filipino swimmers 2019 in sea games?​


Answer 1


This swimming competitions at the 2019 Southeast Asian Games in Manila are being held at the New Clark City Aquatics Center from 4 to 9 December 2019. It is one of four aquatic sports at the Games, along with diving, open water swimming, and water polo.

Related Questions


Use these two words in a sentence in a way that shows their meaning and relationship.
a. productivity b. domestic slave trade



The new domestic slave trade helped increase the productivity of the plantation system by offering more slaves to work.

describe two ways in which the German Blood could be kept​




Question 7
My decision to go to college or my decision to drop out of college will impact the
rest of my life





Whatever you decide will affect the rest of your life, whether positively or negatively.

The correct answer is true

A graph titled Global Population 1950 to 2025 shows years
on the x axis and Population in billions on the y axis. The
graph shows a steep upward trend.
Based on this graph, what can you predict about the
population of the world leading into 2040?
* It will continue to increase slightly.
It will continue to decrease slightly.
It will continue to increase sharply.
O It will continue to decrease sharply.



its c




C. It will continue to increase sharply.

In the loss to Italy, what did Great Britain give up?



The First and Second World Wars left Britain weakened and less interested in its empire. Also many parts of the empire contributed troops and resources to the war effort and took an increasingly independent view. This led to a steady decline of the empire after 1945.



the first answer is correct

what did the sinking of the Lusitania and the Zimmerman telegram have and common?


Probably because they triggered the intervention of the US in the war.


The sinking of the Lusitania (with the loss of civilian American lives) produced a huge resentment in the public opinion against unrestricted submarine warfare launched by the German Navy. Probably the Lusitania (like other "neutral" freighters) was also carrying ammunition to England because there are suspects that its sinking was quite immediate and destructive after the torpedoing but anyway this was an open act of aggression against a clearly marked non-belligerant vessel.

Even worse was the Zimmerman telegram instigating the Mexican government to declare war on the US promising (in case of victory) huge extensions of American territory (Texas, Arizona and New Mexico, if I remember correctly). The "secret" telegram of the exterior minister Zimmerman was intercepted by the British and promptly disclosed to the US autorities...if there were any doubt about intervention this episode certainly settled it down against Germany.

Which point of view does this excerpt use?
only first-person point of view
only third-person point of view
O first- and third-person point of view
O second- and third-person point of view





Good Luck

Dred Scott was a slave who moved from slave territory to free territory with his master. He sued for his freedom and the case went all the way to the Supreme Court where he won his freedom. Roger B. Taney was in favor of freeing slaves.
Group of answer choices







What are the similarities and differences between the War on Terror and the Cold War? Has the global role of the United States changed since the fall of the Soviet Union?


Answer: Like in the Cold War, the United States was trying to stop the spread and diminish a belief in the War on Terror: Islamic extremism. Unlike the War on Terror however, the Cold War was the fight against political forms like communism against democracy and capitalism. Also, in the Cold War the United States and Russia were trying to do things subtly so that another global war wouldn’t break out. In the War on Terror, the United States tried to stop oppressive groups with force. The role of the United States in world politics has changed since the collapse of the Soviet Union. It has worked to provide influence and support in countries without directly involving our military troops. They use tactics like humanitarian aid and diplomacy instead of military tactics.  


Which people that have been affected by racism the most and how​



The Jews during the holocaust


Who was the 30th President of the U.S?



Calvin Coolidge was the 30th President


As America's 30th President (1923-1929), Calvin Coolidge demonstrated his determination to preserve the old moral and economic precepts of frugality amid the material prosperity which many Americans were enjoying during the 1920s era.


Calvin Coolidge


6.) It was because of me that
Portugal played such an influential
role in the Age of Exploration!



Henry the Navigator.


The Age of Discovery is also known as Age of Exploration and it refers to an early period between the 15th century and 17th century in Europe. It was a period that was typically characterized by sea-faring by European countries such as Portugal and Spain to explore various geographical regions around the world.

The Age of Discovery is notably and famously known for exploration through sea-faring (ocean travel) and it led to the discovery of the New World (America), as well as other unknown geographical locations.

Some prominent examples include the Columbian Exchange, the transatlantic exploration (voyage) by Christopher Columbus, Portuguese discoveries (Azores and Archipelagos of Madeira), etc., across the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans.

Henry the Navigator also known as Dom Henrique of Portugal or Duke of Viseu was a Portuguese prince. He was born on the 4th March, 1394 in Porto, Portugal and he died on the 13th of November, 1460 in Sagres, Portugal.

In retrospect, Portugal was able to play an influential role in the Age of Exploration because of Henry the Navigator through his European maritime exploration, discoveries and expansion in the 15th century.

Why was the antiwar movement especially strong at colleges?
A. Students were mainly African Americans.
B. Government restricted protests to campuses.
C. Students were of draft age.
D. Government encouraged debates as a learning tool.



C. Students were of draft age.


Many Americans opposed the war on moral grounds, appalled by the devastation and violence of the war. Others claimed the conflict was a war against Vietnamese independence or intervention in a foreign civil war; others opposed it because they felt it lacked clear objectives and appeared to be unwinnable.


C. Students were of draft age


a p e x

What was the purpose of the Proclamation Line of 1763?
A. It banned colonization west of the Appalachian Mountains.
B. It banned colonization within 100 feet of Native American land.
C. It prohibited colonists from participating in trading deals with the French.
Đ. It prohibited colonists from participating in trading deals with the Spanish.



Hello! Your answer would be, A)It banned colonization west of the Appalachian Mountains.


Hope I helped! Brainiest plz! Hope you make an 100%

Describe God's attitude toward riches.



First Timothy 6:17 says, “As for the rich in this present age, charge them not to be haughty, nor to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly provides us with everything to enjoy.” Jesus himself talks about how hard it is for the rich to remain untangled by the trappings of their wealth,


When he heard this, he became very sad, because he was very wealthy. Jesus looked at him and said, "How hard it is for the rich to enter the kingdom of heaven! Indeed, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of heaven."

How and why did the Civil War become a war to end slavery?



From the first days of the Civil War, slaves had acted to secure their own liberty. The Emancipation Proclamation confirmed their insistence that the war for the Union must become a war for freedom. It added moral force to the Union cause and strengthened the Union both militarily and politically.

What happens if we resolve armed conflicts and civil wars ?




Conflict resolution allows for constructive change to occur. If problems and disagreements are ignored rather than being handled constructively, things can only go one of two ways; either things stay the same, or they get worse.

Which American Indian groups were allied with the French as the French and Indian War began?
the Iroquois Confederacy and the Huron
the Ottawa and the Huron
the Iroquois Confederacy and the Algonquin
the Algonquin and the Huron



the Iroquois and the Algonquin



Wabanaki Confederacy member tribes Abenaki and Mi'kmaq, and the Algonquin, Lenape, Ojibwa, Ottawa, Shawnee, and Wyandot tribes.

Explanation: if u have a flocabulary account use this this link will take u to the french and indian war. search it up if u think flocabuklary is a shady link

What happened at Iwo Jima? Okinawa?



In 1945, US forces bounded forward in the central Pacific as combat reached ever bloodier crescendos. In Okinawa's craggy southern reaches, US soldiers and Marines battered a Japanese fortress as kamikaze aircraft rained down on the invasion fleet. ...


In the lessons in this unit, you have seen how political leaders introduced a variety of plans to bring about Reconstruction
in the United States. And you've seen some of the reactions that those plans provoked. In this activity, you'll explore how
the actions and challenges of this period affected these three groups in particular: Northerners, people freed from
slavery, and many white Southerners.
Use these sources or ones you find on your own learn more about Reconstruction and the people most affected. Skim
the longer articles for the parts about the three identified groups. You can also refer to the lessons in this unit for
additional help.
Reconstruction Era e
Reconstruction after the Civil War e
The Old South
Using these sources, imagine what it would have been like to be a member of these three groups during Reconstruction.
What would have been their anxieties, hopes, disappointments, sympathies, and obstacles? Write a brief response of
about 200 to 250 words for each group.



Hello! Your answer should be, BELOW


Reconstruction was a success in certain respects.

Reconstruction was a complete failure.

Many of the initial gains of Reconstruction were undone.

Reconstruction had no impact on the lives of African Americans

Hope I helped! Ask me anything if you have any questions! Hope you make an 100%. Brainiest plz!


This is what I decided to write: Reconstruction began a few years after the Civil War ended. It was a period during which "pieces of the puzzle" needed to be reassembled. At this point, the United States was once again attempting to run as an independent country. In everyone's mind, hatred and resentment had hardened as a result of the mass killing. The south was almost completely cut off from politics and economics and was seeking to regain its footing. The population now included close to four million former slaves who had no idea how to earn a living. Due to the 13th amendment, they have been freed since 1865, and will likely become a key issue for politicians in the future. Still, something had to be done. Reconstruction began with Abraham Lincoln's blueprint. Ten percent of the state's voters had to agree to emancipated slaves and swear union loyalty for the state to rejoin the union under the "Lincoln Plan." Also, high-ranking state officials were forbidden from holding office or voting unless directed by the president.

Andrew Johnson became president after Lincoln's assassination in April 1865. It was in May that he inaugurated the Presidential Reconstruction period (1865-67). Johnson pardoned all Southern whites with the exception of Confederate leaders and wealthy planters (though most of these individuals were subsequently pardoned individually), restoring their political rights and all property, except slaves. Johnson's plan was not approved by many Radicals. It was felt that he had gone over the limit with 13,000 pardons and that he wasn't taking the issue of slave rights seriously enough. This led to Andrew Johnson being impeached in 1868. Despite not being removed from office, he was essentially powerless. A plan for reconstruction was then drafted by Congress. Congress passed the Reconstruction Act, which had two main points. On the one hand, troops had to move in and take up residence in The Confederate States of the South. Secondly, states that wanted to re-enter the union needed to amend the 14th amendment to do so. The men had to agree that since they were citizens, they would be entitled to equal protection under the law.

In the two presidential elections since 1876, Democrats Sam Tilden and Rutherford B. Hayes stood against each other. A "commission" was set up so that an outcome could be determined because the race was so close. A compromise was reached in 1877. Hayes was declared the winner in this compromise, and both parties agreed to this. However, there was another stipulation. Southern states would no longer be occupied by the military. There was no safety for the freed slaves living there without military force backing them up. It can be difficult to determine whether Reconstruction succeeded or failed. Until recently, that question has been debated.


This is my original answer so don't copy and paste or its plagerized instead paprhrase then use a plagerism checker.

SHORT WRITING: What happened on September 11, 2001, and how did the George W. Bush administration respond in both domestic and foreign policy?


September 11, 2001: The largest plane terrorist in history in the US, killing nearly 3,000 people

Four Boeing airplanes, with a capacity of nearly 91,000 liters of gasoline for each jet engine, were controlled by the Al Qaeda terrorist group, turning them into flame bombs, diverting them towards the targets viewed. is the center of America. They are: Washington-political center; Pentagon-military center; The twin towers of the World Trade Center (WTC) in New York - the economic center of the United States.

After the 9/11 terrorist attacks, many great changes occurred in American society. A similar situation occurs in the economic and political fields.


Prior to September 11, 2001, senior US officials did not consider terrorism or Islamic extremism a top priority. After the "dark day", everything changed. The US Congress passed a series of new policies and laws aimed at countering this threat.

The introduction of the Homeland Security Act together with the Department of Homeland Security is one of the biggest changes in the structure of the US government since World War II. In addition, parliamentarians also approved or revised a number of other laws such as the Law on Patriotism, the Law on Anti-Terrorism, and the Law on Foreign Intelligence Surveillance.

The US Congress gives more powers to the executive branch and allows them to interfere deeply in many aspects of people's private lives, including wiretapping and eavesdropping, while strengthening The construction of military and intelligence forces causes the cost of defense to gradually increase.

Foreign policy and defense also entered the "revolution". After 9/11, the Bush administration immediately launched a "global war on terror". The war is not only against Al Qaeda but also against global terrorism. Washington advocates applying a preemptive strike strategy, which has kept the US "bogged down" for many years in the battlefields of Iraq and Afghanistan.

Besides, US relations with other countries have also become more amicable and multilateral. Washington promotes the strengthening of alliances and partnerships among great powers as well as taking actions to prevent the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.


After the events of 9/11, the US economy became unstable and growth was unstable. The two wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, plus the cost of domestic counter-terrorism measures, led to a dizzying increase in defense budgets and domestic security costs. The White House faces a large budget deficit.

The unrest in the Middle East caused oil and gold prices to rise sharply, causing many other commodities to rise while the dollar fell. These moves negatively affect the economic recovery process, turning it into a vicious cycle that seems unstoppable.

In 2007, the financial crisis broke out in the US and spread. A series of large corporations declared bankruptcy. Consumer confidence plummeted, the US economy already in recession became even more difficult.


After the 9/11 terrorist attacks, many great changes occurred in American society. Americans understood for the first time that they were not completely immune to war or terrorist attacks, even though the country's territory was almost completely "outside" of the two world wars.

Americans are more cautious than ever. A "counter-terrorism industry" was born. From train stations, piers, airports to other important locations, the security check process becomes more stringent. Counter-terrorism skills appear in training programs, especially for the aviation industry.

Sociological surveys show that, after the 9/11 disaster, Americans become more interested in family life and spend more time with loved ones. They go to church to pray more often and show their patriotism more passionately by flying the national flag on holidays of the year.

However, the terrorist attack also caused public disdain and discrimination against Muslims and Arabs in the United States. According to statistics from several South Asian American associations, in the month after the disaster, about 650 attacks on people of South Asian descent as well as on mosques occurred across the United States. Police and courts do not investigate or try many such cases.

The terrorists' attack on the World Trade Center in New York took place on September 11, 2011.

What is the significance of September 11, 2001?

September 11, 2011, or popularly known as the 9/11 attacks, were the event of the terrorist attacks held at the World Trade Center in New York. As a result of the same, the then President, Bush made important changes to the foreign and domestic policies.

The US economy had experienced a big downfall, and as a result of the same, Bush made appropriate changes to the foreign and domestic policies for the revival of US economy.

Learn more about September 11, 2011, here:


The ____ contain some of the tallest mountains in the world.



Himalayan Mountains

Why was Jesse Owens disqualified for the long jump at the Olympics in 1936?


Because the color of his skin

Which set of events is listed in chronological order?
A.British recognizes the United States as an independent nation. Washington warns against foreign alliances and political parties.
B.Land is purchased from France to double the size of the country. European nations are warned to stay out of the Western
C.British recognizes the United States as an independent nation. Land is purchased from France to double the size of the country.
Washington warns against foreign alliances and political parties. European nations are warned to stay out of the Western
D.Washington warns against foreign alliances and political parties. British recognizes the United States as an independent nation.
European nations are warned to stay out of the Western Hemisphere. Land is purchased from France to double the size of the



Hello! Your answer would be, A) British recognizes the United States as an independent nation. Washington warns against foreign alliances and political parties.


Hope I helped! Brainiest plz! Hope you make an 100%! Have a nice day!♥

13. The Sermon on the Mount permits divorce in the case of physical abuse.


Answer: false


the sermon on the mount only clarifies cheating as a valid reason for devorce hope this helps.

What is the connection between salt and oil?
Salt can be turned into oil.

Salt can be turned into gas

Organic material trapped next to a salt dome will eventually turn into oil.

Organic material trapped under an oil dome will eventually turn into salt.




The main connection between salt and oil is that Organic material trapped next to a salt dome will eventually turn into oil. All organic material eventually decomposes and turns into oil through years of heat and pressure. Although this process takes millions of years to fully turn the organic material into oil it does occur. Based on the available options, this would be the only connection between these two materials.

Which nation did the United States invade as a part of its counterterrorism efforts?


They invaded Afghanistan. Can I get branliest?



In May of 1970, which event increased Americans’ mistrust of their government?
the massacre of civilians at My Lai
the killing of four students at Kent State University
the leaking of the Pentagon Papers to the press
the bombing of Viet Cong bases in Thailand


Answer: I think B

May 4, 1970

The Kent State shootings, also known as the May 4 massacre and the Kent State massacre, were the killings of four and wounding of nine other unarmed Kent State University students by the Ohio National Guard on May 4, 1970 in Kent, Ohio, 40 miles south of Cleveland.

The event of the killing of four students at the Kent State University in May 1970, increased Americans' mistrust of their government. Hence, option B holds true.

What happened at the Kent State University?

The students, who were holding peaceful protests at the Kent State University against the US involvement in the event of the Vietnam War, were killed by the national guards and several others were severely injured.

The number of students killed in the massacre amounted to four, whereas, about 10 were severely injured or wounded. This event led to distrust in the government, as the students neither bore any arms during protests, nor did they spread any form of violence.

Hence, option B holds true regarding the significance of the event that took place at the Kent State University.

Learn more about the Kent State University here:


How did the focus of scientists during the Industrial Revolution differ from the inquiry done by scientists during the Scientific Revolution?



What science offered in the 18th century was the hope that careful observation and experimentation might improve industrial production significantly.


searched it and got it right on the test

What are the federal government's main foreign policy responsibilities for national defense?



To ensure security.


To oversee the nation's laws are not violated.

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