.Which of the following explains how microlending policies can lead to interdependence in the world economy?
A. Microlending policies increase debt in less developed countries because banks in more developed countries make the loans.
B. Microlending policies result in decreased infrastructure expenditures in less developed countries because the loans are specifically for improvements in more developed countries.
C. Increased restrictions for the lending of microloans by banks and international lending agencies make it difficult for less developed countries to succeed in their goals.
D. Decreased funding opportunities for governments in less developed countries through microlending policies have led to isolationism and decreased trade.
E. Increased funding opportunities for individuals in less developed countries have led to increased economic stability on a local level and trade opportunities with other countries.


Answer 1

Microlending policies can lead to interdependence in the world economy by increasing funding opportunities for individuals in less developed countries, which in turn leads to Option E .increased economic stability on a local level and trade opportunities with other countries.

These policies provide small loans to entrepreneurs and small businesses, often in less developed regions, enabling them to start or expand their businesses. This fosters economic growth and job creation within these communities.

As these businesses grow and prosper, they often engage in trade with other countries, increasing the interdependence of the world economy. Additionally, the success of microlending-supported businesses can inspire more investment in less developed countries, further promoting economic development and integration into the global market.

In summary, microlending policies contribute to interdependence in the world economy by providing financial support to entrepreneurs in less developed countries, leading to increased economic stability, job creation, and trade opportunities with other nations.

Know more about Microlending policies here:



Related Questions

over the past few thousand years, how, if at all, has sea level been changing?


The rate of sea level rise is also accelerating, with projections estimating that sea levels could rise by up to 1m by the end of the century.

Over the past few thousand years, sea level has been changing. There have been fluctuations in sea level due to natural processes such as tectonic movements and changes in Earth's orbit, as well as human-induced factors such as burning fossil fuels and deforestation. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has reported that sea level has risen by about 15cm over the past century. This is due to the melting of glaciers and ice sheets, as well as the thermal expansion of oceans. These changes have significant impacts on coastal communities, with increased risk of flooding and erosion. It is important for society to address the causes of sea level rise and work towards mitigation and adaptation measures to protect vulnerable communities.

to know more about  Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change visit:



Diagramming in the boxes below, draw diagrams that show the
traditional Greek battle strategies and the new strategies the
Romans developed.
12. Greek Battle
13. Roman Battle


The traditional Greek battle strategy of the hoplite phalanx was effective in its time, but it was limited in its flexibility. The Romans developed new strategies that were more adaptable and could be used in a variety of situations. These innovations helped the Romans become one of the most successful military powers in history

Greek Battle Strategy:
The traditional Greek battle strategy consisted of the hoplite phalanx formation. The soldiers would form a tightly packed formation, with their shields overlapping and their spears pointing forward. This formation was designed to present a wall of spears to the enemy, making it difficult for them to break through. The phalanx formation was effective in battles fought on flat terrain, but it was vulnerable to attacks from the rear and the sides.
Roman Battle Strategy:
The Romans developed new battle strategies that were more flexible and adaptable than the hoplite phalanx. One of the most significant innovations was the manipulation of the Roman legion. Instead of a static formation, the Roman soldiers were trained to move in coordinated units. They could change their formation quickly, depending on the situation on the battlefield. The Romans also used auxiliary troops, such as archers and cavalry, to supplement their infantry. This gave them an advantage over the Greeks, who relied exclusively on their hoplite phalanx.

To know more about Greek battle visit :



the new madrid seismic zone is an earthquake-prone area near the midwest part of the us.


Yes, that's correct. The New Madrid Seismic Zone is a region in the central United States that has a history of frequent seismic activity.

Located near the Midwest, it spans parts of Arkansas, Missouri, Tennessee, and Kentucky. The area is known for a series of powerful earthquakes that struck in 1811 and 1812, which remain among the largest earthquakes ever recorded in the United States. Scientists continue to monitor the seismic activity in the region, as there is always the potential for another earthquake to occur. In fact, recent studies have suggested that the risk of a major earthquake in the New Madrid Seismic Zone may be higher than previously thought, which has prompted officials to take steps to prepare for such an event.

to know more about seismic activity visit:



What are the two main groups/ categories of theories for why the tropics harbor more species than anywhere else in the world? Explain one theory under each category


While there are several theories attempting to explain the high species diversity in the tropics, the two main categories of theories are ecological and evolutionary factors. Understanding these theories can help us better understand the unique natural history of the tropics.

There are two main categories of theories that try to explain why the tropics harbor more species than any other region on the planet. The first category of theories revolves around ecological and environmental factors, while the second category focuses on evolutionary factors.
One of the theories that fall under the ecological and environmental category is the idea that the tropical climate, with its warm and moist conditions, provides a more stable environment for species to thrive in. In contrast, temperate regions experience greater seasonal and climatic fluctuations, which can be challenging for many species to adapt to. This stability allows tropical species to reproduce and maintain populations more successfully.
On the other hand, the evolutionary category suggests that the tropics' complex geological and evolutionary history plays a crucial role in the high species diversity observed there. The tropical region has been around for much longer than other regions, and this has provided ample time for species to diversify and adapt to the changing environment. This theory also suggests that the high competition for resources in the tropics has led to the development of unique ecological niches, leading to further speciation.
In summary, while there are several theories attempting to explain the high species diversity in the tropics, the two main categories of theories are ecological and evolutionary factors. Understanding these theories can help us better understand the unique natural history of the tropics.

To know more about tropics visit :



Which of the following regions is not one of the top coal-producing states in the United States?
A) Idaho
B) Pennsylvania
C) Wyoming
D) West Virginia


The region that is not one of the top coal-producing states in the United States is A) Idaho.

While Pennsylvania, Wyoming, and West Virginia are known for their significant coal production, Idaho is not among the top coal-producing states in the country. Idaho's energy resources are primarily focused on hydroelectric power, renewable energy, and natural gas.

The state does not have substantial coal reserves or a significant coal mining industry compared to the other options listed.

To know more about Idaho related question visit:



why are pristine areas, undisturbed by humans, contaminated with human-generated toxicants?


Pristine areas are contaminated with human-generated toxicants due to global air and water currents that transport pollutants from populated areas.

Pristine areas, even though they are remote and seemingly untouched by human activity, can still be contaminated with human-generated toxicants.

This is because air and water currents, such as wind and ocean currents, can carry pollutants long distances from industrialized and populated regions.

These pollutants can include heavy metals, pesticides, and chemical byproducts. As a result, pristine ecosystems may suffer from the harmful effects of these toxicants, such as reduced biodiversity and disruptions to food chains.

This highlights the global impact of pollution and the need for effective environmental management to protect these delicate ecosystems.

For more such questions on pollutants, click on:



what is the volcanic explosivity index (vei) of a yellowstone super-eruption?


The Volcanic Explosivity Index (VEI) is a scale that measures the magnitude of volcanic eruptions based on various factors such as the volume of erupted material, height of eruption column, and duration of the eruption. The VEI scale ranges from 0 to 8, with higher numbers representing more explosive and significant eruptions.

The VEI of a Yellowstone super-eruption is estimated to be 8. A super-eruption refers to an extremely large and catastrophic volcanic event capable of ejecting enormous volumes of ash, gas, and other volcanic materials into the atmosphere. While there is no precise record of a super-eruption occurring at Yellowstone in the recent past, geological evidence indicates that such eruptions have occurred there in the past. It's important to note that estimating the VEI of past eruptions is not an exact science and can be subject to some uncertainty. However, based on the potential scale and impact of a super-eruption at Yellowstone, it is generally classified as a VEI 8 event.

Learn more about  Volcanic Explosivity Index



Of all forms of electromagnetic energy, ______ radiation gives us the least access to our entire Milky Way Galaxy. a) X-ray b) visible light c) ultraviolet


Of all forms of electromagnetic energy, visible light radiation gives us the least access to our entire Milky Way Galaxy.

Visible light falls within a specific range of wavelengths that our eyes can detect, but it is limited in its ability to penetrate through various obstacles in space. Interstellar dust and gas can absorb and scatter visible light, obstructing our view of objects behind them. In contrast, X-ray and ultraviolet (UV) radiation can often pass through interstellar dust and reveal hidden structures and objects. X-ray telescopes and space-based UV observatories have been instrumental in studying distant regions of our galaxy that are inaccessible to visible light observations, allowing us to uncover the hidden aspects of the Milky Way.

Learn more about Milky Way Galaxy here: brainly.com/question/1601820


Which of the following geologic principles is not the result of gravity?A) original horizontalityB) cross cutting relationshipsC) original continuityD) superposition


Gravity is directly responsible for the original horizontality of geologic concepts. According to the idea of original horizontality, sediment layers are initially deposited horizontally by the force of gravity. Hence (c) is the correct option.

Sediments are deposited horizontally, as per the Principle of Original Horizontality. Strata may tilt or fold as a result of different tectonic motions after they have been turned into rock. But in essence, this theory says, "Tilted or folded layers used to be flat."They are the laws of superposition, original horizontality, cross-cutting linkages, and lateral continuity. Geologist Nicolaus Steno lived in the seventeenth century.

To know more about Gravity, click here:



Which of the following geologic principles is a direct result of gravity?

A. baked contacts

B. cross-cutting relationships

C. original horizontality

D. inclusions

a(n) ________ is a sharp, knife-edged ridge that forms between two valley glaciers.


An arete is a sharp, knife-edged ridge that forms between two valley glaciers.

It is created when two glaciers erode away the landscape in opposite directions, leaving a sharp ridge between them. The sharpness of the ridge depends upon the amount of ice that is present in the valley glaciers, as the more ice present, the more erosion occurs and the sharper the arete.

Aretes can be seen in many mountain ranges, such as the Alps, Andes, and Rocky Mountains, as well as in smaller mountain ranges. They can range in size from just a few meters to several kilometers in width and height. They provide stunning views of the surrounding landscape and can be hazardous to traverse, as the steep sides of the ridge make it difficult to climb.

To know more about glaciers, click here:



What do we mean by a primitive meteorite? A) a meteorite that fell to Earth at least 4 billion years ago B) a type of meteorite that is usually made mostly of high-density metals C) a meteorite that was discovered by primitive people D) a meteorite that is essentially unchanged since it first condensed and accreted in the solar nebula some 4.6 billion years ago


The correct answer is D) a meteorite that is essentially unchanged since it first condensed and accreted in the solar nebula some 4.6 billion years ago.

A primitive meteorite refers to a meteorite that has retained its original composition and characteristics since its formation in the early stages of the solar system. These meteorites provide valuable insights into the early processes that took place during the formation of the solar system. They are believed to have originated from the asteroid belt, specifically from primitive asteroids that have undergone minimal alteration or processing.

Primitive meteorites are composed of a diverse range of materials, including rock-forming minerals, organic compounds, and primitive elements. They often contain high concentrations of volatile substances and isotopic anomalies that can provide information about the conditions present during the formation of the solar system.

These meteorites are of great scientific interest as they can provide clues about the origin and evolution of our solar system. By studying their composition and structure, scientists can gain insights into the processes that occurred during the early stages of planetary formation, such as the condensation and accretion of matter in the solar nebula.

In summary, a primitive meteorite refers to a meteorite that has remained relatively unaltered since its formation in the solar nebula, offering valuable information about the early history of the solar system.

To learn more about solar nebula : brainly.com/question/28715616


Which of the following is NOT an example of how global warming has disrupted living organisms?Answer Earlier flowering of many plant speciesMistiming of bird hatching with emergence of insect preypH changes in oceanic watersExpansion of the growing seasonDelayed hibernation for terrestrial mammals


None of the options listed are examples of how global warming has NOT disrupted living organisms.

All of the options listed are actually examples of how global warming has disrupted living organisms.

Earlier flowering of plants is due to warmer temperatures, while mistiming of bird hatching with insect prey emergence is due to shifts in timing of seasonal cycles.

Changes in oceanic pH levels are a result of increased carbon dioxide absorption, and delayed hibernation for mammals is due to milder winter temperatures.

These changes disrupt natural ecological systems and can lead to imbalances in populations and ecosystems. It's important to understand how global warming affects living organisms and take action to mitigate its effects.

For more such questions on global warming, click on:



which of the following features was most likely the cause of the earthquake in the investigation?


Based on the given options, the most likely cause of the earthquake in the investigation would be the "oceanic trench."

Oceanic trenches are long, narrow depressions in the ocean floor that occur at subduction zones, where one tectonic plate is forced beneath another. These subduction zones are commonly associated with intense seismic activity and can give rise to powerful earthquakes.

When tectonic plates converge, the leading edge of the overriding plate may become locked with the subducting plate, causing stress to build up over time. Eventually, this stress is released in the form of an earthquake when the accumulated strain exceeds the strength of the rocks involved.

While tsunamis and the collapse of structures can be consequences of earthquakes, they are not the primary cause. Tsunamis are typically generated by undersea earthquakes, and the collapse of structures is a result of the ground shaking during an earthquake.

Learn more about oceanic trench



Full Question: which of the following features was most likely the cause of the earthquake in the investigation?

oceanic trencha tsunamicollapse of structures

scientists are looking for new locations to generate electricity using geothermal energy. which of the following locations would be the best choice for a geothermal energy generating plant? A) near tectonic plate boundaries B) near fossil fuel resources C) near the equator D) near warm ocean currents


near tectonic plate boundaries

Iceland is a good example of an island arc, formed from an oceanic-oceanic plate collision.false/true


The given statement "Iceland is a good example of an island arc, formed from an oceanic-oceanic plate collision" is False because An island arc is formed from an oceanic-continental plate collision.

In such a collision, the lighter continental plate moves over the denser oceanic plate, forcing it beneath the continental plate and creating a subduction zone.

Iceland is not an example of this type of plate collision. Instead, Iceland was formed by a mantle plume that rose from the mantle and created a mid-oceanic ridge. This ridge is part of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge system and can be seen on the ocean floor. As the magma from this plume cooled, it slowly formed the island of Iceland over millions of years.

To know more about continental plate , click here:



The O. J. Simpson murder case and Hurricane Katrina are examples which of the following?a. two recent U.S. natural disastersb. how the media reflects racist ideologyc. Gramsci's concept of hegemonyd. cultural scripts in news media


The O. J. Simpson murder case and Hurricane Katrina are examples of how the media reflects racist ideology.

The correct option is B.

Both of these events became highly publicized, and the media coverage of them was heavily influenced by racial biases. The O. J. Simpson murder case was framed in such a way that the black defendant was seen as guilty before the trial even began, while the white victims were portrayed as innocent and helpless.

Similarly, Hurricane Katrina was portrayed in the media as a natural disaster which was in some way caused by the people of New Orleans, most of whom were African American. This type of media coverage reinforces the existing racial hierarchy in society, and is an example of Gramsci's concept of hegemony, in which the dominant group maintains power and control over the subordinate group by controlling the cultural scripts in the media.

To know more about Hurricane Katrina, click here:



In the context of economic development over the last 30 years, regional inequality across the globeA) has declined with increased globalization.B) has increased with increasing globalization.C) has not worsened in countries like the United States and Scandinavia.D) is not evident in peripheral countries.E) is not evident in core countries.


In the context of economic development over the last 30 years, regional inequality across the globe has generally increased with increasing globalization. Option B) "has increased with increasing globalization" is the most accurate statement.

Globalization has brought about significant changes in the global economy, including increased interconnectedness and the liberalization of trade and investment. While globalization has contributed to economic growth and development in many regions, it has also exacerbated regional inequalities. Wealth and opportunities have tended to concentrate in core regions and urban centers, leading to a widening gap between developed and developing regions.

This trend can be observed in various countries and regions worldwide, where disparities in income, employment, education, infrastructure, and access to resources have become more pronounced. While some countries, like the United States and Scandinavia, have implemented policies to mitigate inequality, overall, regional inequality has increased as a result of globalization.

Learn more about economic development



he earliest eukaryotic fossils are thought to occur in rocks how old? a.600 million years b.2.5 billion years c.1.8 billion years d.3.5 billion years


The earliest eukaryotic fossils are thought to occur in rocks that are about 1.8 billion years old.

These fossils provide evidence that eukaryotes, which are organisms with complex cell structures, existed during this time period. Prior to the discovery of these fossils, it was believed that eukaryotes emerged much later, around 600 million years ago. However, with the discovery of these ancient fossils, scientists have revised their timeline and believe that eukaryotes may have evolved much earlier than previously thought. It is important to note that the fossil record is incomplete and there may be even older eukaryotic fossils yet to be discovered.

to know more about eukaryotic fossils visit:



Fair skies and light winds are typical of. the eye of the hurricane. The diameter of a hurricane is typically ______ that of an extra-tropical cyclone.


Clear skies and light breezes are typical hurricane eyes. The eye is an area of ​​relatively mild weather at the center of a tropical cyclone. Clear skies, light winds, and occasional lulls in precipitation.

The eye of a hurricane -

The eye is surrounded by the Eyewall, the ring of intense thunderstorms that causes the strongest winds and heaviest rainfall in a hurricane.

Hurricanes are generally smaller in terms of hurricane diameter compared to extratropical cyclones. Hurricanes average diameters range from 160 to 960 kilometers (100 to 600 miles), but extratropical cyclones, which are typical mid-latitude storms, tend to be larger in diameter, often reaching 1600 kilometers (1000 miles). exceed. ). Hurricanes are more compact and concentrated systems compared to temperate hurricanes. 

To know more about eye of hurricane -



which two pollutants are the top two responsible for lung pollution in the united states?


Answer: Cigarette smoke and radon gas


Which two pollutants are the top two responsible for lung pollution in the United States? cigarette smoke and radon gas. Lung cancer from smoking kills 160,000 people each year, and lung cancer from radon kills 21,000 people each year.

The most advanced stage of tropical reef formation is exhibited in _________. A) polyps B) a barrier reef C) a fringing reef D) an atoll E) dolines.


The most advanced stage of tropical reef formation is exhibited in an atoll.

The correct option is D.

An atoll is a ring-shaped coral reef, island, or chain of islands that forms when an oceanic volcano subsides and its rim becomes an encircling coral reef. The atoll is formed from the coral polyps that cover the remains of the volcano. The coral polyps build up and form the base of the atoll. The atoll continues to grow and expand with time. The coral polyps feed on marine organisms, which helps them grow and form the atoll.

The atoll is a highly complex and diverse ecosystem, with a variety of marine life inhabiting the area. The atoll is an important food source for many species, as well as providing a habitat for a range of marine life. The atoll is also an important source of sediment for the surrounding region, as the atoll is constantly being eroded and deposited. An atoll is the most advanced form of tropical reef formation, and the most diverse ecosystem.

To know more about ecosystem, click here:



describe the principles that allow us to determine the relative ages of geologic events.


The principles that allow us to determine the relative ages of geologic events include:

1. Principle of Superposition: This principle states that in undisturbed sedimentary rock layers, the oldest rocks are at the bottom, and the youngest rocks are at the top. By examining the order and sequence of rock layers, we can establish a relative age sequence.

2. Principle of Original Horizontality: This principle states that sedimentary layers are originally deposited horizontally. If we observe tilted or folded rock layers, it indicates subsequent tectonic or geological events that have occurred after the initial deposition.

3. Principle of Cross-Cutting Relationships: This principle states that a geological feature, such as a fault or igneous intrusion, is younger than the rocks it cuts across. If a fault cuts through a rock layer, the fault is younger than the layer it disrupts.

4. Principle of Inclusions: This principle states that an inclusion (rock fragment) found within another rock is older than the rock containing it. For example, if a pebble is found in a layer of sedimentary rock, the pebble is older than the layer it is embedded in.

Learn more about  Principle here: brainly.com/question/30125633


which one adaptation was most important in enabling animals to reproduce on land?


The development of the amniotic egg was arguably the most important adaptation that enabled animals to reproduce on land.

This evolutionary innovation emerged in certain reptilian ancestors and provided a solution to the challenges of reproducing away from water. The amniotic egg is encased in a protective shell and contains specialized membranes that provide a self-contained aquatic environment for the developing embryo. It allows for gas exchange, waste removal, and protection from desiccation, providing the necessary conditions for embryos to develop and hatch outside of water. The amniotic egg liberated early reptiles and their descendants from the dependence on aquatic environments, opening the door for the colonization of terrestrial habitats and paving the way for the diversification of land-dwelling animals.

Learn more about amniotic egg here: brainly.com/question/12406061


mars has an axial tilt more like the earth's than any other planet.


False. Mars does not have an axial tilt more like Earth's than any other planet.

The statement is incorrect. While Mars does have an axial tilt similar to Earth's, it is not the planet with the axial tilt most similar to Earth's. In fact, Uranus holds that distinction among the planets in our solar system. Uranus has an extreme axial tilt of about 98 degrees, causing it to essentially rotate on its side. This unique orientation gives Uranus its characteristic seasonal variations and unusual patterns of sunlight distribution.

Comparatively, Earth has an axial tilt of approximately 23.5 degrees, which gives rise to the changing seasons as different parts of the planet receive varying amounts of sunlight throughout the year. Mars has an axial tilt of around 25 degrees, making it relatively close to Earth's tilt but not the closest.

Therefore, while Mars does share some similarities with Earth in terms of axial tilt, it is not the planet with the axial tilt most resembling Earth's.

To learn more about axial tilt click here: brainly.com/question/12995997


The movement of heat by ______ drives ocean currents. a) convection b) conduction c) radiation d) all of the above e) none of the above.


The correct answer is A,  The movement of heat by convection drives ocean currents.

The ocean is a vast body of saltwater covering around 71% of the Earth's surface. It plays a crucial role in sustaining life on our planet. Comprising five major basins—the Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Southern, and Arctic—the ocean is home to an immense diversity of plant and animal species, supporting complex ecosystems.

The ocean serves multiple functions and has a profound impact on climate regulation. It absorbs and stores a significant amount of heat, helping to stabilize global temperatures. Additionally, it acts as a major carbon sink, absorbing large quantities of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. The ocean also influences weather patterns, generating winds, currents, and precipitation.

To know more about Ocean refer here :



an industry whose success is a mixed blessing for the caribbean region is:


The tourism industry in the Caribbean region is a mixed blessing as  it brings significant economic benefits, job opportunities . However, the over-reliance on tourism can lead to negative consequences as the region becomes vulnerable to economic fluctuations, natural disasters, and environmental degradation.

The tourism industry's success in the Caribbean region has both positive and negative impacts. TheThe influx of tourists generates revenue through accommodation, transportation, dining, and various activities, boosting businesses and supporting livelihoods. Tourism also attracts foreign investment, stimulating infrastructure development such  airports, hotels, and entertainment facilities. Moreover, it offers opportunities for cultural exchange, allowing locals to showcase their heritage, traditions, and craftsmanship to a global audience.

However, the heavy reliance on tourism can have detrimental effects. The Caribbean region becomes vulnerable to economic fluctuations and global events, such as recessions or political instability, which can lead to a decline in tourism demand. Moreover, the reliance on a single industry leaves the region exposed to natural disasters, such as hurricanes, which can devastate tourist infrastructure and disrupt the economy. Environmental degradation is another concern, as the industry often puts a strain on natural resources, leading to issues like deforestation, pollution, and coral reef damage..

Learn more about industrial mixed blessings  here  https://brainly.com/question/9225705

The most readily observed motion of a celestial object is produced byA. the motion of the planets across the sky.B. the rotation of the Earth.C. the revolution of the Earth.D. the motion of the Sun around the galaxy


The correct option is B, The most readily observed motion of a celestial object is produced by the rotation of the Earth.

Earth is the third planet from the Sun in the solar system and the home to a vast array of life forms. It is a terrestrial planet with a diverse ecosystem that sustains countless species, including humans. Earth has a varied topography, featuring vast oceans, towering mountains, expansive forests, and sprawling plains. Its atmosphere is composed primarily of nitrogen, oxygen, and trace amounts of other gases, providing the necessary conditions for life to thrive.

Earth experiences a range of climates, from scorching deserts to frozen polar regions. Human activity has significantly shaped the planet, with technological advancements and industrialization impacting its environment. Concerns about climate change, deforestation, pollution, and resource depletion have driven efforts to preserve Earth's delicate balance. As the only known celestial body to harbor life, Earth holds great significance and inspires exploration and scientific inquiry.

To know more about Earth refer here :



you observe the full moon just rising in the east. what time of day is it?


If you observe the full moon just rising in the east, it is typically around sunset.

The full moon rises in the east at approximately the same time that the sun sets in the west. This is because during a full moon, the moon is on the opposite side of the Earth from the sun, and as the Earth rotates, the moon becomes visible on the eastern horizon as the sun disappears below the western horizon.

Therefore, if you see the full moon rising in the east, it is generally close to sunset, though the exact timing can vary depending on your location and the time of year.

To know more about Moon related question visit:



A species of lizard has gone extinct. This could be due to any of the following reasons except inbreeding habitat destruction by humans introduction of a species that competed for food resources increased genetic diversity within the species


A species of lizard has gone extinct. This could be due to any of the following reasons except increased genetic diversity within the species

When the final known specimen of a species passes away without leaving a genetic heir, it is deemed that the species is extinct. Small numbers of a species increase the chance of extinction.

Man is a direct factor in the extinction of species; of the 8 million species now extant, 1 million are in jeopardy as a result of excessive resource usage on land and at sea. The biodiversity of ecosystems may be impacted by the artificial, deliberate, or unintended introduction of alien and invasive species into environments where they do not belong. Biodiversity is negatively impacted by the rising sea levels and global temperature.

Option D is the correct answer.

Learn more about Extinction here:



The complete question is, " A species of lizard has gone extinct. This could be due to any of the following reasons except ________.

A) inbreeding

B) habitat destruction by humans

C) introduction of a species that competed for food resources

D) increased genetic diversity within the species

E) climate change"

the green valley is estimated to have enough natural gas to support the nation for an entire year.


The statement that the green valley has enough natural gas to support the nation for an entire year is significant. It is a positive development for the energy industry and the country as a whole.

Natural gas is an essential resource for many industries, including electricity production, manufacturing, and transportation. With this amount of natural gas, the green valley could help support the nation's energy needs for a year.
Moreover, natural gas is a cleaner and more efficient fuel compared to other fossil fuels like coal and oil. It emits fewer greenhouse gases, which is better for the environment.
However, it is important to note that natural gas is a finite resource, and we need to be responsible in using it. We should continue to explore and invest in renewable energy sources like wind and solar power. In conclusion, the green valley's natural gas discovery is a positive development that could support the nation's energy needs. Still, it is essential to use this resource responsibly and invest in sustainable energy sources for the future.

To know more about natural gas visit:



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