Europe no longer possesses unity of faith, of mission, or of aim. Such unity is a necessity in the world. Here, then, is the secret of the crisis. It is the duty of every one to
examine and analyse calmly and carefully the probable elements of this new unity. But those who persist in perpetuating, by violence or by Jesuitical compromise, the external
observance of the old unity, only perpetuate the crisis, and render its issue more violent.
There are in Europe two great questions; or, rather, the question of the transformation of authority, that is to say, of the Revolution, has assumed two forms; the question which
all have agreed to call social, and the question of nationalities. The first is more exclusively agitated in France, the second in the heart of the other peoples of Europe. I say,
which all have agreed to call social, because, generally speaking, every great revolution is so far social, that it cannot be accomplished either in the religious, political, or any
other sphere, without affecting social relations, the sources and the distribution of wealth; but that which is only a secondary consequence in political revolutions is now the
cause and the banner of the movement in France. The question there is now, above all, to establish better relations between labour and capital, between production and
consumption, between the workman and the employer.
It is probable that the European initiative, that which will give a new impulse to intelligence and to events, will spring from the question of nationalities. The social question
may, in effect, although with difficulty, be
partly resolved by a single people; it is an internal question for each, and the French Republicans of 1848 so understood it, when, determinately abandoning the European
initiative, they placed Lamartine's [Note: A French poet and politician] manifesto by the side of their aspirations towards the organisation of labour. The question of nationality
can only be resolved by destroying the treaties of 1815, and changing the map of Europe and its public Law. The question of Nationalities, rightly understood, is the Alliance of
the Peoples; the balance of powers based upon new foundations; the organisation of the work that Europe has to accomplish.

1. Think about the purpose of the source. What was the author's message or argument? What
was he/she trying to get across? Is the message explicit, or are there implicit messages as


Answer 1



The purpose of the source seems to be a reflection on the crisis in Europe following World War II and an analysis of the two major questions facing the continent: the transformation of authority (i.e. the Revolution) and the question of nationalities. The author argues that Europe no longer possesses unity of faith, mission, or aim and that this unity is necessary for the world. The author suggests that those who persist in perpetuating the external observance of the old unity only perpetuate the crisis and make its issue more violent.

The author's message is that a new unity is needed in Europe and that the two major questions facing the continent (the transformation of authority and the question of nationalities) must be addressed. The author argues that the social question (i.e. better relations between labor and capital, production and consumption, workman and employer) may be resolved by a single people, but the question of nationalities can only be resolved by destroying the treaties of 1815 and changing the map of Europe and its public law.

The message is explicit, and there do not appear to be any implicit messages in the source.

Related Questions

Which products brought to the West along the Silk Road had the most impact on societies?


i think it may be silk

How was labor different after the Industrial Revolution than it was before?
OA. Before the Industrial Revolution, labor was done by factory
workers. After the Industrial Revolution, labor was done by
B. Before the Industrial Revolution, labor gained added value. After
the Industrial Revolution, labor was not highly valued.
OC. Before the Industrial Revolution, labor was more generalized. After
the Industrial Revolution, labor was specialized.
D. Before the Industrial Revolution, labor was performed in service to
a king. After the Industrial Revolution, labor was highly


Before the Industrial Revolution, labor was more generalized, while after the Industrial Revolution, labor became more specialized. So , option C is the right choice.

Before the Industrial Revolution, labor was more generalized. Agricultural laborers typically performed a wide range of tasks related to farming, including planting, harvesting, and tending to livestock. Craftspeople often engaged in multiple trades, working on various products. However, after the Industrial Revolution, labor became more specialized. The development of machinery and the rise of factories led to the division of labor, with workers focusing on specific tasks within a production process. Factory workers became specialized in operating machinery or carrying out specific assembly line tasks. This specialization increased efficiency and productivity but also resulted in workers becoming highly skilled in narrow areas. The shift from generalized labor to specialized labor had significant implications for the workforce, as workers needed to acquire specific skills for specific jobs and were often confined to repetitive tasks, reducing the diversity of their work and potentially limiting their mobility between industries.

For more such question on Industrial Revolution




Answer:In summary, South African women played a vital role in the struggle against human rights violations during the 1950s and 1960s. They were instrumental in organizing protests, forming organizations, supporting political prisoners, and advocating for change both within South Africa and internationally.


Nkosazana Dlamini what is the bigest role she play in apartheid​


Answer: Dlamini-Zuma was appointed as Minister of Health in the cabinet of President Nelson Mandela, where she continued the work of her predecessor, Rina Venter, in racially desegregating the health system and broadening state anti-tobacco measures.

Identifying Evidence
Consider this question: How did state constitutions influence the U.S. Constitution?
Examine the four primary sources in the reading, and write down evidence from
each source that helps answer this question.


Structure and Separation of Powers, the Bill of Rights, Popular Sovereignty, Representation and Voting, Limited Government, and Checks and Balances these are state constitutions that had an impact on the creation of the United States Constitution.

The first American Congress put out 12 proposed Constitution changes on September 25, 1789. There is an exhibit of the 1789 Joint Resolution of Congress proposing the changes at the National Archives Museum's Rotunda. On December 15, 1791, three-fourths of the state legislatures ratified ten of the twelve amendments that had been submitted.

. The first 10 amendments to the Constitution, sometimes known as the United States Bill of Rights, are the approved Articles (Articles 3–12). Article 2, the 27th Amendment to the Constitution, was approved in 1992, 203 years after it was first suggested.

Learn more about the the Bill of Rights, from :




The members of the Einsatzgruppen were Nazi SS paramilitary units that were responsible for carrying out mass killings and genocides in German-occupied territories during World War II. It is strange due to the lack of empathy for the victims and a disregard for human life.

It is difficult to generalize the sentiments of all the members of the Einsatzgruppen, but some of them sympathized with the murderers and justified their actions as necessary for the greater good of Nazi Germany. This sympathy towards the murderers is strange because it shows a lack of empathy for the victims and a disregard for human life. It is a reflection of the dehumanization and propaganda that was used by the Nazi regime to justify their actions and create a sense of superiority among the German people. It is also a testament to the power of group mentality and how individuals can be influenced to commit atrocities when they are part of a larger organization.

The sympathy towards the murderers also reveals the deep-seated prejudices and hatred towards certain groups, such as Jews, Roma, and homosexuals, that were targeted by the Nazis. It shows a belief in the ideology of racial superiority and a willingness to carry out acts of violence in the name of this ideology.

Overall, the sympathy of some members of the Einsatzgruppen towards the murderers is a disturbing reflection of the atrocities committed during the Holocaust and the dangerous influence of propaganda and group mentality.

Know more about Einsatzgruppen here :


Newsela North Korean War: How does the
article introduced the idea that Korean War w
a result of many different conflicts? A) bad
listing the countries that supported the North
Korea and communism. B) no Mao Zedong di
help sending 250,000 members of the Chines
peoples volunteer army to North Korea. C) ye
major battles occurred in those two years but
neither side claimed great victories. D) by
highlighting the role that the United States
played in all of these conflicts.



The article introduced the idea that the Korean War was a result of many different conflicts by highlighting the role that the United States played in all of these conflicts. Therefore, the correct answer is D.

What was one major effect of the Siege of Vicksburg?
A. Northerners began to believe they could quickly defeat the
B. The Confederacy lost its ability to ship supplies on the Mississippi
C. The Confederacy had to abandon its invasion of the North.
D. A huge number of African American soldiers joined the Union


Major effect of the Siege of Vicksburg is  the Confederacy lost its ability to ship supplies on the Mississippi River. So, the option B. is the right choice.

The major effect of the Siege of Vicksburg was that the Confederacy lost its ability to ship supplies on the Mississippi River. The city of Vicksburg, Mississippi, was a crucial stronghold for the Confederacy during the American Civil War. The Union forces, led by General Ulysses S. Grant, laid siege to Vicksburg from May to July 1863. The Confederate defenders, under the command of General John C. Pemberton, were eventually forced to surrender due to lack of supplies and mounting casualties. This Union victory had significant consequences for the Confederacy. By capturing Vicksburg, the Union gained control of the Mississippi River, effectively cutting the Confederacy in two. The loss of this vital transportation route severely hindered the Confederate war effort by disrupting their ability to receive supplies and reinforcements from the west. It also prevented the Confederacy from launching further invasions into the North via the Mississippi River. The fall of Vicksburg was a turning point in the Civil War and a significant blow to the Confederacy's military capabilities.

For more such question on Mississippi River


Sonia Sotomayor's confirmation to the Supreme Court was significant
because she was the:
O A. youngest justice confirmed to the court.
B. only justice confirmed unanimously.
O C. first Hispanic justice appointed to the court.
O D. first woman confirmed to the court.


Sonia Sotomayor's confirmation to the Supreme Court in 2009 was significant for several reasons, but the most notable one was that she became the first Hispanic justice appointed to the court.

This was a historic moment for the Hispanic community, who saw Sotomayor's appointment as a symbol of progress and representation in one of the highest institutions of the US government.

Additionally, Sotomayor's confirmation was significant because she was the third woman to be appointed to the Supreme Court, but the first to be confirmed. This was a milestone for gender equality and women's representation in the judiciary.

While Sotomayor's confirmation was not unanimous, as some senators expressed concerns over her past statements and rulings, she was still confirmed with a comfortable majority of 68 votes in the Senate. This showed that despite the controversy surrounding her appointment, there was still broad support for her among lawmakers.

Overall, Sonia Sotomayor's confirmation to the Supreme Court was a historic moment for the Hispanic community and women's rights, and her tenure on the bench has been marked by a commitment to fairness, justice, and equality.

For more questions on: Supreme Court



1.In what way does the African perspective on human development differ from Erikson's
psychosocial theory?

2.How does spirituality and belief in the invisible world influence socialisation and identity
formation in African societies?

2.According to collectivism, a person is a person through others (Nwoye, 2017). What does
this imply with regard to personality development?

4.A characteristic of adolescent peer group relationships is an increase in conformity. Define
conformity, and discuss the three main types of conformity.




I'd be happy to help you with your questions!

1. The African perspective on human development differs from Erikson's psychosocial theory in several ways. Firstly, the African perspective emphasizes the interconnectedness of individuals with their social and cultural environment, whereas Erikson's theory focuses on individual development through a series of universal stages. Additionally, the African perspective places greater emphasis on communal identity and the importance of social relationships in shaping an individual's development, whereas Erikson's theory focuses more on individual identity formation.

2. In many African societies, spirituality and belief in the invisible world play a central role in socialization and identity formation. For example, traditional rites of passage often involve spiritual rituals and practices that help to shape an individual's understanding of their place in the world and their relationship to their community. Additionally, beliefs about the spirit world and the ancestors can influence how individuals think about their own identities and their relationships with others.

3. The idea that "a person is a person through others" implies that personality development is shaped by social relationships and the cultural context in which an individual lives. In collectivist cultures, individuals are seen as interconnected with their social environment, and their identities are shaped by their relationships with others. This means that personality development is not solely an individual process, but rather is influenced by the collective beliefs, values, and practices of the culture in which an individual lives.

4. Conformity refers to the tendency of individuals to adjust their attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors in order to align with the norms and expectations of a group. The three main types of conformity are normative conformity, which occurs when individuals conform in order to fit in and be accepted by a group; informational conformity, which occurs when individuals conform because they believe the group has access to information that they do not; and internalized conformity, which occurs when individuals adopt the norms and beliefs of a group as their own. Adolescents may be particularly susceptible to normative conformity as they seek to establish social connections and gain acceptance from their peers.

discuss the major differences between the British and the french Parliamentary System.​



Here are some of the major differences between the two systems:

Head of State: In Britain, the monarch is the head of state, while in France, the president is the head of state.

Separation of powers: The British parliamentary system has a fusion of powers, where the executive and legislative branches are intertwined, while the French parliamentary system has a separation of powers between the executive and legislative branches.

Bicameral vs. Unicameral: The British parliamentary system has two houses of parliament - the House of Commons and the House of Lords, while the French parliamentary system has only one house, the National Assembly.

Electoral System: In Britain, the electoral system is a first-past-the-post system, while in France, it is a two-round system.

Executive Power: In Britain, the Prime Minister holds most of the executive power, while in France, the President holds most of the executive power.

Cabinet Ministers: In Britain, the Prime Minister appoints cabinet ministers who are MPs from their party, while in France, the President appoints cabinet ministers from outside the National Assembly.

Vote of No Confidence: In Britain, a vote of no confidence can be called at any time, while in France, a vote of no confidence can only be called in certain circumstances.

Legislative Process: In Britain, the legislative process is less formalized than in France, with a strict process for passing laws.

Overall, while the British and French parliamentary systems have many similarities, such as the principle of parliamentary sovereignty and the importance of party discipline, there are also some significant differences in terms of the role of the head of state, the separation of powers, the electoral system, and the executive power.


During the 1920s in Japan, who assumed control of their
government to deal with the Great Depression?


During the 1920s in Japan, it was the military that began to gain more power and influence in the government. However, it was not until the 1930s and the onset of the Great Depression that the military was able to take full control of the government. In 1931, the military staged the Mukden Incident, which allowed them to invade and occupy Manchuria. This was followed by a series of other military actions that eventually led to Japan's full-scale involvement in World War II.

How did tobacco farming change settlement at Jamestown?
OA. It resulted in poorer soil.
B. It increased the demand for labor.
OC. It led to the end of slavery.
O D. It decreased the demand for land.


Tobacco farming changed settlement at Jamestown by increasing the demand for labor. Thus, option (b) is correct.

Tobacco production is labor-intensive, therefore settlers needed additional workers to plant and harvest the crop, which led to the usage of indentured servants and, eventually, slaves.

The expansion of tobacco farming also resulted in the migration of settlers to lands on the south bank of the York River, in search of new terrain where they could produce even more tobacco on each field.

As a result, the significance of the tobacco farming change settlement at Jamestown are the aforementioned. Therefore, option (b) is correct.

Learn more about on tobacco, here:


Which of these areas was Germany NOT forced to surrender in the Treaty of Versailles?
A. Saarland
B. Berlin
C. Alsace-Lorraine
D. Rhineland


Germany was forced to surrender several territories and make significant concessions in the Treaty of Versailles, which was signed on June 28, 1919, to officially end World War I. Of the options provided, Berlin was not included in the list of territories that Germany was required to surrender in the treaty.

One of the territories that Germany was required to surrender was Alsace-Lorraine, which had been annexed by Germany in 1871 after the Franco-Prussian War. France had long sought to regain control of the region, and the treaty required Germany to return it to France.

Another territory that Germany was required to surrender was the Saarland, which was a coal-rich region on the border of Germany and France. The treaty required Germany to cede control of the region to France for 15 years, after which a plebiscite would be held to determine its permanent status.

Germany was also required to demilitarize the Rhineland, which was a buffer zone between Germany and France. The treaty prohibited Germany from stationing troops or fortifications in the region, and it was to be occupied by Allied forces for 15 years.

for more such questions on World War I.


Which was NOT part of the 1950's?

a. Dr. Jonas Salk made the first polio vaccine
b. Thurgood Marshall helped the Supreme Court decide that segregation in schools was wrong
c. The Great Depression
d. Factories began to make consumer goods​


c. The Great Depression was NOT part of the 1950's

The Great Depression

The Great Depression occurred in the 1930s, not in the 1950s. It was a severe worldwide economic downturn characterized by high unemployment rates, financial crises, and a general decline in economic activity. The 1950s, on the other hand, marked a period of post-World War II economic growth and prosperity in the United States.

The other options listed (a, b, and d) are all events or developments that took place in the 1950s:

a. Dr. Jonas Salk made the first polio vaccine: In 1955, Dr. Jonas Salk developed the first successful vaccine against polio, a crippling and deadly disease that had caused significant public health concerns.

Read more on the Great Depression


2188 According to Basu, Broad, and Hintz, a is a story that emphasizes such world-changing events as "plague, World War III, cataclysmic asteroid crashes, or even zombies." A critical dystopia B flawed utopia C) post-apocalyptic dystopia D environmental dystopia​


The statement that aligns with Basu, Broad, and Hintz's description is:

D) Environmental dystopia.

What is ) Environmental dystopia

An environmental dystopia is a type of story that focuses on a future world where ecological degradation and environmental disasters have had a significant impact on society.

These narratives often depict a future where the consequences of human actions, such as climate change, pollution, or resource depletion, have led to a deteriorating environment and its subsequent effects on people's lives. The emphasis is on the negative outcomes resulting from humanity's disregard for the environment, making it fitting within the description provided.

Read more on ) Environmental dystopia here


Which factor caused support for the Ku Klux Klan to increase by the mid 1920?


The factors that caused support for the Ku Klux Klan to increase by the mid-1920s were the rise of nativism and anti-immigrant sentiment.

The question seems incomplete so the answer is written in a generalized manner.

Immigration to the United States increased, mainly from Southern and Eastern Europe. Many Americans maintained nativist beliefs, thinking that new immigrants would jeopardize their cultural and economic interests.

The Ku Klux Klan took advantage of these concerns and frustrations. They specifically targeted African Americans, as well as immigrants, Catholics, Jews, and other minority groups.

Effective recruitment techniques, propaganda, and the use of mass media aided the Klan's rise. They were able to successfully establish themselves as a mainstream organization, drawing members from a variety of socioeconomic backgrounds as the rise of nativism.

Learn more about Ku Klux Klan, here:


Which of the following concepts did American democracy borrow from ancient Greek democracy?

Judicial system that uses judges and juries
Judicial system that uses juries of 15 people
Judicial system that uses judges for the most serious crimes
Judicial system that uses only juries


American democracy borrowed the concept of a judicial system that uses judges and juries from ancient Greek democracy. Option a is correct choice.

The exact composition and size of juries in the United States may vary depending on the jurisdiction and the nature of the case.

However, the underlying principle of having a judicial system that incorporates both judges and juries can be attributed, at least in part, to ancient Greek democracy.

American democracy borrowed several concepts from ancient Greek democracy, including the judicial system that uses judges and juries.

The idea of having a judicial system that incorporates both judges and juries can be traced back to ancient Athens, where citizens participated in the administration of justice.

In ancient Athens, a judicial system known as the Heliaia was established.

It consisted of a large jury panel that decided cases, along with a smaller group of judges who presided over the proceedings.

The Athenian jury system involved citizens randomly selected to serve as jurors, typically numbering around 201 to 501 individuals.

These jurors played a crucial role in determining guilt or innocence and the appropriate punishment for the accused.

The concept of incorporating both judges and juries into the judicial system was adopted by American democracy.

The U.S. Constitution guarantees the right to a trial by jury in criminal cases, as stated in the Sixth Amendment.

This provision allows individuals accused of crimes to have their cases heard and decided by a panel of their peers.

In the American legal system, judges serve as impartial arbiters, ensuring that the trial is conducted fairly, while juries are responsible for evaluating the evidence and reaching a verdict based on the facts presented.

This separation of powers helps to safeguard against potential bias or abuse of power.

Option a is correct choice.

For similar questions on Greek democracy.



Which of the following concepts did American democracy borrow from ancient Greek democracy?

a. Judicial system that uses judges and juries

b. Judicial system that uses juries of 15 people

c. Judicial system that uses judges for the most serious crimes

d. Judicial system that uses only juries

How severe floods handled differently in Ghana and Great Britain? A. Britain focuses on building and engineering solutions to flooding, while Ghana focuses on aid and supplies for the population affected by flooding. B. They respond in the same way. C. Britain's government can afford relief supplies and improvements to flood protection systems. D. Ghana can afford better relief supplies and can build improved flood protection systems.


Severe floods are handled differently because C. Britain's government can afford relief supplies and improvements to flood protection systems.

Why would they react differently ?

The United Kingdom is a developed country with a high GDP per capita. This means that the government has more money to spend on public services, such as flood protection. The UK government has a number of agencies that are responsible for flood management, including the Environment Agency and the Met Office.

Ghana is a developing country with a lower GDP per capita. This means that the government has less money to spend on public services, such as flood protection.

Find out more on floods at


what are two factors that caused economic difficulties pls help i’ll give you brainlist


a climb in personal bankruptcies and a lowering of the personal savings rate

How did the U.S. Constitution solve a problem created by the Articles of Confederation?
A. It avoided the issue of states' rights.
B. It allowed the states to elect representatives.
C. It prevented the amendment of federal laws.
D. It enabled the federal government to collect taxes.


It enabled the federal government to collect taxes. The Articles of Confederation lacked a provision for the federal government to levy taxes, which hindered its ability to fund its operations.So, the option D. is the right choice.

The U.S. Constitution resolved this problem by granting the federal government the power to collect taxes, ensuring a stable source of revenue for governance.

The U.S. Constitution addressed a problem created by the Articles of Confederation by enabling the federal government to collect taxes. Under the Articles, the federal government had limited authority and lacked the power to levy taxes on its own. This created significant financial challenges and hindered the government's ability to operate effectively.

The Constitution resolved this issue by granting the federal government the power to collect taxes. This provision, outlined in Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution, allowed the government to raise revenue to fund its operations, maintain a standing military, and fulfill its responsibilities. It provided a stable and consistent source of income for the federal government, enhancing its ability to function and address the needs of the nation.

By empowering the federal government to collect taxes, the Constitution helped alleviate the financial strains that plagued the Confederation government. This change played a crucial role in strengthening the central authority, promoting stability, and supporting the development of a more effective and functional system of governance in the United States.

The right answer is D. It enabled the federal government to collect taxes

For more such question on Articles of Confederation




The impact of these pseudoscientific ideas on the Jewish nation was devastating. The period between 1933 and 1946 was a tumultuous time for the Jewish people, as they faced persecution and discrimination on a global scale.

During this time, pseudoscientific ideas of race played a significant role in shaping the way the Jewish people were viewed by others. These ideas suggested that Jews were biologically inferior and were to blame for many of the problems facing society. Jews were subjected to discriminatory laws and policies that restricted their ability to live and work in many parts of the world. They were also subjected to violence and persecution, culminating in the horrors of the Holocaust.

However, despite the many challenges they faced, the Jewish people managed to persevere. They fought against these pseudoscientific ideas, and they worked tirelessly to build a better future for themselves and their children. Today, the Jewish people continue to thrive and make significant contributions to society, proving that pseudoscientific ideas of race have no place in our modern world.

know more about Jewish nation here:


Who are the two Southern Generals who helped extend the war?



There were many Confederate generals who played significant roles in the American Civil War. Two of the most well-known Southern generals were Robert E. Lee and Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson. Both Lee and Jackson were instrumental in leading Confederate forces and winning key battles, which helped prolong the war. However, it is important to note that the outcome of the war was determined by a complex set of factors and cannot be attributed to any single individual or event.


Should we open the existing conserved lands to economic development?


Current conserved lands are typically kept for their ecological, cultural, or recreational value and are not meant for intensive economic development.

Since economic development affects people's standards of living, it frequently takes precedence over environmental sustainability. However, if individuals reside in a location that is economically developed but has low environmental quality, their quality of life may suffer.

It's crucial to keep in mind that any economic development in protected areas must take into account long-term land conservation of the place, cultural preservation, and environmental sustainability. Maintaining the advantages offered by these priceless natural and cultural resources requires striking a balance between economic development and conservation goals.

Learn more about land conservation here:


4. The Jews were
___ and shunned.


The appropriate word to fill in the blank is "ostracized" so the complete sentence is: The Jews were ostracized and shunned.

In history, Jews have faced significant periods of ostracism and being shunned by various societies. This pattern can be observed in different contexts and time periods.

One notable example is the persecution and marginalization of Jews in Europe during the Middle Ages and the early modern period. Anti-Semitic sentiments and stereotypes led to discriminatory practices, restrictions, and expulsions of Jewish communities from many European countries. Jews were often treated as social outcasts, subjected to legal and social discrimination, and isolated from mainstream society.

The Holocaust during World War II represents an extreme manifestation of the ostracism and shunning of Jews. Nazi Germany systematically targeted and exterminated millions of Jews, aiming to eradicate their presence entirely. This genocidal campaign was driven by deep-seated anti-Semitism and a desire to eliminate Jews from society.

Even in more recent times, instances of anti-Semitism and prejudice against Jews persist in different parts of the world. Hate crimes, discrimination, and exclusionary attitudes continue to marginalize Jewish individuals and communities.

It is important to note, however, that this narrative does not represent the entirety of Jewish history. Jews have also contributed significantly to various societies, cultures, and fields of knowledge throughout the ages, despite the challenges they have faced. Today, efforts are being made to promote inclusivity, fight against anti-Semitism, and ensure that Jews are not ostracized or shunned based on their religious or ethnic identity.

complete sentence is: The Jews were ostracized and shunned.

For more such questions on Jews


What problems existed in nations and colonies that led to revolutions?


revolutions are often a response to deep-seated social, economic, and political problems that have been ignored or exacerbated by those in power. They represent a fundamental challenge to the existing order, and a demand for greater justice, equality, and freedom.

Political oppression: Many revolutions have been sparked by political oppression, including the denial of basic human rights and civil liberties, and the suppression of political dissent.

Economic inequality and poverty have often been major drivers of revolution, as people who are marginalized and exploited by the ruling class seek to overthrow the existing order and create a more just society.

Colonialism and imperialism: Colonized peoples have often risen up in revolution against their colonial oppressors, seeking independence and self-determination.

Social injustice: Social injustice, including discrimination based on race, gender, religion, or other factors, can also be a catalyst for revolution.

for more such questions on revolutions


8.) What did the militiamen do as the British commander marched his soldiers back to Boston? ​



Black's Law Dictionary defines a retroactive law as a law “that looks backward or contemplates the past, affecting acts or facts that existed before the act came into effect.” While Congress often considers legislation that would apply retroactively, the Constitution imposes some limited constraints on such laws.

Which of the following terms refers to the Egyptian practice of the blending two or more deities together to create a third, yet distinct deity? -Synchronicity -Syncretism -Synthesis -Synchronization​


Syncretism is the answer

1. What are two reasons the United States wanted to stop the spread of communism?


The United States felt threatened by the spread of communism because free enterprise and the capitalist system was the basis for American economy and, therefore, the American way of life. The conversion of nations to communistic economic systems would also limit (and potentially destroy) America's ability to engage in international trade because communism would annihilate the need for and the existence of these markets.

5. Which of the following describes a
typical economy found in Latin America
during the 1920s and 1930s?
O A. Economies enjoyed long-lasting
high prices on exports.
B. Economies had stable and modest
prices for goods.
O C. Economies relied on internal
development rather than trade.
D. Economies depended on the
production of one or two goods.


the typical economy found in Latin America during the 1920s and 1930s Economies depended on the production of one or two goods.

During the 1920s and 1930s, a typical economy found in Latin America was one that depended on the production of one or two goods. This economic model, known as the "export-led" or "monoculture" model, was based on the export of primary commodities such as coffee, bananas, sugar, and minerals, which were produced for export to the United States and Europe.

This economic model had several drawbacks. First, it made Latin American economies vulnerable to fluctuations in international commodity prices. When prices were high, Latin American countries experienced economic growth and prosperity. However, when prices fell, these economies suffered from poverty, unemployment, and social unrest.

Second, the export-led model led to a concentration of wealth and power in the hands of a small elite. The profits from primary commodity exports were often controlled by a small group of landowners, investors, and foreign corporations, who used their power to maintain their wealth and privilege at the expense of the vast majority of the population.

Finally, the export-led model did not promote internal development or diversification of the economy. Instead, it encouraged a dependence on foreign markets and a neglect of domestic industry and infrastructure.

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Which of the following was the main concern of Kelsey Timmerman in his book Where Am I Wearing ? ... A. psychology . B. political science . C. anthropology The functions and g are integrable and J1 f(x)dx = 8, J g(x)dx = 5,and J f(x)dx 2. Evaluate the integral below or state that there is not enough information: f(x) dx g(x) Find a Cartesian equation for the following curve and identify it: r=8.a. parabolab. ellipsec. hyperbolad. circlee. line how much water is necessary per day to maintain adequate water balance in the average adult? 6x^7+3x^4-9x^3 factor if a mutation has no effect on fitness, it may stay in the gene pool indefinitely. Compute conversion costs given the following data: Direct Materials, $347,500; Direct Labor, $196,300, Factory Oval, $187,500; and Selling Exp $45,290.a. $543,800b. $384,200c. $187,900d. $731,700 Identify whether the journalistic characteristic applies to "new media" or "old media."reliable coverage of newsin-depth coverage of newsgreater diversity in news as described in chapter 5, why are people willing to accept lower real wages in certain cities? for example, why doesnt everyone from honolulu move to dallas? The number density in a container of neon gas is 5.001025m^3. The atoms are moving with an rms speed of 700m/s.What is the pressure inside the container?What is the temperature inside the container? What do perfectly competitive firms produce at the quantity where marginal revenue? Using python, ask the user for the name of an email file. Read the contents of the file and calculate how many emails are sent each day of the week, Sunday through Saturday. The datetime module is one way to convert an arbitrary date to a day of the week but you may use any method you prefer.Once you've collected the summary data, plot the data in a bar chart using any library you choose. Explain your answers for parts b and c. the portion of this non-template strand that will correspond to the first codon that will be translated is background information of the impact of pseudoscientific ideas of race on the jewish nation by the nazi germany during the period 1933 to 1946 the efficiency of a program is determined by the number of processed requests y. the number of requests depends on both the size of the data (in gigabytes) x subscript 1 and the number of tables used to arrange each data set x subscript 2. putting this information together, we have data below in the table:Which of the following are true about simple linear regression models? Select ALL that apply. A. The linear correlation coefficient r is a measure of causation. B. The equation of the least squares regression line is y=1+0x where 0 is the y-intercept and 1 is the slope. C. The slope 1 and the linear correlation coefficient r are equal when X and Y are standardized D. The slope 1 and the linear correlation coefficient r can have different signs. E. The coefficient of determination R2 gives the percentage of variation in the response variable that can be explained by the model Valenica Corporation has a capital structure that includes bonds, preferred stock, and common stock. Which one of the following rights is most apt to be granted to the preferred shareholders? Multiple Choice a.Right to share in company profits prior to other shareholders b.Right to elect the corporate directors c.Right to vote on proposed mergers d.Right to a permanent seat on the board of directors e.Right to all residual income after the common dividends have been paid Xavier and Huang are advising a growing small food truck business about how to match the type of organizational structure to its strategy execution requirements. They propose to their client that the business should retain its simple structure. What are the primary advantages of this proposal?A. inadequacy as the organization growsB. low administrative costs, ease of coordination, flexibility, and adaptabilityC. high bureaucratic costs and decreased response times as changing situations dictateD. lightening the load on top management and greater task specializationE. restrictive cross-business collaboration and inability to capture cross-business synergies if one such particle lives 1.25 10-16 s as measured in the laboratory, and 0.965 10-16 s when at rest relative to an observer, what is its velocity relative to the laboratory in c? Match the following characteristics to helices, sheets, or both.1) 5.4/turn2) antiparallel arrangement3) large dipole moment4) extensive H-bonding network