On Apr. 1, you, the business owner donated the following assets to Eat Your Life Away: cash,
$20,000; accounts receivable, $14,700; food supplies, $3,300; and Kitchen Utensils, $12,000.
There were no liabilities received. On the same day, you paid three months’ rent on a lease rental
contract, $6,000. The following day, you paid the premiums on property and casualty insurance
policies, $4,200.
On April 4, you received $9,400 cash from BTL who had contracted you to supply food for its
50 employees for the month of April. As a result of this BTL contract, you purchased on the
following day additional restaurant office equipment on account from Angelus Press for $8,000.
On April 6, you received $11,700 cash from customers who were owing you from Stann Creek
on account. Because of the competition in the City amongst restaurant owners, on April 10, you
paid Amandala Newspapers $350 cash for a newspaper advertisement to announce your presence
in the city. On April 12, having received the money from your debtors in Stann Creek, you
decided to pay Angelus Press $6,400 for part of the debt incurred on April 5. On the same day,
you provided food worth $21,900 to a major political party having a convention on account for
the period April 1–12. Because of the bi-monthly payment agreement with your cook, you paid
her salary for two weeks of $1,650.
On April 17, you received cash from cash customers for foods sold during the period April 1–16,
$6,600 and you paid cash for food supplies, $725 the following day. Having established that the
political party is trustworthy, you provided additional foods on account for another rally held at
the Bliss Center for the period April 13–20, $16,800.
On April 24, you received cash from cash customers for food sold for the period April 17–24,
$4,450. On April 26, you received cash from the political party who bought food on account,
$26,500. Being another two-weeks period, you paid your cook’s two weeks’ salary of $1,650 on
April 27. You paid your telephone bill of $540 for the month of April on April 29 and BEL bill
of $760 the following day.
On the last day of the month, you received cash of $5,160 from cash customers for food sold for
the period April 25–30, supplied food on account to BTL & Digicel staff on account for the
remainder of April, $2,590. Because you had to pay for personal expenses, you withdrew
$18,000 for personal use.
The Belize Income Tax Department wishes to conduct an audit of small businesses in Belize
and “Eat Your Life Away” was selected as one of the businesses the Tax Department
wishes to audit. Hence, it wants you to provide the following:
1. All the journal entries that you made during the month using a two-column journal and would
like you to use the following charts of accounts:
Cash Capital Accounts Receivable
Drawing Food Supplies Sales Revenue
Prepaid Rent Salary Expense Prepaid Insurance
Food Supplies Expense Kitchen Utensils Rent Expense
Accumulated Depreciation-Kitchen Utensils Depreciation Expense
Accounts Payable Insurance Expense Salaries Payable
Miscellaneous Expense Unearned Revenues
2. Post the journal to a ledger accounts.
3. Prepare an unadjusted trial balance.


Answer 1

Eat Your Life Away will prepare the following journal entries, post them to the ledger, and extract an unadjusted trial balance as follows:

1. Journal Entries:

Apr. 1 Debit Cash $20,000

Debit Accounts receivable $14,700

Debit Food supplies $3,300

Debit Kitchen Utensils $12,000

Credit Capital $50,000

Apr. 2 Debit Prepaid Rent $6,000

Credit Cash $6,000

Apr. 3 Debit Prepaid Insurance $4,200

Credit Cash $4,200

Apr. 4 Debit Cash $9,400

Credit Unearned Revenue $9,400

Apr. 5 Debit Kitchen Utensils $8,000

Credit Accounts Payable $8,000

Apr. 6 Debit Cash $11,700

Credit Accounts receivable $11,700

Apr. 10 Debit Advertising Expense $350

Credit Cash $350

Apr. 12 Debit Accounts Payable $6,400

Credit Cash $6,400

Apr. 12 Debit Accounts Receivable $21,900

Credit Sales Revenue $21,900

Apr. 12 Debit Salary Expense $1,650

Credit Cash $1,650

Apr. 17 Debit Cash $6,600

Credit Sales Revenue $6,600

Apr. 18 Debit Food Supplies $725

Credit Cash $725

Apr. 20 Debit Accounts Receivable $16,800

Credit Sales Revenue $16,800

Apr. 24 Debit Cash $4,450

Credit Sales Revenue $4,450

Apr. 26 Debit Cash $26,500

Credit Accounts Receivable $26,500

Apr. 27 Debit Salary Expense $1,650

Credit Cash $1,650

Apr. 28 Debit Miscellaneous Expense $540

Credit Cash $540

Apr. 29 Debit Miscellaneous Expense $760

Credit Cash $760

Apr. 30 Debit Cash $5,160

Credit Sales Revenue $5,160

Apr. 30 Debit Unearned Revenue $2,590

Credit Sales Revenue $2,590

Apr. 30 Debit Drawings $18,000

Credit Cash $18,000

2. Ledgers Accounts:


Date   Account Titles               Debit       Credit

Apr. 1 Capital                        $20,000

Apr. 2 Prepaid Rent                              $6,000

Apr. 3 Prepaid Insurance                     $4,200

Apr. 4 Unearned Revenue   $9,400

Apr. 6 Accounts receivable $11,700

Apr. 10 Advertising Expense                  $350

Apr. 12 Accounts Payable                   $6,400

Apr. 12 Salary Expense                        $1,650

Apr. 17 Sales Revenue         $6,600

Apr. 18 Food Supplies                            $725

Apr. 24 Sales Revenue       $4,450

Apr. 26 Accounts Receiv. $26,500

Apr. 27 Salary Expense                       $1,650

Apr. 28 Miscellaneous Expense           $540

Apr. 29 Miscellaneous Expense           $760

Apr. 30 Sales Revenue       $5,160

Apr. 30 Drawings                              $18,000

Apr. 30 Balance                                $43,535

Totals                                $83,810    $83,810


Date   Account Titles        Debit       Credit

Apr. 1 Cash                                       $20,000

Apr. 1 Accounts receivable              $14,700

Apr. 1 Food supplies                          $3,300

Apr. 1 Kitchen Utensils                     $12,000

Apr. 30 Balance              $50,000

Totals                               $50,000 $50,000

Accounts Payable

Date   Account Titles        Debit       Credit

Apr. 5 Kitchen Utensils                   $8,000

Apr. 12 Cash                       $6,400

Apr. 30 Balance                  $1,600

Totals                                  $8,000 $8,000

Accounts Receivable

Date   Account Titles        Debit       Credit

Apr. 1 Capital                    $14,700

Apr. 6 Cash                                       $11,700

Apr. 12 Sales Revenue   $21,900

Apr. 20 Sales Revenue  $16,800

Apr. 26 Cash                                   $26,500

Apr. 30 Balance                               $15,200

Totals                             $53,400   $53,400


Date   Account Titles      Debit       Credit

Apr. 30 Cash                $18,000

Food Supplies

Date   Account Titles        Debit       Credit

Apr. 1 Capital                 $3,300

Apr. 18 Cash                     $725

Apr. 30 Balance                         $4,025

Totals                            $4,025 $4,025

Sales Revenue

Date   Account Titles      Debit       Credit

Apr. 12 Accounts Receivable         $21,900

Apr. 17 Cash                                     $6,600

Apr. 20 Accounts Receivable       $16,800

Apr. 24 Cash                                   $4,450

Apr. 30 Cash                                    $5,160

Apr. 30 Unearned Revenue          $2,590

Apr. 30  Balance      $57,500

Totals                        $57,500     $57,500

Prepaid Rent

Date   Account Titles     Debit       Credit

Apr. 2 Cash                   $6,000

Salary Expense

Date   Account Titles     Debit       Credit

Apr. 12 Cash                   $1,650

Apr. 27 Cash                 $1,650

Apr. 30  Balance                        $3,300

Totals                        $3,300     $3,300

Prepaid Insurance

Date   Account Titles  Debit       Credit

Apr. 3 Cash                $4,200

Kitchen Utensils

Date   Account Titles        Debit       Credit

Apr. 1 Capital                   $12,000

Apr. 5 Accounts Payable $8,000

Apr. 30 Balance                                  $20,000

Totals                              $20,000      $20,000

Miscellaneous Expense

Date   Account Titles        Debit       Credit

Apr. 10 Cash                        $350

Apr. 28 Cash                       $540

Apr. 29 Cash                       $760

Apr. 30 Balance                                    $1,650

Totals                                $1,650         $1,650

Unearned Revenues

Date   Account Titles        Debit       Credit

Apr. 4 Cash                                          $9,400

Apr. 30 Sales Revenue  $2,590

Apr. 30 Balance               $6,810

Totals                              $9,400         $9,400

3. Eat Your Life Away

Unadjusted Trial Balance

As of April 30,

Date   Account Titles        Debit       Credit

Cash                                 $43,535

Capital                                              $50,000

Accounts Payable                                 1,600

Accounts Receivable        15,200

Drawings                           18,000

Food Supplies                    4,025

Sales Revenue                                 $57,500

Prepaid Rent                     6,000

Salary Expense                 3,300

Prepaid Insurance            4,200

Kitchen Utensils             20,000

Miscellaneous Expense   1,650

Unearned Revenue                            $6,810

Totals                          $115,910      $115,910

See the attachment for Data Analysis of Transactions.

Learn more: https://brainly.com/question/18558772

Related Questions

A(n) ________ is a coherent set of interdependent processes and structures that dictates how the company searches for novel problems and solutions, synthesizes ideas into a business concept and product designs, and selects which projects get funded. innovation system organizational development human resource inventory organizational behavior


Based on business analysis, an innovation system is a coherent set of interdependent processes and structures that dictates how the company searches for novel problems and solutions.

Innovative systems generally synthesize ideas into a business concept and product designs and select which projects get funded.

Innovation system usually involves significant components such as the following:

Information, TechnologyPeople, Enterprises, Institutions

Innovation system. Generally used to facilitate and assist innovation to the success stage.

Hence, in this case, it is concluded that the correct answer is "innovation systems."

Learn more about innovation systems here: https://brainly.com/question/2420658

How do I build a successful Uber company?



Don't know


the answer sorry friend

On December 31, 2015, Dow Steel Corporation had 600,000 shares of common stock and 300,000 shares of 8%, noncumulative, nonconvertible preferred stock issued and outstanding. Dow issued a 4% common stock dividend on May 15 and paid cash dividends of $400,000 and $75,000 to common and preferred shareholders, respectively, on December 15, 2016. On February 28, 2016, Dow sold 60,000 common shares. In keeping with its long-term share repurchase plan, 2,000 shares were retired on July 1. Dowâs net income for the year ended December 31, 2016, was $2,100,000.

The income tax rate is 40%.

As part of an incentive compensation plan, Dow granted incentive stock options to division managers at December 31 of the current and each of the previous two years. Each option permits its holder to buy one share of common stock at an exercise price equal to market value at the date of grant and can be exercised one year from that date. Information concerning the number of options granted and common share prices follows:

Date Granted (adjusted for the stock dividend) Options Granted Share Price
31-Dec-14 8,000 $24
31-Dec-15 3,000 $33
31-Dec-16 6,500 $32

Compute Dowâs earnings per share for the year ended December 31, 2016.


Dowâs earnings per share for the year ended December 31, 2016 is $3 per share.

First step is to compute common shares on January 1 to December 31  

Common shares on January 1 to December 31 = 600,000 ×(1 + 0.04) × (12/12)

Common shares on January 1 to December 31 = 600,000 × 1.04 ×1

Common shares on January 1 to December 31 =624,000

 Second step is to compute common shares on February 28 to December 31

Common shares on February 28 to December 31 = 60,000 × (1 + 0.04) × (10/12)

Common shares on February 28 to December 31= 60,000 ×1.04 × (10/12)

Common shares on February 28 to December 31= 52,000

Third step is to compute number of repurchased shares on July 1 to December 31  

Number of repurchased shares on July 1 to December 31 = 2,000 × (6/12)

Number of repurchased shares on July 1 to December 31 = 1,000

Fourth step is to compute number of weighted shares

Number of weighted shares=624,000 + 52,000- 1,000

Number of weighted shares= 675,000

Fifth step is to compute the earning per share

Earnings per share = (Net income - Preferred dividend) / Number of weighted shares

Earnings per share= ($2,100,000 - $75,000) / 675,000

Earnings per share= $2,025,000 / 675,000

Earnings per share=$3 per share

Inconclusion Dowâs earnings per share for the year ended December 31, 2016 is $3 per share.

Learn more here:https://brainly.com/question/15572426

In this chapter, we have been discussing pension plans (and a little bit about post-retirement plans), mainly how to account for defined benefit plans. After having learned at least some of the complexities of accounting for a defined benefit plan, express your opinion about whether these plans are worth it. Come at this from the perspective of the employer, the employee/retiree, and the government and write what you think -- are they worth it


It should be noted that defined benefit plans are worth it as they provide a secure lifetime retirement income for the employee.

Defined benefit plans are also known as the traditional pension plan. It gives a specified payment amount in retirement. It's important as it allows employees and employers to be able to invest funds in order to save for retirement.

Defined benefit plans are beneficial as they give eligible employees a guaranteed income for life when they retire. This is important as the person can have a source of income when they're not working anymore.

Read related link on:


A machine costing $185,000 with a 5-year life and $20,000 residual value was purchased January 2. Compute depreciation for each of the five years, using the double-declining-balance method.


The computation of the depreciation for each of the five years under the Double-declining-balance method is as follows:

Year         Depreciation Expense

Year 1       $74,000 ($185,000 x 40%)

Year 2     $44,400 ($111,000 x 40%)

Year 3    $26,640 ($66,600 x 40%)

Year 4    $15,984 ($39,960 x 40%)

Year 5     $3,976 ($23,976 - $20,000)

Data and Calculations:

Cost of Equipment = $185,000

Residual value = $20,000

Depreciable amount = $165,000 ($185,000 - $20,000)

Estimated useful life = 5 years

Depreciation rate = 40% (100/5 x 2)

Depreciation for the five years:

Year 1 = $74,000 ($185,000 x 40%)

Reduced balance = $111,000 ($185,000 - $74,000)

Year 2 = $44,400 ($111,000 x 40%)

Reduced balance = $66,600 ($111,000 - $44,400)

Year 3 = $26,640 ($66,600 x 40%)

Reduced balance = $39,960 ($66,600 - $26,640)

Year 4 = $15,984 ($39,960 x 40%)

Reduced balance = $23,976 ($39,960 - $15,984)

Year 5 = $3,976 ($23,976 - $20,000)

Thus, the accumulated depreciation at the end of year 5 is $165,000.

Learn more: https://brainly.com/question/24296752

Read each transaction and identify the appropriate journal that it should be recorded in:
1. Owner withdrew supplies
2. Sale made on account
3. Payment to vendor on account
4. Payment received from customer on account
5. Purchases on account
6. Adjusting journal entry for supplies used
7. Owner withdrew cash
8. Company borrows money from bank
9. Record monthly depreciation
10. Close revenue accounts at month's end




One of the important decisions managers have to make is whether to buy and commit to upgrading its computer equipment every couple of years. One way of avoiding having to buy costly upgrades, which can quickly become obsolete, is to use:


One way of avoiding having to buy costly software upgrades, which can quickly become obsolete (out-dated), is to use: Application service provider.

A software can be defined as a set of executable instructions (codes) or collection of sequential data that is typically used to instruct a computer on how to perform a specific task and solve a particular problem.

Generally, a software should be upgraded to its latest version when made available by the software developer.

Hence, an important decision managers have to make is whether to buy a computer equipment and become committed to upgrading it every couple of years or from time to time.

An effective way of avoiding having to buy costly computer upgrades, which can quickly become obsolete (out-dated), is to use an application service provider (ASP).

An application service provider (ASP) is a business firm or company that is saddled with the responsibility of providing computer-based services to its customers (individuals or enterprises) over a network.

Read more: https://brainly.com/question/18369405

Black Diamond Company produces snowboards. Each snowboard requires 2 pounds of carbon fiber. Management reports that 5,000 snowboards and 6,000 pounds of carbon fiber are in inventory at the beginning of the third quarter, and that 150,000 snowboards are budgeted to be sold during the third quarter. Management wants to end the third quarter with 3,500 snowboards and 4,000 pounds of carbon fiber in inventory. Carbon fiber costs $15 per pound. Each snowboard requires 0.5 hour of direct labor at $20 per hour. Variable overhead is budgeted at the rate of $8 per direct labor hour. The company budgets fixed overhead of $1,782,000 for the quarter. Required: 1. Prepare the production budget for the third quarter. Hint: Desired ending inventory units are given.


1.Based on the information given the production budget for the third quarter is 148,500.

2. Budgeted cost of direct material purchases is 4,425,000.

3. Budgeted Direct labor cost is $1,485,000.

4. Total  factory overhead is $2,376,000.

1. Budgeted production


Production Budget (in units) Third Quarter

Budgeted units sales 150,000  

Add: Budgeted ending inventory 3,500  

Less: Budgeted beginning inventory (5,000)

Budgeted production 148,500

2. Direct material budget


Direct Materials Budget Third Quarter  

Budgeted production  148,500 units

Materials requirement per unit 2  

Materials needed for production 297,000


Budgeted ending inventory 4,000  

Total material requirements(lbs.) 301,000


Budgeted beginning inventory 6000  

Direct Materials to be purchased (lbs.) 295,000


Materials price per pound 15.00per  

Budgeted cost of direct material purchases 4,425,000

(295,000×15 per)

3. Direct labor budget


Direct labor  Budget Third Quarter

Budgeted Production             148,500

Budgeted Direct labor hours  74,250


Budgeted Direct labor cost  $1,485,000


4. Factory overhead budget


Factory Overhead Budget Third Quarter

Variable overhead                    $594,000


Add Fixed overhead                $1,782,000

Total  factory overhead           $2,376,000

Learn more here:https://brainly.com/question/16381677

a deductible of $500 requires ( select the correct answer )



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A $500 deductible means you'll pay $500 out of pocket after an accident, and your insurer will pay for the rest of the damages up to your policy limits. This deductible amount is a common choice for drivers. If your car repairs are less than your $500 deductible, you won't be able to file a claim.

define motivation.explain it's importance. ​



motivation refers to those wishes,desire, drive that stimulates or activation the man to do things..


The important words here are 'needs', 'values' and 'goals' and these are the building blocks of motivation that lead to actions: Needs are basic requirements for survival and may be physical or psychological; for example, hunger, thirst, love or friendship.

I hope you are motivated to this answer......

While cultural differences should always be considered, which industry should be especially aware of traditions when trying to enter a foreign market


Countries of the world have different cultures. The food industry should be aware of traditions when trying to enter a foreign market.

A food industry entering a foreign market must take note of the traditions, customs and food that is consumed in that place.

There are different factor to consider when entering a foreign market. The

factors are;

Gross Domestic ProductUnemployment Rate  Inflation

The influence of culture on international marketing is very great. A marketer have to take a good study about the local culture thoroughly before offering a product to them.

Learn more from


Apart from a subsidy, how might a government change the market price of a good?​



Governments can tax the public and giving the money to an industry, or tariffs, adding taxes to foreign products to lift prices and make domestic products more appealing. Higher taxes, fees, and greater regulations can stymie businesses or entire industries.

Suppose Malaysia's production possibilities include a maximum of 120 units of rice or 300 units of lumber, and Canada's production possibilities include a maximum of 200 units of rice or 200 units of lumber. Then suppose each country initially allocates 50% of its labor to producing each product. a) Total production by the two countries equals tons of rice and ft3 of lumber. b) Now suppose that Malaysia increases the labor it allocates to lumber by 10%. Its lumber production rises by and its rice production falls by . c) Of Canada allocates its labor to increase its rice production by exactly the amount that Malaysia's rice production fell, by how much must its lumber production fall


A) the total production of Malaysia would be 60 tons of rice and 150 ft3 of lumber, and the total production of Canada would be 100 tons of rice and 100 ft3 of lumber; B) the production of rice would fall by 6 tons and the production of lumber would rise by 15 ft3; and C) Canada's lumber production would fall by 10 ft3.

Supposing Malaysia's production possibilities include a maximum of 120 units of rice or 300 units of lumber, and Canada's production possibilities include a maximum of 200 units of rice or 200 units of lumber, and supposing each country initially allocates 50% of its labor to producing each product, to determine A) the total production by the two countries equals tons of rice and ft3 of lumber, B) now supposing that Malaysia increases the labor it allocates to lumber by 10%, the number by which its lumber production rises by and its rice production falls by, and C) if Canada allocates its labor to increase its rice production by exactly the amount that Malaysia's rice production fell, by how much must its lumber production fall, the following calculations should be performed:


120 x 0.5 = 60 300 x 0.5 = 150 200 x 0.5 = 100


50 x 1.1 = 55 120 x 0.45 = 54 300 x 0.55 = 165


200 x 0.55 = 110 200 x 0.45 = 90

Therefore, A) the total production of Malaysia would be 60 tons of rice and 150 ft3 of lumber, and the total production of Canada would be 100 tons of rice and 100 ft3 of lumber; B) the production of rice would fall by 6 tons and the production of lumber would rise by 15 ft3; and C) Canada's lumber production would fall by 10 ft3.

Learn more in https://brainly.com/question/19559905

What is one potential benefit of establishing trade barriers?

A) They can make a country more economically self-reliant.

B)They typically increase sales of exports to other countries.

C) They create greater economic efficiency by minimizing waste.

D)They provide domestic consumers with a wider variety of goods.




D)They provide domestic consumers with a wider variety of goods.

a. Estimate the balance of the Allowance for Doubtful Accounts assuming the company uses 4.5% of total accounts receivable to estimate uncollectibles, instead of the aging of receivables method. b. Prepare the adjusting entry to record Bad Debts Expense using the estimate from part a. Assume the unadjusted balance in the Allowance for Doubtful Accounts is a $12,000 credit. c. Prepare the adjusting entry to record bad debts expense using the estimate from part a. Assume the unadjusted balance in the Allowance for Doubtful Accounts is a $1,000 debit.


Based on the information give the estimated balance of the allowance for doubtful accounts is $25,650.

a. Estimated allowance for doubtful accounts

Estimated allowance for doubtful accounts =$570,000×4.5%

Estimated allowance for doubtful accounts =$25,650

b. Adjusting journal entry

Dec 31

Debit Bad debt expense  $13,650


Credit Allowance for doubtful accounts $13,650

(To record bad debts expense)


c. Adjusting journal entry

Dec 31

Debit Bad debt expense $26,650


Credit Allowance for doubtful accounts $26,650

(To record bad debts expense )

Learn more here:https://brainly.com/question/15394488

In some cases, individuals who start a business have special voting rights that help them exercise more control over the firm. They own a special class of stock called


individuals that have special voting rights owns a special class of stock called classified stock.

The classified stock refers to class of common stock that comes with special privileges like dividend rights or enhanced voting rights.

Usually, these stock are issued/owned by individual that started or co-start the business.

The classified stock is used to ensure the company's founders maintain its control over the establish company even without owning the majority of the common stock.

Therefore, the individuals that have special voting rights owns a special class of stock called the classified stock.

Read more about classified stock:


Richard's Sporting Goods reports net income of $100,000, net sales of $500,000, and average assets of $1,000,000. The return on assets is:


Based on the information given the return on assets is: 0.1 times.

Using this formula

Return on assets=Net income/Average assets


Net income=$100,000

Average assets=$1,000,000

Let plug in the formula

Return on assets=$100,000/$1,000,000

Return on assets=0.1 times

Inconclusion the return on assets is: 0.1 times.

Learn more about return on assets here:https://brainly.com/question/17403677

George wants to buy a Government Bond that will mature in 4 years. which type of bond will best meet his needs ?

A. T-bills
B. treasury notes
C. treasury bonds
D. treasury information protection securities ​


Answer: b


George wants to buy a Government Bond that will mature in 4 years. The bond which  will best meet his needs would be  treasury notes. Thus option (B) is correct.

What are treasury notes?

A treasury note is a U.S. government debt security. A treasury note has a fixed interest rate and maturity between two and 10 years.

A person can buy a treasury notes trough a  competitive bids, in which an investor specifies the yield, or non-competitive bids, in which the investor accepts whatever yield is determined.

A Treasury note is just like a treasury bond, except that it owns a differing maturities. The treasury bond has lifespan between  20 to 30 years.

So we can say that the George wants to buy a Government Bond that will mature in 4 years. The bond which  will best meet his needs would be  treasury notes. Therefore, option (B) is correct.

Learn more about the treasury notes here:



As a department manager, you have decided to purchase two projectors to be installed in two of the conference rooms. Your brother has just started his own business in office supplies. He is able to provide you the two projectors with no installation cost. What might you want to consider? Please provide 4 answers.​


In this situation, you need to consider factors such as total costs if you get the projectors from your brother, the total costs for getting the projects with a different supplier, the ethical implications, and the long-term effects.

If you are the manager of this company, your main objective is to get the protectors you need and get them installed. Moreover, as a manager you want the cost to be as lowest as possible without getting into ethical issues or obtaining a low-quality product.

In this context, as a manager you will need to consider these four aspects:

Total costs if you get the projectors from your brother: Getting the projectors from your brother rather than from a regular supplier can work only if the projectors are high quality and the price is lower than other alternatives:Total costs for getting the projects with a different supplier: As a manager, you need to consider other suppliers different from your brother and compare the costs of the alternatives.The ethical implications: Even if getting the projector from your brother is cheaper this has ethical implications because you are choosing him based on a family bond rather than on objective factors such as quality or price.Long-term effects:  As a manager, you will not consider the long-term effects such as how long will the durability of the projectors or the long-term ethical implications.

Learn more in: https://brainly.com/question/10870465

The following diagram shows the five styles of handling conflict. Select the correct label for each. Then read the scenario and determine which conflict-handling style to use in the given situation.

- compromising
- collaborating
- dominating
- accommodating
- avoiding



A. dominating

B. collaborating

C. compromising

D. avoiding

E. accommodating

Handling conflict in simple words we can say that it usually means handle a situation or the problem.

What is Handling style?

Handling style are known to be the principles which gradually underline the methods which the managers use to handle situations.

The conflict handling style which would be used as per the diagram would be as The following diagram in the question shows the five styles of handling conflict it would be used as.

A. dominating

B. collaborating

C. compromising

D. avoiding

E. accommodating

Therefore in  Handling style every manager has his own style of handling employees.

Learn more about handling style here:



Suppose the current price of a pound of chicken is $3 per pound and the equilibrium price is $6 per pound. What takes place


If the current price of a pound of chicken is $3 per pound and the equilibrium price is $6 per pound what takes place is: a) There is a shortage , so the price rises and quantity demanded decreases.

The current price of $3 per pound is lesser that the equilibrium price of  $6 per pound which means that their is shortage.

The shortage indicate that their is increase in demand in the market because the quantity demanded is higher than the quantity supplied.

Therefore the rise in price of goods and services will lead to decrease in the quantity demanded of such goods or product.

Inconclusion what takes place is: a) There is a shortage , so the price rises and quantity demanded decreases.

Learn more here:https://brainly.com/question/2005267

In successful teams, some people play a task specialist role and put more of their energy into promoting the team’s performance of its work, while other people play a socioemotional role and put more of their energy into sustaining team members’ social satisfaction so that they stay engaged in the team. You are part of a productive team, and at a recent team meeting, you heard your coworkers make the following statements.

For each example of a statement made during a team meeting, indicate the role of the speaker.

1. Elise said, “I don’t think Julián and Ethan are really that far apart here. Their ideas have a lot of overlap.” SOCIOEMOTIONAL OR TASK SPECIALIST

2. Ethan said, “Folks, I’ve just had a brainstorm! We could get the people in sales to communicate our message to customers. They’ll be good at it, they’ll enjoy it, and the message will get out really fast.” SOCIOEMOTIONAL OR TASK SPECIALIST



1. socioemotional

2. task specialist


1. Elise said, “I don’t think Julián and Ethan are really that far apart here. Their ideas have a lot of overlap.” SOCIOEMOTIONAL

2. Ethan said, “Folks, I’ve just had a brainstorm! We could get the people in sales to communicate our message to customers. They’ll be good at it, they’ll enjoy it, and the message will get out really fast.” TASK SPECIALIST

The key issue in oligopoly markets is the seller's actions: a.Completely independent of each other. b.Controlled by the main seller in the market. c.Interdependent in that the actions of one seller directly impact all other sellers. d.Regulated or controlled by a government agency.


It should be noted that a key factor in oligopoly markets is that the sellers are C. Interdependent in that the actions of one seller directly impact all other sellers.

Oligopoly simply refers to the market that has a small number of firms who are interdependent of each other's price and output policies.

It should be noted that the firms cannot act independently. They have to take other sellers into consideration when making a decision.

Learn more about oligopoly on:


Efficiency wages are a way to reward raw talent and abilities. a way to compensate workers for experience and training. a way to compensate workers in unattractive or unpleasant jobs. an incentive scheme designed to motivate and retain workers.



An incentive scheme designed to motivate and retain workers.



An incentive scheme designed to motivate and retain workers.


Based on this graph, which of the following statements are true?

- A moderate level of conflict produces the highest level of performance.
- Performance is better when team members don’t argue.
- Teams need some conflict to do their best work.



✔ A moderate level of conflict produces the highest level of performance.

✘ Performance is better when team members don’t argue.

✔ Teams need some conflict to do their best work.

The graph on team performance v. conflict shows that:

A moderate level of conflict produces the highest level of performance. Teams need some conflict to do their best work.Do teams need conflict?

The graph shows that when there is moderate conflict in a team, they will be able to perform at their highest.

This means that some conflict is needed if a team wants to perform at higher levels. But not too much conflict.

Find out more on the role of conflict in teamwork at https://brainly.com/question/22058130.


Personal communication systems such as personal networks and grapevines:

a. Contain only a small amount of organizational communications.
b. Spread more information across organizations than formal communication channels such as downward communications.
c. Contain less accurate information than other organizational communication systems.
d. Spread information hierarchically throughout the organization, from boss to employee and from employee to boss, for example.



b. Spread more information across organizations than formal communication channels such as downward communications.


Personal communication systems carry more information in organizations than any other type of communication channel or system. They also carry large amounts of information, which is often very accurate, and they spread information widely, without regard for organizational levels or hierarchy.

Correct answers only and no links please:)

Explain the term 'Social enterprise'. State the differences between the objectives of Social enterprises and Business enterprises



Social entrepreneurs seek innovative ways and operate to drive change, whereas social enterprises form to fulfill a business purpose and solve societal needs through their commercial activities.

A business owner makes 60 items by hand in 45 hours. She could have earned $35 an hour working for someone else. Her total explicit costs are $225. If each item she makes sells for $18, her economic profit equals:


The Answer Is : $-720

$-720 is her economic profit equals. A business owner makes 60 items by hand in 45 hours. She could have earned $35 an hour working for someone else. Her total explicit costs are $225.

What is economic profit equals?

Economic profit is equal to total revenue less total costs, which include both explicit and implicit costs. Economists use the term "zero economic" to indicate that a company has no economic profit when its total costs and total revenues are equal.

When a business is competitive and generates enough income to cover its costs, it may often declare a zero economic profit. Economic profit is calculated as revenues minus explicit costs minus opportunity costs.

In this equation, leaving out the opportunity costs only results in the accounting profit; however, leaving out the opportunity costs can also be used as a stand-in for assessing other strategies.

Thus, it is $-720.

For more information about economic profit equals, click here:



The market value weighted-average beta of firms included in the market index will always be _____________.


The market value weighted-average beta of firms included in the market index will always be one.

4. List and discuss five key ideas of the Tanpin Kanri business approach and explain how companies and organizations outside of the retail industry, specifically using universities as an industry example (higher education), could learn from this approach.


Tanpin Kanri's business approach focuses on demand chain driving using the point of sale to determine the most effective points of sale to generate sales and which products available at the point of sale are selling the most.

The five key ideas of the Tanpin Kanri approach are as follows:

Market analysis.Analysis of market share potential.Attractiveness analysis.Competitiveness Analysis.Value creation analysis.

Therefore, making a parallel with this approach used in the retail sector for universities, the analyzes can be used to analyze knowledge production and identify new strategies to ensure greater student adherence, generating motivation and value for students.

Learn more about business approach here:


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