body's position and movement in space.

Proprioception relies on the integration of sensory information from various sources, such as the vestibular system, visual cues, and feedback from the muscles and joints. To achieve speed and accuracy in body movement, it is important to have good proprioceptive control, which can be improved through various exercises and activities that challenge balance and coordination.

Practicing sports, dance, and martial arts, as well as engaging in activities like yoga and Pilates, can all help to improve proprioception and enhance the ability to change position in space with speed and accuracy. However, it is important to note that individual factors such as age, physical condition, and previous injuries can affect proprioception, and some people may naturally have better or worse proprioceptive abilities than others.

To know more about speed and accuracy visit:



what must a person demonstrate in order to be diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive disorder?


To be diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), a person must demonstrate the presence of obsessions and/or compulsions that significantly interfere with their daily functioning.

In order to receive a diagnosis of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), an individual must exhibit specific symptoms that align with the diagnostic criteria outlined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5).

The primary features of OCD include the presence of obsessions and/or compulsions. Obsessions are intrusive and persistent thoughts, urges, or images that are unwanted and cause distress. Compulsions, on the other hand, are repetitive behaviors or mental acts that an individual feels driven to perform in response to their obsessions or according to specific rules.

For a diagnosis of OCD, these obsessions and/or compulsions must consume a significant amount of time, typically more than an hour a day, and interfere with the individual's daily functioning, relationships, or overall well-being.

Learn more about obsessive-compulsive disorder



when selecting visual materials to use for a project, what are the best questions to ask yourself?


When selecting visual materials for a project, it is important to ask yourself several questions to ensure that the materials you choose are relevant and effective.

Many manufacturers utilise consumer goods to complete many of the actions required to deliver the product to the end user instead of selling goods or services directly to customers. These middlemen, who may be commercial intermediates (sellers, retailers, agents, and distributors), sellers, or financial intermediaries, frequently engage into a long-term contract with the producer and build what is known as a marketing channel or a channel of distribution. Some of the best questions to ask include:
1. What is the purpose of the project?
2. Who is the target audience?
3. What message do I want to convey?
4. What style or tone should the visuals have?
5. Are there any technical requirements or limitations?
6. How can the visuals enhance the overall project?
7. Are the visuals engaging and visually appealing?
8. Will the visuals effectively communicate the intended message?
By asking yourself these questions, you can ensure that the visual materials you select are appropriate, effective, and enhance the overall project.

Learn more about intermediates here



Match the region of the small intestine with one of its functions.
1. Controls entry of materials into the large intestine
2. Receives bile and pancreatic juice
3. Most chemical digestion and nutrient absorption


The small intestine is a crucial part of the digestive system responsible for the breakdown and absorption of nutrients.

It is divided into three regions: the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum, each with its specific functions. The duodenum, located at the beginning of the small intestine, controls the entry of materials into the large intestine. It receives partially digested food from the stomach and mixes it with bile from the liver and pancreatic juice from the pancreas. The bile helps in the breakdown of fats, while pancreatic juice contains enzymes that aid in the digestion of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.

The jejunum, which follows the duodenum, is the middle part of the small intestine. Its primary function is to receive bile and pancreatic juice, which have been mixed with the partially digested food in the duodenum. The jejunum continues the process of digestion and begins the absorption of nutrients, such as carbohydrates, amino acids, and fatty acids.

The ileum is the final segment of the small intestine, connecting to the large intestine. It is responsible for most of the chemical digestion and nutrient absorption. In the ileum, the remaining nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, and bile salts, are absorbed into the bloodstream. It also plays a role in the reabsorption of water and electrolytes, ensuring the proper balance of fluids within the body.

In summary, the duodenum controls the entry of materials into the large intestine, the jejunum receives bile and pancreatic juice, and the ileum carries out most chemical digestion and nutrient absorption. Together, these regions of the small intestine play a vital role in breaking down food, extracting nutrients, and facilitating the absorption of essential substances into the body.

Learn more about enzymes here:



in humanities research, students are advised to avoid the reductive fallacy--that is, for example, the use of words or phrases that limit historical causation to one thing. which of the following would best illustrate this fallacy? a. The French and Indian war was a widespread conflict both in American and Europe.
b. The Vietnam War was hard to win due in part to the growing lack of support from the American public.
c. The Civil War had a diversity of causes including economic, political, and social.
d. The American Revolution came about because of the Stamp Act.


The reductive fallacy in humanities research refers to the oversimplification of complex historical events by reducing them to a single cause or factor. Option D,

"The American Revolution came about because of the Stamp Act," best illustrates this fallacy. While the Stamp Act was certainly a catalyst for the revolution, it oversimplifies the many complex social, economic, and political factors that contributed to the rebellion against British rule. The American Revolution was not solely caused by the Stamp Act, but rather by a complex web of factors, including Enlightenment ideas, colonial grievances, and British mismanagement of the colonies. Options A, B, and C, on the other hand, do not illustrate the reductive fallacy. Option A acknowledges that the French and Indian War was a widespread conflict that had consequences in both America and Europe. Option B recognizes that the Vietnam War was difficult to win due to multiple factors, including a lack of public support. Option C acknowledges the diversity of causes that led to the Civil War, including economic, political, and social factors. In summary, humanities research should strive to avoid oversimplifying complex historical events by reducing them to a single cause or factor, and instead, acknowledge the multiple and diverse factors that contribute to these events.

Learn more about rebellion here:



a written informed consent form must be obtained for all human subjects involved in a research study regulated by the irb


A written informed consent form is a crucial component of any research study involving human subjects that is regulated by the Institutional Review Board (IRB).

What its has to obtain?

This document must be obtained from all participants, outlining the purpose, risks, and benefits of the study. It also details the participant's rights, including the ability to withdraw from the study at any time.

Informed consent ensures that participants fully understand the study's scope and purpose and can make an informed decision about their involvement.

This protects their autonomy and helps to safeguard against any potential ethical violations. In summary, obtaining a written informed consent form is an essential step in conducting research with human subjects that is regulated by the IRB.

To know more on IRB visit:



data indicate a marked decline in _____ rates in most countries for the past few decades.


Data show that crime rates have declined significantly in most countries over the last few decades.

Many countries have experienced significant reductions in crime rates of various types over the last few decades. This trend has been observed across several crime categories, including violent crimes, property crimes, and specific types of crimes such as robbery, robbery, and assault.

The reasons for declining crime rates are complex and vary by region and country. Potential drivers include improved law enforcement strategies, advances in crime prevention and detection technologies, social and economic change, increased access to education and employment opportunities, and community-based initiatives focused on crime prevention. And so on.

To know more about crimes rates visit :



a heavy winter coat hangs on a hook on the back of a door. The forces acting on the coat are



The forces acting on the winter coat hanging on the hook can be broken down into two main forces:

1. Gravity: The weight of the coat pulls it downwards towards the ground. This force is directed vertically downwards towards the center of the Earth.

2. Tension: The hook is holding the coat up and preventing it from falling to the ground. The hook exerts an upward force on the coat, which is known as tension. This force is directed vertically upwards and is equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to the weight of the coat.

Assuming that the coat is not moving, the forces acting on it are balanced (i.e., the net force is zero). This means that the tension force provided by the hook is equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to the force of gravity acting on the coat.

As the child of an alcoholic parent, Marsha is responsible for doing all or most of the household cooking and cleaning. Which term best describes Marsha's role?
a. Mascot
b. Adjuster
c. Scapegoat
d. Family hero
e. Lost child


The term that best describes Marsha's role is "adjuster". An adjuster is someone who takes on the responsibility of maintaining a sense of balance and stability within the family, often by taking on tasks and responsibilities that would otherwise be neglected.

In this case, Marsha is taking on the household cooking and cleaning duties, which are necessary for the family's well-being but may be neglected due to her parent's alcoholism.

The adjuster role can be challenging and emotionally draining, as the individual often sacrifices their own needs and desires for the sake of the family. It is important for adjusters to seek support and self-care to prevent burnout and maintain their own well-being.

Learn more about role of a family member :



the immanuel prophecy depicts one whose government is marked by grace and truth.a. trueb. false


The answer is "a. true." The Immanuel prophecy is found in Isaiah 7:14-16, which prophesies the coming of a child named Immanuel who will be born of a vi-rgin and will bring about salvation.

In Isaiah 9:6-7, this child is described as a ruler whose government will be marked by "justice and righteousness" and who will bring about peace and prosperity. The phrase "grace and truth" is also used to describe Jesus in the New Testament (John 1:14), indicating that he is the fulfillment of this prophecy. Therefore, the statement that the Immanuel prophecy depicts one whose government is marked by grace and truth is true.

Learn more about Immanuel prophecy: https://brainly.com/question/31454107


studies by powers and dodd in 2017 and powers and howley in 2018 show that a child's life should center around .group of answer choiceseducationdisciplineactivitiesmeals


Studies by Powers and Dodd in 2017 and Powers and Howley in 2018 show that a child's life should center around education.

These studies emphasize the importance of education as a primary focus in a child's life. Education plays a vital role in a child's intellectual, cognitive, and social development. It provides opportunities for learning, acquiring knowledge and skills, and preparing for future success. By centering a child's life around education, parents and caregivers prioritize their educational experiences, support their academic growth, and create an environment conducive to learning. This approach recognizes the significance of education in shaping a child's overall development and increasing their chances of achieving their full potential.

Learn more about Studies here:



One way of conserving our forest by​


One way of conserving our forests is by reducing deforestation. This can be achieved by using recycled paper products, reducing the demand for new paper products, and supporting sustainable forestry practices that promote responsible management of forest resources. Additionally, we can support organizations that work to protect and restore forests, and we can reduce our carbon footprint by using energy-efficient products and reducing our consumption of goods that contribute to deforestation, such as palm oil.

The ________ concept is based on the realities that there is no completely free (libertarian) media system on Earth; and that even in the most commercially driven systems, there exists not only the expectation of public service and responsibility, but also significant communication-related activities of government to ensure that media professionals meet those responsibilities.
exogenous station.
cultural imperialism.


The concept that aligns with the description provided is cultural imperialism.

Cultural imperialism recognizes that there are no completely free media systems in the world and acknowledges the existence of expectations for public service and responsibility within even the most commercially driven systems.

It further acknowledges that governments play a role in ensuring media professionals meet these responsibilities through communication-related activities.

Cultural imperialism refers to the dominance or influence of one culture over others, particularly through media and communication channels.

It implies that media systems are shaped not only by market forces but also by the interests, values and agendas of powerful nations or cultural entities.

In the context of this concept, it recognizes that media professionals have certain responsibilities towards the public, such as providing accurate information, promoting diversity and upholding ethical standards.

Even in commercially driven media systems, governments often implement regulations, policies and oversight mechanisms to ensure media professionals fulfill their responsibilities.

These government activities can include setting standards, issuing licenses, monitoring content and addressing issues of public interest and concern.

The aim is to balance the commercial aspects of media with public service obligations, safeguarding the rights and interests of citizens.

The concept of cultural imperialism challenges the notion of a purely libertarian media system and highlights the multifaceted dynamics between media, government and societal expectations.

It recognizes that media systems operate within complex social, political and cultural contexts and that a balance between commercial interests, public service and government intervention is essential to ensure responsible and accountable media practices.

For similar questions on cultural imperialism.



Which of the following is thought to be the greatest social influence on Type A behavior?Select one:A. Parental influence, television programming, and material wealthB. Material wealth, secularization, and immediate gratificationC. Government regulation, overpopulation, and television programmingD. Television programming, segregation, and competitiveness


The greatest social influence on Type A behavior is thought to be: Television programming, segregation and competitiveness. D.

Type A behavior refers to a behavioral pattern characterized by high levels of competitiveness, time urgency, impatience and hostility.

Multiple factors can contribute to the development of Type A behavior, research suggests that societal influences play a significant role.

Television programming has been identified as a social influence on Type A behavior.

Media, including television, can shape individuals' attitudes, values, and behaviors.

Certain types of programming, such as those emphasizing competition, achievement and high-stress scenarios, may reinforce or encourage Type A behavior traits.

Segregation, particularly in competitive environments, can also contribute to the development of Type A behavior.

In situations where individuals are consistently exposed to competitive settings or when competition is highly valued, it can foster a Type A behavioral orientation.

Competitiveness, as a cultural value or societal norm, can further reinforce Type A behavior.

Societies that emphasize competition, achievement, and success may encourage individuals to adopt Type A characteristics in their pursuit of goals and recognition.

Social influences can contribute to the development of Type A behavior, individual factors, such as genetics, personality traits and upbringing, also play a role.

Understanding the social factors that influence Type A behavior can provide insights into how societal dynamics can shape individuals' behavioral patterns.

For similar questions on influence


What must a pilot be aware of as a result of ground effect? A. Wingtip vortices increase creating wake turbulence problems for arriving and departing aircraft.
B. Induced drag decreases; therefore, any excess speed at the point of flare may cause considerable floating.
C. A full stall landing will require less up elevator deflection than would a full stall when done no free of ground effect.


As a result of ground effect, a pilot must be aware of several factors that can affect the aircraft's performance during takeoff, landing, and low-altitude flight. Ground effect refers to the aerodynamic phenomenon that occurs when an aircraft is flying close to the ground, within one wingspan or less.

When the aircraft is in ground effect, the airflow around the wings is altered, resulting in changes in lift, drag, and stability. One important factor that pilots must be aware of is the reduction in induced drag. As the aircraft gets closer to the ground, the air pressure beneath the wings increases, reducing the wingtip vortices and the associated drag. This means that the aircraft can fly at a lower speed or with a lower angle of attack than it would need to fly at a higher altitude.

However, this reduction in induced drag can also lead to a problem known as floating. When an aircraft is landing in ground effect, it may appear to be flying slower than it actually is, leading the pilot to carry excess speed into the flare. This can cause the aircraft to float and make it difficult to touch down smoothly. Another important factor to consider is the change in stall characteristics. When an aircraft is flying in ground effect, it requires less up elevator deflection to maintain lift and control than it would at a higher altitude. This means that a full stall landing in ground effect will require less elevator input than a full stall landing at a higher altitude. This can be beneficial for landing in tight spaces or short runways, but it can also be dangerous if the pilot is not aware of the difference and tries to land with the same technique as at higher altitudes. Finally, pilots must be aware of the potential for increased wake turbulence when flying in ground effect. As the aircraft gets closer to the ground, the wingtip vortices become stronger and can create wake turbulence that can affect other aircraft in the vicinity. This is particularly important to consider when taking off or landing behind larger aircraft, as the wake turbulence can be strong enough to cause loss of control.In summary, pilots must be aware of the changes in induced drag, stall characteristics, and wake turbulence that can occur as a result of ground effect. By understanding these factors and adjusting their technique accordingly, pilots can safely and effectively operate their aircraft in low-altitude flight. In short, a pilot must be aware of the changes in lift, drag, and stability that occur in ground effect, as well as the potential for floating, reduced elevator deflection, and increased wake turbulence. Ground effect occurs when an aircraft is close to the ground, and it results in a reduction of induced drag. This reduction in drag can cause the aircraft to float if there is excess speed during the flare phase of landing. To avoid floating and achieve a smooth landing, a pilot must be aware of the ground effect and manage the aircraft's speed and attitude appropriately.

To know more about aircraft's visit:



A bank that has assets of $85 billion and a net worth of $20 billion must have O liabilities of $75 billion. O excess reserves of $10 billion. liabilities of $20 billion. liabilities of $65Previous question


To answer this question, we need to understand the basic accounting equation which states that Assets = Liabilities + Net Worth. In this case, the bank has assets of $85 billion and a net worth of $20 billion.

To find the liabilities, we need to subtract the net worth from the total assets, which gives us $65 billion in liabilities. Therefore, the correct answer is liabilities of $65 billion.
It is important to note that liabilities are the debts or obligations that a bank owes to others, such as deposits from customers, loans from other banks, and bonds issued by the bank. On the other hand, assets are the resources that a bank owns, such as cash, investments, and loans issued to customers. The net worth of a bank is the difference between its assets and liabilities and represents the equity of the bank's owners or shareholders.
In summary, the bank with assets of $85 billion and a net worth of $20 billion must have liabilities of $65 billion, based on the accounting equation. Understanding the relationship between assets, liabilities, and net worth is essential for analyzing the financial health of a bank or any other business.

To know more about Liabilities visit:



Numerous studies have shown that which of the following has the most significant impact on long-term portfolio returns? Multiple Choice:
- Asset Allocation - Security Selection
- Watching Jim Cramer on CNBC - Luck


Asset Allocation has been shown to have the most significant impact on long-term portfolio returns, according to numerous studies.

Asset allocation refers to the strategic allocation of investments across different asset classes such as stocks, bonds, and cash equivalents. Research consistently demonstrates that asset allocation plays a crucial role in determining portfolio performance over the long term. In fact, studies suggest that asset allocation can account for up to 90% of the variability in portfolio returns.

On the other hand, security selection refers to the specific choice of individual securities within each asset class. While security selection does play a role in portfolio performance, its impact tends to be less significant compared to asset allocation. Studies indicate that security selection contributes to only a fraction of the variability in returns, typically ranging from 10% to 30%.

While watching financial television programs like Jim Cramer on CNBC can provide investors with insights and information, it is unlikely to have a significant impact on long-term portfolio returns. Financial media can offer useful perspectives, but it should be considered as one of many information sources rather than a sole basis for investment decisions.

In conclusion, numerous studies confirm that asset allocation has the most significant impact on long-term portfolio returns. While security selection, financial media, and luck may influence short-term outcomes, a well-structured asset allocation strategy remains the key driver of long-term investment success.

To learn more about Asset Allocation click here:



all of the following are associated with older adults using the internet except:


Older adults using the internet are associated with increased self-esteem, increased physical mobility, increased psychological well-being, and increased mental health. Therefore, none of the options, A, B, C, or D, are excluded as they all have positive associations with older adults using the internet.

Older adults using the internet can experience various benefits that positively impact their overall well-being.

First, access to information and communication through the internet can contribute to increased self-esteem by empowering older adults with knowledge, social connections, and a sense of accomplishment in navigating digital platforms.

Second, the internet provides opportunities for older adults to engage in physical mobility-enhancing activities such as online exercise programs or virtual tours, which can improve their physical well-being.

Third, the internet offers avenues for socialization, information exchange, and engagement in meaningful activities, leading to increased psychological well-being among older adults.

Finally, utilizing the internet can positively affect mental health by reducing feelings of isolation, providing mental stimulation, and facilitating access to online resources related to mental well-being.

Therefore, all options (A, B, C, and D) are associated with older adults using the internet, and none of them should be excluded.

Complete Question:

all of the following are associated with older adults using the internet except:

A. increased self-esteem.

B. increased physical mobility.

C. increased psychological well-being.

D. increased mental health.

Learn more about physical mobility:



Allowing the body to adapt and recover fully prior to competition is a key concept inMultiple Choicepyramiding.peaking.professionalism.prioritizing.periodization.


Allowing the body to adapt and recover fully prior to competition is a key concept in periodization.

Periodization refers to the systematic planning and organization of training and competition phases in sports and fitness. It involves dividing the training program into distinct periods or phases, each with specific goals and intensities. Allowing the body to adapt and recover fully prior to competition is a key concept within periodization. It emphasizes the importance of incorporating appropriate rest and recovery periods to optimize performance and prevent overtraining.

By strategically scheduling periods of higher intensity training followed by periods of reduced intensity or active recovery, athletes can achieve peak performance during competition while minimizing the risk of injuries and fatigue. Peaking is a specific phase within periodization that focuses on fine-tuning performance for a specific event or competition.

To know more about body, click here.



the tendency to eat more food when eating with others illustrates a phenomenon called


The tendency to eat more food when eating with others illustrates a phenomenon called the social facilitation effect. It refers to the tendency for individuals to increase their food consumption when they are in the presence of others.

Several factors contribute to this phenomenon. First, the presence of others during a meal can create a social norm that encourages individuals to conform to the eating behavior of those around them. This can lead to a form of social comparison, where individuals may feel compelled to match or exceed the amount of food consumed by others. Secondly, social interactions and conversations during mealtime can distract individuals from paying close attention to their own eating cues, such as feelings of fullness. This can result in mindless or automatic eating, where individuals consume more food without consciously realizing it.

Additionally, the social context of eating can create a positive and enjoyable atmosphere, which may enhance the pleasure derived from food and increase consumption.The social facilitation of eating can have implications for individuals' eating behaviors and weight management. Being aware of this phenomenon can help individuals make mindful choices and be more attuned to their own hunger and fullness cues, regardless of the eating habits of those around them.

To know more about social facilitation click here



more highly-educated police officers are more likely to leave police work.a. trueb. false


False: "Police corruption increased dramatically during the reform era, in spite of reformers' best efforts more highly-educated police officers are more although it has been a concern for many years.

Police corruption is nevertheless a constant. Any unethical, unlawful, or immoral conduct on the part of a law enforcement official while carrying out their duties is included.

This might involve fabricating evidence, accepting bribes, abusing their position of power, or engaging in other criminal activity. This can not only endanger the public but also damage community and police trust.We must immediately put policies in place to find and combat police corruption. through greater monitoring, greater openness, and a stronger emphasis on hiring and training.

To know more about Police visit:



.In Scrum, specific features are created according to four distinct phases. Identify these phases.
1) Build
2) Analysis
3) Design
4) Sprint
5) Test


In Scrum, the four distinct phases for creating specific features are: Analysis, Design, Build, and Test. These four phases are iterative and often performed within a sprint in Scrum.

The Analysis phase involves understanding the requirements and user stories to define the scope and goals of the feature. This phase includes gathering information, conducting user research, and analyzing user needs to create a clear understanding of what needs to be built.

The Design phase focuses on creating a detailed plan for how the feature will be implemented. It involves creating wireframes, prototypes, and architectural designs.

The Build phase is where the actual development of the feature takes place. The development team follows the design specifications and implements the necessary code, creating the functionality and user interface of the feature. This phase includes coding, integrating components, and conducting code reviews.

The Test phase involves verifying that the feature works as intended and meets the acceptance criteria defined during the analysis phase. It includes various testing activities, such as unit testing, integration testing, and user acceptance testing. This phase ensures that the feature is of high quality and ready to be delivered to the end-users.

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which of the following least explains why the elderly receive a large share of social benefits?


Answer: Most members of Congress are themselves elderly or soon will be.


About 1 in every _____ long-term marriages is unsatisfying, decreasing health and happiness.Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button.


About 1 in every 6 long-term marriages is unsatisfying, decreasing/reducing health and happiness.

Wedlock, matrimony, or marriage are all terms for the culturally and frequently legally recognised union of two persons known as spouses.It sets out their respective legal rights and responsibilities, as well as the legal rights and responsibilities of children and in-laws. Marriage is almost universally understood, but definitions vary by country, belief, and time. Usually, this is an environment in which interpersonal relationships, especially sexual relationships, are accepted or encouraged. Certain cultures encourage marriage or view it as a prerequisite to sexual activity. "Marriage" means wedding ceremony.

Marriage may be recognized by nations, organizations, religious leaders, tribal groups, communities, or peers. Often it is considered a contract. In order to recognize and establish the privileges and obligations that accompany marriage in this religion, religious institutions conduct religious wedding ceremonies.

To learn more about marriage, here:



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About 1 in every _____ long-term marriages is unsatisfying, decreasing health and happiness.






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