World History
Chapter 21: The Enlightenment: Writing to Learn
Enlightenment author Marquis de Condorcet wrote in Sketch of the Progress of the Human Mind (1794):
That among the advances of the human mind, we should reckon as most important for
the general welfare (common good) is the complete destruction of those prejudices that
have established an inequality of rights between the sexes, an inequality damaging
even to the party it favors.
the most enlightened people... will slowly come to perceive war as the deadliest
plague and the most monstrous of crimes... they will understand that they cannot
become conquerors without losing their liberty; that perpetual alliances are the only way
to preserve independence; and that they should seek their security, not power... We
may conclude that the perfectibility of humanity is infinite.
Prompt: How would you characterize Condorcet's mindset regarding mankind's future?
Write a three-sentence paragraph on this topic.
In sentence one, make a claim that answers the question.
In sentence two, cite specific evidence that supports your claim.
In sentence three, explain how the evidence in sentence two proves the claim you made in sentence one.

World HistoryChapter 21: The Enlightenment: Writing To LearnEnlightenment Author Marquis De Condorcet


Answer 1

Condorcet's mindset regarding mankind's future is optimistic and hopeful. He believes that the complete destruction of prejudices, such as those that create an inequality between the sexes, is an important step for the common good. He also believes that as people become more enlightened, they will come to understand the destructive nature of war and the importance of preserving independence through perpetual alliances, rather than seeking power. This evidence shows that Condorcet believes that humanity has the potential for infinite improvement.

Related Questions

What does Claudius say in Act 3 Scene 3?


He becomes upset in the middle of the play; he rises and makes them stop performing.

In front of his own altar, Claud-ius falls to his knees and tells God he killed his brother. Despite his admission that this was a terrible mistake, he refuses to give up his newfound authority and position. Instead, he pleads with God to soften him so that he can ask for forgiveness.To transport Hamlet to England, Claudius commands Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. Claudius is informed by Polonius of his intentions to eavesdrop on Hamlet's talk with Gertrude.

To learn more about Hamlet here


write two sentences to describe the advantages and disadvantages of feudalism and the manorialism using one of the clauses


Feudalism, also known as the feudal system, was the combination of the legal, economic, military, cultural and political customs that flourished in medieval Europe between the 9th and 15th centuries. Broadly defined, it was a way of structuring society around relationships that were derived from the holding of land in exchange for service or labour.

Although it is derived from the Latin word feodum or feudum, which was used during the Medieval period, the term feudalism and the system which it describes were not conceived of as a formal political system by the people who lived during the Middle Ages.

The classic definition, by François Louis Ganshof, describes a set of reciprocal legal and military obligations which existed among the warrior nobility and revolved around the three key concepts of lords, vassals, and fiefs.

What group of hired soldiers helped Rome conquer enemies and expand its territory?

A. Roman legionaries

B. Roman missionaries

C. The First Triumvirate

D. The Carthaginians

(I think it's D but Rome enslaved them, they weren't hired. )


Roman legionaries helped Rome conquer enemies and expand its territory. So correct answer in given question is A(Roman legionaries).

What were the Roman legionaries known as?

legionaries , or units of soldiers, formed comprised the Roman army. A legion contained over 5,000 men. Each legion had its own fortress, badge, number, and name. The Roman Empire had roughly 30 legions, three of which had bases in Britain at Caerleon, Chester, and York. After some time, he will advance in his work and be able to legally start a family. The following requirements must be met before a legionary is permitted to marry: - To serve under his authentic identity (thus regularizing his military situation);

To know more about legionaries visit:


Summarize the rise and decline of the roman catholic church during this period, beginning with innocent III and ending with the council of constance


During the Crusades, feudalism decreased because many knights perished in battle and lost their wealth.

During the Crusades, feudalism decreased because: In battle, many knights perished and lost their wealth. Feudalism was a hierarchical system of land ownership in which the Lords would send their vassals into battle on their behalf in exchange for territories. The knights engaged in some military operations during the Crusades, many of which resulted in their deaths, and the elites suffered significant financial losses as a result of their loss of land. When there are disputes over doctrines and teachings, church officials convene a council to debate them. The council was called to reaffirm the beliefs and teachings of all Christian religions, not just the Roman Catholic Church.

Learn more about Feudalism here:


What did Lenin do before the revolution?


Lenin relocated to Saint Petersburg in the end of 1893. He began there as a barrister's assistant before moving up the ranks of a Marxist revolutionary group there that went by the name of the Social-Democrats in honor of the Marxist Social Democratic Party of Germany.

What is Lenin's contribution?

In the 1917 Russian Revolution, he was a crucial figure. implementing extensive land changes. Lenin was credited with the Bolsheviks' triumph during the Russian Civil War, which lasted from 1917 to 1922.

                     The New Economic Policy, which he introduced, was a synthesis of many economic systems with the state playing a decisive role.

What is the abbreviation for Russian Revolution?

When the Russian working class and peasants rose up in 1917 to overthrow Tsar Nicholas II's administration, it is known as the Russian Revolution.

                      Vladimir Lenin, along with a group of revolutionaries known as the Bolsheviks, served as their leader. The Soviet Union was a nation founded by the new communist regime.

Learn more about Russian Revolution


As Secretary of the Treasury, Alexander Hamilton proposed a far-reaching plan to

create a stable economic system for the United States. However, one unintended

result of Hamilton's plan was the realization of one of President Washington's

worst fears. What was this unintended result?

the creation of American political parties

the westward expansion of slavery

the formation of the Cabinet system

the introduction of federal income tax


When the federal government was originally established in 1789, Alexander Hamilton (1757–1804), a well-known banker and former military advisor to George Washington, was chosen to serve as the position's first Secretary of the Treasury. As a result, he was responsible for creating the organisational structure of the Department.

What was done in 1757-1804 by Alexander Hamilton?

After the country gained its independence, Hamilton advocated for a more robust national government, helping to ratify the Constitution by co-authoring the Federalist Papers—the most innovative contribution to American political thought—with John Jay and James Madison. Hamilton became the first secretary of the treasury because Washington was impressed with his grasp of economics. Hamilton is recognised with setting the foundation for a strong republic with his policies, including the absorption of state debts, encouragement of trade and manufacturing, and support for a national bank.

Know more about  organisational structure  visit:


Drag and drop each characteristic into each categories.

Categories: confederal, federal, and unitary

-Local Offices
-One national government
-No central authority
-National and state powers
-Independent states


The correct matched character traits are:

Confederal: No central authorityFederal: National and state powers; Independent statesUnitary: Local Offices; One national government

What describes a confederal system?

A confederal (confederation) form of governance is one in which multiple states have joined forces for a certain goal and each state commits to behaving in a particular way toward the other states, although each separate state retains the majority of authority inside its own borders.

In a confederal system, the central government has very few powers while the local governments within the bigger political entity hold the majority of the authority. Such a system of governance existed in Switzerland, where cantons had significant authority and the Swiss government had a limited role.

Learn more about the confederal system, here:



confederal: no central authority, independent states

federal: national and state powers

unitary: one national government, local offices


edge :)

By the early 1800s, who/where began to openly question the morality of slavery?


By the early 1800s, a growing number of people in the United States and Europe began to openly question the morality of slavery. The abolitionist movement, which sought to end slavery, had been active since the late 1700s, but it gained momentum in the early 1800s as more and more people began to speak out against the institution.

In the United States, the abolitionist movement was led by individuals such as William Lloyd Garrison, Frederick Douglass, and Sojourner Truth. These and other abolitionists argued that slavery was a violation of the fundamental human rights of the enslaved, and they worked to end the practice through a variety of means, including lobbying for legislative change, organizing boycotts, and publishing anti-slavery literature.

In Europe, the abolitionist movement was also gaining support. Many Europeans were horrified by the brutal treatment of slaves in the Americas, and they joined the movement to end slavery. Some European countries, such as Britain, had already abolished the slave trade, and by the early 1800s, they were working to end slavery in their colonies as well.

which country did the united states embargo, or stop trading with, prior to joining the war?


The US put a full export embargo on japan under the embargo act, froze Japanese assets in US banks, and transported supplies into china via the burma road in reaction to this growing threat.

Additionally, it momentarily put a halt to discussions with Japanese diplomats. The two chambers of Congress swiftly debated and enacted the embargo Act in december 1807 at Jefferson's request. There were restrictions placed on imports coming from the United Kingdom, and all american ports were restricted to export ships in either local or foreign boats. The Ban Act of 1807, passed by the US Congress.

A broad trade embargo on all foreign nations. jefferson requested that the embargo Act be quickly studied and adopted by the two chambers of Congress in december 1807. There were restrictions on imports coming from the united kingdom, and all American ports were closed to export ships in either local or foreign boats. Jimmy carter, the president of the united states, imposed the grain embargo on the soviet union in January 1980 in reaction to the Soviet union's invasion of afghanistan in 1979.

To know more about embargo act visit:


Was there a gas shortage during ww2?


Gasoline rationing was implemented in 17 Eastern states on May 15, 1942, in an effort to aid the American war effort during World War II.

President Franklin D. Roosevelt made sure that statutory gasoline rationing was in place in all 48 states by the end of the year.

Despite the fact that thousands of things became scarce during the war, only those that were absolutely necessary for the endeavour were rationed. Rationing laws applied to essential items like sugar, tyres, fuel, meat, coffee, butter, canned foods, and shoes.

To know more about World War II, click here:


What two places were known for having decentralized/feudal governments during the 600 to 1450 time period?


Two places that were known for having decentralized/feudal governments during the 600 to 1450 time period are The Holy Roman Empire and  Japan's Shogunate period.

The Holy Roman Empire, which existed from 600 to 1450, was an example of a decentralized government. The Empire was made up of many small independent states that were ruled by local rulers and had their own laws and administrative systems. These rulers were responsible for providing justice, collecting taxes, and protecting their citizens. They also had the power to declare war and make peace with other states.

This decentralized system of government allowed for a wide degree of autonomy and self-determination for the small states, ensuring that the interests of the Empire remained in balance. Japan's Shogunate period, which existed from 1185 to 1868, was another example of a decentralized government. During this time, the power of the Emperor was limited and the country was governed by a series of local leaders, known as shoguns.

This shogun had the power to make laws, raise taxes, and appoint officials. They also had the authority to declare war and make peace with other states. This decentralized system of government provided a certain degree of autonomy and self-determination to the various local rulers, ensuring that the interests of the Empire remained in balance.

To know about Holy Roman Empire refer to the link


Would you keep
or abolish the Electoral College? Does it violate the democratic principle that the
people have the right through their votes to choose their representatives? Why might
it make sense to retain the Electoral College?



Because those people are a little more experienced in politics than the average person yes there may be some that vote for their own personal benefit but no matter how hard you try there will always be someone out there like that. It's better to have someone who has more knowledge on the subject vote instead of people who aren't seeing the full picture and are most likely voting dye to what they've heard instead of what they've learned about the person

Can someone help me with this question: How were Abraham’s religious beliefs different from other Mesopotamians during his time?


Abraham's family worshipped “other gods” in Mesopotamia. In Canaan, they adopted the name El, the supreme god of the Canaanites, for a god Abraham experienced as uniquely transcendent and personal.

Who is Abraham?

Abraham is regarded as the common Hebrew patriarch of the Abrahamic religions, which include Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

Abraham's religious beliefs differed from those of other Mesopotamians at the time because Abraham's ancestors worshipped “other gods” in Mesopotamia. They used the name El, the Canaanite supreme god, for a god Abraham saw as uniquely transcendent and personal.

Learn more about the Abraham, refer to:


What is the role of the secretary of state? to represent the country in legal matters to plan responses to national security issues to approve presidential appointments to negotiate with foreign countries


The role of the secretary of state is to negotiate with foreign countries. Option D is correct.

What are the duties of the Secretary of State?

This professional, who will be appointed by the President and the Senate, will have fundamental skills in dealing with the country's foreign relations, that is, negotiating, managing foreign policies and managing relations with foreign countries.

Therefore, the Secretary of State, through the Department of State, has the task of developing the country's foreign service, being the President's adviser in such matters.

Find out more about Secretary of State on:


What was the social impact of the roaring 20s?


Major social developments occurred during the Roaring Twenties . The emergence of a consumer-oriented economy and of popular entertainment, which contributed to a "revolution in morals and manners," were the most overt indicators of change.

What changed most throughout the 1920s?

Significant social transformation occurred during the 1920s. The development of a consumer-driven economy and popular culture, which contributed to a "revolution in morality and manners," were the most visible indicators of change. During the 1920s, significant changes were made to sexual mores, gender roles, hairstyles, and clothing. The American consumer culture flourished as more and more people bought cars, electrical appliances, and other easily accessible consumer goods.

To know more about Roaring Twenties visit:




We whose names are underwritten. Do by these presents

solemnly and mutually in the presence of God, and one of

another, covenant and combine ourselves together into a civil

Body Politick, for our better Ordering and Preservation, and

Furtherance of the Ends aforesaid: And by Virtue hereof do enact,

constitute and frame, such just and equal Laws, Ordinances, Acts,

Constitutions, and Officers, from time to time, as shall be thought

most meet and convenient for the general Good of the Colony;

unto which we promise all due Submission and Obedience.

- Mayflower Compact, 1620

For what reason did a group of colonists agree to this compact?

A To declare independence from all European nations

B To form a social contract among themselves

C To demonstrate goodwill toward local American Indians

D To establish trade relations with other colonies




The reason due to which a group of colonists agree to Mayflower compact was to form a social contract among themselves.

The Mayflower Compact was the Plymouth Colony's first constitution, which was originally known as the Accord Between the colonists of New Plymouth. The men on the Mayflower, who included Puritan separatists, explorers, and tradespeople, wrote it. King James I of England was putting a stop to the Puritans' religious persecution.

A majoritarian framework and the colonists fidelity to the king served as the foundation for the Mayflower Compact. It was essentially a social compact wherein the settlers agreed to abide by the community's norms and laws for the sake of survival and order. The Pilgrims had resided in the Dutch Republic city of Leiden for a number of years.

Learn more about Mayflower Compact here:


When the Nile River flooded every June, what was left behind when the water receded that allowed the civilization to flourish? an abundance of sea life stable land suitable for building vast mineral deposits a rich layer of soil


When the Nile River flooded every June,  a rich layer of soil was left behind when the water receded that allowed the civilization to flourish. Thus option (d) is correct.

What is a river?

A river is a natural stream of water that flows or starts from its source until its mouth, where a river finally discharges its water. A river can discharge its water into another river, a lake or the sea.

A river can receive water from different sources: Precipitation or rainfall; Surface runoff; Springs and seepage water; water from snowmelt in areas with snow and glaciers.

In mountainous and hilly areas, rainwater flows and concentrates in lower areas, which fill up to form lakes.

Learn more about river here:


What are the 4 benefits of credit?


Answer: Rewards/Perks, cheaper, building credit, you'll get the best rates or quotes from insurance and/ loans

Explanation: Credit

The Willamette Valley was a fertile farming area that attracted migrations to which western region?


The Willamette Valley is a region located in the western part of the U.S. state of Oregon.

What is meant by Willamette Valley?

It is a fertile farming area that attracted migrations to the Pacific Northwest region of the United States. The valley is known for its mild climate, rich soil, and abundant rainfall, which made it ideal for farming and agriculture.

The valley was first settled by pioneers in the 1840s and 1850s, and it quickly became an important agricultural and commercial center for the region. The Willamette Valley is also known for its forests, rivers, and diverse wildlife, which attracted settlers looking for a new place to call home.

To know more about Willamette Valley, visit:


The 20th Amendment, also called the Lame Duck Amendment, decreased the amount of time between the
presidential election and the inaugration of the new president. What were the advancements that allowed for
this amendment?


the answer to your question is advances in technology with faster travel and communication.

Who became president after John F. Kennedy was assassinated?

A.Gerald Ford

B.Lyndon B. Johnson

C.Robert Kennedy

D.Richard Nixon


Answer: B. Lyndon B. Johnson



B Lyndon Jonhson............

Constantine I moved the capital of the Roman Empire from Rome to Byzantium because he: A. decided the way to save the empire was to share power between rulers in Rome and Byzantium. B. was trying to escape the Justinian Plague and the civil wars caused by the East-West Schism. C. wanted to re-create the glory of Rome in a more geographically strategic location. D. was fleeing the destruction of Rome by the invading Ostrogoths.


Constantine, I moved the capital of the Roman Domain from Rome to Byzantium because he: C. wanted to re-create the greatness of Rome in an all the more geologically essential area.

Constantine moved his money to Byzantium (later named Constantinople ) in 330 Promotion because the eastern piece of the Roman Realm was turning out to be more significant and he needed a capital that was nearer to the middle. Likewise, the region permitted simple admittance to huge domains using the Marmara ocean and the Danube stream.

All in all, Rome was a gigantic city with required a great deal of consideration, however, didn't offer tremendous get-back any longer. So Constantine just made official what other past rulers had previously seen (as they had invested little energy in Rome). In addition, Constantinople could offer those advantages that Rome couldn't any longer.

Hence option (C) is correct.

Learn more about Constantine I:


The Americans held a __________ view towards the war.


The Americans held a neutral view towards the war.

What was America's stance on the war in 1914?

In the summer of 1914, war broke out in Europe, with the Allied nations—Britain, France, and Russia—on one side and the Central Powers—Germany and Austria-Hungary—on the other. The United States would be neutral during the conflict, according to President Woodrow Wilson.

Many Americans supported President Woodrow Wilson's position of absolute and impartial neutrality when World War I broke out in Europe in 1914 and many wanted the US to stay out of the battle. "During these trying times for men's souls, the United States must be neutral in practice as well as in name.

To learn more about Woodrow Wilson


Before a general election can take place, a political party may hold a


Answer: primary election

Explanation: primary election to select the party's candidate for the general election. Primary elections are held to choose the candidate who will represent each political party in the general election. They are typically held in the months leading up to the general election and are open to registered members of the political party. The candidate who wins the primary election becomes the party's nominee for the general election and will appear on the ballot representing the party. In the United States, primary elections are held in each state and territory, and the process for selecting the candidate can vary from state to state.

Research and explain the steps to legally immigrate to America today.

No links


The steps that one needs to be able to immigrate to the US today are:

apply for an immigrant visaWait to get an approval for your visaGet examined medicallyGo through the interview stageWait to get the decision on the status of your application.

What does it mean to migrate?

"Immigrate" implies to go to a foreign nation with the intention of staying there permanently. The term "migration" itself includes both immigration and emigration. Immigration is permanent, but migration does not have to be, which is another significant distinction.

People may decide to immigrate for a variety of reasons, including work possibilities, the desire to flee a dangerous situation, environmental considerations, a desire to further their education, or the want to be near family.

Read more on immigrants here:


What is the comparative study of past and present cultures?


The subject matter of anthropology, which compares ancient and modern cultures, is most similar to that of sociology.

What does historical analysis of human cultures entail?

All facets of human society are studied through the process of change over time known as history.

                History includes all types of advancements, including social, political, economic, scientific, technological, medical, intellectual, religious, and cultural ones.

What does anthropology mean in plain English?

Studying what makes humans human is called anthropology. To explore the many varied facets of the human experience, anthropologists adopt a broad perspective known as holism.

                        In order to understand how early human populations lived and what was significant to them, archaeologists go to the past.

Learn more about Anthropology


Does lack of freedom mean people are subject to violence, or does it justify violence on the part of those lacking freedom? Explain your answer.



Does “lack of freedom” mean people are subject to violence, or does it justify violence on the part of those lacking freedom?


The more freedom a people have, the less their internal political violence; the less their freedom, the more such violence.

Question 6 of 10
By invading Union territory, Robert E. Lee hoped to:

A. build support for his campaign to become president of the Confederacy.
B. convince people in the North to stop supporting the war
C. prove he was a better general than Thomas Jackson.
D. capture Washington, D.C., and arrest Abraham Lincoln.


Answer: B. convince people in the North to stop supporting the war

Explanation: By invading Union territory, Robert E. Lee hoped to achieve several strategic goals including to convince people in the North to stop supporting the war.  Lee believed that by taking the Confederate army into Northern territory, he could create a sense of fear and uncertainty among the Northern population.

Lee's plan was to inflict heavy casualties and disrupt the daily lives of Northern civilians. He hoped that this would lead to a decline in support for the war effort among Northern citizens. Lee believed that if the Northern population became disillusioned with the war and its costs, there would be increased pressure on the Union government to seek a negotiated settlement with the Confederacy.

Additionally, by invading Union territory, Lee aimed to force the Union army to divert its resources and attention away from Confederate territory. This would provide the Confederacy with a strategic advantage by weakening the Union's military capabilities and potentially creating an opportunity for a Confederate victory.

Overall, Robert E. Lee's invasion of Union territory was a calculated move to demoralize the Northern population, weaken their resolve, and hopefully convince them to stop supporting the war.

Learn more about Robert E. Lee here:

Many newly independent Latin American countries went to war with each other. Which factors led to disputes


1. There was no foreign support: Countries fought with each other to loot resources as the economy was very weak and there was no real infrastructure. 2. Foreign Intervention: countries fought with each other to win ideological control over the others.

Which statement best explains a result of slave codes during the colonial era?



Slave codes increased the rights of enslaved people
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