Write a program to prompt the user to enter a fist name, last name, student ID and GPA. Create a dictionary called Student1 with the data. Repeat this for three students and create Student2 and Student3 dictionaries. Store the three students dictionaries to a new dictionary called ClassList. (ClassList will have Student1, Student2 and Student3 as sub dictionaries). Print out the ClassList. Then remove the GPA and print ClassList again.


Answer 1


Answered below


#Program is written in Python

first_name = input ("Enter first name: ")

last_name = input ("Enter last name:")

student_id = int(input("Enter your ID"))

gpa = float(input ("Enter your GPA: "))

student1 = {}

student1["first_name"] = first_name

student1["last_name"] = last_name

student1["student_id"] = student_id

student1["gpa"] = gpa

//Repeat same code for student2 and student3

class_list = {"student1": {"first_name":"joy","last_name":"Son","student_id":"1","gpa":"3.5"},

#Fill in for student 2 and 3}

#To remove GPA for all students

del class_list["student1"]["gpa"]

del class_list["student2"]["gpa"]

del class_list["student3"]["gpa"]


Related Questions

Peyton is taking a part-time job to earn some extra money. Every week the manager will provide a list of tasks and the number of hours each task requires. The tasks have to be done one by one from the first one and Peyton would do so until the time spent on all finished tasks exceeds 10 hours. Please construct a function take_tasks, which takes one integer list as the argument task_hours and prints out how many hours and how many tasks Peyton would do for that week. For example, the program below
tasks ([2, 1, 3, 1, 4, 2, 3])
will have the following output:
Finish 5 tasks in 11 hours
Note: you can use enumerate() to get the index of the task, which is available after the for loop terminates. However, keep in mind that index starts from 0.
time_spent = 0
time_spent = 10
if time_spent > 10: break
if time_spent > 0: break
for index, hour in task_hours:
print('Finish {} tasks in {} he
if time_spent == 10: break
def take_tasks (task_hours):
time_spent += index
time_spent += hour
for index, hour in enumerate



The function is as follows:

def tasks(Petyontasks):

   timespent = 0

   for i, tsk in enumerate(Petyontasks):

       if timespent<=10:




   print("Finish "+str(i)+" tasks in "+str(timespent)+" hours")


The program in the question cannot be traced. Hence, the need to begin from scratch.

This defines the function

def tasks(Petyontasks):

This initializes timespent to 0

   timespent = 0

This iterates through the tasks [i represents the count of the tasks while tsk represents the time on each task]

   for i, tsk in enumerate(Petyontasks):

If timespent is less or equal to 10

       if timespent<=10:

The tasks is added and the timespent is calculated


If otherwise


The loop is exited


This prints the required output

   print("Finish "+str(i)+" tasks in "+str(timespent)+" hours")

The base class Pet has private fields petName, and petAge. The derived class Dog extends the Pet class and includes a private field for dogBreed. Complete main() to:
• create a generic pet and print information using printInfo()
• create a Dog pet, use printInfo() to print information, and add a statement to print the dog's breed using the getBreed() method.
Ex. If the input is:
the output is:
Pet Information:
Name: Dobby
Age: 2
Pet Information:
Name: Kreacher
Age: 3
Breed: German Schnauzer




The following code is written in Java and creates the needed code within the main method in order to get the desired output as shown in the example. It also added The proper questions so that the user can know what type of information they should type in.

import java.util.Scanner;

public class PetInformation {

   public static void main(String[] args) {

       Scanner scnr = new Scanner(System.in);

       String petName, dogName;

       String dogBreed = "null";

       int petAge, dogAge;

       Pet myPet = new Pet();

       System.out.println("Enter Pet Name:");

       petName = scnr.nextLine();

       System.out.println("Enter Pet Age:");

       petAge = scnr.nextInt();

       Dog myDog = new Dog();

       System.out.println("Enter Dog Name:");

       dogName = scnr.next();

       System.out.println("Enter Dog Age:");

       dogAge = scnr.nextInt();


       System.out.println("Enter Dog Breed:");

       dogBreed = scnr.nextLine();

       System.out.println(" ");








       System.out.println(" Breed: " + myDog.getBreed());



class Pet {

   protected String petName;

   protected int petAge;

   public void setName(String userName) {

       petName = userName;


   public String getName() {

       return petName;


   public void setAge(int userAge) {

       petAge = userAge;


   public int getAge() {

       return petAge;


   public void printInfo() {

       System.out.println("Pet Information: ");

       System.out.println(" Name: " + petName);

       System.out.println(" Age: " + petAge);



class Dog extends Pet {

   private String dogBreed;

   public void setBreed(String userBreed) {

       dogBreed = userBreed;


   public String getBreed() {

       return dogBreed;



The method removeDupes is intended to remove duplicates from array a, returning n, the number of elements in a after duplicates have been removed. For example, if array a has the values {4, 7, 11, 4, 9, 5, 11, 7, 3, 5} before removeDupes is called, then after duplicates are removed, a will be {4, 7, 11, 5, 9, 3} and 6 will be returned.Consider the following three implementations of RemoveDupes. I. public static int removeDupes (int [ 1 a) int n-a.length; for (int i-0, icn; i+M int current- a [il: int j i+1; while (jcn)K if (currentaulK alil aln-1) return n; Il. public static int removeDupes (int [] a)t int n-a.length; for (int i-0; ikn; i++ int current a [il for (int j-0; j



public int removeDupes(int[]a){

int n =0;

for(int x =0;x<a.length;x++){

for(int y=0;y<a.length;y++){





int left = a.length-n;

return left;




What can you think of as a box or container that holds a value and has a label?
a conditional
b variable
c algorithm
d paradigm​



I think its B


none of the answers make that much sense to me but i did the quiz and that was what it was.

Answer:its b


Consider the following class definitions. public class Computer { private String memory; public Computer) { memory = "RAM"; } public Computer (String m) { memory = m; } public String getMemory () { return memory; ) } public class Smartphone extends Computer private double screenWidth, screenHeight; public Smart Phone (double w, double h) super("flash"); screenWidth = w; screenHeight = h; } public double get ScreenWidth() { return screenWidth; } public double getScreenHeight() { } return screenHeight; } The following code segment appears in a class other than Computer or Smartphone. + Computer myPhone = new Smart Phone (2.55, 4.53); System.out.println("Device has memory: " + myPhone.getMemory () ", screen area: " + myPhone.getScreenWidth()* myPhone.getScreenHeight() + " square inches."); The code segment is intended to produce the following output. Device has memory: flash, screen area: 11.5515 square inches. Which of the following best explains why the code segment does not work as intended?A. An error occurs during compilation because a Smartphone object cannot be assigned to the Computer reference variable myPhone. B. An error occurs during compilation because the Smartphone class has no getMemory method. C. An error occurs during compilation because the getScreenWidth and getScreenHeight methods are not defined for the Computer object myPhone. D. An error occurs at runtime because the Smartphone class has no getMemory method. E. An error occurs at runtime because the getScreenWidth and getScreenHeight methods are not defined for the Computer object myPhone.





The code provided in the question has many syntax errors. I have pasted a fixed version of the code below that fixes all the syntax errors but leaves the code as is. Using this code you can see that the error that is preventing the code from running properly is that

C. An error occurs during compilation because the getScreenWidth and getScreenHeight methods are not defined for the Computer object myPhone.

As you can see from the attached photo below, the code is failing to compile because the methods themselves are not able to be accessed by the myPhone object. This is happening during the compilation and thus causing the compilation to fail.

class Computer {

   private String memory;

   public Computer() {

       memory = "RAM";


   public Computer(String m) {

       memory = m;


   public String getMemory() {

       return memory;



   class Smartphone extends Computer {

       private double screenWidth, screenHeight;

       public Smartphone(double w, double h) {


           screenWidth = w;

           screenHeight = h;


       public double getScreenWidth() {

           return screenWidth;


       public double getScreenHeight() {

           return screenHeight;



   public class Main{

       //The following code segment appears in a class other than Computer or Smartphone


       public static void main(String[] args) {

           Computer myPhone = new Smartphone(2.55, 4.53);

           System.out.println("Device has memory: " + myPhone.getMemory() + ", screen area: " + (myPhone.getScreenWidth()*myPhone.getScreenHeight()) +" square inches.");



The choice is "The getScreenWidth and getScreenHeight methods again for Computer object myPhone aren't declared, resulting in an error during compilation".

Class Description:

In Options D and E errors would not occur since only compile-time errors, not run-time errors, would happen.

Computer myPhone = new Smartphone(2.55,4.55);

A computer class was referenced by myPhone in this line. As a consequence, it's solely useful for computer students. Therefore, if you try to use the "getScreenwidth" and "getScreenHeight" functions of both the Smartphone class, which would be a sub-class of the Smartphone, you'll get an error. So, because the scope of the myPhone is limited to the parent class, the computer, it complies.Choices A and B will not produce an error since they are inside the scope of the myPhone.As a result, option C is the best argument for why the code section isn't working as it should.

Find out more about the class here:


examples of intermediate technology​


Example of intermediate technology is the treadle pump, which enables farmers to provide a greater amount of water to their plants more easily compared to watering by bucket, while requiring much less infrastructure than constructing irrigation dams and pipes.

Write a method that reverses the sequence of elements in an array. For example, if you call the method with the array g


Hope it will help you

Critiquing design: for each of these teapots , finish the statement last on the right that critique the object design



Hey you have to add your own opinion. Like What you like about the teapot. what you wish was different. And What if meaning if it was changed how would it differ.


I like the design or this teapot. I wish it was made a little different. What if it was made different, it would be of more use and better to me.

Explain the derived data types in C language with examples each



Array, pointers, struct, and union are the derived data types.

The catch clause ________. follows the try clause contains code to gracefully handle the exception type listed in the parameter list starts with the word catch followed by a parameter list in parentheses containing an ExceptionType parameter variable The catch clause does all of these



all of these


The catch clause satisfies the following:

1. It starts with the word catch followed by a parameter list in parentheses containing an Exception Type parameter variable.

2. It follows the try clause.

3. It contains code to gracefully handle the exception type listed in the parameter list.

So, option ''all of these'' is correct

Which of the following statements is true for DMA: (only one correct answer) A. In DMA, Processor checks status until the operation is complete B. In DMA, Processor is interrupted when I/O module ready to execute data C. In DMA, no interrupt is produced D. In DMA, interrupt is sent when the task is completed E. None of the above



D. In DMA, interrupt is sent when the task is completed


Note, the term Direct Memory Access simply refers to a computer feature that allows hardware subsystems to directly access the main system memory of a computer, without any the aid of the central processing unit (CPU).

It is a fact that while the transfer process is ongoing, an interrupt (interrupt signal) is not sent until when the task is completed.

10. List three adaptations of wind-pollinated plants to promote pollination.



No bright colors, special odors, or nectar.


Most have no petals.

Insert the following formula into Excel sheet. Cos A+ |23|​



Thank you hope this helps

A personal business letter may be written by ?



a college student inquiring about a loan.


01110100 01101000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01110011 01110101 01100011 01101011 01110011 00100000 01100010 01100001 01101100 01101100 01110011 00100000 01110101 00100000 01100010 01101001 01110100 01100011 01101000 01100101 01110011



01110101 01101110 01101111 00100000 01110010 01100101 01110110 01100101 01110010 01110011 01100101 00100000 01100011 01100001 01110010 01100100 00100000 01000010 01000101 01010100 01000011 01001000

An entrepreneur wants to make an app to show what breeds of dogs are similar to each other. She wants to look at factors such as weight and energy level in her comparison. In the end, she wants each breed of dog to belong to a certain category based on these characteristics. What would be a sensible approach to solving this problem using clustering?



Dog breeds = observations, Average weight and energy level for each breed = variables. Each cluster is a category.


Using a method of clustering, she would be putting the dog breeds that are more similar together and in order to do this she has to look at various factors such as observation which are the dog breeds, and the average weight and energy level of the breeds, which represents variables. Every one of these clusters would be a category.

Create each of the following as separate classes: Room, Beds, Bath, Suite, SubRoom. Create a single RoomOrSuite class with the instance variables int numBeds, boolean hasBath, and int numSubrooms. Create a Suite class with the instance variables int numBeds, boolean hasBath, and int numSubrooms. Create a subclass Room of Suite which will inherit the instance variables numBeds and hasBath from Room, but not the instance variable int numSubrooms. Create a Room class with the instance variables int numBeds, and boolean hasBath. Create a subclass Suite of Room which will inherit the instance variables of Room and has an additional instance variable int numSubrooms. Create a Room class with the instance variables int numBeds, and boolean hasBath. Create a separate class Suite with the instance variable int numSubrooms.




The following is written in Java and creates each one of the classes as requested. They can be used as seperate files within the same package but for the sake of simplicity, I am adding them together in this answer.

class RoomOrSuite {

   int numBeds;

   boolean hasBath;

   int numSubrooms;


class Room {

   int numBeds;

   boolean hasBath;


class Beds {


class Bath {


class Suite {

   int numBeds;

   boolean hasBath;

   private int numSubrooms;


class SubRoom {


class RoomOfSuite extends Room{


class SuiteOfRoom extends Room {

   int numSubrooms;


3. Carmen Villa runs a cooking blog, where she posts a new recipe each day. She wants to get a sense
of where her visitors are from, so she can choose recipes from the areas where her website visitors
live. What other site usage information might she be able to gather, and how can she use it to
improve the cooking blog for her visitors?



im kinda confused on this question is ther a answer key


Why is it important that you cite your sources?



1. It gives credit to the authors/creators who's work you used.

2. Allows people who read your work a way find your sources if they want to learn more.

please help me with this coding problem :)

Consider the following field and incomplete method of some class. The method calcTotal is intended to return the sum of all values in vals.

private int[] vals;

public int calcTotal()
int total = 0;

/* missing code */

return total;
Which of the code segments shown below can be used to replace /* missing code */ so that calcTotal will work as intended?

for (int i : vals)
total += i;
for (int pos = vals.length; pos > 0; pos--)
total += vals[pos];
int pos = 0;
while (pos < vals.length)
total += vals[pos];

I only
II only
I and III
II and III
III only



ll and lll


list dont be a looser




Grain crusher is used to crush various kinds of grains, peas, buckwheat, beans, corn, linseed seeds and etc. Crushed grains are usually used to feed ruminant animals. Crushed grain are easier to digest, nutrients are assimilated more easily. Suitable as simply pellets chrusher.

Write a program that has the user input how many classes they are taking this semester and then output how many hours they will need to study each week. Assume that they need to study five hours per week for each class that they take.


This is for Python

class_amt = int(input('Amount of Classes: '))

hours = class_amt * 5

print(f'You need to study for {hours} hours every week')

The program that has the user input on how many classes they are taking this semester is written in python.

What is programming?

Writing code to support certain activities in a computer, application, or software program and giving them instructions on how to do is known as computer programming.

It is well known that one of the hardest subjects to master is programming. It is not difficult to understand why some people find it challenging to learn how to code given how different it is from conventional educational methods, including college degrees in computer science. In general, programming is a calm profession.

class_amt = int(input('Amount of Classes: '))

hours = class_amt * 5

print(f'You need to study for {hours} hours every week')

Therefore, the codes are written above.

To learn more about programming, refer to the link:



Monster Collector
Write this program using an IDE. Comment and style the code according to the CS 200 Style Guide. Submit the source code files (.java) below. Make sure your source files are encoded in UTF-8. Some strange compiler errors are due to the text encoding not being correct.
Monster collector is a game of chance, where the user tries to collect monsters by guessing the correct numbers between 1 and 5. If the user doesn't guess the incorrect number, you catch the monster, otherwise, it gets away!
Example output:
Welcome to Monster Collector, collect 2 monsters to win!
A wild pikamoo appears! Guess a number between 1 and 5
You almost had it, but the monster escaped.
A wild bulbaroar appears! Guess a number between 1 and 5
Congratulations, you caught bulbaroar!
There are no more monsters to encounter!
You caught i monsters of 2
Keep training to be the very best!
Welcome to Monster Collector, collect 2 monsters to win!
A wild pikamoo appears! Guess a number between 1 and 5
Congratulations, you caught pikamoo !
A wild bulbaroar appears! Guess a number between 1 and 5
Congratulations, you caught bulbaroar!
There are no more monsters to encounter!
You caught 2 monsters of 2
You're the monster collector master!
A more detailed explanation of the requirements for each method will be in the method header comments - please follow these closely. Suggested order of completion:getMonster(), catchMonster(), printResult() then main(). Config.java contains an array of monsters, and the seed for your random number generator.



In java:

import java.util.*;

public class Main{

public static void main(String[] args) {

 Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);

 int monsternum, usernum;

 int count = 0;

 Random rand = new Random();

 String [] monsters = {"wild pikamoo","wild bulbaroar"};

 for(int i =0;i<2;i++){

     monsternum = rand.nextInt(5);  

     System.out.print("A "+monsters[i]+" appears! Guess a number between 1 and 5: ");

     usernum = input.nextInt();

     if(monsternum == usernum){      count++;      System.out.println("Congratulations, you caught a "+monsters[i]+"!");  }

 else{      System.out.println("You almost had it, but the monster escaped.");  }



 System.out.println("There are no more monsters to encounter!");

 System.out.println("You caught "+count+" monsters of 2");

 if(count!=2){      System.out.print("Keep training to be the very best!");  }

 else{      System.out.print("You're the monster collector master!");  }




This declares monster and user number as integers

 int monsternum, usernum;

Initialize count to 0

 int count = 0;

Call the random object

 Random rand = new Random();

Create a string array to save the monster names

 String [] monsters = {"wild pikamoo","wild bulbaroar"};

Iterate for the 2 monsters

 for(int i =0;i<2;i++){

Generate a monster number

     monsternum = rand.nextInt(5);  

Prompt the user to take a guess

     System.out.print("A "+monsters[i]+" appears! Guess a number between 1 and 5: ");

Get user guess

     usernum = input.nextInt();

If monster number and user guess are equal, congratulate the user and increase count by 1

     if(monsternum == usernum){      count++;      System.out.println("Congratulations, you caught a "+monsters[i]+"!");  }

If otherwise, prompt the user to keep trying

 else{      System.out.println("You almost had it, but the monster escaped.");  }  


Print no monsters again

 System.out.println("There are no more monsters to encounter!");

Print number of monsters caught

 System.out.println("You caught "+count+" monsters of 2");

Print user score

 if(count!=2){      System.out.print("Keep training to be the very best!");  }

 else{      System.out.print("You're the monster collector master!");  }

Which descnptons are examples of Logistics Planning and Management Services workers? Check all that apply.
a. Lucreta supervises workers who organize the products in a warehouse b. Jeff organizes the redevelopment of areas contaminated by pollution.
c. Beatrice sells tickets to passengers for trips, and advises them about travel routes
d.Stephane inspects vencies and equipment to make sure they meet safety standards
d. Marcel oversees the transportation activities of an organization
e. Armand analyzes procedures for shipping and storage to identify ways to make them more efficient.​



The following below are descriptions of Logistics Planning and Management Services workers:

a. Lucreta supervises workers who organize the products in a warehouse

c. Beatrice sells tickets to passengers for trips, and advises them about travel routes

d.Stephane inspects vencies and equipment to make sure they meet safety standards

d. Marcel oversees the transportation activities of an organization


Find the number of ways in which a committee of 4 can be chosen from six boys and
six girls if it must contain at least one boy and one girl.​



465 ways


Atleast 1 girl and 1 boy

Possible combinations :

1 girl ; 3 boys = 6C1 ; 6C3

2 girls ; 2 boys = 6C2 ; 6C2

3 girls ; 1 boy = 6C3 ; 6C1

(6C1 * 6C3) + (6C2 * 6C2) + (6C3 * 6C1)

Combination formula:

nCr = n! ÷ (n-r)!r!

We can also use a calculator :

6C1 = 6

6C3 = 20

6C2 = 15


(6C1 * 6C3) + (6C2 * 6C2) + (6C3 * 6C1)

(6 * 20) + (15 * 15) + (20 * 6)

120 + 225 + 120

= 465 ways

Read the scenario and then choose which type of report it describes.

A salesperson searches the inventory list to find out whether a specific product is in stock.

customer list

market-research report

product list

sales-volume report



C) product list


i read the coments above XD

plus im takeing the test rn


Next one D


Select the correct word to complete the sentence.
Bandwidth represents the _____ of a connection.



Distance is the answer!




i got it wrong and it showed this to be the answer on edge

third mean between two numbers 27 and 1 by 27 is 1 find the number of means​



third mean between two numbers 27 and 1 by 27 is 1 find the number of means​


Y’all what’s some celebrities that have kids??



Angelina Jolie

Parents: Jon Voight, Marcheline Bertrand

Eddie Murphy

Parents: Charles Edward Murphy, Lillian Murphy

Sandra Bullock

Parents: Helga Meyer, John W. Bullock

Kate Hudson

Parents: Goldie Hawn, Bill Hudson

Katie Holmes

Parents: Kathleen A. Stothers-Holmes, Martin Joseph Holmes, Sr.

Reese Witherspoon

Parents: Betty Reese, John Witherspoon

Meryl Streep

Parents: Harry William Streep, Jr., Mary Wolf Wilkinson

Oprah Winfrey

Parents: Vernon Winfrey, Vernita Lee

Tina Fey

Parents: Zenobia Xenakes, Donald Fey

Uma Thurman

Parents: Nena von Schlebrügge, Robert Thurman

David Beckham

Parents: David Edward Alan Beckham, Sandra Georgina West

Susan Sarandon

Parents: Leonora Marie Criscione, Phillip Leslie Tomalin

Sofía Vergara

Parents: Julio Enrique Vergara Robayo, Margarita Vergara Dávila de Vergara

Hilary Duff

Parents: Susan Colleen Duff, Robert Duff

Miley Cyrus

Parents: Billy Ray Cyrus, Tish Cyrus

Zoë Kravitz

Parents: Lisa Bonet, Lenny Kravitz


Parents: Tina Knowles, Mathew Knowles

Alexis Bledel

Parents: Nanette Bledel, Martin Bledel

Hugh Grant

Parents: Finvola Grant, James Grant

Britney Spears

Parents: Lynne Spears, Jamie Spears

Cindy Crawford

Parents: Jennifer Sue Crawford-Moluf, John Crawford


Parents: Penny Adkins, Mark Evans

Gwyneth Paltrow

Parents: Blythe Danner, Bruce Paltrow

Solange Knowles

Parents: Tina Knowles, Mathew Knowles

Differentiate between computer engineering and software engineering



Computer engineering is the field in tech that actually involves computers themselves. Software engineering is coding/designing software that runs on computers


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