In front of each word, type the number of syllables it has. 1. Fisherman 2.Ladder 3. Peanut 4. Nest 5. Gingerbread 6. Dime 7. Radio 8. Music


Answer 1


A syllable is a sound or sounds that are not arranged well in a word. It usually contains any of the five vowel sounds and is normally followed by a consonant.

Fisherman- 3 syllables

Ladder- 2 syllables

Peanut- 2 syllables

Nest- 1 syllable

Gingerbread- 3 syllables

Dime- 1 syllable

Radio- 3 syllables

Music- 2 syllables

Related Questions

Which is a simple sentence?
1. Why didn't you call me after you finished your chores?
2. Can you help me with this, or should I as someone else?
3. Did you know that we went to get ice cream after school yesterday?
4. Are you going to the store with your mother or your sister afternoon?



Number 3 is the answer.


A simple sentence consist of only one clause, with a single subject and predicate.

what does this idiom mean im dum.b

Old is to new as terrible is to ?





Answer these question correctly please thx

1. Why are you looking for a job or why are you looking for a new job?

2. How do you deal with stress?

3. How would you deal with an angry customer?

4. Why should we hire you?

5. What do you expect out of your co-workers?

6. What do you expect out of your manager?

7. How many hours a week could you work? What days and times?

8. Where do you see yourself in five years?

9. Why do you want to work for us?



I am looking for a job to pay bills and but grocery.

I deal with stress very easily

I would calm down and say ok i will find out ok.

You should hire me because I am great with people and I would be a great employee

I will expect out of my coworkers that they won't be disrespectful

I expect that he or she will be nice.

12 hours a week, monday, wesnday, and thrusday, around 3:00

I see my self in five years hopefully in a better postion here and have money.


14) What is a theme for the passage? A) Sometimes determination is all you have. B) Money is the most important thing in the world. Mothers and daughters cannot find a common ground. D) You should not be educated if you do not have money.​








taking the benchmark

examples of personification​


The flower dances in the rain

Write 2 Complex Sentences of your own here


Although he was famous, he was still unhappy.

Jack returned the console after he noticed it was damaged.

give me two quotes from each page in your reaction to it ​

please help me me please​

will give branlist​



"to keep the ancient odor of faber in, of course"

"about what ?me?my house? i deserve everything,run, for gods sake perhaps i can delay them here"



Passage 2: 2014 International Women of Courage Awards--Remarks from Michelle Obama Focused Reading: Who/what are the focuses of Passage 2, “2014 International Women of Courage Awards"?

4 This is the sixth time that I've had the pleasure of attending this event, and it is one of the highlights of my year because I always walk away feeling inspired by these women, determined to reflect their courage in my own life. And I know I'm not alone in that feeling because every day, with every life they touch and every spirit they raise, these women are creating ripples that stretch across the globe.

5 That is what this day is about. It's about understanding that while our circumstances may be different in so many ways, the solutions to our struggles are the same. So when we see these women raise their voices and move their feet and empower others to create change, we need to realize that each of us has that same power and that same obligation. And as I leamed about this year's honorees and I thought about how we could support their work, I realized that for most of these women, there is a common foundation for their efforts. It's a foundation of education

6 On stage today, we have doctors and lawyers, we have a bishop, even a classically trained musician. These women have spent years in schools and universities equipping themselves with the knowledge and skills they now use to tackle the challenges before them. And that's a story I can relate to because it's the story of my life. And that is the message I'm shanng with young people across America, urging them to commit to their education so that they too can write their own destiny

7 And as I travel the world, whether I'm in Mexico City or Johannesburg, Mumbai, or later this month when I travel to China, I make it a priority to talk to young people about the power of education to help them achieve their aspirations. I always tell them that getting a good education isn't just about knowing what's going on in your own community or even in your own country, because no matter where we live, we all face so many of the same struggles—fighting poverty, hunger and disease; ensuring our most basic rights and freedoms, confronting threats like terrorism and climate change.

8 So none of us can afford to just go about our business as usual. We cannot just sit back and think this is someone else's problem. As one of our honorees, Zimbabwe's Beatrice Mtetwa, as she once said about the fight for progress in her home country, "This has to be done. Somebody's got to do it, and why shouldn't it be you?" That is the courage we celebrate today, that willingness to not only ask that question but to devote your soul, your entire soul, toward finding an answer, that fearlessness to step forward even though you don't know what lies ahead, that audacity to believe that principles like justice and equality can become a reality, but only if we're willing to sacrifice for it. That is the courage that we all must challenge ourselves to summon every single day in our own families, in our own communities. And if we can do that, then we wont just be making a difference for those closest to us, we'll be creating a nipple effect of our own.

How did the author demonstrate the importance?
What was the impact or significance?
What is the influence of the people or events on one another? ​


Answer:And as I travel the world, whether I'm in Mexico City or Johannesburg, Mumbai, or later this month when I travel to China, I make it a priority to talk to young people about the power of education to help them achieve their aspirations. I always tell them that getting a good education isn't just about knowing what's going on in your own community or even in your own country, because no matter where we live, we all face so many of the same struggles—fighting poverty, hunger and disease; ensuring our most basic rights and freedoms, confronting threats like terrorism and climate change.


Communities converted to Christianity because they



Christianity developed in Judea in the mid-first century CE, based first on the teachings of Jesus and later on the writings and missionary work of Paul of Tarsus. Originally, Christianity was a small, unorganized sect that promised personal salvation after death.

During the Roman Empire, Jesus of Nazareth began preaching a message of love and forgiveness. His life and teachings led to the rise of Christianity. This religion had a great influence on the Roman Empire and on people throughout the world.

What do u think will happen in the future if we ignore what the author says? ( just write one sentence)



I am not sure what the author is saying but,

I think If we ignore the author in the future people may not be able to read.


I am not sure what the author is saying so I am just giving my best guess.

What is the meaning of the word "lean" in this sentence?
Sentence: With no relatives living nearby, and no one to depend on, Robert had to lean on his friends during emergencies.

A. To rely on someone or something
B. To tilt in a certain direction
C. A noticeable bend in one direction.
D. Without much flesh or fat


Answer and Explanation:

The answer is A. To rely on someone or something.

This is because, in the context of the sentence, it is said that he doesn't have anyone to depend on, so he has to lean, or rely, on his friends during emergencies.

#teamtrees #PAW (Plant And Water)

Henry, Toshi, Lizette, Anna, and Vance were all scheduled to give oral reports in their history class on Tuesday. However, when the class met, the teacher announced that only two people would give their presentations that day. To determine which two, all of their names were placed in a hat and two names were drawn out. What is the probability that Henry and Anna were the names picked to give presentations? Show how you arrived at your conclusion.


Umm hi how are you today keep going and dont cheet

what you think about my new hair color??



it looks good<33 ur very pretty/handsome/stunning





looks so nice! suits your complexion, and make your eyes pop!!

The "A" in TARGET stands for




I believe audience is the most accurate


It would be A


I checked my study notes that my teacher sent me. It had all the definitons for TARGET. A = Audience. So the top one right.

I am for the "immediate, unconditional, and universal" enfranchisement of the black man, in every State in the Union. [Loud applause.] Without this, his liberty is a mockery; without this, you might as well almost retain the old name of slavery for his condition; for in fact, if he is not the slave of the individual master, he is the slave of society, and holds his liberty as a privilege, not as a right. He is at the mercy of the mob, and has no means of protecting himself.
How does the repetition of the phrase “without this” support the paragraph’s argument?

It reinforces the idea that without equality in the US, the idea of a free society is a joke.
It suggests that a free society is possible, with or without equal rights for all people.
It indicates that Douglass would be content without material possessions or status.
It proposes that slavery will not be abolished in the US without the support of all citizens.


Answer:I am for the "immediate, unconditional, and universal" enfranchisement of the black man, in every State in the Union. [Loud applause.] Without this, his liberty is a mockery; without this, you might as well almost retain the old name of slavery for his condition; for in fact, if he is not the slave of the individual master, he is the slave of society, and holds his liberty as a privilege, not as a right. He is at the mercy of the mob, and has no means of protecting himself.

How does the repetition of the phrase “without this” support the paragraph’s argument?

It reinforces the idea that without equality in the US, the idea of a free society is a joke.

It suggests that a free society is possible, with or without equal rights for all people.

It indicates that Douglass would be content without material possessions or status.

It proposes that slavery will not be abolished in the US without the support of all citizens.


I am for the "immediate, unconditional, and universal" enfranchisement of the black man, in every State in the Union. [Loud applause.] Without this, his liberty is a mockery; without this, you might as well almost retain the old name of slavery for his condition; for in fact, if he is not the slave of the individual master, he is the slave of society, and holds his liberty as a privilege, not as a right. He is at the mercy of the mob, and has no means of protecting himself.

How does the repetition of the phrase “without this” support the paragraph’s argument?

It reinforces the idea that without equality in the US, the idea of a free society is a joke.

It suggests that a free society is possible, with or without equal rights for all people.

It indicates that Douglass would be content without material possessions or status.

It proposes that slavery will not be abolished in the US without the support of all citizens.

rewrite the following sentence adding commas and periods as needed
Mrs Crabtree promised to bring lettuce tomatoes and cucumbers for our luncheon on Sunday May 12.



Mrs. Crabtree promised to bring lettuce, tomatoes, and cucumbers for our luncheon, on Sunday, May 12.

Mrs Crabtree promised to bring lettuce, tomatoes and cucumbers for our luncheon on Sunday, May 12.

hi me 7 yers old and i heard screming from momy and dady rom i heard alot of AHH right there whut i tu i heard screming and wuaghing from thre rom and thre cloths al ovr the places and tee dor locked whut r they woing



Hi there! so umm I think you should stay away from their room and don't worry about them

Answer: making babies

Some people think that we rely too much on eating convenience food nowadays.
Here are two comments from your friends:
I think it lets me have more time to do other things.
I wish I knew how to cook things for myself.
Write an article for your school newspaper, giving your views.
The comments above may give you some ideas, and you should try to use some ideas of your own.
Your article should be between 150 and 200 words long.
You will receive up to 10 marks for the content of your article, and up to 9 marks for the style and
accuracy of your language.





Seems to be delicious

Easy to find, usually at eye level


Unhealthy ingredients

Bad for you

Usually has a lot of fat or carbs or sugar


What is President Nixon's argument in "excerpt from President Richard M. Nixon’s News Conference: The President’s Personal Finances"?

He has been framed by the CIA.

His book did not earn the money that the press says it did.

He has been completely honest about his sources of income.

He deserves to be reelected.



D, He has been completely honest about his sources of income.


Hope this helps, Have a great day!! :)

Answer: yep they are right

And I’m putting an answer because it helps people to know that it is correct so they don’t have any doubts.

Write a story about a granny who lost her way and led into the woods and who she had met, and how she made it back home



Answer is in the explantion


    Mrs. Mary was out in town getting some rare and new spices to make a delicious dinner for when her husband came home from work. Street vendors had all of their small stands all side by side selling all kinds of things. Mary found a few selling spices. When she found a fine assortment of new spices she was happily on her way home when she remembered her grandchildren were coming over for a visit too. That's when Mary started going to other stands in search of new items for her grandchildren. She got a pair of new ballet slippers for her eldest grandchild, Lily, which was ten. A new book for the middle grandchild, Ollie, he was eight. Laslty, she found a beautiful new doll for the youngest grandchild, Daisy, she was six. While she was there she thought she might buy something new for her husband so she got him a new pocket watch like the one he wanted since his last birthday.

    Mary excitedly was one her way home but the bussiness of the street vendors and all the poeple walking from stand to stand and children running everywhere with the new toys many poeple had brought from all around made her go to a new exit. She ended up on the wrong path to her home. She had she always traveled the same path to get home but there was always a dark and creepy looking path that lead through the woods. Mary always thought it lead back home but never tried to go through, until now.

    The woods were of course dark and very little light from the sun could go through the many many trees. Mary was walking all alone and a little scared when she heard a buslting noise behind her, and then all around. Soon they popped out from behind the trees and came towards Mary. She got scared, closed her eyes and froze in fear. They started to talk! Mary opened her eyes to see it was her grandchildren! They were getting her gifts too from the vendors and forgot which path they always took and took the wrong one. Thing is they had actually been in the woods for 3 days! They all hugged and cried tears of joy and were off on the path to home through the woods.

    They were all walking and talking together when they saw Mary's house  only a few minutes away! Eveyone happily started walking quicker home when they saw someone in the house! It wasn't Mrs. Mary's husband either! It was a dark figure! That's when Lily told her grandma that someone was actually chasing them and thy went to the wrong path on purpose to mislead the person. She just didn't want to say the truth for fear of the grandmother being a shapeshifter too. The kids explained to Mary that they were at the street vendors place looking at things when they saw a person that neared closer and closer so they quickly left but the person just followed them and kept saying "Hey wait, I know who Mrs. Mary is, I know who she is." But they stopped for nothing and went into the woods. They carefully waited and watched until the person walked out and turned into Mary's Husband! Everyone was confused the kids said that the man chasing them looked like one of the vendors and not at all like Mary's husband. All of sudden he looked towards where they were hiding and saw that he happily smiled and walked closer.

    He said he was sorry for scaring everyone and that he was trying to tell his grandchildren what he really was without raising suspision, but that didn't work out well. They went inside and Mrs. Mary and her husband had a lot to explain to the very confused yet bewildered children. First they exchanged gifts to each other with a lot caution to not scare the children. Both grandparents explained they each come from a family of shapeshifters. They wanted until all the children were older to show them what they could do and also explained that that's what her husband's job is. He shapeshifts to save people all over town.

    He always agreed to whatever Mary said and said it was true. That's when Mary's real husband walked through the front door, and told them to watch out because a dangerous mind scanning shapeshifter was coming. It was too late, Mary and the grand children turned around slowly to see it's true form, it was tall and misfigured, reading everyones mind and now taking their forms as well...

(a) Insert a suitable clause below. Remember to use commas.
The zoo
was very crowded.


what type of clause do you want ?

Landslides change the Earth's surface when



Gravity causes loose materials to slide downhill. Chunks of rock and soil can move slowly, just a little at a time. But sometimes they move very quickly. Heavy rains and earthquakes can loosen materials on steep slopes.


I hope this answer has helped you

help i need to get it right





Why doesn't Rashad's father push Rashad to join the police force as much as he does the


I feel that Rashad's father pushes him to join the army more than the police force because he doesn't think that'd be good for him. I think that he doesn't want Rashad to join the police force because there might be too much dicrimination towards him because of his color. He could probably get into more trouble because people would jump to conclusions about him just because of his skin color.
I kind of agree with this statement but then I don't. Why doesn't Rashad's father push Rashad to join the police force as much as he does the military? I feel that Rashad's father pushes him to join the army more than the police force because he doesn't think that'd be good for him.

A speech should never go over and above the audience’s expectations. A. True B. False



B) True - A speech should never go over and above the audience’s expectations.


Just put yourself in the audience's shoes. If you were listening to a speech and the person who wrote it went waaay off subject and it was totally not what you made time for what would you feel? Probably like you wasted your time right?

Help plssssss........



20. endure

21. lives with .

22. -

23. shared

24. -

25. -


20. The teacher has put up with the students behaviour for a long time

21. Mary was raised by her aunt and uncle in Cleveland

22. Did you find out who the inventor of the computer was?

23. In the past, people used to spend their holidays with their relatives

24. We often take for granted how technology helps us in daily life

25. You can't get into the club if you are under 16

Propel definition ELA class



Propel- to push or drive (someone or something) forward or in a particular direction.

Answer: to drive forward or onward by or as if by means of a force that imparts motion


to drive forward or onward by or as if by means of a force that imparts motion

What genre is Sky Jumpers By Peggy Eddleman ?



Science Fiction!


7. part a: which of the following best explains the meaning and significance of the poem quoted after paragraph 179?
a. the poem describes a man dying in a foreign place, just as the crewmen have died at sea.
b. the poem describes a soldier dying for a cause, in contrast to the ship suddenly sinking and the four survivors stranded in the ocean.
c. the poem describes a man dying alone, which is how the correspondent feels even though he is surrounded by three other men.
d. the poem describes a soldier dying, the meaning and impact of which never occurred to the correspondent before being himself confronted with the possibility of death.
The Open Boat by Stephen Crane


Answer: best choice A


denotation,positive and negative connotations of pig (pls help me)​



Denotation: The pig (Sus scrofa domesticus) is a non-ruminant, mammalian animal that is raised as a domestic animal or in a farm where its meat is exploited to make various products such as bacon, sausage, among others. The pig is a very intelligent animal and is constantly related to dirt because it is fed by the remains of organic products and the habit of sinking into the mud.

Positive connotation: The pig can be used as an adjective to represent an intelligent and vigorous person.

Negative connotation: The pig can be used as an objective to represent a greedy and filthy person.


Denotation refers to a word used to expose its literal meaning. In this way, when a text presents the pig as an animal, it is using the denotative form of the word.

The connotation, on the other hand, refers to the use of words in a figurative way, where they are used to represent something different from their real meaning. The connotation is positive when referring to something good and negative when referring to something bad. Thus, when the word "pig" is used to mean intelligence and vigor, it represents a positive connotation. When used to mean dirt and ambition, it represents a negative connotation.

Other Questions
The missions of Central Texas relied on farming to feed the people in the missions and the surrounding countryside. Central Texas only gets 20 to 30 inches of rain a year, not enough to ensure successful crops. How did the missions water their crops? A. They used windmills to pump groundwater. B. They built irrigation ditches called acequias. C. They relied on runoff from area mountains. D. They built a dam on the San Antonio River. Solve for side c and round to the nearest tenth help me please if you know the answer Which of these provides a bank with collateral on a car loan?A. A savings accountB. The car itselfoC. The buyer's homeD. The driver's credit historySUM I need help please asap While reading "Books for Uganda," you can predict that Ms. Perry will returnto Minneapolis and try to help the school in Uganda. What piece of evidencefrom the text would lead to this prediction?O A. During her month in Africa, Ms. Perry learned that not only didschools need pens and paper, but books. Five students in a classshared one textbook."B. "Last year, Ms. Perry, who taught fifth grade in Minneapolis, hadread about the need for volunteers at a rural school in Africa."OC. Ms. Perry worked with a small group of students as they practicedwriting and speaking English."D. "When Mr. Omara showed her the school, she could not believehow many students were packed into the classroom." giving brainliest *easy* hey yall i just need help with the shading part please help! if you can do this on a piece of paper or show how do it, ill give you a brainlest and bonus points thank you. Find the area of a pizza witha 16 in. diameter. If thereare 8 slices, how many sq. one slice? OSHA's mission is to: ???????????????????????????? You deposit $2700 in an account that pays 3% annual interest compounded weekly. How much money is in the account after 5 years? On May 3rd, 2008. Annie purchased a NOSEP Notebook Computer (C410 14.1" Blue SKU 109-815) from Office Station. It cost $1,100.00 and came with a mail-in savings rebate. How much is the available rebate for Annie's purchase? A) $120 B) $135 C)$180 D) $90 Miku drinks of a 6 ounce glass of water in hour. How much water does she drink in an hour? I honestly have no clue how to do this A mountain climber, in the process of crossing between two cliffs by a rope, pauses to rest. She weighs 520 N. As the drawing shows, she is closer to the left cliff than to the right cliff, with the result that the tensions in the left and right sides of the rope are not the same. Find the tensions in the rope to the left and to the right of the mountain climber. A box of pencils is 5 1/4 inches wide. Seven pencils, laid side by side, take up 2 5/8 inches of the width.How many inches of the width of the box is not taken up by the pencils? Which sentence is correctly punctuated? Our highly, educated gulde led the way on the hike. The four, tired travelers arrived at the house. The fluffy, white clouds above provided no rain. They spent three, long days trekking through the desert. can anyone help me on this? thank u,, brainliested :)) what is 3p-5= -44can anyone answer this