QUESTIONPixie is a single mother. She takes her daughter Rose (a two year old infant) to a localplayground. While lighting a cigarette, Pixie starts talking with another young parent, RobertPixie is distracted by Robert's good looks and gritty charm. Meanwhile, Rose starts to wanderover to the road. Robert notices a possible catastrophe and rushes out after Rose. Robert justmanages to save Rose from being run over by Bob, who is driving a van within the speed limitand quite safely. However, Robert has too much forward momentum and collides with Bob'svan. Robert is seriously injured. Bob skids off the road and crashes into some playgroundequipment. Luckily, no children are using the equipment. Laura, driving at speed behind Bob,sees the above-related events and puts her foot down hard on the brakes. Laura's car skids on anoil slick and crashes into a tree. Some distance behind the tree was Leo. Leo thought that Laura'scar might hit him and he started running away screaming 'Oh Lord, don't take me now!' Leo hasan underlying personality disorder and develops a paranoid fear of going out into the street. As aresult, he loses his job and his livelihood. The accident involving Leo is witnessed by Barbie,Rose's grandmother, who is also at the park. Barbie suffers from a brief fright, but believes thatshe will be alright. However, she later develops post-traumatic stress disorder as a result of thisevent, combined with the news that Rose barely escaped a serious injury. She had not seen theincident involving Rose herself, because she had been busy setting out the picnic lunch.Identify any actions available in the tort of negligence and analyze the elements of the tortaccordingly. (20 MARKS)