4. According to the Declaration of Independence, how do humans get their rights​


Answer 1


According to the Declaration of Independence, humans obtain natural rights when they are born, permissible by God.


Quote, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.--"

Note the wording of "created equal" as well as "endowed by their Creator", which essentially means that they are born with these 3 fundamental rights, and that these rights are not only provided but also protected by God.

It is relatively important to note that while many of the founding fathers were not religious in the technical sense, they were theists, and so mentions of a higher being can be found in their literature and texts that they produce.

Learn more about the Declaration of Independence, here:

https://brainly.com/question/1914719 - What was the main purpose of the Declaration of Independence?

Related Questions

1:How are Laws Created?
2: How are amendment created?
3: What are the differences BETWEEN Laws and amendment?


A presidentially signed act is referred to as a law. The only situation in which this does not apply is if the President vetoes it and Congress then overrides his veto. A change is an amendment. Consequently, a measure is changed by an amendment. Keeping with the same concept, a law is changed by an amendment.

- Laws are created in the following way :

- Bills are drafted and adopted by Congress. These bills could then be made into law by the president. Federal courts have the authority to assess laws for constitutionality. A statute may be overturned by a court if it determines it to be unconstitutional.

- Amendments are made in the following way :

- A convention called for that purpose or, if two-thirds of the States ask for one, a vote of both Houses of Congress is required to propose an amendment. Then, three-fourths of the State legislatures or three-fourths of the ratification conventions held in each State must approve the amendment.

- Differences between laws and amendment :

- A law is a declaration of what society expects of you and the consequences if you don't live up to those expectations, whereas an amendment states a citizen's rights.

- Laws are a set of guidelines that everyone is required to abide by. In general, laws are codified. The Constitution is the top legal authority. Amendment, on the other and, is a modification to a law. It might take the shape of an augmentation, erasure, replacement, etc.

To know more about laws and amendment, kindly click on the link below :



What was the effect of Matthew Berger finding the collarbone?


Nothing but pure curiosity led Matthew to carry off what his father identified as a collarbone. Matthews curiosity moved us a step further into understanding human evolution.

Specify and explain the challenges how to (a) keep environmentalism contemporary, (b) modernize environmental laws, and (c) evolve science and technology for environmental management; use an example to explain environment policy implementation issues in the United States.


Answer: imagination


Why did the church act of 1706 occur?



the act allowed dissenters to practice their faiths and participate in politics, but they were denied public support for their churches or the right to perform marriages.


This law designated the Church of England as the recognized, financially funded church in South Carolina, a position it would hold for seven decades. English Anglicans waged a furious battle to bar non-Anglicans, or "dissenters," from holding public office in England during the first ten years of the eighteenth century. The persecutions, which inexorably spread over the Atlantic to South Carolina, were directed by Lord Granville, the senior landowner of Carolina. In 1704, South Carolina Anglicans took the Commons House of Assembly from local dissidents with the assistance of Granville. The Church Act was approved by the legislature two years later. The act's clauses stated that dissidents were permitted to practice their religions and engage in politics, but they were prohibited from receiving public funding for their churches.

The preemption of state and local laws by federal laws is based on what clause of the us constitution


The preemption of state and local laws by federal laws is based on Supremacy clause of the U.S. constitution.

"The Supremacy Clause says that federal law is “the supreme Law of the Land” regardless any state law to the conflict. This is the basis for the doctrine of federal preemption, according to which federal law outlaw opposing state laws. In reality, there is no separate preemption clause in the US Constitution. Rather common wisdom holds that the power of Congress to preempt state law comes from the Supremacy Clause, the Commerce Clause, or sometimes the Dormant Commerce Clause.  A federal court may need a state to stop specific action or behavior it believes interfering or conflicting with federal law."

To learn more about Supremacy Clause,



neverminddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd !!!!!!!!!!!







There are exactly 35 Ds in this nevermindx35

why were the settlers were willing to use up their natural resources for exploration and making new colonies.


The New World was colonised by individuals fleeing religious persecution. The people who would later build Massachusetts. Native Americans contributed in several ways to the colonists'.

What are the different kinds of natural resources?

Oil, coal, natural gas, metal, stone, and sand are examples of natural resources. Additional natural resources include food, soil, sunlight, air, and so on. Natural resources are important because they allow life and provide for human needs.

Why are natural resources important?

Natural resources are a significant source of revenue and employment and offer crucial raw resources and other goods. Additionally, companies back the supply of ecosystem services required for the growth for social and human capital.

To know more about Natural resources visit:



The Mexican–American War outcome helped strengthen US imperialism.
b. False


It is true that the Mexican–American War outcome helped strengthen US imperialism.

The treaty set a border between Texas and North American nation and ceded California, Nevada, Utah, New Mexico, most of Arizona and Colorado, and elements of Oklahoma, Kansas, and WY to the U.S. Their transfer to the United States' management additionally cut the territorial size of Mexico in half.

Under the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, that settled the Mexican–American War, It effectively halved the dimensions of Mexico and doubled the territory of the U.S. This territorial exchange had long effects on each nations. The war and written agreement extended the US to the Pacific, and provided a bounty of ports, minerals, and natural resources for a growing country.

To learn more about Mexican–American War outcome here



How is a responsibility different from a duty? Question 2 options: A responsibility is something that one will do in the future; a duty is something that one did in the past. A responsibility is something that one wants to do; a duty is something that one needs to do. A responsibility is something that one always does; a duty is something that one never does. A responsibility is something that one must do; a duty is something that one may choose to do.


Since responsibility is something that one chooses to do rather than something that one must do, it differs from a duty. We must fulfill our obligations in daily life.

Duty is the moral commitment that obligates someone to carry out a specific activity. In contrast, responsibility is the capacity to accept responsibility for a specific task and carry it out on one's own initiative without the need for supervision.

The following are the terms' conventional meanings: Duty is a responsibility that must be met. Accepting and carrying out a task that has been given to you is being responsible.

To know more about duty click here:-




How is a responsibility different from a duty? Question 2 options: A responsibility is something that one will do in the future; a duty is something that one did in the past. A responsibility is something that one wants to do; a duty is something that one needs to do. A responsibility is something that one always does; a duty is something that one never does. A responsibility is something that one must do; a duty is something that one may choose to do.


1. DETERMINING CENTRAL IDEAS List four things that helped the Spanish to defeat the Aztec and Inca Empires. Which of these advantages do you think was most important? Rank the items on your list in order of importance, with number one as "most important." Europe Conqu The early Spa The rulers of settlements i Spain one-fif The Co The Aztec, w America, an empires con a conquista​


Four factors helped Spain defeat the Aztecs:

superior weapons Spanish weapons were far superior to those used by the Aztecs and Incas. alliances and experiences. The invading Spanish forces also took advantage of internal divisions within the Aztec and Inca empires. The power of the horse. fatal diseases.

It's no surprise that health dental and vision insurance are among the most valuable benefits for employees. Unfortunately, health insurance is also the most expensive of the benefits offered, with personal coverage averaging $6,435 per employee and family coverage $18,142.

Regular physical activity can prevent or delay type 2 diabetes heart disease high blood pressure, and stroke. If you have any of these health problems, physical activity may help your condition. Health insurance, flexible working hours, and vacations. In today's job market, a generous benefits package is essential to attracting and retaining top talent.

Learn more about The Aztecs here:- https://brainly.com/question/599959


Consider what is said about Sparta’s conquered ‘helots’ (essentially slaves), and the militarization of its society. What distinguishes it from Athens?

This is the text: Like other Greek city-states, Sparta needed more land. Instead of starting new colonies, as some states did, the Spartans conquered
the neighboring Laconians. Later, beginning around 730 B.C., the Spartans undertook the conquest of neighboring Messenia despite its
larger size and population.
After their conquest, the Messenians and Laconians became serfs and were made to work for the Spartans. These captured people
were known as helots, a name derived from a Greek word for “capture.” To ensure control over the conquered helots, the Spartans
made a conscious decision to create a military state.
Between 800 B.C. and 600 B.C., the lives of Spartans were rigidly organized and tightly controlled—thus, our word spartan, meaning
“highly self-disciplined.” Males spent their childhood learning military discipline. Then they enrolled in the army for regular military
service at age 20.
Although allowed to marry, Spartan males continued to live in the military barracks until age 30. All meals were eaten in public dining
halls with fellow soldiers. Meals were simple: the famous Spartan black broth consisted of a piece of pork boiled in animal blood, salt,
and vinegar. A visitor who ate some of the black broth once remarked that he now understood why Spartans were not afraid to die. At
30, Spartan males were allowed to vote in the assembly (discussed later). They could live at home, but they stayed in the army until the
age of 60.
While their husbands lived in the barracks, Spartan women lived at home. Because of this separation, Spartan women had greater
freedom of movement and greater power in the household than was common elsewhere in Greece. Spartan women were expected to
remain fit to bear and raise healthy children. Many Spartan women upheld the strict Spartan values, expecting their husbands and sons
to be brave in war. The story is told of a Spartan mother who, as she handed her son his shield, told him to come back carrying his
shield or being carried on it. In other words, he was not to drop his shield in retreat but to be victorious or to die bravely.
The Spartan government was an oligarchy headed by two kings, who led the Spartan army on its campaigns. A group of five men,
known as the ephors (EH • fuhrs), were elected each year and were responsible for the education of youth and the conduct of all
citizens. A council of elders, composed of the two kings and 28 citizens over the age of 60, decided on the issues that would be
presented to an assembly made of male citizens. This assembly did not debate; it only voted on the issues.
To make their new military state secure, the Spartans turned their backs on the outside world. Foreigners, who might have brought in
new ideas, were discouraged from visiting. Except for military reasons, Spartans were not allowed to travel abroad, where they might
encounter ideas dangerous to the stability of the state. Likewise, Spartan citizens were discouraged from studying philosophy, literature,
or the arts. The art of war was the Spartan ideal. All other arts were frowned upon.


History tell us that the Messenian helots lost to Sparta when Epaminondas liberated Messenia circa 370 but its system continued in Laconia until the 2nd century BCE but in Athens, the (helots) were in a sense a state slaves that are bound to the soil and assigned to individual Spartans to till their holdings

What is the difference in Athens and Sparta society?

Both Athens & Sparta hold a historic value for Greece and the world. The city of Athens is the capital and largest city of Greece, a center for economic, political, financial and culture life in Greece. Its embodies the symbol of freedom, art and democracy in the conscience of the civilized world. In history, the name "Athens" was from the goddess Athena which means the goddess of wisdom and knowledge.

The place call "Sparta" is a town near the river Evrotas which is located in the center of the Peloponnese in southern Greece. It was the Dorian Greek military state which was considered as the protector of Greece as it was providing large army to Greece for many years. Presently, the town of Sparta is the administrative capital of the prefecture of Laconia.

Read more about Athens & Sparta



what was the leased district and how was it used


Leases district refer to a land lease, also called a ground lease, is a lease agreement that permits the tenant to use a piece of land owned by the landlord in exchange for rent.

The Leased District was located in southwest Oklahoma between the 98th and 100th meridians, the South Canadian River, and the Red River.

The territory, which was formerly a portion of the land ceded to the Choctaw in 1820, was annexed by the United States in 1855 as a result of a treaty.

The United States had originally leased a small area of Indian Territory in the West for the settlement of a few local and western tribes.

The Wichitas, Caddos, Delawares, Keechies, Anadarkos, Ionies, and Wacos, many of whom came from Texas, lived there; it was known as the Leased District.

To know more about leased district click at


Which of the following are features of the game of economics?


One of the most significant duties a leader of a country has to perform is this. Everyone want economic growth, low inflation, full employment, and a high standard of living.

What is the game of economics about?

The phrase "game feature" encompasses much more. It refers to any element that describes a game's layout, visual appeal, audio quality, or technical prowess, such as the game mechanics or a system of interconnected mechanisms. The player's inventory is available.

Each player controls a country's economy in The World Game of Economics. One of the most significant duties a leader of a country has to perform is this. Everyone want economic growth, low inflation, full employment, and a high standard of living. Your task as a game participant is to accomplish these objectives.

Games frequently have unpredictability in the results, established rules, competition, distinct locations and times, aspects of fiction, elements of chance, predetermined objectives, and personal enjoyment.

To learn more about game of economics refer to:



how did the chorus function as one in Greek Theater


chorus, in drama and music, those who perform vocally in a group as opposed to those who perform singly. The chorus in Classical Greek drama was a group of actors who described and commented upon the main action of a play with song, dance, and recitation.

what does mackie say about gods plan


According to Mackie, the issue is that despite God being almighty and entirely good, evil nevertheless exists. These three claims appear to be in conflict with one another, making the third false even if any two of them were accurate.

He wrote "Evil and Omnipotence" in 1955, which encapsulated his idea that it is "positively irrational" to believe in both the reality of evil and an all-knowing, all-good god.

One of two arguments against the existence of objective values presented by J. L. Mackie in his Ethics is the so-called "argument from queerness." Other than creating Right and Wrong is the "argument from relativity." According to John Mackie, when he refers to "objective value," he essentially means moral goodness, rightness, and wrongness.

He asserted that God's perfect goodness is irreconcilable with his failure to create the finest possible world. Furthermore, God's omnipotence is incompatible with the fact that he is unable to create a world that is ethically faultless.

To learn more about John Mackie



In the Rush--Bagot Treaty of 1817, the United States and Great Britain ______.

a. agreed to a Native-American-controlled buffer zone along the U.S.--Canada border

b. committed to disarmament in the Great Lakes

c. agreed that the Oregon Territory would be under U.S. control.

d. committed to respecting Spanish rule in Florida.


b. committed to disarmament in the Great Lakes

President Washington responded to the Whiskey Rebellion by

1.sending troops to collect taxes.

2.making production of whiskey illegal.

3.leading troops to Pennsylvania.

4.ending the whiskey tax.



Answer: Leading troops to Pennsylvania


Answer: 3. leading troops to Pennsylvania

As a result of Kennedy’s plans, NASA created the Mercury program specifically


As a result of Kennedy’s plans, NASA created the Mercury program specifically so that the United States should focus all its capabilities with the aim to landing a man on the moon and returning him back to Earth before the end of the decade.

During the 1960s, America launched its first man-in-space mission, a 5-year-programme, with the objective to launch 8 unmanned flights and 6 manned flights from 1961 to 1963.

It resulted in Alan Shephard in a 15-minute suborbital flight in 1961. However, the glory was short-lived as Yuri Gagarin was launched into space by the Soviet Union just weeks earlier. That took the edge off America's program and Alan's flight.

Hence, concerned with the Soviets' taking over and catching up with the United States in space travel, President Kennedy announced the Mercury plan.

The Mercury program is regarded as the first American human space program. Its initial focus was to win the battle against the erstwhile Soviet Union, which it failed to do so. But it helped the United States to redeem its lost glory and pave way for future space missions.

to know more about the Mercury Programme: https://brainly.com/question/1188295


Which technological advancement originated during the Gupta period
or "Golden Age" of India?


Gupta has undergone many advances in there technology, they have had many advancements in there mathematics and engineering. A good example of one of there inventions is numerals Gupta was the first empire to use numerals, they were also the first empire to use coins.

By 1811, a civil war broken out within within the ____ Nation between supporters of U.S. government civilization programs and opponents.

a. Creek

b. Delaware

c. Cherokee

d. Shawnee


a. Creek

By 1811, a civil war broken out within within the Creek Nation between supporters of U.S. government civilization programs and opponents.

Which of the following are arguments made by Thomas Mun? Select all that apply.

The English should decrease their purchases of foreign foods and clothing.

The English should expord their domestic products but not their money.

Domestic commodities should be charged a tax or custom charge only slightly greater than that of foreign wares.

The English should charge an export custom (tax) on goods made from foreign materials, especially cloths like silk.

English international commerce should be conducted using English ships.


The correct arguments are:-

- The English should decrease their purchases of foreign foods and clothing.

- The English should export their domestic products but not their money.

- The English should charge an export custom (tax) on goods made from foreign materials, especially cloths like silk.

- English international commerce should be conducted using English ships.

Thomas Mun was an important representative of the English mercantilists. He wanted to regulate the foreign trade of the country to achieve a favorable balance of trade. He supported accumulation of wealth which could be possible by reducing imports and increasing exports. He also suggested that imports should be taxed at a high rate and exports at a moderate rate.

To know more about English mercantilists here



How did the South Asian varna (also known as "caste") social structure compare and contrast to social hierarchies in other societies we have studied?


'Varna' literally means color and derives from the word 'Vri' which signifies employment choice. As a result, Varna is preoccupied with one's skin color or employment. Caste, or 'Jati,' derives from the root term 'Jana,' which means to give birth. As a result, caste is preoccupied with birth.

What is a Social Structure?

In sociology, social structure is the unique, permanent arrangement of institutions through which human people in a community interact and live together.

The notion of social structure is frequently discussed in conjunction with the concept of social change, which deals with the processes that modify the social hierarchy and the organization of society.

Learn more about Social Structures:

Patty is a cotton farmer in the largest geographic region in Oklahoma. It stretches from north to south across the state. There are important oil deposits in some areas, as well as salt plains formed by evaporated lakes. Patty most likely lives in which region of Oklahoma?
the Red Beds Plains
the Gypsum Hills
the Red River Plains
the High Plains


Patty most likely lives in the Red Beds Plains. Option A

This is further explained below.

What are the Red Bed Plains?

Generally, The Red Bed Plains is the most populous and most populous area of Oklahoma, making it the state's most populous region overall. It is also the biggest of Oklahoma's 10 geographic regions.

It is true that certain places have significant oil resources, and these deposits are the primary source of revenue for the region.

In conclusion, The area is also endowed with agricultural resources, as indicated by the fact that it is capable of producing cotton, maize, watermelons, and sorghum, all of which are cultivated there. Patty farms the cotton.

Read more about Red Bed Plains



Match each term with the correct definition or description.
Group of answer choices
Roman architecture

[ Choose ]

[ Choose ]
portrait busts

[ Choose ]

[ Choose ]
The Colosseum

[ Choose ]

[ Choose ]

[ Choose ]
The Pantheon

[ Choose ]

[ Choose ]


Roman architecture - concrete.

Ancient Greek and Roman art is called classical art. The name is also used to describe later times when artists drew inspiration from this ancient style. The Romans relied heavily on domes for much of their construction, including Hadrian's Pantheon, the Baths of Diocletian, and the Baths of Caracalla.

The construction of complex dome shapes for multilobe floor plans was characteristic of Roman architecture. Classical elements include smooth lines, elegant draping, idealized nudity highly naturalistic forms, and balanced proportions that the Greeks have perfected over the centuries. I was. The Augustus and Giulio-Claudius dynasties were particularly fond of using classical elements in their art.

Learn more about Roman architecture here:-https://brainly.com/question/1059924


please hurry and answer!


As a colony, Georgia was controlled by an elite group of aristocratic planters. Rice and indigo thrived in the coastal region around Augusta and Savannah,

Aristocratic Planters?Georgia was governed as a colony by a wealthy class of aristocratic landowners. A few men were able to acquire land, enslave people, and amass fortune in the coastal region of Augusta and Savannah where rice and indigo prospered, leaving the majority of white people there poor and politically powerless. The Revolutionary War (1775-83)'s unrest and the British occupation of Savannah and Augusta had a significant impact on the plantation economy, weakening the political and economic clout of the colonial elite and strengthening that of the modest yeoman planter.This power was adopted by the Georgia Constitution of 1777, which embodied the idea of the common man running the government.

To learn more about Aristocratic Planters refer to:



How did the National Bank help create the first political parties?


I do not think the National Bank helped to create the first political parties because it was meant for economic and financial matters such as lending money etc.

What was the National Bank?

The bank was created by provision of National Bank Act of 1863 that provided for the federal supervision of a system of banks known as national banks. These banks were expected to circulate stable and uniform national currency secured by federal bonds deposited by each bank with the comptroller of the currency.

The primary task of the Bank as stated by Congress in 1816 was to restrain the uninhibited proliferation of paper money by state or private lenders.

Read more about National Bank



What is iconoclasm?
A. The belief that icons violate the Bible’s command against idolatry
B. The belief that icons can provide aid to a person’s faith
C. A mixture of art and worship
D. A ritual prayer using an icon



I believe the answer is A


there are two definitions-

1. the action of attacking or assertively rejecting cherished beliefs and institutions or established values and practices

2. the rejection or destruction of religious images as heretical; the doctrine of iconoclasts

A seems to be the only accurate one, hope this helps!

Iconoclasm is the belief that icons violate the Bible’s command against idolatry. Therefore, the correct option is A.

Iconoclasm refers to the opposition or rejection of religious icons, typically within the context of religious worship. It is the belief that the use of religious images, such as paintings, sculptures, or other representations, is a violation of the biblical command against idolatry. Adherents of iconoclasm argue that the veneration or worship of icons can lead to the worship of false idols, diverting one's focus from the true object of religious devotion.

Thus, the ideal selection is option A.

Learn more about Iconoclasm here:



Read the text in the first attached pic then answer the questions in the second pic. Use specific facts and examples.


Three Facts learned from the primary sources includes the following;

King Darius affirms he is a legitimate KingKing Darius affirms that the throne of Persia belongs to his family, since he is the Ninth person in his bloodline to ascend the throne.King Darius affirms that he draws his power from Auramazda.

Who was King Darius?

Darius was the Persian ruler who served as the third King of Kings of the Achaemenid Empire. He  reigned  from 522 BCE until his death in 486 BCE.

Darius established his authority by explaining that the kingdom belongs to his family and that his forefathers ruled the land before him.

According to Darius, Gautama who was a Median challenged his authority.

Darius got involved to stop Gautama because there was no one available to stop him

According to this inscription, Darius was able to kill the feared Magian known as Gautama and he took the kingdom back from him.

The discovery of this inscription was significant to Mesopotamia because it illustrates how Darius was able to gain back their kingdom from a feared tyrant.

Learn more about Darius at brainly.com/question/5660133


Which of these statements accurately portrays the ideas of Daoism?

Select one:

People should seek to control nature if they wish to make the world a better place.

People should live in a way that reflects nature, acting individually and spontaneously.

Education is important because through it people learn the ways of the world.

People should be highly engaged in public and political life in order to create good government.


The statement that accurately portrays the ideas of Daoism is option b: People should live in a way that reflects nature, acting individually and spontaneously.

What does Daoism say about how humans and nature interact?

The fundamental goal of the Daoists was to help people understand that since human existence is really just a minor part of a much greater natural process.

Therefore, the only human behaviors that ultimately make meaning are those that are in accordance with the flow of Nature that is the Dao or simply known as the Way.

Learn more about nature from


Which reasons did some native-born Americans give for restricting immigration to the United States in the 1800s? (K-12 Lesson)

Select all correct answers.

A. Many thought it was unfair for immigrants to receive English language training and social services at taxpayer expense.

B. Many feared that immigrants who would work for low pay would end up taking their jobs.

C. Many believed that America had already taken in all the immigrants it could hold.

D. Many claimed that immigrants who didn't speak English could never adapt to the American way of life.



B. Many feared that immigrants who would work for low pay would end up taking their jobs.


D. Many claimed that immigrants who didn't speak English could never adapt to the American way of life

Other Questions
8. What did the Voting Rights Act of 1965 accomplish?a. It allowed 18-year-olds in all states to vote.b. It protected civil rights in polling places.C. It allowed people to vote in U.S. territories.d. It banned the payment of taxes in order to vote.chapter 18 In which example of corruption under President Grant did a number of peopletake millions of dollars raised from a liquor tax?A. Tammany HallB. Whiskey RingC. Black FridayD. Crdit Mobiles step by step 9 divided by 1557 The table shows the worldwide box office (in billions ofdollars) for the movie industry during the years shown.Year20012003200520072009Box office(in billions of dollars) Write this paired data as a set of ordered pairs ofthe form (year, box office).What is the ordered pair that corresponds to the firstrow of data given in the table? multiply 2^3x^3.6^3x^3 find the compound interest on $1500 for 2years at 2%per annum compounded anually 1+1=?What's the answer to this problem? I saw this in an SAT practice textbook. The International Air Transport Association surveys business travelers to develop quality ratings for transatlantic gateway airports. The maximum possible rating is 10. Suppose a simple random sample of 50 business travelers is selected and each traveler is asked to provide a rating for the Miami International Airport. The ratings obtained from the sample of 50 business travelers follow. 5 9 10 2 2 2 2 7 7 7 7 6 7 8 9 9 2 10 2 7 6 9 8 10 9 2 7 5 7 2 2 7 7 6 2 10 8 2 6 6 9 5 2 10 7 10 2 2 6 6 Develop a 95% confidence interval estimate of the population mean rating for Miami. Round your answers to two decimal places. (____,____) 5. 6. 2. 3. 4. this evening 1. Mom is going to make es selendang mayang this afternoon. in Srrow When is mom going to make es selendang mayang? ASSESSMENT QUESTIONS5. In the story, how are Coach Carson's and A.J.'s points of view different? Use details from the story to support your answer. If you are a playwright, what will be your top 5 dramatic literary devices in writing your play? Trevor tutors French for $15 and hour and scoops ice cream for $10 an hour. He iS going to work 15 hoursthis week. How many hours does Trevor need to tutor to make at least $180?hours If you add Alexs and bobs pie total together, they ate 22 pies, while bobs and chucks pies sum to 24. When you add Alex and chucks pie together, you find that they are 16 total. How many pies did each individual eat? a magnetic field has a magnitude of , and an electric field has a magnitude of . both fields point in the same direction. a positive charge moves at a speed of in a direction that is perpendicular to both fields. determine the magnitude of the net force that acts on the charge When a country imposes a tax on IMPORTED goods. This is an example of aOA. mercantilisic policyOB. domestic policyOC. military policyOD. foreign policy describe dehydration synthesis. in your answer, use starch synthesis as an example. be sure your answer includes the roles of starch, glucose, polymers, monomers, water, and covalent bonds in the process. The elements of the r h e t h o r i c a l situations do work together true or false A 22-inch piece of steel is cut into three pieces so that the second piece is twice as long as the first piece, and the third piece is one inch more than four times the length of the first piece. Find the lengths of the pieces. What is A-1? A=[-2 -3 3 12] Enter your answer by filling in the boxes. Enter any fractions as simplified fractions. Say that I had the following regression equation: y = 10.6 + 3.4x ; Find the predicted y-value when x = 6.