We wish to produce a graphic that is pleasing and easily readable. Suppose we
make the background color pink. What color text font should we use to make
the text most readable? Justify your answer.Assume that the color Pink is obtained by mixing equal amounts of Red and White. Use the RGB color model and assume that the amount of each primary color in the model is described in the interval [0 255]. Describe the color of the text font you would choose using these conventions.


Answer 1


light color


When we will mix equal amounts or equal quantities of the color red and the color white, we will get the color reddish pink. It is popularly called as the SOFT RED and the color code of this color is RGB (255, 128, 128).

Since, red color + white color = 0.5 RGB(255, 0, 0) + 0.5RGB(255, 255, 255)

                                                 = RGB (255, 128, 128)

According to me, the color white will best suit as the text color that can be used for a background having RGB(255, 128, 128). Because the color looks more red and not that pink, so it wise to use a light tone color for the natural reading purpose. Hence, it will not give strain to the eyes.

Related Questions

what product and service type should I choose in quickbooks online if I do not want to track inventory



is that what you're looking for

In QuickBooks Online, it’s easy to track how much you make and spend on each product or service. You can also enter these products and services you sell as items so you can quickly add them to sales forms. This gives you more detailed financial reports and helps you complete transactions faster.

Here's how to add services and products you don't plan to track inventory for (also known as non-inventory items).

Note: If you want to track product quantities, add them as inventory items instead.


Non-inventory: Products or items you buy or sell, but don't need to track quantities. For example, nuts and bolts you use for installation jobs but don't sell directly.

Clyde Clerk is reviewing his firm’s expense reimbursement policies with the new salesperson, Trav Farr. "Our reimbursement policies depend on the situation. You see, first we determine if it is a local trip. If it is, we only pay mileage of 18.5 cents a mile. If the trip was a one-day trip, we pay mileage and then check the times of departure and return. To be reimbursed for breakfast, you must leave by 7:00 a.m., lunch by 11:00 a.m., and have dinner by 5:00 p.m. To receive reimbursement for breakfast, you must return later than 10:00 a.m., lunch later than 2:00 p.m., and have dinner by 7:00 p.m. On a trip lasting more than one day, we allow hotel, taxi, and airfare, as well as meal allowances. The same times apply for meal expenses." Write structured English for Clyde’s narrative of the reimbursement policies. Draw a decision tree.



The answer is described in the image.


The firm is responsible for all expenses made by it's employees, so for a local trip, the cost of gas relative to the mileage covered during the journey is paid for ( 18 cents per mileage).

If it is not a local trip, then it is a one-day trip, so the firm pays for the mileage and the cost of the meals not taken in the company, which depends on the departure and return/arrival time. If the departure and return time is 7am to 10am, the employee is paid for breakfast, if the departure and return is 11am to 2pm then the employee is paid for lunch, and for dinner, 5pm to 7pm.

What is the main advantage of using a WYSIWYG("what you see is what you get")editor when constructing a website
A.only one programming language is required
B.websites may have more professional construction
C.knowledge of HTML is not required
D.Website templates are not necessary





Find the minimum, maximum, and average grade of final exams in sections taught by Todd Smythe.



A sample of the statement is written below



To find the Minimum, maximum and average grade of final exams in the sections taught by Todd Smythe. we will write a statement

Using the select to get the required data using the functions ; MIN , MAX , AVG and the WHERE clause for the condition

A sample of the statement is written below


Using the programming language of your choice, implement the Binary Search algorithm for a target value = 9 on the Array A: [9, 11, 70, 25, 20, 0, 36, 24]. What is the primary condition to implement a Binary Search Algorithm? Explain the growth rate of the algorithm



myArray  = [9, 11, 70, 25, 20, 0, 36, 24]

myvalue = 20

def binary_search(mylist, value):


   mid = mylist[round(len(mylist) / 2)]

   if value == mid:

       return mylist.index(mid)

   elif value < mid:

       for index, s_one in enumerate(mylist[ : (mylist.index(mid))]):

           if s_one == value:

               return index

   elif value < mid:

       for index, s_two in enumerate(mylist[(mylist.index(mid)) : ]):

           if s_two == value:

               return index


       return "searched value not in list/array"

result = binary_search( myArray, myvalue)

print(f"Index of the searched value {myvalue} is: {result}")


The programming language used above is python. It is used to implement a binary search in a list and finally returns the index of the searched value.

Question #2 Dropdown What are the missing words in the program? divide(numA, numB): numA / numb​






I hope this helps!

If process P0 is switched to process P1, state for P0 will be saved into ____, and state from ___ will be reloaded.



1. PCB0

2. PCB1


Given that PCB is often referred to as Process Control Block, is a form of data structure that is applicable and utilized by the computer operating systems to store all the information concerning a process.

This process is carried out in a way that when Process P0 is initialized, the operating system established a related process that takes the computer processing unit from Process P0 and allocates it to Process P1, the Operating System, in turn, will save P0's PCB, and then reload P1's PCB.

Hence, If process P0 is switched to process P1, the state for P0 will be saved into "PCB0" and the state from "PCB1" will be reloaded.

Armstrong Numbers Programming challenge description: An Armstrong number is an n-digit number that is equal to the sum of the nth powers of its digits. Determine if the input numbers are Armstrong numbers. Input: Your program should read lines from standard input. Each line has a positive integer. Output: Print out True if the number is an Armstrong number, or False if not. Test 1 Test Input 351 Expected Output False



Written in Python

number = int(input("Enter a number: "))

computesum = 0

lent = len(str(number))

for digit in str(number):

computesum += int(digit)**lent

if number == computesum:





This line prompts user for Input input

number = int(input("Enter a number: "))

This line initialises the sum of the nth power of the digits to 0

computesum = 0

This line gets the length of input (i.e. number of digits)

lent = len(str(number))

The following iteration iterates through the digit to check for Armstrong numbers

for digit in str(number):

computesum += int(digit)**lent

This checks if the input number equals the computed sum

if number == computesum:

print("true") --- if yes, "true" is printed


print("false") --- if otherwise, "false" is printed

See attachment for complete program in its right format

Assume a branch instruction bne $t1, $t2, Label is located in 0x00001840 in the instruction memory. The 16-bits branch address is 0x000C, If the branch is taken, what will be the new Program Counter (PC) value?

a. 0x00001844
b. 0x00001850
c. 0x00001870
d. 0x00001874



a. 0x00001844


When the branch is takes the new program counter value is increased by 1. The value of existing memory is labelled with number sets and then next instruction is accepted in sequence. The new value is the increase in the current labelled value.

Consider a distributed denial of service (DDOS) attack, Assume the attacker has compromised a number of broadband connected computers to use as zombie systems. If the ISP provides a maximum uplink data rate of 512 Kbps in ADSL, what is the maximum number of 512-byte ICMP echo request (ping) packets a single zombie computer can send per second? How many such zombie systems would the attacker need to flood a target server in an organization that has
a. A Fast Ethernet.
b. A Gigabit Ethernet.



A ) 200 Zombie systems

B ) 200 Zombie systems


maximum uplink data rate : 512 kbps = 512 * 1000 * 8  = 4096000 bits/sec

Determine the number of 512 byte  ICMP echo packets = 512 * 8 = 4096 bits

hence the maximum number of 512-byte ICMP echo request (ping) packets a single zombie computer can send per second = 400 packets/sec

i.e. for 512kbps = 400 packets/sec

Determine the number of Zombie systems that the attacker will need to flood a target server

A) For a fast ethernet

A fast ethernet = 100 mbps

The number of Zombie systems needed = 1 zombie system * 200

and 1 zombie system = 512 kbps

therefore for a Fast ethernet the number of zombies systems needed = 200

B) For A Gigabit Ethernet

same as a fast ethernet system i.e. = 200

plssss help i will mark u as brainliest plssss ​




<p style="color: red">Random Name 1</p>

<p style="color: blue">Random Name 2</p>

<p style="color: yellow">Random Name 3</p>

<p style="color: green">Random Name 4</p>

<p style="color: gray">Random Name 5</p>


   <li>Pen 1<li>

   <li>Pen 2<li>

   <li>Pen 3<li>








I think is this you need, have a nice day ;)

A ____ is a a set of presentation rules that control how text should look. It is applied to an XML file to change the collection of text with schema tags into a presentable document that shows data in a way that is pleasant and easily understood.


Answer: language


What is the purpose of the Microsoft® PowerPoint® application? to design publications such as newsletters and brochures to create documents such as business letters and resumés to develop presentations for business meetings to design a company employee database



The first one


The main purpose of MS PowerPoint is to enable the user to create dynamic, informational slides through the use of text, graphics, and animation.

The purpose of PowerPoint is to act as a visual aid as a presenter goes along presenting their option, ideas, sales pitch, etc. Make sure to not make your slides too wordy and concentrate on adding only basic bullet points.


to develop presentations for business meetings


Any of the other options will be used in Word, Excel and Publisher.

But Power Point is mainly for presentations and not newsletters and other.

Rachel tries to follow ergonomic principles at work to avoid RSI. Which posture or method chelto prevent Sl while using the
Rachel should use an adjustable chair. She should place the chair and keyboard in a way that her elbows bend at ________


Answer:right angle


how microsoft excel helps students?





Retail products are identified by their Universal Product Codes (UPCs). The most commonform of a UPC has 12 decimal digits: The first digit identifies the product category, the nextfive digits identify the manufacturer, the following five identify the particular product, andthe last digit is acheck digit. The check digit is determined in the following way:
• Beginning with the first digit multiply every second digit by 3.
• Sum all the multiplied digits and the rest of the digits except the last digit.
• If the (10 - sum % 10) is equal to the last digit, then the product code is valid.
• Otherwise it is not a valid UPC.The expression is:sum= 3.x1+x2+ 3.x3+x4+ 3.x5+x6+ 3.x7+x8+ 3.x9+x10+ 3.x11where the x’s are the first 11 digits of the code.
If you choose to add the last digit also in the second step and if the sum is a multiple of 10,then the UPC is valid. Either way, you still need to perform the modular division to checkwhether the given number is a valid code.In this problem, you need to use either a string or long long integer type for the product codebecause it is 12 digits long. If you use string, you can convert one character substring of thestring in to a single digit integer from left to right using the function stoi(str.substr(i,1)).This way you do not need to get last digit of the number and then divide the number by 10.
in c++
problem 3
Translate the following pseudocode for randomly permuting the characters in a string into a C++ program. Read a word. repeat word.length() times Pick a random position i in the word, but not the last position. Pick a random position j > i in the word. swap the letters at positions j and i. Print the word. Please work on this problem after we learn to generate random numbers in the class which is on Wednesday the latest. These problems only deal with simple loop while, for and do loops. You will get a second set of problems next week on nested loops.



#include <iostream>

#include <cmath>

using namespace std;

int main(){

   string upc;

   char last;

   cout<< "Enter UPC number: ";

   cin >> upc;

   if (upc.size() == 12){

       last = upc[-1];

   } else{

       return 0;


   cout<< last;

   char myArr[upc.length()];

   for (int i = 0 ; i < upc.substr(0,11).length(); ++i){

       if (upc[i]%2 != 0){

           myArr[i] = upc[i] * 3;



           myArr[i] = upc[i];



   int sum = 0;

   for (int x = 0; x < sizeof(myArr); ++x){

       sum += (int)myArr[x] - '0';


   if (sum% 10 == last){

       cout<<"UPC number is valid";



       cout<<"Invalid UPC number.";




The UPC number in the c++ source code input must be 12 digits long for the rest of the code to execute.  The code checks the validity of the number by comparing the reminder of the sum division with the last digit in the UPC number.

who are the characters in the poem Padre power witness the execution of rizal​



When was the information last updated


Wait what? I don’t understand

Explain why the expected value of an F ratio is 1.00 when the null hypothesis is true if there is no treatment effect the numerator.



The reason is that the f ratio is balanced due to the numerator and denominator having equal sources of variability.


The expected value of an F ratio is 1.00 when the null hypothesis is true because in a scenario where there is no treatment effect, we have both the numerator and the denominator of the F ratio both measuring equal sources of variability.

Whenever this happens then the F ratio will be balanced and also it will have a value that is near 1.00.

I have no idea, any help is appreciated.





How do I explain it.... well the analogy shows the circle in the middle of the parallelogram, then the next shows the circle bigger than the parallelogram and the parallelogram with lines in it.

So you do the same to the triangle with a square and there you go!


A - the first one is correct.


Hope this Helps!


What feature allows you to access previous copies of a document on OneDrive?

File storage
Recover file
Stored work
Version history


Version history feature

OneDrive's Version history feature allows you to view older versions of an Office Online document. If you find a version you want, you can then restore it, moving it to the top of the list as the latest version of the file.


Version history


Why would a programmer use a flow chart? (Edge2020 Coding Critical Thinking Questions)



As a visual representation of data flow, flowcharts are useful in writing a program or algorithm and explaining it to others or collaborating with them on it. You can use a flowchart to spell out the logic behind a program before ever starting to code the automated process.


Answer: I answered yo can give the other guy brainliest yw


ASAP PLZ!!!. Which command group is used to apply effects and modify color schemes of SmartArt graphics?

Reset Graphics

SmartArt Styles

Graphic Layouts

Create Graphics

NVM!! The answer is B. SmartArt Styles



I think I am wrong but I assume it is C. Graphic Layout Sorry if I am wrong but if I am not please reward me brainlist.

The answer is B. Smart Art styles because your adding a styles to SmartArt

What is the primary purpose of a slideshow presentation



to help us to complete all of useless project given by school


support the presenter's ideas


Input an int between 0 and 100 and print the numbers between it and 100, including the number itself and the number 100. If the number is less than or equal to 0, or greater than or equal to 100 print "error". Print 20 numbers per line.
Language: Java


import java.util.Scanner;

public class JavaApplication42 {

   public static void main(String[] args) {

       Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in);

       int count = 0;

       System.out.println("Enter an integer between 0 and 100");

       int num = scan.nextInt();

       if (num <= 0 || num >= 100){




           while(num <= 100){

               if (count == 20){


                   count = 0;



                   System.out.print(num+" ");









I hope this helps!

The pentagonal number is an illustration of loops.

Loops are used to perform repetitive operations

The program in Java where comments are used to explain each line is as follows:

import java.util.*;

public class Main {

   public static void main(String[] args) {

       //This creates a Scanner object

       Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);

       //This gets input for num

       int num = input.nextInt();

       //This prints error is num is out of range

       if(num <=0 || num >= 100){




       //This initializes counter to 0

       int count = 0;

       //This iterates through num

       for (int i = num; i <= 100; i++) {

           //This prints the current number


           //This increments the counter by 1


           //If the counter is 10

           if(count == 10){

               //This prints a new line


               //This sets the counter to 0

               count = 0;






Read more about loops at:


In the program below, which two variables have the same scope?

def rhyme(word):
leftCharacter = word[0]
if leftCharacter != 'd':
return 'd' + word[1:]
return 'f' + word[1:]
def poem():
print("Enter Q to quit.")
userWord = input("Enter a word: ")
while userWord != 'Q' and userWord != 'q':
rhymeWord = rhyme(userWord)
userWord = input("Enter a word: ")
# the main part of your program that calls the function
userWord and ____
Fill in the blank Answer options: poem, word, rhymeWord





correct answer edge 2020

# the main part of your program that calls the function poem() userWord and rhymeWord. Hence, option C is correct.

What is rhymeWord?

Rhyming words all have the same last consonant. Simply put, it is the repetition of similar sounds. When two words have similar sounds, usually those that follow the final stressed syllable of each word, the words are said to rhyme. Cat-hat, rotten-forgotten, and heard-bird are some examples of words that rhyme; they all have similar sounds after the final stressed syllable.

If the last sounds of two or more words are the same or similar, then the words will rhyme. Some words that rhyme are goat, boat, moat, float, and coat. To determine whether two words rhyme, use your ears to listen while you speak the words. If two words have a similar or matching sound, they rhyme.

Thus, option C is correct.

For more information about rhymeWord, click here:



Which statement is true? A. Pseudocode uses shapes such as rectangles and diamonds to plan a program. B. You only use comments for pseudo code. C. A flowchart uses comments that can be kept as a permanent part of a program. D. A comment line begins with # Please hurry also you can only choose one answer so idk which one thank you



D) A comment line begins with #


Comments are used in programming to explain what a line or block of code is doing.

It helps the programmer easily remember what their code was about when they come back to it having left it for a while.

Also comments help other programmers understand code written by one programmer.

A comment or an in-line comment usually begins with #. That way the computer skips it and doesn't regard it as a line of code.

Answer: D. A comment line begins with #.


In the text, it stated, "The easiest way to add a comment is to start the line with the pound sign (#)."

(Comments are notes that allow you to write anything without affecting the code itself. Comments can be utilized to indicate when and how you later changed a program, and provide a description of the changes.)

I hope this helped!

Good luck <3

How can we tell the computer what to put on the web page, and how to organize it?​



[tex]\boxed {\boxed {\sf Code}}[/tex]


Humans communicate with computers through code.

For web pages, HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is used.

A person writes the code to tell a computer what to display and how to structure the displayed information. You can create webpages with any information, add pictures, links, headings, paragraphs, change fonts, and more, all through the use of code.

Assume that d is a double variable. Write an if statement that assigns d to the int variable i if the value in d is not larger than the maximum value for an int.



That's because the value has reached the size limit of the int data type. ... you should use long rather than int , because long can store much larger numbers than int . If ... In other words, a float or double variable can't accurately represent 0.1 . ... If you're using Java to measure the size of your house, you'd need an electron ...


how to create diagram that demonstrates the step
by step procedures in performing a mail merge.



hope it helps

1-Creating a Main Document and the Template.

2-Creating a Data Source.

3-Defining the Merge Fields in the main document.

4-Merging the Data with the main document.


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