who here plays overwatch or paladins ps4? I'm getting overwatch soon and need people to play with. please don't report this.​


Answer 1


I'm down to play


Related Questions

What’s the term for a current flow in which electrons move in one direction



Direct Current



The Register Set that stores temporary results related to the computations are



ooh Bhai sahab


ooh Bhai Yaar Mata tyo gari sanisanisanisani

write a an algorithm to find out volume?​


This for the algorithm of a sphere:
Define the radius of the sphere.
Define the pie and assign (22/7)
Calculate the volume of the sphere as (4/3)*pie*r3
Assign the volume of the sphere to volume_of_sphere.
Print the volume of the sphere.

What is the name of the tab that becomes available after you add and select an image in your PowerPoint presentation?







Explain the consequences of using bits to represent data.



Each description of a PC needs to clarify how the PC handles data: numbers, text, pictures, sound, films, directions.

Using bits to represent data implies that the computer has to use a lot of memory since every character has a group of bits representing it.

The PC is an electronic gadget. Every one of its wires can either convey electric flow or... not convey current. Thus, similar to a light switch, it sees just two states. Incidentally, this is sufficient to make the entire thought work. Indeed, any framework that can speak to in any event two states can speak to data. Take, for instance, the Morse code that is utilized in telecommunication. Morse is a sound transmission framework that can convey a short signal (spoke to by a dab) and a long beeeeeep (spoke to by a scramble). Any letter or number can be spoken to by a mix of these two images. Snap here to see a Morse interpreter.


Essentially with PCs. To speak to a number, we utilize the parallel number-crunching framework, not the decimal number framework that we use in regular day to day existence. In the double framework, any number can be spoken to utilizing just two images, 0 and 1. (Morse is nearly, yet not exactly (because of the delays between letters) a paired framework. A framework firmly identified with Morse is utilized by PCs to do information pressure (more about this later).

A bit  which is also called a binary digit is the smallest unit of data. A combination of two or more bits is regarded as bytes.

A bit is usually processed by the electrical parts of a computer system. Internet speed is measured in bits and it reflects two opposite commands which could be either yes/no , on/off etc.

The consequence of using bit to represent data is due to the advantages which includes:

Easy computation : Due to the simplicity and it involving less complex calculations, the bits gives room for less errors.

Ease of Coding: The bits is the simplest and smallest unit of data which makes it less stressful when used in coding operations.

Ease of Operation: Devices which operates with the bits system makes it easier for humans to operate when compared to other complex forms.

Read more on https://brainly.com/question/19667078

A(n) __________ records the activities of computer operators surrounding each event in a transaction.
A. threat analysis
B. audit trail
C. DNA profile
D. expert systems analysis



B. audit trail


A(n) audit trail records the activities of computer operators surrounding each event in a transaction.

I believe the answer is b

Multi-part question:

Part 1:

Use MySQL Workbench to create an EER model for a database that stores information about the downloads that users make. (When you create the EER model, it will be given a default name of mydb. For this exercise, it’s not necessary to change this name.) Define the tables that are necessary to implement this data structure:

Each user must have an email address, first name, and last name.

Each user can have one or more downloads.

Each download must have a filename and download date/time.

Each product can be related to one or more downloads.

Each product must have a name.

When you’re done defining the tables, create a diagram for the database. Then, use the diagram to define the required relationships. When you do that, be sure to use the relationship button that uses existing columns.

Part 2:

Create a view named order_item_products that returns columns from the Orders, Order_Items, and Products tables.

This view should return these columns from the Orders table: order_id, order_date, tax_amount, and ship_date.

This view should return the product_name column from the Products table.

This view should return these columns from the Order_Items table: item_price, discount_amount, final_price (the discount amount subtracted from the item price), quantity, and item_total (the calculated total for the item).

Part 3:

Write a SELECT statement that uses the view that you created in part 2 to get total sales for the five best selling products. Sort the result set by the order_total column in descending sequence.



part 1:


Add the beginning comments at the top of the program.
In the first part of your program, create a for loop that runs three times:
Inside the for loop, prompt the user for an integer
Prompt the user for another integer
Call the function compare (you are going to create this function next)
Pass the variables that you used for the integer inputs from above
Create a function called compare (remember the function definition should go at the top of the program) and use two variables in the parameters of the function:
Inside of the function, create an if / elif / else structure that compares the two values passed into the function
If one value is less than the other, output that to the user (Ex: 2 is less than 4)
Elif the other value is less than the other output something similar (Ex: 4 is less than 9)
Else, output that they are equal to each other
That is it for the first part of the program.
Next, create an empty list called names.
Create a loop that runs 6 times:
Inside of the for loop, prompt the user for a name
Append the name to the list
Outside of the for loop, prompt the user for how many people they would like to vote off the island.
Call the function eliminate and pass the variable you used from step 7 to it.
Also, this function will return a value, so store this back function call back to a new variable.
Create a function called eliminate and create a variable to use as the parameter:
Inside the function, randomly shuffle (use the shuffle() method) all the values in the list (you will need to import random at the top of the program)
Then using a for loop, loop it as many times as the value that was passed to the function:
Inside the for loop, remove one name from the list (use the pop() method)
Outside the for loop, but still inside the function, return the list of remaining people
Underneath where you left off in step 8, print the remaining people that are left: those that did not get voted off the island.




# Python Practice


# Part 1

# ------------------------------------------------------

run_compare = 3

ran_compare = 0

while run_compare != ran_compare:

   num1 = int(input('Please input the first number: '))

   num2 = int(input('Please input the second number: '))

   def compare(number1, number2):

       if number1 < number2:

           print(f'{num1} is less than {num2}')

       elif number1 > number2:

           print(f'{num1} is greater to {num2}')


           print(f'{num1} is equal than {num2}')

   compare(num1, num2)

   ran_compare += 1

# ------------------------------------------------------

# Part 2

run_name = 6

ran_name = 0

names = []

# ------------------------------------------------------

while run_name != ran_name:

   name = input(str('Please insert a name: '))



   ran_name += 1

# ------------------------------------------------------

give me a second im going to resolve the last part but this is what i have so far

Following are the program to the given question:

Program Explanation:

Import random package as r.Defining a method "compare" that takes two variable "n1,n2" inside the parameter.In the next step, a conditional statement is declaed that checks the parameter value and prints its value. Defining a method "eliminate" that takes two variable "n, names" inside the parameter.It calls the shuffle method, and define a for loop that removes names value and return its value.In the next step, a for loop is defined inside this two variable "i1, i2" is declared that inputs value and calls the comapre value.In the next line, an empty list "names" is declared inside this a for loop is defined that inputs name value and calls the "eliminate" method and print its calculated value.


import random as r#import package random

def compare(n1, n2):#defining a method compare that takes two parameters  

   if n1<n2:#defining if block that checks n1 value less than n2 value

       print("{} is less than {}".format(n1, n2))#print value with the message

   elif n2<n1:#defining if block that checks n2 value less than n1 value

       print("{} is less than {}".format(n2, n1))#print value with the message

   else:#defining else block

       print("{} and {} are equal".format(n1, n2))#print value with the message

def eliminate(n, names):#defining a method eliminate that takes two parameters

   r.shuffle(names)#calling the shuffle method

   for i in range(n):#defining a for loop that checks n values

       names.pop()#calling pop method to remove value

   return names #return a names value  

for i in range(3):#defining a for loop that inputs value

   i1 = int(input("Enter an integer: "))#defining i1 value to input value

   i2 = int(input("Enter another integer: "))#defining i2 value to input value

   compare(i1, i2)#calling the compare method  

   print()#using print to break line  

names= [] #defining an empty list      

for i in range(6) :#defining a loop that inputs name value

   name = input("Enter name: ")#defining name variable that inputs value

   names.append(name)#calling append method  

n = int(input("\nHow many people you would like to vote off the island: "))#defining n variable that input value

new_names = eliminate(n, names)#defining new_names that calling eliminate method

print("\nRemaining people that did not get voted off the island:")#print message

if(len(new_names) != 0):#defining if block that checks new_names length not equal to 0

   for name in new_names:#defining a for loop that checks name is in new_names

       print(name)#print name value

else:#defining else block  

   print("None")#print message None


Please find the attached file.

Learn more:


The New Slide command on the Ribbon lets you choose ________.
Question 3 options:

slide dimensions

print settings

slide layouts



Answer: slide layouts


Just took the test hope this helps ❤️✨

The New Slide command on the Ribbon lets you choose slide layouts. Thus, option C is correct.

What is  New Slide?

Make your arrangement selection in the New Slide message box for your new presentation. Study slide layouts in more detail. Choose Add Slide. That new slide has now been added, allowing you to start adding information by clicking within a placeholder.

You may select slide patterns using Ribbon's New Slide command. To have the new slide display just below the selected slide there in the slide window, click on that slide. On the Insert tab, in the Slides grouping, choose the New Slide option.

The fresh slide needs to be displayed beneath the current slide. Select the initial of the two rolls and initiatives Slide to insert a new slideshow seen between existing ones. Therefore, option C is the correct option.

Learn more about  New Slide, here:



what type of computer is an ATM attached to ?


ATM machine uses a CPU to control the user interface and transaction devices

If this doesn’t help lmk I can add something else

How much data can a flash drive store?​



depends on which flash drive


32GB-1000 photos

Well, It just depends on which size you get. You could get a 512 MB or 10 GB. I prefer somewhere in the middle because I don't need to store a lot of stuff in my Flash drive.

Which of the following are risks to a network?
a Sending emails
b. Granting administrator access to a non-administrator
c. Opening files from unknown senders
d. Unwanted advertisements



option  b and c are correct answers.


Let see each option in detail.

a) Sending email is not a risk.

b) Granting access is a problem because the other person can undermine the network

c) Unknow senders can send virus or other malicious code to corrupts you data.

d) Unwanted advertisement is not a big deal.


Granting administrator access to a non-administrator  

 Opening files from unknown senders


Psst those are the answers

What does Stand for in web design






In a text messaging system, data is sent from one device to another. Devices are recognized by a unique device ID. The format of the message is sent as a string with information about the number of characters in the device ID, the device ID itself, the number of characters in the text message and the text message that is being sent with each part being separated by a space. The system uses this information to send the message to the correct device and the receiving device displays only the text message. The number of words in the text message is also useful. A word is defined by strings separated by spaces.
Here is a sample VALID message:
04 1234 05 hello
The first two digits in the string represent the length of the device ID to follow.
The device ID is the number of characters following the length. Note that the device ID may not be limited to number values.
Following the device ID is the length of the text message and then the text message itself. The text message may be any combination of characters (such as letters, numbers or symbols) and may include spaces.
This message contains one word.
Here is a sample INVALID message:
06 a2b10 09 I’m ready
The first two values 06 indicate the device ID length. The device ID is a2b10 which has a length of 5. This does not match the specified length 06. Thus, this is NOT a valid message.
This message contains two words.
The Message class represents messages in this system. A Message must have a device ID, the length of the ID, the length of the message and the text message being sent in order to be a valid message sent through the system. The Message class must determine if a message is valid in order to send a message. A valid message is one where the device ID length matches the given length in the message string and the text message length matches the length of the supplied text message. The text message consists of one or more words where the length of the text message string is at least one character.
Consider the code below:
Message msg1 = new Message("08 abc123xy 16 Computer Science"); //creates a new message object
boolean msg1Valid = msg1.isValid(); // returns true for a valid message
String text = "11 radio11a287 14";
Message msg2 = new Message(text);
boolean msg2Valid = msg2.isValid(); // returns false for an invalid message
Message msg3 = new Message("04 92a1 16 Computer Science");
Message msg4 = new Message("03 x8r 21 Today is a great day!");
int numWords = msg4.wordCount(); //returns 5, the number of words in the
//text message
Complete the Message class by writing the isValid() and wordcount() methods.
public class Message{
private int idLength;
private String deviceID;
private int msgLength;
private String textMsg;
public Message(String msg){
//implementation not shown
public boolean isValid(){
//to be written
public int wordCount(){
//to be written



public int wordCount() {

       String[] arr = textMsg.split(" ", 0);

       return arr.length();


public boolean isValid() {

       if (idLength == deviceID.length()) {

           if (msgLength == textMsg.length()) {

               return true;

           } else {

               return false;


       return false;



The Java source code defines two methods in a class named Message namely; isValid() and wordCount(). The isValid() method evaluates the validity of a message sent to return a boolean value while the wordCount() counts and returns the number of words in the message.

For all programs, you should write a small amount of code and _______
it before moving on to add more code?





One newly popular development paradigm is "test-driven development"; which borrows agile engineering principles in architecting project components.

April is worried that she is not a "good speller" so she plans to let the spelling checker correct all her mistakes. What would be the most helpful advice for April?​



Likely, the best option would be to use the "auto-correct" function found on Microsoft Word or Google Docs. There are other forms of spell-checking such as Grammarly or by using a dictionary.


They have tools meant for checking for grammatical errors and can be used to better enhance your overall writing.

Show the dynamic and speculation execution for the following code

Add F2,F3,F4
Loop : Lw F2,0(R1)
Subi R1,R1,8
Div F9,F10,F11
Sw F9,5(R2)
Bne R1,Loop

- 1 Fp & 1 Int operation can issue at the same cycle
- 3 execution stage
- 2 commit stage
- FP : 2 cycle
- Lw : 2 cycle
- ALU : 3 cycle
- Two iteration




How many times will line 7 be executed when the following code is run?

String str = "rebellion";

int i = 0;

int j = str.length() - 1;

String result = "";

while (i < j)


result = str.substring(i, i + 1) + result + str.substring(j, j + 1);







4 times



How many times will line 7 be executed?

Line 2 initialises i to 0

Line 3 subtracts 1 from the length of "rebellion" , the result of the subtraction is then saved in J


j = 9 - 1

j = 8

From line 2 and line 3, we have that:

i = 0 and j = 8

Line 4 is an iteration that is repeated as long as i is less than j

Line 7 will be executed, for the first time as: i < j because 0 < 8

i is incremented to 1 and j is reduced to 7

Line 7 is then executed again, the second time because 1 < 7

i is incremented to 2 and j is reduced to 6

Line 7 is then executed again the third time because 2 < 6

i is incremented to 3 and j is reduced to 5

Line 7 is then executed again the fourth time because 3 < 5

i is incremented to 4 and j is reduced to 4

At this stage, line 7 will no longer be executed because I is no longer less than as 4 = 4.

Hence, number of execution is 4 times

Which line of code will move the raft to the Skykomish River?

class raft:
def __init__(self,capacity):
self.capacity = capacity
self.location = 'Gauley'
self.repairs = []

def moveRaft(self, newLocation):
self.location = newLocation
myRaft = raft(30)

A. myRaft.moveRaft(self,'Skykomish')​

B. myRaft.moveRaft('Skykomish')​

C. moveRaft('self, Skykomish')​

D. myRaft.moveRaft() = 'Skykomish'





myRaft = raft(30)


If you add the following line, you can see that the raft is now located on the Skykomish River.

myRaft.moveRaft('Skykomish')​ is the line of code will move the raft to the Skykomish River. Hence, option B is correct.

What is Skykomish River?

Given that the North and South Forks of the Skykomish Rivers pass through it, the Upper Sky Valley is a canoeist and angler's dream. The Sky Valley's world-class whitewater rapids are a great option if you're searching for a wilder ride than floating around or wading into many fishing holes.

The Skykomish River will be navigable from its mouth to the point where its north and south forks meet. There will be no impediments in the Snoqualmie River from its mouth to Snoqualmie Falls. As long as the fishery is open, which is anticipated to last until anglers are allowed to keep up to two coho salmon that are at least 12 inches in length.

Thus, option B is correct.

For more information about Skykomish River, click here:



If I want to control the aperture and I want the camera to control the shutter speed which setting on the mode dial is most appropriate?
b) TV
c) M
d) P
since this is my last question im giving 100 points and brainliest



answer is a

hopes this helps

What is a segment?
1. a set of data or information
2. the main piece of cable in the network
3. a piece of hardware connecting pieces of cable
4. a length of uninterrupted cable connecting two devices


Segmentation divides a computer network into smaller parts. The purpose is to improve network performance and security.

Hope this helps!!

Explain to Alana why she might not want to blast her boss on social media just yet.


Answer: She might get fired. And who knows, if she doesn't, she might get a raise!

A device is sending out data at the rate of 1000 bps. How long does it take to send
out (a)10 bits, (b) a single character (8 bits) and (c)100,000 characters?



0.01 second ; 0.008 seconds; 800 seconds


Given that:

Sending rate = 1000 bps

Rate of 1000 bps means that data is sent at a rate of 1000 bits per second

Hence, to send out 10 bits

1000 bits = 1 second

10 bits = x

1000x = 10

x = 10 / 1000

x = 0.01 second


A single character 8 - bits

1000 bits = 1 second

8 bits = (8 / 1000) seconds

= 0.008 seconds


100,000 characters = (8 * 100,000) = 800,000

1000 bits = 1 second

800,000 bits = (800,000 / 1000)

= 800 seconds

The attenuation of a signal is -10 dB. What is the final signal power if it was originally
5 W?



P₂ = 0.5 W


It is given that,

The attenuation of a signal is -10 dB.

We need to find the final signal power if it was originally  5 W.

Using attenuation for signal :


Put dB = -10, P₁ = 5 W

Put all the values,

[tex]-10=10\text{log}_{10}(\dfrac{P_2}{5})\\\\-1=\text{log}_{10}(\dfrac{P_2}{5})\\\\0.1=\dfrac{P_2}{5}\\\\P_2=5\times 0.1\\\\P_2=0.5\ W[/tex]

So, the final signal power is 0.5 W.

The final signal power if it was originally 5W is; 0.5 W

Signal Power

We are given;

Attenuation signal; dB = -10 dBOriginal signal power; P1 = 5 W

Formula for attenuation signal is;

dB = 10log_10_ (P2/P1)

Where P2 is final signal power


-10 = 10log_10_(P2/5)

-10/-10 = log_10_(P2/5)

-1 = log_10_(P2/5)

0.1 = P2/5

P2 = 0.1 × 5

P2 = 0.5 W

Read more about signal power at; https://brainly.com/question/13315405

Kevin needs to get his data from a database into a text file to send to another group. He needs to _____.

A. export
B. sort
C. link
D. import



I got it right on test


pretty sure that it would be A. Export :)



Because B and C don't make too much sense, and D would mean to 'bring in' and A means the opposite, which is take out.

explain the major innavotions made from the establishment of abacus​



The abacus is one of many counting devices invented to help count large numbers.


If any one has mincraft on ps4 bedrock we can finish building a BIG city world all we need to put is a shop and money dispensers thx



cool i want a ps5


fast guys can u tell its answer
find the count of value from cells a5 through e12



See the bottom status bar of excel, it will show the average, count and sum of values in the selection.

What is the name of the variable in the
following code?





When coding, you use a variable name for an object, and assign it to move up, down, and/or sideways.

Lift is the answer for that

A junior account manager owns an account and creates a new opportunity to manage a complex deal. She needs the help of the product specialist and solution engineer.
Given the size of this deal, she knows the account is likely to be reassigned to a senior Account manager in the near future.

What is the optimal way for the Junior Account manager to share the opportunity, given the private sharing model?

Manual share on the account
Opportunity Team
Manual share on the opportunity
Create owner-based sharing rule


Answer:  I'd say She should share by Email, Text, or call.

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