What is being personified in the following paragraphs?
There was something coming to her and she was waiting for it, fearfully. What was it? She did not know; it was too subtle and elusive to name. But she felt it, creeping out of the sky, reaching toward her through the sounds, the scents, the color that filled the air.

Now her bosom rose and fell tumultuously. She was beginning to recognize this thing that was approaching to possess her, and she was striving to beat it back with her will--as powerless as her two white slender hands would have been. When she abandoned herself a little whispered word escaped her slightly parted lips. She said it over and over under the breath: "free, free, free!" The vacant stare and the look of terror that had followed it went from her eyes. They stayed keen and bright. Her pulses beat fast, and the coursing blood warmed and relaxed every inch of her body.


Answer 1

In these paragraphs above, the thing that is coming towards the protagonist and causing her fear is being personified. This is indicated by the use of words like "creeping," "reaching," and "possessing," which are typically associated with living beings or agents rather than inanimate objects.

What is the personification about?

The personification of this thing adds to the sense of unease and dread that is being conveyed in the passage, as it suggests that the thing is sentient and actively seeking out the protagonist.

The use of personification also helps to convey the protagonist's feelings of helplessness and vulnerability, as she is described as being powerless to resist the thing with her will or her physical body.

Hence, the personification of the thing serves to create a sense of tension and suspense in the passage.

Learn more about personification from



Related Questions

Both the daughters paintings in ""To a daughter with artistic talent"" and the fathers stories in the excerpt from Big fish


"To a Daughter with Artistic Talent" and the extract from "Big Fish," the daughter's paintings and the father's stories both portray worlds that appear more fantastical than real. As a result, Option 1 is correct.

Depiction of a story:

A portrayal of a tale is the process of creating textual content with a clear goal and core message that is intended to be communicated by the author to the audience through his art.

After reading through the aforementioned works, readers can draw the main conclusions that the "artistic talent" or compositions lack non-fictional descriptions and that all of the events appear to be wholly fictitious.

Learn more about depiction of a story here: brainly.com/question/10077382


Correct Question:

Both the daughter’s paintings in “To a Daughter with Artistic Talent” and the father’s stories in the excerpt from Big Fish —

1. F depict a world that seems more fanciful than realistic.

2. G contain imagery drawn from well-known fairy tales.

3. H are difficult for others to understand.

4. J portray heroic characters.

How does this body covering help the bird?


A bird's body is covered in feathers, which are essential for the bird's ability to fly and for survival. Feathers are essential for birds' flight, insulation, water resistance, camouflage, and display.

Feathers act as an insulator for a bird's body, keeping it warm during cold weather. For birds who reside in cold climes or move to colder areas, this is particularly crucial. Feathers are also waterproof, which helps a bird stay dry in rainy times. For birds that live in wet or aquatic settings, this is crucial.

An animal can conceal itself from predators by using the colors and patterns of its feathers as camouflage. Flight: As I've already explained, feathers are unique structures that assist birds in flight. Birds can create lift and retain control when flying because of their lightweight, robust, and flexible bodies.

Furthermore, a bird's flight is greatly influenced by the size, form, and placement of the feathers on its wings and tail. Some birds utilize display to entice a partner or establish control in a group by displaying their vibrant feathers.

To learn more about bird's bodies



In what way does the author's observation about some silent movie actors' decisions to work in talking movies help the reader better understand the impact of talking movies?


The author's observation about silent movie actors' decisions to work in talking movies highlights the immense impact that talking movies had on the industry.

What are Silent movies?

Silent movies, also known as silent films, are films with no synchronized recorded sound, especially dialog. They were the primary form of cinema from the late 19th century to the late 1920s, when the introduction of sound films began to dominate the industry. Silent films usually used intertitles to convey dialogue and plot points, and were often accompanied by live music.

It shows that even those who had achieved fame and success in the silent era were willing to make the switch to talking movies, demonstrating the power that the new technology had to revolutionize the industry and attract audiences. This helps the reader to understand the far-reaching implications of the introduction of sound in movies, and how it changed the way audiences experienced films.

To know more about silent movies,



What are the different 5 types of communication?


The five forms of communication are verbal, non-verbal, written, listening, and visual.

Verbal communication includes all forms of spoken language as well as nonverbal communication, such as sign language.

Non- verbal communication: Facial expressions, posture, eye contact, hand motions, and touch are all examples of non-verbal communication. For instance, it's crucial to pay attention to both your boss's words and non-verbal cues when you're discussing your cost-saving plan with him or her.

Listening: When describing different forms of communication, listening is not frequently included. However, active listening is arguably one of the most crucial forms of communication because without it, we can't properly interact with the person seated across from us.

Visual communication :You may not have heard of visual communication, yet it is a very effective supplement to other forms of communication. Delivering information, messages, and points through graphical aids is known as visual communication.

To know more about communication click here



What does Romeo mean when he says Shall I hear more or shall I speak at this?



In Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare has Romeo say "Shall I hear more or shall I speak at this?" after he has been banished from Verona. This is a difficult line to interpret, as it could mean a number of things.

One possibility is that Romeo is asking whether he should listen to more of Juliet's pleas or if he should just speak and end the conversation. This could be interpreted as Romeo being torn between his love for Juliet and his duty to obey the law.

Another possibility is that Romeo is wondering if he should continue to listen to Juliet's pleas for him to stay, or if he should take action and leave. This could be interpreted as Romeo being uncertain about what the right thing to do is.

What is the traditional form of haiku?


A classic Japanese haiku is a three-line poem with seventeen syllables that has a syllable count of 5/7/5. Haiku stresses simplicity, intensity, and directness of language while frequently focused on natural imagery.

Haiku is a conventional poetry, right?

This traditional and well-organized short style of Japanese poetry is well-known for its rule of 5/7/5: the first line contains five syllables, the second contains seven, and the third line contains five once again. Haikus are renowned for their capacity to convey a vivid image in very few words.

What are the key elements of a traditional haiku?

Traditional haiku concentrate on two straightforward themes while providing an unexpected angle. Haiku generally uses the first portion as the setup and the second part as the punchline, much like a joke.

To know more about haiku visit:-



What are 5 characteristics of an effective speaker?


You can be moved by a good speaker, and you can be made to listen and act by a good speaker.

What qualities distinguish an effective speaker? You can be moved by a good speaker, and you can be made to listen and act by a good speaker. An effective speaker maintains connections with both the people they are speaking to and with oneself.The speaker sounds and appears knowledgeable about the subject matter thanks to the combination of all these traits.The communication paradigm created by Harold Lasswell.In this theory, the communicator, message, medium, audience, and effect are five fundamental components of public speaking that are discussed.Best Public Speaker Qualities, Number 10.A skilled speaker has the power to move you, get you to pay attention, and even inspire action.A good speaker is connected, both to the people they are speaking to and to themselves.

To learn more about speaker refer



What is the mood of the speaker in the poem?


The reader's perception of the poet's perspective on the speaker, reader, and subject. What is sometimes referred to as the poem's "mood" is produced by the combination of the language used and regularity of its meter.

How does the speaker's response make you feel?

A piece's mood or attitude is conveyed to readers through tone, which is the speaker or narrator's attitude. Despite the fact that those two concepts are distinct from one another, they are closely related since the tone of an author frequently determines the mood that readers feel.

Reader's perception of the poet's perspective on the subject matter, speaker, and reader of the poem. It is created by the vocabulary, metrical regularity or irregularity, grammar, use of figurative language, and rhyme of the poem. It is sometimes defined as a "feeling" that permeates the experience of reading the poem.

The feeling that a poem elicits in the reader is referred to as the poem's mood. Tone, or the speaker's attitude toward the subject, is frequently mistaken for mood. Diction, visual, and audio tools all contribute to mood creation.

To know more about speaker in the poem visit:



Which adjective is used to describe Scrooge's dinner and tavern?
A Christmas Carol)


Answer:Melancholy tavern

Explanation:He eats "his melancholy dinner in his usual melancholy tavern"  and then goes home to sit by a too-small fire to "take his gruel"

1. Explain why the scholarship jacket is the narrator's "only choice" of scholarship.


By telling them a personal tale, the narrator point of view establishes a connection with the audience. A story—and the storyteller—becomes credible by drawing the reader in this way.

What is the term "peripheral point of view"?

The narrator of a "first person peripheral" narrative is a different character who observes the story's main character and reports what they see to the reader. Though he may be involved in the action, the ancillary narrator is not the main subject of the story.

The author suggests that the Neolithic volcanic outburst was most likely located where?

According to the text, the mural was discovered at the Neolithic atalhöyük site in Central Anatolia, Turkey, and purports to depict an eruption of the Hasan Da twin-peaks volcano, which is situated about 130 km northeast of atalhöyük.

To know more about narrator point of view visit :-



What do you need to consider before reading and writing?


Toma en cuenta el interés de los niños y parte de ahí, por ejemplo: personajes favoritos, juegos preferidos, etc.

What is the tone of stanza number 1?


The initial lines of the poem have a reassuringly soft tone. Using the childlike diminutives beastie , the speaker approaches the mouse directly in an effort to allay its anxieties and assure it that it is not in danger.

What do you mean by stanza?

In the opening stanza, the speaker uses words like hesitation and thoughtfulness. The poet makes the argument that the decisions one takes in life are permanent in this poem. One of the two options was left up to the poet. The poem has a regretful tone throughout. He predicts that, at some point in the distant future, he will still be contemplating his two options "with a sigh."

The opening stanza establishes the structure for the entire poem in formal verse poetry, where the poem adheres to a rhyme scheme and meter. In the second stanza, the rhyme and rhythm will repeat, and so on. Organization. A stanza's lines frequently elaborate on a single idea.

To know more about stanza here



Summarize what the speaker is saying in the first stanza of "The Little Boy

Found. " Use details from the poem to write two or three sentences explaining

what has happened to the little boy in the second stanza. Support your

understanding both from ideas that are directly stated and ideas that you have

inferred from clues in the text.

This question is in studysync and is with the poem The Little Boy Lost/The Little Boy Found


‘The Little Boy Found’ by William Blake is the account of a baby the one while out probing for his father, gets wasted in the forest. In the first verse, the little fellow is destroyed in a swamp, and reluctant when God meets their expectations of him.

In the second verse of ‘The Little Boy Found', God leads him back to welcome his parent, the ones who had happened except him. In this piece, the “father” of the fellow has altered further and apart from him, the youngster cannot hear or visualize him. He is outside counseling without knowledge but afterward an occasion of agony the “vapors” fly continuously and he is, likely, smart to find a welcome former.

The repetition of sound forges a rhythmical flow, scene the strength for the rest of the composition. The sonnet resides in two verses. The reality that the child was absent means that he might have wandered from welcoming original innocence. However, through the counseling of God he is surpassed back to welcome mom, this epitomizes the purity and blamelessness of minors.

To know more about Little Boy refer to: https://brainly.com/question/10941747


A polished diamond has a brilliant luster, an unpolished diamond resembles frosted glass. Which sentence structure is it?


A polished diamond has a brilliant luster, an unpolished diamond resembles frosted glass.sentence structure it is - A run-on sentence or comma splice.

Why does sentence construction matter?

There are four different kinds of sentence structures: simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex. Each form of sentence structure is made up of a specific number and arrangement of clauses. A clause is a collection of words that includes both a subject and a verb and can (but isn't required to) make up a sentence.

Simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex sentences are the four different forms of sentences. The employment of independent and dependent clauses, conjunctions, and subordinators give each sentence its specific meaning. Simple, compound, and complicated sentences are the three different sentence types. The number of clauses, or subject-verb groupings, in a sentence determines the phrase's type.

To know more about sentence structure visit:



Select the correct answer from each drop-down menu.How does the underlined sentence shape and refine the central idea of the passage?
This detail explains how:
A. How freezing food
B. How spoiled food
C. How preparing food

Food can
A.occasionally results in illness
B. Protect people from poor quality food
C.keep food safe for longer periods


The underlined sentence detail in the passage explain how freezing food can result in illness.

The given passage is about the quality of the food.

We often keep the food inside the fridge for a very long time that keeps the food very cold.

By keeping the food inside the cold storages the lifetime of the food increases because the microbial activities goes down.

But the one thing that is ignored by the people is that how the freezing food can occasionally result in illness.

This was the underline sentence that shape and refind the central idea of the passage.

To know more about reading the passage, visit,



Does Beowulf become king after killing Grendel's mother?


No, Beowulf does not become king after killing Grendel's mother. After slaying Grendel and Grendel's mother, Beowulf returns to his own kingdom of Geatland and reigns as king of the Geats for many years.

What is king?

King is a title given to a male ruler of a country or territory. It is also used to refer to a male monarch in a monarchy. Historically, the title "king" was used as a status symbol to denote a person's power and authority throughout the world. Kings have been used as a symbol of rulership, justice, and strength since ancient times. Kings are usually seen as the highest political authority in a state or nation. In some countries, the title of "king" is also held by members of a royal family, usually the male head of the family.

To learn more about king

How are women characterized in the play trifles?


The play's core theme is that males do not value women.

What is the message of the play Trifles?

The topic of societal oppression of women claims that Trifles exploits gender roles to position males in the world of work with power while women in the world of the home with minor concerns.

Part of the play's inspiration came from the killing of John Hossack, whom Glaspell reported on while working as a journalist again for Des Moines Daily News. On December 2, 1900, Margaret Hossack reported to the police that her husband John had been slain with an axe by an intruder who'd already broken into their house while she was sleeping next to him. Linda Ben-Article Zvi's just on inspiration for Trifles states that.

After Hossack was found guilty, Glaspell left her job as a reporter to pursue fiction writing. Hossack's case is retried in April 1903. She was freed and allowed to go home after the jury was unable to reach a consensus. The County Attorney as well as the Sheriff, the initial investigators, served as models for the lawmen in Trifles. Glaspell is the author of Mr. Hale's persona.

To learn more about Play Trifles refer to:



experience about online shopping from advertisement ​



What i understand that u need is someone’s experience with online shopping as an advertisement, as i believe, so according to my understanding i will answer, if it’s wrong, please explain what u need and i shall help in so.


“Tired of wanting to dress up and get in a car to get your needs? Well, we have a blessing for you! Instead of walking and tiring yourself to get your clothes, groceries, or furniture, you can just order them online! If you open site ‘choose a site’ .com, you’ll be able to get whatever you like, without even moving a toe! According to viewer ratings, we have been ranked amazingly for the quality of our products and delivery. We handle your products extremely carefully, to ensure no mishaps occur, so it reaches safe at the step of you door! Just dial number ‘whatever number’ for more information, and remember, you don’t have to reach any external un useful data! Hopefully we see you as our next client!”

ARGUMENTATIVE: Suppose these two essays appeared in a published journal or magazine. Write a letter to the publisher in which you express your opinions of both pieces by analyzing the argument of each text. In your letter, be sure to use evidence from each text that demonstrates your command of the information and the reasons for your opinion. You may also offer a recommendation of your own.



Take quotes from both of the essays and compare them


look at both of the essays

Was Harry Potter filmed in Durham Castle?


No, Harry Potter was not filmed in Durham Castle.

What castle was used to film scenes in the Harry Potter movies? The iconic castle featured in the Harry Potter movies is Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, which is based on the real-life Alnwick Castle in Northumberland, England. The castle has been used to film several scenes in the Harry Potter films, including the Quidditch match, the Yule Ball, and the Triwizard Tournament. Alnwick Castle is one of the largest inhabited castles in England and was built in 1096. It is the second largest castle in England and the second most-visited castle in the country after Windsor Castle. The castle has been home to the Percy family, the dukes of Northumberland, since 1309. The castle has been used as a filming location for several films and TV shows, including the Harry Potter films, Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves, The Crown, and Downton Abbey. The castle's grounds have also been used as a backdrop for a number of music videos. The castle is open to the public and visitors can explore the castle and its grounds, including the gardens and the State Rooms. Visitors can also take part in activities such as falconry, archery, and jousting. Visitors can also take part in special events such as the annual Christmas market and the International Music Festival.

To learn more about Durham castle refer to:



What motifs are predominant in traditional haikus?


Time, nature, and change are the three main themes in traditional haiku. Since haiku is a brief poem, it concentrates on a single fleeting instant in time while making allusions to and analogies with those subjects. Its lines typically don't rime.

What is the usual topic and motif of a traditional Japanese haiku?

Haiku poets have traditionally concentrated on portraying emotionally stimulating moments of understanding of natural occurrences. The 17th-century poet Bash, many of whose haiku reflected his own emotional state when communing with nature, cemented and promoted this method.

Traditional haiku give an uncommon viewpoint while concentrating on two straightforward issues. Similar to a joke, the first line of a haiku is frequently the setup and the second line is the punchline.

A haiku is a style of poetry that has its roots in Japan. Three lines make up a haiku. Any amount of words may be used, but the first line must have 5 syllables, the second line must have 7 syllables, and the third line must have 5 syllables. Typically, haikus don't rhyme.

To learn more about Traditional haiku refer to :



Write the definite article before the following words:
yellow apple
white carnation
smart lawyer
famous actress
brown desks
Write 3 sentences with 3 definite articles.

Write the indefinite article before the following words:
water bottle
Write 3 sentences with 3 indefinite articles.


The talented actress walked the red carpet, the decent leader had a great legal mind, brown stools filled the classroom, and a closet contained her winter clothing. She also had a white carnation in her hair.

What is article?

A written piece of material known as an article is one that is intended to enlighten, educate, or amuse its audience. It is generally published in such a periodical like a newspaper or magazine. Articles may be published on a variety of subjects and are frequently authored by subject-matter experts. Articles may be used to promote or contradict an argument since they frequently contain facts or views. An article can be used to give a thorough overview of a certain subject or issue.

To learn more about Article visit:



What is the effect of the author's word choice in the passage it creates a condescending?


It gives off a patronizing vibe that shows how the author feels about the countryside. It furthers the author's goal of undermining the romantic notion of the rural.

What is an author's word choice?

An author's word choice actually refers to the choice that the author makes in selecting words to convey his idea and purpose to readers.

We can actually see from the passage below that passage actually supports the author's purpose of challenging the image of the romantic countryside.

What word choices do authors make?

All effective writers share one thing in common: they are aware of the importance of word choice in writing. Strong word choice makes the most of vocabulary and language to enhance the impact of your stories and poetry by evoking strong emotions and vivid imagery.

Learn more about  word choices to visit this link



What is the primary goal of the strategy that requires a writer to pretend they are dating the things they write?
to allow a writer to look at their text through more sympathetic eyes
to prevent a writer from immediately committing to everything they write
to push a writer to step outside the box and take more risks throughout the writing process
to discourage a writer from being too removed and distant from their text


to allow a writer to look at their text through more sympathetic eyes is the primary goal of the strategy that requires a writer to pretend they are dating the things they write. Hence, option A is correct.

What is the primary goal of a writer?

There are four factors that motivate writers. Usually, the purpose of writing down thoughts is to express oneself, provide the reader with information, persuade the reader, or produce a literary work.

In addition to communicating fundamental human experiences like love and loss, creative writing attempts to entertain readers. Writers attempt to reveal the true character of humanity via the use of poetry and narrative.

Thus, option A is correct.

For more information about primary goal of writer, click here:



Which text detail is evidence to support the inference that meera's mother understands meera's feelings?


The inference that Meera's mother understands Meera's feelings and Meera's mother say I know what you are trying to tell us.

What was Meera's feelings?Yes. As they are being attacked by Wight's and Bran wargus in Hodder, he starts to develop feelings for Meera and worries what she'll say if he confesses his feelings to her. The Wight's were poked when they drew near as Meera led the way back up the hill.Anyone may lose themselves in the singing of the stunning woman with a serene demeanor. She married Rana Sanga, the Maharana Sanga of Mewer's son, when she was an adult. Even though she believed Shri Krishna to be her spouse and didn't want to get married, she did so at the request of her family.Considering Krishna to be her husband, Meera was a sincere devotee of him. As she became older, her love and loyalty grew even stronger. Also smitten with Meera, was Lord Krishna. By saving Meera's life on multiple occasions, he repeatedly demonstrated this.

To learn more about Meera's feelings refer to:




Meera mom say i know what you are trying to tell us


Please Help Me
What is the primary goal of the strategy that requires a writer to pretend they are dating the things they write?


to allow a writer to look at their text through more sympathetic eyes


to prevent a writer from immediately committing to everything they write


to push a writer to step outside the box and take more risks throughout the writing process


to discourage a writer from being too removed and distant from their text


To allow a writer to look at their text through more sympathetic eyes is the primary goal of the strategy that requires a writer to pretend they are dating the things they write. Hence, option A is correct.

What is the primary goal of the writer?

There are four reasons why authors write. Writing down thoughts typically serves as a means of self-expression, information for the reader, persuasion, or the creation of a literary work.

Answer and justification The three major goals of writing are to inform, entertain, and persuade. In persuasive writing, the author attempts to persuade the reader to act or accept a concept.

Thus, option A is correct.

For more information about  primary goal of the writer, click here:



Which details develop the central idea that the grimms collected to preserve culture



Some of the main details which develop the idea


collected stories to preserve culture are: Their desire to recorded stories because few people were interested in collecting and preserving them.

What are the 4 types of speaking skills?




What does speaking with fluency mean?

Speaking naturally, somewhat rapidly, and without needing to halt frequently are all characteristics of being fluent in a language. It can take years to become fluent in a language, but with the following advice, you can sound as natural as you can in speaking tests.

Why is fluency crucial?

Because it connects word recognition and comprehension, fluency is crucial. Students can take the time to concentrate on what the text is saying. They are able to draw connections between the reading they are doing and their prior knowledge. As a result, people may concentrate on understanding.

To know more about fluency visit:



How important is stage direction in writing a play How will it affect the whole performance?


They can help hint a reader into the physical and affecting globe of the showing. Even if they never make their habit of the stage itself, stage directions are an important formal piece of script. The fact that managers can neglect stage directions results in a power struggle between the playwright and the manager.

Stage directions can provide innumerable valuable news for actors, managers, and the background squad – and likewise, for people, the one are learning handwriting instead of vigilant act. In the handwriting for a play, the most elementary fact is the talk (the words that the figures mention).

The knowledge about how the playwright has imaginary the atmosphere and air. They describe fault-finding tangible facets of the characters and settings. Stage directions can likewise be critical in dictating the engaged rhythm and music of the piece.

To know more about Stage directions refer to: https://brainly.com/question/404162


Which statement about the author’s intent is most strongly supported by the passage below?

“I had the idea that I’d write a book that was a biography of both cells and the woman they came from someone’s daughter, wife, and mother.”


There is an introduction, increasing action, climax, declining action, and resolution in every story.

An example of a statement is what?

While it is accurate that bananas are boneless, I still like them for their flavor and nutritional value more than their lack of bones. Therefore, if I stated, "I prefer bananas because they are no bones," I would be lying. Because of this, it is a statement to say "I enjoy bananas since they have no bones."

Why is a statement a sentence?

A statement paragraph is a sort of sentence that delivers a straightforward idea in writing or speech. This need not always be an affirmation of fact. It may even be considered a claim made by an

To know more about statement visit:



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