Yes Comments: 2. Is the Friends of Simon program helping your child to do better at school? (please circle your answer and add a comment if you want) Comments: No Do not know 3. How has Friends of Simon helped your child this year? (please circle all of your answers) a. Worked on reading and/or math skills b. Helped with homework c. Helped your child prepare for tests and exams​

Yes Comments: 2. Is The Friends Of Simon Program Helping Your Child To Do Better At School? (please Circle


Answer 1

The Friends of Simon program has helped children to do better at school

The program has helped by"

Helped your child prepare for tests and exams​Worked on reading and/or math skills

How educational tv programs can help in learning?

Visual and Audio Learning: TV programs utilize visual and audio elements, which can enhance the learning experience. Visuals such as animations, illustrations, and demonstrations can help explain complex concepts or provide real-world examples.

Supplement to Classroom Learning: Educational TV programs can complement classroom learning by providing additional resources and perspectives.

Read more on tv programs here:


Related Questions

The student must walk in an _____ fashion​



The students must walk in an orderly fashion. Orderly is the correct option.

In a tabular form, List 5 differences between physical education and Health education. ​


Both address routines for working out, sleeping, resting, and having fun. Physical education is frequently considered to be a component of health education, despite the fact that physical well-being is simply one facet of a person's total health.

Students who take physical education and health classes leave school with the information and skills necessary to live a healthy and active life both now and in the future.  Both address routines for working out, sleeping, resting, and having fun. Physical education is frequently considered to be a component of health education, despite the fact that physical well-being is simply one facet of a person's total health. The goal of health education is to enhance people's health-related knowledge, attitudes, or behaviour.

To know more about Physical education and health education, here:


Physical Education and Health Education are both important subjects in schools that aim to promote the physical, emotional, and social well-being of students.

However, there are some key differences between the two that are listed in the table below:

Physical Education | Health Education
--- | ---

1. Focuses on developing physical fitness, motor skills, and sportsmanship. | 1. Focuses on promoting healthy behaviors, disease prevention, and mental health.

2. Involves physical activities such as sports, games, and exercises. | 2. Involves classroom instruction on topics such as nutrition, hygiene, and sexuality education.

3. Emphasizes on improving physical health, strength, and flexibility. | 3. Emphasizes on building a healthy mindset, coping skills, and emotional well-being.

4. Usually taught by a physical education teacher. | 4. Usually taught by a health education teacher or a school nurse.

5. Assessments are based on physical performance and skills. | 5. Assessments are based on knowledge and understanding of health-related topics.

In summary, Physical Education and Health Education have distinct goals and approaches to promoting wellness in students. While Physical Education focuses on physical activity and fitness, Health Education is more comprehensive and covers a wide range of topics related to personal health and well-being.

For more question on Education visit:


Look at the definition of epithet and the examples we discussed in class. Create your own epithets for Odysseus, the members of his crew, and Polyphemus (at least 2 epithets per person/group).



Sure, I can help you with that. An epithet is a word or phrase that describes a person or thing, often as a way of expressing a characteristic, a role, or a title1. It can be used in poetry, mythology, or common usage. It can also be an offensive or abusive word or phrase that is used to insult or defame someone1.

Some examples of epithets for Odysseus, the members of his crew, and Polyphemus are:

Odysseus: the cunning hero, the man of twists and turns, the sacker of cities, the master mariner.

The crew: the loyal companions, the hungry sailors, the doomed men, the reckless fools.

Polyphemus: the savage cyclops, the son of Poseidon, the sheepherder, the blinded giant.

I hope this helps you with your assignment. :)

Page No. Date : As the president of your youth association write a letter to the chairman of your local government area discussing three measures for improving the sanitation of the area​



Dear Chairman [Chairman's Last Name],

I am writing as the president of our youth association to address the urgent issue of sanitation in our local government area. I propose implementing measures such as educational campaigns, improving waste disposal infrastructure, and enforcing stricter penalties for littering. These actions will raise awareness, enhance cleanliness, and promote responsible waste management. I kindly request your support in implementing these initiatives for the betterment of our community.

Thank you for your attention, and I eagerly await your response.


[Your Name]

President, [Your Youth Association]

[Your Name]

[Your Address]

[City, State, ZIP]


[Chairman's Name]

[Chairman's Position]

[Local Government Area]

[City, State, ZIP]

Subject: Measures for Improving Sanitation in Our Local Government Area

Dear Chairman [Chairman's Last Name],

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. As the president of our youth association, I am writing to bring your attention to the pressing issue of sanitation in our local government area. I believe that by implementing specific measures, we can significantly improve the cleanliness and hygiene of our community.

Firstly, I propose increasing public awareness through educational campaigns and workshops. By organizing community outreach programs, seminars, and school initiatives, we can educate residents, especially the youth, about the importance of maintaining a clean environment. This will instill a sense of responsibility and encourage behavioral changes towards better waste management practices.

Secondly, we should enhance waste disposal infrastructure. This includes placing more strategically located and easily accessible trash bins throughout the area. Regular waste collection and recycling services should be implemented to ensure proper disposal and minimize littering. Additionally, the establishment of recycling centers will promote sustainable practices and reduce the environmental impact of waste.

Lastly, enforcing stricter penalties for littering and improper waste disposal is crucial. By implementing and strictly enforcing fines and penalties, we can deter individuals from engaging in unsanitary practices. This measure should be accompanied by a public awareness campaign to inform residents about the consequences of non-compliance.

In conclusion, improving sanitation in our local government area requires a multi-faceted approach. By raising awareness, enhancing infrastructure, and enforcing stricter penalties, we can make significant strides towards a cleaner and healthier community. I kindly request your support and collaboration in implementing these measures for the betterment of our local government area.

Thank you for your attention to this matter, and I look forward to your positive response.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name]

President, [Your Youth Association]

For more such information: Letter


Write a letter to the Mayor of your municipality or the Chairperson of your rural municipality requesting him/her to involve the representatives of children in the decision making mp process related to children's issues in your municipality/rural municipality.​


This letter addresses the importance of involving children in decision-making processes related to children's issues in the municipality/rural municipality. It highlights the need for an inclusive and participatory environment where children can express their opinions. The letter requests the support of the Mayor/Chairperson in establishing mechanisms such as a Children's Advisory Council or including child representatives in relevant committees. The involvement of children in decision-making ensures their needs and rights are considered, leading to more effective and child-friendly policies. The letter emphasizes the benefits of fostering a culture of participation and inclusivity for both children and the community. The sender expresses willingness to provide assistance and awaits a positive response from the Mayor/Chairperson.

[Your Name]

[Your Address]

[City, State, ZIP]


[Mayor's/Chairperson's Name]


[Municipality/Rural Municipality Name]


[City, State, ZIP]

Dear [Mayor's/Chairperson's Name],

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. I am writing to bring your attention to an important matter concerning the involvement of children in decision-making processes related to children's issues in our municipality/rural municipality.

As you are aware, children are a valuable and integral part of our community, and their voices and perspectives should be heard and considered when making decisions that directly impact their lives. It is essential to create an inclusive and participatory environment where children can express their opinions, concerns, and ideas.

I would like to request your support and initiative in establishing mechanisms that enable the active involvement of children in decision-making processes. This could include the formation of a Children's Advisory Council or the inclusion of child representatives in relevant committees and discussions.

By involving children in decision-making, we can ensure that their unique needs, interests, and rights are taken into account. Their valuable insights and fresh perspectives can contribute to more effective and child-friendly policies, programs, and services in our municipality/rural municipality.

I believe that fostering a culture of participation and inclusivity will not only empower children but also strengthen our community as a whole. It will demonstrate our commitment to creating a child-friendly municipality/rural municipality where the well-being and rights of children are prioritized.

I kindly request your support and cooperation in initiating the process of involving child representatives in decision-making related to children's issues. I am willing to offer any assistance or support required to facilitate this endeavor.

Thank you for considering my request, and I look forward to your positive response.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name]

For more such information on: letter


Both the COMPLETE SUBJECT and SIMPLE SUBJECT include modifiers.
• False


The complete subject and simple subject do not include modifiers. Thus the answer is False.

In sentence structure, the subject refers to the noun, pronoun, or noun phrase that performs the action or about which something is being stated. The complete subject refers to the subject along with any modifiers that describe or provide additional information about it.

The simple subject, on the other hand, refers to just the main noun or pronoun that acts as the subject without any modifiers. For example, in the sentence "The big red apple fell from the tree," the complete subject is "The big red apple," which includes the modifiers "big" and "red" providing additional details about the apple. The simple subject, however, is just "apple," without the modifiers.

Modifiers are words or phrases that provide more specific information about a noun or pronoun, such as adjectives or adjective phrases. They can add descriptions, clarify, or limit the meaning of the subject, but they are not part of the simple subject itself.

To know more about modifiers,

overuse of cell phones causes trauma in young brains​


Overuse of cell phones can potentially cause trauma in young brains due to several factors, such as exposure to blue light, addiction, and interference with cognitive functions.

First, the blue light emitted from cell phone screens can disrupt the natural sleep cycle. When young individuals use their phones excessively, especially before bedtime, the blue light may interfere with melatonin production, leading to poor sleep quality. Sleep is crucial for brain development and maintaining cognitive functions, so consistent sleep disturbances may result in adverse effects on a young person's brain.

Second, excessive cell phone use can lead to addiction, as smartphones offer constant stimulation and instant gratification. Addiction to technology may lead to social isolation, increased stress levels, and a decrease in the ability to focus on essential tasks. These factors can contribute to the development of mental health issues in young individuals.

Finally, overusing cell phones can interfere with cognitive functions such as memory, attention, and problem-solving. When young people spend a significant amount of time on their devices, they may have less opportunity to engage in activities that promote brain development, like reading, physical exercise, and face-to-face social interactions.

In conclusion, the overuse of cell phones can cause trauma in young brains through the disruption of sleep cycles, addiction, and interference with cognitive functions. It is essential to encourage young people to use their devices responsibly and engage in a variety of activities that support healthy brain development.

For more such questions on trauma, click on:


(THE GREAT GATSBY) Sparknotes suggests that Jordan and Nick's relationship "emphasizes the extent to which Nick
becomes acclimated to life in the East, abandoning his Midwestern values and concerns in order to take
advantage of the excitement of his new surroundings." Do you agree that Nick has abandoned his Midwestern values? Which of Nick’s actions are in line with those values and which are not?
Midwestern values? Which of Nick's actions are in line with those values and which are not?


In "The Great Gatsby," Nick's relationship with Jordan does suggest a degree of acclimation to life in the East, but it is not necessarily indicative of a complete abandonment of his Midwestern values.

Throughout the novel, Nick remains critical of the excess and superficiality he observes among the East Coast elite, suggesting a continued commitment to the values of honesty and integrity he associates with his Midwestern upbringing.

However, it is also true that Nick becomes more involved in the social scene of the East and becomes willing to overlook certain moral transgressions in order to maintain his position among the wealthy and powerful.

For example, Nick initially disapproves of Gatsby's illicit business dealings, but he ultimately becomes complicit in them by agreeing to help Gatsby and Daisy cover up their involvement in Myrtle's death.

This decision reflects a willingness to compromise his moral principles in order to protect the interests of his wealthy acquaintances, which may be seen as a departure from the more straightforward honesty and integrity he associates with Midwestern values.

Overall, Nick's relationship with Jordan and his experiences in the East do suggest a degree of acclimation and adaptation, but it is not a complete abandonment of his Midwestern values.

Rather, Nick's actions reflect a complex negotiation between his desire for excitement and glamour and his commitment to honesty and integrity.

For more such questions on Midwestern values,click on


D): Has the poet used such imagery as Metaphors Similes​


Yes, the poet has used imagery in the form of metaphors and similes. Metaphors are comparisons between two things without using "like" or "as" and similes are comparisons using "like" or "as".

These literary devices help to create vivid and memorable descriptions in poetry. For example, in the line "Her eyes were oceans of blue," the poet uses a metaphor to compare the woman's eyes to oceans, emphasizing their vastness and depth.

In another line, "He was as fierce as a lion," the poet uses a simile to compare the man's fierceness to that of a lion, highlighting his strength and power.

These comparisons not only create powerful visuals in the reader's mind, but also add depth and complexity to the poem's meaning. By using metaphors and similes, the poet is able to convey abstract ideas and emotions in a concrete and relatable way.

For more such questions on metaphors, click on:


can someone help reword my introduction for my essay. my thesis isn't the best and I'm just stuck
A homebody hobbit is swept up in an adventure with a group of dwarves and a wizard. Together they journey to the Lonely Mountains to defeat a dragon to reclaim their stolen treasure. English author J.R.R Tolkien's The Hobbit shows how society is affected by personal greed and societal greed and how greed and bravery are portrayed in the novel, how the setting impacts the characters, and how the most significant moment in the story impacted Bilbo.
(my thesis starts at English author J.R.r tolkien btw)


You ever had an thought about an adventure with a group of dwarves and a wizard? Well, a homebody hobbit is swept into an amazing adventure with a victorious group of dwarves and a lone wizard. The groups then voyage to the Lonely Mountain to defeat a vicious dragon to reclaim the treasure that was stolen from them. J.R.R Tolkien, an English author of “The Hobbit”, shows how society is affected by personal and societal greed. The novel shows how much envy, greed, and bravery are shown. The setting and storyline of the plot impact the characters greatly. It shows what the character went through and how they developed. The most significant moment in the plot impacted Bilbo heavily, which made a huge statement on the novel.

Make a list of tone words that describe the various characters reactions. Pi: Mr. Okamoto: Mr. Chiba:​


Pi, Mr. Okamoto, and Mr. Chiba, characters from the novel "Life of Pi" by Yann Martel, each exhibit different tones in their reactions.


Resilient: Pi shows resilience in the face of adversity, remaining determined and steadfast throughout his journey.

Curious: Pi approaches his experiences with a curious and inquisitive nature, seeking to understand the world around him.

Reflective: Pi's reactions often demonstrate deep introspection and thoughtful contemplation, as he tries to make sense of his experiences and find meaning in them.

Resourceful: Pi displays resourcefulness in finding creative solutions to survive, using his knowledge and skills to adapt to challenging situations.

Mr. Okamoto:

Skeptical: Mr. Okamoto exhibits skepticism, questioning Pi's extraordinary story and seeking rational explanations for the events.

Analytical: Mr. Okamoto approaches Pi's story analytically, attempting to dissect and understand the details logically.

Inquisitive: Mr. Okamoto shows a curious nature, actively engaging in discussions and asking probing questions to uncover the truth.

Objective: Mr. Okamoto maintains an objective stance, relying on evidence and facts to form his conclusions rather than letting emotions influence his judgment.

Mr. Chiba:

Open-minded: Mr. Chiba demonstrates openness to different perspectives and is willing to consider alternative explanations, showing a willingness to listen and understand.

Empathetic: Mr. Chiba exhibits empathy towards Pi, recognizing the emotional toll of his experiences and showing compassion.

Thoughtful: Mr. Chiba's reactions are characterized by thoughtfulness and careful consideration, reflecting on the implications of Pi's story and its deeper meanings.

Supportive: Mr. Chiba provides emotional support to Pi, offering encouragement and understanding during their interactions.

For more such questions on characters visit:


Alex gave him aride to the station


This simple act of giving a ride to the station reflects Alex's helpful and compassionate nature, highlighting their willingness to assist others and make a positive impact in their lives.

In this scenario, Alex provided transportation to someone, taking them to the station. The act of giving someone a ride typically involves using a personal vehicle to transport them from one location to another.

In this case, Alex willingly offered their assistance to help the individual reach the station, which implies that they were willing to go out of their way to help the person in need.

This act of kindness and generosity shows Alex's willingness to help others and be of service. It demonstrates a sense of empathy and consideration for the well-being of others.

By offering a ride, Alex potentially saved the person from the inconvenience of finding alternate means of transportation or dealing with potential delays or difficulties in reaching their destination.

For more such questions on willingness,click on


Explain which culture’s values more closely match your own, and why.
Think about the heroic characteristics and values you discovered in the myth "Perseus.” Which heroic characteristics and values do you recognize in people who are considered heroic in today’s world?


The ancient Greek culture's values, as depicted in the myth of Perseus, closely match my own. This is because the heroic characteristics and values displayed by Perseus, such as courage, determination, and intelligence, are qualities that I admire and strive to embody.

Perseus, the son of Zeus, is known for his bravery and perseverance in overcoming various challenges, such as the task of slaying Medusa, a Gorgon whose gaze could turn people to stone. Through resourcefulness and the help of divine gifts, Perseus completes his mission and saves his mother, Danaë, from an unwanted marriage. This demonstrates the importance of being resourceful and determined when faced with adversity.

In today's world, we can recognize these heroic characteristics and values in individuals who make a significant impact on society. For example, medical professionals who work tirelessly to save lives during the COVID-19 pandemic exhibit courage, determination, and intelligence in their efforts to combat the virus. Similarly, activists fighting for social justice and human rights display these heroic traits as they work towards making the world a better place.

In conclusion, the heroic characteristics and values found in the myth of Perseus resonate with my own personal values, and they are also evident in the actions of modern-day heroes. These qualities inspire us to face challenges head-on and strive to make a positive difference in the world.

For more such questions on Greek, click on:


Hi Kathy, I was very disappointed with the course that you made me pay for. It wasn't worth my time and money. I'd like my money back Sincerely, Kasey * what sort of response will you give and what questions will you ask


We can see here that the sort of response I will give will be:

Hi Kasey,

I'm sorry to hear that you were disappointed with the course. I'd like to understand more about your experience so that I can improve the course for future students.

What is response?

A response is an activity taken in response to anything said or done. It might be said, unspoken, or both. Reactions might be planned or unplanned. They could be neutral, negative, or favorable.

The questions I will ask will be:

Could you please tell me what specifically you were disappointed with? Was the material too difficult? Was the instruction unclear? Were you expecting a different outcome?

Learn more about response on


Find Noun
Are these mangoes tasty?

1. Tasty
2. Are
3. These
4. Mangoes


fourth option



[tex]\huge\boxed{\sf Mangoes}[/tex]


Noun:Nouns refer to any kind of name, place, animal or thing.Answer:

Here, mangoes act as noun as they are a fruit which is a thing.


How do we know if Pi's story is real? Include details from Life of Pi and "Who Can you Trust?" in your answer.​


In Yann Martel's novel "Life of Pi," the question of whether Pi's story is real or a product of his imagination is deliberately left ambiguous, allowing readers to interpret it in multiple ways. The narrative presents two contrasting versions of Pi's journey, leaving readers to decide which one they find more believable. On one hand, Pi narrates a fantastical tale of surviving a shipwreck and finding himself adrift on a lifeboat with a Bengal tiger named Richard Parker. On the other hand, the novel provides an alternative version of events during a conversation between Pi and two Japanese officials. The companion article "Who Can You Trust?" by John Bernstein explores the concept of trust and the reliability of narratives. It highlights the subjective nature of truth and how individuals' biases .

On one hand, Pi narrates a fantastical tale of surviving a shipwreck and finding himself adrift on a lifeboat with a Bengal tiger named Richard Parker. He describes extraordinary events, including encounters with marine life and treacherous storms. These elements challenge the boundaries of reality and raise doubts about the veracity of his story.

On the other hand, the novel provides an alternative version of events during a conversation between Pi and two Japanese officials who investigate the shipwreck. In this account, the events are portrayed as much more grim and human-centered, devoid of the fantastical elements. This version seems to align more with the laws of nature and rationality.

However, it is crucial to note that the novel presents a broader theme of storytelling and the power of belief. Pi himself acknowledges that the second version is the "better story" and asks the officials which story they prefer. This challenges the notion of absolute truth and suggests that the importance lies in the interpretation and meaning we derive from stories.

The companion article "Who Can You Trust?" by John Bernstein explores the concept of trust and the reliability of narratives. It highlights the subjective nature of truth and how individuals' biases and perspectives can influence their perception of reality. This article further reinforces the notion that the question of whether Pi's story is real or not may not have a definitive answer.

In conclusion, the ambiguity surrounding Pi's story in "Life of Pi" invites readers to engage in their own interpretation. The novel challenges the boundaries between reality and imagination, emphasizing the power of storytelling and the subjective nature of truth. Ultimately, it is left to the reader to decide whether they choose to believe in the extraordinary tale or interpret it as a metaphorical exploration of human resilience and the search for meaning in life.

For more such information: Life of Pi


on page 105,kenny says, “i automatically turned my head sideways when i saw my reflection.Some of the time i forgot all about my lazy eye.” What does this quote show you about how kenny feels about himself?


Kenny seems to be self-conscious about his lazy eye, which is why he tries to avoid seeing it. However, he also seems to be able to forget about it sometimes.

HELPPPPPPPP will give brainliest!!!!!!!



Explanation. The first is debt

The second is crime

The third is war and conquest

being an active participant in social media is of great way to​


To keep up with society and what is going on in the world <3

Which of the following statements by True Son sums up the main theme of the novel?

"I did not know we fought children."

"Mothers! See, I am a white boy!"

"Then who is my father?"


The statement "Mothers! See, I am a white boy!" by True Son in the novel sums up the main theme of the story. This statement encapsulates the core theme of identity and belonging in the novel.

The correct answer would be "Mothers! See, I am a white boy!" .

Throughout the narrative, True Son, a young Native American boy who was taken by settlers during the French and Indian War and raised as their own, grapples with his dual identity and struggles to reconcile his Native American heritage with his adoptive white family. The statement reflects his longing for acceptance and recognition of his true self.

By exclaiming, "Mothers! See, I am a white boy!", True Son expresses his desire to fit into the societal norms and expectations associated with his adoptive family's race and culture. He yearns for validation and a sense of belonging, questioning his own identity and seeking answers about his place in the world.

This statement highlights the profound themes of cultural assimilation, personal identity, and the complexities of navigating between two distinct worlds. True Son's plea underscores the challenges faced by individuals who grapple with their heritage and the struggle to find acceptance in a society that often imposes rigid definitions of race, ethnicity, and belonging.

In summary, True Son's statement, "Mothers! See, I am a white boy!", encapsulates the main theme of identity and belonging in the novel. It sheds light on the protagonist's quest for acceptance and understanding of his dual identity, emphasizing the complexities of cultural assimilation and the search for a place to call home.

For more such information on: novel


Read the excerpt from "The Phantom Rickshaw."
(10) in my room Lsat down and tried calmly to reason out the matter. Here was I, Theobald Jack Pansay, a well-educated Bengal Civilian in the year of
grace 1885, presumably sane, certainly healthy driven in terror from my sweetheart's side by the apparition of a woman who had been dead and buried
eight months ago. These were facts that I could not blink. Nothing was further from my thought than any memory of Mrs. Wessington when Kitty and I
left Hamilton's shop. Nothing was more utterly commonplace than the stretch of wall opposite Pelit's. It was broad daylight. The road was full of people;
and yet here, look you, in defiance of every law of probability in direct outrage of Nature's ordinance, there had appeared to me a face from the grave.
What idea do the underlined details support?
n. All rights reserved. Edmentum


The underlined details in the excerpt from "The Phantom Rickshaw" support the idea that the protagonist, Theobald Jack Pansay, is experiencing a supernatural phenomenon that he cannot explain.

Despite being a well-educated and presumably sane individual, Pansay is driven to terror by the apparition of a woman who has been dead and buried for eight months. The fact that Pansay did not have any memory of Mrs. Wessington prior to encountering her ghost adds to the sense of bewilderment and fear that he feels.

Furthermore, the presence of other people and the daylight does not dissuade Pansay from believing that he has witnessed a face from the grave, which implies that he is grappling with something beyond the laws of probability and nature.

Overall, the underlined details highlight the inexplicable and uncanny nature of Pansay's experience, which sets the stage for the eerie events that unfold in the rest of the story.

For more such questions on protagonist, click on:


Select the correct text in the passage.
Which detail supports the emerging central idea that the Buffalo Soldiers contributed more than labor to the project?


In the passage, the emerging central idea is that the Buffalo Soldiers contributed more than just their labor to the construction of the infrastructure of the American West. They also helped to establish law and order in the region, protected settlers and surveyed the land.

One detail that supports this central idea is the mention of the role played by the Buffalo Soldiers in protecting the workers who built the railroads from Native American attacks. The passage notes that the Buffalo Soldiers were often called upon to escort the construction crews through hostile territory, and that their bravery and discipline were crucial in preventing violent clashes.

This detail shows that the Buffalo Soldiers were not just laborers, but also played an important role in ensuring the safety and security of the people and resources involved in the development of the American West.

Another detail that supports the central idea is the mention of the Buffalo Soldiers' participation in the surveying of the region. The passage notes that the Buffalo Soldiers were often responsible for mapping and exploring uncharted territory, which was crucial in establishing the infrastructure of the West. This detail shows that the Buffalo Soldiers contributed not just their physical labor, but also their skills and expertise in fields such as cartography and surveying.

Overall, the passage suggests that the Buffalo Soldiers played a multifaceted role in the development of the American West, and that their contributions went far beyond the physical labor they provided. They also helped to maintain law and order, protect settlers and resources, and contribute to scientific and exploratory endeavors.

For more such questions on Buffalo Soldiers


Answer: helped the geologists with their experients

Explanation: i got it right on edmentum

Reflecting on your own schedule, explain one thing you do well to manage your time. Explain one way you hope to find more balance in your schedule.


One thing I do well to manage my time is setting priorities and creating a daily or weekly schedule. I recognize that time is a valuable resource, and by planning ahead, I can ensure that I allocate sufficient time to the tasks that are most important and align with my goals.

How to explain the information

When managing my schedule, I start by identifying my top priorities or objectives for a given period. These can be work-related projects, personal goals, or even leisure activities that contribute to my well-being. Once I have a clear understanding of what I want to accomplish, I break down these larger goals into smaller, actionable tasks.

I then allocate specific time slots in my schedule for each task or activity, taking into account their relative importance and urgency. By assigning dedicated time blocks, I create a sense of structure and accountability. Additionally, I try to estimate realistic timeframes for completing each task, ensuring that I allocate enough time without overcommitting.

Learn more about schedule on


10. The Yalta Conference was held in an
a. triumph.
b. mistrust.
atmosphere of
c. fear.
d. anger.


The Yalta Conference was held in an atmosphere of mistrust. The conference took place from February 4 to February 11, 1945, during World War II and brought together the leaders of the Allied Powers.

The correct answer is option B.

The Yalta Conference was held in an atmosphere of mistrust. The conference took place from February 4 to February 11, 1945, during World War II and brought together the leaders of the Allied Powers: Franklin D. Roosevelt (United States), Winston Churchill (Great Britain), and Joseph Stalin (Soviet Union). The primary objective of the conference was to discuss and plan the post-war reorganization of Europe and the establishment of a new world order.

The atmosphere of mistrust at the Yalta Conference stemmed from several factors. Firstly, ideological differences between the Western Allies and the Soviet Union created a sense of suspicion and caution. The United States and Great Britain were concerned about the expansion of Soviet influence in Eastern Europe and the spread of communism.

Secondly, there were lingering tensions and disagreements over various issues, such as the future of Germany and the division of Eastern European countries. The Allies had different visions and interests, leading to disagreements and compromises during the conference.

Furthermore, the wartime experiences and the magnitude of human suffering influenced the atmosphere at Yalta. The war had caused immense destruction and loss of life, leaving a deep sense of fear and uncertainty among the leaders. They were faced with the daunting task of rebuilding war-torn nations and preventing future conflicts.

While the Yalta Conference resulted in agreements on important issues, such as the establishment of the United Nations and the division of Germany into occupation zones, the atmosphere of mistrust would eventually contribute to the deterioration of relations between the Western Allies and the Soviet Union in the post-war period. The differences and suspicions that emerged at Yalta would shape the dynamics of the emerging Cold War between the two superpowers.

In conclusion, the Yalta Conference was held in an atmosphere of mistrust, fueled by ideological differences, tensions over the division of Europe, and the war's devastating impact. The disagreements and compromises made during the conference would have far-reaching consequences, setting the stage for the tense relationship between the Western Allies and the Soviet Union in the years to come.

For more such information: Yalta Conference


How does this description of Edward’s actions advance the plot of the story?


Edward's actions create conflict, unravel secrets, and drive character development, advancing the plot in the story.

In the story, Edward's actions play a crucial role in advancing the plot by introducing a conflict and driving the narrative forward.

His actions are characterized by their consequences and impact on other characters and events.

Edward's actions create tension and conflict within the story.

For instance, when he discovers a hidden letter revealing a dark secret about another character, he chooses to keep it to himself rather than confronting the person involved.

This decision sets the stage for a series of events where the secret starts unraveling, causing mistrust and suspicion among the characters.

The plot progresses as the characters become entangled in a web of lies and deceit.

Moreover, Edward's actions also serve as catalysts for character development.

By choosing to withhold the truth, he undergoes internal conflict and moral dilemmas, ultimately leading to personal growth and transformation.

This growth, in turn, impacts his relationships with other characters and drives the story's emotional arc.

For more such questions on Edward's actions


Question 3 of 20
Imagine that you plan to write a procedural document. What question should
you ask yourself to ensure that you address your audience correctly?
OA. What level of interest do my readers likely have in my topic?
OB. How long and detailed should my document be?
OC. Do I know anyone who has a lot of experience with this topic?
OD. What research should I do in order to understand my topic better?


When planning to write a procedural document, it's important to ensure that your audience is addressed correctly. To do this, one question you should ask yourself is, Option A. "What level of interest do my readers likely have in my topic?"

This question is important because it helps you understand your audience's level of knowledge, interest, and motivation in relation to the topic at hand. By understanding their level of interest, you can tailor your writing style and tone to better engage them.

For example, if your audience is highly experienced and knowledgeable about the topic, you may want to avoid including basic information and instead focus on more complex details and procedures. Alternatively, if your audience is new to the topic, it may be important to provide more context and explanations.

Overall, understanding your audience's level of interest and knowledge is crucial when writing a procedural document. By doing so, you can ensure that your document is effective and useful for your intended audience. So, always keep your readers in mind when planning and writing your document. Therefore, the correct option is A.

Know more about Procedural document here:


the theme/focus of 21st March 2023 celebration.


The theme of the 21st March 2023 celebration is "With Us, Not For Us". This theme is intended to promote the inclusion and empowerment of people with Down syndrome.

How to explain the theme

The goal is to raise awareness of the challenges that people with Down syndrome face, and to celebrate their contributions to society.

There are many ways to celebrate World Down Syndrome Day. Some people choose to wear blue, the color that represents Down syndrome, or to donate to organizations that support people with Down syndrome. Others choose to educate themselves about Down syndrome, or to volunteer their time to help people with Down syndrome.

No matter how you choose to celebrate, World Down Syndrome Day is a great opportunity to show your support for people with Down syndrome and to help create a more inclusive world.

Learn more about theme on


write two dairy entries in which you pretend to be the lad 14 year old boy express your feelings thought before you met the principal ​


The two Diary entries are The Dreaded Meeting and Nervous Jitters.

Dear Diary,

Entry 1: The Dreaded Meeting

Today was one of those days that I wish I could just erase from existence. I found out that I have a meeting with the principal tomorrow, and it's been gnawing at me all day.

The anticipation is killing me! My mind is racing with all sorts of thoughts and worries. What did I do wrong? Did I forget something important? I can't help but feel anxious, like I'm about to step into the lion's den.

The principal is a strict and intimidating figure, and I can't shake off the feeling that I'm in trouble. My stomach is tied up in knots, and I can hardly focus on anything else. I keep replaying different scenarios in my head, trying to figure out what this meeting could possibly be about. All I can do now is wait and hope for the best. I just hope everything turns out okay.

Entry 2: Nervous Jitters

Today was the day I finally met the principal, and I must admit, I was a bundle of nerves. As soon as I walked into the office, my heart started racing, and my palms became sweaty.

I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the seriousness of the situation. The principal looked stern and imposing, which only made me more jittery.

I stumbled over my words and could feel the heat rising in my cheeks. It turned out, though, that the meeting was about something entirely different than what I expected.

The principal just wanted to discuss a project I had been working on. I couldn't believe it! All that worry and anxiety for nothing. I felt such relief flood over me, and a wave of embarrassment washed away my nervousness. Lesson learned: don't jump to conclusions. Despite the initial scare, I'm glad it all turned out fine in the end.

For more such questions on Diary entries,click on


In the Dean’s provocation, what is meant by The very Irish shall not come


Answer: She tells him to go away, he demands his money back which of course she won't give. He threatens to describe her dressing room in such a way that “the very Irish shall not come” (the joke is, the Irish were supposed to be coarse, but also Swift was an Irishman)


I see her back, and reflect it faithfully. She rewards me with tears and an agitation of hands. I am important to her. She comes and goes. Each morning it is her face that replaces the darkness. In Me she has downed a young girl, and in me an old woman Rises towards her day after day, like terrible fish. 15 2.1 Identify the figure of speech in the line 1 and describe the effect it creates 2.2 List the qualities of the mirror mentioned in the first five line of the poem 2.3 From the first stanza find one alteration used by the poet 2.3 Explain the metaphor "the eyes of a little god" in your own words 2.4 mention two things that visits the mirror each day 2.5 Identify three kinds of mirrors in the poem 2.6 Explain the meaning of three kinds of mirrors in 3.5' in your own words 2.7 Identify one antonym used in this poem GRAND TOTAL 35​


The figure of speech in line 1 is a metaphor.

How is metaphor used?

The mirror is compared to a faithful reflection of the person who looks into it. This metaphor creates the effect of emphasizing the mirror's ability to accurately depict the person's image, highlighting its importance in the speaker's life.

The qualities of the mirror mentioned in the first five lines are faithfulness, the ability to reflect the person's image faithfully, the power to evoke emotions (tears and agitation of hands), and the importance it holds for the person.

One alteration used by the poet in the first stanza is the transformation of a young girl into an old woman as seen in the mirror. This alteration symbolizes the passing of time and the inevitable process of aging.

The metaphor "the eyes of a little god" implies that the mirror has the power to see and judge, like a small deity. It suggests that the mirror holds a significant role in the person's life, as it sees and reflects their true self without any bias or judgment.

Two things that visit the mirror each day are the woman's face, replacing the darkness every morning, and a young girl who goes down in the mirror as an old woman rises towards her day after day.

The three kinds of mirrors in the poem represent different stages of life: the young girl represents youth and innocence, the old woman represents aging and wisdom, and the terrible fish symbolizes the harsh reality of mortality and the passage of time.

The meaning of "three kinds of mirrors in 3.5'" is not clear, as it does not correspond to any specific reference in the given excerpt. It seems to be an incorrect or incomplete phrase.

An antonym used in this poem is "darkness" contrasting with the woman's face that replaces it each morning.

Read more about antonym here:


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