Which of the following is MOST directly involved in the motility and intercellular signaling in T-cells: W) filamentous actin X) 200-nanometer myosin fibrils Y) cathepsin-myosin complexes Z) microvilli


Answer 1


W) filamentous actin


T cells are a type of white blood cells (leukocytes) that play a fundamental role in the immune system by determining the specificity of the immune response to specific antigens. In T cells, the remodeling of the actin cytoskeleton is critical for the movement of these cells through different tissue environments and for adjusting their behavior during the scanning of antigen-presenting cells. The actin cytoskeleton acts as a physical platform for intracellular signaling events that occur at the immunological synapse formed between a T cell and an antigen-presenting cell, thereby contributing to T cell activation.

Related Questions

what are tips for taking mcas and passing it?


Set times each day for study and homework. Ask about homework every day, and check to see that it is completed.

21. What determines the kind of genes an organism



The kind of genes an organism possesses is determined by the order of the nucleotide bases in the organism's DNA.


The kind of genes an organism possesses is determined by the order of the nucleotide bases in the organism's DNA. ... The order of bases as you go down the rungs of the ladder determine what genes an organism will have, and therefore, what traits it will have.


Fun facts:

Genes carry the information that determines your traits which are features or characteristics that are passed on to you — or inherited — from your parents. Each cell in the human body contains about 25,000 to 35,000 genes. ... And chromosomes are found inside cells. Your body is made of billions of cells.

Organic compounds are primarily
created from one element. Which
element forms the basis of organic


carbon is the basis of organic compounds

3. The evolutionary pathways of ten different species are represented in the diagram below.
Which two species are the most closely related?
A and F
G and
E and I
C and D





when counting the number of organisms that differentiate between e and I, this answer gives the smallest number of organisms

examples of receptors​



Chemoreceptors detect the presence of chemicals.

Thermoreceptors detect changes in temperature.

Mechanoreceptors detect mechanical forces.

Photoreceptors detect light during vision.

More specific examples of sensory receptors are baroreceptors, propioceptors, hygroreceptors, and osmoreceptors.



Photo-receptors detect light during vision.


Why do we have to get the flu shot every year ?



Because flu viruses evolve so quickly, last year's vaccine may not protect you from this year's viruses. New flu vaccines are released every year to keep up with rapidly adapting flu viruses.

Name the two systems in a growing plant​



1. The Shoot System

2. The Root System



1) the shoot system, and 2) the root system.


Which nutrient, identified in the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, is considered "a nutrient of concern"?


potassium is considered a nutrient of concern

Get rid of pathogenic contamination



wash what ever u get like friuts


The best way to ensure you are removing all germs is to use a food grade sanitizer. Food grade sanitizers remove 99.99% of all germs. Food grade or food contact sanitizer is the best choice, because it kills germs and is safe to come into contact with food without contaminating it.

The given statements concern the relationship between mitochondrial hydrogen ion concentration and energy storage as ATP during oxidative phosphorylation. Classify each statement as either accurate or inaccurate.

a. Hydrogen ions cannot freely pass through the inner mitochondrial membrane.
b. H+ concentration is lower in the mitochondrial matrix than in the intermembrane space.
c. Energy is generated as a result of the difference in hydrogen ion concentration between the mitochondrial matrix and the cytoplasm.
d. ATP synthase uses energy from ATP to move H + into the mitochondrial matrix.


Solution :

The following statements regarding the relationship between the  mitochondrial hydrogen ion concentration and energy storage in the form of ATP during the process of oxidative phosphorylation are :


a. Hydrogen ions cannot freely pass through the inner mitochondrial membrane.

b. H+ concentration is lower in the mitochondrial matrix than in the intermembrane space.


c. Energy is generated as a result of the difference in hydrogen ion concentration between the mitochondrial matrix and the cytoplasm.

d. ATP synthase uses energy from ATP to move H + into the mitochondrial matrix.

explain the origin of lassa fever​



Lassa fever (LF) is an acute and sometimes severe viral hemorrhagic illness endemic in West Africa. The disease was first recognized in Nigeria in 1969. Humans contract Lassa virus (LASV) primarily through contact with contaminated excreta of the rodent Mastomys natalensis, which is the natural reservoir.


Lassa fever is an acute viral illness that occurs in west Africa. The illness was discovered in 1969 when two missionary nurses died in Nigeria. The virus is named after the town in Nigeria where the first cases occurred

What type of microscope can detect density differences and thereby see organelles in living cells



fluorescent microscope


fluorescent microscope. phase-contrast microscope

Which of these provides the best evidence for the plate tectonic theory?

The rise of magma by the convergence of earths plates

The destruction of earths magnetic field by the rotation of earths core

The variations in the age of rocks at different distances from the mid ocean ridges

The difference in the shapes of the Atlantic ridge and the coastlines of continents


Answer: C

Hope this helps!

La polidactilia en la especie humana se debe a un alelo dominante. Entre Francisco y Martha, ambos abuelos de Santiago, uno de ellos tenía polidactilia, sin embargo Juan su hijo (papá de Santiago) nació normal. A pesar de ello Santiago es polidactílico. La explicación a esta situación es que

A)Como Juan nació normal (aa) la única posibilidad para que Santiago su hijo naciera con polidactilia era que su madre lo fuera también.

B) Como uno de los abuelos era aa (homocigoto recesivo-normal) y el otro Aa (heterocigoto-polidactílico), Juan nació probablemente aa (homocigoto recesivo-normal) y por ello no hay manera que Santiago naciera polidactílico.

C) Como uno de los abuelos era aa (homocigoto recesivo-normal), Juan nació probablemente aa (homocigoto recesivo- normal) y por ello Santiago es polidactílico.

D) Como Francisco y Martha eran Aa (ambos heterocigotos-polidactílicos), Juan nació probablemente AA (homocigoto dominante- polidactílico) y por ello Santiago es polidactílico.



A)Como Juan nació normal (aa) la única posibilidad para que Santiago su hijo naciera con polidactilia era que su madre lo fuera también.


La polidactilia es una malformación causada por un alelo dominante asociada con al aparición de más de 5 dedos en cada pie o más de 5 dedos cada mano. Un alelo dominante es una variante génica capaz de enmascarar la expresión de un alelo recesivo en individuos heterocigotos, es decir, en individuos portadores de una copia del alelo dominante y una copia del alelo recesivo para un gen en particular. De este modo, un alelo dominante es por definición aquel que será expresado en el fenotipo, con lo cual el único modo en el cual Santiago sea portador del alelo dominante causante del rasgo "polidactilia" es que él lo haya heredado, ya sea del padre o de la madre (es importante aclarar que también el alelo dominante puede haber surgido por mutación en la línea germinal). En este caso sabemos de acuerdo al enunciado que el padre de Santiago no tiene polidactilia y por lo tanto no es portador del alelo dominante, con lo cual se espera que Santiago haya heredado esta condición de su madre.

Help! This question is nowhere in the internet!





What are the sum of all life functions 



Regulation, Control, Coordination, Growth, Nutrient, Nutrition, Homeotasis

The DNA template strand of a gene near a promoter reads 5'-TAGAACGCCTCGAAATTTCATACT-3' The amino terminus of the encoded protein whose translation starts in this region is:



The N-terminal aminoacid is Metionin.


Before answering the question, let us remember the meaning of the term amino terminus. Terminus refers to the extremes of the polypeptide. During translation, rRNA and tRNA read mRNA in 5´ to 3´ direction. The first extreme to be translated carries the amino-terminal group, while the other extreme carries the carboxy-terminus group.

Conventionally, proteins are written from left to right, beginning by the N-terminal extreme carrying the free amine group, and ending by the C-terminal extreme carrying the carboxyl free group. However, we need to know that the free amine group actually places at the end of a protein.


Transcription occurs in the nucleus where the template DNI strand is read in direction 3´→ 5´ to build the mRNA molecule in direction 5´→ 3´.

template DNI strand  ⇒   5'-TAGAACGCCTCGAAATTTCATACT-3'

                      mRNA   ⇒  3´-AUCUUGCGGUGCUUUAAAGUAUGA- 5´


Translation occurs in the cytoplasm. rRNA and tRNA read mRNA in the direction 5´→ 3´ to build the protein.

Protein synthesis initiates in the AUG start codon -Metionin-, and ends when reaching either of the stop codons UAA, UAG, UGA.  

The first portion of mRNA is not read nor translated. This is the untranslated region (UTR), placed before the strat codon.


Remember that transcription occurs from 5´ to 3´ extremes, so we need to read the codons in this direction too, beginning on the 5´ extreme.

First, we need to find the initiation codon: AUG coding for Metionin.




                                                                Lys  Met


                                                        Phe   Lys  Met


                                                 Arg  Phe  Lys  Met


                                        Gly  Arg  Phe  Lys  Met


                                Val  Gly  Arg  Phe  Lys  Met


                       Leu  Val  Gly  Arg  Phe  Lys  Met

The N-terminal aminoacid is then Metionin.

A genetic trait might be caused by incomplete dominance if:
A. red-, white-, and pink-flowered plants grow from the seeds of a
blue-flowered plant.
B. pinks, white, and red-flowered plants grow from the seeds of a
pink-flowered plant.
C. two plants with red flowers are the parents of plants with either
red flowers or white flowers.
O D. two plants with red-and-white flowers are the parents of plants
with either white flowers or pink flowers.


B. Pinks white and red flowered plants grow from seeds of a blue one

Mutations cause changes in _____.

A) elements

B) proteins

C) compounds

D)essential nutrients


Answer: A




figure it out


ye Cuz I no do work for u

6. Micro evolution

7. Fossils

8. Charles Darwin

9. Genomic

10. Vestigial

11. Homologous

Click and drag the terms on the left to accurately complete the sentences on the right. Then, arrange the sentences from top to bottom in order of least common to most common.
T cells, B cells, lymph node, destroyed, macrophage, immune response, antigen presenting cell, bound to transport proteins
a) Infected or malignant cells are then _______ before they can do further harm to the body.
b) The antigen presenting cell displays the antigen to the _______.
c) The T cells initiate the ________ if the antigens are viral proteins or abnormal antigens.
d) The _________ encounters and processes the antigen.
e) With the antigen, the antigen presenting cell migrates to the nearest ____________.



d) The antigen-presenting cell encounters and processes the antigen.

e) With the antigen, the antigen-presenting cell migrates to the nearest lymph node.

b) The antigen-presenting cell displays the antigen to the T cells.

c) The T cells initiate the immune response if the antigens are viral proteins or abnormal antigens.

a) Infected or malignant cells are then destroyed before they can do further harm to the body.


The antigen-presenting cells (e.g., dendritic cells, macrophages) are cells of the immune system that mediate cellular immune responses by processing and presenting antigens (i.e., peptides components of pathogens) to T lymphocytes. The antigen-presenting cells travel through lymphatic vessels from the site of infection to the lymph nodes where they present antigens to naive T cells, i.e., T cells that have matured but have not yet encountered their corresponding antigens. This presentation facilitates the clonal expansion of T cells that are specific for the antigen which acquire effector functions in order to destroy infected cells. This process is known as immune clearance and is associated with the apoptosis of antigen-specific T cells.

pa help naman po....





planetrevolution year different Seaons ..( not sure bout this)

why do some animals eat their own kind​


hi, I hope you’re having/ had a good day

To answer your question, some creatures inflict all manner of horrible torments on others in order to feed and reproduce, or even just to play. Many species across the animal kingdom are cannibals, eating members of their own species for sustenance or dominance

Hope that helps :)

When there is NO change in the allele frequency, this is called genetic


either genetic frequency or genetic drift . genetic drift takes place when the occurrence of variant forms of a gene, called alleles, increases and decreases by chance over time; genetic frequency is an allele that’s defined as the total number of copies of that allele in the population divided by the total number of copies of all alleles of the gene. HOPE THIS HELPS!!!

The Milky Way galaxy looks like a band of light across the sky. Which observation would provide the best view of this band of light without a telescope



The correct answer is - observing on any dark, clear night.


We and many other plants and our sun present in a galaxy, called the Milky Way as it appears as a milky band of light in the sky when you see it in a really dark clear area night.

It can be observed easily without the help of a telescope all it requires a dark but clear night without clouds. It looks like a hazy band or cloudy white or milky color band in the sky.

name a disorder that is a result of shortage of proteins in children ​



A disorder that is a result of shortage of proteins in children is Kwashiorkor


Kwashiorkor is a severe form of malnutrition. It's most common in some developing regions where babies and children do not get enough protein or other essential nutrients in their diet. The main sign of kwashiorkor is too much fluid in the body's tissues, which causes swelling under the skin (oedema). (Source: Kwashiorkor - NHS)

Hopefully this helps.

Kwashiorkor is a serious condition that can happen when a person does not consume enough protein. Severe protein deficiency can lead to fluid retention, which can make the stomach look bloated.

Kwashiorkor is most common in children, especially if they do not have access to adequate nutrition soon after they stop breastfeeding. If a child experiences kwashiorkor, they need immediate medical attention.

Other terms for kwashiorkor include:

protein malnutrition

malignant malnutrition

protein-calorie malnutrition

In this article, we look at the causes

The food web models a community along the coast of Alaska. Which
organism in the food web is an herbivore?
A Sea otter
B. Phytoplankton
C. Seagull
D. Rock ptarmigan



its d. rock ptarmigan

i just did the pretest plus looked it up!!!!

why do you think Harvey placed the sea urchin cells in a hypersonic solution?​


Harvey placed the sea urchin cells in a hypersonic solution in order to see the behaviour of the cell in the hypersonic solution.

What Harvey placed the sea urchin cells in a hypersonic solution?​

In 1940 Ethel Brown Harvey evolve a technique for separating embryonic sea urchin cells. She took a pair of embryonic cells to develop from the first cell division after Harvey's fertilization. She settles the pair of cells in a hypertonic solution, carrying double the amount of salt as that contained in seawater. Most sea urchins produce a group of early embryonic cells which is known as micromeres. Small blastomeres Harvey that form by unequal cell division at the vegetal pole of the early embryo. Harvey Sub-Sea is the first that indicated Maritime Labor Convention compliant.

So we can conclude that Ethel Brown Harvey developed a technique for dividing embryonic sea urchin cells.

Learn more about Harvey here: https://brainly.com/question/28180563


You have a beautiful garden at home. On Sunday, you start budding your rose plant to make few more samples of rose plants to plant in the garden. Can you categorize how this scenario could be represented by classes and instances?



It is possible to make this categorization as follows:

Roses = Class

Rose samples = instances


In a very direct and objective way, we can state that classes are models that define how a given situation will be handled, which methods will be used to manage it and the objectives that will be established in that situation. Instances, on the other hand, are elements taken from the interior of classes, which contain factors that make them up. Based on this, we can determine that, in the case of the above question, roses are classes and rose samples are instances.

Compared to the offspring of sexual reproduction in animals, the
þffspring of asexual reproduction will
A) show greater variety
B) be more resistant to disease
C) be genetically identical to the parent
D) grow larger



C: Genetically identical.


Offspring are usually going to look like it's parents. Asexuals produce offspring that's supposed to look like them. I hope this helps :) and if it's wrong please know that I am very sorry for the mistake :(

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