windblown loess, like sand, typically accumulates as mound-like dunes.a. true
b. false


Answer 1

The answer is true. Windblown loess, which consists of fine-grained particles, can accumulate in the form of dunes due to the action of wind. Loess dunes are typically smaller and lower in height compared to sand dunes, but they can still have a significant impact on the landscape.

In areas with high winds and limited vegetation, such as deserts and grasslands, loess dunes can be quite common. The formation of loess dunes is influenced by several factors, including wind speed, direction, and the availability of loose particles. Over time, loess dunes can shift and change shape due to the ongoing effects of wind erosion and deposition.

To know more about Dunes  visit :


Related Questions

The urban heat island is caused by _____.
a. regional topography
b. industrial waste heat
c. a shallow mixing layer with poor atmospheric ventilation
d. industrial and urban development


The urban heat island is primarily caused by industrial and urban development (option d).

Urban heat islands occur when cities experience significantly higher temperatures than their surrounding rural areas. This phenomenon is a result of the concentration of buildings, roads, and other infrastructure in urban areas, which absorb and re-emit heat, causing the temperature to rise. Several factors contribute to the development of urban heat islands. Firstly, the high percentage of impervious surfaces, such as concrete and asphalt, in cities leads to reduced evapotranspiration, which is a natural cooling process.

Secondly, urban areas tend to have less vegetation and green spaces compared to rural areas, which further reduces the cooling effect of evapotranspiration. Additionally, the density of buildings in cities creates what is known as the "canyon effect," where heat is trapped between structures and unable to escape. This leads to poor atmospheric ventilation (option c), which exacerbates the urban heat island effect. While industrial waste heat (option b) can contribute to localized increases in temperature, it is not the primary cause of the overall urban heat island phenomenon.

Regional topography (option a) can also have an impact on temperatures, but it does not directly cause urban heat islands. In conclusion, the urban heat island effect is mainly caused by industrial and urban development, which leads to higher temperatures in cities compared to their surrounding rural areas. The correct option is d.

For more about urban heat:


once out of africa, homo erectus was mainly restricted to tropical climates.a. trueb. false


The answer is "False". While Homo erectus did originate in Africa, they were able to successfully migrate and adapt to a variety of climates, including temperate and even colder regions.

Fossils of Homo erectus have been found in places such as China, Indonesia, and Georgia, indicating their ability to survive and thrive in non-tropical environments. Additionally, Homo erectus is known for their technological advancements, such as the use of fire and sophisticated tools, which would have allowed them to overcome environmental challenges and expand their range. Overall, Homo erectus is a testament to human adaptability and resilience in the face of changing environments.

To know more about Climates visit :


high humidity during a heat wave is particularly bad because __________.


the evaporation of sweat is slowed


the evaporation of sweat


continue flowing down the mountain, but shrink until a new balance is reached or until the ice disappears (of course, it must quit flowing as it disappears!).


As the deposition continues flowing down the mountain, it undergoes changes that eventually lead to a new balance or, in some cases, its complete disappearance.

Deposition is a legal process used to gather information and evidence in a legal case. It involves the sworn testimony of a witness or a party to the case, given outside of the courtroom and under oath. During a deposition, the witness is typically questioned by the attorneys from both sides of the case, and the answers are recorded by a court reporter.

The purpose of a deposition is to discover and establish the facts of a case, as well as to assess the credibility of witnesses and gather evidence. It allows both sides to obtain information, clarify issues, and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of their respective positions. Depositions can be conducted in a variety of civil and criminal cases, and the information obtained can be used during trial or settlement negotiations.

To know more about Deposition  refer here :


what two factors are often used for basic classification of global climate zones?



temperature and precipitation


the first constraint usually applied to a new sketch is referred to as a


constraint, which serves as an anchor to fix the geomtery in space

the cascading forward motion of breaking waves as they rush upon the shore is called ________.


The cascading forward motion of breaking waves as they rush upon the shore is called "swash."

Swash occurs when a wave breaks and its energy is released, propelling water up the beach. This process begins with the waves approaching the shoreline at an angle, and as they interact with the seabed, their shape changes, causing the wave to break. The breaking wave then generates swash, which moves rapidly up the slope of the beach, carrying sand, pebbles, and other sediment with it.

As the swash loses energy, it flows back down the beach in a process called "backwash." Together, swash and backwash contribute to the continuous process of beach erosion and deposition.

For more about waves:


The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) was created to encourage the following
A. As a way to disburse war funds for farmers
B. Organic farming
C. Food production for export
D. Production of affordable food


The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) was created in the late 1950s by the European Economic Community (EEC) to encourage food production Production of affordable food for European citizens.

The correct option is D.

It was designed to help create a healthy and productive agricultural system that would provide affordable food for European consumers. The CAP provides financial support to farmers through direct payments, rural development programs, and market interventions and regulations. The CAP also encourages sustainable production practices, including organic farming.

It provides incentives for farmers to produce food for export, and it subsidizes production of crops meant for human consumption. The CAP also seeks to improve the standard of living for farmers, by providing them with access to new technology and resources. In recent years, the CAP has also sought to improve the environment through initiatives that promote the use of renewable energy sources, reduce water pollution, and reduce the amount of greenhouse gases produced by agriculture.

To know more about Common Agricultural Policy, click here:


why metamorphic field gradients are defined on the basis of the first occurrence of a mineral in a rock (and not when a mineral disappears)


Metamorphic field gradients refer to the change in pressure and temperature conditions within a rock that lead to the formation of certain minerals.

These gradients are typically defined on the basis of the first occurrence of a mineral in a rock, rather than when a mineral disappears, because the first occurrence of a mineral can provide important information about the conditions under which the rock formed. For example, if a certain mineral only forms at very high pressures and temperatures, its first occurrence in a rock can indicate that the rock was subjected to these conditions at some point in its history. By contrast, the disappearance of a mineral may not provide as much useful information, as it could be due to a number of factors, such as erosion or alteration. Therefore, defining metamorphic field gradients on the basis of the first occurrence of a mineral can help geologists better understand the conditions and processes that have shaped a particular rock.

to know more about Metamorphic field gradients visit:


where would you go to find "black smokers" (deep sea hydrothermal vents)?


Black smokers are hydrothermal vents located in the deep ocean, typically at depths between 2,000 and 4,000 meters.

They can be found along mid-ocean ridges, subduction zones, and scattered in back-arc basins. The most famous mid-ocean ridge is the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, where the North American and Eurasian tectonic plates spread apart. This is the longest mountain range in the world, stretching 15,000 kilometers.

Subduction zones are where two tectonic plates meet and one slides beneath the other. Examples of this include the Mariana Trench and the Cascadia Subduction Zone. Back-arc basins are located near subduction zones and are formed when the overriding plate is pushed away from the subduction zone. Examples of this include the Okinawa Trough and the Mariana Back-arc Basin. Black smokers have been found in all of these locations.

To know more about hydrothermal vents, click here:


The most important agricultural region in Oceania is probably the area of southeastern New Zealand. False/True


The given statement "The most important agricultural region in Oceania is likely the area of southeastern New Zealand" is true because this region, including the Canterbury Plains and Otago, has a favorable climate and fertile soils, making it suitable for various agricultural activities.

Livestock farming, especially dairy and sheep farming, as well as crop production, like wheat and barley, are common in this area. The agricultural industry plays a crucial role in New Zealand's economy, providing both domestic food supply and exports, which contribute to the country's overall economic growth. Therefore, southeastern New Zealand can be considered the most important agricultural region in Oceania.

For more about agricultural:


well-sorted sediments typically have ____________ porosity compared to poorly sorted sediments.


Well-sorted sediments typically have higher porosity compared to poorly sorted sediments.

Porosity is a measure of the amount of open space or voids within a material. When sediments are deposited, they can vary in size, shape, and composition. Well-sorted sediments are composed of grains that are similar in size, shape, and composition, resulting in a higher degree of packing efficiency. This means that the spaces between grains are more consistent, leaving more space for open pores and increasing the porosity.

In contrast, poorly sorted sediments are composed of a wide range of grain sizes and shapes, resulting in a lower degree of packing efficiency. This means that the spaces between grains are more variable, reducing the amount of open space available for pores and decreasing the porosity. Overall, porosity is an important factor in understanding the ability of sediments to store and transport fluids. The higher porosity of well-sorted sediments can allow for greater fluid storage and flow, while poorly sorted sediments may limit these processes.

For more about sediments:


Which of the following is NOT true about the science of Geography? Pick the most appropriate answer Geography is a spatial science Geography is an integrative science Geography uses the scientific method to answer questions about our world Geography is concerned with understanding the spatial distributions and interrelationships of all phenomenon that we experience, observe, and interact with on Earth all of the above are true about Geography


The answer to the question is option 5, all of the above are true about Geography.

Geography is a spatial science that studies the spatial distribution and interrelationships of all phenomena on Earth. It is an integrative science that combines different fields of study, such as physical and social sciences, to better understand the world we live in. Geography uses the scientific method to answer questions and test hypotheses about our planet. Therefore, all the statements about Geography are true, and option 5 is not correct as it suggests otherwise. In conclusion, Geography is a crucial field of study that helps us understand the world around us, and it employs various methods to do so.

to know more about Geography visit:


anita the astronomer wants to know how big a black hole is. unfortunately, no one can see a black hole. instead she measures the speed of a star orbiting the black hole and the size of its orbit and comes up with a good estimate for the black hole that she cannot see.


Anita, the astronomer, faces the challenge of determining the size of a black hole, which is inherently invisible.

However, she devises a method to estimate its size by studying the behavior of objects near the black hole. Specifically, Anita measures the speed of a star orbiting the black hole and the size of its orbit. By applying the laws of gravity and celestial mechanics, she can derive an estimate for the mass of the black hole. The star's orbital speed and size of its orbit provide crucial information about the gravitational pull exerted by the black hole. Using these measurements, Anita can apply Kepler's laws or other mathematical models to calculate the mass of the black hole, indirectly estimating its size. Though she cannot directly observe the black hole, Anita's ingenuity and scientific analysis enable her to make an informed estimation of its size based on the observable properties of nearby objects.

Learn more about astronomer here:


TRUE/FALSE. building in backshore areas and sand dunes do not affect sediment budget and coastal erosion.




a temperature inversion can adversely affect air quality and is characterized by ________.


A temperature inversion is characterized by a reversal of the normal temperature profile in the atmosphere, where temperature increases with height.

In a temperature inversion, a layer of warm air forms above a layer of cooler air near the Earth's surface. This inversion layer acts as a lid, trapping pollutants and preventing vertical mixing of the air. As a result, pollutants, such as smoke, smog, and industrial emissions, get trapped near the surface, leading to poor air quality. Temperature inversions can occur due to various factors like radiation cooling, subsidence, or the presence of warm air aloft. Adverse effects on air quality can include increased pollution levels, reduced visibility, and potential health hazards.

Learn more about temperature inversion here:


when meander scars are filled with water, they are called:


When meander scars are filled with water, they are called oxbow lakes.

Lakes are bodies of water that are generally surrounded by land and are larger than ponds. They are formed through various geological processes, such as tectonic activity, glacial erosion, volcanic activity, or even human-made constructions. Lakes are vital ecosystems that support diverse forms of life, including plants, animals, and microorganisms.

Lakes are classified based on their origin, size, depth, and water source. They can be freshwater or saline, with freshwater lakes being more common. They serve important functions in nature, such as regulating water flow, providing habitats for numerous species, and acting as a water source for human activities, agriculture, and industry.

To know more about Lakes refer here :


was the volcanic sediment seen here all deposited at the same time and by one event


Volcanic sediment can also be influenced by other geological processes such as erosion, transportation, and deposition by water, wind, or gravity. These processes can further modify and redistribute the volcanic sediment over time.

In general, volcanic sediment can be deposited in various ways and at different times. Volcanic eruptions can produce a wide range of sediments, including ash, pyroclastic flows, lahars (mudflows), and volcanic debris. The deposition of volcanic sediment can occur during a single eruptive event or over an extended period, depending on the nature and duration of volcanic activity. In some cases, a volcanic eruption can generate multiple layers of sediment over time, especially if the volcano has a history of repeated eruptions or if the eruption itself occurs in phases. Each eruption event can contribute new layers of volcanic sediment.

Learn more about Volcanic sediment


what concept describes how destabilization in one area will eventually affect neighboring areas?


The concept that describes how destabilization in one area will eventually affect neighboring areas is known as the domino effect.

The term "domino effect" originates from the analogy of a row of standing dominoes, where when one domino falls, it sets off a chain reaction causing the subsequent dominoes to fall one after another.

Similarly, in a broader context, the domino effect suggests that a disruption or instability in one region can spread and have cascading effects on nearby regions or interconnected systems.

This concept is often used in political, social, economic, and environmental contexts to illustrate the interconnectedness and potential consequences of disturbances in a complex system.

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strong earthquakes have been felt in southeast missouri, what causes these earthquakes?


The occurrence of strong earthquakes in southeast Missouri can be attributed to the presence of the New Madrid Seismic Zone.

This seismic zone is a highly active area located in the central United States, spanning parts of Missouri, Arkansas, Tennessee, and Kentucky. The earthquakes in this region are primarily caused by the reactivation of ancient faults, particularly the New Madrid Fault System. The exact cause of the seismic activity in the New Madrid Seismic Zone is still not fully understood, but it is believed to be associated with the complex geological history of the region and the ongoing stress and strain accumulation within the Earth's crust. The seismic activity in southeast Missouri is a result of the release of this accumulated stress through earthquakes.

Learn more about Missouri here:


What difference, if any, would have resulted if the protoplanet that struck Earth had done so before Earth underwent chemical differentiation? Chemical differentiation would have resulted in the Moon's composition being like the core of Earth. Chemical differentiation would have resulted in the Moon's composition being like the mantle of Earth. There would have been no difference at all. Chemical differentiation would have resulted in the Moon having an overall composition very similar to Earth's.


If the protoplanet had struck Earth before chemical differentiation, the difference would have been that the Moon's composition would have been like the core of Earth, not the mantle or having a similar composition.Option (b)

Chemical differentiation is the process by which denser materials sink toward the core while lighter materials rise to form the mantle and crust. If the impact occurred before this process took place, the Moon would have formed from the ejected material that did not experience chemical differentiation.

As a result, the Moon's composition would have been more similar to the mantle of Earth rather than resembling the core or having an overall composition similar to Earth's.

Learn more about Moon's composition


Full Question: What difference, if any, would have resulted if the protoplanet that struck Earth had done so before Earth underwent chemical differentiation?

Chemical differentiation would have resulted in the Moon's composition being like the core of Earth. Chemical differentiation would have resulted in the Moon's composition being like the mantle of Earth. There would have been no difference at all. Chemical differentiation would have resulted in the Moon having an overall composition very similar to Earth's.

.The legal process involved in the protection of endangered species is a complicated and time-consuming one. It is also costly for all but which of the following groups?

a. Those whose lives and livelihoods may be substantially altered by the protections extended

b. Attorneys representing individuals and business entities accused of violating the Endangered Species Act (ESA)

c. The species and our world in the event necessary protections are not extended or are not effective

d. The government, and therefore all of us as taxpayers


The legal process involved in the protection of endangered species is a complicated and time-consuming one, and is also very costly. The group that bears the brunt of this cost is the government, and thus all of us as taxpayers.

The correct option is D.

This cost is incurred for the legal process that is necessary to ensure that the necessary protections are extended and effective. Those whose lives and livelihoods may be substantially altered by the protections extended are also affected by the cost, but it is not the same as the cost incurred by the government.

Attorneys representing individuals and business entities accused of violating the Endangered Species Act (ESA) may also be affected by the cost of the legal process, but again, it is not the same as the cost incurred by the government. Ultimately, the cost of protecting endangered species is borne by all of us, and is necessary to ensure the species and our world are protected.

To know more about Endangered Species Act, click here:


the most successful adaptation for living on a sediment-covered shore is:


The most successful adaptation for living on a sediment-covered shore is the presence of specialized structures or behaviors that allow organisms to thrive in such an environment.

One of the key adaptations is the ability to burrow or dig into the sediment. This adaptation provides several advantages:

Protection: Burrowing into the sediment provides protection from predators and harsh environmental conditions such as waves and currents. Organisms can seek refuge within the sediment and avoid being exposed or swept away.Stability: Burrowing helps organisms maintain stability in shifting sediment. By anchoring themselves within the sediment, they can withstand the movement and changes in the substrate.Feeding Opportunities: Sediment-covered shores often provide a rich food source for organisms. Burrowing allows organisms to access organic matter, detritus, and small organisms present within the sediment, providing them with a reliable food supply.Oxygen Exchange: Some organisms have specialized structures or behaviors that enable them to exchange gases, particularly oxygen, within the sediment. This allows them to survive in oxygen-depleted environments and avoid suffocation.

To know more about shore refer to-


what is the name of the oldest recessional moraine in the huron erie lobe


The oldest recessional moraine in the Huron Erie Lobe is known as the Erie Lobe Moraine.

It is estimated to be around 13,000 years old and was formed during the retreat of the Huron Erie Lobe of the Laurentide Ice Sheet. This moraine is located in the northern part of Ohio, and extends into Pennsylvania and western New York. The Erie Lobe Moraine is an important feature for geologists and scientists studying the geological history of this region, as it provides valuable insights into the retreat of the ice sheet during the last glacial period. It is fascinating to think that this moraine was formed by the movement of ice thousands of years ago, and its importance to the scientific community is a testament to the incredible power of nature. In summary, the Erie Lobe Moraine is the name of the oldest recessional moraine in the Huron Erie Lobe, and it is a significant geological feature in the region.

To know more about moraine visit:


Metamorphic textures are defined by the size and shape of the mineral grains that make up the rock as well as the spatial relationships between the grains.The textures can be divided into rocks that are foliated and those that are nonfoliated.Foliated metamorphic rocks show signs that their minerals have been reoriented into layers.Minerals in nonfoliated metamorphic rocks have no orientation.When a rock is metamorphosed and its initial textures remain visible, it is said to have undergone low-grade metamorphism.Rocks whose layering and other characteristic textures have been obliterated have undergone high-grade metamorphism.This Gigapan image shows a dark metamorphic rock in contact with a lighter igneous rock (granite). Review the statements below, and determine which are correct about the dark metamorphic rock on the left in the Gigapan image.Select all that apply.A.) The metamorphic rock has undergone high-grade metamorphism.B.) The metamorphic rock shows foliation.C.) The metamorphic rock shows no foliation.D.) The metamorphic rock has undergone low-grade metamorphism.


The statements which are correct about the dark metamorphic rock is:

-The metamorphic rock has undergone high-grade metamorphism.-The metamorphic rock shows foliation, option A and B.

metamorphic rock, any of a group of rocks that change in response to changing environmental conditions like temperature, pressure, and mechanical stress, as well as the addition or removal of chemical components, is a metamorphic rock. Igneous, sedimentary, or other metamorphic rocks may be the preexisting rocks.

The Greek word for "change of form" is "metamorphism;" From igneous or sedimentary rocks that have changed their form (recrystallized) due to changes in their physical environment, metamorphic rocks are formed. Mineralogy and the structure of the original rock are both altered during metamorphism. Contact metamorphism, in which hot magma enters cooler rocks surrounding it, or large-scale tectonic movements of Earth's lithospheric plates that alter the pressure-temperature conditions of the rocks (regional metamorphism) typically cause these alterations. Also see "plate tectonics").

Learn more about metamorphic rock:


which process is responsible for changing the composition of rock? erosion abrasion chemical weathering


Answer: chemical weathering


the face experiment investigates levels of ______ on forest dynamics.


The FACE (Free-Air Carbon Dioxide Enrichment) experiment investigates levels of CO2 (carbon dioxide) on forest dynamics.

This study aims to understand the impact of increased CO2 concentrations on forest ecosystems, specifically plant growth, nutrient cycling, and carbon sequestration. In a typical FACE experiment, researchers artificially elevate CO2 levels within a controlled area of a forest to mimic future atmospheric conditions.

They then monitor and measure various aspects of the ecosystem, including tree growth, soil properties, and microbial activity, to determine how the forest responds to the altered environment. The findings from these experiments help inform climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies, as well as forest management practices.

For more about forest:


Installing turbines to produce wind power is __________.





wind turbines cost alot to install and also to maintain so the answer is costly




It requires a huge amount of money to build, and I'm talking in MILLIONS of dollars. It also requires quite a bit of money to maintain over years and years.

However, despite all this, the potential long-term benefits of producing renewable energy can outweigh the original costs.

I hope I helped!


The park type that requires the least amount of travel time and distance to use is thea. city parkb. regional parkc. neighborhood parkd. mini parke. none of the above


The park type that requires the least amount of travel time and distance to use is the neighborhood park (option c).

Neighborhood parks are designed to serve the immediate residents within a short walking distance, usually around 0.25 to 0.5 miles.

These parks are smaller in size, typically ranging from 1 to 10 acres, and provide basic recreational facilities such as playgrounds, picnic areas, and green spaces for various age groups.

In contrast, city parks, regional parks, and mini parks often cater to larger areas, specific age groups, or special interests, potentially requiring more travel time and distance for users.

Therefore, neighborhood parks are the most accessible and convenient option for everyday use.

For more such questions on park, click on:


why is it that many top predators such as lions, tigers, bears, and wolves have extremely large territories? answer in terms of trophic levels and your understanding of energy transfer.


Why many top predators have extremely large territories because they need to constantly search for and hunt their prey. As top predators, they are at the highest trophic level in their ecosystem and require a lot of energy to sustain themselves. This energy comes from the lower trophic levels in the form of herbivores and smaller predators.

In order to find enough prey to sustain themselves, top predators need to cover large areas of land. They also need to constantly move around to avoid overhunting a particular area, which could lead to a depletion of resources. Additionally, by having large territories, they are able to defend their resources and their young from other predators.

The energy transfer from lower trophic levels to higher trophic levels affects the need for large territories in top predators. As energy moves up the food chain, there is a decrease in the amount of available energy. This means that top predators need to consume more prey in order to obtain the energy they need to survive. This, in turn, means that they need to cover larger areas to find enough prey to sustain themselves.

Furthermore, the energy that is lost as it moves up the food chain is also a factor. This loss of energy means that top predators need to be highly efficient in their hunting techniques and need to avoid expending unnecessary energy. By having large territories, they are able to conserve energy by not having to constantly move and hunt in the same area.

In summary, top predators have large territories because they require a lot of energy to sustain themselves, and as energy moves up the food chain, it becomes more scarce. They need to cover large areas to find enough prey to sustain themselves, and having a large territory also allows them to defend their resources and young from other predators.

Learn more about predators:


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