How can studying more than 16 hours daily affect your health ?​


Answer 1


It may lead to stress and to bad habbits



Answer 2


studying is alot of work. 16+ or more hours is considered over working yourself. it makes the body overworked,sleepy and cant think right.

other then studying for 16 hours gum or chocolate is helpful to remember things


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Can hormones turn genes on and off?


Yes, hormones can turn genes on and off. Transcription factors perform on signals from hormones, the terrain, and other cells perform to switch genes on or off.

Indeed in a specialized liver cell, some genes can subsist switched off when the protein they decode for isn't demanded.

frequently binding to receptors in the prey cell nucleus companies with the genes. In fact, in numerous cases, one hormone is done by spinning on the gene for another hormone, similar to thyroid-stimulating hormone triggering the gene that leads to the emulsion of thyroid hormone.

Hormones that Affect Gene exertion. Lipid-solvable hormones act generally by gene activation/ deactivation. exemplifications of these hormones involve steroids, thyroid hormones, and vitamin A( retinoic acid). The hormones are shipped through the rotation in connection with a hormone-chaining protein and are solvable in the plasma membrane of the cell.

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What are three things you could do if you were asked to become an advocate?


Give individuals healthy living lessons and educate them on health and wellbeing by pursuing a career as a health coach.

There are several things one may do since becoming a health and wellness advocate, three of which are described below.

One of the most visible things one may do is work in preschools to teach children about wellness, or teach community groups, or participate in conferences and collaborations linked to health initiatives.

It is possible to give crucial health care to impoverished individuals while also fostering dialogue between clinics & community members.

By pursuing a career as a health coach, one may teach others about healthy living and educate them about wellness and health. Counsel persons who need help finding a healthy lifestyle & wellness coach.

To know more about the Wellness, here


How can we positively affect the environment?


Going Green has a good impact on the environment.

Green living encourages individuals to live in a more ecologically responsible manner, and there are several methods to "go green." While most people realize that becoming green is beneficial for the environment, they may not completely comprehend the magnitude of its impact. Going green provides various environmental benefits, including cleaner water and air, the preservation of natural resources, and a reduction in the global warming impact.

Greenhouse gas emissions, such as carbon dioxide, are considered to have a substantial role in global warming. For example, the United States Department of Energy calculates that automobiles emit around 1.7 billion tones of carbon dioxide (CO2) every year. You may help to reduce their contribution to the warming problem by minimizing the length of time you travel, maintaining your vehicle, or driving a green automobile, such as a hybrid.

To know more about the Environment, here


What are four lifestyle choices which you could change to improve your overall health?


Four lifestyle choices that can be changed to improve overall health include eating a healthy diet, increasing physical activity, quitting smoking or limiting alcohol consumption, and improving sleep habits.

Four lifestyle choices that can be changed to improve overall health include:

Eating a healthy diet: Adopting a diet that includes a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats.Increasing physical activity: Incorporating regular exercise such as walking, cycling, or going to the gym into your daily routine.Quitting smoking or limiting alcohol consumption: Reducing or eliminating these habits can significantly reduce the risk of chronic diseases.Improving sleep habits: Aiming for 7-9 hours of good quality sleep every night and maintaining a consistent sleep schedule.It's important to note that these lifestyle choices are interrelated and have a cumulative impact on one's health. Making a positive change in one area can have a positive impact on other areas as well.

To learn more about lifestyle habits at


How will participation in physical education help you make use of your ability to think?


Physical education offers an opportunity to learn and practice critical thinking skills. Through physical activities, children are encouraged to think creatively, come up with solutions to problems, and work together.

Physical education helps students develop decision-making skills and the ability to come up with strategies to reach their goals. Problem-solving skills are also developed as they learn to think through various strategies to complete tasks. As they practice, they learn to think more critically and understand the consequences of their actions.

Physical education also teaches the importance of collaboration and teamwork, helping students to understand how to work with others to achieve a shared goal. All of these skills are applicable to other areas of life, helping students to become more independent and self-assured in their thinking.

To learn more about Physical education visit:


What are some things you can do to be a health advocate?


Some things you can do to be a health advocate are practicing self-care, not rush decision making, and trust the science.

Have hope in the advances in science, have stopgap in all the exploration that's being conducted each day to find new individual styles and substantiated treatments, and have stopgap in community. These advances have helped humanity overcome the toughest health challenges and will continue to change the course of drug.

Self care is so important. However, seek support — if not for your own health, for the health of the loved bone you ’re minding for, If you ’re a caregiver and feel physically or psychologically exhausted.

To learn more about health advocate here


How to manufacture a benefit by using fewer scarce resources?


Societies can combat scarcity by expanding their supply. There will be less scarcity the more commodities and services that are accessible to everyone. Of course, expanding supply is constrained by factors like manufacturing capacity, usable land, time, and the like.

What are the four scarce resources?

Natural resources are inherently scarce, including gold, oil, silver, and other fossil fuels. These resources grow scarce and their prices may rise as demand outpaces supply. Due to their scarcity and market dominance, some commodities, like diamonds, attract a premium price.

Why are limited resources crucial?

Understanding scarcity will help you better grasp how commodities and services are priced. Gold, diamonds, and specific types of knowledge are examples of things that are valued because they are hard to come by and can command greater prices from vendors.

To know more about  scarce resources visit:


Treating all human blood and OPIM a if it i known to be infected with a bloodborne dieae i known a


An approach to infection control is characterized as using universal precautions. All human blood and some bodily fluids are handled as if they were known to be contaminated with HIV, HBV, and other bloodborne viruses under the theory of universal precautions.

What exactly are Opim bloodborne pathogens?

Human blood contains dangerous germs known as bloodborne pathogens (BBP); along with other potentially infectious materials (OPIM), they can spread illness. Hepatitis B (HBV), hepatitis C (HCV), and the human immunodeficiency virus are among examples (HIV).

What three categories of bloodborne pathogens are there?

Three of the most prevalent bloodborne pathogens from which healthcare workers are at risk are the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), hepatitis B virus (HBV), and hepatitis C virus (HCV).

Learn more about bloodborne pathogens to visit this link


This cooking method retains most of the nutrient content and original color of




In cases of sexual assault, it is important to ensure that you do which of the following? - Immediately write down your observations of the scene before assessing the patient. - Call for a female EMT or ALS care provider. - Discuss with law enforcement any suspicions that you may have about the perpetrator. - All of these answers are correct.


The answer is all of the answers are correct but first attend to the patient before anything else.

Building healthy relationships with friends and family is important for what


Building healthy relationships with partners, friends and family is good for you. It improves your mood, your mental health and your wellbeing. Maintaining them is important. It takes time and commitment.

What is the importance of building healthy relationships?

Not only does building positive relationships make us happier, improve our feelings of security, and provide meaning to our lives, it also affects both mental and physical health. Health Benefits of Relationships: Relationships play an important role in our mental health. Healthy relationships with your partner and family members can enhance your life and make everyone feel good about themselves.

They don’t just happen though; healthy relationships take time to build and need work to keep them healthy. The more positive effort you put into a relationship, the healthier it should be. People in healthy relationships love and support each other. They help each other practically as well as emotionally.

To learn more about Building healthy refer to:


Is there any reason why you do not engage in physical activity?


No, there is no such valid or logical reason for me not being able to engage myself in physical activity, it is just the laziness that prevents me from doing so.

Physical activity refers to any action or exercise or even sports which tend to use muscular energy in some form and the movement of core muscles and bones due to which the body feels tired and sweats. Physical activity tends to grow the activeness and physical fitness of the body. People refrain from participating in physical activity because they feel tired or exhausted of the daily chores and nowadays they get involved in digital or social media rather than physical workout. This takes them away from working physically to gain fitness of body, mind and soul.

Learn more about physical activity at:


What is the right to liberty and life meaning?


Right to liberty and life focuses on protecting individuals' freedom from unreasonable detention, as opposed to protecting personal safety. One has a right to personal freedom, implies that you must not be imprisoned or detained without good reason.

What is the meaning of right to liberty and life?

The right to life is the belief that a person has the right to live and should not be killed by another entity.

As in the Constitution, liberty means freedom from arbitrary and unreasonable restraint on an individual. Freedom from restraint refers to not just physical restraint, but also the freedom to act according to one's own will.

To know more about right to liberty and life, refer


What are measurable objectives and why is it important that they be measurable?




Measurable objectives are specific statements expressing the desired qualities of key services; and the expected results of the services/experience. Objectives should state: • Who is involved: The people whose behaviors, knowledge and/or skills are to be changed as a result of the program.

The public health nurse is discussing immunizations with a group of caregivers of infants. One of the mothers asks the nurse why the child will need immunizations. Which of the following statements would be the most appropriate statement for the nurse to make to this mother?
a) "The immunities that the infant is born with are not for the same diseases they will be immunized against."
b) "The antibodies the fetus gets from the mother are in the placenta, so after birth they are no longer available to the infant."
c) "Infants are unable to develop antibodies to protect them from diseases so they must be immunized."
d) "The infant is born with immunity to some diseases, but those immunities decrease over the first year of life."


The best thing a nurse could say to this mother is that the infant is not born with the same immunity against the same diseases he is vaccinated (immunized) against.

What does immunization mean and why is it important?

The process of protecting a person from disease by vaccination. The term is often used interchangeably with vaccination or immunization.

Immunization saves lives. It protects you, your family, and your community. Immunization protects future generations by eradicating infectious diseases. Many infectious diseases are now rare or have been eradicated by immunization programs, but new infectious diseases are emerging around the world.

What is an example of immunization?

For immunization the recommended vaccines according to disease include:  Chickenpox (Varicella) Dengue. HPV (Human Papillomavirus)  Flu (Influenza). Diphtheria. Hepatitis A. Hepatitis B. Hib (Haemophilus influenzae type b)

To learn more about immunity visit:


How will participation in physical activities help you improve your physical aspect?


better blood flow, stronger muscles, stronger lungs, and better state of mind

Mike is a 22 y/o male who comes to your clinic with a 5-day history of cough without sputum production. He states that his cough is worse in the morning and he has some hoarseness, post-nasal drip, and a low-grade fever. Mike has otherwise been healthy. Differentials for Mike might include which of the following


The cough reflex begins with irritant receptors in the vagus nerve being stimulated by afferents (cranial nerve X).

What are the five primary parts of the reflex arc?

A particular receptor, an afferent nerve fibre, an association neuron, an efferent motor neuron, and an effector organ comprise the reflex arc.

Encourage every two hours ambulation/repositioning. Pillows can be used to raise the head of the bed. To relieve sore throat, gargle or consume warm beverages. While awake, use PO Pepermints/cough drops.

When patients are unable to cough up secretions adequately owing to weakness, thick mucus plugs, or extensive or tenacious mucus production, suctioning is required.

learn more about sputum production refer


What characteristics of the face and body show good health?What characteristics show bad health?


Answer:Drooping eyelids


Doctors call it ptosis or blepharoptosis. It can happen in one or both eyes -- in severe cases, your eyelid may block your vision. You may be born with it or get it over decades. It’s often harmless, but it can be a sign of problems with your brain, nerves, or eye socket. See your doctor if it happens in days or hours, or if you have double vision, weak muscles, trouble swallowing, or a bad headache -- those can be signs of a stroke.

Why are lifestyle diseases increasing?


Lack of physical exercise, improper eating, alcohol, drug use disorders, and cigarette use all contribute to lifestyle illnesses, which can lead to heart disease, stroke, obesity, type II diabetes, and lung cancer.

Lifestyle illnesses are defined as diseases whose incidence is mostly dependent on people's everyday routines and is the outcome of an unsuitable interaction between individuals and their environment. Atherosclerosis, heart disease, and stroke are examples of lifestyle illnesses, as are obesity and type 2 diabetes, as well as smoking, drinking, and drug addiction issues.

Lifestyle diseases are illnesses caused mostly by people's everyday habits. Habits that prevent people from being physically active and push them toward sedentary lifestyles can lead to a number of health issues, including chronic noncommunicable diseases with potentially lethal consequences.

Diet and lifestyle choices are considered to play a significant role in illness risk. Substance use disorders, such as cigarette smoking and excessive alcohol use, as well as a lack of or excessive exercise, may raise the chance of acquiring certain diseases, particularly later in life.

To learn more about lifestyle diseases, here


What are the side effects of heat exhaustion?


Heat exhaustion has the following side effects:

Sweating profuselySkin that is cold, pallid, and clammyA quick, feeble pulseVomiting or nauseaCramping of the musclesFatigue or weaknessDizziness

Heat exhaustion occurs when the body overheats (heats up) and is unable to cool itself down. During exercise or other physical activity, your body might overheat, particularly in hot, humid conditions.

Sweating is how the body loses fluids while you exercise. You can get dehydrated if you do not replenish those fluids with water or other drinks. Heat exhaustion can also be caused by dehydration.

Heat exhaustion symptoms consist of dizziness, headache, nausea, muscular cramps, and others. Removal from of the heat, rest, and fluids are all part of the treatment. Heat exhaustion, if left untreated, can progress to heatstroke, a potentially fatal illness.

To know more about the Heat exhaustion, here


What are the goals of physical activity?


Regular physical activity can enhance your health, fitness, & quality of life. In the US, just 1 in 5 teenagers and one in every four adults fulfill the recommendations for aerobic physical exercise.

What exactly is a good exercise regimen?

The Department of Human services Services advises that most healthy adults engage in at least 150 aerobic or 75 minutes of strenuous aerobic activity per week, or indeed a combination both of. You should spread out this workout over a period of a week, according to the instructions.

Which of the six fitness types are they?

Fitness consists of the following six components: physical flexibility, balance, body composition, muscle structure, and aerobic capability. Your body's capacity to carry oxygen to your working muscles so they can use it as fuel for energy is referred to as your aerobic capacity.

To know  more about fitness visit:


What are the 4 key recommendations for a healthy lifestyle?


The four key recommendations for a healthy lifestyle are eating a balanced and nutritious diet, regular physical activity, avoiding smoking and limiting alcohol consumption, and getting enough good quality sleep.

The four key recommendations for a healthy lifestyle are:

Eating a balanced and nutritious diet: This includes consuming various fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats.Regular physical activity: Regular physical activity can improve cardiovascular health, strengthen muscles and bones, and improve mental health.Avoiding smoking and limiting alcohol consumption: These habits can significantly reduce the risk of many chronic diseases.Getting enough good quality sleep: Aiming for 7-9 hours of good quality sleep can help improve physical and mental well-being.

To learn more about lifestyle habits at


What is mean by renewable and non-renewable resources explain with examples?


Renewable resources are replaced by natural processes as fast as they are consumed i.e., sunlight, water, wind, and geothermal sources (hot springs and fumaroles). Non-renewable resources exist in fixed amounts and deplete over time i.e., fossil fuels (coal and oil).

Why are non-renewable resources so important?

Non-renewable energy sources include coal, natural gas, oil and nuclear power. Once these resources are depleted, they cannot be replaced. It is a main problem for human being as they rely on them for most of their energy requirements.

Why are renewable resources important?

Energy production that eliminates greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels and reduces some types of air pollution. Energy supply diversification and reduced dependency of imported fuels causes development of economy as well as employment via manufacturing, installation, etc.

How some renewable resources become non-renewable?

Water is an example of renewable resource. If water is being used in large quantities for unnecessary purposes by all peoples of the earth, the supply of the water level below the earth is getting scarce by the day, and water is slowly becoming a non-renewable resource.

To learn more about Renewable and Non-renewable resources visit:


What is the 10 good lifestyle?


Ten good lifestyles are : healthy balanced diet, drinking lots of water, exercising regularly, plenty of sleep, not smoking, reducing alcohol consumption, keeping a check on mental and physical health, eat plenty of vegetables and some fruits every day, time management and do not skip breakfast.

What is a good lifestyle?

A good lifestyle refers to a positive attitude and means focusing on the good aspects of life and not worrying about the negative things in life. To attain a positive lifestyle, one must improve his/her approach towards life and the people they meet.

It is important to choose a diet that's low in saturated fat and cholesterol, and moderate in sugar, salt and fat.

To know more about good lifestyle, refer


Which benefit of stretching can make your mood better after exercise decreased joint stiffness improved ability to relax improved circulation improved posture


Pose variations that stretch and open up your body could aid in your daily relaxation. Both the physical and mental affects can be soothing.

What is meant by relaxation?

The negative impacts of stress on one's body and brain are lessened by this technique. You can control your daily stress by engaging in relaxation exercises. Additionally, these techniques can assist with persistent stress or stress linked to various medical conditions, such as heart disease and pain.

Which three relaxation techniques are there?

Breathe deeply and deliberately. Using a body scan, mental imagery, mindfulness meditation,  tai chi, and gong, as well as repetitive prayer, are all part of this simple yet powerful technique. You should also take very long, calm, deep breaths.

To know more about relaxation visit:


Which of the following would be considered part of a healthcare worker's role in the event of an emergency involving a biologic or chemical exposure ?
a. Recognizing an illness or injury as potentially resulting from exposure to a biologic, chemical, or radiologic agent
b. Instituting appropriate steps to limit the spread of an infection
c. Reporting identified cases or events to the public health system
d. All of the above


The following would be considered part of a healthcare worker's role in event of an emergency involving a biologic or chemical exposure : d.) All of the above.

What is a healthcare worker's role in the event of an emergency involving a biologic or chemical exposure ?

Potential biologic exposures include needle sticks, animal bites, aerosol exposures, and other incidents resulting in disease from a biological agent. Chemical exposure occurs when people have contact with chemical, directly or through another substance contaminated with the chemical.

Healthcare worker's role is recognizing an illness or injury as resulting from exposure to a biologic, chemical, or radiologic agent and  taking appropriate steps to limit the spread of an infection.

It is necessary to report identified cases or events to the public health system immediately.

To know more about biologic or chemical exposure, refer


A 42 year old male work out for 30 minute on the tationary bike, and ha a HR of 158 a oon a he finihe. One minute later, hi HR i 114, and 2 minute after he topped biking hi HR i 95. What i hi HRR (Heart Rate Recovery)?


Your age is subtracted from 220. A 30-year-maximal old's heart rate, for instance, is 220-30 = 190. Then, 114 to 152 (60% to 80% of 190) would be his desired heart rate range for cardio-respiratory activity.

What heart rate is ideal for my age?

Based on your age, you may calculate your maximum heart rate. Subtract your age from 220 to get a ballpark idea of your maximal age-related heart rate. For instance, the predicted maximum age-related heart rate for a 50-year-old person would be computed as 220 - 50 years = 170 beats per minute (bpm)

What is a heart rate that is unsafe?

The body's cardiac problems are reflected in abnormal heart rates or heart beats. This can occasionally be lethal if discovered and if untreated. Conditions where the heartbeat exceeds 120–140 beats per minute or drops below 60 beats per minute can be regarded as hazardous, necessitating urgent medical attention.

To know more about heart rate range visit:


Susan feels frustrated that she doesn't have good work-life balance. She has a hard
time saying no and frequently works late to help colleagues get their work done. What step
can Susan take to improve her work-life balance?
est ans



12 tips to improve your work-life balance

Learn to say “no” ...

Take breaks. ...

Use your lunch break. ...

Ask for flexibility. ...

Prioritize your health. ...

Practice self-compassion. ...

Communicate boundaries so you can truly unplug. ...

Invest in relationships.

How is contemporary person-centered therapy different than it was in Rogers's day?


Contemporary Client-centered therapy is different because rather of just reflecting back their clients' remarks, therapists are more likely to encourage them towards discoveries.

Client-centered therapy differs from other forms of therapy in two ways. It Focuses on each client's uniqueness and avoids the therapist giving direction to the issues discussed.

Person-centered therapy is based on the belief that clients are resourceful individuals who can take responsibility for their own lives and solve their own problems. It emphasizes respect and respect for client autonomy and choice, and the client's role as an active participant in all aspects of therapy.

Rather than analyzing the client's difficulties in detail or blaming past experiences for the client's current thoughts and We provide an environment in which you can make informed decisions.

For more information on Client-centered therapy , visit :


Who is responsible for the Healthy Eating Pyramid?


Answer: The USDA


The Food Guide Pyramid was a recognizable nutrition tool that was introduced by the USDA in 1992.

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