Which of the following statements is true about the Krebs (citric acid) cycle and the Calvin (light-independent) cycle?AThey both result in a net production of ATP and NADH.BThey both require a net input of ATP.CThey both result in a release of oxygen.DThey both take place within the cytoplasmic matrix.EThey both are carried out by enzymes located within an organelle matrix.


Answer 1

The statement which is true about the Krebs (citric acid) cycle and the Calvin cycle (light-independent) is: they both are carried out by enzymes located within an organelle matrix.

The Calvin cycle is a series of chemical events that converts carbon dioxide and hydrogen-carrier molecules into glucose. It is also referred to as the photosynthetic carbon reduction (PCR) cycle of photosynthesis, the dark reactions, the light-independent reactions, or the biosynthetic phase. Plants' stroma, the fluid-filled region of a chloroplast not shielded by thylakoid membranes, is where these processes take occur. These processes involve additional chemical steps that are applied to the byproducts of light-dependent reactions (ATP and NADPH). The Calvin cycle is present in all photosynthetic eukaryotes as well as a sizable number of photosynthetic bacteria.

The complete question is:

Which of the following statements is true about the Krebs (citric acid) cycle and the Calvin (light-independent) cycle?

A. They both result in a net production of ATP and NADH.

B. They both require a net input of ATP.

C. They both result in a release of oxygen.

D. They both take place within the cytoplasmic matrix.

E. They both are carried out by enzymes located within an organelle matrix.

To learn more about Calvin cycle click on the given link: https://brainly.com/question/3199721


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What is the chemical symbol for the element sodium?


The chemical symbol for the element sodium is referred to as Na.

What is a Chemical symbol?

This is referred to as the abbreviation which is used in chemistry for chemical elements, functional groups and other types of chemical compounds.

They are derived or gotten from one or two letters from the Latin alphabet and is usually written with the first letter being in capital form. It is a very important aspect in the representation of elements in a chemical reaction or equation.

Sodium is a chemical element with the symbol Na and atomic number 11 and is an alkali metal, because it is in group 1 of the periodic table. The latin name is Natrium which is therefore the reason why Na which is the first two letters with the first in capital form is regarded as the chemical symbol.

Read more about Chemical symbol here https://brainly.com/question/15045637



the chemical symbol of the element sodium is Na

How do clams oysters and snails protect themselves?


Organisms like clam, oysters and snails are all species of the phylum Mollusca who protect themselves from their enemies by hiding inside their shells.

Mollusca is the second largest phylum of the Animal kingdom that possess all invertebrate organisms. These are all aquatic organisms hat may be marine or freshwater resident. All the organisms of the phylum possess a solid shell that protects them.

Shells of the species of phylum Mollusca is a hard calcareous structure found on the external portion of the body. The main chemical component of the shell is calcium carbonate. Some animals have shell only on the upper side of the body while some have shells on both sides and are called bivalves.

To know more about Mollusca, here



What happens when CO2 increases in the ocean?


More carbon dioxide is evaporating into the ocean as a result of human-driven increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations. Currently, the ocean has an average pH of 8.1, which is basic (or alkaline), but when more CO2 is absorbed, the pH drops and the ocean becoming more acidic.

Ocean acidification

Carbon dioxide dissolves in seawater as it reaches the ocean. It first creates carbonic acid. The carbonic acid then "dissociates," or separates, into bicarbonate ions and hydrogen ions. Ocean acidification is caused by an increase in hydrogen ion concentration and a decrease in carbonate ions as a result of increasing CO2 absorption.

Carbonate ions are necessary for the growth of the shells and thriving of clams, mussels, crabs, corals, and other marine life.

Learn more about Ocean acidification to visit this link



What is the ratio of white crossed with heterozygous purple?


The genotypes of the offspring born from the union of a heterozygous purple flower (Rr) and a recessive white flower (rr) are (Rr), (Rr), (rr), and (rr). Consequently, half of the progeny possess purple flowers (Rr), while half have white blooms (rr).

Because all of them are heterozygotes and purple is dominant above white in this situation, all the offspring from this cross would be purple (Pp). There is therefore no possibility of a child having white blooms. The F2 generation is composed of 50% Pp (heterozygous), 25% PP (homozygous dominant), and 50% Pp purple flowers (homozygous recessive, white flowers). In this way, the white characteristic is passed on to the next generation. The F1 generation, which solely possessed purple flowers, was created by cross-pollination using two parent (P) plants. from F1 self-pollination

Learn more about heterozygous



When an individual's genotype has one normal allele and one mutant allele for a recessive phenotype (and hence, doesn't express the mutant phenotype), they are known as _____. sex-linked codominance incomplete dominanance carriers


Sex-related disorders are handed down through generations via the X or Y chromosome. The X and Y chromosomes are sex chromosomes. A heterozygous genotype is defined as an organism with one dominant allele and one recessive allele.

Dominant inheritance occurs when one parent's defective gene causes disease while the corresponding gene from the other parent is normal. The aberrant gene takes precedence.

However, in recessive inheritance, both matching genes must be faulty for illness to occur. If only one of the two genes is faulty, the illness does not arise or is mild. A carrier is someone who has one faulty gene but no symptoms. Carriers' offspring may inherit faulty genes.

Most commonly, the term "sex-linked recessive" refers to X-linked recessive.

Learn more about to genotype



If a large amount of lactate is being produced, what is the best conclusion that you can make about the rate (how fast) and amount (magnitude) of energy needed


Lactate production increase when the energy (ATP) needed is high but oxygen levels are low. To fulfill this demand, the rate of lactic acid metabolism must be increased as well.

Lactic acid metabolism

Lactate as waste is the product of fermentation or anaerobic respiration. Anaerobic respiration is categorized into alcoholic metabolism and lactic acid metabolism.

Lactic acid metabolism itself is the metabolic process that produces a little energy. In this metabolism, besides yield 2 ATP also produces lactate per glucose. The process happens in muscle cells as not being supplied with enough oxygen. Times when our body's oxygen level might drop is during intense exercise, whereas, at this condition the demand for ATP is increased.

Thus, to fulfill a lot of energy (ATP) needed, particularly as exercising, the rate of lactic acid metabolism must do faster although it could cause lactate production will also increase.

Learn more about lactic acid metabolism by clicking this link :



What are the light reactions of plants and in what organelle do they occur?


The light reactions of plants are a series of photochemical reactions that occur in the chloroplasts of plant cells. These reactions convert light energy into chemical energy in the form of ATP and NADPH.

The light reactions are divided into two stages: the light-dependent reactions and the light-independent reactions. The light-dependent reactions take place in the thylakoid membrane and involve the chloroplasts absorption of light energy by pigments, the transfer of electrons through a series of electron carriers, and the production of ATP and NADPH. The independent light reactions, also known as the Calvin cycle, take place in the stroma of chloroplasts and use the ATP and NADPH produced in the light-dependent reactions to fix carbon dioxide and create glucose and other sugars.

learn more about light reactions here:



Two different Drosophila flies (fruit flies), fly A and fly B. are shown below. Classify each phrase or term as applying to fly A only, fly B only, or both fly A and fly B. The term "Hox genes" applies to clusters of homeotic genes found in many different animals, including fruit flies. After segmentation genes have established the body segments. Hox genes trigger the development of segment-specific body structures in the correct locations.


ONLY Fly A is described as "wild type," "has normal Hox genes," and "displays normal pattern development." ONLY FOR FLY B: "displays aberrant pattern formation," "homeotic mutant," and "carries mutant Hox genes" "Produces transcription factors initiating gene expression for segment-specific structures" is a trait shared by both Fly A and Fly B.

Give instances of homeotic genes.

By observing odd alterations in fruit flies, such as those with feet in lieu of mouth parts, additional pairs of wings, or two pairs of balancing organs (called halteres) in place of wings, scientists were able to identify homeotic genes. In other cases, their heads even sprouted legs in place of antennae!

To know more about homeotic genes visit:



A blood vessel adapted to withstand a high pulse pressure would be expected to have which of the following


An expected characteristic of a blood vessel designed to withstand a high pulse pressure is elastic tunica media. Histamine is most likely to result in a sharp drop in blood pressure.

Which of the following categories of blood vessels has a high blood pressure that pulses?

Due to their direct connection to the heart's ventricle, the blood pressure is highest in the large arteries (like the aorta). There is a decrease in blood pressure as the blood vessel splits from the small arteries and into the arterioles.

Blood pressure can rise even more as a result of stress-related behaviours like eating more, smoking, or drinking. certain long-term conditions. High blood pressure can result from a number of illnesses, including kidney disease, diabetes, and sleep apnea.

To know more about blood vessels visit:



Is the claim, "Despite not being a plant, you get your energy from the sun." accurate?
Write a paragraph explaining your reasoning.



Yes (kind of), because even though we do not use the sun as directly as say plants, we still rely on the sun on a daily basis, however we don't necessarily get our energy from it, like plants do.

The sun produces light as well as heat, also known as solar energy. This makes it possible for life to exist on Earth, and we can use solar energy to power a wide variety of useful things, however sun/solar energy is not the only way to get electricity.

As we know, plants need sunlight to grow, although humans don't grow by being exposed to sunlight, sunlight helps grow plants which animals, including humans, need for food as well as oxygen they produce.

Most livestock we eat, cows for example, need plants to survive and many people eat meat, and even if you don't you'd eat plants which, once again, need sunlight to grow. Also, without heat from the sun, Earth would freeze.


It's kind of like a chain, we get our energy from things that get their energy directly from sunlight. A short answer would be yes, but it's not quite as simple as that.

I hope this helps, hopefully you can use it to formulate an answer of some sort.

What are the 4 factors that influence natural selection?


The 4 factors that influence natural selection are given as, reproduction, heredity , variation in characteristics, variation in fitness .

The Natural Selection Process's Four Elements. One of the four fundamental tenets of evolutionary theory, along with mutation, migration, and genetic drift, is natural selection. Populations that exhibit variety in features, such as colour, are subject to natural selection. Its core tenet is that when a characteristic exists that enables one person to more successfully thrive in an.

The variation in phenotypic variance-driven individual survival and reproduction is known as natural selection. The generational evolution of a population's heritable features is a fundamental mechanism of evolution. By contrasting it with artificial selection, which in his opinion is intentional and natural selection is not, Charles Darwin popularized the phrase "natural selection."

To know more about influence natural



describe the process of urea formation


Urea is formed through a process called urea synthesis, which occurs in the liver. During this process, the liver combines two molecules of ammonia with one molecule of carbon dioxide to form urea. This reaction is catalyzed by the enzyme urea synthase and requires the presence of energy in the form of ATP. The urea synthesis process helps to remove excess nitrogen from the body, as ammonia is a toxic waste product that is produced during the breakdown of proteins. The urea is then excreted from the body through the urine

Urea is synthesized in the body of many organisms as part of the urea cycle, either from the oxidation of amino acids or from ammonia. In this cycle, amino groups donated by ammonia and L-aspartate are converted to urea, while L-ornithine, citrulline, L-argininosuccinate, and L-arginine act as intermediates.

Complete the table to show the difference between inhaled and exhaled air. NB: These figures are approximate. Gas Oxygen Carbon dioxide % inhaled air 79 % exhaled air 79 16​


Carbon dioxide

Inhaled air

Exhaled Air

What causes genetic variation in a population environmental changes?


Mutations, the changes in the sequences of genes in DNA, are one source of genetic variation in a population environmental changes.

Gene flow, or the transfer of genes between several groups of organisms, is another source. The development of new gene combinations through sexual reproduction can also result in genetic variety.

Genetic variation is the variance in DNA sequences among members of a population. Germ cells, such as sperm and eggs, as well as somatic (all other) cells, are subject to variation.

Gene variants, sometimes known as mutations, can cause genetic differences, or a normal process in which genetic information is rearranged as a cell prepares to divide can also cause genetic variations (known as genetic recombination). Different phenotypes can be introduced into an organism by genetic changes that change gene activity or protein function.

To learn more about Genetic variation :



What will happen to enzyme if active site loses its shape?


The substrate's affinity for binding will decline, causing the enzyme to either complete the reaction at a slower rate than usual or not at all, depending on how much the active site has changed.

Proteins known as enzymes serve as biological catalysts and speed up chemical reactions. Substrates are the substances that interact with enzymes, and the enzyme changes the substrates into products, which are other molecules. Enzyme catalysis is required for the bulk of cellular metabolic processes to proceed at speeds quick enough to support life. An enzyme is required for each step in the catalysis of metabolic processes. It is acknowledged in the fields of pseudoenzyme analysis, enzymeology, and the study of enzymes that some enzymes have evolved without the capacity to perform biological catalysis. Their strange "pseudocatalytic" abilities and amino acid sequences often reflect this.

To learn more about Enzyme click on the given link: https://brainly.com/question/14953274


What was Mendel's hypothesis?


Mendel proposed that allele pairs randomly segregate from one another when the gametes are being produced in the seed plant (egg cell) and pollen plant (sperm). A sperm or an egg only contains one copy of each allele for each inherited characteristic because allele pairs split apart during gamete development.

Mendel's idea proposed that genes arrive in pairs and are inherited from each parent as independent entities. Mendel observed how parental genes separated and if they showed up as dominant or recessive features in children. He discovered patterns of heredity passed down mathematically from one generation to the next.

He put up the particle inheritance idea as a substitute theory. The inherited phenotypes, according to his prediction, do not converge across generations. Instead, he proposed that the progeny get distinct "particles."

To learn more about Mendel



What do the numbers on a pedigree mean?


The number on a pedigree mean the number at which the offspring is produced.

The numbers on a pedigree are used to represent the birth order of individuals within the family. Within each generation, people are numbered from left to right with Arabic numerals. Siblings are usually listed by age, with the oldest on the left. Additionally, Roman numerals are used to denote each generation in the family.

The pedigree is used extensively in genetics to track family history of disease in the offspring that are expected. The pedigree analysis serve as a tool in genetics for preparing genetic models to study disease transmission in families. And thus is a vital tool in classical genetics.

To know more about Pedigree, click here,



Which female reproductive disorder is characterized by abdominal pain, and excessive menstrual bleeding that can lead to permanent damage of the reproductive organs and sterility?
A. Amenorrhea
B. Endometriosis
C. Salpingitis
D. Vaginitis


Abdominal pain and heavy menstrual bleeding that can permanently harm the reproductive organs and cause sterility are two symptoms of the female reproductive disorder endometriosis.

The growth of tissue that resembles the endometrium outside the uterus constitutes endometriosis. The continuous inflammatory response it causes may cause the pelvis and other regions of the body to form scar tissue (adhesions, fibrosis). Endometriosis can lead to infertility. Infertility may come from endometriosis's potential effects on the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, and pelvic cavity. There is only a weak correlation between endometrial lesion size and the intensity or duration of symptoms; some persons experience very mild symptoms despite having observably large lesions, while others experience severe symptoms despite having few lesions.

Learn more about reproductive disorders here:-





The answer is 2.

Radiation: heat from stove
Convection: boiling water
Conduction: hot handle

Which of the following is true about the fate of fatty acids after their absorption?
Select one:
a. Fatty acids of 16 or more carbons enter the blood and then the liver via the portal vein.
b. Fatty acids of less than 12 carbons enter the lymphatic system packaged in chylomicrons.
c. Fatty acids of less than 12 carbons enter the blood and then the liver via the portal vein.
d. Fatty acids of 16 or more carbons enter the lymphatic system directly and then enter the blood via the aorta.


The correct answer to the question is b. Fatty acids of less than 12 carbons enter the lymphatic system packaged in chylomicrons.

After absorption, fatty acids are taken up by the lymphatic system and transported in the form of chylomicrons. Chylomicrons are lipoproteins composed of lipids, proteins and other substances, and are the largest form of lipoproteins.

Chylomicrons are mainly composed of triglycerides and cholesterol esters, and are responsible for the transport of fatty acids from the small intestine to the rest of the body. These chylomicrons contain fatty acids of less than 12 carbons, which are then transported throughout the body via the lymphatic system.

Once the fatty acids reach the liver, they are either metabolized or stored as fats. In order to enter the blood, fatty acids of 16 or more carbons must be packaged in lipoproteins, such as very low density lipoproteins (VLDL). These VLDLs are then transported to the liver via the portal vein.

In summary, fatty acids of less than 12 carbons enter the lymphatic system packaged in chylomicrons, while fatty acids of 16 or more carbons enter the blood and then the liver via the portal vein.

Learn more about Fatty acids at : https://brainly.com/question/13528495


Notice the two possible arrangements of chromo-somes in late prophase I. Considering what you know about DNA replication and meiosis, is either arrangement equally likely during the formation of tetrads in late prophase I


Yes, both arrangements of chromosomes in late prophase I are equally likely during the formation of tetrads. This is because, during meiosis, the homologous chromosomes replicate and then line up in pairs, known as tetrads.

During this process, the chromosomes can line up in any order, as long as the homologous chromosomes are paired together. Since the two arrangements of chromosomes in late prophase I consist of homologous chromosomes, they are both equally likely during the formation of tetrads.

Furthermore, during meiosis, the homologous chromosomes randomly separate and move to opposite sides of the cell in anaphase I, so the order of the chromosomes in late prophase I will not affect the outcome of meiosis.

To learn more about chromosomes visit:



According to the March, 1998 Executive Summary from the Office of the Chief Scientist at NOAA, what are the Earth's last unexplored frontiers?


Option c is Correct. The oceans are the final uncharted territory on earth, according to the executive summary from the office of the chief scientist at NOAA from March 1998.

Nearly the whole surface of our planet has been explored by humans. Each desert has been traversed by humans. We have traversed almost every peak, as well as the skies and even the universe beyond.

We still haven't made much progress in exploring our waters despite all of this. Over 80% of the oceans on Earth have not yet been fully mapped out. This is caused in part by the size of the oceans on Earth, but primarily by the intense pressure and darkness you experience when trying to explore the ocean's depths.

To learn more about oceans visit: brainly.com/question/11803537


Correct Question:

According to the march 1998 executive summary fron the office of the chief scientist at NOAA what are the earths last unexplored frontiers?

A) atmospheric layers

B) mountains

C) oceans

D) deserts ​

Find the edge length of the cube. (The density of copper is 8. 96 g/cm3, and the volume of a cube is equal to the edge length cubed. )

Express your answer with the appropriate units.


As a result, its edge length is 2.13 cm (because copper has a density of 8.96 g/cm3 and a cube's volume is equal to a edge length cubed).

(Cubic volume equals (edge length)3, and copper density equals 8.96 g/cm3) Tip: Mass is equal to the product of volume and density.From of the question, we may deduce that copper has a density of 8.96 g/cm3 and a volume of 2.62 cm3 for the piece of copper.A cube's volume is equal to its length, breadth, and height. However, because it is a cube, the length, breadth, & height all are equal and correspond to one of the cube's edges. Therefore, just find a cube root of a volume to get the length of a cube's edge.

Learn more about volume



Which substances are neuropeptides that inhibit pain impulse transmission in the brain and spinal cord


The most important of them is beta-endorphin, which, in addition to significantly lowering pain (its analgesic potency is many times that of morphine), is the opioid peptide that induces the most pleasure.

GABA, a neurotransmitter, also plays a role in central pain regulation by enhancing descending inhibition of spinal nociceptive neurons.

Neuropeptides are a broad category of chemically unique compounds that are found in and emitted by various sensory neurons. They play a role in the development, transmission, modulation, and perception of all forms of pain (physiological, neuropathic and inflammatory).

Neuropeptide Y (NPY) is a pain modulator that is generated in the brain. NPY receptors are found in the trigeminal ganglia and the trigeminal nucleus caudalis, implying an involvement in pain.

Learn more about to Neuropeptides



What are the main features of a bacteria do we use to classify them?


Bacteria can be classified on the basis of some of their main features which include their shape, mode of nutrition, mode of respiration and composition of their cell wall.

Bacteria are single-celled organisms which are able to survive in a wide range of conditions are found almost everywhere in the environment. They can be classified on the basis of some of their main features. The first feature is shape. Bacteria in nature can be found in different shapes which include rod-shaped, sphere, spiral etc. Another feature is their mode of nutrition which can be either heterotrophic or autotrophic.

The third feature can be their mode of respiration which can be either anaerobic or aerobic. Another feature is the composition of cell wall. The cell wall can be either peptidoglycan or lipopolysaccharide cell wall.

To know more about cell wall here



6. Give an example to illustrate how scientists can better understand a complex system by
studying its smaller component parts.



An example of how scientists can better understand a complex system by studying its smaller component parts is looking at how cells work.

What are Cells?

Cells basically are the basic building blocks of all living things. They are the smallest units of life, and they make up all organisms, from single-celled bacteria to complex plants and animals. Cells are made up of many different parts, including a nucleus, mitochondria, and cytoplasm. Cells are able to reproduce, grow, and specialize to form the various tissues and organs of the body.

They are the basic building blocks of all living things, and understanding how cells work can help scientists better understand how the body and its systems work as a whole. By studying the components of cells such as proteins, DNA, and organelles, scientists can gain insight into how the complex functions of the body operate, and how diseases such as cancer may be caused or treated.

To know more about cells,



Select the correct picture.
Which picture shows a portion of a plant that is directly involved in pollination?


The portion of the plant that is directly involved in the pollination process is the flower portion that is present in the second option, as the flower has the female part that can fertilize to give rise to the zygote.

What is the pollination process in plants?

In plants, the pollination process happens, and as a result, a new plant is developed and the pollination can be carried out by many factors, such as the wind, honey bees, and others, and they help the flowers be fertilized.

Hence, the portion of the plant that is directly involved in the pollination process is the flower portion that is present in the second option, as the flower has the female part that can fertilize to give rise to the zygote.

Learn more about the pollination process here.




The second option, the pink flower


How might a hole between the ide of the heart affect the functioning of the cardiovacular ytem ?


The hole allows oxygen-rich blood to return to the lungs rather of leaving them to the rest of the body. Blood with and without oxygen now blend together.

The blood pressure within the arteries that supply the lungs may rise if the pulmonary valve defect is significant. To pump blood, the heart thus has to exert more effort. The hole increases that volume of blood passing through the lungs, which over time might harm the blood vessels there. Adult issues, such as excessive blood pressure with in lungs as well as heart failure, may result from damage to the blood veins in the lungs. The left side of the heart may pump too hard and the lungs may get overfilled with blood from a significant atrial septal defect. The left side of the heart ultimately enlarges and weakens if untreated. Pulmonary hypertension can also develop as a result of elevated blood tension in the arteries that supply the lungs.

Learn more about blood



a cross between ss and Ss will generate _____ % normal hemoglobin, _____% sickle cell trait, and _____% sickle cell anemia.


A cross between ss and Ss will generate 0 % normal hemoglobin, 50 % sickle cell trait, and 50 % sickle cell anemia.

People with sickle cell trait deliver handiest one replica of the altered hemoglobin gene and seldom have any medical signs and symptoms associated with the sickness. In contrast, humans with sickle cell sickness deliver copies of the altered hemoglobin gene. Hemoglobin S trait, additionally cell  as sickle cell trait, approach that your infant has inherited one gene for the same old hemoglobin (A) from one discern and one gene for hemoglobin S from the alternative discern. motive any fitness problems. Your infant will now no longer want any remedy or remedy for S trait.

A cross between ss and Ss will generate 0 % normal hemoglobin, 50 % sickle cell trait, and 50 % sickle cell anemia.

To learn more about sickle cell trait check the link below:



As organs and organ systems continue to develop in this embryo, the eyes will contain clear, transparent lenses. How does a single group of cells differentiate to produce both the transparent lens cells as well as all the other specialized cells in the completed organism


Throughout embryonic development, a single group of cells, known as the ectoderm, differentiates to form a variety of specialized cells that make up the body of a completed organism.

One example of this is the development of the eyes, which contain clear, transparent lens cells. In order to understand how a single group of cells can differentiate to form such diverse components, it is important to understand the underlying cellular processes that drive this differentiation.

First, the ectoderm of the embryo undergoes a process known as gastrulation. During this process, the ectoderm begins to fold and divide, producing three distinct layers of cells known as the endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm.

As the cells differentiate, they begin to express different proteins on their surfaces which become the basis for further cell-to-cell interactions and signaling. This process is known as inductive signaling and is responsible for the development of the specialized cells in the embryo.

The inductive signaling process is responsible for the formation of the transparent lens cells in the eye. As the ectoderm begins to differentiate, certain cells in the mesoderm will receive signals from the ectoderm to begin the process of lens formation. The lens cells then produce proteins that induce the formation of other specialized cells in the eye, such as the cornea and the iris.

Learn more about gastrulation at :https://brainly.com/question/15839332


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